Yes!!!! This is a day of victory for everyone who is decent and good and loves our country! Thank you, Mary, for doing your part in exposing him for exactly what he is. Glorious day! šŸ„³

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I think Iā€™m still in shock. But, so ready to celebrate šŸŽ‰.

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Same here, Jackie! I've been on cloud nine since it was announced! šŸ˜šŸ„³šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‚šŸŽˆšŸŽŠšŸ§ØšŸŽ†šŸŽ‡

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Took the words right out of my mouth. Only up from here, especially with how expensive the election will be for him, could not have happened to a nicer a guy šŸ˜Š

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Feb 16, 2024
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Lol! At this point, he's bilked those rubes for so much already, I can't imagine many of them are going to have a lot to give him for this.

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You underestimate their craven hagiography for this Guy. Theyā€™ll keep giving.

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I suppose you're right to a point. But what's that old line about getting water from a stone? Eventually he'll have gone to that well s few too many times.

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Nothing more clarifying than to KEEP throwing good money after bad. No matter how better a person is at math the light has to finally shine on this guy. And the only way is for these guy to change their own beliefs.

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Hahaha! I had to look up "hagiography", and you are exactly right!!! šŸ’Æ%

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I looked up what the word 'hagiography' means and I laughed SO out loud...I'm still laughing as I type this!! For some others' who don't know what it means either (like me, the English Lit Major!) it is "The writing of the lives of saints"! Now you know why I'm laughing. Thanks Lorraine, loved it!

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They most likely do not have $433 million.

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Or the plus $ for the legal bills for up coming trials or for the "under performing golf courses" and other businesses that he has had to keep puming $$ into. Or his Federal tax audit, on going at about$100M. Or, the meter running on $450M at the interest rate at 9%! OR that it will take a bond amount not at $350M but at 120% in order to appeal. Or his fraud case of$4635M is $100M in interest NOW and runnibg!

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Oops, didn't notice your comment about the added interest.... thought I was being so clever by mentioning it.

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But you were!

I, myself might be thinking g woah, $450M@


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I heard on MSNBC tonight that Hokul, New York's Governor, reduced the 9% to 2% on, I think, the monies not yet paid to each happy camper of said monies they're waiting to receive (after all the delays, delays, delays)!!

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Yes, heard that also. Must see tv today! But I think even at 2%, that interest is accruing now, going forward. And that does not change the 120% of the bond to appeal. Although I don't think he has much standing for an appeal. That judgment is coming, period.

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That's what I'm thinking! Oh, please let that be true. šŸ¤ž

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Jarad has billions to share.

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He went to Jared. Is that what I'm hearing? šŸ˜œ

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Yes, similar happened with a pastor in Columbus OH, but donations did not come in as he demanded. Justice and God is not fooled

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Patty GOD should have


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I thought he was going to steal it from the RNC now that he's put another relative in..

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he already has taken over 50 million from his super pac to pay legal bills

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The Tangerine Tyrant is going to leave zero for all other Repugs running! That's great news! Try taking back Congress with no help from the RNC, & while having a poor (by their standards) Speaker and majorly unpopular McConnell leading Repugs in the Senate.

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A good share he will.

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Hahaha! šŸ˜€

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Great news,now jail the wannabe tinpot fascist Dictator for his other crimes.

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I'm happy but, honestly, was hoping for more. I wanted it to be enough to give him a heart attack.

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Not cool that heā€™s only barred from business in NY for 3 years. Should have been a lifetime sentence.

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Itā€™s a legal ban. What damn fool would do business with him after this?

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The 30% of people in his cult would - but they don't have it.

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Deutsche Bank, again? Ha ha.

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This is exactly what I'm thinking. Great news, sure! Beggars can't be choosers, it'll have to do. But I really did hope for a lifetime ban from doing business in NY. Ah well. I'll take this win! šŸ˜„šŸ’™šŸ’–šŸ’™šŸ’™šŸ’™ā˜˜ļø

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Well, heā€™s got two babysitters assigned to his businesses. He canā€™t even sign a check without permission. He wonā€™t like being told HOW to run his companies.

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At his age, it might be.

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Not to mention his health issues. The plaque in his arteries is probably very thick.

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I think he will lose his mind completely before that.

Wow, how does he whine so much about all the mean people Witch hunting and yet be such a great "success" ( in his opinion).

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That's what I was thinking.

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Oh, sorry, didn't read what you wrote until I wrote the same darn thing, myself above you. But, you know, 'Great Minds,' LOL!

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If it had been three times that length, it probably would have been.

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He'll never get one...he has eaten so many preservatives in his fast food that he will live to be 280.

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I hope heā€™ll follow his Nazi heroā€™s playbook through to the end. Iā€™m a very compassionate person, but not for him.

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Don't put that into the ether, can't imagine having to suffer the threat of him running over and over for the rest of my lifetime šŸ˜­

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The problem with the Bloated Yam is that he'll never die...he's been eating fast food for decades, so he's stuffed with preservatives.

He'll be with us at age 180.

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It's really always the worst of us that outlive the best of us.

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Only the good die young.

Ask John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, Dr. Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, and any of the millions of British, Australian, Canadian, New Zealand, Indian, American, French, Polish, Soviet, and Jewish young men, women, and children who died in World War II.

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I'm starting to see the pattern. Been happening for decades and lifetimes but we haven't found a way to break that cycle among the technological advancements that are really beginning to feel less innovative and more derivative.

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I wanted it to be that he could NEVER work in the State of New York ever again (:

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He looks terrible!! Just give it a few more weeks---

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From your mouth to God's ears!

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I know. Three years is bullshit!

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Mary, I canā€™t think of this as anything but you carrying on your Dadā€™s legacy as the sole decent Trump of his generation. When I read Too Much and Never Enough, I was absolutely gobsmacked by how your father was treated. The lack of compassion and cruelty was just incredible.

So kudos to you for being the (lone! it seems) Trump trying to make her way in the world with decency and dignity. May all of us who truly love this actual country, not the grievance-field fantasy of it, unite to save it.

Lead the way, sister! Proud to follow.

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That was so beautifully said, Naomi! Yes, uniting is the remedy for all of us democracy lovers - I'm in!!

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I wish Trump's sister would speak out!

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Let the ketchup flinging begin!

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Pity the poor cleanup crew at Mar a Lardo. Those plates must flying faster than his mouth can yell I'm the victim again.

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Omg, so much has happened I completely forgot about that part of the January 6th hearings!!! Thank you so much for providing me with a much needed laugh.

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This particular trial must be delicious for you. I am secretly giggling with you. Its like whipped cream on your nose. 300 hundred and sixty four million. That's a lot of whipped cream.

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I've always said, the stupidest decision Trump ever made was to take the Oath of Office for President of the United States. If he hadn't done that he would gave gotten away with it all. Nobody was looking to solve any cases, or settle any accounts. He'd have just faded away, eventually forgotten, but still with all his money. But he wasn't that smart. Instead he decided to run for President, as a brand building exercise and out of sheer egotism. When you run for President and then are President, you are living life in a fishbowl under a really bright spotlight. That makes you a target. In Trump's case a very legitimate target. His enemies got him in their cross-hairs, they pulled the trigger, and the bullet hit right on target (metaphorically speaking. I'm trying not to mix my metaphors today). If he hadn't taken the Oath of Office, this wouldn't have happened to him.

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Hmm, great insights!

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I believe when then President Obama made fun of Donald at the Correspondence Dinner he decided to sell his soul to Putin to become an illegal President. Am I correct? Doesn't the Constitution say that the American People decide who they choose to lead them as the President? Then, since Putin and other American traitors decided to cheat and put a fraudulent Donald in the position of President, which was illegal, that makes his office null and void. It isn't a secret anymore that Putin was the Puppet Master in the four year presidency of Donald.

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Unfortunately, while Trump in my opinion is an illegitimate President, he was a legal one. The Constitution says the President is elected by the Electoral College (EC). And the EC, elected Trump President by the thinnest of margins, but he won in a free and fair election. I know... I know... it gets my goat too... but there it is. The FFs (Founding Fathers) were mostly all from the American Elite Class. They really didn't trust us commoners. So they built in some Elite supporting and supported mechanisms in the Constitution designed to ensure that Presidents (and senators at the time) were elected by the Elite and were presumably from the Elite. Nice of them wasn't it??? Thanks for the vote of confidence Founding Fathers!!! Now... the trend in America has been more liberal and more democratic since then, but some of the old elitist ways are still baked in.

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I agree. Thatā€™s EXACTLY what the founding ā€œfathersā€ thought. Too bad there were no ā€œfounding mothers!ā€ Women to this day still donā€™t have equal rights. Which has become all too clear, recently. We have much to celebrate, in that DJT has lost three out of three court cases, in this most recent bout. His many (I donā€™t even know how many) attempts to challenge the polling results in numerous states, NONE of which he won, gives us some indication that the court system, for the most part, is still functioning as intended. The Supremes havenā€™t done as well, thanks to Republicansā€™ ability to stack the court; they must take care to preserve some semblance of legitimacy. I celebrate Judge Engoronā€™s decision.

Yet the battle continuesā€¦. Trump in the White House again is still possible. We have yet a lot of work to do!

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This also looks like Agolf Shitler's whore & porno model "wife" Melanoma will be shit outta luck in cashing in on her prenup.

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I would put it a little more tastefully (because I am a lady) but agreed. lol

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"Agolf Shitler's whore & porno model "wife" Melanoma" will very shortly be looking for better prospects (she should have seen it coming!). Poor dear...

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"Agolf Shitler" Thanks stealing this šŸ¤£

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May the trend continue with every next damn court case.

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I am VERY HAPPY, Mary! šŸ˜€

I look forward to your live Q&A! šŸ’™

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Well, as I said earlier: the Bloated Yam has to stick a crowbar in his wallet and fork over $355 million to the State of New York in that civil fraud trial.

Worse, he and his worthless family are barred from doing business in New York for three years.

I think that should have been for life.

Well, after he explodes on TruthSocial in 20 minutes, he will doubtless be flooded with checks and Paypal money from his millions of MAGAts, Trumpetoons, and junior Fascists.

Yes, there are that many trailer parks and mobile homes in America

And given that they all eat a diet of beer and lard, only spend the rest of their welfare and Social Security checks on gasoline, guns, and hookers, donā€™t pay alimony or child support, they should be able to keep the money flowing.

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I agree with you, they all should be banned for life.

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Yup, like Pete Rose, Shufflin' Phil Douglas, Shoeless Joe Jackson, and the other guys in the 1919 Chicago White Sox scandal.

I always go with the baseball metaphors!

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Itā€™s not my šŸ’°šŸ’°that theyā€™re spending. Itā€™s their money šŸ’°.

Spend, sheeple, spend, for your ORANGE MESSIAH.

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And what do they get in return?

Oh, yes, an invitation to storm the US Capitol.

And after that: GO TO JAIL. Go Directly to Jail. Do Not Pass Go. Do Not Receive $200.

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You nailed it!

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Thank you!

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Take that you MOFO :-)

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I thought it curious that Trump's reply to this decision included the threat a great many companies will flee New York if they are similarly treated by the NY Attorney General. If my consecutive translation is correct, Trump is saying that unless other companies can similarly cook their books and inflate the value of their assets when applying for loans in New York, they will look elsewhere to rip off creditors. I would say that this is a win/win for New York.

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Yeah... but they only really pushed this one because it was Trump. He's a danger to our democracy and a bunch of people really want to get him. Quite rightly too. But the rest of the New York developers will probably get away with it. And New Yorkers are content to let things go on this way. Spread the word: JUST BECAUSE A PROSECUTION IS POLITICAL DOESN'T MAKE IT WRONG!!!

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That is all for now.

But, suffice it to say, the walls are crumbing.

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And covered in ketchup

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Iā€™m extremely happy for you, Mary.

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Six months behind bars would have been hilarious though.

I guess in this case making him sell even more properties for campaign expenses (or, more likely, run to Daddy Vladdy for cash) is even funnier though. I'll call it a win.

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I call it a win to. It is hitting him where it hurts the most: MONEY!!!

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If Donald has asked Putin to help him win the election again and giving him access to more of our secrets again, I guess he would. How can Donald and Putin be stopped? Remember the time Donald was on National TV and looked at the camera and say, "Oh this is where they are?" With a big smile, I knew then he was showing Putin where our master computers were stored. What are they going to come up with next. We must get rid of the Electoral College because isn't that how they get Donald in office? Somehow changed the numbers for Donald to win?

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Yeah... what the other guy said. I'd like to know what he was grinning about too!!!

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Not directly changed but there were psyops to shit on the Clinton name right before the election and all kinds of gerrymandering and trying to "find" votes.

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