It must be really hard to have an uncle who is also one of the most effective serial killers of all time. I am truly sorry for the burden that brings with it. It's hard having a conscience and self-awareness but I am glad someone in the Trump dynasty does.

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Yes. He knowingly lied about the deadly pandemic so the economy wouldn't suffer which would hurt his re-election chances. We all know this but just had to say it out loud. He should not be allowed to walk free to do more damage. So many in his administration aided and abetted his actions. They couldn't have cared less about the oath they took.

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The sickness is still eating us. It's like some kind of mental fungus infecting half of the country.

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I must DITTO your comment! The Former Guy must be charged with PREMEDITATED HOMICIDE! No more I is needed to say!

Thank you Dr. M Trump!

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I was eating dinner when I opened your email. Promptly spit out the bite I’d taken as I laughed loud enough to scare my cats. Then shook my head in sadness because you are quite correct. I wish there was a way to hold him accountable for crimes against humanity.

I reacted the same to my Moderna shots as you are to your Pfizer shot. Took a few days each time to feel better but not once, even when I was shaking so hard I couldn’t sleep and ran the chapstick across my cheek, did I regret getting vaccinated. Wishing you well.

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Triple shot of Moderna here and proud to say no regrets!

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Add me to the list.

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Me too!

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Getting mine today.

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Wishing you well.

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Am 62 and had my 3rd Pfizer a few weeks back. I am very thankful. And I do appreciate you putting the Donald on the most dangerous list. Spot on 100%!

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I have had my Pfizer and thanfully have had no reaction from any of the three., take care. You know Mary, we should be ashamed, we had your uncle insalled as president and he should have been charge with, among other things, Crimes Against Humanity, George W. Bush with CAH and War Crimes, H. W. Bush and Ronald Reagan for the Contra Affair and Nixon should have been prosecuted. And Ford proved there s/b no such thing as presidential pardons and Donald confirmed it. Note: they are all Republicans. Clinton was impeached for being stupid and thinking with the wrong part of his body. We get hung up on the stupidist things and let the important ones slide.

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Love, love , love your sense of humor. Sorry your uncle is a scumbag.

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Triple shot of Moderna made me quite happy,

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I think you mean, sharks < Donald. But your meaning is understood. We should be kinder to sharks, first of all. I'm starting with that (;^*)

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Feel better soon! My symptoms after the booster only lasted 24 hours or so!

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Ha ha. Even though I knew what you were about to do after I read the first section of your post I still enjoyed it. One correction: the red bar needs to be much wider befitting the amount of his carnage and the amount of his corpulence.

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Perfection! It is absolutely true!

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Good first one - thanks, bright light of the Trump family!!

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Love this new chart! It is absolutely 💯% accurate!

Got my Booster yesterday. Side effects are so worth it. Take care.

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So happy you are vaccinated. Ps Today is the 12th lol

Good news, Bannon got indicted. Evil never wins.

Sleep well. I sure did. Definitely had a bigger rxn to the booster.

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Great news about Bannon! Finally!

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I felt terrible after my second Moderna shot and the booster. Same symptoms as you're having today. Feel better and yeah for science. Also, love your chart revision.

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You have a great sense of humor given your tart face uncle who continues to make a fool of himself and our country. Stay strong!

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Amazing what all the hype does to the shark. I have swam with nurse sharks in Pensacola and they're as ferocious as a gold fish. And I had the same symptoms from my Pfizer booster. Felt great in less than two days. It was a good pain though 💙

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