There is only once choice. We are on the literal precipice, and I think no one more than McConnell is responsible.

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I totally agree. In Sotomeyer’s dissent she said she fears for democracy. Never before has a Justice used that in an opinion. I am so tired of this but we have much to do. First and foremost elect Biden and Harris. Second ignore the polls. They have been wrong so many times. Third call out the media’s complicity. And fourth do what you can to educate people especially young people. Send out postcards. We do that for Pennsylvanians who are to our north. If you are in. Blue state, get involved with the nearest swing state.

This ruling was scary and if Trump gets elected none of us are safe and Mary knows that all too well.

I shut off the news after I heard the news this AM.

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Same. Then spent the day wondering how, if ever, this could be reversed. Not in my lifetime, probably.

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You should read Simon Rosenberg (also on substack). He studies the numbers and he is consistently optimistic. He also tells his readers that one way to feel better is to start doing something about the problem. After the headlines about the debate got out, I gave $100 to Biden-Harris--only the second time I've given a C-note to a campaign (Biden-Harris the first time) and I gave $50 to Airlift.fund, a group that studies grass roots groups all over the country to figure out what works, and then they give money to the grass roots groups with the best strategies.

I've felt much better since. I've also read much about what we should be doing, and I have concluded that we're doing fine with Biden and Harris, and switching horses in the middle of a race would actually be the stupidest and worst thing we could do.

Justice Sotomayor said rightly that she fears for our Democracy, and I liked that because she is being honest with us. But she is strong, and she wrote an incredibly honest and good dissent that will make the GOP justices realize what traitors they are.

Finally, anyone who needs a boost should watch this great ad for Biden-Harris. You'll feel better after you see it.


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Great ad!! Thank you. ❤️

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You're welcome!

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I gave this week also. Just to cheer the Biden team onward and upward.

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Since, as of the moment of the SCOTUS decision, they rightly gave Biden the exact same power that they essentially wanted to give to tfg. He could dissolve SCOTUS and make it all go away, but he won't. He could remain in the White House and do away with free and fair elections as an official presidential act, if he wanted to. They made that decision knowing that the Biden Administration would not use that almost endless power like their dear leader would, I digress. We, the people, need to make DAMNED sure that tfg NEVER steps foot on that White House lawn again. Period.

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Then given those freedoms to act, Biden should order the CIA to get rid of Trump.

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I agree, but he won't/wouldn't.

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Pretty sure they got rid of that executive order maybe 10 years ago? Not sure but a lot of them are Republican's and he didn't fire everyone like Trump did! Their definably party over country😰

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Here's one website:


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I agree with wanting Biden to act to rid us all of the orange psychopath and I am glad that he won’t do it. I would, however, like for him to issue an executive order proclaiming that: A Convicted Felon May Not Run For President or Any Other Elected Office in the United States of America.

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Everything you say above is terrific, and the executive order is a brilliant idea!

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I sat and cried for 2 hrs then I talk with several young people to explain what happen today and how DJT has gone to Judge Merchen to make them overturn conviction or get new jury why it’s prior to 2017 I guess he say because of what went on in WH after he was elected that crazy. I don’t think it will matter but who knows.

My heart hurts for my grandkids future. I have never in 50yrs of voting felt so disgusted with SC. I do believe Thomas & Ailto have been bought off. All those millions buying him motor homes etc. Alito is a MAGA his hate for them rule of Law.

If a Pres has full immunity do you think Biden can cancel election until DJT trials end? Or can Biden put Trump in Prison? Even assassinate DJT as Trumps lawyers stated he could. Because Trump Stated all this why can’t Biden do it he is Pres. what’s good for one is good for the other. I am wondering if Biden can just get rid of 4 of the Judges then. Damn it Biden needs to shake things up then. It’s not right trump gets these right and not Biden! All the House Republicans should be happy with a Corrupt leader.

I just want to know what can be done. It’s time to fight these evil power hungry Republicans. Anita Hill warn us about Thomas of seeking higher power next will be Brett K they seem the same. Trump will go after Adam K and Liz Cheney.

Is it limited to in office only Right?

We should protest across the COUNTRY! To Rid these unethical SC Justices this is unacceptable.

Vote Blue down Ballot taking back the house & Senate keeping WH we must rally around Joe. gI know he stands with the

Law darn it but push it tcan be good for USA

I don’t trust Trump with his, Russia & United Arab plane parked next to each other why? It’s to odd. Pray for America to stand against our enemies whoļ want total power. It’s time to look at the Republican Party as vDomestic Terrorist. That’s how I feel right now. Iam sick and my is Heart breaking for our country I don’t know what will happen if this evil Man is elect.

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I wish Biden would take some action since he now has unlimited power as well. Time to get rid of scotus and tfg

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The supreme court ruled that it's ok for a sitting president to do away with his or her opponent. So what's stopping him? Let's test the new law using trump as the guinea pig. When faced with the decision to do away with the country or do away with trump, the data seems to favor doing away with trump. Kind of a no-brainer. Get rid of the fucker. If there's a flea on my dog I'm not going to leave it there.

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he doesn't have the mental acuity to take action. didn't you see the debate?

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yeah, I saw it. I can't get it out of my head just yet. Working on it.

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Don Jr thanked Russia for their help on TV.

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Democrats have to project strength. We have to respond to the drama in this election. Promise Kamala Harris that she could be Attorney General. Promise Merrick Garland that he could be on the Supreme Court. Fill the Vice Presidency with Sheldon Whitehouse or Governor Shapiro of PA. People don’t say it but they worry about Biden dying during his term. Winning is everything this time. Whitehouse is a great communicator and his strong stance on the Supreme Court would be agreeable to Biden.

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I agree with you. I've been advocating for the same thing, although suggesting Warren for VP, but Whitehouse would be almost as good. I still think that running someone who is suffering from some debilitating disease, likely Parkinson's, that will only get worse at an accelerating rate that is sure to impact next term, is irresponsible, & replacing Biden with someone like Whitehouse or Warren or Raskin, would be the responsible thing for the Democratic Party to do. Maybe Whitehouse/Raskin or Warren/Raskin or any combination of them, with Kamala as AG. Too many people (the vast majority of Americans, in fact) do not want Biden to be the Democratic nominee or the president for next term.

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Whitehouse probably does not want to be VP, and I'm pretty certain Biden has been training Harris so that she could be a competent president should anything happen to him. But that's unlikely. One of Biden's parents made it to 92, and the other to 86, and people of Biden's generation generally outlast their parents. I don't think either parent had dementia.

And please read what Jennifer Rubin has to say about Kamala Harris. She's very complimentary.


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Biden, unfortunately, would not use those powers like tfg would. He very well could, but he won't. He could have tfg assassinated and he COULD do away with SCOTUS and elections, but he won't. He could lock him up in Gitmo and throw away the key, but he won't. So much power and he is too damned stick to the law of the land that he never would abuse his power even as they handed it to him on a silver platter. Joe is honerable, trump is abhorrent.

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I’ve thought about what Noden could do too since he is now a King

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Biden I meant

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I think I should get a licensed carry and conceals card I'm in the red zone of a blue state and it makes me absolutely scared shitless but I have2 gun stores blocks away from me! You don't have to belong too the corrupt NRA to purchase a gun to protect yourself, sadly it goes against my grain!

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After the immunity decision was published, I turned off the TV and decided I would not watch any news, national or local until Election Day. I am going to take that free time and do whatever I can do to help President Biden get re-elected. It’s our only chance for our survival.

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I totally understand and great replacement activity

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Exactly. I wrote postcards immediately and donated twice.

I needed to save myself, so I quit watching any TV after the debate. I've lost faith in the corporate media.

Now, it's time to fight.

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Hey Janet, do you have a link to Biden's campaign donations site? I don't have much, but I feel like I HAVE to donate. TIA!

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I'm not Janet, but this is Joe's official campaign website - https://joebiden.com/

Donations can be sent from there.

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I donated to the link that Janet posted. Thank you though!

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No truer words were ever spoken or read. Please read America and remember. Justice must win for the sake of the lives of Americans freedom and not just for the life of one man who lies to get favors.

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‼️This is what I’ve been trying to tell everyone all along. I can never find the right words!! All I know is our Democracy is at Stake and I told everyone about the Supreme Court, Project2035 and Orange Devils newest release the eve before July 4th which is Project47.org ( that POS). I been hanging on Twit-X to find out as much news as I can, and anything new—post on Stack!!! Listen, I’m gonna be 69 years old in August. I’m doing the best I can for our Country and All Of Our People… Meaning YOU TOO!!! So excuse me if I tell it like it is lol. Oh and I’m from PA too! A swing state! So we even have to fight HARDER!! 💙💙🇺🇸🇺🇸🗳️‼️🗳️🗳️🗳️🗳️🇺🇸🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸

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This was the number THREE story on Good Morning America. I don’t watch that show but had to see where MSM prioritizes our democracy.

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I totally agree with you, Laura. This is absolutely McConnell's fault.

Thank you, Mary. 💙

I hope I keep sane these next 4 months.

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It's really hard for me to keep it classy when it comes to public commentary about Moscow Mitch. There are no words strong enough to convey my disgust and disdain for that creature. I swear I'm going to learn PhotoShop just so I can get busy on designing tombstones to use as memes when his sorry ass is dead and gone. Forget that nonsense about "not speaking ill of the dead." He is a public person and has EARNED all the ill that can be pronounced about his dismal "public service."

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Mitch McConnell is a piece of shit.

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His three daughters do not communicate with him.

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You can do extreme things just in photo editing. Keep doing screenshots and further exaggerating using tools.

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It’s the people of Kentucky too that take gobs of federal money since they only produce bourbon and horse races and vote McCoonnell (the turtle) repeatedly each election.

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Robert Reich outlines where responsibility lies. McConnell is one of the many dedicated henchmen.


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Yes! He could have directed his Senate to impeach Trump- shame, shame!

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He stole a Supreme Court Justice. But for…

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McConnell stole two - Gorsuch* and Amy Covid Barrett. It is to his eternal shame.

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And to our eternal shame. We should have taken to the streets then and there. We didn't.

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I wish someone would organize a huge march on the Supreme Court. Get a million people into DC, force the Court to shut down for a few days. Unfortunately, I'm not an organizer, but if anyone here is, DO IT! I'll be there!

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They delivered their bombs well executed and went on leave for the summer. The bastard six! We must hunker down and like Simon Rosenberg at Hopium plan for immediate rebuttals to the nonsense of Joe’s stepping down. The voters have been gobsmacked and need to see a lot of Biden in action AND HIS BIG NAME SUPPORTERS. I feel Biden has had the most challenging presidency ever and has done well. News outlets are crucifying him still and had not one kind word to say after his remarks today which were brief but excellent. He was rested and back to Joe. If anything, I could punch out his debate team for filling his head with numbers he didn’t need. He knows those numbers like the back of his hand. There was no need to push him into both exhaustion and a crisis of confidence. It must have been awful if he didn’t throw them all out of the room. He and we can do this without hysteria! Plan and execute. Win in November and item one is to expand the Court to 13 I believe is the correct number, same as district courts. We’re in it to win it and salvage this horrible week from the pundits having a field day. Must support senators to at least 60.

Just heard we are under the critical number of expected wins for nominating and appointing judges.

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I thought the same thing. I think we should now!

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Democrats could've delayed the Barrett confirmation. Obama & Democrats could've insisted on Garland getting a hearing in the 8 months before the election. Just two of a multitude of cases in which Democrats let Republicans have their corrupt way with little or no resistance.

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Some of us did. But to no avail.

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Agree re: McConnell. Bill Barr would be next on my overlong list.

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I agree 100000%!

The only, tiny sliver of satisfaction I am able to feel (and it is so tiny as to be invisible to the naked eye) is the fact that Moscow Mitch's handiwork promoted this monster, not once, but twice, and now he must live with it- He DESPISES Trump!

Like just about every member of the GOP, those who did not leave Congress in disgust, Mitch thought he could control Trump for his own purposes-

He thought he could "Play the long Game" with the not-very-bright-orange- Commander-in-Chief- How did that work out, "Leader McConnell?"

Mitch, the calculating coward, has saddled himself and this country with an insatiable monster who aims to rule in Kim Jong Un style!

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Well, and Shrub's fault too, for nominating Alito.

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And for basically stealing the 2000 election.

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Shrub (snicker 🙃) from a former resident of Texas - 22 yrs ago

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It was the inimitable and irreplaceable Molly Ivins' nickname for him.

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Yep! Thanks for the small chuckle on an otherwise awful night, Mim.

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I hope you're feeling better, Sheila! We're all in this together.

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And Roberts, although--granted--Alito is quite a bit worse than Roberts.

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The Tortoise is responsible in at least two ways for our predicaments: a) He engineered the right-wing Supreme Court and b) he torpedoed the two impeachments. McConnell has also done absolutely nothing for the residents of Kentucky who have kept him in the Senate for 40 years. His life's work is nearly complete. All that remains for him is further dismantling of our Constitution.

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Add in Leonard Leo.

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Add him in, and then subtract him with some horrible poison!

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We have no time to play the blame game that will help no one and nothing! We need to get to work on getting as many people to vote by telling them of the alternative!

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It just keeps getting worse.

I knew the ruling wouldn’t be good. But to give him immunity and turn this back to the lower courts —allowing him to maintain his Teflon Don status — and delaying Jack Smith’s case is beyond discouraging.

SCOTUS is stacked and ultimately very corrupt.

We absolutely MUST show up at the polls!

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We need a million person march in DC on the first Monday in October when SCOTUS returns. Something so large that all media will be talking about Americans’ goal to preserve democracy in the face of the rogue “Supreme” court. Let’s march before Trump takes power this time or he will be sending his goons after us when we take the streets if he wins...

It is not just democracy on the ballot, America herself is on the ballot!

I’m still voting for the old guy, not the pathological lying felon.

I'm still wearing this anti-Trump shirt until election day 👇



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We need marches in EVERY MAJOR City in US, same day.

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Just like the poor peoples campaign does

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I agree about the March on DC, first Monday in October. I think we should aim to shut the Court down--if possible, by surrounding it with marchers. (I think that may be possible.) But we need to find out who is capable of organizing this sort of thing and get them on it!

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Biden--best Pres of my lifetime, which began the first summer of the Eisenhower Administration.

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The Supreme Court of right wing InJustices has signed their participation in Project 2025 .

It been expelling a rank odor for several years , as they worked systematically , with Bribery as their reward package for getting started .

Leo Leonard has been encouraging this as have the rest of the wealthiest , most corrupt donations to Alito and Thomas, in turn for their dedication to fascism. And dedicated they’ve been .

I’m sure they’re all busy for a few days getting reinforced for their good efforts to replace Democracy with fascism .

It’s interesting how they don’t bother with the Constitution at all any more .

People who are as profoundly corrupt and pompous as the Republican appointed ‘ In Justices ‘ are way ahead of all that.

I have to give an honorable mention to Mitch McConnell, for all of his effort to reinforce the toxicity of the majority in Court .

Denying President Obama his authority to appoint a judge to the Court .

I’m realizing this plan has been in effect

for much longer than we realized.

The Democrats need to get on this , and stay on it till these fascist enemies of Democracy are gone.

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I have the same shirt! Love it 🥰

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I’m game. Let’s do this.

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CHRISTI --And what good will it do if Biden wins? Trump will continue to run the country with another lie -- that it was rigged ! This all started with GOP congress people willing to go on currying Trump's favor and the dimwit MAGA people thinking they were being ever so smart to take up Trump's lie -- which THEY KNEW WAS A LIE. Just wait, MAGAs -- if Trump wins, you lose BIG-TIME ! Tou know all that Social Security you worked for? It will be gone, along with our wonderful Medicare and ObamaCare health insurance. No one will profit except Trump, and all those Trump lovers who see nothing but dollar-signs as they keep giving him money and the six Supreme Court s***faces who seem to think power is everything. All of a sudden I wish my grandparents had stayed in Ireland instead to boarding a ship with only the clothes on their backs and worked so hard to make a place for our family in this beloved country. Think of the millions of immigrants who worked so hard to build this democracy that is now going to be ripped to shreds. How did we let this happen ? We let a madman run our country even the four years after he was defeated for a second term. He ran things by telling Congress what to do and threatened anyone he chose to -- and they followed him like a herd of sheep. Mitt Romney and you other decent Republicans -- how did you let his happen? You gave up to thugs and threats. I knew today would be a bad day because the cowardly Supreme Court waited until the last day to dash the hopes of all of us. I wonder who will be Trump's first-pick to put in prison or to arrange to have murdered?

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Democrats have to project strength. We have to respond to the drama in this election. Promise Kamala Harris that she could be Attorney General. Promise Merrick Garland that he could be on the Supreme Court. Fill the Vice Presidency with Sheldon Whitehouse or Governor Shapiro of PA. People don’t say it but they worry about Biden dying during his term. Winning is everything this time. Whitehouse is a great communicator and his strong stance on the Supreme Court would be agreeable to Biden.

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Barbara: Despair is a tool that authoritarians use to wear down and demoralize their opponents. Don’t succumb to it.

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Does it matter how many votes any more given Republican corruption will fake.the results? The DOJ is slow and tries to protect the constitution with one hand tied behind its back causing delay. Delay,delay fighting corrupt politicians, corrupt lawyers and gerrymandering. Evil can win.

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Please don’t succotash despair. It’s a tactic that authoritarians use to wear down, belittle and demoralize their opponents.

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Jul 2
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You're wrong about everything here. I don't know who you are, but you obviously don't understand how these things work, and you also don't understand that Biden is one of the best US presidents ever. Here's the latest ad for Biden.


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The worst possible thing we could do would be to dump Biden. Lawrence O'Donnell is one of our best pundits. Listen to him explain why dumping Biden would lead to the Democrats losing the White House.


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Democrats have to project strength. We have to respond to the drama in this election. Promise Kamala Harris that she could be Attorney General. Promise Merrick Garland that he could be on the Supreme Court. Fill the Vice Presidency with Sheldon Whitehouse or Governor Shapiro of PA. People don’t say it but they worry about Biden dying during his term. Winning is everything this time. Whitehouse is a great communicator and his strong stance on the Supreme Court would be agreeable to Biden.

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With coming from France, how do you explain your own meltdown? We’ll take care of ours and see you next year in Normandy!

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From across the Atlantic, and looking on grimly: I very much hope this will be the biggest Democrat voter turnout of all time. Because it needs to be.

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Thank you!

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Hi Mike, you bet it will be!

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Democrats need to vote like their lives depend on it. Because they do.

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Yes, our lives do depend on it.

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THIS!!! 🙌🙌🥰💙💙💙💙

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Their lives do depend on it!! I already plan to leave the country because it will no longer be a country for me!!

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Jul 2Edited
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That would be me.

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Why can’t Biden have this same immunity to do whatever he wants to do then? Why can’t he round them all up and put them all in prison for what they did on 1/6? Including all the Magas in Congress? I’m so disgusted with these evil men. The justices should be put in prison too for going against the constitution. I’ve talked to tons of 50yr olds and younger who are telling me they won’t vote. They don’t want Biden after what happened at the phony debate. I’ve told them by not voting, they are voting for trump. What can we do? There isn’t much I can do at my age. I will vote but that’s about all. How do we convince younger people they have to vote for dems?

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He has that same immunity now and he better use it in the upcoming months. The Republicans would.

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Precisely!! He needs to start playing their game, but smarter and better than they would!

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You are right caginess is necessary ! Democrats have to project strength. We have to respond to the drama in this election. Promise Kamala Harris that she could be Attorney General. Promise Merrick Garland that he could be on the Supreme Court. Fill the Vice Presidency with Sheldon Whitehouse or Governor Shapiro of PA. People don’t say it but they worry about Biden dying during his term. Winning is everything this time. Whitehouse is a great communicator and his strong stance on the Supreme Court would be agreeable to Biden. I think this would work !

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Precisely!! He can use his Executive order power to make some much needed changes — like making women’s reproductive rights protected under the Constitution & codified into law. Like declaring the Insurrection an act of treason and holding all involved accountable; and maybe holding members of SCOTUS accountable for their corruption. Biden has been too passive with MAGAnuts. It’s time he use his executive order super powers!

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Yes I was thinking the same thing let Biden now use the new powers for good.

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Democrats have to project strength. We have to respond to the drama in this election. Promise Kamala Harris that she could be Attorney General. Promise Merrick Garland that he could be on the Supreme Court. Fill the Vice Presidency with Sheldon Whitehouse or Governor Shapiro of PA. People don’t say it but they worry about Biden dying during his term. Winning is everything this time. Whitehouse is a great communicator and his strong stance on the Supreme Court would be agreeable to Biden.

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You’re 100% right!

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I send articles to the younger people in my family- In 2020, they were not going to vote, because they wanted Bernie- So I shared with them the input Bernie had in Biden's platform which Biden has indeed done his best to make real-

So they did vote after all in 22020-

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Thanks! I’ll keep plugginh

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I've thought about your questions, which were mine, too. Biden isn't going to do anything that's unconstitutional, whether the Supreme Court approves of it in their latest ruling, or not. Because the Supreme Court's ruling is unconstitutional.

Please keep explaining to youngsters that Trump will take all their rights away, and he will also stop all the measures the US has undertaken under Biden to reduce global warming, so that they will end up living in a hot house hell if Trump gets elected. If these younger people don't vote, they will die in heat waves, in floods, and in tornadoes and hurricanes, and they will die as their houses get destroyed by weather, with them in it, and they will starve as agriculture fails.

Linda, thank you for trying to convince these people. You're doing good work, and if we defeat Trump, you will deservedly get some of the credit.

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If you can, also donate and/or volunteer for House races because Joe will need Congress behind him to keep making progress.

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There is another scenario.

Here's part of an hour-by-hour timeline illustrating how Presidential immunity might unfold, beginning with the key announcements shared simultaneously on main stream media, followed by subsequent news updates:

Day 1:

1:00 PM - Supreme Court rules 6-3 to grant the President absolute immunity from criminal prosecution and investigation while in office.

2:00 PM - In a stunning video address, President Biden invokes immunity, declares a national emergency, proposes suspending 2024 elections indefinitely, and announces sweeping executive orders:

- Investigation and potential arrest of Trump and key GOP leaders

- Universal healthcare and $2,000 monthly UBI for all adults

- Free schooling from age 3 through college, major teacher salary increases and benefits

- Massive funding boost for the arts and public media, including a new Federal Arts Corps

- $10 trillion infrastructure, clean energy, and jobs plan

- Comprehensive immigration reform, legal status for undocumented immigrants

- 90% windfall tax on oil giants' profits, funds directed to green energy transition

- National high-speed rail network and major expansion of public transit

- $1 trillion investment in affordable housing and homelessness reduction

- Executive order protecting LGBTQ+ rights in employment, housing, and public services

- Cancellation of all federal student loan debt

- Expansion of food assistance programs and school meal funding

- New progressive tax system: 70% top marginal rate for incomes over $10 million, wealth tax on net worth over $50 million

- Corporate tax rate increased to 35%, elimination of loopholes and offshore tax havens

- Middle-class tax cuts, 50% reduction in federal income taxes for those earning under $100,000 annually

2:30 PM - FBI launches nationwide investigations into hundreds of Trump loyalists and suspected Jan 6 insurrectionists.

3:00 PM - Reports emerge of military operations targeting top MAGA figures nationwide. Trump arrested for treason.

3:30 PM - U.S. stock markets tumble as investors react to the unprecedented political upheaval and new corporate taxes. Trading halted as circuit breakers are triggered.

4:00 PM - Global banks freeze billions in assets tied to prominent MAGA figures, citing potential criminal investigations.

5:00 PM - Allegations surface of foreign ties among some conservative leaders, prompting further investigations. Biden orders media outlets associated with these figures to be temporarily shut down pending review.

6:00 PM - Mass detentions of individuals suspected of insurrection-related crimes continue. ACLU raises concerns about lack of due process.

7:00 PM - Biden dissolves key Congressional committees, consolidating oversight power in the executive branch.

8:00 PM - Biden establishes a new "Office of Information Integrity" to combat disinformation, with power to regulate online content. Critics raise censorship concerns.

9:00 PM - In a press conference, Biden defends his actions as necessary to "preserve democracy" and "build a more just America," while facing tough questions from reporters.

10:00 PM - Democrats express mixed reactions, with some progressives enthusiastically backing Biden while moderates raise concerns. Remaining Republicans condemn Biden's moves as unconstitutional power grabs.

11:00 PM - International leaders express shock and concern, with reactions ranging from calls for calm and restraint to outright condemnation of Biden's actions as anti-democratic.

12:00 AM - Protests continue into the night in cities across America, with sporadic clashes between supporters and opponents of Biden's actions. Some protests are dispersed by heavily militarized police.

1:00 AM - In a late-night address, Biden calls for a Constitutional Convention to "rebalance" government branches, propose term limits for elected officials, and reconsider the Electoral College. He floats the idea of a third term to "oversee the transition."

Day 2:

10:30 AM - Biden declares a national emergency on climate change, announcing a sweeping plan to transition to a carbon-neutral economy by 2035.

11:00 AM - The White House unveils a comprehensive police reform plan, including demilitarization and enhanced accountability measures.

11:30 AM - Biden establishes a national healthcare task force to oversee the rapid implementation of the universal healthcare system.

12:00 PM - The administration launches a major diplomatic initiative to repair relationships with allies and restore America's global leadership.

1:00 PM - Biden issues a controversial executive order restricting the sale and possession of firearms, citing the need to curb domestic extremism.

2:00 PM - The President announces a plan to pack the Supreme Court with additional justices, arguing the need to counterbalance the court's conservative majority. Several conservative Supreme Court justices arrested as "unregistered foreign agents."

3:00 PM - Biden proposes a constitutional amendment to abolish the Senate, claiming it's an outdated and undemocratic institution that hinders progress.

4:00 PM - The administration suggests creating a "National Security Council for Domestic Affairs" to coordinate intelligence gathering and enforcement actions against perceived threats. Civil liberties advocates raise alarm over potential for abuse.

9:00 PM - The nation grapples with the realization that America has entered uncharted territory. While many celebrate Biden's bold progressive agenda and tax reforms, others fear the concentration of power and erosion of checks and balances. The line between necessary reform and creeping authoritarianism blurs, setting the stage for a contentious and uncertain future.

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Interesting take on a broad authority now. Our POTUS is now a king. Sink that in

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Wow. Great plan.

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I second your scenarios! There is still time to save the USA

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You have been writing this comment for weeks, maybe months !!!!

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Yes. I had a working draft, rewritten bits on and off for a long, long time. My note read FINAL DRAFT April 27th, though I continued to edit it sporadically.

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Excellent. I look forward to it.

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No more investigations. There’s video tape. He’s already guilty pick him up and enforce his sentence.

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This sounds great to me. Omg I could never come up with this.

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9:15 PM - Biden issues executive order banning cell phones in all schools, including the private fake religious ones that don’t pay any taxes. Immediate 10 year sentence for any principal who fails to enforce the ban. Due process suspended indefinitely.

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Very few revolutions do not end up as Dictatorships-

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However, we are basically in the same position we were in just before the Civil War-

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I have ,as a spiritual person, followed a path that includes a certain message from a Hopi Elder who sent some of his people to the United Nations to warn the World about exactly what is Happening in this White Man's world at this very moment. Nothing he spoke of has not rung true. The core of this prophecy is not about fear mongering, but about Love and connection. The Hopi people believe that all living beings are energetically connected by a universal life force. It has intelligence and is governed by love and respect for all creation. Their name means, The Peaceful ones.

Why am I responding to your impressive plan with this woo-woo kind of comment?

Because we have been absolutely energetically Gutted in the past 8 years and more by these Energetic Vampires who feed off of our pain,suffering and desperation. And we know desperate people don't make good choices. Survival is more than just armororing and dividing our singular selves. We are participating in an election that will decide the future course of the World , not just America.

The Hopi teach us that by knowing we have unlimited Power through that connection ,coming together in harmony, love, and trust in each other,we can shift this plague of Facist Darkness and bring us all back into a country of progress and continued prosperity.

"We are the People we have been Waiting For" rings true ,because if it's not us, there will be none left to undoe this Travesty and the battle will be lost.

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I am certainly impressed by all the thought and effort you employed ,the detailed information included and the remarkable roll-out of assertive actions taken to both protect the American people, the Constitution, and the sweeping eradication of anything or anyone that has been diligently and aggressively infiltrating and corrupting every aspect of government branches, religious institutions, social platforms, even the music industry to divide and weaken our nation and bring us to our knees in exhaustive despair and desperation

I felt cold chills run through my body the day I listened to George W.Bush speak about the New World Order on National television. I knew after 9/11 our country would radically change in ways that would not bode well. Trump is an evil front man for those who stayed hidden in the shadows playing the long game that got us to this point of crisis. I Wish President Biden could do all these things, and more.

I still suffer daily from emotional trauma from the

Outrageous and deadly lies Trump spewed ,resulting in countless death and the ongoing present suffering of women ,because his sinister justices revoked their bodily rights. I know it could all get so much worse. I saw this coming a long time ago. I despised Trump when he became known in the 80's for his slithery,unsavory presence even then. When he became president, my worst dreams became true.

We can chase our tails over and over trying to make some kind of sense or peace out of all of this surreal revolt against law and order and the defecation on our Constitution,Or we can gather our wagons,keep our spines straight, our eyes clear,our hearts full of courage and fight fire with fire. Everything changes, and we All carry the power to bring massive change when a great wrong has been thrust upon us.

As the wise elders of the Hopi(the peaceful ones)Indians warned the world ,when given a vision and prophecy 100 years ago that told us how we are all energetically onnected as human beings ,"We are the Ones we have been waiting for."

Time has run out, and working together we Can and must fight for each other as brothers and sisters of the Light.

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I was so hoping someone would start such a list so others could add-on. Great job.

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well ok now! this sounds as if you have blended many ideas together to create a totally new reality in this country..of course trump started that process a while back in order to destroy what we have had for over 200 years!you must have spent a great deal of time on this!

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Here is my plan:

Democrats have to project strength. We have to respond to the drama in this election. Promise Kamala Harris that she could be Attorney General. Promise Merrick Garland that he could be on the Supreme Court. Fill the Vice Presidency with Sheldon Whitehouse or Governor Shapiro of PA. People don’t say it but they worry about Biden dying during his term. Winning is everything this time. Whitehouse is a great communicator and his strong stance on the Supreme Court would be agreeable to Biden.

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Add to all that reducing the bloated “defense”/military industrial complex budget and re-regulating Wall Street/Finance industry.

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That would be wild and amazing but is Biden gonna actually do it sooner? He is still absorbing the stunning news.

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The fire I feel in my belly. The only thing stopping him now is us.

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If the tables were turned, what would the Republicans do? Let’s do that!

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Yes - and NOW! Biden needs to do WHATEVER he can to stop the menace! Dark Joe needs to step in and pass some Executive Orders!

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Be strong Joe!

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I agree! Dems always lie down and let rethugs mow right over them.

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That’s because Dems have principles and Repugs don’t. But sometimes one has to say,”F**k principles!

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When German bombers were pummeling England during the summer 1940 blitz.........RAF pilots from many overrun countries flew 3-4 missions a day!!! That is what it takes to save democracy!!! Today MUST be the day the Democratic party fights back with all it has......democracy is in peril in the United States of America.

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Sure seems like it! Everyone predicted that this would never happen…wrong!

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They would cheat, like they tried to do on Jan 6. We are above that, of course. But they aren’t, and they threaten to do it again.

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Dems play by the rules, Repubs cheat-

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I definitely agree 💯

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According to the opinion, POTUS is well within bounds to imprison, prosecute and/or terminate these justices; as long as it is done as an “official act.” POTUS and the SENATE are well within their right to add three more justices to SCOTUS today. A king has been created in America, now it’s up to us as voters to put this movement to bed by voting for people that put America over their party. This is a pivotal moment and Biden is the only answer. God help us all to bring voters out, not just because of Biden, but because a convicted criminal in the WH will only ruin America forever.

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yes great idea to add more to the supreme courts- which the constitution allows do this asap

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It should be a Biden promise imo

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I find it interesting that among the 46 US Presidents only one asked for immunity. Obviously, he knows he's a criminal and so do all Republicans. Dobbs, Fischer, Loper Bright and the immunity case were all necessary steps in case evil prevails and Trump is re-elected. That way they can easily implement Project 2025. We have to vote Blue, up and down the ballot to keep the White House, take back the House and keep the Senate. Then, we legislatively undo as much of the Supreme Court's damage as possible, get rid of the filibuster and add more justices to the Supreme Court. It'll be a lot of hard work but unless you want to live in an autocracy you really don't have a choice.

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yes no other president has done all of this. My question IS all of these 3 newer Republican justices LIED before they were confirmed they were asked over and over IS ROE V WADE established law of the land? and they all affirmed and swore YES Why Cannot they ALL be impeached for going against what they swore under oath?

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Alito and Kavanaugh also said that no one is above the law in their confirmation hearings. They can change their minds so they'll say they didn't lie.

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Well they lied.

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Trump bought these judges so that had them on his side forever. That's how he has always done business. Someday it's all going to backfire.

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Exactly. Wonder why? Oh. Maybe it's because no other president committed crimes in broad daylight in front of live TV cameras?

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Vote like all of our lives depend on it. Because our lives DO depend on it.

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Biden can easily show that the convict will destroy America, hand it over to Putin, and shit on the constitution.

That ought to be enough to get every fucking voter with a speck of decency to the polls.

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You would think. It doesn't seem like what's at stake here hasn't been spelled out enough and that can be blamed on the damn media. I found out a day after the debate that 3 staunch Republicans I was in contact won't be voting for Trump. The consensus was that all he does is keep spewing bullshit, non-stop lies and he still doesn't have a plan for healthcare or the economy. Perhaps more of the GOP will start waking up and see that this could be the end of democracy as we know it.

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Democrats have to project strength. We have to respond to the drama in this election. Promise Kamala Harris that she could be Attorney General. Promise Merrick Garland that he could be on the Supreme Court. Fill the Vice Presidency with Sheldon Whitehouse or Governor Shapiro of PA. People don’t say it but they worry about Biden dying during his term. Winning is everything this time. Whitehouse is a great communicator and his strong stance on the Supreme Court would be agreeable to Biden.

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agreed..however,there are still many when interviewed who say they dont like trump nor biden,so they wont vote..a lot of those are young people 18-30 who dont truly understand whats at stake here not just for now,but years to come..

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TELL THEM !! Their Social Secuirity, Medicare and ObamaCare health insurance will all be gone. The money will go to Trump and eventually to Putin and his power-hungry lackeys. And they may want to second-guess their investments and bank accounts. Trump and his backers who have plans for all this must be licking their chops tonight,

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If you re-elect Biden you actually protect many Republicans from Donald Trump.

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And boycott NYT.

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Hang in Mary. I am still hopeful the country will come to it's senses. <3

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We are the MAJORITY. We can stop tRump and say no to MAGA.

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For this I literally pray, and I'm not a church person!

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