BREAKING: Donald wins the New Hampshire primary but the voter data returns are promising enough to know that there is real hope my efforts against Donald’s campaign to destroy our democracy will reach welcome ears in swing states. Read on for details, and learn how to be a part of it.👇
Yes, two things are true in New Hampshire tonight:
It’s cold; Donald won the New Hampshire Primary as expected. Here’s how it looks right now:
On its face, Donald’s having a win of any kind is depressing. How is there even one voter willing to pull a lever for a twice-impeached insurrectionist and rapist who is currently facing 91 indictments?
But then I took a closer look.
Reviewing the polls, exit data, and voter interviews, I started to see cracks in Donald’s support — and now I’m more sure than ever that I know exactly how we can defeat him together (more on how you can help below).
It begins with one simple fact:
Republicans are voting AGAINST Donald
Watch one Republican woman say she voted for Nikki Haley today to stop Donald, followed with powerful reasons why she’s turned against him 👇
“I am 74 years old. I have lived in a Constitutional Democracy all my life — I want to remain that way and I want my grandchildren to grow up in one,” she said. “My father fought in World War II to defeat fascism and I want it to remain defeated.”
Her story is one of many.
Politico’s Jonathan Lemire wrote, “Donald Trump has a problem no matter what happens in New Hampshire tonight… There’s a whole swath of the Republican electorate and a good chunk of independents who appear firmly committed to not voting for him in November, if he becomes the nominee.”
Almost half of Haley’s supporters say they would vote for Biden over Trump, according to a new poll.
“I can’t vote for Trump. He’s a crook. He’s too corrupt,” said New Hampshire Independent voter Scott Simeone, who voted for Donald twice. “I voted for him, and I didn’t realize he’s as corrupt as he is.”
Let’s hope this continues to be a trend because there is plenty of room to welcome anybody willing to face facts and do the right thing.
Why does this matter?
In 2024, every vote counts. We can wake people up, encourage turnout for Biden, and quench the enthusiasm of people who still plan to vote for Donald.
If this trend continues, President Biden will have more support from Democrats than Donald will have among Republicans. In a close election, that could be enough to tip the scales against Donald’s winning.
Lack of Republican Enthusiasm
Just this evening, Ron DeSantis warned fellow Republicans that he saw a “lack of enthusiasm” among GOP voters in Iowa and waning moderate support was “a huge warning sign” for the Republican Party’s chances in 2024.
“When I have people come up to me who voted for Reagan in ’76 and have been conservative their whole life say that they don’t want to vote for Trump again, that’s a problem,” DeSantis said.
For once, the data back DeSantis up.
Despite the fact that high turnout was predicted for the 2024 Iowa caucus, only 110,000 Republican voters showed up – one of the lowest turnouts in 24 years; plus, of course, 49% of caucusing Republicans did NOT choose Donald.
How we beat Donald
The writing is on the wall.
In 2016, Donald was the most dangerous presidential candidate in our nation’s history. He was more dangerous in 2020 and he’s even more dangerous now — but he’s also never been more vulnerable. The exit data make it clear that what drives these voters is the fear that Donald will use lies and corruption to destroy our democracy forever simply so he can stay out of prison. We must stop him.
Readers of my Substack know I’ve announced a nationwide campaign designed to reach swing voters like the ones we’re seeing in New Hampshire and help inspire them to reject Donald and get to the polls.
The more support I get from you, the more people I can reach.
Will you help be part of my 2024 tour, by upgrading now for the price of a bagel & cream cheese?👇
THANK YOU. Having you with me makes a tremendous difference not only on in this campaign, but to me personally. – Mary
I do think that a lot of people, certainly Democrats but also some Republicans (as you said), are sick and tired of Trump and his constant whining, lies and crimes. I also think the more Trump talks on TV and at rallies the more people see that he has some serious cognitive issues going on. Maybe his hate is eating his brain cells. Anyway, I do think we can stop him as long as we all work together.
The donald is going down... and we have to help him get there!