"The idea that Donald could win a single vote, let alone an election, is almost too much to bear" is the best quote ever.

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Where have morals gone? Not to even mention character. A sad situation.

Fear not because we are still a Nation Under GOD. I believe He will deliver us from this evil.

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Not saying anything untoward about God .

We need to deliver us all from this with one voice .

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I remember a mantra from earlier life "Work as if everything depends on you, and pray as if everything depends on God."

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Could we, once and for all, please leave religion out of political discourse? We are a nation of laws. Our country’s government has always been meant to maintain the separation of church and state. You can pray to whoever and whatever mythical being you wish. It’s good for you. For many reasons it gives people hope and helps distract people from their worries and fears. But after you finish your praying, I hope you can find it in yourself to actually do something constructive here in the world of concrete reality. Try to use your agency and religious zeal to make a difference; rather than trying to convince people (who don’t want to hear it) about how your version of deity is going to make everything better and you can just mock non-believers and wash your hands of the rest of us.

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Thanks for your suggestion. It wasn't my intention to preach, just responding to another post.

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Maureen, my response was meant for an individual by the last name of Hand who claimed she could just sit back and God would take care of everything. It mistakenly was delivered to you. My regrets. I have since searched for her post to move my remark to her post but I have failed to find it.

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Thanks very much for taking the time to let me know I appreciate your kindness very much.

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Hello, this is Joyce Hand. I mean no harm. Please feel free to say what ever you choose. I work for my Heavenly Father and his Son Jesus. I will be 75 next month. I don't choose to twist arms. I am just speaking my truth. Bless you! 💖

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She (Hand) is the 2nd comment from the top

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I like that... I like it a lot. Thx ~

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"God" is a myth, not real. You need to buttress your OWN natural morality yourself and take action against impending disaster. Sitting back to let "God" save you is lazy and delusional, America!

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Not really my brother. I know that I know that GOD is real. We have been mislead so much. A perfect example is when the European stole the identity of not only Jesus, his Mother, and all the disciples, but all the people of color in those days. They white washed the Great Kings, Noble men/women and Queens just to name a few.

More and more true is being revealed. We are a great people. We are blessed by our Heavenly Father, his Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Jesus was a black man when he walked the Earth. This is the truth. He was sent to Earth by our Heavenly Father to teach us "The Way". Just a little truth. Research. Study. Are you aware King James was a black man. Have you heard of the King James Bible?

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I don't appreciate being proselytized to. Kindly keep religious goop to yourself. Thank you.

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Mar 8
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“Deepen up”!

Is that some new soda pop? You’re SO erudite!

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God is real otherwise we wouldn't be here. He is not a perfect God but a reflection of all. There is heaven and there is hell. It's a choice one makes while they are living on this planet earth. There is good and there is evil, and one must also decide how they want to make themselves useful, despised or loved.

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“Get over myself”! !

After my 70 years of a life spent searching for this ”God” said to be everywhere, in all things, at all times, and having found not one scintilla of evidence of his existence, I ask: ‘How long is a reasonable search window to nail down this omnipresent ghost?’ Should be easy to find, but….nope! I got over that crap already.

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Will, this is Joyce. I sent you a message but I guess you didn't receive it. I will turn 75 next month. I hear you. The rules of Earth are:

Whatever you believe comes.

Whatever you want for someone comes to you.

Whatever you fear comes, so fear not. We are not taught why we are on this planet. Please let me tell you, we are here temporarily to learn. After we learn, we return home.

We are Spirit's. Can you hear me?

We are Spirit's. We are using these bodies I ordered to experience life on Earth.

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I don't appreciate being proselytized to. Kindly keep religious goop to yourself. Thank you.

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I fail to see how this is a glowing example of the loving kindness of Christianity. Does bludgeoning people with the cross make you feel like you are better than them?

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Your adversary is like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. However, as Mary said, he is toothless!

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Or perhaps it was that 'god' who created the monster to begin with?

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Or, since we're not sure either exists in actuality...I'd bet on the Devil !! 😂

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joyce..please keep in mind that god helps those who help themselves,and he gave mankind freewill,a heart a mind and a soul..mr trump has "pandered" to lots of folks,including those such as evangelicals with their own set of religious beliefs..it is up to us as logical,clear minded voters to make sure a person who would tear up our constitution,eliminate freedoms and rights,denegrate military personnel,lie to us consistently,pander to dicatators ,and so much more,never sets foot again in the whitehouse..

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Pluralism will deliver your country, not some man-made idea designed to control the masses. Be of good character, require more of those who surround you & be an honest citizen.

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Oy. There are no gods. This is up to us.

"I was given messages starting in 1996. He told me His Messages are Freely given, and His Words are not to be sold."

None of this is true. Please leave such delusions to the other side.

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You have got to be kidding. Did He deliver us from 9/11? Did he deliver the hundreds of mass shooting victims from death? Or the ones who lived with permanent disabilities from their wounds? Or the millions starving in Gaza right now? Please leave God out of the political conversation. He isn't listening.

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never delivers any nation from anything - we're on our own

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Sorry, but I must disagree. It’s God, Bible, & so-called Christians who have brought on this horrible mess of hate, lies, resentment, & worst of all; the push to strip women, minorities, & LGBTQ persons of our rights.

I was raised as a Lutheran, but after these years from 2008-2024, no more.

I’ve washed my hands of religion. I’m disgusted by it.

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I hope you’re right.

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Hands down !

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Fake News!

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I'd leave out the "almost".

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Take this Haley voter who said Trump "is a lunatic.” When asked what she will do in the general election, she said, "It will be a hard decision.”

How effing hard can it be, lady??? Do you need to see swastika banners on buildings? What??

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When the decision about whether or not to vote for a "lunatic" becomes "hard", maybe you need to ask yourself if some of that lunacy hasn't rubbed off on you... 🤔

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That is exactly what happens and how to account for those who are still following the lunatic. It had rubbed off on them. There is a name for this behavior and perhaps Mary will explain it.

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That's was exactly what went through my mind as well!! I was like Whats so hard about not choosing a lunatic!!!???

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Oh Geez Dan, that same quote got me, too. I share your sentiments.

And now I apologize but your comment and little Ms. “It will be a hard decision” have gotten me started.

I would like to propose that there is (was) a 3rd (or 4th or 5th depending on segmentation) group of Haley voters, who may also be “hard decision” squawkers.

Some of these are probably former low-commitment or low empathy Democrats who have been swept up in libertarian or anti-trans or even censorship or oddball Moms Demand Action nets.

This third category might encompass this sort of nouveau secularized bigotry that arises from and/or is justified by pseudo intellectual and pseudo scientific explanations for bigoted views that may also allow the believer to disavow any liberal or democrat heritage, former interest, or responsibility.

Because I have a friend like this (and I am still grieving), with whom I recently attempted a civil discussion about the primary election. She said she planned to vote for Haley. And although she hates Trump, she supposed she’d also probably have to avoid Biden in the general election.

And she is a Women’s March attendee who is still pro-choice! But now, after years of Libertarian-esque “critical thinking” propaganda popular among her Ivy League and Wall Street friends, she has become pro censorship (save the teens and tweens!) and believes legislation must outlaw irreversible gender affirming care for trans youth before age 18, no exceptions (she’s a highly trained medical professional, too!). She believes odd paranoid theories about terrible medical “protocols” being foisted on families of kids with gender dysphoria (which she believes is itself being propagated upon these kids by social media and misguided adults and clinicians).

For folks like her I think “It will be a hard decision” kinda means “Biden and my Democrat friends, if I have any left, won’t let me hate poor people, marginalized people, or the trans people that people like J.K. Rowling or Social Psychologist Carol Tarvis have welcomed me to fear and hate.”

(Tarvis, by the way, uses her social psychology credentials and recognition as a multi-book author as credibility for her writing for Skeptik Magazine where my friend gets a lot of her information. Here in the relative backroom of Skeptik and similar “rational thinking” outlets and podcasts , people like Carol Tarvis do things like discredit the legitimacy of gender-affirming care, and whip up self-righteous opposition to trans rights or protections. Tarvis has a similar schtick whereby she overblows concerns about false memory syndrome, to the point of mocking abuse survivors, and neglecting to mention more recent findings. See Skeptik Magazine Vol 27 No 1 for a series on “Transgender Matters” if you can stomach how these folks think, or don’t, and for a sample of Tarvis’ apologetics.

In the end with this old friend, I tried to appeal to what still appears to be our common concern for free speech, open debate and democracy vs dictatorship. We agreed to disagree on the matters above (after I tried speak up for trans youth and their families), so that we could part ways and digest our dinners as amicably as possible.

But yeah, WTF does “It will be a hard decision” mean exactly? Remind me why you despise Trump again?? Still a hard decision?? 🤦‍♀️

I’m not giving up, though. Definitely rolling up my sleeves because this fight is now ON!

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I made a mistake in my post above that I must correct: I referred negatively to Mom’s Demand Action because I was thinking instead of Mom’s for Liberty. The latter harass school Boards, ban books, and are enemies and disinformation proliferators operating against trans and LGBTQ kids and families, as well as against racially inclusive curriculum. They distract from real issues by focusing on issues that shouldn’t be issues in a civilized society that honors equality. The former, are heroically trying to reduce gun violence, especially in schools. So I support Mom’s Demand action. But I detest the tactics and rhetoric of Mom’s for Liberty (see Southern Poverty Law Center for more).

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I would like to believe she is saying it will be hard to vote Democrat having voted Republican all her life. I believe she WILL vote Democrat and it WILL be hard for her to do that, but she WILL do it. Many Republicans will do it and it will be hard for them to do it. We will welcome them when they do.

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Effing hilariously and sadly true!! I don’t understand these idiots

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We, as human beings, don't like to be "wrong". It is very difficult for these people to admit that they have been wrong in voting for Donald Trump and telling themselves that they will never vote for a Democrat. For many of them, it's not about NOT voting for Trump, it's about voting for any Democrat that is diffcult.

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I’d be fine with them not voting for Biden, IF they will just leave that top vote blank

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It is so unAmerican for people to follow him. He’s a traitor and crazy. Something has to give. We beat him last time and in many groups on fb I see people moving to the side of the dems. Take heart and try to sway people. Vote blue!!

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3/6/24 Wednesday

Dear Ms. Trump,

What the American citizens and voters need right now is "Hope". Here is my essay that hopefully bring hope to millions of Americans.


Peter Wehle (P.S. My mother's maiden name was Trump.)


“ASK NOT WHAT YOUR COUNTRY CAN DO FOR YOU BUT RATHER WHAT CAN YOU DO FOR YOUR COUNTRY.” This phrase was spoken by the newly elected young President, Mr. John Fitzgerald Kennedy, at his inaugural address in January of 1961. I was a mere 9 years old but I still remember watching the inaugural on our old black and white television. No, check that it was a color television but the program was in black and white.

This phrase will forever be emblazoned on our hearts and minds because it speaks Truth to Power! It gets right to the central point which is either you are part of the solution or part of the problem. This is the question that all Americans, and certainly all the countries of the world should be asking. What can I do to help? How can I be of service to my country and my people?

This is a statement that clearly must be acted on immediately while there is still time to hold-off climate change and stop needless wars if we want to.

Yes, ask not “For whom the Bell tolls? It tolls for thee; so says the eminent writer Mr. Ernest Hemingway!

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Well written essay, Peter!

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Thank you so mary trump You are a gutsy smart woman and out there telling the truth. So appreciative of you

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I certainly agree with what you've written but, I have to add a caveat. You stated "In North Carolina, a state that is a much better representation of the country than some of the other deep red states..." except Lt Gov Robinson won his primary for governor and he is abhorrent - doesn't think women should vote, Holocaust denier, hates LGBTQ+ and trans individuals, and the list goes on and on. He says out loud what a lot of Republicans are thinking and it's scary. The good news is that these radical, hateful Republicans almost always lose in a general election. The bad news is that he won the primary.

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I wish your great articles had a share button and a url so we can amplify them!

You're the only one saying the things you're saying. More people need to hear.

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Bottom right corner of the Substack you will see an up arrow…click on it…select technology you want to use to share like email etc.

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I found the button. Thanks!

Easy to select Twitter.

You don't have to be a paid subscriber to share Mary's work.

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What she's hoping is we have X, Facebook, Instagram, etc icons we can click on quickly to share on those apps. Please.

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Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Email, Text, URL link are some of the many options available when you click on the up arrow of Mary’s post.

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While these Haley voters are unpredictable, the exit polls are astonishing, proving that Trump and his policies are very unpopular. Democrats must try to sway Haley voters to vote for Biden.. which won’t be easy, but must see the alternative!

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I listen to public broadcast radio in the car & this 81yr. Old guy said he didn't like Trump but he's conservative and a registered Republican, I think what we need to get through to these people is that their living in the past being conservative in 2024 is no longer a possibility you're wife isn't gonna quit her job to stay home and raise the kid's, prices are staying where they are no matter who's in office! Which shows that you can no longer live on one income and just because you feel like you're a Christian and force your whole family to go to church on Sunday doesn't make them listen to Daddy because Sunday school says so, you can't put your family in a bubble &brainwash them into the Christian's of the 50s and 60s so you can pretend if you stay Republican it's all gonna go back too the way it was when you were a child and Mom was waiting after school with home made cookies! That's why they fall for the propaganda is because they want it so bad that their willing to fall for a cult! These are the people we need to reach and convince them it's just not possible to go back 70 years & a president Can't change private company prices and a new car will never cost 2,500$ ever again and it's time to get with the plan, oh and the other thing people who fall for cult's have addictive behavior!

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The last half of the last sentence is very true. I have been in a 12 step recovery program for over thirty years and I have seen the shift in people I have known for that long. Addictive personality disorder is very real. If it's not alcohol, drugs or gambling, something else entices that part of their brain and it's been the MAGA movement since 2016.

The problem (other than the fanaticism) is that there isn't a 12 step program for delusions, hate and sanity restoration for cult members.

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Mary, I live in northern Arizona. Ruben Gallego could be the first Hispanic U.S.Senator from Arizona. Perhaps you could arrange interviews with Telemundo and Univision to reach Arizona Spanish speaking voters?

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So glad Synema isn't running. Anyone with an Hispanic surname in AZ will have a tough road ahead methinks. Wish him all the best.

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Interviewing Ruben Gallego is a great idea! We have been donating to Ruben for many months and hope he wipes the floor with Krazy Lake. Lake, like tfg , is yet another one we find it hard to believe anyone would vote for. As for Sinema, she was such a huge disappointment from early on. Really pulled the wool over a lot of us who had high hopes for her. No doubt she’ll emerge as a corporate shill.

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She should contact Paola Ramirez, daughter of a loved & storied journalist from Unavision. Getting Mary exposure on a Spanish language station would be fantastic!! I like Ruben & am sending donations, would love to see him win

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MSNBC also showed exit polls from 3 states. The lowest number was 74% of Haley voters said "Hell no" they wouldn't vote for Donnie.

We have to get Democrats to the polls. If you're over 60, look for a Third Act group near you. They go to districts where Democratic candidates are in close races for the house. Don't worry, you'll get a list that contains only Democrats. Nobody will yell at you. You'll also be in teams. Here in the East Bay the group goes to district 13 and 22 in the California's central valley to flip two house seats.

I also read an article by a guy goes out and talks to MAGA folks. They don't know about Donnie's anti-democracy rants. Once they know about it, a third of them said "no way" would they vote for Trump. If you have friends or relatives, arm yourself with facts and quotes, and gently inform them.

I've said for quite a while now that I think Donnie will lose. We need to make a YUGE loss if possible. I dream of not just landslide win, but an avalanche.

Now, I'm not stupid, I know Donnie's losing is by know way a sure thing. But if we try, we can "Make it so."

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I've heard other stories that Republican voters did not hear his crazy rants. How can these rants be reaired?

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I read it in the NY times.

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I'm worried that (as usual) wining the vote alone won't matter compared to the orchestrated scheming and dirty tricks they have been perfecting to override election outcomes.

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Me too

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Thank you, Mary. For everything.

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Some people have long known that Donald Trump is sick. Many more people now recognize Trump is sick. How do we make 'Trump is sick' stick? How do we remove the 'permission structure' people feel they have to vote for someone who is so obviously sick?

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My sense is that Trump is physically and mentally failing. He’s accustomed to living life as Goliath facing down pesky little Davids and crushing them in court and then moving smoothly onto his next grift. He pushed it too far and now finds himself boxed into a corner of litigation that he’ll be unable to escape from. The weight of that litigation will ultimately destroy him. Given his age and his lack of character, I expect him to make larger and larger mistakes between now and the November election. His supporters may actually be forced to (secretly) pity him and pity is not effective as a political strategy. If he isn’t dead first, I expect him to lose in November.

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I am very hopeful, though I have moments of wanting to pull my hair out (I don't) when I read the NYT and other "mainstream" media. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THEM? Clearly, having not heeded the past, they are dooming US to repeating it. It's up to us, folks. All of us. Exhorted by Mary Trump and others, we need to step up, become (or continue as) activists, and make sure people vote.

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I have Unsubscribed from the NYT for that reason. I wish the NYT would let us know how many subscribers they have lost in just the past 6 months.

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I unsubscribed last month. I had it with the NYT shameful

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Judging by the unsubscribe comments I’ve seen in these comment sections of the several substacks I read, it’s got to be a lot

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I'm wondering too, how many $59.99 plus shipping and handling bibles have sold.

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Please don't expect mainstream media to tell the truth anymore. Check out the story about the article in the NYT about rape of Israeli women on Oct 7th. A lie written by an Israeli woman who never published anything in her life yet was hired by NYT. The daughter of the Israeli family who was supposedly raped denied it ever happened. Check out REDACTED on YouTube for the disgusting details of this story.

Find alternative sources for news. Mainstream media is an arm of Corporate America.

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Lots of great content on MeidasTouch.com

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If you or someone else could come up with a postcard-sized pitch based on your points of persuasion, we could churn out hundreds of postcards that-importantly -we personalize and send to swing voters. It’s a proven strategy that grassroots organizations use. If we can connect to an organization, we could get access to voter rolls that, based on a voter’s history, identify our target voters.

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Great article, Mary.

I worked at the polls for the first time. What a great bunch of people. We need more individuals to work who are fearless. When the bullies come out we come out. We will not let bullies stop the voting process. Almost all the workers were retired. We are needed at the polls. Come on out. They take you through training. They give you material's to take home to study. The other team members help teach you. On the job training it was for me.

I thought working 14 hours was an impossible thing to do, but time flew. We were busy most of the time. We exchanged places which helped the time go by. We brought in food or had it delivered. Come on in, the water is fine.

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Thank you for your service, Joyce Marie!

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