Every day I turn on the news circa 0600. The entirety of the broadcast is about Donald Trump.

Didn’t the MSM do an enormous self examination after the 2016 election admitting that the endless coverage of Donald handed him the WH? Didn’t multiple journalists claimed to have learned their lesson, promising to be more circumspect in the future?

Well, here we are in the future! Nothing has changed. We are still held hostage as unwilling contestants on the farcical Donald Trump Show.

With enormous respect to AG Tish James, the Donald Trump show is not over. Far from it.

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Love that Pippin song!

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I think you’re pretty great. Just fyi.

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he’s just vibing & biking. he probably eats better than Trump too.

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Whenever I am having a particularly wretched day because of your wretched uncle and the endless coverage of him on TV, I often pause and think of you and how difficult all this must be and has been for you ever since he came down that golden escalator. How could we ever forget that moment, as it seems like that moment changed America forever, and not for the better? Today when I saw him in court and was feeling particularly anxious about the fact that the reporters hang on his every lousy word and act like he is the most important person in the world, I said to my son, "How miserable all this must make Mary Trump." God Bless You, Mary. The only good thing that has come from Trump is allowing all of us to get to know and love you. And then you go and gift us with the wonderful song from "Pippin", "No Time at All" which I had never heard before and just love! It is especially meaningful to me as I just turned 76 a few days ago! Thank you, Mary, for all that you do -- for all your wonderful writing and for helping us all feel not so alone as we go through such a dark and worrisome time.

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HulitC, you must be about the same as I am, I am a 67 year old woman now. My mother where exactly 100 years old when she died back in 2018. She still had her mind, but her body was gone. At 50 I started to fell the pain of getting old. I hate to tell you this, you will get old. You and I are old. I try to keep my body in the best of health, but we all no that the day is coming that we are going to be in bad health and there is nothing that we can do to stop it. No one wants to be in bad health even no one wants to die. But, we know it is coming for us someday. So, we know it is coming and we must just look forward it to come. Because, it is coming to all of us. Biden is doing a great job, for what he stepped into. For his age, he still has a great mind and he looks better than Trump ever looked. Trump wished that he was as smart as Biden. This is why he is against Biden or anyone that has smarts. If you can keep people uneducated, you can led them anywhere you want to. You can tell there is something wrong with him, that is Trump. When children is scared of someone, you better damn well believe that there is something wrong with him. The adults better listen to the children, there is something wrong with that man. Mentally. Just be graceful that you have lived to be in your 60s as I am. Take each day with the grace of God in hand. You will be alright.

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“Age is just a state of mind.” I like that. I need that.

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Beautiful Dr. Mary!!!!!

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When was the last time anyone saw lying criminal #TraitorTrump riding a bicycle at his age of 77yrs???

There are countless photos of a physically active President Biden with a big smile & his press conferences show him to be mentally sharp!

Media needs to do better and be honest with the images they show of President Biden!

I look forward to voting for President Biden and his experienced & professional team in 2024!

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I just love your musical references!

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Our local Henlopen Hero! Keep going, Joe!

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What about Section 3 of the 14th Amendment? Clearly MSM doesn’t believe the actual Constitution is going to get in the way of Trump running. I hope more states make noise about not wanting a would-be felon as POTUS.

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What a great thing to read just before I retire to my bed and book tonight. You are an excellent satirist with a point to make. Loved it. Thanks.

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I am so glad you are here. As excruciating as it has been for all of us since he slithered down the escalator in 2015, I can't even imagine how hard it has been to be you. Thank you for being a bright light in the darkness, and for being with all of us as we move toward a more light filled world. You matter. A lot.

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I agree with all you've said, Mary, as per usual, BUT...no one has mentioned that if Trump becomes president, yes he'll be 81 or 82 at the end of four years, but he doesn't plan to leave office! EVER!! So he's gonna get older and older and older and older, until his arteries give out from all that obstructing McDonalds' fat Can you imagine an 88 year old Trump in office, being pals with Xi and Putin and, his lover, Kim Jon Un?!! He won't be able to form a sentence (not that he does now) and will be completely led by the nose by these other dictators (probably starting in the first year he's back in power) who know 'the biz' better than he. A very scary thought indeed. Biden's 86 at the end of four years makes him look like a youngster, and the country will still be led by a Democrat, not a Fascist Authoritarian like Trump would become within 5 minutes after taking the 'Oath'!! I'd take Biden every day of the week and twice on Sunday!!!

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This is what my Grandma said!

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