This is why I want him tried for manslaughter - people died Jan 6 - "“For hours on January 6, Donald Trump did absolutely nothing to stop the violence, killing, and potential assassination of his own Vice President."

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I noticed no one is speaking about the officer who had multiple brain bleeds from being hit in the head. Who did that? Horrible what they did to him and others.

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I'd like to see him prosecuted for the 500,000 people who died due to his corrupt, incompetent response to the covid epidemic.

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PLEASE let this be the smoking gun. If he isn't stopped soon, he never will be.

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I heard that Putin is trying to help him. I guess like he did in 2016. I call Donald's election the Putin's President. I know some American traitors helped, but it was mostly Putin. I want them to investigate why in 2015 all the good Cyber Department employees started leaving knowing the 2016 was around the corner.

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I completely agree with your theory! I think Putin has been grooming Trump for decades for this current role. It doesn't take any brains to realize Trump's loyalty to Putin over his own Intelligence Dept. says it all. Then add that Putin has financed Trump's lifestyle for at least a decade, possibly more. Eric admitted this to a WSJ writer while playing golf one day. The Stupid Apple doesn't fall far from the Even-Stupider Tree! Trump deserves Eric! So ya, I want to know details about Cambridge Analytica and similar activities that literally brain-washed an entire segment of society through use of algorhythms on line combined with focused propoganda. Russia was relentless on social media in general. It won Trump the Presidency. I just don't want to see them do it again, but how do we stop them?

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Putin is smart, cunning, and ruthless. t***p, AKA The Felony Defendant™, is stupid, weak, vain, and easily manipulated by anyone who flatters him enough. It's a match as old as time. Ever since there were strong rulers and weak adversaries. This history has persisted through the ages but in this era of instantaneous dissemination of (dis)information it's taken on a new dimension. Putin knows this. The Felony Defendant™ never will figure out he's been played like a fiddle. But let's give him a whole lot of time in prison to ruminate on it.

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How about the rest of his life?

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That works. It might even convince me that he should live more years than I've hoped he would.

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We stop them witcontinue. Dem turnout on election day (to void any third party threats) and relelentlessly, aggressively pounding the truth: that MAGA and the GOP are a threat to everything that really did make America great.

Its only way. Hatred wins at social media and very often with the mainstream media and this won't change. More oligarchs and billionaires support fascism with their $. We're outgunned at multiple levels. But NOT at the ballot box.

Trump won't be in jail, he'll file endless appeals against any convictions that do occur (and probably only GA will see a conviction before November 2024)

BUT, MAGA and the GOP IS a loser at the ballot box, since 2018, and this trend will continue.

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They should jail him in the meantime! My son is a correction officer...ANYBODY is jailed while waiting repeal is the normal! They should not treat him any differently either!

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Nov 20, 2023
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I'm so sorry you are living on Earth 2 with the MAGA crowd led by your cult leader, DJT. If you were living on Earth 1 with the sane people who believe in science, facts vs alterative facts/lies,decency,Rule of LAW and other American traditions and institutions we've long revered, you'd understand immediately who the "fools" are and where they reside. Sorry, but IMO, you are on the WRONG side of this matter!

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Ridiculous. You heard?? From whom? Did the Russian Foreign Secretary call you?

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Put down the Big Gulp of TraitorAid and seek your place in reality.

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Thank you Mary Trump, for all you do.

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I can smell his arrogance from here. What worries me the most is that this particular trial is going to take longer than it should with all of the evidence against him and that it will go well into election time. I also fear that this will fuel Cult 45 to show up at the polls in droves. Project 2025 is something that we ALL should be aware of and in fear of. WE need to show up and make sure that he never steps foot on that White House lawn again.

This is my gut telling me, that feeling of impending doom that has been sitting with me for months now. And 98% of the time, my gut is not wrong. Hoping that the other 2% is right.

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Your fears are well founded and my gut like yours is forewarning me that the Democrats need to wisely get every boot on the ground ASAP. Tfg has no intention of letting indictments and legal prosecutions take away his GOP nomination for 2024. May I also add that the MSM is fueling this horse race between two prior rivals for the Presidency. Were tfg to be removed from the ticket, our nations "journalists" would find a way to skew public opinion. Without an overwhelming blue voter turnout, the GOP voter suppression may sadly place that fascist Hitler wannabe back in the Oval. Speaker Mike Johnson, should he last that long is a great threat to our democracy as we now know it. We must admit that this election is going to once again come down to just tens of thousands of votes. Our electoral college should have been either reworked or abolished after the travesty of Bush V Gore. SCOTUS must not be the decider of our elections anymore. Period!

Lastly, Project 2025 is very real and that alone keeps me up at night.

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You are correct, the electoral college & votes were rigged the first time with the help of Putin making Donald an illegal President or as I call him Putin's President. Did you not see that Donald tried it again? The Fake Electors? Well, this time they got caught.

Why didn't Barr let Muller finish the investigation? Because they were getting too close to exposing the truth. Let us ask for a new investigation like President Carter said, Most of the the Law Enforcement are aware that Donald did not win the 2016 Election.

Prayer is the key. We human beings are no match for an evil force.

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100% Gregory!

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I don’t. I do not fear for a single moment TFFG will be anywhere near the Oval Office ever again. My gut is right 98% of the time also. Project 25? Aware of yes, fear? Doesn’t keep me up nights. Show up to vote? You bet! And bring carloads along with me. What is being said now is completely irrelevant. People aren’t honest in polls, MSM isn’t reporting news, it’s reporting wishes.

No one has any intention of voting Trump back in office, even the oligarchs aren’t willing to risk that cholesterol infused skinbag winning anything other than a longer stint in the justice system. No jail perhaps, that’s a stretch, but just shutting his pie hole long enough for people to forget that Citizens United comes from the same corrupt SCOTUS that disenfranchised over half their voters with the giant pile of shit called the Dobbs decision. Not the economy, inflation, gas prices, fortune cookies or Bible verses are going to remotely downplay the outright stupidity and corruption that, thanks to Donald Trump and MAGA, batshit crazy Alito, Perverted Clarence Thomas and his brainwashed Bircher wife Ginny, along with Chief Justice Roberts corrupt wife paid millions in consulting “gifts”, to Disgraced Ann Gorsuch’s mommy’s boy son, Neal, defending her corrupt legacy, Keg Kicker Kavanaugh (KKK), too stupid to be a real boy, and sleeper cell Russian operative, Amy Coney Barrett. Never saw the inside of a court room that didn’t look like a principal’s office.

But, noooo. He can’t shut up! It is complete folly to think for one minute he will not remind women every second of every day who owns them. Who did this, why and they perceive women to be nothing more than brood mares. Michael Johnson, SOTH for the next 60 seconds seems to think that’s a good look that’ll get them all re-elected. It can only get better.

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Donna, fear not.

The keys to Earth is what ever you believe comes.

What ever you fear comes, so fear not. Trust your Heavenly Father or what you choose to call Him. We must pray and ask to deliver from this evil and watch his mighty hands move.

That's why we are asking everyone to pray and believe.

The Almighty's got this.

Everything is being revealed. That's how we know that Donald is a Neo-Nazi. I saw him make the sign twice in shock. I know his grandfather was in Hitlers Administration, but for Donald to walk in those steps is so sad. He doesn't know what he is doing.

Jesus was given a choice and chose not to sell his soul. Donald must not have read the Bible.

Let us pray for all including Donald. It is written that we pray for our enemies and when they slip and fall not to rejoice so GOD will not take his hands off.

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I respect you right to call upon God or whom ever your faith holds in exaltation; however, please stop preaching. This is not time for a revival, and everyone’s religion is not congruent with yours.

It is time for the American people to get out and vote against tyranny and god or Jesus is not going to do it for us.

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Please keep your religion out of my comment feed. Religion is why our government and elected officials have poisoned the waters, unless you haven't been paying attention because of christofascism. And the only ones that can save us are the voters that see this as well and we need to vote the religious "fanatics" out. As far as I know, God isn't registered to vote nor is your savior and until I see them at a voting booth I will keep my faith with the voters.

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Thank you, Mary, from your lips to Gods ears. Please, please, please let his be the smoking gun. Absolutely terrified to have him back in the Oval Office, the country will never be the same.

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Fear not. We are still a Nation Under GOD. We have to ask. Deliver us from Evil Lord.

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Your comment is part of the problem. Never have we been a nation under God. We are nation of One out of many.


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Interesting with some historical accuracy but unclear attempt at the God Spin. But it's nice to know we are on the same side of truthful reality in this particular instance.

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I'm not one for preaching, especially to the choir, but although I agree we need Dems VOTING in MASS numbers for Blue down ballot in 2024, prayers never hurt and have never failed yet. I'd go for BOTH!

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Anna, thank you for your comment. Bless you,

I hear you.

Yes, some of the Churches have mislead us, because they themselves have been mislead.

Going back when Constantine, the not-so-great took over the Church. Not only did he steal the identity of Jesus and Mary to match his color, but lied about the people in the African Continent. One of his Popes started spreading the lie that people of color were less than human and barbarians. Now, that gave them the excuse to kill, steal, destroy families, tribes, kidnapped, rape, plunder the art and treasures and more. This also was the beginning of the slave trade. Anyway, I said that to make a point.

The Almighty is 100% in control. Before we come to Earth, we are given a choice about what we want to learn. No one dies. Yes, like do we die when we get out of our cars? No, so it's the same thing. Yes, hard to believe, but it is true. We are spirits learning on Earth. While on Earth we need what is called a body. In Genesis it tells us what we should put in our bodies, fruits & vegetables.

We are to take care of creatures and not to kill and eat them. Would you put burger in your car?

Same thing.

Anyway, pray to your Heavenly Father who created you and sent you to Earth to deliver us from this evil.

There is only one creator who is called by many names.

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Lady. This is an intelligent discussion among adults, not a bible story for naive children.

Leave your preaching for Sunday School.

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I think of the suicides too. As a result of the unimaginable terror they went through.

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Trump’s best defense might be that he’s not mentally competent to stand trial.

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If that’s the case, then he's not mentally competent to run again let alone be anywhere near the Oval Office.

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Has he ever been mentally competent?

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Well, I think he has mental issues because he has gotten caught.

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Hod forbid! He must go to prison.

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Trump should legally be held responsible for everything that happened on January 6th. He’s the ringleader. The mob boss. And he deserves to rot in prison for the rest of his life.

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Yes, he is a Mob Boss, a Neo-Nazi, a greedy man and has become evil.

That's why prayer is the only way to defeat him. The Almighty must deliver us from this evil force.

Every state has a group of Neo-Nazi now. They are not allowed in Germany, so why are they allowed here to kill, steal, and destroy?

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Crowd size, like at the inauguration...He's out of his mind

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Yes, that’s his big narcissistic obsession, among other things.

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I've asked this on Twitter many times & nobody ever replies with any theories. Maybe you will? I cannot figure out why Pence brought his family with him on January 6th when I am pretty darn certain he know what was coming at least as far as chaos and danger. Why did he endanger them too?

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Well, Nancy Pelosi’s family was there as well. I’m not sure anyone really expected things to get as bad as they did. They expected a rally, but not an insurrection, is my best guess.

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I wasn't aware that his family was there. Hum...maybe he didn't know.

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He knew they all came because he asked them to. He is so guilty!!

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I hope this finishes him forever,he's just a wannabe tinpot fascist Dictator

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Since Judge Cannon is doing everything she can to delay the Mar-a-Lago documents trial (which, in and of itself, is a travesty of justice, and she’s a Trump groupie pretending to be an impartial judge), it’s this January 6 trial that might get him nailed and hopefully sent to prison before the election.

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Mary....this should be superb evidence for the jury!!

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During the trial, one hopes,and I'm glad that "he" wants it televised that Mr. Smith has the officers as well as the loved ones of the fallen officers testify

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I have not heard that. Great idea. I hope they do. I had a man on Twitter say to me that no one died on January 6. He said, give me a name. I gave it to him.

Where has he been? on Trump's social media? Listening to one lie after another. So sad.

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Well, the good news is TrumpSocial is about to go under financially, just like ALL his other business adventures, so THAT will remove another megaphone for the FATORANGEGUY! I s'pose he'll switch over to X, formerly known as Twitter as soon as his own social media goes kapoot!

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But they don’t want him on tv playing to his cult.

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The man's his own worst enemy. "The people thought the election was rigged." Well sure, because you, Republicans, and right wing media told them it was stolen day after day, hour after hour, minute after minute, until people were brainwashed into believing. trump destroys peoples' lives, takes their money, demands praise and loyalty, but will never reciprocate, is a narcissist, lacks empathy, therefore conscience, thinks violence makes one strong, yet is himself a coward. It sickens me what he has done to our country and the people in it. While never perfect, we never thought of the other political party as enemies. I'd like to go back to that, please. I never liked donald, but I had no idea how very, very flawed he actually is.

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Very few Americans had any idea how "very, very flawed" Trump actually is before 2016. AFTER 2016, anyone who isn't aware of how dangerous he is to our American way of life is either refusing to see TRUTH,or living under a rock. NO EXCUSE for claiming ignorance anymore!

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There was no excuse for claiming ignorance in 2015. Anyone that could read could see what Trump had been doing for the past 40 years. How could anyone believe that he could be anything other than a buffoon/scam artist as president?

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Most of Donald's video's had hypnotic suggestions in them. Sad, but true.

We must pray and ask The Almighty to deliver us from this evil force.

We are honestly no match for an evil force.

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I don't believe in hypnotic suggestions, but I believe my own eyes, my own common sense, my own thinking. I believe in God, totally. I already asked The Almighty to deliver me from evil and the resounding response I got left such an impression, I have since ALWAYS KNOWN that God is right there the moment I TRUST in His Power, in His protection from Evil. But I'm also a firm believer in heart-felt prayer... to give me strength & courage to stand up and speak out and fight back and inform honestly. Prayers are GREAT!

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The only Trump that should be president, if ever, is you dear Mary. Truth is elusive these days, and the ones sticking to it and voicing it are my heroes. Thank you.

DJT has wreaked havoc on the foundations of our country and its societal structures. My son (a diligent, hardworking young man doing two jobs) was subjected to an unprovoked attack on a subway while coming back from work a few months ago. He was grievously injured and it took a long time to heal from the trauma. The person viciously assaulting him first made the sign of the cross. For no fathomable reason. Did he think he was doing God's work by beating up a brown kid? What have we come to? What did he gain? The fallout was unimaginable pain and loss, as would have been the case for those defending the Capitol on that awful day.

This is the mega mentality. As you said, they equate strength with violence. People suffer needlessly as a result. My son's experience shook me and nearly broke me as a mother and person, who has been a pacifist all her life. Hard to feel hopeful in this environment, but that is where folks like you do such an immense service. You lift us up by calling truth to power. Thank you again.

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Shabnam, I am so sorry to hear about what happened to your son. Sending wishes for healing, peace, and resolution to him, you, and the rest of your family. I can't imagine what it has been like or the hopelessness it creates (which of course, as you note, is the goal of those doing/speaking hate and violence), but please know there are people out there who support you/your son and condemn this behavior.

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Thank you dear Rhonda. Your beautiful sentiment reflects your own giving heart. Healing, peace, and resolution are possible because of people like you, who care that a kid trying to make something of himself by the sweat of his brow ( he is a musician who believes the arts will save us) will prevail. It has been a struggle to quell the cries of my motherly heart and to learn from this moment. My son handled his ordeals with grit and grace. I have hope in young folks.

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Shabnam - Holding you and yours in my thoughts and holding a quiet healing space for all people that don't have the shelter and privilege of pure white skin. I hope your son continues to heal.

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Thank you for your profound words, dear Lysa. My son is now ok, mercifully. He did not condemn his attacker, or rail against the system. He learned from this experience just how wounded people are, and how indoctrination can lead to dehumanization of anyone who looks different. He has the optimism and resilience of the young. I am grateful for that. My deep gratitude extends to the courageous Mary Trump, and people such as yourself who speak the universal language of love and humanity.

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We are in this together. I live in North Carolina with all the hate groups. My chocolate children, grands, and great grands have to watch their backs. Has to expect the unexpected. Watch where they go and always pray. I am so sorry about your son. I understand. We must all teach our children that we are on Earth to learn how to love unconditionally, no matter what.

Not easy. Not at all, but a must for the training on Earth. Accept, learn the lesson and move on.

Accepting everything as it is right now is so powerful. Please try it and teach your son and other people. Accepting is the first step to healing. I will pray for you, and your son.

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Thank you Joyce, bless your kind heart. It is a harsh world out there, but there is also generosity of spirit - the kind that you exemplify. Your words are precious to me. I will also offer prayers for the safety and well being of your family

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