His clueless supporters really can't afford this right? When they are complaining that they can't afford groceries??? Really...

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They do really go with the sneakers though!

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Ya know if he becomes our next president those who are counting on their social security from disability will not be about to make their credit cards payment

He said “ he would stop the federal government from handing out money for many programs !!”

Also pensions and Medicare was mentioned as well

Hmmm….gonna take a chance on it huh??🤔

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Just great. I hope retirees and the disabled remember than on election day. Stupidly, many of the retirees, whom I know and who are on Medicare will still vote for him simply because he's not a Democrat despite him having been one in the past as were they.

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He use to be a democrat

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$100,000!! This is obviously an attempt to garner campaign contributions from wealthy individuals or corporations while skirting campaign finance laws.

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Exactly. Look for mega sales to Russian oligarchs.

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We'd have to depend on journalists to uncover whether Russians buy his crap to fund his campaign...that doesn't look like it will happen since they've normalized every dastardly deed he's done....sad

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Never thought about that although I have heard it.

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Will Putin Buy A DJT Gold-Plated, and Diamond Encrusted DJT Watch? If Putin buys one, will DJT send the Proceeds to Ukrainian Charities for War Orphans?

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Campaign contributions? Do you really think that money will ever go to anyone's campaign? My guess is either it goes straight into his bank accounts or for his legal debts.

So tacky.

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oh, has he started paying his lawyers now?

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they've wised up a little and started asking for their money up front.

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🤣 That’s hilarious.

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Hell no, they do it because they think he will reward them...IDIOTS, he rewards nobody but himself.

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Politics has been his most successful long con.

He can probably grift more if he loses the election which might explain his inexplicable campaign behavior.

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Indeed. Remember I'm so rich he could fund his own campaign? Yeah, that went away as soon as the money came in from his "marks". Honestly, even if you are a dim bulb as many appear to be, even they could figure it out if they took the time to think about it. UT they are locked in emotionally and no daylight will illuminate these dark .inds. of course there are the other opportunists in corporate offices and DC...

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6 hrs ago·edited 6 hrs ago

Yeah, and it was supposed to mean that he couldn't be bought. I think we should all be able to have access to his tax returns to see for ourselves what is on them. After all, he was our employee, like it or not.

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Which is amazing because of all that Super PACs can get away with. The Colbert/Stewart bit about them is enlightening

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Not just "individuals", but perhaps "international individuals" (if you get the grift)

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Amazing to me that some WEALTHY individuals fall for his scheming tactics... Wonder how many Elon Musk has bought?...

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Wealthy looking for those tax breaks.

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John Riley, my thought exactly. Then I started wondering how I can write off the $100,000 on my taxes. There has to be a way…

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But it's not worth the money their asking!

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Bull! His purpose has always been stealing from the poorest of the poor and GIVING it to himself, his greedy family, and any other wealthy soul who he fawns on.

Vote Blue!

Get tRump in prison where he belongs.

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Nailed it. Isn’t this the purpose of all of his “products”?

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What are these 'laws' of which you speak?

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Not campaign contributions. Grift money goes straight to his personal account. He doesnt contribute much, if anything, to his own campaign.

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The uneducated is not giving enough to help him. 🤣🤣

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Poor Jack Smith. His head must be exploding. "Fongool! Yet ANOTHER indictment I have to get!"

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I used to report on the jewelry industry. Let's take the Orange Shitgibbon at his worthless word that the stupid $100,000 watch actually is "made with almost 200 grams of gold and more than 100 real diamonds." LOL. A little lazy Googling reveals that 200 grams of gold is worth about $17,000 today, but of course we don't know how many karats this gold is, i.e., what its quality is, so the 200 grams of gold purportedly in the Shitgibbon Watch might be worth far less than that dollar figure. As for the diamonds, whaddya wanna bet they are "bort," or shards of non-gem-grade diamond, and minuscule at that?

Any rich fools who buy the Shitgibbon Watch deserve to be parted from their money.

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I suppose few of his followers understand what 200 grams means.

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Silly, everyone knows someone with a Gram. We just need to be able to get 200 of those nice old ladies on a bus to Mar el Lardo.

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I've never heard of a shitgibbon, but I have to say that the real gibbons I've seen are wonderful animals. I don't know of any animal that wouldn't be insulted by being included in a name for trump. I wouldn't even insult hellbenders (aka "snot otters") with that.

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It's just an online coinage for the Orange Menace. Yeah, I don't like insulting pigs by calling him one.

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Thank you, Martin. I've seen people refer to him as several animal that to me are beautiful, which I routinely object to, because he isn't, never was, and never will be.

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I was trying to think of a disgusting animal that would be an analogous symbol of him, and honestly could not think of one that I would insult like that. Seems to me, even a venomous snake is simply being what it is created to be. PO #1135809 is so far from being what human beings were created to be, there is no animal that could be analogous. I would have compassion for him - he is truly a sad human being - if he were not so hellbent on destroying all that is good in our country and the world. We must sit him down in a corner where he is not able to do even more harm.

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Katie, whilst I agree with you, no animal really should be denigrated by comparison with this venal excuse of an alleged human being, he does rather bear an uncanny resemblance to the bottom-feeding sucker fish!





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But the sucker fish is better looking and its coloring is natural…

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I can think of one - a rat - one that scavenges for its food and feeds off the flesh of other animals (his supporters).

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Well....while they obviously have their disgusting downsides, actually, rats can be very intelligent, fun pets. So depends!

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Venomous snakes are not slimy, and my husband and I have had some interesting (fun) encounters with a couple of species of rattlesnakes. I chose hellbenders because they are slimy, and they look disgusting to me. But I have to agree that he is very far from what a human being is supposed to be, and I would love to see him in solitary confinement in a real prison.

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So true. Even a tiny flea on the mangiest cat in the universe has more honour, integrity and just plain intrinsic worth than the orange one.

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How about that! Watches that are not guaranteed to look like the pictures, actually tell time, or ever be delivered. Collect the whole set!

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Sounds like the perfect Trump grift. Pay good money, get fleeced by the World’s biggest huckster. Made in the U.S.A., do you think ?

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There has to be at least one or two fraud charges that could be laid on Donald's orange head.

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He has already been convicted of 34 fraud charges! Fraud is what he does.

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Be sure to keep the originalpackaging and squirrel it away, it will be an investment grade asset in 50 years. Same with the golden sneakers( aptly named) that golden bible, the nft’s and the recently released silver coin for a mere $100.

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His cult followers are so stupid that they either won't read any of that or they won't care. It's a "piece of our savior".

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I read in an article years ago that the "gold" cufflinks that he gave out at his golf clubs were actually fake gold.

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Exactly - phantom watches!

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It takes a better person than me to work up an ounce of compassion for the dopes who buy this useless shit. Anyone who doesn’t know by now he is a lying, cheating, grifting criminal hasn’t been paying attention.

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Norm....they just don't care...

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So true, Douglas. If they get cheated, it’s their own damn fault.

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Norm, you left off rapist.

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My bad, Skitealwedrop. That’s a pretty important one to forget. Thanks for the reminder.

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Where in the world are these watches made, I wonder? China?

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Grifters will grift. As per P.T. Barnum, Donny will make a pile of money. Given all the caveats , one wonders if these watches actually tell time. ;)

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Twice each day they are correct!

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Perfection. You win the internet today.

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They are accurate twice a day.

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He continues to widen the meaning of the word “whore”!

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He’s just gross.

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The Meidas Touch made a post on X concerning this "product". The address of the company is for a porn shop (no, I am not kidding). The "manufactuting" company was formed about two weeks ago. The ad specifies that the product may not look like the picture. I suspect sales will come from overseas individuals with money going into his pockets. "For entertainment purposes only."

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Does the $$$ for these Fictional Products have to be Paid Up-Front? DJT’s Dementia is definitely turning Macabre…

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To be delivered upon being elected.

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I don’t see a statement that these are “Made in Anerica”.

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Even more disturbing than Trump are his emotional hostages, who mistake tragic mental illness for patriotism and valor.

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The only clock this moron should be hawking is a coo-coo clock

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Trump gets goofier and goofier

He wouldn't make it through his first year as president. It gets bumped out of there under the Twenty Fifth Amendment.


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Ugh, & have JD…another nightmare.

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Thats the plan- a vote for trump is really a vote for President Vance

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I hear that he is selling "Snake Oil" from his horse drawn wagon on the streets in Palm Beach now. HURRY AND GET YOURS!!

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He's also selling shoes, bibles coins and watches. Hurry to get your very own worthless Donald tRump Memorabilia. Make more money for him $$$$$$$$!

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I cannot even…I have lost the ability to even. 🤦🏻‍♀️

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Another day, another grift for his clueless base...

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Grifting is the only t,bing the boy does well.

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“Jesus” isn’t the best expletive here!😁

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