DONALD DEVASTATED: Judge Engoron has just ordered Donald to pay a staggering $350 million+ in penalties in his New York fraud case and the judge rules that Donald CANNOT do real estate business in the state for three years. It’s the end of my grandfather’s legacy. My reaction and celebration. Read on.👇
This has been a long time coming and today is an emotional day.
It’s taken over half a century, but Donald's ability to commit fraud with impunity has come to an end—at least in New York—and believe me, that matters to him.
In his historic ruling, Engoron has found that:
Donald must pay over $350 million in penalties (nearly the entire amount Attorney General Letitia James has asked for).
Donald is prohibited from doing business in the State of New York — for three years.
Donald and the Trump Organization are both banned from applying for loans from any New York-chartered financial institutions for 3 years.
With this judgment, Engoron finally vindicates what many—from the seminal work of Wayne Barrett, the unrelenting reporting of David Cay Johnston and Tim O’Brien, and the staggering investigative work of Sue Craig and Russ Buettner at The New York Times—have been shouting from the rooftops ever since Donald stepped into the New York City real estate scene in the 1970s: Donald, along with my grandfather, Fred, engaged in deceptive business practices, covered over with brazen lies, for years.
Between today’s ruling and E. Jean Carroll's righteous victory, it's hard for me to overstate just how ruinous this is likely to be—both financially and psychologically—for Donald. These are the kinds of judgments that will bring Donald to his knees because money and the illusion of his success are all that matter to him.
Justice is a long time coming
Donald’s fraud began when he, with a massive assist from my grandfather, perpetuated the myth that he was a self-made man despite the fact that, from the time he was a toddler, Donald received in excess of $400 million dollars from his father in the form of “gifts,” unpaid loans, unearned dividends, and other perks.
This lie, along with the completely unfounded claim that Donald was somehow an entrepreneurial phenom, was nevertheless kept alive by the banks who loaned him money and the corporate media.
Now it’s all finally unraveling, thread by thread.
Why this devastates Donald
There are two reasons why today’s verdict is absolutely ruinous for Donald.
First, together with the $83 million in damages he now owes to E. Jean, Donald’s debt—simply between these two most recent judgments—exceeds his available liquid assets, according to finance expert Dan Alexander.
Despite Donald’s exaggerations about his net worth, the amount of cash he actually has on hand, which is estimated to be around $400 million, is what really matters. Fake evaluations will not help him here. If that $400 million amount is accurate, Donald is in a bit of a bind. 🤷♀️
Donald will be forced either to restructure his debt—a near-impossible task given that he’s just been found liable for fraud on a massive scale—or he will be forced to sell at least some of his properties in order to make up the short-fall.
Second, I can tell you why this really unnerves Donald.
All that has ever mattered to him is to be perceived as a successful and enormously wealthy real estate tycoon - and the amount of effort he has put into spinning this monumental lie over the course of decades is a clear indication that it is central to his very identity. Practically nothing else matters to him.
The fact that the New York trial has exposed the fact that not only Donald’s business practices but also his bluster about his business acumen are merely long-running cons makes this one of the worst days in Donald’s entire life. It’s extremely likely that it’s the worst day.
I understand why some people don’t like to engage in schadenfreude, but when great misfortune befalls a man who has caused such harm to so many people—from the contractors he refused to pay, to his own family members, to immigrants, and the hundreds of thousands of Americans who died from COVID (the list is so much longer, but you get the idea)—you’ll understand why I think it’s perfectly acceptable to revel in today’s moment of accountability.
I’ve got to tell you – it feels really good. 🙏🥂
New: Celebrate with me – personally!
I’m totally committed to ending Donald’s run for the White House — but also bringing you the good news, like today’s victory, that’s going to keep us all motivated! I’ll continue to use this platform to energize our base in 2024, and do whatever I can to stop Donald from destroying our democracy.
So, I’m excited to announce: I’ll be holding a live video Q & A for my supporting subscribers, in the coming days!
Together we will celebrate the new trend toward Donald being held accountable and find ways to turn the tide in the coming months so all Republicans, not just Donald, get voted out in November. I so appreciate your supporting me. Please, join me by upgrading to a full membership now.👇
If we stick together, we are going to make sure 2024 continues to be the worst year for Donald, and the best year for democracy. Thank you for joining me.
– Mary
Yes!!!! This is a day of victory for everyone who is decent and good and loves our country! Thank you, Mary, for doing your part in exposing him for exactly what he is. Glorious day! 🥳
Great news,now jail the wannabe tinpot fascist Dictator for his other crimes.