The whole rest area. Christie Todd Whitman gave it to him to fulfill a promise she made if he officially endorsed her (he was so polarizing that no politician would go near him, she was smart)
Trump was a frequent guest on the show, Howard even invited him to his own wedding. Since the 2016 campaign Howard has been calling out his BS and been a vocal opponent — and with his large “bro” audience, a very undervalued ally of the never trump cause.
There's a huge difference between having a urinal named after a person--so all the men driving on the NJtpk--America's Main Street--can piss on Trump--and having one of the service areas named after a person! (I don't know why there is still no Bruce Springsteen Service Area!) I drive America's Main Street at least once a year, and I would wait in line to piss on Donald!
Incidentally, here is my article on the New Jersey Turnpike from Car and Driver. It's a great ride!
Several years ago I was touring Ireland with my kids. We saw the entrance to Trumps Golf course. My sons and I jumped out of the car and urinated on the sign. We drove down the drive. It appeared that no one was golfing. It made me happy to see he was paying people to sit back and do nothing while not making a cent.
BINGO! This is the FIRST reference I’ve heard to a Trump Presidential Library!
Maybe he will opt for an unkempt golf club, instead…?
A Trump Presidential Library could have a whole room devoted to his 92+? criminal indictments, another of course, to covers of Trump on the covers of magazines, from his own personal collection….
The possibilities are…well, limited. Whether he can read or not is still up for debate.
I’d like to put his name on a line of garbage trump dump trucks, TRUMP DUMP in gold letters, and his face inside the garbage truck so everyone a receptacle is dumped, he gets it in the face!
I have traveled from Washington state to entry to Mexico from California & Texas to Key West to Canada from Maine & Minnesota and across our country, east to west via Interstates I-70, I-80, I-90, I-10, and I-40. North to south via I-5, I-25, I-35, I-65, I-75, I-85 and I-95.
Donnie should have every designated Superfund cleanup site NOT CLEANED UP along these highways proudly display his name. In tarnished bronze.
No better places than sites promised to be cleaned but never completed. Like, “Infrastructure Week.” Always promised, never delivered.
I vote for naming a hospital for the criminally insane after him. My grandpa worked at one in the ‘40s, the Lima State Hospital for the Criminally Insane ( or the Bug House, as he called it.)
Unfortunately, while I appreciate the humor of the Democratic suggestion, The Donald would be delighted to have either. He would see either as an honor - the one because of its proximity to Washington, and the other because he would undoubtedly claim that his name should be on a place used to imprison all those awful criminals creeping across our borders and because he (and his myrmidons) would see it as the perfect place for all the political enemies he plans to put there.
Yeah, you are probably right, James. Yamhead and his followers are not bright enough to understand the joke. I’d love to see it, anyway. It would make my synapses pop if he got sentenced to a prison with his name on it. Unlikely? Yes, but I am a dreamer . . .
It would be like going to the Zoo,I would pay my Disability Check to be able to throw shit at him ,we can call it Lucifer’s house instead of the monkey house!
Yeah! How about Alcatraz, he can hild court there with his J6ers that are “Hostages”., the an do their J6 song as as their kumbya! He can read to them from his newly advertised $59.99 Bible and the can learn the constitution that is included with the purchase!
No way keep him and his name out of California, Rikers would be a great choice they could call it trumpers island then he won't have far to go to court
Republicans are serious about renaming Dulles International Airport in Washington, DC after 45. Do they really think he's deserving of the honor? Democrats had a few options, among them, renaming another public landmark after Ethel and Julius Rosenberg or what they did propose, the penitentiary in Miami renamed to honor 45. While I'm not an advocate of wasting taxpayer money on such petty foolishness, we do have a sense of humor and, the parallel is warranted.
Except for the John Foster Dulles shout out, good post. JFD and his brother, Allen, were Cold War religious fanatics, and in a perfect world, would have been considered war criminals. Either one could appropriately have had prisons named for them.
Even a prison naming would be too good for him. A urinal in a Jersey Turnpike rest area would be better suited.
Wait a minute! That honor was actually bestowed on Howard Stern please don’t compare the two.
Did he get a urinal, or the whole rest area?
The whole rest area. Christie Todd Whitman gave it to him to fulfill a promise she made if he officially endorsed her (he was so polarizing that no politician would go near him, she was smart)
Trump was a frequent guest on the show, Howard even invited him to his own wedding. Since the 2016 campaign Howard has been calling out his BS and been a vocal opponent — and with his large “bro” audience, a very undervalued ally of the never trump cause.
Maybe make a supply of urinal cakes for that special rest stop with his likeness on them....
Totally love Howards reply to Orange when asked to speak at a Morons Are Governing America rally.
"I will be endorsing Hillary then." Never mess with the King of All Media!!!
Maybe the dumpster that he throws his depends away in 🤣🤣🤣
You are all funny as hell!! I’m dying
There's a huge difference between having a urinal named after a person--so all the men driving on the NJtpk--America's Main Street--can piss on Trump--and having one of the service areas named after a person! (I don't know why there is still no Bruce Springsteen Service Area!) I drive America's Main Street at least once a year, and I would wait in line to piss on Donald!
Incidentally, here is my article on the New Jersey Turnpike from Car and Driver. It's a great ride!
My friend Claudia bought me a roll of TP with trump’s face printed on it, it’s so satisfying to wipe with that damn smug face of his.
My best laugh of the weekend so far!!! And you've got a great friend in Claudia!
I couldn’t love this more!!! 😂😂
Several years ago I was touring Ireland with my kids. We saw the entrance to Trumps Golf course. My sons and I jumped out of the car and urinated on the sign. We drove down the drive. It appeared that no one was golfing. It made me happy to see he was paying people to sit back and do nothing while not making a cent.
There was a Trump hotel in my city and they changed its name to avoid embarrassment.
Tim Scott, Mark Robinson and Lindsey Graham would be jealous.
If the Trump prison bill goes through, we can hope for follow ups for Scott, Robinson, and Graham.
Hahahahaha! :D Perfect.
The difference between the Republican proposal and the Democrat proposal is that Democrats, unlike the Republicans, have a sense of humour.
Based on the proposal to rename Dulles Airport for you-know-who, Republicans are very funny, but, in their case, it’s unintentional.
New Jerseyans find that offensive. Maybe a port-a-potty.
And it can go on national tour!
All donald should get named after him is the prison book cart named his presidential library.
That was funny, Sam! Maybe he could keep all his presidential documents there. lol
I'm dubious other prisoners will be interested in coloring books done in black sharpie.
Please let it be in Riker's!
No, those poor innocent books don't deserve that lol 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Well done! 🤣😎
BINGO! This is the FIRST reference I’ve heard to a Trump Presidential Library!
Maybe he will opt for an unkempt golf club, instead…?
A Trump Presidential Library could have a whole room devoted to his 92+? criminal indictments, another of course, to covers of Trump on the covers of magazines, from his own personal collection….
The possibilities are…well, limited. Whether he can read or not is still up for debate.
Maybe yes, but at a fifth grade level!
It’s a regular trope in the resistance that the trump library is in prison🙏
He does not or cannot read! He does, however, cheat at golf…..🤤🤤🤤
After all his corrupted assets are taken away from him, he'll need commissary money.
Good for a chuckle, but he’d probably take that as an honor. I’m looking forward to the day I won’t see his name or his face on anything.
Amen Earl!! I'd like to never ever see or hear his name again. The sooner the better!!
I agree Earl and Lisa!
Thanks, Mary! 💙
Except in a bridge game.
Or have to hear his lying obnoxious voice!!
I also read (on X?) that if you’re gonna rename Dulles, then call it Dwight Eisenhower International, or DEI.
That is a great Idea !
I’d like to put his name on a line of garbage trump dump trucks, TRUMP DUMP in gold letters, and his face inside the garbage truck so everyone a receptacle is dumped, he gets it in the face!
I love this!! 😂😂
I have traveled from Washington state to entry to Mexico from California & Texas to Key West to Canada from Maine & Minnesota and across our country, east to west via Interstates I-70, I-80, I-90, I-10, and I-40. North to south via I-5, I-25, I-35, I-65, I-75, I-85 and I-95.
Donnie should have every designated Superfund cleanup site NOT CLEANED UP along these highways proudly display his name. In tarnished bronze.
No better places than sites promised to be cleaned but never completed. Like, “Infrastructure Week.” Always promised, never delivered.
Can you link a list? That way we can follow up and try to pressure the majority in congress
I vote for naming a hospital for the criminally insane after him. My grandpa worked at one in the ‘40s, the Lima State Hospital for the Criminally Insane ( or the Bug House, as he called it.)
Your followers should count in the MILLIONS
Unfortunately, while I appreciate the humor of the Democratic suggestion, The Donald would be delighted to have either. He would see either as an honor - the one because of its proximity to Washington, and the other because he would undoubtedly claim that his name should be on a place used to imprison all those awful criminals creeping across our borders and because he (and his myrmidons) would see it as the perfect place for all the political enemies he plans to put there.
Yeah, you are probably right, James. Yamhead and his followers are not bright enough to understand the joke. I’d love to see it, anyway. It would make my synapses pop if he got sentenced to a prison with his name on it. Unlikely? Yes, but I am a dreamer . . .
It would be a great antidepressant since nothing else works. 🤣🤣🤣
Maybe a dose of Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine would work. 🤣🤣🤣
Yeah, but if he becomes a resident as he should, it would be quite fitting.
Granted, although I imagine the first thing he'd do would be to get someone to start selling 'pens' with his name on them.
Maybe “Dump Trump Federal Prison” in Alabama. I hear Alabama has the meanest prisons!
Chain gangs don’t they?
Yeah, it was just a dumb idea. It is true though.
It would be like going to the Zoo,I would pay my Disability Check to be able to throw shit at him ,we can call it Lucifer’s house instead of the monkey house!
Thanks, Mary.
Donald is very deserving of this (dis) honor.
Terrorists end up in Guantanamo as they should. Don’t rename it, just keep Trump there. Nothing is too good for the Donald.
You’re right nothing but the best for insurrectionists!
Just became a subscriber. Thank you for all you are doing to try to protect our country from that maniac, Mary 💖🙏💖
Thank you Mary for my first laugh of the day. Have a wonderful weekend.👋🏽
It also occurred to me that we really don't want to see that name anywhere, so how about CELL BLOCK 45
Yeah! How about Alcatraz, he can hild court there with his J6ers that are “Hostages”., the an do their J6 song as as their kumbya! He can read to them from his newly advertised $59.99 Bible and the can learn the constitution that is included with the purchase!
No way keep him and his name out of California, Rikers would be a great choice they could call it trumpers island then he won't have far to go to court
Hi, Marlene,
He would think he is too good to be with the Common folk Riff- Raff that send him their hard earned money.
You’re probably right!
Love this!!!!!
Republicans are serious about renaming Dulles International Airport in Washington, DC after 45. Do they really think he's deserving of the honor? Democrats had a few options, among them, renaming another public landmark after Ethel and Julius Rosenberg or what they did propose, the penitentiary in Miami renamed to honor 45. While I'm not an advocate of wasting taxpayer money on such petty foolishness, we do have a sense of humor and, the parallel is warranted.
Except for the John Foster Dulles shout out, good post. JFD and his brother, Allen, were Cold War religious fanatics, and in a perfect world, would have been considered war criminals. Either one could appropriately have had prisons named for them.
Thanks for the education! it's amazing what has been hidden from us over the years.
Couldn't agree more. I read the biography of these horrible brothers. They did lasting damage.