Tyre posted a black and white photo he took of The Hard Rock Cafe Guitar lite at night. It’s quite good. He said he would be honored to have this picture in every Hard Rock Cafe. I’m trying to get the word out to make his dream come true. Maybe you can help Mary.

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Thank you. Let’s remember Tyre Nichols as the human being he was and not for the horror of his death.

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It was an immediate decision for me, not to view the video. I've always had a very visceral reaction to violence. And when hate is the motivating factor, I see evil. For the most part, I'm not someone who lives with fear or has allowed it much power in my life. But I fear evil. The face of Derek Chauvin kneeling on George Floyd's neck, will never leave me. Because it was the face of evil. So given a choice, I can't/won't subject my psyche to seeing that again. May God rest all of the victim's souls.

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I wish gods and souls weren’t figments of our imagination.

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The words ‘gods’ and ‘souls’ stand in the way of the reality.

The reality is that every bit of care and every bit of felt love is not wasted. It extends through time and space. It heals.

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I wish I could believe.

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I can understand that. My belief is that our energies were created as part of the Big Bang, if you will. Our spirits/souls are energy. It could be seen as the electrical activity in our brains. And because energy cannot be destroyed, when we die, that energy goes somewhere. I'm sad for people who believe that this is all there is. Only believing in what can be proven. The truth is, proof that the spiritual realm/dimension exists, is available to anyone who is a committed seeker. If your mind is open & your intentions sincere, you will find your own spiritual path. It does however take time. Anything of real value takes patience, perseverance & a strong heart. All that to say: my faith is my greatest treasure in navigating life. And I'm sad for people who don't have a spiritual North Star that is SO much bigger & brighter than we are.

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Jan 30, 2023·edited Jan 30, 2023

I feel the exact same way. I believe regulating our minds with presence will push our evolution toward the peace and love we are all seeking.

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Can you feel into the truth of this: You aren’t breathing, you are being breathed.

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...and that One who is breathing you is the same one who is breathing me.

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I feel I am remembering this though I have never heard this before

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Jan 30, 2023·edited Jan 30, 2023

it’s the opposite of imagination, it’s quieting the mind to now and experiencing the bliss of presence. It is the answer to what ails humans.

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Aye Lass, I would tell folks to Just stop. Just feel into what you are. Feel that. Best not to call it bliss. There is no name for what you are. But it’s what everyone is and its where we really live. Pretending otherwise is faking it.

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Those figments of some folks' imagination are part of our problem.

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Okay, but where in your neighborhood can I get some delicious Mexican food?

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Kenneth, that is funny you should mention that. For years I’ve been searching for good Mexican Restaurants near where I live, and there are many. Most of them have something good to offer, like their frijoles de olla or their green salsa. One I tried a few days ago had the very best carnitas burrito I’ve ever had. Another had the most excruciatingly delicious tacos de papa. Tiny bites of crisp and creamy delights I dipped in a perfectly suited salsa with fresh crisp lettuce and crumbly white cheese. SO GOOD. I write reviews to give my take on these fine eateries and to wish them well.

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Hello Susan,

It makes sense that you write reviews. I was thinking to myself as I read your post that nobody writes like this about their food experience. I was wrong. Susan does!

My favorite cuisine is probably Thai, but good Mexican food is an absolute delight.

Thank you for chiming in. You brightened my day.

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Mmmm. Thai food is remarkable. They center not only on balancing ingredients correctly but on freshness and health. And also eye appeal. Thai cuisine is beautiful to see and satisfying to taste with their sweet savory heat.

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You are a cruel woman. I've been fasting for a blood test and now I read your comment. It seems my only refuge is to convince myself that the water I am sipping is absolutely delicious.

But please, for the love of lemongrass, keep singing your siren song.

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Are you talkin to me?

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Thank goodness for you Mary. You help to keep me grounded in my belief that there are still good people who actually give a damn about our democracy 😉

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Thanks for your poignant words. ❤

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How very thoughtful, Mary, to remind us to look at "the good": the man Tyre was, his love of life, the things that gave him joy, and the contributions he made to the world.

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This. Must. Stop. Point the grim reaper finger of death to the legislators, sheriffs, and law enforcement who got us here. They all are responsible and must be called out by name. The leaders who fund it and those who vote on the tough on crime platform. Blood on their hands.

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Thank you for expressing what Tyre gave to the world. A message to cherish life.

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If you have not seen Tyre's photography website, please share it far and wide. What a beautiful soul taken from this world. Just too much sadness in the news. So many heartbroken families ... We mustn't forget Tyre and the many others gone before him ... Peace to all.


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I watched the videos because I wanted to see what some police are doing in our name. Then I found Trye's photography page and read his short bio. He signed it, "your friend." I cried when I read those words.

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Yes. The Love.

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He was a Brilliant Photographer

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Mary, I am moved by your creative work.

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Without knowing of the horror of Tyre Nichols’ death most people would not know of him at all. We would have no reason to learn about his death in order to protect others of today and the future.

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I think of the mammas and their fear each time their son or grandson leaves home.

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Jan 30, 2023·edited Jan 30, 2023

As horrible as it was, I felt a duty to watch the body cam video. Thanks Mary for capturing what many of us feel.

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Thank you so much for sharing Tyre Nichols's photography website with us (earlier post, I believe). He was so talented. I won't watch the video, I don't doubt the police brutality one bit, but his images underscored what a horrific loss this is.

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Tyre Nichols Death Shows why regardless of racial profiles The Police Reform Act Should be passed in Congress, To Correct this kind of unnecessary "Brutal" killing, The Races of The Victim and Cops is Irrelevant, specifically the POLICE NEED REFORM now. We cannot continue to Authorize Police to be SO OBSCENELY BRUTAL without a care for the facts of the situation. Police are not Omnipotent as you see all of Offending Police Arrested, PROBLEM IS they get bail, Fuck, The Judge Should have remanded them to jail immediately NO BAIL, but that pesky qualified immunity keeps allowing Offending cops to get BAIL but if a citizen did this they would be remanded. WE MUST STOP QUALIFIED IMMUNITY IN POLICING because cops use their unions and DAs to create Interference GIVING THE OFFENDING COPS far more rights than an average citizen READ THE CONSTITUTION no on is above the law Your Loyal Fan John Pillin

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