And he will be elected.

The noise will continue.

It's time to get back to ye task at hand.



Get others to do the same.

Rest and repeat.

Just. Do. The. Work.

💙 🌊 2024

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Yes, my family is volunteering to push President Biden to the Presidency

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I spent 2 hours on Tuesday calling for the DNC. It was amazing. We contacted 65,000 voters in two hours. I can't wait to do it again next Tuesday.

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Thank you so much!

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Get people like us american people speaking too on radio and tv

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Well done!

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Thank you kindly!

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How does it feel? I mean really how does it feel to have your time and labor stolen? Ever seen that movie dinner for schmucks?

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My suggestion is to print out some of the more drastic and horrific steps the GOP and Trump want to do in the Project 2025 pages and then print out on the same paper equal amounts of things President Biden wants to accomplish in his next four years and hand these out to every person you see, or visit while canvassing. Show the people the contrast.

I’m writing postcards every day for Postcards to Swing States, Activate America and Postcards to Voters. There are a lot of us postcarders! Also, I wear anti-Trump t-shirts everyday like this one: https://libtees-2.creator-spring.com/listing/vote24 .I’m ignoring the noise, keeping my head down and doing what I can to affect the outcome. Don’t settle for the feel good stuff — go out and do something. Cut the panic. We have work to do!

Vote blue up and down the ticket. Our entire future depends on it!

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Postcarding like crazy. $1000 invested in stamps.

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Thank you so much! I feel inspired when I read posts like this by so many of you. I just ordered my first batch of 200 postcards and told my Facebook friends about it.

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I like your idea of handing out printed comparisons.

It may be good to limit those to a short list because many people don't read if there is a lot of material. However, I think outside libraries may be a good place to hand out the long detailed comparisons.

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Thank you.

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I have also been sending postcards to swing voters

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Nice! The shirt is cute, not hostile, a d accurate.

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It does indeed, depend on it I mean

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They can't win unless they cheat.

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So your family are basically Nazis. Got it.

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There are many "you's" here, Emmanuel, so nobody "got it" here today. If you've looking for " basically Nazis", try the Ayatollahs of the Khomeini family in Iran, Putin's right-wing supporters - especially those with the Swastika tattoos on their bodies, Xi's dictatorial hold over his CCP is becoming more fascist by the day, the Kim family of despotic leadership in N. Korea since 1949, and their friends around the world. Plenty of basically Nazi regimes led by a powerful, zenophobe in the world. There is also a wanna-be dictator in the US running for office named Donald J. Trump, who openly makes statements about rounding up political opponents, murdering a former Army General who served as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs who wrote "bad things" about his highness, and he wants to offer full pardons to the hundreds of Jan 6 rioters who broke intothe Capitol building, killed Capitol Police and wounded many more on that infamous day. They were indicted by Grand Jury, and convicted under 18 USC 1505 -- Obstruction of Congressional proceedings, or worse. These are the people who would have rampaged and killed many in government, including their own, the people MAGA supporters identify as political prisoners, and Trump, Donald J., that convicted felon, would, if he ever gets his diapered and powdered rump anywhere near the seat of power again, has sworn to pardon these violent felons. I imagine ex-cons stick together.

Which side are you on, young Emmanuel?

Which side are you on? 🇺🇲🧙🏾‍♂️

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Which side are YOU on, Doc Black?

Here’s your leaders and media, screaming and yelling in a call to violence and murder: https://x.com/fivetimesaugust/status/1812257758885839308?s=46&t=lqQvYMCacx9IDIRtjPj9hQ

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What side am I on? I'm on the side of the best government money can't buy.

I'm voting for President Biden and his entire Democratic team.

Mr. Biden beat the Con Man in 2020, and he'll beat him again this year. He gets my vote based on his performance. Our best Presidents spread hope wherever they speak.

I'm also on the side of President's Democratic colleagues. They are running for those seats in Congress currently occupied by a self-serving majority of Republican Representatives, the least effective Congressional majority in American history! I'm voting for my Democratic House Representative.

I'm voting for other Democtatic candidates, too. For the first time in my long life, every Democrat on my ballot is getting my vote this year. I know that if I don't vote 💙, I may never have the chance to vote again. I don't want to live in a dictatorship where citizens can be thrown in a Concentration Camp because they might be a political opponent. I don't want to live in a country where Constitutional rights belong only to the wealthy. I don't want it for myself, or for my children's children, and generations to come. That's not the USA, but only a mad felon's dream of vengeance, who is now fearing the consequences of his actions.

In case that wasn't clear, I'm voting Blue 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙🇺🇲, because I hope for and believe in Constitutional freedoms, an effective government based on negotiation and political compromise, and a better America for every citizen, and a better world for every freedom loving inhabitant of this planet.

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A true liberal will defend your right to "talk," but your right to "act" will be just as scientifically analyzed for any possible criminal repercussions in kind to protect even our political enemies, whose responsibility is equally considered as our own. We liberals don't invite rhetoric or discussion outside of normal emotional reaction but are willing to come to agreements with reasonable degrees of respect & considerations to both parties.

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Obviously, your 'willing to come to agreements', includes weaponizing the judicial system, as that's exactly what your false prophet, Biden has done!

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Which side are YOU on, Doc Black?

Here’s your leaders and media, screaming and yelling in a call to violence and murder: https://x.com/fivetimesaugust/status/1812257758885839308?s=46&t=lqQvYMCacx9IDIRtjPj9hQ

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Which side are YOU on, Doc Black?

Here’s your leaders and media, screaming and yelling in a call to violence and murder: https://x.com/fivetimesaugust/status/1812257758885839308?s=46&t=lqQvYMCacx9IDIRtjPj9hQ

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Can you spell: broken record (oh! Right! That was before your time)...but you know what? If you're old enough to have gotten through high school, many well-written books on American history are available in all public libraries free of charge, read up on American civics, an amazing eye-opener to help you gain some insight of how important our freedoms and sacrifices have been that got us where we are today...! ENJOY, friend!

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Well Eddie, history and research are two of my passions - I'm well versed and probably older than you might think. I'm well aware of how important freedom is! For example - this is why I find it so disturbing in how liberals allow Newsom to erode their freedom bit by bit! He's a truly evil man!

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You should be really embarrassed at trying to downplay Biden's mental inability to run the country, much less for four more years. It's so obvious the democratic party needed a change in their quick embrace of a candidate that didn't even last a year during her own presidential run and did nothing in the past 3 ½ years to prove she's any more capable now. Right place, right time.

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I feel bad for your family. Hopefully your children will step outside the bubble of groupthink you’ve created.

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I phone banked for two hours today.

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💯💙🌊💙 2024!

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You share a name with my Granddaughter! I love her, and I love 💙 volunteers. May God, what ever god you like, bless you and all volunteers. 🧙🏾‍♂️🇺🇲🙏🏻

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Agree there saying he coughed to much my gosh these people could not even talk. Tired of all people who criticizes

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I just watched the whole press conference beginning to end. I was so amazed how he only cleared his throat a few times in the first minute or so, and then not at all! It gave me great confidence, and also allowed me to see that he is in better health than during the debate. He is an honest man and he was sick and tired, but today was the real Joe Biden, and he has my vote. President Biden will continue the amazing job he's started. I'm behind him and right beside him 💯👍😎

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His depth of knowledge of foreign policy is amazing. I didn’t get to watch the press conference. I kept waiting for it to start. Finally I gave up because I got tired of listening to Ari and turned off the tv. Lawrence showed a lot of the debate so I was happy.

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Does anyone believe that Donald Trump could even begin to handle an hour long press conference like that? Biden has my vote.

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He cannot, without losing his temper. He may even walk out of it. Basically he would not know how to answer those tough questions.

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The big tRump/Maga donors have bribed all of the MSM CEO's!!

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It sure feel like it.

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What an Honor, to be #100 on Likes! Supporting Vote Blue Top of the Ballot on Down to Keep Democracy Safe.

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He is in better health than many people younger

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back in 2020 donald trump was absent from TV cameras for two or more days but he was 74, compare to biden at 81, Covid seven years later, not bad for a man who is never compared with trump.

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Yes! Democrats are crying to replace Biden. Replace him with what?

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Which person of the two are you mentioning here, Cheryl?

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We need people to write postcards.

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Where do I sign up? I’m in Colo..

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They give you a choice of how many to write with the lowest being 200. I clicked that button and told them I’d write 60. They sent me 50. Don’t be scared away by the big number.

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As a retiree, I could easily write 1,000 postcards, I mean that’s only 20 a day, 5 days a week for 10 weeks. But having to bear the cost of stamps for that many postcards is something I cannot do. Will take your advice and ask for a low amount of cards so I at least help contribute to the cause. Thanks for the info Joyce.

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If you give a friend 20 cards, addresses, a copy of the script and writing instructions, and a date certain to have the finished cards WITH STAMPS returned to you, most people can cough up the cost for a sheet of 20 stamps. Its important that you review their work. Tip: put the stamp on AFTER proofreading. And be sure they understand the instructions.

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I cannot afford more than my number of followers on X, but will gladly leave a refreshed comment according to TV news trends... They'll be short but I'll change them on my "BIO" Header...I'll appear playing guitar while sitting on a couch with my 101 year mom next to me at one of her birthday parties in my threads, and my big header pic shows me at far right corner sitting at the drums at a relative's Christmas party some years earlier.

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Yes. You do have to pay for stamps, and I heard the price is rising this month. Thanks for the reminder to buy my postcard stamps, today.

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Steve, why don’t you post your snail mail address, here? When people go to buy stamps, we could purchase a few extra and send them to you.

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That’s very nice of you Joyce but the mail here in Georgia is so bad right now, I don’t know if I would ever get them. I’ll just do 50 or 60 and go from there. Every little bit helps, right?

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Maybe you could get family members or friends to help with the stamps.

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They don’t want them mailed until late October. I can’t remember the exact date. Maybe the 20th?

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It depends on the campaign. I stockpile my finished cards in small boxes with the mailing date on the box.

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I will need to mail those before October 15. After that I will not have access to the phone or the internet till Dec 1.

I plan on mailing my ballot before October 15.

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If I order 200, can I share them with friends? I dont think ican write so many postcards. My friends are spread across the valley so it is hard to have a postcard writing party at my home. I may be able to finda more centrally located site.

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Yes you can, and it's a great idea!

I have about 10 friends who write batches, at their convenience. In my experience, people are thrilled to have something to do, especially if you organize it for them! Good luck!

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Absolutely! Just be sure your friends understand the instructions (make copies for each of them) and that YOU collect them once written so YOU can mail them in October or as otherwise directed.

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This is important. I had a woman totally miss the part about not writing messages in the address section of the card. I’ll have to do her cards over

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I have confidence that my friends will do it correctly and stamp and mail the cards.

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I don’t see why not. I’m not in charge, just someone who volunteered to do it.

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Thanks. I contacted them.

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I just ordered 200 cards for PA. I didn't see my state listed but I know PA is very important. Later I can work on another swing state. I would really like to send postcards to Arizona, where I live. In 2020 Biden won AZ for the first time in - I don't know how many- years. Got to repeat that.

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Bluewavepostcards.org -- nonprofit organization.

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Just checked this. They are doing only Michigan. I have a good friend In Michigan who maybe willing to help with the cards if I send her this link.

I noticed that the link is selling 100 stamps for $53. I checked the USPS website for required postage. It shows 56 cents per postcard.

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The only way to get them at 53 cents now is to find someone willing to sell from their stash, or get to the largest PO in your area tomorrow morning and clean them out. Price goes up on the 14th.

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They will add states as identified

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Thanks. If I finish my 50 early, I may contact this group.

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Have been doing that and phone banking through our Union

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I'm making a list of the candidates who are now saying it's time for President Biden to step aside. They won't get another dime from me! Instead, anymore $$ I would have given goes to the Biden Harris campaign.

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John Fetterman is raising money on standing up and supporting President Biden. Good move! If anyone understands the media attacks, he does. They counted him out, and he's still chugging along!

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I feel the same way, but I have not made a list yet.

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Can you publish that list here?

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I think it really says something when the opposition and the click-bait-driven media search for something they can blame on the President, and all they can find is "he's old." Scared Democrats want reassurance that he isn't old, and pundits jump on everything they can use to prove he is. Meanwhile, MAGA loonies are still looking through Biden's past, trying to find something criminal, so they can feel better about their guy. What a world we're in! Donate directly to Joe's campaign and show everyone our support (because the pollsters can't find us). Even $1 will help.

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When CNN and MSNBC started all the bashing and didn't let up, I stopped watching. Not putting my head in the sand; just refuse to listen to the MSM drivel.

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I hope to send them emails telling them why I no longer watch them. Will mention specific names, and add a positive comment about Lawrence O'Donnell.

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I did, too. I heard that Lawrence was good, though. Too bad I missed it.

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Lawrence is very good. If you have the time, please watch his show. You will feel better.

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Lawrence has maturity the other lack.

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The New Republic! Fer gods sake! has joined the “nattering nabobs of negativity”.

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Same here.

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We live in a country that values youth and youthful looks more than growing older, wiser, more experienced. It is cultural. Is there a way to change this? Certainly not in four months. However, there needs to be a lot of talk about how well Joe has done and continues to do, at the same time reminding people what the Trump years were like. Trump has a stronger voice and speech delivery than Biden,but what good is that speech if all it contains is lies, misinformation and lack of logic (e.g. his statements about sharks,his recommendations to drink bleach, etc.)? We should also remind people that Trump is just three years younger than Biden. They know it of course but they don't put those two pieces of information together.

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If Joe Biden is willing to serve another four years, we should consider it a blessing to have his leadership. If something happens to him before his term is up that makes it impossible for him to go on (which I doubt), we will be in good hands with VP Harris. If he drops out (although I hope he doesn't), she will step in and we can still win. We just need to give the team all our support and, to quote TFG, "fight like hell or you won't have a country anymore." Let's keep our eye on the ball! (Oh, and ignore the media; they just want to stir the pot.)

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So we fight in to live another day in the greatest country in the world. Biden/Harris!

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Ridiculous. That lot doing and getting more of the same. You would have to be mad. Any of that lot. As if people are not wiped out already. And the Offense department off to get more killed. You can sugar coat evil and CRIMINALS AND STRAIGHT UP FRAUD AS MUCH AS YOU WANT. Stop the theft and betrayal of a Nation by The Non Federal No Reserves Bank for a start. And get all the criminal aligning with it off the people's menu or their DIE ITS. DISGUSTING. DISGRACEFUL. TREASON.

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This is Biden's best friend. How is he not the fascist, again?


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Why is the media obsessed with pushing Biden out, are they trump supporters? Why isn’t the media piling on trump to step down, do they believe a convicted felon is better to be president then a honest democratic one?

It sickens me, what they are doing along with the winey Dems, who are wringing their hands. Get in lock step like the GOP, and support the one person who has kept America a democracy

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A house divided falls. Time for all democrats to unite behind President Biden. We are playing into Donald's hand with all of this infighting, and relieving the pressure off of him. Let's stand behind President Biden and turn our undivided attention onto Donald. We need to shine the spotlights on him until the makeup runs off his face. Feet to the fire time with Donald. United we stand with President Biden and against Donald. Hmmmmm......let's delve into the Epstein files and push that, publicly, into his face.

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Where are the investigative journalists? Now they are all supposed pundits, too smug to realize that they are all probably on the retribution list.

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Willfully ignorant until they've being led to a camp.

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Seth Abramson is a great investigative journalist

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Directly into Putin's hands.

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Call your Senators and Reps and demand they get on board! If they're already supporting Biden and defending his candidacy, call them and thank them.

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Jul 17
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I don't know why you think I would be interested, and this is not the place for advertising.

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Do you think, Nic, that in the present information environment, that Biden can actually beat Trump?

I would say that all those that are going to vote blue, will do so, regardless.

Those that will vote Trump will do so regardless.

The question is then what percentage of the voters are fence sitting bed wetters.

The RFK voters will vote RFK, the Jill Stein Voters will vote Jill Stein, the Chase Oliver Voters will vote Libertarian, the Cornell West voters will vote Cornell West.

So where is this independent, swayable, fence sitting, bed wetting voter?

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Remember that Trump doesn't even have all the republicans & he sure doesn't have independents. He lost 20% to Haley & then announced he didn't need them. I guess he figures he doesn't have to win...he'll just scream "rigged" again & sic his mob after everyone & demand he be coronated. The stupid unqualified & corrupt SCOTUS basically emboldened him. He's wrong...he & his mob will not succeed.

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Not related to Jacquelyn are you?

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Jul 16
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You got to be shitting me.

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Exactly. It's "but the emails" all over again. What is the matter with everyone? Do they want him to win? Biden has been and is the most successful President we have had in decades. He's doing it. He's not auditioning. Trump didn't do it. He was a disaster in every way possible.

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I believe it's a distraction technique, so we won't have the time to question anything, particularly about Trump.

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We need to demand that Trump do an hour long presser and allow them to ask him about foreign policy, etc... They have to stop allowing him to deflect, deny, lie &/or say..."I'll tell you after I get in office". No, he doesn't get to do that. Nobody is voting for a "surprise policy agenda" AFTER the election. This man is ignorant & insufferable & I'm sick of the multiple passes they give him.

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Since Trump’s mo is well known since he came down the elevator with paid supporters looking on, my first reaction to the attempted assassination was just another publicity stunt of his. He, alone, has desensitized my caring for his political future.

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The media is owned by billionaires!

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Right wing billionaires

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Our discourse is being attacked by domestic and international enemy kleptocrats in mass & social media who use our elected officials like puppets. If we could zoom out and see most of our division comes from wealthy arrogance. ie Clooney Musk Murdoch......

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How many of these oligarchs actually WORKED for their money? At least the Vanderbilts and Astors worked to become rich

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Don't overstate it. Clooney is not that powerful, he's panicking because the media is sh*tting the bed again & not doing their job with regard to Trump. We ought to send operatives posing as press people to ask the questions that need to be answered, that the press won't. They need to be very specific...not just say, so do you support 2025? Derp. He'll say he doesn't.

You have to say...so you layed out a policy agenda 47.

- In it Trump says he will move thousands of troops currently stationed overseas and shift federal agents, including those at the Drug Enforcement Administration and FBI, to immigration enforcement. He also wants to build more of the border wall

-He will put a larger, more expansive travel ban on muslims

-He'll end birthright citizenship...more kids in cages & cruel initiatives at the border

-He's going to add 10% tariffs (taxes!) on all foreign goods

-He will urge that Congress pass a “Trump Reciprocal Trade Act,” giving the president authority to impose a reciprocal tariff on any country that imposes one on the U.S

-He'll hand Ukraine to Russia

-He'll attempt to destroy NATO

-He'll make homelessness illegal

-He'll bring back the failed racist "stop n' frisk" policy

-He'll impose a death penalty on drug smugglers (This is rich since he's pardoned many drug criminals, uses drugs himself, just like Hitler did)

-He will outlaw gender affirming care

-He will deploy the National Guard "to restore law and order" in LIBERAL CITIES (Read: Democratic) and would investigate "radical Marxist prosecutors" refusing to punish disorder.

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They are Trump supporters, because if he's elected there will be more exciting news to report. The editors of NYT and WaPo both said as much in the past 2 days.

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Oh but wait...NYT just came out against Trump, but I personally think they felt they had to because they were hemorrhaging subscribers. https://www.politico.com/news/2024/07/11/trump-new-york-times-00167529#:~:text=%E2%80%9CMr.%20Trump%20has%20shown%20a,law%20and%20the%20American%20people.

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It was limp at best and in the middle? They took another swipe at the President. Why I canceled my subscription.

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They lost our subscription weeks ago and gained a pithy letter explaining why. Suggest everyone do likewise. Mary and other substackers read it so we dont have to.

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I canceled my subscription one week after the debate and told them by phone why I canceled. Still need to cancel WaPo subscription and write to both NYT and WaPo why I canceled. It is not enough to tell by phone. It may not reach top management.

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It’s about time for the NYT to speak up about Trump. But I think they did because like you said they are “hemorrhaging “ subscribers

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I Unsubscribed months ago. I've been purging a LOT of others, too.

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Yes, I was really happy about it! And agree, they likely were losing subscribers.

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Please, Politico is no longer the unbiased source it used to be. 2 years ago Axel Springer SA bought it for 2 billion $. Yup.

Axel Springer had been around for a long time. In fact, it played a rôle in Hitler's Germany. No, Politico is no longer centrist; care to guess where their interests lie?

"But her emails"

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Today NYT has an article headline - Fiery Bidencamoaigns at chants of lock him up.

May be those canceled subscriptions are producing some desirable results?

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I can't give up what I gave up months ago. We need to find a way to make our support of Joe interesting, so they cover it. We're running out of time, and it's just not that easy to put in another candidate. Besides, why should THEY get to deny us his services for the next four years or whatever time he has left?

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It's a shame they think they're not on the "Enemies list" that his "Chief of Retribution" drew up.

Or that somehow the 1st Amendment will protect them from King tRUmp.

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There’s a chilling scene in season 2 of The Handmaids Tale where June finds the remains of the Boston paper. Maybe NYT and WaPo need to be reminded of where they stand on Trump’s list.

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That is downright disgusting! I'd like to know what's exciting about having all your rights taken away, no food in the markets, economy tanked…

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Never being able to retire, women being baby machines and nothing else!😡😡😡😡

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I would have been in big trouble if I was younger, because I don't think I could have gotten pregnant. But then, maybe they'd make me into the biblical Sarah - I'll be 80 next birthday - and have me bearing a child in my old age… No end to the fun.

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Did they?! Where did you see this? I’m not surprised…

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I can vouch for the NYT editor saying it. He also said "defending democracy isn't their job. But he's excited to cover a Trump presidency" I read that in Jeff Tiedrich's Substack.

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Karma. Please keep sharpening your talons.

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Ah, thank you! I've been wracking my brain trying to remember where I saw it; it was Jeff Tiedrich!

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Thank you.

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I have wondered the same thing. Why are they doing this? They use poor judgement and jump to conclusions like a gang of spoiled teenagers.

Or…if not that, what?

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They want Trump to win. They know what they are doing.

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RESPOND to the media. Send articles. That’s what I do.

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And write emails to them constantly.

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And #boycott. Hit ‘em in their greedy little hypocritical pockets.

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The main stream media is all owned by major Trump donors. So, there’s your answer. 😎

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The CEOs of ABC, NBC, CBS, and NY Times have all contributed to the orange carbuncle’s campaign.

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We need an organized effort to write scathing letters to these newspapers and tv stations. The Democratic Party is doing zilch to defend their leader. We the people needto pick up that responsibility.

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Pushing a winner onto the voters is common practice with the news media. It's wrong and they know it. Unfortunately it works more often than not. They're not pushing Trump or Biden this year. Just acting like giddy semi-rich children and making fools of themselves during the most dangerous days ever on earth.

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I have a theory. I posted it on Facebook in the democrats thread (blue….) I want to copy and paste it at other places including this.

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Do it.

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I copied and pasted it on Substack last night.

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Corporate media is owned by millionaires and billionaires. ..#greed

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Right wing and evangelical.

Christ look at what Musk did to Twatter, as I call it. I was never one it, thank god.

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A return to the chaos of a chump presidency is good for “eyeballs” or so the CEOs believe. They would relish a cage match-like administration, fighting its opponents, for the nonstop crises that would result in people transfixed to the tv as if watching a train wreck.


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It’s really horrifying to think they are driving the discourse, as Rebecca Solnit said. But let’s remember what MSNBC’s bottom line is. The person who said they did this in 2016 was exactly right. Mute the mainstream media, period. Only little blips here and there. Joy, Rachel, Nicole.

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Lawrence is very good; The best. He covers Biden in a positive light everytime.

I don't like Joy. I watched Nicolle yesterday and turned off the tv. She was not gross like other msnbc anchors, but in a skillful way shewas leading in the same direction.

Finally, where is Rachel? She has not really addressed the issue. Last week she interviewed Stormy Daniels for two hours. One day later they replayed that whole interview. IMO that interview was too long. One hour would have been appropriate.

I know the holiday made it difficult to air new material, but showing the two hour interview again was too much. I would have liked watching Lawrence'sshiw again but they didn't show it.

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I couldn’t have said it better myself!

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Well said!!!🇺🇸

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People are afraid that because of Biden's observed deficits, that Trump will get elected.

Myself I could care less about personalities, the only thing I am interested in is keeping TFG away from the levers of power.

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Biden showed us what he's made of!

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So did MSNBC. Alex Wagner is awful.

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I never liked Alex Wagner

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me too. ugh

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Rebecca Solnit in “The Guardian”:

I am not usually one to offer diagnoses of people I’ve never met, but it does seem like the pundit class of the American media is suffering from severe memory loss. Because they’re doing exactly what they did in the 2016 presidential race – providing wildly asymmetrical and inflammatory coverage of the one candidate running against Donald J Trump.

They have become a stampeding herd producing an avalanche of stories suggesting Biden is unfit, will lose and should go away, at a point in the campaign in which replacing him would likely be somewhere between extremely difficult and utterly catastrophic. They do this while ignoring something every scholar and critic of journalism knows well and every journalist should. As Nikole Hannah-Jones put it: “As media we consistently proclaim that we are just reporting the news when in fact we are driving it. What we cover, how we cover it, determines often what Americans think is important and how they perceive these issues yet we keep pretending it’s not so.” They are not reporting that he is a loser; they are making him one.

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Traditional Media, owned by Right Wingers depend mostly on Ad Revenue from the BIG industries that are causing The Climate Disaster. Every penny we spend on their products drives them onwards. Reducing our overall consumption and going for green, reduces our individual complicity......

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Thom Hartmann had a great article on this last week. Every single media outlet (not just Faux) is owned by a Republican donor. Every single one. Let that sink in.

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Thanks for this info Dotty, I will restack it now.

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I don't agree with Alex Wagner, she is wrong on this topic

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I like Lawrence the best. Calm and informative.

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He always calms me down. These days I am watching only his show. Not sure where Rachel is on this issue. I love Rachel. I hope she is taking the approach Lawrence is taking. Monday of this week she was absent.

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I am doing exactly that. And Rachel is terrific when she does her deep dives into history.

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Ohhh so it isn't just me? Yes I've been yelling at that little incompetent twit along with that loud mouth Chris Janson & Katy Tur, the sullen brat.

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Katie Phang is really bad when she anchors. I had to turn the tv off (Inthink it was shortly after the debate). Even before the debate she seemed to have negativity toward Biden. She did not show Biden's interview in its entirety. She showed pieces, while she talked about other things. I did like her when she commented on Trump's trial though.

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Agree. I won't watch her anymore. I sent an email to MSNBC.

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I need to start sending emails to our networks.

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Brilliant move Ellen, tell the right wing media why they are loosing viewers. Less viewers = less revenue.....

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I can’t stand Alex Wagner. A very poor replacement for Rachel Maddow. Lawrence O’Donnell, on the other hand, is a treasure! I love him! I always stay up to watch his show.

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AGREE TOTALLY, Robin, Lawrence is the Cronkite of our generation! David Frum




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And will continue to do so. Imagine Emperor Anus Lips standing up there attempting to dodge these realistic questions without one single answer. A lie detector and the fact-checking folks would be working overtime to decipher what the hell he would of said this time.

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Lulz...Emperor Anus Lips?? You're killing me..🤣

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His mouth does look like hemorrhoidal rectal tissue.

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A lie detector on him would overheat and explode.

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Just like his numerous "explosions" in the courtroom.

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But Biden has dementia????

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Hell yes!!

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No, he showed us how effective medication can be and its limits.

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Please don’t forget that President Biden just concluded a three day NATO conference with a full schedule every one of those days. He faced the press with dignity and grace. I’m proud to call him my President, and will continue to support his candidacy.

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He got a standing ovation after his speech from the NATO members.

Shame on our media and more shame on the heads of media pushing their anti-Biden agendas.

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What angers me most is that Democrats are always deeply involved in their undoing . They go along for the ride and end up getting dragged behind . George Clooney is another great disappointment .

No matter what Trump does his followers support him . It’s a travesty . On the other had Biden has a debate where he shows some imperfections and Democrats start screaming for his head .

Grow up , develop a backbone , get a handle on follow through.

Support your president . At 80 he did wonderful things .

Oh dear he’s 81 , he can’t possibly win , the trumpers said so .

Give me a break . Here’s a word , loyalty . Look it up .

President Biden is loyal .

It’s time to return it .

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That's what they should be told...."the right wing is pushing that narrative". In fact, Murdoch the old hypocrite is the one that started the "old age" thing yet dumbass Msnbc ran with it. Stupid Ari Melbourne yapped about it every night until I had to stop watching. Who is the bonehead making these stupid decisions? I'd really like to know.

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I’ve stopped watching MSNBC.

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I only watch my local news anymore, the rest is too stressful.

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ANGRY AT Biden, for a petty perceived slight against his wife- Amal CLOONEY.

Amal was involved in charging ISRAEL W/ GENOCIDE AT THE INTRNL COURT-




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I thought the problem that we have concerning George Clooney and his wife Amal had something to do with her job. She is a Human Rights Attorney in Gaza & Israel. Obviously there were issues that lead to what Clooney decided to do. I believe it had something to do with asking Biden to do “something” regarding the war involving Gaza. If that is the problem, he probably turned down the request because it was out of hands. Because there is controversy regarding Biden, it’s possible it could affect the election. If this was done out of spite that’s very sad. 😢

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And because George Clooney is a famous film star, as well as handsome, he will be trusted and believed.

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True. He has the looks, but I’ve never seen him as a skilled actor.

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Perfect! It’s so true about the Dems, shooting themselves in the foot. We need to stick together so I’m suggesting that we’ll have a better chance of winning if we support Joe and Kamala. If he can’t finish another term then we have Kamala.

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I am really shocked about George Clooney because he hosted a Fundraiser for Biden the weekend that he returned from G7. That was just a few weeks ago. He’s always been a Biden supporter. It’s odd. Someone must have persuaded him. Someone with a lot of influence. Weird.

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See my reply above to Patricia Lane.

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Joe was also suffering from jet lag, he had just made two full scheduled trips to Europe, he must have been exhausted!

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MSM is all owned by billionaire Trump donors. They love his tax cuts. Period.

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Please don’t forget that President Biden just concluded a three day NATO conference with a full schedule every one of those days.

Precicely. The work schedule is too gruelling for him if you have to make excuses for reduced performance and fumbles.

Just cos he’s better than the orange guy doesn’t mean he is the best person for the job.

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Great press conference with idiots who keep on asking about his competence instead of important issues. It’s about time they rake Donald over the coals and demand an open psychological review of his competence by a renowned neurologist. Joe Biden is my president and I will vote Biden/Harris again to save our Country!

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Yes, it's the Republicans who need to have the serious debate over who should be their candidate - not the Democrats.

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A psychological/neurological exam for#45 should be mandatory as well

As a press conference. All he does is rant and LIE! Vote for Joe Biden!!

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Oh but Convicted Felon Trump had one. Boy. Man. Etc. passing that test is nothing to brag about. 🤣🤣🤣

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The hypocrisy is truly disgusting. This orange fool is talking about attacking liberal states, LBGTQ, stupidly "drill drill drill" while we're drilling to the max, (but offset by greatest green project in the world), he doesn't know anything about NATO, yet wants to end it for Putin's love *cough cough*.

I think if someone in the press or elsewhere doesn't ask him about the Democide during Covid with his weirdo s.i.l. Jarod...I'm gonna scream. The DOJ should be recommending charges for crimes against humanity to the both of them.




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Absolutely agree. The republicans are delighted with this. The media encourages it to sell. We need to pull back together and stop the relentless ageism. Power forward.

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So will I!💙💙💙💙💙💙🩵

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Jul 12Edited
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Biden did great, I agree. Due to campaign laws, the only one who could replace him is Harris. She would be able to keep his staff and funding; however, I think he is awesome. I worry that subjecting him to another four years of this tough job would kill him at his age. The stress of the presidency ages everyone (with the exception of convicted felon trump who doesn’t care about the job). This is his choice, and I have no doubt he is up for the job, now. I also believe Harris will step in before four years are up.

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We need to stand by Joe and the democrats we as Americans do NOT deserve tRump in power

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Bravo, Mary! What we saw tonight was the media trying its best to trip him, but Biden wasn’t having it.

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President Biden knows he has an entire world full of democracy believers and lovers behind him.

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I thought he did a great job! I am tired of the media jumping on gaffes. They haven’t made Trump’s gaffes head news! They are ignoring project 2025 and Trump threatening imprisonment of people who don’t agree with him!

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They’ve got to be bought

To hate and fear

They’ve got to be bought from year to year

To hate all the people

Their editors hate

They’ve got to be

Carefully bought.

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Or Trumps LIES!💩💩💩💩💩💩

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Jul 12
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To me his gaffes mean nothing. Everyone does it. Biden has overcome stuttering but occasionally he stumbles. It’s no big deal to me. Trump tells lies with such confidence that people think it must be true. He too makes mistakes but they ignore those because he sounds confident. However no matter how much he yells, lies don’t become truth.

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Compared to Trump’s ignorant and childish rantings, Biden looks like Uncle Einstein, brilliant strategically, honest, loving, but a little up goofy in presentation. A country accepting the fatally flawed Trump a second time, knowing what he is, is a failure for all of us.

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Fully agree. All people at any age stumble over words and make mistakes.

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Exactly, & he's ALWAYS made gaffes. They had a website dedicated to it. He has a stutter & he's not a great speaker. All presidents aren't. Clinton was the best...the gold standard at debating, speaking, reaching people. So, if they are asking anyone other than Bill Clinton to help Biden...his campaign is making a mistake. Obama is great, but he can't help Biden in that particular way. Only Bill Clinton has the chops for that.

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Sorry, I have to disagree. I think Obama was a great speaker. Clinton too. I can't decide who was better. They were both charismatic and natural speakers. Hillary once said that she was not as good aspeaker as these two.

Public speaking is an art that needs both talent and hard work. One can get better with practice but May not reach certain levels that the naturals do. Some people are just extraordinarily talented.

. In Biden's case he had to overcome a big obstacle- stutter. He has done remarkably well. One can get coaching in public speaking but at this point I don't think Biden needs it. He can get his point across. He is never going to become Clinton or Obama but he is good enough. The small mistakes/gaffes will continue but most people have some problems when they speak.

Biden's gaffes while answering questions are not due to his age. He was that way even in 2008. As President he has done very well. He should not be judged on the basis of his oratory. He tells the truth. Trump tells mostly lies.

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I agree about Obama and I think he got even better with time.

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Or of being “jacked up” 🤬 especially sadistic imagery given his son’s sad spiral into addiction

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Or they could say what Trump said after Biden's SOTU- he was on drugs.

They will never give Biden credit for good performance.

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Yes he does. Biden has my vote.

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Mine too.

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Biden is being watched by the media using a microscope, while they’re not bothering to cover Trump’s unhinged rallies, lies and dimentia. It's disgusting.

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Teflon Don continues to do and say whatever he wants and gets a pass. He is a pig who doesn’t deserve to be in the same room as Biden. He will destroy our country and take away everything. A clear and present danger that not only the media, but millions of delusional Americans cheer him on. I will never really understand the mentality. The Dems have done an amazing job, but seem to get zero credit. We Must Win in November. This is the election of our lifetime.

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Let’s start calling the other guy, “no-stick Don Burned Out, nothing more Toxic than a scratched up, no-stick coated pan. That’s what he’s like, so damaged. For safety, the Only solution is to Toss OUT! Same thing with this guy.. even the residue of what he says is DEADLY Harmful to our democracy. VOTE ONLY BLUE

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Joe is ten thousands times better than Trump the one time fascist wannabe

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Mary, you nailed it. Thank you

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What Mary said!

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HaHA! 💙

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This put the President under extraordinary stress. He did well knowing every word would be ultra scrutinized. I’m with Joe. If Joe fails to be elected I blame the media, especially MSNBC. Never thought I would see this.😡

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Its seems the media wants to be the ones in charge.

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Trump gets passes 100% of the time from newscasters and reporters

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I feel like the media and a small cadre of Democrats are trying to nullify my primary vote for Joe, and I am furious about that. I get enough of that shit from Trump without Democrats trying to take it away from me, too!

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Yeah I just wrote an article on medium telling Stephanopoulos, Clooney & Blumenthal to stop interfering in the 2024 election.

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Can you post the link to your article?

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I lost my vote a long time ago but will still cast it. I live in Tennessee.

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Can you imagine the answers Donald would give to those same questions? lol

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I would LOVE those same journos to ask those exact questions of Trump...that would be cool to see.

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Yes! We should INSIST on this. Trump is a disgrace, an idiot, a liar, a criminal and entirely unfit to hold office of any kind, even dogcatcher.

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May be for the second debate they could interview one candidate at a time while the other sits in a sound proof room. Same questions for both. Let the audience judge. The moderators should have the freedom to all out blatant lies.

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