I do think that a lot of people, certainly Democrats but also some Republicans (as you said), are sick and tired of Trump and his constant whining, lies and crimes. I also think the more Trump talks on TV and at rallies the more people see that he has some serious cognitive issues going on. Maybe his hate is eating his brain cells. Anyway, I do think we can stop him as long as we all work together.
His usual routine. Good thing his German grandfather and father moved to the USA. Though his grand father had no choice, he got thrown out of Germany. He made a fortune in the USA but went back with his bride to be but the German authorities stripped him of his German Citizenship for draft dodging - lucky for Granddad the USA didn't require any paperwork for immigrants in those days.
He made comments during his “acceptance speech” that he was positive she didn’t want investigations started on the 4 or 5 things that she never talks about.
His usual rhetoric and babbling off at the narcissistic lips he dies every time he opens his lying treasonous mouth
Hum...take a second look. Everything is not as it seems. Cognitive or just crazy.
The get out of jail card? This is what I see. Unable to stand trial because of mental issues is this the new game plan? Once someone goes into a mental institution they stay there a while and get right back out. Free.
No, not so fast. Is this what they want American's to believe? We have seen this act before.
I believe you are correct, with a slight adjustment. If he is deemed unfit funeral due to mental defects, he’ll be institutionalized at a federal mental health facility and treated until such time that he is deemed fit for trial. He has 91 Felony charges against him. 34 of these are Violating the Espionage Act. Acting crazy will only delay the inevitable. Him spending the rest of his days behind bars.
Personally, I don’t give a good 💩if he spends it in a federal, or state, penitentiary, or a mental health institution.
Timothy, it says a mouthful! I worked as a LEO, and firefighter for over 26 years. I never ever saw, or heard, of someone with these type charges getting this treatment.
I jailed people for a hell of a lot less which sat in jail until their trial.
What’s worse, this 🍓🍊💩🤡🤮 isn’t spending one cent of his money on anything. He’s spending all the money these cultist people he has on his hook are sending him.
To the best of my knowledge, I don't think he has ever paid one cent that he was ordered to pay by any court. America has become a "Politically Lawless" country and the legal system as a whole is a sham. There are "those" who Own $$$$ the Law, & "those" of us who must live by it... Peace & Best Regards To You.
You are correct. I don’t think k he’s ever paid for a damn thing his entire life. He always has somebody else do his ‘dirty work’ and he collects the benefits. Goes along with the upbringing he had. Everything handed to him on a silver platter!
Good Day. Donald tRump is a Sick & Dangerous Monster. For some reason, average people religiously support him, just as average Germans supported Hitler. The Politicians and the Money People support him for Power and Wealth. Eventually, Everyone "Pays the Price"...
Absolutely correct. Prime example is the Republicans on Capitol Hill, in the Senate and House of Representatives. All they are is a large herd of sheep 🐑!
Just a reminder. Nikki Haley is NOT an acceptable alternative to Donald. Her policies are almost identical to Donald's, and she wants to cut social security and medicare too (She also wants to kick trans kids.) #VoteBlue in 2024 all the way!!!
I agree that Haley is dreadful in the generic GOP fashion. But if she was elected president, I'm pretty sure there would be another presidential election in 2028.
Please, God: One person, one vote! I am sick of losers winning--and especially disgusted that losers keep making SCOTUS appointments.
*Given what we've seen of gop promises, SCrOTUS and Tea Party members and allies come immediately to mind, is there anyone in the gop leadership that's trustworthy ?
I agree with you Daniel - conditionally. I can't help but have a measure of empathy for the gop members in general like you or I. Speaking for myself, I am not in the 'leadership' of the dem party, independent party - any party; I don't get to drive the train, steer the train, or even ring the bell or blow the damn whistle ! Hell, they really, actually don't even want my opinions ! They want my support and of course any shekels I can or will spare, and of course they want to 'speechify' at me, yet never hear or care to hear back. In fact, my party has failed me 'and' my families catastrophically Daniel !! If I told you my stories, they would shake you to your core, given that you 'believed' me. I possess as many reasons, if not more, to be deeply - profoundly, existentially furious, belligerently, unhinged angry with my party, and the our entire 'system' as it has existed for the past 50 or more years of my life ! To simply type or say that I'm angry is the grossest understatement of the 20th and 21st century so far; There aren't enough words, adjectives, adverbs, etc., in existence to fully describe the limits and boundaries of my rage, anger, and resentments... Damn; this was about to get wholly cathartic and long - in fact, my sleeve is a bit wet. Bottom line, I wholly understand the haters and I'd be lying if I said differently - and lying is something I won't do; besides being beat out of me, I never understood the practicality of having to burden my mind with more than one story to explain anything. Try if you will, to exercise some patience with those opposed - they have their story too; most often when allowed to speak freely, they often find their own way to reasoning and reasonableness - that's what I will try to exercise with folks like you and I, who are merely member and foot soldiers so to speak; the leadership though gets no pass from me - they know and are absolutely unforgivable on this mortal plane. jmho ~
Well said, D4N! I understand and am right there with you fully. Party leadership gets no pass.
I just want to say that what they have allowed Frumpy to do is insane. They have allowed him to formulate a cult, which n my opinion, has taken over the Republican Party.
Do you really believe Donald won the 2016 Election fairly? If Muller had finished his investigation and the Obstructionist Barr had not tricked the American public, he would have been tossed out of the Presidency. He won nothing. Putin's President.
He should have been convicted over the Ukraine thing, which was actually similar to what Comey did a few days before the election (when people were *already* voting absentee and in early voting). That violated "tradition" but the GQP got away with it. But whether any of it would have resulted in a conviction in the Senate and removal from the office is doubtful. There was plenty of evidence to convict in Impeachment #2 and they still didn't do it. The fix was in from the start, and by the time trump was impeached the first time, he was already the GQP's lord and master.
Respectfully disagree. Trump is malignant terminal cancer. If he gets power again, he could destroy our Constitutional Democratic Republic form of government. He could destroy Congress and the Judiciary. He could shoot protestors in the streets and turn America into a clone of Russia. Haley is a benign tumor. Biden or any Dem would be better than Haley. But ANYONE is better than Trump.
My big concern is that even now tfg is likely plotting how to launch another insurrection to seize power should he lose the election. And I believe there goes our democracy as Trump doesn't want people to have the power of the vote because we could vote him out.. And frankly if people are so utterly stupid to vote for him in large numbers, maybe we deserve the mess we're going to be in.
We do not deserve anything bad because we did not create this f@cking mess.
How and what we did not create:
••••James Comer f@cked up big time!
•••• Paul Manafort ushering Russia into the campaign was a disaster.
•••• Was it Kompromat held over Rs heads that made them abandon their senses?
•••• Was it that CNN spent thousands of hours showing nothing but a vacant podium?
We all remember the Fancy Bear hack. Russians giving Julian Assange troves of data, millions of byts of stolen papers much of it filled with nonsense. Queue the Media to blow it into a huge Clinton Scandal Without Checking out a Thing!
Quite true the people that hate democracy around the world because it gets in their greedy way have always existed and definitely is the dream of all authoritarian countries see Russia. To crush democracy so they can steal some more.
Plotting? It's already planned in great detail. Steven Miller, Steve Bannon and Roger Stone etc al have it all planned out. The Proud Boys and cohorts are ready to go.
The entire Republican party is a terminal cancer. tRump is the biggest malignant tumor. Those vile people will try to enact Project 2025 no matter who is in office. They do not want to represent people; they want to rule people. They are fascists.
Yeah, just like the Almighty stopped the holocaust, for one. With all due respect, we cannot afford to rely on divine intervention alone to save us and our constitution, more practical and unwavering defenses are called for here.
She also wants a nationwide abortion ban and has said she would pardon Trump. She would likely pardon all of the J6 insurrectionists. She says that America has never been a racist nation. Surely she knows better. She couldn’t say that the civil war was about slavery. At least not until all the backlash forced her to say it the next day. You could see her cringe. She is not harmless as some think and she would do Trumps bidding more than likely.
tRump shows what happens when we don't enforce our laws and hold people accountable. There have been chances (impeachments) to get rid of tRump, but cowardly Republicans backed away. Appeasement NEVER works.
That woman's interview should be made into an ad. I bet it would be possible to round up voters in a bunch of swing states who would say similar. Real people, speaking bluntly about why they're switching would be very powerful.
Totally agree - I have friends who've been Republican their whole lives but this next election they're going with Biden. They hate the kind of human Trump is; he's everything we taught our children NOT to be!!
In my opinion, polls in general do not count. Only election polls count. I plan to vote for President Joe Biden in the Virginia Primary. Donald shouldn’t even be on the ballots.
Where you mention "... polls in general do not count" - I'm agreeing and it reminds me of 'my' twist on the old saw about 3 kinds of lies, "Lies, damn lies, and statistics" to which I personally add in 'polls.'
I think DJT is easier to beat than Haley. Haley will appeal to independents and enough Trump voters will vote for her if DJT isn’t there. They will look at Haley as experienced and youthful. So because I want Biden to win, Haley scares me.
Assuming DJT takes the nomination, I know what one of his racist dog whistle will be…. If Biden wins… Kamala will be the President because of his age. The racist wing of Trump voters will really make it ugly and terrifying to their base. I’m a 70 y/o white woman, and that really pisses me off! I can’t imagine how hurtful it would feel to black folks.
The contrast between Haley and either of the old men is stark--and not good for Biden. For now, however, I'm thrilled to have her stay in the race. Trump will continue to spew his racist birther crap to his base. If she gets the nomination, they might just stay home on election day.
THIS⬆️ What you said about Trump being easier to beat then Haley. I’ve been saying this for a while now and I believe it. Barring any interference that turns the tide, Trump will be easier to beat. People think Haley is harmless. She’s not.
You are right, but not just black folks, but Indigenous folks; and Asians; and Indians from India; and Vietnamese; and Ty; and Puerto Ricans; and Hispanic; and Latino; and Mexican; and people that call themselves white; the list goes on and on.
“In other words, if the GOP’s Fox News constituents suddenly vanished, the party would reject the Big Lie that the election was stolen from Trump and would strongly oppose Trump being the 2024 Republican presidential nominee.”
---TIME, April 2023
We must pull Republicans away from FOX as we are in an information war.
So very true! Or more Dems should be like Secretary Pete...go on Fox and debunk the lies and call out the omissions to their faces. Even if only a few Fox loyalists start questioning the BS and look elsewhere for their info it could have a ripple effect.
I think, in the end, the more voters see TFG speak or rather complain, whine, and rant incoherently, the more folks will vote against him.
I, for one, will crawl over broken glass to vote against every single Republican. They deserve to lose and badly for supporting a lying, treasonous, 91 felony indicted, twice impeached, top secret pilfering, emoluments violating, convicted rapist.
One can hope, but it’s time to use all legal means to give hope a chance. The Good Lord helps them what helps themselves. The others not so much. Using all legal means, we need to stop clutching our cravats, and jump in the sewer and fight systematically using misdirection, deception and the politics of personal destruction. And we fight like hell with whatever we have, like Ukrainians. There will be time enough for extending the peace pipe of reconciliation when we win. If we don’t win, we won’t ever have to think about reconciliation or a rule of law.
I do think that a lot of people, certainly Democrats but also some Republicans (as you said), are sick and tired of Trump and his constant whining, lies and crimes. I also think the more Trump talks on TV and at rallies the more people see that he has some serious cognitive issues going on. Maybe his hate is eating his brain cells. Anyway, I do think we can stop him as long as we all work together.
I think a lot of Trump voters want the hate and mistake the chaos for fighting for them. How ignorant!
Very astute observation!!!!
I hope Karma is there for this beautiful America.
And I hope when Karma happens it is caught on video for all the world to see!
They may want to be but my money is on our girl Mary Trump. I love Mary.
Mary just might be the one who helps our America most thanks for the opportunity to vent with each other.
YES!!!!! God Bless AMERICA!!
He essentially threatened Nikki Haley tonight
What did he say?
Threatening an investigation over “something something”….you know his vague and non-specific statements (hint: he’s making it up as he goes along).
His usual routine. Good thing his German grandfather and father moved to the USA. Though his grand father had no choice, he got thrown out of Germany. He made a fortune in the USA but went back with his bride to be but the German authorities stripped him of his German Citizenship for draft dodging - lucky for Granddad the USA didn't require any paperwork for immigrants in those days.
"draft dodging"...
Donald is a Very Mentally Sick and Dangerous Monster.
He made comments during his “acceptance speech” that he was positive she didn’t want investigations started on the 4 or 5 things that she never talks about.
His usual rhetoric and babbling off at the narcissistic lips he dies every time he opens his lying treasonous mouth
What? I missed that.
Not mental, but a crazy Nazi.
Yes, what DID he say?
He is just a rotten person!
Hum...take a second look. Everything is not as it seems. Cognitive or just crazy.
The get out of jail card? This is what I see. Unable to stand trial because of mental issues is this the new game plan? Once someone goes into a mental institution they stay there a while and get right back out. Free.
No, not so fast. Is this what they want American's to believe? We have seen this act before.
Don't fall for it.
I believe you are correct, with a slight adjustment. If he is deemed unfit funeral due to mental defects, he’ll be institutionalized at a federal mental health facility and treated until such time that he is deemed fit for trial. He has 91 Felony charges against him. 34 of these are Violating the Espionage Act. Acting crazy will only delay the inevitable. Him spending the rest of his days behind bars.
Personally, I don’t give a good 💩if he spends it in a federal, or state, penitentiary, or a mental health institution.
The fact that he still has All "His" Money and he isn't in prison tells the whole story about our current Legal/Justice System...
Timothy, it says a mouthful! I worked as a LEO, and firefighter for over 26 years. I never ever saw, or heard, of someone with these type charges getting this treatment.
I jailed people for a hell of a lot less which sat in jail until their trial.
What’s worse, this 🍓🍊💩🤡🤮 isn’t spending one cent of his money on anything. He’s spending all the money these cultist people he has on his hook are sending him.
To the best of my knowledge, I don't think he has ever paid one cent that he was ordered to pay by any court. America has become a "Politically Lawless" country and the legal system as a whole is a sham. There are "those" who Own $$$$ the Law, & "those" of us who must live by it... Peace & Best Regards To You.
You are correct. I don’t think k he’s ever paid for a damn thing his entire life. He always has somebody else do his ‘dirty work’ and he collects the benefits. Goes along with the upbringing he had. Everything handed to him on a silver platter!
Good Day. Donald tRump is a Sick & Dangerous Monster. For some reason, average people religiously support him, just as average Germans supported Hitler. The Politicians and the Money People support him for Power and Wealth. Eventually, Everyone "Pays the Price"...
Best Regards to You.
Absolutely correct. Prime example is the Republicans on Capitol Hill, in the Senate and House of Representatives. All they are is a large herd of sheep 🐑!
Who does he think he is The Chin from the Genovese family ? Lol
The donald is going down... and we have to help him get there!
Amen Amen Amen❗️❗️❗️❗️
So where is God when you need him? "One nation under God". "With liberty and justice for all"?
You are forgetting part of that:
“Only if you are running for public office to sidestep legal matters!”
I sure hope Karma is there for America!
I hope that you are proven correct.
I no longer have much faith in our Laws and our Legal System.
tRump's freedom speaks Volumes in this regard. Best Regards to You
Thanks I need one of these!
And let’s don’t forget the rape and defamation judgement.
Just a reminder. Nikki Haley is NOT an acceptable alternative to Donald. Her policies are almost identical to Donald's, and she wants to cut social security and medicare too (She also wants to kick trans kids.) #VoteBlue in 2024 all the way!!!
I agree that Haley is dreadful in the generic GOP fashion. But if she was elected president, I'm pretty sure there would be another presidential election in 2028.
Please, God: One person, one vote! I am sick of losers winning--and especially disgusted that losers keep making SCOTUS appointments.
It really depends on whether she would decide to adopt the 2025 Fascist agenda promulgated by Stephen Miller, the Heritage Society, etc.
*Given what we've seen of gop promises, SCrOTUS and Tea Party members and allies come immediately to mind, is there anyone in the gop leadership that's trustworthy ?
D4N, what GOP? It’s dead and gone. All that’s there now is a bunch of “ring kissers” that are sucking up to their new dictator!
Every damn one of them needs to be voted out of office.
I agree with you Daniel - conditionally. I can't help but have a measure of empathy for the gop members in general like you or I. Speaking for myself, I am not in the 'leadership' of the dem party, independent party - any party; I don't get to drive the train, steer the train, or even ring the bell or blow the damn whistle ! Hell, they really, actually don't even want my opinions ! They want my support and of course any shekels I can or will spare, and of course they want to 'speechify' at me, yet never hear or care to hear back. In fact, my party has failed me 'and' my families catastrophically Daniel !! If I told you my stories, they would shake you to your core, given that you 'believed' me. I possess as many reasons, if not more, to be deeply - profoundly, existentially furious, belligerently, unhinged angry with my party, and the our entire 'system' as it has existed for the past 50 or more years of my life ! To simply type or say that I'm angry is the grossest understatement of the 20th and 21st century so far; There aren't enough words, adjectives, adverbs, etc., in existence to fully describe the limits and boundaries of my rage, anger, and resentments... Damn; this was about to get wholly cathartic and long - in fact, my sleeve is a bit wet. Bottom line, I wholly understand the haters and I'd be lying if I said differently - and lying is something I won't do; besides being beat out of me, I never understood the practicality of having to burden my mind with more than one story to explain anything. Try if you will, to exercise some patience with those opposed - they have their story too; most often when allowed to speak freely, they often find their own way to reasoning and reasonableness - that's what I will try to exercise with folks like you and I, who are merely member and foot soldiers so to speak; the leadership though gets no pass from me - they know and are absolutely unforgivable on this mortal plane. jmho ~
Well said, D4N! I understand and am right there with you fully. Party leadership gets no pass.
I just want to say that what they have allowed Frumpy to do is insane. They have allowed him to formulate a cult, which n my opinion, has taken over the Republican Party.
I don't know if any. Wish I did.
Starr, that would be an excellent series of questions to put to her….and to see if & how much she equivocates. Anyone who would support the project 2025 (or Agenda 47) is a non-starter as far as I’m concerned. Have you seen the Thom Hartmann piece that riffs on this? Damn chilling: https://hartmannreport.com/p/the-rise-and-fall-of-the-second-trump-ec9?publication_id=302288&utm_campaign=email-post-title&r=6wq7j
I haven't yet , so thanks for the link!
Reads like a nightmare on Elm Street.
Not winning. Cheating.
Do you really believe Donald won the 2016 Election fairly? If Muller had finished his investigation and the Obstructionist Barr had not tricked the American public, he would have been tossed out of the Presidency. He won nothing. Putin's President.
He should have been convicted over the Ukraine thing, which was actually similar to what Comey did a few days before the election (when people were *already* voting absentee and in early voting). That violated "tradition" but the GQP got away with it. But whether any of it would have resulted in a conviction in the Senate and removal from the office is doubtful. There was plenty of evidence to convict in Impeachment #2 and they still didn't do it. The fix was in from the start, and by the time trump was impeached the first time, he was already the GQP's lord and master.
And maybe Russia would not have started a war with Ukraine but that's a big maybe. Putin's dream is to restore the Soviet Empire. Was he ever sick?
Pretty clear Billy Barr was brought in for very specific objectives, And none of the were good.
All we can do now is work forward to unfuck this fuckery.
Respectfully disagree. Trump is malignant terminal cancer. If he gets power again, he could destroy our Constitutional Democratic Republic form of government. He could destroy Congress and the Judiciary. He could shoot protestors in the streets and turn America into a clone of Russia. Haley is a benign tumor. Biden or any Dem would be better than Haley. But ANYONE is better than Trump.
My big concern is that even now tfg is likely plotting how to launch another insurrection to seize power should he lose the election. And I believe there goes our democracy as Trump doesn't want people to have the power of the vote because we could vote him out.. And frankly if people are so utterly stupid to vote for him in large numbers, maybe we deserve the mess we're going to be in.
We do not deserve anything bad because we did not create this f@cking mess.
How and what we did not create:
••••James Comer f@cked up big time!
•••• Paul Manafort ushering Russia into the campaign was a disaster.
•••• Was it Kompromat held over Rs heads that made them abandon their senses?
•••• Was it that CNN spent thousands of hours showing nothing but a vacant podium?
We all remember the Fancy Bear hack. Russians giving Julian Assange troves of data, millions of byts of stolen papers much of it filled with nonsense. Queue the Media to blow it into a huge Clinton Scandal Without Checking out a Thing!
No, this is a lesson. Who allowed 1,600+ Neo-Nazis to secretly come into our country?
Plotting to take over the USA. This is all planned people.
Remove the insurrectionist from Congress. Get on top of the growing hate groups one state at a time.
Quite true the people that hate democracy around the world because it gets in their greedy way have always existed and definitely is the dream of all authoritarian countries see Russia. To crush democracy so they can steal some more.
Excuse me but those 1600+ neo Nazis we’re not brought into this country-they were born, bred, and indoctrinated right here in the US.
And they reproduce. What shall we do about them? Ship them off to Siberia?
Plotting? It's already planned in great detail. Steven Miller, Steve Bannon and Roger Stone etc al have it all planned out. The Proud Boys and cohorts are ready to go.
The entire Republican party is a terminal cancer. tRump is the biggest malignant tumor. Those vile people will try to enact Project 2025 no matter who is in office. They do not want to represent people; they want to rule people. They are fascists.
Calm down, The Almighty will not allow that to happen. Donald will not be President.
Yeah, just like the Almighty stopped the holocaust, for one. With all due respect, we cannot afford to rely on divine intervention alone to save us and our constitution, more practical and unwavering defenses are called for here.
He Let Trump win in 2016....or was it a test.
She also wants a nationwide abortion ban and has said she would pardon Trump. She would likely pardon all of the J6 insurrectionists. She says that America has never been a racist nation. Surely she knows better. She couldn’t say that the civil war was about slavery. At least not until all the backlash forced her to say it the next day. You could see her cringe. She is not harmless as some think and she would do Trumps bidding more than likely.
That stance on slavery and the one on abortion makes her a total no for me. Unacceptable.
Agreed! 😊
She's 🗑️
All Trump cares about is staying out of prison. He doesn't care about Americans. WISE UP PEOPLE!
tRump shows what happens when we don't enforce our laws and hold people accountable. There have been chances (impeachments) to get rid of tRump, but cowardly Republicans backed away. Appeasement NEVER works.
And so it goes. Why do we even have a Supreme Court when all they do is twiddle???
My dream is to see him in an orange jumpsuit if he doesn't do a runner.
That woman's interview should be made into an ad. I bet it would be possible to round up voters in a bunch of swing states who would say similar. Real people, speaking bluntly about why they're switching would be very powerful.
Totally agree - I have friends who've been Republican their whole lives but this next election they're going with Biden. They hate the kind of human Trump is; he's everything we taught our children NOT to be!!
It is not human.
Great idea!
Great idea. But second thought. Do we really want that for her?
Look at what the witnesses, the judges, the attorneys, and let us not forget about the 13-year-old girl are going through. Death threats. Horrible!
I'm so proud of people who are finally able to say "No more, I didn't realize how corrupt he is". There IS hope.
In my opinion, polls in general do not count. Only election polls count. I plan to vote for President Joe Biden in the Virginia Primary. Donald shouldn’t even be on the ballots.
Get rid of the Electoral College since we now know it is vulnerable.
We all see that they put fake electors in place.
Must get rid of it.
I totally agree.
Yep Jen; "Lies, damn lies, statistics, and polls" is my twist on that old saw.
What lies?
Where you mention "... polls in general do not count" - I'm agreeing and it reminds me of 'my' twist on the old saw about 3 kinds of lies, "Lies, damn lies, and statistics" to which I personally add in 'polls.'
Oh okay yeah.
I think DJT is easier to beat than Haley. Haley will appeal to independents and enough Trump voters will vote for her if DJT isn’t there. They will look at Haley as experienced and youthful. So because I want Biden to win, Haley scares me.
Assuming DJT takes the nomination, I know what one of his racist dog whistle will be…. If Biden wins… Kamala will be the President because of his age. The racist wing of Trump voters will really make it ugly and terrifying to their base. I’m a 70 y/o white woman, and that really pisses me off! I can’t imagine how hurtful it would feel to black folks.
The contrast between Haley and either of the old men is stark--and not good for Biden. For now, however, I'm thrilled to have her stay in the race. Trump will continue to spew his racist birther crap to his base. If she gets the nomination, they might just stay home on election day.
That’s another scenario I didn’t think of, thank you!
THIS⬆️ What you said about Trump being easier to beat then Haley. I’ve been saying this for a while now and I believe it. Barring any interference that turns the tide, Trump will be easier to beat. People think Haley is harmless. She’s not.
You are right, but not just black folks, but Indigenous folks; and Asians; and Indians from India; and Vietnamese; and Ty; and Puerto Ricans; and Hispanic; and Latino; and Mexican; and people that call themselves white; the list goes on and on.
Mary, thank you for your optimism. 💙
“In other words, if the GOP’s Fox News constituents suddenly vanished, the party would reject the Big Lie that the election was stolen from Trump and would strongly oppose Trump being the 2024 Republican presidential nominee.”
---TIME, April 2023
We must pull Republicans away from FOX as we are in an information war.
Thank you Mary for the GOOD news.
So very true! Or more Dems should be like Secretary Pete...go on Fox and debunk the lies and call out the omissions to their faces. Even if only a few Fox loyalists start questioning the BS and look elsewhere for their info it could have a ripple effect.
Agreed. Every cabinet member should be blanketing the news right now with interviews.
Thank you, Mary. Lots of work to do to defeat him. Let’s do this! 💙
I think, in the end, the more voters see TFG speak or rather complain, whine, and rant incoherently, the more folks will vote against him.
I, for one, will crawl over broken glass to vote against every single Republican. They deserve to lose and badly for supporting a lying, treasonous, 91 felony indicted, twice impeached, top secret pilfering, emoluments violating, convicted rapist.
Enough already!
Those who follow the Jack o' Lantern may be as self-destructive as he is.
DON'T DELETE THIS NAZI! All Trump cares about is staying out of prison. He doesn't care about Americans. WISE UP TRUMPUNKS!
We can only hope! Thank you!
One can hope, but it’s time to use all legal means to give hope a chance. The Good Lord helps them what helps themselves. The others not so much. Using all legal means, we need to stop clutching our cravats, and jump in the sewer and fight systematically using misdirection, deception and the politics of personal destruction. And we fight like hell with whatever we have, like Ukrainians. There will be time enough for extending the peace pipe of reconciliation when we win. If we don’t win, we won’t ever have to think about reconciliation or a rule of law.
I like the way you think Richard.
Now I want a bagel and cream cheese, but I’m glad my money is going toward your cause instead. Down with Donald!!