A quick reminder: Tomorrow evening, starting at 6:30 p.m. ET, the Nerd Avengers and I will be covering the election live on Mary Trump Media’s YouTube Channel including up-to-date-results and on the ground reporting. I hope you can join us. We will be on air until the election result is announced!
So, about tomorrow. I don’t think there is anything I can say, one way or another, about the Harris campaign or the Trump campaign that I haven’t already said. I am cautiously optimistic, in part because Vice President Harris has a clear, hopeful vision for this country, while Donald Trump offers only darkness, division, and cruelty. Characterologically, there is literally no comparison: She is smart, strong, and decent; he is ignorant, weak, and depraved.
I believe Kamala Harris will win because she needs to win. Kamala Harris will win because I refuse to believe the American people will accept the alternative.
Tonight, I want to focus on something else entirely: what we’ve been missing for the last nine years.
I grew up in the city. Without knowing it, I never experienced total silence. It wasn’t until I started spending time on Cape Cod as a kid that I knew what it was like to sleep through the night without the sounds of traffic and sirens and millions of people rubbing up against each other.
There’s something stunning about the moment noise sinks below the threshold of awareness. It’s a relief all the more striking because we are rarely aware of the stress the noise causes in the first place. It’s like jumping into cool water on a hot summer day and suddenly realizing how hot it is.
I don’t think any of us has known real peace in the last nine years. We’ve been confronted, consciously or not, by a constant undertow of anxiety—all churn and noise and chaos—accompanied by a subtle (and sometimes not-at-all subtle) despair: how did we get here, how did this happen, why do so many people suddenly seem not to care about anything that makes being human worthwhile?
I am so very tired. I know all of you are as well. But I believe we are going to turn the page tomorrow.
Of the many, many things I want for us on Wednesday morning, it is a moment to revel in the peace of having done the right thing; of knowing that the volume of the incessant noise coming from the deviant and vanquished leader of the Republican Party will be turned off.
I have hope. Thank you for all you do.
It’s not all about Trump. It’s about republicans, who have been building this party culture of lying, cheating and bullying for decades.
I do appreciate the work you are doing, Mary. Thank you!