Great news! One of my New Years resolutions is to make sure Biden is reelected and Trump is convicted at least once! Thanks Mary for putting it all on the line

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Surely Mary's reportage deserves recognition beyond Substack. My money is on her. I'd be FOOLISH for it to be otherwise.

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Now that is such a good New Year’s resolution, I feel I may back and support that one myself lol

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Yay! See, I’m an armchair activist 😊

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RemovedJan 9
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The Supreme Court has been bought and payed for. But you can keep praying 🙏

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deletedJan 9
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Apparently, for him, ordering Seal Time 6 to off someone who he just DIDN'T LIKE ( probably most of H. Sapiens Sapiens ) has been shown to be something that Wannabe God - Emperor Mango Moron # 45 just couldn't do.

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I hear a TON of news : 1 editorial says that DJT still can pull off a win, others say that he doesn't have an ice cube's chance on the Sun's coronasphere. Who to believe.....

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I believe that The Almighty will reveal all the information everyone needs to vote for Biden. I don't agree with him sending money to Israel and not stopping the fighting in Gaza, but my question is who told him to do that? Who advised him?

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He says he's been asking for Israel to stop the killing since this began & I believe him!

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Sorry, but "don't...stop...get off the table, Bibi, and don't try to kill your brother Mahmoud...." isn't cutting it any more. Netanyahu thinks he has Biden by the short&curlies because of the election, and Biden's fear that Jewish voters will turn on him if he doesn't blindly support Israel—which Bibi the Butcher wants to keep going for the most Trumpian of reasons, because once he stops he'll be liable not just for the corruption charges he was facing before Hamas's attack (and for the Israeli court "reform" that was supposed to protect his crooked Likkud ass!), but for war crimes as well.

While I understand Biden's in a spot right now? You know Trump will use it, and his "Great, Beaootyful, Bigly Friendship" with Netanyahu (who he backed giving Jerusalem to as Israel's capital, despite it being an "open city" because Judaism, Christianity, AND Islam all claim it as a holy place!) to make Biden look "weak" on foreign policy. I don't know how Biden can get out of this without pissing off some part of the voting public, but he needs to be a lot more decisive than he's been with Israel so far....

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As for who told him? Henry Kissinger—back in the 1970s or 1980s, when he handed Biden the same playbook he handed every Presidential candidate since Nelson Rockefeller back in 1960.

Biden's still using Kissinger *realpolitik*. Everything he's doing feels like the same thing Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, and Bill Clinton would have in a similar situation, even though I think it's no longer viable....

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My concern:

Who is being blackmailed?

Who are members of any of these groups?

Who owes donald? Hum...wasn't it Kavanaugh who was at the White House with Donald?

I don't know much about any of the other Republicans on the bench, but some of them must want us to keep our Democracy, or not.

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SCOTUS is unlikely to disqualify him in spite of the clear language of the 14th Amendment. They know that it would also disqualify half of the MAGA House as well as a dozen or so MAGA senators. They will never unleash that flood. SCOTUS will, in my opinion, try to redeem itself by ruling against Trump on immunity, either by weighing in directly, or taking the cowardly way out by allowing the DC Court of Appeals decision to stand.

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As long as we keep him out of the White House I believe that the GQP magats will also meet their fate in the courts!

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I’m a subscriber & hope more who read your analysis & facts who are not will subscribe. Honestly, I’m very nervous about the 2024 election & any Republican winning while D. Trump is alive. Mob bosses run their syndicate from prison quite well. Please don’t admonish me but at times I wish he would die. I feel our whole nation is being held hostage by him & his Maga cult. I keep praying for the truth to prevail sooner than later in a big way to get our Country healed & working together. Keep on doing what you do Mary! You give me hope when I feel so helpless. Thank you!

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I wish he'd hurry up and die, too, and I suspect lots of other people do as well. Partly, I think his damn cult will die with him. Partly, I'd love for him to be gone from the news. Still, I'd also like for him to be convicted of some of these crimes, and even spend some time in prison. But I will be so relieved to have him gone from this world whenever that should happen. He's evil, and he begets more evil.

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I agree that the world will be well rid of this hideous carbuncle of a charlatan. I bet the MAGAts will blame Democrats and Biden, no matter how natural the occurrence.

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Well, we can't control the damn MAGAts. But when Donald steps off this mortal coil, I'm not going to worry about them. I'm just going to rejoice--as I'm sure Mary will be doing--and I invite you and everyone else to join the rejoicing!

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PARTY !!!!!!! I could party on his grave. After the grave diggers discovered that Donny's estate wasn't paying them & walked off the job. Some citronella candles could cover that " Decomposing Donny " aroma.....

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hahahahahahahaha The misguided already blame Biden. We must teach them how to love. Pray for them Dodi.

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If he died falling down a flight of stairs then sliding into a WOODCHIPPER, would that be considered " natural " ? Oh, & he bursts into FLAME in the wood chipper.

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carbuncle - love that!

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David, David, David, please read what I said to Claudia. We have not all been taught the rules of Earth in a way we can understand. What you want for others comes to you. That is why we are taught to pray for our enemies. Because what we want for them, comes to us. What happens to them is GOD's business. Remember, Romans 12:19-21 ...Vengeance is mine; read the verse. We are on Earth to learn.

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I'm an atheist, but I'm capable of holding opposing ideas in my head. And thus, I recognize that there's wisdom in what you say. Thank you Joyce.

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What if he gets committed to a facility for Anyone So Insane That They Couldn't Be Allowed To Handle a Bowl of Rice Pudding ( anyone who can find an acronym in that gets a large bottle of WHATEVER POTABLE THEY WANT ) ? Would that do ?

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That would certainly do, as long as it was obvious there was no chance of his ever being released.

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From some of the news clips I've seen he couldn't handle a bowl of anything anyway!

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I'm thinking that he might use the " old / infirm " card to his advantage, although narcissists don't exploit weaknesses in THEMSELVES, do they ? <--- I mean that part.

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Claudia I too am a subscriber, and you are not alone in your feelings. The world would be a better place without him and his MAGATS. But we will have to settle for the due process of the law.

Thanks for all your hard work Mary! I bought your book too.

Please subscribe to Mary if you haven't already. Your support is very important.

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If this was the French Revolution we would be trying to keep guillotine blades sharp 24 / 7.

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Thank you for acknowledging my feelings. 😊💖

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You are not alone. Perfectly understandable.

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Claudia - Our media is OBLIGING him by keeping news of his hopefully imminent collapse & his delusional descent into new depths of insanity on the Internet 24 / 7. Whether that's hostage - taking or overexposure to a HORRIBLE person who some still idolize, I'm unsure.

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I wouldn't dare admonish you for telling how you feel. Also, that's the way I'm sure others have thought as well, including myself. It's terrible that it has come to these thoughts but it needs to be out in the open. It beats ulcers. I'm tormented because most have worked so hard to get this far and have accomplished the most fantastic, and a country with the most freedoms on this planet. We must continue to fight because we know right from wrong and we must continue to fight for what is right.

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What I believe is we must ask our Heavenly Father to have mercy on our Earth and to deliver us from evil. This is one of the evils Jesus spoke of that needs prayer.

Heavenly Father, deliver us from evil. In your Son Jesus name, Amen

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No one will admonish you for wishing the exact same thing at least 50% of the country wishes every morning. How can we be blamed for wishing for the demise of the next best thing to the Antichrist?

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This is why it is so important for us to teach the truth.

How the rules of Earth really work.

What you want for others comes to you.

What you believe comes.

What you fear comes.

Fear not, for I am with you, said Jesus.

2024 will be Peaceful, loving, and happy. Believe, if something else shows up. Keep believing. That is a key.

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If we ever confirm whether the multiverse is real, we should search for the good version of Donny - & maybe Evil Lincoln, Playboy Gandhi, St. Francis the Playboy of Assisi as well.

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You speak out loud what many say in the privacy of their own homes

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I can relate to all you’ve said. I just want it all to stop and I don’t want to have to pack up and leave or live off the grid. I’ve jumped in and joined our local town Democrat committee and will do whatever I can to help educate and get out the vote.

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I hear your frustration Claudia. Please learn the rules of Earth. One is so important.

What we want for others, comes to us. That is why it is written that we must pray for our enemies.

Another rule is what we believe comes, believe only what you want. Fear has no place on Earth, because it also comes. It is written, "Fear not, for I Am with you, even until the end of this world."

Faith in our Creator is what we call Blind Faith.

Unconditional love is what we are striving for here on Earth. Not easy, but the training is why we are here. In Genesis it reads, "Let us create"... Earth is like a university.

2024 is the year of Peace, Love, and Happiness. Believe.

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With evidence mounting against the Donald, it’s becoming apparent that JS case is getting v strong and it will be harder for Trump to win. My hope is that his trial will come asap and with no further delay.

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Wonder what kind of security JS has?

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US Marshall's. 24/7.

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Write the Justice Department and ask them to provide security for judge's, attorney's , witnesses and everyone involved.

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It's not looking good for Jack Smith's trial. There's all kinds of delays going around right now - and I don't understand why. It upsets me that he might get voted in and end up with NO convictions, because trials never happened. :(

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Thank you, Mary, for tonight's column. 💙

I hope Jack Smith is allowed to convict Donald before the election.

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Let us all agree.

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Stay the course, Mary. Your bloodhound sense is on the trail of the villainous perp TFG and I, and many others, appreciate your tenacity. Bite hard when he’s treed.

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The sooner this trial starts, the better!

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Rats jump ship when their tail is caught in the gears.

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Rats quickly vacate a sinking vessel. Unfortunately MAGA rats don’t drown. They just move onto the next con job!

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Thanks Mary. I love getting the dirt on Donald’s crimes. I’m hanging on every single word!!! Looking forward to him being held accountable.

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But will the trial happen before the election?

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I'd be happy if he went into a persistent vegetative state then flatlined after becoming a disgusting mass of infected sores lying in its own waste - I think that this is steadily happening.

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Perfect, but i want him to live as he will not be able to speak and when election is over and no Rethuglicon is president, he won't be able to say a word or move while he is having an internal tantrum...LOL!

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Sometimes I go into my browser knowing FULL WELL that I'm going to see his image, at least. A shot of whisky accompanied by THC cushions the dyspepsia & revulsion from having to gaze upon that putrid puke - inducing punim.

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Mmmmm, same, mine are edible peachy rings. And him, that beast that struts around like he owns us all! There is still apart of me that questions if real justice is served and he goes to prison. I still have doubts, he is that evil. A shell, a soulless shell.

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Hmm..... having him lose what physical wealth he possesses would be ALMOST as good as prison. The bitter reality of living just like everyone else that he screwed over would be almost like prison OR perhaps WORSE. What do you think ?.

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I think you’re on to something here.

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I agree with the loss of wealth.

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Beautiful and factual. I love you, Mary! Keep up the incredible work!

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I spare my enthusiasm now, sadly. Seems like good news, but I guess SCOTUS is perched to absolve him of all his wrongdoings....or that’s what he planned?

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Surely reason and adherence to the rule of law, and the tenets of The Constitution will prevail and SCOTUS will rule accordingly!

That is my fervent hope and desire. But I sure do understand your point

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I’m afraid to hope, but I try to keep a slight ember alive

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We were all afraid to hope when they were closing in on Nixon... and it did happen!

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TFG makes Tricky Dick look like an altar / choir boy who is a Cub Scout. Nixon at least wasn't getting in the spotlight every flippin' minute !

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Nixon had some good in him, even though the longer he was in politics the less it came out. (He did steal the '68 election, begat the Southern strategy, and much more, but he'd lost two brothers in childhood, and try as he might, he could never get any positive reinforcement from his father. Nixon looks quite good compared to TFG. Although, as I--the second grader son of two economists--said to my friend, Ralphie, when we were in the car, my mother driving, during the Kennedy/Nixon race, and remembering hearing but not fully understanding how Nixon had smeared his opponent Helen Gahagan Douglas during the earlier California Senate race:

"You know, Ralphie, you really shouldn't vote for Nixon, because he called that lady in California something like an economist."

I'm virtually certain I'm quoting myself accurately because my mother, who generally didn't find a lot of stuff humorous thought this was hilarious, and told the story often.

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Trying.... but being an american just sucks these days.

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This will sound TRITE, doubtlessly, but " what would our Founders do / have done ? ". Perspective.

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I sure hope you got the 2 spots to launch you into the Top 10. I'm already paid, and am willing to gift to someone to get you there.

Meanwhile, I'm starting to lose hope that this will end how we all would like it to. Hearing the 60+% of Republicans now feel he's not responsible for Jan 6nos very disheartening. His lies are starting to impact reality and people are falling for it.

Hearing that Black voter support for Biden has dropped like 30% because they feel he hasn't followed through on his promises is very disheartening.

Hearing students are dropping support for Biden in droves because they feel he hasn't followed through on Student Loan relief when he actually relieved over $1B in loans is disheartening.

Those same students are protesting saying Biden isn't supporting Isreal or Palestine (pick one) people in the war in Hamas when he's actually trying to stay as neutral as possible because he doesn't want "anyone" to die is disheartening.

Hearing that the Queen MAGA Rat Stefanik won't certify the 2024 election unless fkhd wins is just disgusting and disheartening.

Project 2025 is just cruel and disheartening.

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This is the link to gift someone THE GOOD IN US


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gifted to my sister in law 💕

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Yay! Wonderful! You are so GOOD.

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thanks 👍

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Thanks for the link Lisa. I gave a year's subscription to a friend who did me a "YUGE" favor I'll never fully repay.

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That was very GOOD of you. Thanks for sharing!

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Jan 9·edited Jan 9

I hope he's convicted in Judge Chutkan's court for the J6 insurrection and that she sentences him to actual prison. None of that mamby-pamby home confinement at his golf resort. No. He NEEDS to be behind bars and he can damn well do his appealing from behind bars, too. And, if he has another court date, well, the Marshalls can drag him to whichever state he's being tried in wearing his orange jumpsuit and chains.

I have NO sympathy whatsoever for that evil POS. He just ooozes evil and hate. He doesn't deserve one iota of sympathy or empathy from any of us. He needs to start doing his time behind bars (hopefully in ADX SuperMax in Colorado) as soon as possible. I don't know how long he's got, he's in such horrible shape, and I want him to get a good hefty taste of real prison life. No more devices, no more Internet, no more schmoozing with his hooker type groupies at MAGA-Lardo or crashing wedding receptions there, no more junk food - only prison food, no more snorting his Adderall whenever he chooses to, no more holding his lying press conferences or his hate & rage rallies.

And, last but not least, no more being addressed as "president"! He needs to be addressed as Inmate #---------.

Maybe all that sounds harsh, but he has caused so much chaos and turmoil in this country and caused so many with PTSD to have flareups from their past days in abusive relationships. He has reawakened that horror for many, many people. Both men and women. He won't be all that long for this world so for the short time he'll have left, he needs to PAY through his nose by experiencing some of the suffering and discomfort he so richly deserves.

I just wanted to add, Mary...for as horrible and nasty as your uncle is, you are sweet and good. I'm sure there must be some other members of your family that are as nice and even natured and honest as you are and that's a good thing. But that disgusting orange creature totally put the Trump name right into the sewer. I'm glad you have become as famous as you have so that millions of people know of your goodness.

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Hear hear!!

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“Donald is about to go through some things.”

Early candidate for the Understatement of the Year Award!

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You are On Fire lately. Thank you so much Mary Trump!! 🤗 hope your friends are taking good care of you right now.

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I don’t really care if he lives or dies. He’s only the figurehead of the proverbial snake. What I do care about is that the danger of “The Heritage Foundation: Project 2025. Mandate for Leadership The Conservative Promise.”

This is the Republican Coup manifesto. It is a step by step guide at removing every law enacted by President Biden via executive order. The Heritage Foundation/Republican manifesto provides step by step mandates to alter and change every federal agency, the judiciary, the military, our educational system and introduces White Christian Nationalism into our educational system, health care system and government.

This should be discussed, published and challenged in every substack whose authors support our constitutional democracy.

The Republican coup has been a protracted process since Reagan and has accelerated into open warfare under the former trump administration.

It is encumbent on us all to stop this Republican coup.

Take action, support Democrats only and demand that any Republican candidate disclose whether or not they are pledging to this manifesto or pledging to uphold our Constitution and accept the electoral outcome of our 2024 Presidential election.

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