When I learned I called every number for all offices, no messages at any of them! Sent email will call tomorrow! I am pissed off. We do not have leverage, this was a crumb, and he gave it away!!!!!!!!!!!

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It has occurred to me that our Democratic leaders are being bullied. That’s my only conclusion watching them be feckless once again.

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Then they need to grow a spine.

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If it is balls that are needed, then call back Pelosi. She would have the Republicans, Musk and Trump all in a headlock by now. Women take no prisoners, and we don't go home "on break" when we are at war.

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Damn straight!

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I used to think I would suffer from brain fog for the rest of my life..."𝐛𝐮𝐭" this changed everything.... https://t.co/1PuwssoVwO

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Yes..she was tough and never a puppet!!

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Try calling or emailing her office and asking her to use her influence.

Btw, Senators' field offices are another possible way to get thru.


"Don't take this as gospel. It's not official. It's a very knowledgable source's best understanding of the situation. This persons likely Yeses on cloture are. Schumer, Hassan, Peters, Durbin, Schatz, King, Shaheen, Fetterman, Cortez Masto and Gillibrand."

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Okay. I will call Pelosi and ask her to use her influence on Schumer. I read today that there is talk AOC may challenge Schumer for his seat. If they had any idea how defeated we all feel by their conceding perhaps it would wake them up. The way I feel is we have lost enough already we need a Hail Mary and at all costs even shutting down the government so now is the time, and we may not have another chance; they need to stand up to the Republicans. You would think they would want to do so after the at least ten years of obstruction. If they just stood up it would breathe so much energy into the resistance; not standing up will have the opposite effect. Thanks again!!!

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Field offices are a better route than trying to get through to D.C., but also often remote and deaf to citizens in most cases. I actually got a human in one nearby office I thought had a more enlightened Rep. but got stonewalled and referred to my own district Rep, who doesn't answer calls or make the call-backs they promise to make. All I was trying to do was get an email addy or transfer to someone in this Reps local office who might take a minute and listen to what I had to say (which was something they've never considered.) The fellow on the line just kept saying, "give me your zipcode and I can refer you to your own Representative." I finally had to yell at him, "I KNOW WHO MY REPRESENTATIVE IS, AND I KNOW HE DOESN'T ANSWER EMAILS OR PHONE CALLS AND IS TOTALLY INACCESSIBLE! WHY DO YOU THINK I'M CALLING YOUR OFFICE INSTEAD? " So getting/insisting our Reps. are accessible and available for bilateral communications is a priority. We must do something about that.

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I have no doubt that Pelosi is still pulling the strings and that this vote by Schumer is a deliberate part of the Dems strategy.

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I doubt that very seriously. Let that man take responsibility for his stupid actions.

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NO balls...except for Green, AOC, Crockett...and Bernie

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Exactly the Democratic party is a party of Eunuchs -- the reason this country is for shit is misogynism is baked into our culture. Look to the other democratic nations women hold positions of power such as Prime Minister -- you need to open the door for everyone to get a the most talented at the top -- in choosing leaders and in placing people in positions our culture culls by gender, race, religion and sexual orientation. It has doomed us. Fuck!!

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I think "President Crockett" has a nice ring to it.

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And galvanize those uterine muscles!

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Misogyny is baked into our culture. Both men and women deplore women to the point of cringe at the thought of a woman holding power or a leadership role. Those that dare are treated poorly. Those that hold fast do so at a great cost.

Our democracy is an experiment that needs care and attention. But not included by the founding fathers in the Constitution was recognition of the rights and equality of women. Abgail Adam's spoke for recognition and inclusion of women in the participation of the government long before women were given the right to vote.

She and John Adams are especially famous for their letters exchanged over long years leading to the revolt against King George. In her letter to John while the Constitution was being drafted Abigail demonstrated extraordinary prescience. One famous reference taken from that letter was her imploring John Adams with the request, "Don't forget the ladies."

Today 250 years later we are paying the price for women being forgotten, ignored and trodden upon, for today our democracy has been weakened and our Constitution is under siege. Democracies do not last forever if they are not nurtured by the full weight and capacity of a nation's talent and potential.

Sadly, however, in America we choose leaders by culling out who will lead based on gender, race, and all other differences, which limits the pool of talent from which we draw our leaders. And as we can see it is a very small and stagnant pool from which our proven to be incompetent leaders have risen.

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Yes, all that is true. However I think you misunderstood my message: so many people say “grow some balls” “have some balls”, etc. - even when they are encouraging/chastising women (e.g. members of congress or/& prospective activists). Of course, we don’t have testicles, but we women have better than that! We have the tremendous strength & power to push babies out! Imagine what else we can do! So, I was not advising women to breed, literally. I was metaphorically encouraging us to summon our great & unique powers and get to work in ways those with dangling genitalia are evidently unable or unwilling to!

I also agree with you about European women increasingly holding positions of power: those countries are almost all way ahead of us in many aspects. If I had any savings, I would have left this country in November! I loved it, traveled through many states as well as some of the beautiful, spiritually resonant scraps of Native American land… but I am digressing. Suffice it to reitterate: My heart aches very sorely as I see it being destroyed.💔

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I actually think what Schumer is doing is very brave.

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It's ill-advised. Schumer's responding as if we're in normal times. We sure as hell are not. The repugs are in total control. There should have been a unified Democrat response of "no" to every single cabinet pick and that should be the case now. Dems need to take control of the messaging NOW.

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Haha! Yes and no....

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Mostly noooooo

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nice try at advertising someone's new wunderkin gimmick.

but you might try this, no snake-oil, mind-fuck about it...


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Spam reported. This same ad (with a different woman’s name) is making the rounds of Substack. The link may be malicious.

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KIM=Brain Fog

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Schumer lost his spine and is afraid of Trump and musk!! I tried calling schumer and no voicemail 🤬

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Schumer never had a spine.

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I did too I was pissed hate going on X because it’s pure Evil however I sent him messages his district should call him out now

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I don't know if it is helpful but will share what I did last night. If you call Congress 202-224-3121 and transfer to Senator Charles Schumer during work hours you should be able to leave a voice mail; after hours what I found was when you transferred to Schumer the voice mail stated hours you can reach staff plus his web site address www.schumer.senate.gov Choose "Leave Comments" and it brings you to a form. The form is defaulted for the state NY but has a drop-down option so you can change the state to your state. Otherwise just fill in your demographics and add comments and send. I did so last night. Good luck!

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I don't know if it is helpful but will share what I did last night. If you call Congress 202-224-3121 and transfer to Senator Charles Schumer during work hours you should be able to leave a voice mail. After hours I found when you transferred to Schumer the voice mail stated hours you can reach staff plus his web site address www.schumer.senate.gov Go to web site address. Choose "Leave Comments" and it brings you to a form. The form is defaulted for the state NY but has a drop-down option so you can change the state to your state. Otherwise just fill in your demographics and add comments and send. I did so last night. The hours to reach someone on the phone or leave voice mail weekdays are 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Good luck!

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If you call Congress and transfer to Schumer during work hours you should be able to leave a voice mail; after hours what I found was when you transferred to Schumer the voice mail stated hours you can reach staff plus his web site address. Go to web site address. Choose "Leave Comments" and it brings you to a form. The form is defaulted for the state NY which has a drop-down option so you can change the state. Otherwise just fill in your demographics and add comments and send. I did so last night. Good luck!

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I think when your backed into a corner. Facing unfair backlash. Unfair blame. Monopoly news agencies that won't tell the truth or your sides good policies and successes. The only way they will see, feel and change is to suffering from there choices. We will also suffer, die, loose our jobs , homes, SDI, SSI, Medicare. But we need those fools to vote the cruelty out of our government. We must be ready to open our arms and hearts to helping them IF THEY SUPPORT OUR DEMOCRATIC PARTY.

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No. No. It's up to US. We are the ONLY ones that can/will save us. More of us than them...all DC useless except for federal workers...our system is dead...grab your pitchforks. It's way past time...

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If they support D E M O C R A C Y

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I'm thinking they DO have a spine, especially Chuck who agreed to be the sacrificial lamb for this bill. It could all be a larger strategy to expose Trump's true destructive power rather than resisting it so that his true destruction is merely delayed so that he can blame the NEXT Potus for the damage!

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Frankly I’d pitch in to help people w/o pay during a shutdown—we could all make giving funds for friends and/or folks in our neighborhoods…those who need it. Not always well-paid people!

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Throughout this term, Trump has called Republicans who strongly opposed his wishes and their votes magically changed in his favor. I wonder what he had on them.

Now Schumer folded like a house of cards. I wonder what Trump has on him, and when we'll find out Trump made a personal call to him

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EXACTLY! I just don't understand......it's almost as if the death threats are coming from "insidebthe house". People are so upset at the repugs. They are going to lose in 2026 anyway. What the HELL could they be so afraid of

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I would agree but the party is behind them! I am so upset!

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What Mary might have meant is that the Dems need to grow a pair, since the rethugs' are all freeze dried. You are right that if the jellyfish outnumber the vertebrates in this round, someone will need to start over with the next iteration of democracy. My favorite article from 2020 is 'History Will Judge the Complicit', by Anne Applebaum, and she is one who would know.

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agree, except I think we're going to have to do better than democracy. The question that really needs to be answered is, "When better than anything else isn't good enough, what then?" The sooner we start looking, the sooner we might have something real to pass along to a future generation (provided one survives us.)

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GROW UP!!! is what I have to say to all of them. (Or are you saying that Chuck is the bully?)

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I agree!

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they don't have to be bullied. They just have to cling to their old 'normal-times', obsolete playbook like a fetish doll. Accounts for most of the defeats we've suffered for the past 50 years.

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I would be interested in the weird PSYCHOLOGY of someone with a perpetual need to AVOID DELIVERING ONE WIN.

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Democrats cowardice is simply a congenital condition.

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That's rather broad-brush.

My own Senators, who had been yes-votes, listened on Wednesday.

TEN out of 13 rumored yes-votes CHANGED THEIR MINDS by Thursday. THEN We got a new list of 11 rumored yes-votes, EIGHT OF WHICH INCLUDING SCHUMER ARE NEW.

The "old list" must have had their ears blown off. Mine did!

If you can't get through on Capitol Hill,you can also call one of their field offices in the home state and punch the option to speak to a staffer. A PERSON!

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They are cowards & frankly, thinking of self-preservation before country. IMHO

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Personally, I think it's a deliberate strategy BECAUSE they know they are powerless. Better to not resist the punch but duck out of its way. Let them do their damage so that the world can plainly see whose fault it is. This business about doing the damage late in the term so that the NEXT guy can be blamed once the damage surfaces is NOT the way to handle this admininstration. You're trying to stop a bus by throwing a couple of lightweight snowballs at it. Better to let the bus rip down that icy road at full speed so that it crashes EARLY rather than later -- you KNOW it's going to crash eventually anyway, so why put it off so that the next guy can get blamed?1

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Bullies can't bully you if you stand up to them and say NO!

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Democratic leaders are not being bullied. They believe in the same things the Republicans believe in and the arguments are simply about how to best deliver wealth and power to the few and oppression/fascism to the many. When push comes to shove, liberals have always supported fascism over the working class.

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Send email to: (under ‘Budget’)


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Sent from Texas ~ am perennially mystified by how/why Schumer is our best choice for D's Senate leadership. So many more options who are not "communications challenged."

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Yep! Let's keep the pressure on until he is replaced.

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It's simple seniority and "we've always done it this way."

The D party is both Rube Goldberg machine and a private club in which only those with considerable leisure, a lot of money and/or a full-time dedication to politics can really have any influence on policy, strategy or The Rulz.

And I am DEAD SICK of the entitled. paternalism.

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Email sent! Here from Texas!!!

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Make that two from Texas!

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Just sent impassioned email to Schumer

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Thank you! Exactly what I did. Feeling defeated. Phone all day!

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From Josh Marshall at Talking Points Memo yesterday p.m.:

"Don't take this as gospel. It's not official. It's a very knowledgable source's best understanding of the situation. This persons likely Yeses on cloture are.









Cortez Masto

and Gillibrand."

Could try and contact all of the above. Especially if any are YOURS. Contact Nancy Pelosi to use her influence. If your Senator is on the right side, call in support, ask them to stay strong.

If you can't get through, try their field offices.

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Clio, I agree! Telling our reps that we support them is vital, let them know we are paying attention, and in full support, solidarity! Fetterman, well, no surprise there! The rest … I am shellshocked! I laugh when I get emails from Fetterman asking for donations / NO WAY! He is toast in my book, DELETE, DELETE, DELETE!

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Done! Sent him:

I wrote :

Dear Schumer,

I strongly urge you to stand up and say no to CR and demand for negotiations to reduce draconian spending. I understand that we had a shutdown twice during Trump’s first term and they were temporary.

That bill Republicans pushed will be permanent and have severe implications for the foreseeable future! Don’t be a fool! Grow a spine!

I’m from Georgia and proud to sa I voted for Ossoff and he said NO and it’s clear and loud! Follow his lead!

Eduardo Madera

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I said basically the same thing! They won't say what they will do with all appropriated monies. They will continue to gut, freeze and fire their way anyway..m

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Just sent one--Thank you!

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Done! Wrote a lengthy plea for doing the best -vote NO on this deadly CR! Everyone is counting on a no vote. Let be sure he gets it this time! Write, call. LOUDLY!!

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Thank you for the link meD!

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Sent email. With as much respect as I could possibly muster. I'm pissed, and he needs to hear it!!!

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Agreed, me too!

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I'm going to repeat this because it's important: to get around the phone blockage and the doubt if they will really read email:

Look up the phone numbers of their FIELD OFFICES, pick one, and punch the option to speak to a staffer. Be assertive! Persobal contact has multiplied impact compared with a message.

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I just did.

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Me too. Nancy in DC.

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Oh, good point!

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Done ✔️

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Just did this!!!!

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Thank you for the link. Message sent.

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Thank you! Sent him an e-mail. I might send him one again!

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Thank you!!!!! Sent a scathing note to him

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He’s a weak scared democrat 🤬

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When I called asked for Schumer -- after hours got voice mail with info on how to send a message on his website which worked beautifully. Sorry you did not have the same experience.

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Tom Cotton (yuck) has started placing NO votes as a Sch___er Shutdown. Deflect, placing blame at Dems feet! Uh, NO! Trifecta, the responsibility is wholly, and completely on the backs of the Republicans!

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I wrote 2xs. If he does this, he does not Represent us. SHAMEFUL.

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While a shut down will bring some pain, as Mary Trump explained, and I agree, it will be temporary. By pushing this through the FELON, his silent partner and goons can move ahead and dismantle our treasured institutions and pour acid over our economy, freedom, laws, and way of life. Admittedly, after last night, I feel a bit refreshed, but still feeling fragile. Learning of Democrats possibly selling us out caused a psychological break and despondency.

One request of my fellow citizens, I know I cannot stay alone in my own head, I need those much more educated than I to converse with me. Please let’s stay together, share knowledge/information. If I feel this way, I am fairly sure I am not alone

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What good would that do other than delay the inevitable?

I say let it rip NOW so that there will be no doubt whose fault the damage is.

We need to have a crystal clear case gong into the Mid-Terms, and THAT is assuming Trump won't just ignore the free and fair election provisions in the Constitution!

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These are currently rumored yes-votes. Most are changed from Wednesday. Try field offices. Try option to speak to a staffer there.

NEW yesterday!

Schumer & Gillibrand, NY

Durbin, IL

Schatz, HI

King, ME (I)

Fetterman, PA

Cortez Masto, NV

Still on list since Thursday, only three:

Peters, MI

Shaheen & Hassan, NH

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as you seem to have learned, we don't have access to our own legislators, either. No system of bilateral communications, without which you can't have a democracy. That little problem has been going on for a long time.

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I went online to schumer.senate.gov and left him a message. He has to change his position. If not, he is selling us all out!

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Schumer is a disappointment as a leader. He needs a back bone of courage to stand up to Republican lawlessness. Voting for the CR is a disgrace. Trump and the Republicans are already destroying the government infrastructure. Voting for the CR only encourages the Republican agenda. Shame, shame!

Shut it all down until they comply with the courts, give DC their billion dollars back, stop talking about cuts, and get Musk on camera to explain exactly what he’s been doing when he’s not playing video games in the White House!

It’s going to be a long four years and I will be wearing these kinds of shirts everyday until this nightmare ends 👇


Stand up for once. Shut it down! Vote NO!

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"Disappointment" us wayyyy too kind...

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Just did the same. Also to my Senators and the DNC.

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So did I. Democrats need to stand up and say NO

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They are weenies...weak kneed...yellow bellied...actually quite the mess...they are complicit in the destruction of our Republic...

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yep sooner than later!

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Looks like Dems are going to cave--again--with Shumer leading the way. Dems have lost my support. I refuse to vote for anyone who doesn't have my back. Disgraceful!

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Don't throw the baby out with the bath water. Remember this is how we got F45, people being mad at the Dems. Lot of people stayed home this time too. Dem party has the infrastructure we need. Just primary the sumbitches and take over the party from corporate ourselves.

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The one thing the current Democratic Party is good at is collecting donations! The problem is what they do with that money. First, they protect their incumbents, no matter how spineless or venal. Second, they look for folks who will help them “move toward the center” when the general public is already more centrist and left of them! Third, they “primary” their progressive members! I have little choice in presidential elections, but I think the Democrats abandoned me several decades ago. Bernie Sanders, not quite as old as me, was a better choice through the last several elections. Too bad he wasn’t a she!

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Excellent, important point.

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Thanks, Lisa for your common sense!

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I told my husband that I’m no longer a democrat. I don’t know what I’ll be , but I’m with you, not voting for them when they don’t have our backs!!

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Haven't been on the social sites in a while, but Nick Brana still is. He attempted to start a different kind of dem party back when the DNC performed fraud to try to install Clinton in office. Partly why we ended up with Donald in office in the first place. Sacrificed so much for the for profit prison supporting Clintons. Geez! People never learn.

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Then you'll be allowing Republicans to win. That's how tRump got elected.

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They will lose a lot of Dems over crap like this!

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I’m going to leave the Democratic Party for the Working Families Party.

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That only gives more votes for the Republicans. That's why tRump won. Too many people voted for a 3rd party candidate.

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There are multiple reasons why Trump won. A pile of straws, none was the "last," each had its effect.

I used to think like you. I used to argue like you, passionately. For DECADES.

Now I am truly wondering what is the point of even electing Ds if in the end, the Republic can be SOLD by, basically, ONE pusillanimous wretch doung a RUG PULL

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Well, I don’t want that, but democrats better start working for their constituents if they want our votes. It’s not what we want to happen, but they’re not giving reason to have faith in them. For goodness sake, DO SOMETHING and do it NOW!!

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Chuck! After 🍊 pulled a not - zee comment on your Judaism and said you are a Palestinian? Do you not get that this is what the furor did? You agreed to an agenda that is so much worse than a shutdown? So you will let 🍊 continue to hurt us all??? And be a dictator??????? I am ashamed of you.

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(fuhrer) I, too, am -- well, not just ashamed. I am FURIOUS with Chuck!!! What is WRONG with the man??!

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Better to write him directly.


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Sent two emails today.

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Email sent. I am so disgusted

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Done. Thank you.

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Done + called today.

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meD, thanks. I did. "Most of your constituents are gravely disappointed that you are unwilling to face a shutdown due to the miserable budget cuts that will greatly harm so many of all political persuasions. Make the oligarchs reconsider and back down. Many Democrats and even some Republicans are counting on the life saving measures that MAGA wants to delay, deny and destroy. POTUS said, for all to her, that you, "...(are) not Jewish: (you are) Palestinian." He won't stop (and he didn't start) with those "knot-zee" era statements against you: he bullies and will bully everyone who disgrees with him. We need you to stand for democracy and life, not to fall for autocratic lawlessness."

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Yeah, that blew me away.

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The Dems have to stop playing by the rules…they need to play dirty… the nation’s people are already f*cked, so one more sharp pain isn’t going to kill us…the Dems have to rise up and fight for their constituents - for their country.🇺🇸

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They just have to play the game, dirty or not. These guys forfeit constantly.

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Gary...Schumer has been forfeiting for 15 years....its his natural state.

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And start now

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Now I know how it felt in France to be betrayed by the Vichy government who collaborated with the Nazis.

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F*ck Chuck and vote NO is my plea to Fetterman

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How are they so bad at politics? We are correct and on the right side of history on literally every issue but these corporate owned fucks refuse to fight for the good of the people and let the republicans wall all over them. Goddamnit I am so angry. This is the only time in my lifetime a government shut down is actually needed. Republicans have shut it down repeatedly and never suffer for it. The dems are weak and full of shit.

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Great analysis, Mary. If Chuck Schumer doesn’t have the stomach, or the balls to do what needs to be done, he needs to get the hell out of the way. I’m sick of Democratic leaders being afraid of taking the fight to the fascist criminals.

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Please don’t make me regret my faith in the Democratic party - you still have time…you have NOTHING TO LOSE by standing your ground here. What do you think extra time will do? If you don’t call their bluff now, what do you think will happen later after they know they owned you on Friday?

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There is no one coming to save us. These rich fucks have more in common with Trump than me or you. Still waiting for the people to rise up. I cant do shit on my own.

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Those first few steps are hard, but do them. Nobody is gonna save you but YOU.

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Agree call their bluff stand on a backbone

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Write to them! Call them tomorrow. It doesn’t help to write on here, it’s more important to contact them. If enough people do, and stand up tomorrow and get out and make themselves seen, that makes change; complaining to each other is not effective.



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I did and I will write. I called and I will call tomorrow.

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And done!

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So sad but holding hope against hope that these rich fucks don’t want to go down in history as the ones who sold out our democracy.

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Republicans know the Democrats will fold. So now I guess when it goes really badly, Republicans can and will blame the Democrats for voting for this. Apparently the Dems haven’t gotten the message or just choose to ignore us.

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Senator Bernie Sanders is voting No. I wish a lot more members of Congress had an ounce of his courage and sense of justice and duty to the people of America.

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A lot of Senators are on record that they will vote no. Unfortunately Schumer only needs 7 or 8.

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I can’t believe dems will do this. They can’t they need to stand strong. Trump is already shutting us down and now we’re letting him do even more sitting back and agreeing

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Both parties profit from the game. The DNC screwed Sanders and other progressives in 2016, but libs just bent over and LOVED them some dems back then. Some never learn.

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I contacted both the DNC and DCCC and let them know not one more penny from me if the Dem party caves on this!

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I have no faith in democrats to get anything done anymore! We are totally doomed! They have become just like MAGA.

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Don’t give in Schumer say NO

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Not at all true. Make an effort to change things. Write to the senators tonight, call them tomorrow.


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Huge fail. This party is broken beyond repair. I'm out. Will register Independant.

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People with this sort of comment are why Trump was elected. They didn’t bother to vote.

The system is not broken beyond repair yet. Look at what Europeans do. They get out on the streets.

What we have to do is write or call our senators. Now.

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I voted Democrat in this election as I have for the past several decades. I campaigned for Harris/Waltz, and I contributed money to them and down-ballot races. Thus far, my party has done nothing.

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You’re missing the point. The giving up attitude is what gives up our democracy. We all need to make an effort right now, not give up. It’s really up to the people. We have the power. Much more than anyone in Congress right now.

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Re-read my comment. I'm leaving a broken party and re-registering as an Independent. Did not say I was giving up.

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It’s interesting because I think there must be republican voters who also feel betrayed

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Me to. Schumer needs to grow some and say NO

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Me, too! Registering Independent.

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“I'm a hard NO on the Republican spending bill. On cloture. On all of it. When a wannabe dictator is trying to seize power, it must not be given to him. Not without a fight.”

—Senator Adam Schiff, today

Thank you Mary for this amazing deep dive analysis of the budget crisis. There are no good answers and no good options when the top sheriff in town is corrupt to the core.

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I am appalled that Schumer would cave and vote for this terrible bill. I called his office and left a message yesterday and today. There's never anyone there to take a message. This is one time he and the other Democrats should let the shut down happen rather than allow this bill to pass.

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We no longer have representative government. Trying to communicate with them at all, let alone in times of crisis, is useless. They don't care if nobody can reach them. Staff listening to messages or reading emails? Laughable.

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The CR authorizes Trump to impose sequestrations upon the judiciary as well as executive departments.

If it is passed, Trump will be able to sequester funds to stop the courts from processing lawsuits against his actions. The CR thus will neuter both other branches of the government, and checks and balances will be dead.

It is fitting that the CR will be voted upon on the 53rd day of Trump’s tenure, given that the Reichstag voted to neuter itself by passing the Enabling Act of 1933 on the 53rd day of Hitler’s tenure. There, it took arrests of opposition deputies to secure passage. If the CR passes, all it will have taken is the cowardice of a few Democratic Senators, most notably the two from New York.

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Can you send this to Chuck Schumer please? I’m sick that he’s falling for that bull. Get a spine!

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Stand strong don’t be trumps puppet

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