Trump's support has been collapsing in the last week. Rallies half the size they were, the crowds anemic, people taking down their Trump signs. LOTS of anecdotal reports that some Trump supporters are saying Madison Square Garden was a bridge too far. Plus their side doesn’t have a good GOTV operation to push them to the polls (They did in 2016 and 2020.) This year we have the enthusiasm and the huge turnout!
Kamala is going to win, I’m sure of it. Mark my words.
And I will celebrate wearing this Kamala removes stubborn orange stains hoodie tomorrow 👇
I have the T-shirt and wear it all the time! Today I wore it to my physical therapy appointment. The quiet thumbs up from women, including all of the Black women, made me feel like part of a tribe. It felt wonderful.
I've been screaming this for a while and I feel his support has shifted. I've noticed as I traveled to some rural areas of VA in September and October that there aren't as many Trump signs as there were in the last 2 elections. When you do see them, you know who his diehard supporters are, but I also see a lot of Trump/Vance signs randomly put up at abandoned buildings/houses. I say this to say that I think they want us to think his support is bigger than it is. I traveled some of those same roads in the last 2 weeks and what I see in some deeply red areas of VA are hell of a lot of Harris/Walz signs. His support has waned, but also that people who felt intimidated about standing up against MAGA didn't give a damn anymore and are letting them know they're tired! We are all tired aAF of Trump's non-stop circus!!!
In California the elections signs cover fences around public roads. One road on the way to deliver my granddaughter to school we see a flood of REpublican candidate signs, punctuated by a few for the other side. What do I expect, I live next to Huntington Beach, the white angry voter center for Trump. It seems it's a status symbol of the rich along Newport Bay. So either you are a retired skin head or a rich bastard.
Donny is 99 % desperation. Scared. Frightened of Prison. About as popular as cancer, heart disease or Alzheimer's. In boxing parlance, he is on the ropes, Kamala is a PUNCHING MACHINE !
You know Heather, as I was driving into my community this afternoon it did seem as if some Trump signs had come down. I thought it was me having wishful thinking but maybe, maybe….
"A local owner, historically very maga, of two adjacent businesses got in to a bit of a flag battle with another business next door that started flying Harris flags about 2 months ago.
The maga owner started putting up more and more flags and signs to compete. Then, about a month ago, she put up 12 custom printed signs that she had printed just for her two businesses. They read something like (name of business) supports trump/vance for president 2024. I haven’t seen someone print custom signs before so it was very noticeable.
Driving by her two shops this morning, all tfg signs and flags are completely gone from both businesses. Gone. Gone just 4 days before the election. Only an American flag remains."
And may that be a metaphor for what happens in the days, weeks, and months to come: that trump supporters gradually slink away from their former very LOUD, and sometimes very scary, fight with the rest of us -- and rejoin our "group": the Citizens of the United States of America. All are welcome. No shunning, no judgment of their previous misjudgments.
Sadly, KDSherpa, I don't think it will be that tranquil a transition. Brace yourselves, stay safe eh? I send all my hopes that it does and any dissent is stamped out quick smart before it can begin. I also hope that if Kamala wins, she wins both houses as that would indeed put an end to 'Trumpism'.
Wishful thinking indeed. One that I share. This election is rotten and will be the most corrupt after the bush - Gore saga. Scotus is to be reshuffled in case of victory. Fuck maga and gop! Forza Kamala
My people are solid Republicans, but when he 1st got elected, my aunt & late uncle experienced remorse / regret over having believed that this SACK of toxic crap was even REMOTELY CAPABLE of doing anything even remotely constructive or beneficial for the American people. When they told me that they were supporting him, I felt as if I was being eviscerated. I FELT PHYSICALLY *ILL*.
And they have infiltrated and tainted legislatures in many states including Arizona, where they are underfunding education and using vouchers to undermine public schools.
that’s the real issue. And now in positions of power, trying to delete ballots from Americans living abroad. See today’s Guardian re: Pennsylvania expats votes being challenged.
Diana Strzalka, perfectly said...we can NEVER forget their complicity and ongoing enabling of that orange monster. Were it not for all of them (Moscow Mitch McConnell, I'm looking at you man!) we'd not even be dealing with this endless nightmare.
The orange Mussolini MUST be held accountable. NOW.
Don't forget, DonOld is being SENTENCED in a couple of weeks by Judge Merchan in NY. There are the 34 Felony counts PLUS at least 10 violations of Judge Merchan's gag orders. Nobody is above the law, not even the orange Maga monster.
An apt observation. We did not get here in just a decade. How it happened? The major post Hitler, post WWII philosophers had a lot to say on the matter: Durkheim, Arhant, Weber.
It began with the Reagan administration. He’s the one who killed the “Fairness Doctrine”, since then, every GOP administration has eroded our rights a little more. The Patriot Act didn’t help, but tfg was so corrupt to begin with. I am certain that Harris/Walz will win with a large margin.
I think it started when the United States was started on stolen land and built on the backs of slaves. We almost corrected the problem with the Civil War but then evil fought back, killed Lincoln and Andrew Johnson gave power back to all his southern cronies,
It has always been with us. Go watch the movie Birth of a Nation, glorifying the KKK. REMEMBER Jim Crow.
Then, Nixon got elected using his Southern Strategy taking advantage of all or many of the democrat white racist moving from the Democratic Party to republicans because Lyndon Johnson passed civil rights legislation.
This country has always been a battle between good and evil and evil got stronger and with loud voices with George Wallace, then Newt Gingrich and Rush Limbaugh.
With mass media, evil found out one could get very wealthy peddling poison to the evil and the evil cauldron kept boiling giving off its sulphuric fumes and attracting all the souls of hate, many carrying crosses as weapons of hate.
It has always been here and Nixon, Reagan, McConnell, Limbaugh, Gingrich, SCROTUS, W, and many more keep adding fuel to the pot.
Now, the whole thing could boil over into an atmosphere destroying poisonous gas of Trumpism.
"I don’t think any of us has known real peace in the last nine years. We’ve been confronted, consciously or not, by a constant undertow of anxiety—all churn and noise and chaos—accompanied by a subtle (and sometimes not-at-all subtle) despair: how did we get here, how did this happen, why do so many people suddenly seem not to care about anything that makes being human worthwhile?"
Mary 💙, thank you for keeping me sane for the past several years. You are a treasure.
Mary really summed up the last 9 years. It's like he stole our innocence. Innocence is believing that the one stable thing in our life was this country. Of course we've had bumps in the road over time, but I never, ever thought that there would be a traitor as a president who would sell us down the road. I think the most disheartening thing about all of this, is that millions of our family, friends and neighbors have gone along with him. There will always be evil people who want to be the next Hitler, but who would have thought America would vote one in. The saddest thing is that even if loses today, we can't go back to the way we were. We have to deal with his cult and they aren't going anywhere. I grew up during the Cold War. The idea that the GOP is in bed with Putin just blows my mind away. I don't want to even consider what tomorrow morning will be like if we wake up and he's won.
You took the words out of my mouth! I grew up during the time when we had bomb drills in school, Bay of Pigs happened in 5th grade and we practiced hiding in the school basement - and once, we ducked under our desks - which were wooden! But we knew that getting bombed by Russia or Cuba was a real possibility. (These days, school kids have to train for school shootings - to my mind, a much more terrifying prospect.)
The concept of knowing we have people in our government who prefer Russia to Democracy, simply does not compute. In one decade, I've witnessed "patriotism" become treasonous, or vice-versa.
You're probably within a year of my age. I still laugh about hiding under a wooden desk during a nuclear attack. We also had tornado drills. I remember everything including the election of 1960. My family was Republican, small town Midwest, but those were the Eisenhower days. My mom and stepdad have been dead 20 years and I can't imagine them being Trumpers. My mom was anti government as far as them interfering in her life. She had a fit when Jeb Bush got involved in the Teri Schiavo thing in Florida. My parents lived in Clearwater. She was horrified that the government could force you to have a feeding tube to keep you alive. She even wrote Bush a letter. She also resented religious interference in her life. So no way would she put up with Trump and his nonsense.
I am 71, and went to school in Wilmette, IL until 6th grade. Both parents grew up in Cedar Rapids, IA, and were very liberal for the times. Dad was a television director at NBC, and also a trumpet player in a jazz group. My mom was in amateur theater and also went to jazz clubs with my dad. I didn't know racism was a thing that actually existed until I went to college in Florida. I left at the end of the first semester. We were devastated when JFK was shot. It's the only time I remember seeing my dad cry, though the tears were more of rage than sorrow.
And, "Choosing pessimism as an emotional defense against disappointment does not work. If you suffer a loss, you're going to be in just as much pain whether you saw it coming or not." I backed it up and wrote that down last night.
I saw Lawrence too. I was moved by his comments. But I don't agree that your disappointment isn't different whether you are optimistic or pessimistic. I think the disappointment is greater when you've not considered the fact that things may not go as you want. I think this election is an example. I'm only speaking for myself - of course I want her to win. Am I optimistic that she will win, no. I have to have a Plan B mentally that he will win. He's already won once, polls aren't showing she's going to crush him in the voting and there are millions that support him. Maybe previous life experiences have shaped whether or not we're an optimist or a pessimist. I also think that each situation is different. I am much more optimistic about things that I have control over - going on a diet, saving money etc. This election is not one of those things. I have control over my vote, but so do all the other voters. Maybe that's why I'm not optimistic- I don't trust the way others will act.
My husband and I went to Tahiti and the Cook Islands in April of this year. No television, patchy internet and no US news. I didn't realize how exhausted and stressed we were until suddenly we weren't hearing the latest nastiness and media hype. Neither of us wanted to come back to this. Thank you for the work you do.
My friends just got back from a month long cruise. They said the same thing. They didn't miss the constant election talk, the flyers in the mail or the constant texting or calls begging for money. That harassment about money makes me not want to donate again. I got a text last night about 2100, Pacific time. I needed to donate right now or Harris would lose PA. I doubt my $20 which would not show up until today (election day) was going to make the difference. We desperately need election reform as to the money situation.
Robert Reich walks through the seven key House races and eight key Senate races.
Kamala needs only four congressional house candidates from these to win control and get rid of the rodent Mikey Johnson.
Kamala needs all eight to keep the Senate. This will have the final say on whether a state's election return is suspect and needs to be escalated to SCOTUS
Come back to the Cape. The tourists are mostly gone, the beaches are cleaner, the roads are quieter, the air is dry so the stars are bright with the fall/winter constellations. EJ knows how to find me.
Thank you so much for your dedication to this important work. As a Canadian, I greatly fear a Trump win. The looming repercussions for my country, indeed for the world, are too numerous to contemplate. I can’t imagine how progressive U.S. citizens maintain their equilibrium through these strange days.
Claire Narbonne, thank you for your support 🙏. I feel the same way, it's been 10 years of constant stress because of that orange monster. I hope and pray we'll be rid of him NOW. Peace and love 🙏🕊️💕
Thank you Claire. It’s always good to receive good wishes from our northern friends and European as well.
If TFG wins I’ll be joining you in Canada before they close the border.
It’s a painful and dangerous time for the United States. We will fight as we’ve never done before.
My last nerve is broken and I know this is going to drag into 2025 because of that person.
Tomorrow is just the last day to vote and it’s already tomorrow for me. It’s 4:05 am and my head is already pounding. It will be a day closely watched by most of us.
And Mary, I thank you for all you do. You’re a fearless provider of Truth and have been doing it for years.
Tomorrow night I hope to see massive turnout for Kamala and all Democratic Senators and Representatives.
Good day all and I hope we can make it through the day.
If it’s like 2016 and if I wake up to a shocker I will start selling what I own and leave this country.
I’ve been fighting since the late 60’s and early 70’s. It’s time for you admirable young women to take to the fight.
It’s not all about Trump. It’s about republicans, who have been building this party culture of lying, cheating and bullying for decades.
Trump's support has been collapsing in the last week. Rallies half the size they were, the crowds anemic, people taking down their Trump signs. LOTS of anecdotal reports that some Trump supporters are saying Madison Square Garden was a bridge too far. Plus their side doesn’t have a good GOTV operation to push them to the polls (They did in 2016 and 2020.) This year we have the enthusiasm and the huge turnout!
Kamala is going to win, I’m sure of it. Mark my words.
And I will celebrate wearing this Kamala removes stubborn orange stains hoodie tomorrow 👇
It’s going to be a glorious day!
I have the T-shirt and wear it all the time! Today I wore it to my physical therapy appointment. The quiet thumbs up from women, including all of the Black women, made me feel like part of a tribe. It felt wonderful.
I've been screaming this for a while and I feel his support has shifted. I've noticed as I traveled to some rural areas of VA in September and October that there aren't as many Trump signs as there were in the last 2 elections. When you do see them, you know who his diehard supporters are, but I also see a lot of Trump/Vance signs randomly put up at abandoned buildings/houses. I say this to say that I think they want us to think his support is bigger than it is. I traveled some of those same roads in the last 2 weeks and what I see in some deeply red areas of VA are hell of a lot of Harris/Walz signs. His support has waned, but also that people who felt intimidated about standing up against MAGA didn't give a damn anymore and are letting them know they're tired! We are all tired aAF of Trump's non-stop circus!!!
Yes! I've noticed that too, signs up at empty, abandoned homes or just randomly 'public' areas.
In California the elections signs cover fences around public roads. One road on the way to deliver my granddaughter to school we see a flood of REpublican candidate signs, punctuated by a few for the other side. What do I expect, I live next to Huntington Beach, the white angry voter center for Trump. It seems it's a status symbol of the rich along Newport Bay. So either you are a retired skin head or a rich bastard.
Donny is 99 % desperation. Scared. Frightened of Prison. About as popular as cancer, heart disease or Alzheimer's. In boxing parlance, he is on the ropes, Kamala is a PUNCHING MACHINE !
It's great.
Thank you for the link! I will bookmark it.
If Kamala wins I will take ten of them! 😂
You know Heather, as I was driving into my community this afternoon it did seem as if some Trump signs had come down. I thought it was me having wishful thinking but maybe, maybe….
It's not 'just you' Valerie.
The Daily Kos 3 days ago:
Something is happening…
"A local owner, historically very maga, of two adjacent businesses got in to a bit of a flag battle with another business next door that started flying Harris flags about 2 months ago.
The maga owner started putting up more and more flags and signs to compete. Then, about a month ago, she put up 12 custom printed signs that she had printed just for her two businesses. They read something like (name of business) supports trump/vance for president 2024. I haven’t seen someone print custom signs before so it was very noticeable.
Driving by her two shops this morning, all tfg signs and flags are completely gone from both businesses. Gone. Gone just 4 days before the election. Only an American flag remains."
And may that be a metaphor for what happens in the days, weeks, and months to come: that trump supporters gradually slink away from their former very LOUD, and sometimes very scary, fight with the rest of us -- and rejoin our "group": the Citizens of the United States of America. All are welcome. No shunning, no judgment of their previous misjudgments.
Sadly, KDSherpa, I don't think it will be that tranquil a transition. Brace yourselves, stay safe eh? I send all my hopes that it does and any dissent is stamped out quick smart before it can begin. I also hope that if Kamala wins, she wins both houses as that would indeed put an end to 'Trumpism'.
You're probably right. Having said that, I haven't felt optimistic for almost 10 years now. I'm letting myself have a whiff today! :-)
Wishful thinking indeed. One that I share. This election is rotten and will be the most corrupt after the bush - Gore saga. Scotus is to be reshuffled in case of victory. Fuck maga and gop! Forza Kamala
My people are solid Republicans, but when he 1st got elected, my aunt & late uncle experienced remorse / regret over having believed that this SACK of toxic crap was even REMOTELY CAPABLE of doing anything even remotely constructive or beneficial for the American people. When they told me that they were supporting him, I felt as if I was being eviscerated. I FELT PHYSICALLY *ILL*.
And they have infiltrated and tainted legislatures in many states including Arizona, where they are underfunding education and using vouchers to undermine public schools.
Ditto for Texas
And in NC.
And from another North this echo.
Phooey. Drat. My word!
And Flaw-duh
that’s the real issue. And now in positions of power, trying to delete ballots from Americans living abroad. See today’s Guardian re: Pennsylvania expats votes being challenged.
Same for Missouri.
Diana Strzalka, perfectly said...we can NEVER forget their complicity and ongoing enabling of that orange monster. Were it not for all of them (Moscow Mitch McConnell, I'm looking at you man!) we'd not even be dealing with this endless nightmare.
The orange Mussolini MUST be held accountable. NOW.
Don't forget, DonOld is being SENTENCED in a couple of weeks by Judge Merchan in NY. There are the 34 Felony counts PLUS at least 10 violations of Judge Merchan's gag orders. Nobody is above the law, not even the orange Maga monster.
You are so right, Diana. We have a lot of work to do after she wins.
An apt observation. We did not get here in just a decade. How it happened? The major post Hitler, post WWII philosophers had a lot to say on the matter: Durkheim, Arhant, Weber.
Drip, drip, drip, drip.... it started with the Tea Party and Sarah Palin back around 2008.
It began with the Reagan administration. He’s the one who killed the “Fairness Doctrine”, since then, every GOP administration has eroded our rights a little more. The Patriot Act didn’t help, but tfg was so corrupt to begin with. I am certain that Harris/Walz will win with a large margin.
I think it started when the United States was started on stolen land and built on the backs of slaves. We almost corrected the problem with the Civil War but then evil fought back, killed Lincoln and Andrew Johnson gave power back to all his southern cronies,
It has always been with us. Go watch the movie Birth of a Nation, glorifying the KKK. REMEMBER Jim Crow.
Then, Nixon got elected using his Southern Strategy taking advantage of all or many of the democrat white racist moving from the Democratic Party to republicans because Lyndon Johnson passed civil rights legislation.
This country has always been a battle between good and evil and evil got stronger and with loud voices with George Wallace, then Newt Gingrich and Rush Limbaugh.
With mass media, evil found out one could get very wealthy peddling poison to the evil and the evil cauldron kept boiling giving off its sulphuric fumes and attracting all the souls of hate, many carrying crosses as weapons of hate.
It has always been here and Nixon, Reagan, McConnell, Limbaugh, Gingrich, SCROTUS, W, and many more keep adding fuel to the pot.
Now, the whole thing could boil over into an atmosphere destroying poisonous gas of Trumpism.
Isn't it amazing that the ten commandments have been suspended by a party of conservatives?
Yes, but T'rump is the worst of the lot...they follow him mindlessly.
I do appreciate the work you are doing, Mary. Thank you!
I'm gonna add this to my list of blessings: Donald J Trump is NOT my uncle. I can't imagine how much you have suffered, Mary.
I remember hearing jokes about having a horse thief in one's family tree. THIS is WAY WAY WORSE.
You are truly a hero for speaking truth-at great personal cost. Thank you. Really. THANK YOU. 💙
You have given us so much. I hope the results will give you some well deserved rest.
Thank you for your quote:
"I don’t think any of us has known real peace in the last nine years. We’ve been confronted, consciously or not, by a constant undertow of anxiety—all churn and noise and chaos—accompanied by a subtle (and sometimes not-at-all subtle) despair: how did we get here, how did this happen, why do so many people suddenly seem not to care about anything that makes being human worthwhile?"
Mary 💙, thank you for keeping me sane for the past several years. You are a treasure.
Mary really summed up the last 9 years. It's like he stole our innocence. Innocence is believing that the one stable thing in our life was this country. Of course we've had bumps in the road over time, but I never, ever thought that there would be a traitor as a president who would sell us down the road. I think the most disheartening thing about all of this, is that millions of our family, friends and neighbors have gone along with him. There will always be evil people who want to be the next Hitler, but who would have thought America would vote one in. The saddest thing is that even if loses today, we can't go back to the way we were. We have to deal with his cult and they aren't going anywhere. I grew up during the Cold War. The idea that the GOP is in bed with Putin just blows my mind away. I don't want to even consider what tomorrow morning will be like if we wake up and he's won.
You took the words out of my mouth! I grew up during the time when we had bomb drills in school, Bay of Pigs happened in 5th grade and we practiced hiding in the school basement - and once, we ducked under our desks - which were wooden! But we knew that getting bombed by Russia or Cuba was a real possibility. (These days, school kids have to train for school shootings - to my mind, a much more terrifying prospect.)
The concept of knowing we have people in our government who prefer Russia to Democracy, simply does not compute. In one decade, I've witnessed "patriotism" become treasonous, or vice-versa.
We are in the Upside Down, and I want to go home.
You're probably within a year of my age. I still laugh about hiding under a wooden desk during a nuclear attack. We also had tornado drills. I remember everything including the election of 1960. My family was Republican, small town Midwest, but those were the Eisenhower days. My mom and stepdad have been dead 20 years and I can't imagine them being Trumpers. My mom was anti government as far as them interfering in her life. She had a fit when Jeb Bush got involved in the Teri Schiavo thing in Florida. My parents lived in Clearwater. She was horrified that the government could force you to have a feeding tube to keep you alive. She even wrote Bush a letter. She also resented religious interference in her life. So no way would she put up with Trump and his nonsense.
I am 71, and went to school in Wilmette, IL until 6th grade. Both parents grew up in Cedar Rapids, IA, and were very liberal for the times. Dad was a television director at NBC, and also a trumpet player in a jazz group. My mom was in amateur theater and also went to jazz clubs with my dad. I didn't know racism was a thing that actually existed until I went to college in Florida. I left at the end of the first semester. We were devastated when JFK was shot. It's the only time I remember seeing my dad cry, though the tears were more of rage than sorrow.
I wholeheartedly agree - 🙏 Mary
So eloquently said. I too am done with the stress, the chaos, the noises!! Let Peace reign over the earth once again 🔵🗳️🔵🗳️🔵🗳️🔵🗳️🔵🗳️🔵🗳️🔵
Can you imagine the calm we might feel this Christmas season if all turns out as it should tomorrow? "All is calm". Yes.
Ahhhhh, kdsherpa, that would be so nice. Calmness prevailing over us all.
As Lawrence O’Donnell said tonight, “Optimism is a choice. Hope is a choice.” I choose them for tomorrow.
And, "Choosing pessimism as an emotional defense against disappointment does not work. If you suffer a loss, you're going to be in just as much pain whether you saw it coming or not." I backed it up and wrote that down last night.
I saw Lawrence too. I was moved by his comments. But I don't agree that your disappointment isn't different whether you are optimistic or pessimistic. I think the disappointment is greater when you've not considered the fact that things may not go as you want. I think this election is an example. I'm only speaking for myself - of course I want her to win. Am I optimistic that she will win, no. I have to have a Plan B mentally that he will win. He's already won once, polls aren't showing she's going to crush him in the voting and there are millions that support him. Maybe previous life experiences have shaped whether or not we're an optimist or a pessimist. I also think that each situation is different. I am much more optimistic about things that I have control over - going on a diet, saving money etc. This election is not one of those things. I have control over my vote, but so do all the other voters. Maybe that's why I'm not optimistic- I don't trust the way others will act.
My husband and I went to Tahiti and the Cook Islands in April of this year. No television, patchy internet and no US news. I didn't realize how exhausted and stressed we were until suddenly we weren't hearing the latest nastiness and media hype. Neither of us wanted to come back to this. Thank you for the work you do.
My friends just got back from a month long cruise. They said the same thing. They didn't miss the constant election talk, the flyers in the mail or the constant texting or calls begging for money. That harassment about money makes me not want to donate again. I got a text last night about 2100, Pacific time. I needed to donate right now or Harris would lose PA. I doubt my $20 which would not show up until today (election day) was going to make the difference. We desperately need election reform as to the money situation.
I pray you are right about Kamala! Thank you for all of your wonderful insights!
DJT's base is crumbling & HE. IS. SCARED. SHITLESS.
I agree with your assessment but I will point out that he will always be full of shit…
He's more shit than human, to paraphrase Obi - Wan in " Return of the Jedi ".
Susan Stone,
Who is paying for the truckloads of Depends that Diaper Donny fills with shit on a hourly basis?
Robert Reich walks through the seven key House races and eight key Senate races.
Kamala needs only four congressional house candidates from these to win control and get rid of the rodent Mikey Johnson.
Kamala needs all eight to keep the Senate. This will have the final say on whether a state's election return is suspect and needs to be escalated to SCOTUS
Can Democrats Flip the House?
Everything Depends on the Senate
Stay Strong. Don't Be Gas Lighted
Tomorrow, we put the frog in the pan, and we wait to see if the American voters turn on the stove.
Hope and pray for a Project 2025 bonfire burning event once the dust settles
Will it taste like chicken?
If they came from this rotten bag of meat, I DON'T REALLY WANT TO KNOW.
No it will taste like pork belly. It's all fat no meat
No, tofu. So skip the frogs and go straight to the 🌿🍆plants🌿🥑🪴 please 🙏😉
I like frogs. How about we make it those ugly, poisonous cane toads. 😈😸
Margaret Gacki, let's go with tofu.... even the poisonous toads have value. 😉🙏🌿🪴🥑🍆
So very well put! Thank you for your fight, unique perspective and incredible writing. Looking forward to the end of this virus.
I would say CANCER. A bunch of Tumors called REPUBLICANS.
Laura Dailyde, the Orange Virus.
Come back to the Cape. The tourists are mostly gone, the beaches are cleaner, the roads are quieter, the air is dry so the stars are bright with the fall/winter constellations. EJ knows how to find me.
Auntie Beans, hi 🤗, fellow MA resident here ☺️. Yes, the Cape is beautiful right now..... but I'm also very partial to Duxbury. Peace and love 🙏🕊️
Grew up in Plymouth
Auntie Beans, I had a friend who lived in the White Horse Beach area.... very nice there. 💕
Please God.
Dear Mary,
Thank you so much for your dedication to this important work. As a Canadian, I greatly fear a Trump win. The looming repercussions for my country, indeed for the world, are too numerous to contemplate. I can’t imagine how progressive U.S. citizens maintain their equilibrium through these strange days.
Courage mes amis!
Merci Canadians!! We are so grateful!! Keep those thoughts and prayers coming...❤️🇺🇸🙏
Claire Narbonne, thank you for your support 🙏. I feel the same way, it's been 10 years of constant stress because of that orange monster. I hope and pray we'll be rid of him NOW. Peace and love 🙏🕊️💕
Thank you Claire. It’s always good to receive good wishes from our northern friends and European as well.
If TFG wins I’ll be joining you in Canada before they close the border.
It’s a painful and dangerous time for the United States. We will fight as we’ve never done before.
My last nerve is broken and I know this is going to drag into 2025 because of that person.
Tomorrow is just the last day to vote and it’s already tomorrow for me. It’s 4:05 am and my head is already pounding. It will be a day closely watched by most of us.
And Mary, I thank you for all you do. You’re a fearless provider of Truth and have been doing it for years.
Tomorrow night I hope to see massive turnout for Kamala and all Democratic Senators and Representatives.
Good day all and I hope we can make it through the day.
If it’s like 2016 and if I wake up to a shocker I will start selling what I own and leave this country.
I’ve been fighting since the late 60’s and early 70’s. It’s time for you admirable young women to take to the fight.
We are nervous to the point of overload on therapists and pharmaceuticals.
I can't imagine how you must feel. We, at least, can vote him out. Thank you for your good wishes.
I felt great relief and gratitude to God for my prayers answered when Biden was elected and it saved us from ruin.