Loved how she described the end of the relationship. To paraphrase, for men it’s when the sex stops. For women, it’s when they have The Talk. Wade thought it was June or July. She was clear they had The Talk in August. She schooled all the men. It was a moment when I hooped and hollered at her truth! Amen, Sister!

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Absolutely! It was a master class on how you say what needs to be said.

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It was 100% truth. The courtroom wasn’t ready for that. 💜

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Correction: whooped and hollered! Whoop whoop!

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All the questions to Ms Willis were soaked in sexism and racism. A couple of the men who questioned her came right out of their Jim Crow past to cast aspersions at the uppity woman who dared to respond. It was sickening. The whole line of questioning about her cash let everyone know the very white attorneys are clueless about what it is like to be Black in America and that cash can be life saving. Today was a very sad spectacle painful to watch.

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I’m white. Raised by a racist democrat, who had a ton of empathy for the yt guys in Viet Nam, but never blacks. I spent an entire summer on restriction because I spent a day on a local beach with my black & white neighbors. How dare I? But I digress:

He also taught me the same as Fani’s dad taught her. KEEP CASH ON HAND AT ALL TIMES. Never trust banks completely. (Savings & Loan crisis-google it).

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Thank you Rose. I am also a white woman raised in Memphis by my mother whose father was Cherokee. She had black friends in the fifties. Our family is now very diverse racially and religiously. I well remember the savings and loan crisis and worked for one of the people who was hired to form the organization that resolved that issue. We all had cash on hand during Y2K. Ms Willis does not deserve the disrespectful behavior she faced down today.

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This is tRump's and others desperate attempt to prevent those who are holding him accountable for his crimes. How dare an African-American woman hold him to account for his crimes. Fani Willis is far tougher than fake tough guy Douchebag Don. Also, great to see Leticia James get a verdict of $355 MILLION in NY, $4 million each from don jr., eric and 1 million from Alan weaselberg. Up next the criminal trial of trump with his hush money to influence an election in 2016 while he cheated on his delusional enabler wife Melania.

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I remember. Lived in an apt in Monroe LA in early 90’s the ex wife of one of those savings and loan guys was on the run. She was very quiet. She didn’t work at the office with him. He ran without her. I always felt like she got stuck with too many a$$holes watching her. Yes, she enjoyed the good life until it all came crashing down on her and the kids. Shameful the way the govt treated her. He ran dammit. That’s not all I remember, don’t need to look it up. Again, Lots of fragile whyte men took advantage of very good people. Damn bankers, after 2008 I knew they were all bad actors.

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White with Republican parents my daddy died of covid but he taught me to ALWAYS have money on hand and not to trust banks!

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So where do you keep all this cash?

Asking for a friend.

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Nice try! 😂

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Our dad's went to the same school. 😑

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And here we go again. Donald Trump is a one trick pony when his adversary is female. His utter contempt for women has been on display for decades. His range of responses to women run the gamut: oogling and publicly turning them into sex objects, his daughters included; domestic battery against his wives; denigrating womens' looks and intelligence, sexual assault, etc. Some suggest there is evidence supporting rape of a child with his sex trafficking bestie the late Jeffery Epstein- allegedly. And here we see it again. Fani Willis is a formidable prosecutor. She has the evidence and the chops to bury him. How does he respond? By attempting to shame her for her sexuality. If we lived in different times, he would have her publicly whipped and forced to wear a scarlet letter on her clothing. We all know and understand this is his singular, deviant response to women. My question is, why are we- and by "we" I mean the justice system and society at large, allowing him to again assault another woman who is doing her job? Why does he get to destroy people's lives? What is it about this ghastly, horrid human that has turned so many people into zombies? More importantly, when will the spell break? It can't happen soon enough.

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Also, Bravo Fani Willis, Bravo E. Jean Carroll and Bravo Mary Trump. You are warrior goddesses. ❤️

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The Media lets him. They parade him on networks as this 'horrible' man, while he is their CASH COW, for Ratings.

Tell me I'm Wrong!

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I am so tired of the tv stations CNN MSNBC, PUTTING RUMP ON THEIR SHIWS ALL THE TIME!



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I believe MSNBC is trying to show you a very sick individual as he shrinks into nothingness with his unbelievable comments and hatred for all that is good.

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You are not wrong. Spot on.

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Of course you are correct

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He is horrible. They are telling the truth

Unlike Fox.

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I'm of two minds on the question of media participation in trump's quest for autocratic power. On one hand, yes, trump's power is based primarily on the fact that he sucks up all the air in the room. The media invites him in when he knocks on the publics' door and then follows him around the room, camera in hand. This gives trump what he craves, unfettered attention which translates into free advertising for his campaign. But the flip side of that is critically important. We must never allow personalities like Stalin, Hitler, Putin and trump to operate in the shadows. That is where they do the most harm. All the noise they make out loud is oftentimes just a side show circus to keep us busy and ignorant of their real intent. That intent, in Hitlers and Stalins plans, were brutal, evil attempts at genocide. This nation and the world needs the media to light the darkness in which psychopaths operate. We need them to ask the hard questions, to deep dive on the hidden, shadow world of people and institutions that seek to cause us irreparable harm. It's a two-edged sword. Personally I would rather know everything about what trump is planning in the corners of his shadow world even if that means the unrelenting bombardment, 24/7 primetime coverage of the trump shit show. It's exhausting.

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In past times Fanni would have been declared a witch and burned at the stake. No smart uppity women could be tolerated then or now!!

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I have always said, the heart of feminism is a woman having her own money. In our capitalist society, money talks, and when a woman has her own money, she can have her own say.

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I think that's what really bugs them the most about Taylor Swift - she's a billionaire, and that creates its own category of "untouchable."

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Absolutely! Money means freedom.

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Damn straight!

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I sincerely hope that Ms. Willis ‘exposure to these creeps is limited . She is as straightforward as any one could wish for . I’m not sure why the judge seemingly caved to these jerks . It is so very apparent she ‘s being used by these criminals to distract from their criminal reality. Everyone else can see through this ruse by Trumps codefendants. Wake up

And end this lie .

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I agree. I don’t think he has his head in the game. When he tells them their line of questioning has been addressed, they just ignore him and keep going. I wanted to jump through the monitor and….. you know!

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The judge's head is very much "in the game." But his job is to determine if Trump's people have met the burden of the law (to get her removed from the case). Anything outside that scope is irrelevant (to his job).

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The judge is a man 🤷🏼‍♀️ Even so-called liberal men are still just men at the end of the day, especially when they are unwilling and/or unable to examine the sexism (and racism) they are steeped in from Day 1 on earth.

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I think the issue came down to her broad explanation of her answers. No quick Yes or No which is all they wanted. She refused to allow them to use her like an Exhibit. She put substance and understanding behind her answers. (Educated them to some black culture along the way - not that they wanted any.)

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I saw part of that. I'd seen before how powerfully brilliant she is, and I was thrilled to see it again, especially in this matter. They need to know who they're trying to trifle with.

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Amen. This behavior is what keeps the hate going. Fani is doing her level best to have the worst of the worst pay for their criminal behavior. No man is above the law. But if a woman committed all of the Jan6 crimes, the “male species “ would have no problem throwing her in isolation. Keep your cool Fani.♥️♥️♥️ The women of the world are singing your praises.

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"Take criticism seriously, but not personally. If there is truth or merit in the criticism, try to learn from it. Otherwise, let it roll right off you."

---Hillary Clinton

Fani Willis sure did show us all what a remarkable stateswoman she is today!

Thank you Mary for sharing these brilliant outtakes, made my day!!

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Black women are held to impossible standards. Ask Michelle Obama. Nothing Willis has done or will do will satisfy them. She will be labeled "irresponsible", "incapable", "trashy", you name it, not because of her behavior but because she is an intelligent & powerful Black woman.

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And, Donald Trump will always be a RAPIST, not Alleged, Found Guilty of.RAPING E JEAN CARROLL.

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The color doesn't make her the threat...the gender makes her a threat.

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It makes me so angry hearing what Fani is being subjected to and I can’t help thinking what if she were white. I’m sure it would not be the same.

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I love the fact Ms Willis doesn’t take any snide innuendos or crass judgements. She did not cower.

Clearly his legal lightweights don’t understand that it’s not relevant that Ms Willis had a relationship with another man, the point is that Trump screwed America without her consent…

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In other words, Trump raped America. Let's call a spade a spade here.

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Yes!!! And he continues to do so every single day with the help of the media! When will it ever end!

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Federal Marshalls with Handcuffs!!!!!

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Good one.

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Thanks, Mary, for putting in writing Fani Willis' brilliant responses.

I was shocked at how forceful the lawyers were attacking Nathan Wade and Fani Willis.

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Yeeeee-haaaaaawwwww. That’s right, Fani. I am all about what you’re saying. You have the ball in your court as far as prosecution goes.

Factual Fani shows her brilliant offensive techniques much better than the defending shit for brains defendant and his lies and constant and abrubt interferences in the court room. Fani can’t be hushed💪🏾 And as an upstanding black woman of ethics and integrity she is right on and in your face about the truth ‼️You will be in future history books as a superb woman of integrity and real justice🔋 May your power be forever charged and enlightening ⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️

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That Judge better have the balls to do the right thing & let.Fani move forward with this Case against Donald J Trump!

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Thank you Mary for demonstrating that Fani Willis is indeed a strong, intelligent woman. So are you Mary Trump.

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Fani Willis is my new hero! 🤩

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I love Fani and all strong women! If I hadn’t had to pay out over $1000 this week in fixing broken essentials I would pay to subscribe but as a widow ( wait till you get the “widow’s tax”) I am on beans and rice and whatever is in the freezer till next month when I get to shell out tons more for Fed taxes thanks to the Scam GOP/Orange Traitor’s tax bill-sighs

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Same on Medicaid. Glad I have it but do not have much left to upgrade several I have upgraded in my mind!! Behind you , Mary , in mind and spirit

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It’s so great to see strong-willed women standing up for themselves and refusing to accept being bullied. Fani Willis, E Jean Carroll, and Mary Trump are role models, not just for women, but for all humans.

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...and for all children.

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say it!

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