I'd ask if you kicked your uncle in the head but considering his head is empty, it simply would caved in and you wouldn't have broken your toes!

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Let her know she has millions of kicking volunteers.🥋

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I'd choose a different body part....🤣

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I'd like to see you try!

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I’ve been wondering if you were all right, since I haven’t seen anything from you lately on Substack. I’m sorry about your injury. I’m looking forward to seeing you on this evening’s Ask Mary Anything!

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Mary is an inspiration for many public servants like me to undermine Donold from within the government - hope she recovers soon. Take heart that we will resist the fascist MAGA agenda! https://democracydefender2025.substack.com/p/public-servant-democracy-defender-introduction

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Same here, wishing her a speedy recovery 🧡

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On behalf of the millions who love you and are beholden to you for, first of all, breaking the news so long ago about his taxes, and secondly, dedicating your life to the service of the greater good, and thirdly, waking up early on your life to seeing the best in other people, let me say how sorry we are for your not one but three, count ‘em, 3 broken toes, and ask, how the hell did that happen? (if you want to go into it).

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Yes Lissa, yes.

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I am so glad you are back!!! I was worried. I am so proud of you! You are my inspiration for courage, smarts and determination. Keep going, Mary! We love you!

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Dr. Mary Trump, I also broke 2 toes. Very inconvenient!!!! Hope you have a restful time on the few days you take off. Lillian

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and I had a fall down but nothing broken. Just soft tissue injuries. We will survive!!!!

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And I fell this afternoon and scraped a piece of skin off my elbow that measures about 2 x 2 inches. Mostly hit on my best padded spot, though (butt!) so no serious injuries. Mercury in retrograde!

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Mercury went direct yesterday, thank goodness.

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Oh, no!

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Wow. 3 people broke toes. That's odd.

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My daughter just fractured two toes.....is it something in the water?????

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Mercury in retrograde.

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That is EXACTLY what my daughter said - Mercury in retrograde. ):

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Poor thing! How old is she?

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One more broken tow would make it even.

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Lillian, I’m so sorry about your broken toes! I broke one once, and it hurt like hell, for a very long time! And now, doctors are no longer prescribing effective pain meds because the insurance companies and the legislators have usurped their prescriptive function! So I’m guessing if you’re anything like me, you’re not only hurting, you’re also mad as hell (I hope I’m wrong!).

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I eventually had mine x-rayed again and my large toe bone was disconnected causing painful bunyon...so I had surgery. It was time consuming, but sure felt better afterwards. I needed to use a scooter to put my knee on to get around the house. Took a few weeks to get back on my feet, but all better afterwards, which was a few years ago.

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Wish you good healing and take care Dear Mary🌺🌹🌺🍀🌷

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With 5 grandkids, 4 of which are girls, I am so concerned about the next 4 yrs for them all. MY QUESTION IS, what is the best way to stimulate Americans to Resist, to Revolt against the bad planned for us? Why do Americans not have the strength and guts that Syrians, So. Koreans have in resisting their leaders? We Need ALL to be with us.

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You've been missed and i was worried for your sake. "No matter where you go, there you are" is so true. These days are so difficult. I know that we are all struggling but it can feel very much like we are alone.

Please stay with us. We need you.

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Ah men to that! Let’s make it even stronger. Ah Women!

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I am sorry that you broke your toes, Mary 💙.

I hope you feel better soon.

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Do you think that Trump is serious about prosecuting members of the House January 6 committee? If he is, will any DoJ lawyer have the courage to tell him that there has to be probable cause to believe that a person has committed a crime before he or she can be prosecuted? Of course, if a DoJ lawyer tells him that, he can fire that lawyer and try to find another one who will do it. But it might be difficult, because to file a patently frivolous prosecution can get a lawyer disbarred, and several Trump lawyers have been disbarred. If he does try to prosecute members of the January 6 committee, do you think that he'll try to prosecute you?

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Great questions, Henry. I wonder what the American Bar Association will do to lawyers who flout the law. I hope they're up to the challenge.

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It's not the American Bar Association; it's the state bars. They are the ones who license and disbar lawyers. To learn about the ABA, look at its Wikipedia article.

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DOJ should invoke Article 14 Sec 3 !

Article 14 Sec 3 has not been employed against Trump. Why not? The constitution is crystal clear, Trump is NOT ELIGIBLE to be president… he forfeited that privilege by instigating his failed coup. Swearing him in would violate our Constitution!

SCOTUS decided that the States could not remove Trump’s name from their ballots but SCOTUS did not eliminate invoking Section 3 of Article 14.  It’s not too late; it will be too late if Trump is sworn in!

President Biden, VP Harris, Congress and Federal Judges have sworn to uphold the Constitution, they MUST ACT NOW… Immediately convene an emergency Federal Grand Jury and present the already documented evidence that proves Trump's guilt as an insurrectionist!! Article 14 Sec 3 demands this bold action in order to save our country! The societal impact would be significant and dangerous, but those negative consequences would pale when compared to Trump's stated intentions!

Trump is NOT president until sworn in... just don’t swear him in! The ‘Trump Travesty’ must be stopped and President Biden is the only individual with the authoritative power to set this in action and he must… otherwise Trump and minions will cause total chaos as our country goes to shambles!!

_____ _____

Please repost!

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I would love to invoke Article 14 Section 3. The problem is millions voted for him. Just under half the country. And they’re armed to the teeth. The time to do something about the insurrection is long past. It should have happened immediately, while the Republicans were calling him out. Once they regrouped it was too late. Besides, do you really think Roberts is going to be refusing to swear him in?

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What would happen if Roberts DID refuse? (I don't mean what would happen to Roberts, but that's a good question too.. I've been reading Wikipedia about the French Revolution).

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I agree with you totally, but could you repost to whitehouse.gov and send this to Biden and Kamala? And perhaps a petition could also make a difference. If you do a petition, I'll be the first to sign. hottuna9988@gmail.com

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It seems for some reason when it comes to Trump all the Federal laws don’t apply? He’s somehow “special “ according to “his” Supreme Court. He’s allowed to be a felon and rapist and be the President but at the same time deny others who have no records. This so called Election is indeed very strange as is the Republican Party that no longer seems to have an ounce of integrity. The Republican Party is in the grips of far right Christian nationalism. No religion should be forced on the American people but the Republicans are doing their best. This country was not founded on a particular religion, I certainly for one don’t wish to be governed by the Old Testament and outrageous interpretations by certain Church members who are also in congress! These religious leaders have every right to practice their religious beliefs outside of government but trying to impose them on the government and citizens of this country is Wrong. This country was founded by people to get a chance to practice their beliefs without being judged we don’t need Mike Johnson and other politicians who are Christian Nationalists trying to force religion on us.

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Mary- so sorry about your injury. Hope you heal quickly! Commiserating as I fractured my shoulder and arm two months ago. When you can, do go on your trip- we all need to nurture ourselves, be with those we love and love us- sending light and love to you. So glad we will continue to receive your words!

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When I read all what others have to say I'm reassured that there are still those with good hearts, clear conscience and pure souls. But not too many are found in politics. I'm a dreamer and maybe this, with a wee bit of time, will be a game changer for the better for our country of America, I'm hoping. There is much hard work ahead for us and the fight is not going to be easy because it may get nasty. That's how Trump plays. He's a smutty fighter from New York and he has no conscience.

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Thank you all!

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I hope you recover soon and that there are no lasting effects from the accident. Love you, Mary L. Trump!

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OUCH!!!! Feel better!

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Marry, you have done a lot to defend your country of astronomical and you deserve a vacation co Walker's nature.I love the redwoods of the Armstrong woods in Garden Grove, California.Some of them are hundreds of thousands a year old way.I like to go take a walk you'll be a big or hug and tell me how much I love to hold the oxygen to give my legal kisser right on that trunk

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Gernville california armstrongest road down on the old fern grove to beautiful walk of nature

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Garden Grove, Calif? There’s just freeways and houses there, no forest at all.

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Voice activation incorrectly corrected Guerneville to Garden Grove.

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Ouch!!! May you be well miss Mary

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In all weather

Up all 'ours

We can see for miles

Our idea of heaven is

A night out on the tiles

We may look a motley crew

Smudged with tar and grime

But when you need a helping hand

We try to step in

Try to step in just in time

—Step In Time, Mary Poppins

Wishing you a speedy recovery. You'll be out steppin' in no time, healing yourself and all of us.

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