Already a paying subscriber and will definitely ramp up my work to make sure Donald never steps foot back in the WH. Here’s hoping the “Big House” becomes his next residence!

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YES! The big dumb orange clown in a big orange jumpsuit. 💯

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Yup... me too!

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Thank you for being a voice of reason in our mad maga world. Today I was horrified by MSNBC hosts actually using words like “landslide” about the Iowa caucus. To anyone who pays attention, that is just not the case, especially when speaking of an antiquated caucus system. You are our hope, Mary. Again, thank you.

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Yes, there's way too much misinformation and misrepresentation in the news, even on the Best stations. It's all about ratings you know. It's really disgusting. A very low percentage of Republicans even showed up and most Republicans in that state according to what Mary says here are not supporting Trump anymore. Let's see what happens in New Hampshire.

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THE 5PM THRU 12 MN SHOWS CLARIFIED his win and the fact of it being a super low number of caucus voters.

The NYT claims to " print all the news fit to read" ,yet ,they constantly print as if Murdock owns that publication,also.

Walter Conkrite , Mike Wallace and Barbara Walter's are truly missed.

" JUST THE FACTS" is my personal desire; some comparisons VS contrasts is sorely needed at the NYT.😬🤥😠😡🤬

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Every time I see his face I see weakness! But that's the way CON ARTISTS and NAZI always make me feel. I'm glad you are the OUTSTANDING MEMBER of the clan and know that your DAD would be so proud of you for doing ALL that you do to save THE WORLD from the evil seed. We Shall Overcome Him!

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Yes, love the way you started out: “Every time I see his face……”. Oh, yes—so disgusting. It’s very hard for me to look at it. Something that is Not-Good is written all over it!

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Paid subscriber here and good luck Mary!

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Thank you for all of your incredible work!

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keep holding your uncle's toes to the fire!!!

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And his heel spurs.

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Astoundingly fabulous ideas, intent and energy, Mary. I’m a subscriber and may be able to help you with this endeavor in Colorado. I will pass this information along to let those I know and am acquainted with that I believe will stand up and help this most valuable and crucial democracy in which we can take part in to make a huge impact for preservation of what we believe. Thank you to the hilt for taking the lead and mentoring us to be champions in our communities and country

🫶🏽🔆✌🏽‼️ Pass it on people🤓

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Thank you, Mary, for your efforts. 💙 💙 💙

I am already a paid subscriber. Best of luck with your endeavors!

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Thanks Mary. As one of your paying subscribers, I just want to let others know your posts are definitely worth the $$. Your knowledge and insights are so valuable.

I hope you get many more subscribers. Your posts are always informative and insightful. So glad I joined your team!

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“A citizen of America will cross the ocean to fight for democracy, but won't cross the street to vote in a national election.”

---Bill Vaughan

THANK YOU MARY! We are so fortunate to have you as one of our statesmen to remind us all to replace political cynicism with HOPE. No doubt you will turn out democrats to rock the vote!

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Are you holding voter registrations at these rallies? Are you going to send detailed information to your subscribers on how to get the vote out? A list of dates for each state’s election days? Why not partner with Jessica as well as your nerd avengers?

For example:

If you want to help Biden, Katie Porter, and other Democratic candidates, navigate over to CHOP WOOD, CARRY WATER.


Jessica's Substack is a sacred space, a whiteboard that holds the wisdom and knowledge needed to ignite change in the upcoming 2024 elections. It is a platform where the power of information and action converge, where the importance of getting the vote out is passionately emphasized.

In a world where voices often go unheard and the significance of civic engagement is overlooked, Jessica's Substack stands as a beacon of hope and empowerment. It serves as a guide, a roadmap that navigates through the complexities of the political landscape, providing invaluable insights and strategies to mobilize communities and ensure that every voice is heard.

Just as the ancient proverb reminds us to "chop wood, carry water," Jessica's Substack embodies the essence of diligent work and unwavering commitment. It recognizes that change is not achieved through mere wishes or passive hopes, but through the persistent effort to educate, inform, and inspire.

With each article and post, Jessica's Substack paints a vivid picture of the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. It delves deep into the intricacies of voter turnout, unraveling the complexities and shedding light on the importance of active participation in the democratic process.

But it doesn't stop there. Jessica's Substack goes beyond mere information-sharing. It fosters a sense of community, a collective spirit that unites individuals with a shared vision. It encourages dialogue, collaboration, and the exchange of ideas, recognizing that true change is born from the collective efforts of many.

Through her Substack, Jessica becomes a trusted guide, a mentor who empowers her readers to take action. She provides practical tips, actionable steps, and resources that equip individuals with the tools they need to make a difference. She reminds us that the power to effect change lies within each and every one of us, waiting to be unleashed.

As readers peruse the pages of Jessica's Substack, they are not just passive consumers of information. They become active participants in a movement, a force that strives to create a more inclusive and equitable society. They are inspired to engage, to educate, and to mobilize, knowing that their actions have the potential to shape the future.

So, let us embrace the wisdom of Jessica's Substack, let us heed the call to action. As we chop wood, carrying water, let us also champion the cause of voter engagement, knowing that our collective efforts can pave the way for a brighter, more democratic future.

@Jessica Craven

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Please provide a way to support your campaign for those who already are paid subscribers. Thank You!

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Yes! I came to ask the same question. How can a paid subscriber donate to your efforts?

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Call him and his brainwashed cult members Fascists and Nazis ,because that's what they are,and maybe the message of how dangerous they are will get through.

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yes, the Time for understatement has passed. We need to over-emphasize and drive it home to people who are either brain-dead or think it's not important enough to be involved.

I don't understand why so many Republicans, who are presumably human, want to support a narcissistic criminal, a sexual predator who cares for no one but himself, lies every time he opens his mouth, who doesn't pay most of the people he hires, who caused so much death, financial loss and embarrassment to this country during his unfortunate faux presidency... And who tried to overturn the last FAIR election which is treason, although I don't hear anybody saying that! He's claiming that as president he should have immunity for what he did, because it was an "official event " as he was president!! But as president, it's A BETRAYAL of his presidential oath of office and treason to have instigated and supported that insurrection.

Why does no one on all of these 24/7 news channels bring up the POINT that as president he is supposed to PROTECT our country from such an event, not create it! UGH.

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Basically I think the media don't use words like Hard Coup attempt or use the descriptions I use because they are scared of losing their job or illiterate when it comes to History.

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"Launching a swing-state Speaking Tour, with special guests (and maybe even surprise appearances by the Nerd Avengers)!• Interviewing amazing Deep Dive guests to help me motivate voters to get to the polls."

These two things are of particular importance as you have fellow Substack content contributors with specific expertise that would fit nicely into these spaces..Take for example Steve Schmidt from "The Warning with Steve Schmidt"..He would make a very good guest for your Deep Dive videos..And for the swing-state speaking tour as well..Also Joyce Vance From Civil Discourse with Joyce Vance..An excellent guest for both of these efforts..

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We just subscribed. Why? We absolutely want to be apart of a team that works collectively to prevent your uncle from ever, EVER, entering the White House again.

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I always love your media appearances. Wish I knew when you were going to be on.

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Just became a paid subscriber. So grateful for you. Honored to support your efforts!!!!In turn, I will share the knowledge with others!

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