In the words of our brilliant Vice President Ms. Harris, UNITY IS MORE THAN JUST SAYING THE WORD”.

Keep this stokerpedohitler away from young girls and the WHITE HOUSE, VOTE BLUE!

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Keep his VP candidate from the young girls, too. Birds of a feather…

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But they DON'T flock in non-existent basements below pizza restaurants!

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Mary, this is among your very best essays. We have got to keep sounding this alarm!

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I regret that Mary doesn't have more of a following.

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Her reach is pretty wide. We have friends in Eastern Europe who appreciate her.

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That “Acceptance Speech” after the usual blah yadda yadda quickly spiraled into beyond bizarre, bringing up his latest obsession, riffing on Hannibal Lector. Huh? What was that about, this was not the 1st time he’s brought the infamous, fictional monster up? Obviously off teleprompter, and off he went rambling in yet another crazy direction. A noticeable change to the oddest speech pattern, a droning, sing song, slowly almost hypnotic stream of nonsense almost put all the listeners in the RNC auditorium and audiences tuned in from home. On and on and on he was putting everyone sleep, if they weren’t too alarmed by the obviously very disturbing warnings,

there’s something seriously wrong with repeated wacko references to the Silence of the Lambs character again….. Why has the press not brought this to light?

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I really believe we can no longer trust any media at all.

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While I agree with everything Mary said, I have been searching for more factual Media - I like Scripps and during Donald's speech, I was watching PBS (a network Project 2025 wants to cancel). They were doing a very good job of fact-checking.

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The BBC Verify feature now does this and digs into the given story to check any claims or stats. Almost everything was confirmed as a lie or misleading

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Thank you. I’ll begin watching BBC.

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Here’s the BBC website Verify article for reference Crime, immigration and tax cuts - Trump's speech fact-checked https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cglk87d817zo

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Thank you.

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good to see someone at NYT is making an effort to swim against the tide of sycophancy

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The Guardian is also good.

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i agree. the guardian is my second trusted source for news and op-ed

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Of note, neither the BBC (paid for by the British public) or the Guardian is owned by a billionaire with an agenda.

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I watch PBS every day in Australia.

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I donate to PBS because I listen to them and I appreciate that they don’t do commercials. Network stations have so many commercials that sometimes I lose interest in whatever I was watching. I don’t have cable or local channels. Just streaming and they have began to have commercials. The greed continues.

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For international news

Democracy Now, Al Jazeera, Univision, WION

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I dropped the Washington Post and NY Times.

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I need to drop WaPo. Dropped NYT couple weeks ago.

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I hope the NYT realizes this is happening. The Old Gray Lady is long gone.

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I did, too. I get my political news about the election, etc., from PBS, Rachel, Mary, Jay Kuo, Brian Tyler Cohen, The Midas Touch, Democracy Now….

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Great Idea! I dropped NYT…….and now on to the Washington Post! By the time this Nightmare reaches its conclusion…..there will only be The Philadelphia Inquirer….Just as well! At least we’ll have Mary, Joyce Vance and Yes, the Boys of Sirius XM Progress, Michelangelo Singnorile, Dean Obeidallah, John Fugelsang.

and Lawrence O’Donnell……on, well, you know where! That’s about it…..No CNN or any of the corporate Cop-Outs. Our choices are limited, but Outstanding, Dan Rather, Robert Reich! So, Dig in, and enjoy the few voices we have! And hope that the Nightmare won’t come crashing down.

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Dropped them also.

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Me too

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Why drop WAPO? Just curious.

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The same thing I saw with the NYT. I had a subscription with the Washington Post for 30 years. I'm really over this drag Biden down and ignore the crazy orange clown. The Toronto Globe and Mail is in the same bucket.

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I used to like it but after Biden’s debate they joined the ‘get rid of Biden’ train. Even their comments section is now full of anti Biden posts. Not worth my time to read anything on WaPo anymore.

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Since the new publisher Will Lewis started in January things have been going downhill at WaPo rapidly.

He came up through the ranks at Murdoch's British tabloid empire. Surprise, surprise, he pushes the same crass propaganda.

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I haven’t trusted them since the way they did Bernie in 2016. Because of the way Jeff Bezos runs Amazon, I cannot support WaPo or Whole Foods.

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They’re truly shadow of their former selves. It boosts Trump all the time and is a rag of a local newspaper anymore. I pay for online access to read certain writers but it feels wrong to give them a dime.

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The American Prospect is a great source. I recommend them highly.

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Meidas Touch, Anthony Davis, ProPublica, Daily Koz-- support these! Also Heather Cox Richardson, Joyce Vance

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Also Robert Hubbell's newsletter

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I stopped all tv media 2 weeks ago - and I don’t plan to go back. Only reliable and credible substacks and sites for my information.

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That's not a reasonable conclusion, and it's really not better than trusting all media. PBS, Deomcracy Now, BBC, The Guardian are all pretty reliable sources, and there are 4 fact-checking webpages. Don't give up: just find the few good ones! And substacks like Mary's, Joyce Vance's, and Ruth Ben-Ghiat's all stick to facts and explanations. You might try regular reading of those.

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Long time no Posts! However, as I’ve stated, gave up WoPo, NYT…only have Philadelphia Inquirer…….Gave up the Corporate Media.

I listen to two Talk Shows on Sirius Satellite Radio…..Michelangelo Signorile on @3pm….Great Opening Rant and Great Guests! And I also listen to the opening Rant on Dean Obagaliah……..Also on Sirius….from 6pm to 6:30pm.

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I hope that's not true

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I agree

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This election is not just important in the US. The safety of Europe hangs in the balance as well.

Trump has already given Putin a lot of support. This will only get worse if Trump becomes president again. I do not care whether he cut himself in the ear or not; he is a horrible person.

Republican politicians are only working for wealthy people. Wealthy Republicans don't want abortion because they want cheap labor. This election is extremely important for the whole world. Mary, you are showing the way. We need the Democrats to be very offensive now.

For me, it is not very important that Biden wins; it is important that Democrats win.

We are rooting for you here in Denmark 🇩🇰 ❤️

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So tragically. If Putin takes Ukraine, he’ll move right onto Poland.

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Trump will never arm Ukraine especially because of his love for Putin

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Yes, Repubs are saying this openly. That’s their “peace plan.”

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It's incredible how right-wing America all of a sudden loves Russia, simply because it was Biden who was in power and decided to support the Ukraine. If it had been a Republican president in power, who had decided to support the Ukraine, right-wing America would have continued to love Russia. Those people are either hypocrites or extremely ignorant.

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Few seem to realize that Putin will not stop ...

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It is very scary. We have already seen various attacks all over Europe, by Russian agents and hired mercenaries. A few weeks ago they tried to kill the owner of a German weapons factory, who provides weapons for the Ukraine.

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^ That! Full support for the Democrats/democrats from me in Germany as well. Though we do have our own problems here in Europe as well. Scary times. Lessons learned from history - zilch!

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Yes, it is extremely depressing.

It's rather complicated.

Most of the people who are voting for Trump in the US, or voting for other right-wing politicians in Europe, are voting against their own interests. Most of them are not aware of this. Some of them are. The poor or lower middle class are voting against their own interests and they are voting out of frustration, out of hate. The more they suffer, the more they will vote for aggressive, hateful politicians. They are not aware of the enormous problems this presents. They think they can just vote for someone else if this doesn't work out, but we are facing fascism all over the world. If Trump is voted president, I am not sure, American voters are getting another chance. And then we all of a sudden have Russia, China and the USA, three fascist countries, abusing their populations and attacking whomever they see fit.

World peace is dependent on the US, continuing to be democratic.

Yes, I am nervous. I am happy for all of you though, doing what you can to support democracy.

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The safety of our whole world hangs in the balance, I would not be surprised if people start importing products from the US, letting US businesses have companies in their country and in the extreme going to war against us if he wins and continues to destroy the environment and water ways.

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I happen to have caught AOC on TikTok this afternoon. She was also on Instagram last night. I’m sure she is trying to hit all of Social Media. She wants to make sure Biden supporters know what is going on with the anti-Biden people. She said besides the wealthy donors it’s also the Dems, particularly legislators, actors etc that want Biden to step aside. But that’s not all. They don’t want Kamala either. I can’t believe this! What the hell is the matter with them? There’s three months until election. AOC also said Ohio needs to have the names on ticket before convention. There is another State has requirements etc. The point she was making is the Republicans have already filed paperwork (I have no idea what) in all the Swing States and will be prepared to take the Dems to court if we do anything wrong or against rules etc. Which makes me wonder who else knows this and if not, why not? I’m not positive if these were all her concerns or not. She said she’s been in meetings but they aren’t listening to her. Please try to listen to AOC on SM and then share with everyone.

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Thank you!

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I now follow https://globalextremism.org/ on the European neo-fascist organizations. You are right to be worried, and I am so sorry that you are experiencing this crisis in Denmark, too.

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Thanks! Denmark is so far ahead of the US but we are trying!💙💙🇺🇸🇺🇸

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Thank you 😍 Yes, the system we have in Denmark is pretty good; democratic socialism, free healthcare, free education and no poverty. However, fascism is showing it's ugly head here, as well. And, being a small country, we are dependent on the US, staying democratic. I am rooting for all of us 🥰🌈❤️

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Re the Democrats winning — Thank you, and that’s exactly what we here in the States have to concentrate on: We must vote for whomever is the presidential candidate, be it Biden or someone else. Never have Trump back in the White House. And vote against as many other fascists as are on the ballots.

And Canada and Mexico have big stakes in our election (obviously).

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I worked at CNN Center in Atlanta behind the scenes in the newsroom from early 1996 to early 2001 and I can't fucking stand them anymore. They are traitors to democracy and have been this way since 2002.

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CNN are traitors!!!!

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Yep and all my friends who worked there when I did aren't there anymore and agree with me about how vile that channel has gotten these past 22 years.

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If the NY Times and WaPo reporters and editors were properly doing their jobs they would get teams of reporters on the ground following the work of local and regional efforts for Biden and for Trump. They don’t check the efficacy of polls. Corporate media has no feel for how voters feel. Meanwhile, the billionaires of tech, especially Elon Musk, have many reasons to work together to push Pres. Biden out: government intervention to curb social media and artificial intelligence among the reasons. And then there are the perceived snubs by Pres. Biden to the billionaires who think they are the smartest people on the planet. They are every bit as egomaniacal as Trump but with far more intelligence than Trump. I am again suspecting that there are huge money and power interests pushing the removal of Biden and these interest are cloaked within the party’s donors.

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Of course creepy ass Elflon Musk wants Biden out. Biden is going to tax billionaires up the ying yang. Trump plans on letting them keep their billions and us lower middle class can foot the tax bills. Why can’t these stupid, gullible, white trash so called “Christians” see this??? I guess they like letting 1% keep all the $$$ in America in their greedy coffers. They seem to think because they’re white Trump is going to have their backs and he don’t give a shit about anyone who’s bank account is less than $100 million.

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What specific things did you notice?

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When CNN was bought out by AOL and then they had reporters embedded with the troops in Iraq, the entire network fell into the abyss, sans Christiane Amanpour of course.

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Hmm . . . thanks for explaining. I did not notice that at the time but now I see Jake Tapper and Dana Bash going easy on Repubs in an inappropriate way.

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Ted Turner said his biggest mistake was selling his media entities to Time-Warner when I was working at CNN. They didn't mess with the reporting but it led to the AOL buyout and the rest of the fuckery since then leading to David Zaslav (a MAGAt traitor) calling the shots at CNN now.

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Got it; I forgot who was now in charge. No wonder CNN is headed south!

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I want this piece to gain a million “likes” and be sent to the editorial page editors of every major newspaper.

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EXACTLY -Mary Will you write an OpEd (and then would they print it?)

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What a great idea! I’m subscribed to the WAPO and they owe us this after calling the convention “energized and focused,” as if this were an ordinary convention with an ordinary candidate.

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Who owns the media, and why do they want him in power? Talk about deep state.

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For the big players, it is not only who OWNS them, but who they employ. The one thing the New York Times, the Washington Post, and Wall Street Journal have in common is a 93 year old man who owns the Wall Street Journal, Rupert Murdoch. Both the Bezos Post (WaPo) and the Tarnished Lady (NYT) use the WSJ has a farm club.

And there are grudges......Biden refusing to give an exclusive interview to Dash's NYT led to his getting the Hillary treatment. Bezos was busy trying to employ as his two top editors from the British style scandal sheet mode who both came with pretty sketchy reputations. (This is according to the New York Times and Politico which give sources). They may not have been employed by Murdoch, but they do employ the same kind of ethics.

Murdoch has said he does not "support" the tangerine turd but he still gives to his campaign. If that is not support, I don't know what is.

My theory is that the top papers in this country are all controlled one way or another, be it directly or indirectly by following the scandal mongering style of reporting advocated and encouraged by a 93 year old fascist who hates, loathes, and despises democracy and quite gleefully would love to see the turd back in the seat of power.

I may be very wrong.....but......

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I was just wondering how much boykotting is taking place by Democratic voters?

Not buying or selling a Tesla vehicle?

Not buying anything from amazon anymore?

Arent these multibilionaires not the oligarchs in the usa?

Just asking.....

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Many media outlets are owned by Republican oligarchs.

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I'm not sure about Mary, but I am terrified. If I had money, I would take my family and move out of America tomorrow!

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We need you here to get out the vote 🗳 in November...then see about your plans.

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I will for sure!

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Yes but do we know who will replace Biden, if anyone.

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It had better be Harris but I’m still ridin’ with Biden.

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I have thought that same thing before, but I have to stay around and see the blue wave coming.

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Jul 19Edited

Be part of blue wave Indivisible.ORG


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Come to Australia. We are scared too. We have a military alliance with you.

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I would leave tomorrow but my son, daughter-in-law, and two grandchildren will all have to come. We do not have enough money to all move. Thanks for the invite.

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All of you are valuable citizens here, so I hope you will be able to feel better about this country.

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Same, girl, same.

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Sadly there seems to be a shift to the right in a lot of countries. Here in Europe as well. Though it's not as bad as in the US at the moment.

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The U.K. is good right now. I may consider moving there and take driving lessons to learn how to drive on the left.:) I just returned from a trip there and loved it. Sorry for going OT

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I am posting today. Was in a zoom meeting call with DNC and VP Kamala Harris today. Biden is still in the race. Rumpus can not be elected. My opinion is all sociopathic parties involved with this supposed takeover of America and making us into an authoritarian state should be convicted as traitors. My opinion 🤷

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Cannon would just give them a get outta jail card.

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I have full confidence in Joe Biden & the American people. People aren’t blind or stupid. Let the billionaires burn all their money & the media drive themselves out of business. Mark my words, there will be a landslide victory for Democrats in November. However I fully expect the NYT to run a headline bashing Biden while wondering what could have been with Trump.

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I agree – he hasn’t gotten any more voters and if you look at sites like Republican voters against Trump, you can see all the people who voted for him in the past but won’t make that mistake again. Keep the faith - they just loud pushy minority.

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Do you remember when the billionaire Michael Huffington ran for governor of California? He spent tons of money and still lost. May the trend continue.

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Joe has finally started to steer our economic policies away from 40+ years of reaganomics. Better for the all of us, except the billionaires.

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Right - the billionaires who own the mainstream media and are donors to both parties

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I would like to feel more assured. Thank you for your post.💞

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People are blind and stupid

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I sure hope you’re correct. I did feel a surge of optimism a few days ago, mostly due to my being caffeinated (coffee is my go-to antidepressant, in addition to my actual antidepressant). I was positive Biden will win. Then we’ll have to deal with the fascists’ refusal to accept Biden’s win. So be it.

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Jul 19
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He has been presented as frail and old. The media are creating the narrative, not reporting on it.

There is absolutely no evidence that any other candidate would do any better, or even do as well, against Trump. In fact, there's a decent case to be made that political insiders always underestimate Joe Biden and ignore his real support. It was reported in 2020 that Joe has overperformed his polling in every election he has been in ... For his entire career.

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Thank you so much. Well, the symbol for the Democratic party is the donkey - so maybe at this time, Eeyore, from Winnie the Pooh, is the proper analogy. Either that or some of us are turning into straight up asses.

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Could I have some numbers on the "way too many". And you know what each of those way too many only have one vote.

He does Not seem "extremely frail and disoriented"! Cite please.

Eeyore strikes again. With backers like this.....Thank you for the Maga message.

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I am on your side but to me, he has looked very frail recently, even before the COVID diagnosis. We have to have our eyes open. It took me a while to come around to this and I was very resistant after the debate and wanted to think it was a "bad night".

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You'd look frail too if, if you were being harassed every day by a jackenape media AND running a country. He also doesn't wear a ton of makeup. How do you think the tangerine turd really looks? Your eyes are being deceived by lights and makeup and the charlatans telling you how frail he is. He's running a country and has jackals whom he thought were his own party snapping at his heels.

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Trump is a malignant Chauncey Gardner. In the movie, Chauncey was elevated to genius even though he was anything but. I see no difference here with the way the press and public elevate Trump.

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Except as I recall, Chauncey wasn’t a malicious, evil narcissist.

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No, he wasn’t - but it is still a fitting parable for this time in history. If anyone hasn’t read the book, you would find it interesting. Being There, by Jerzy Kosinsky.

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I only saw the movie, way back in my college days.

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I saw that movie twice

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I think of that parallel all the time. Being There. Exactly the same - brainwashed, oblivious sheep.

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Yes! Being There. I couldn’t recall the name. I, too, am always comparing what’s going on in our country with the incredulous reaction to Chauncey.

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Did you watch to the end of the movie to see the outtakes?? Hilarious!

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Except Chauncey was kindly unaware. But I do take your point!

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Yes. In this case it’s more about the media and trump’s fanboys and girls, all willing to believe and not question.

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The same way they worshiped Hitler until

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Trump doesn't even know how to speak normally anymore. He literally only uses superlatives for everything. It gets so old!

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He always did that

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Great analogy. I saw that movie not too long ago.

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Chauncey was a good man , very unlike Trump.

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.... dont forget though that at the end of the movie he was indeed walking on water - so there must have been something to him.

DJT is a completely different story - bankrupting, cheating, embezzling, raping, stealing, .....

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Is he the one who became President because everyone thought he was a genius?

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What Dr or Nurse would put a bandage on like that. It’s just hanging there. Much much smaller is needed and then actually stick it to some skin.

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Fay, I can't decide if that "bandage" reminds me more of a Post It note or a mini sanitary napkin. It's totally ridiculous.

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I also found it interesting how the "bandage" didn't interfere with him getting the orange spray and makeup put on.

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Its a glass cut, he's just a baby

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From what I saw on one of the fact-checking sites, it was indeed from the bullet, not glass.

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I saw video of him at the convention last night, and it looked to me like he never took the gauze out of the wrapper. I was in another discussion where people were wondering if it was a prop. Based on what I saw today, that's exactly what it was.

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Funny you should say that. I wondered the same thing. My husband had several skin cancers removed at the top of his ear. His was bandaged MUCH more than that.

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I’ll bet your husband didn’t put a Kotex on his ear to garner sympathy, though.

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I thought that gauze was pretty funny! Geez what a baby.

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No M.D. nor Nurse did. The Magats won't even give a medical report. Now think about that - would the esteemed 4th Estate stand for that if it were Pres. Biden? Just a thought.

The first reports, from the local police, was that he was hit by flying debris nothing more. If he were a child, it'd be called a boo-boo. Well....

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I think it was Dr. Ronnie.

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You mean Capt. Feel Good, because he was demoted from admiral. Does he still have a medical license?

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How lucky can one f*cker be?

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It’s a fucking prop.

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You put the thoughts together so beautifully . It was a shit show and many clowns . What a horrible example of what they want to turn our country into 😢😢😢😢😢🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

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Yeah, GOP wants a nation of ignorant bumpkins they can control---looks like they have a pretty big audience of the sort.

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I am so terrified, I can barely breathe. I passed scared a long time ago.

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I too am exhausted from the endless stress. Hang in there.

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If you get some exercise it will reduce stress: even a comfortable walk through your neighborhood will help. Then call your county Democratic Party, or go online and donate $10 to Biden or to your local Dem. Write 10 postcards; find out from a volunteer in your area what it's like to do a phone bank. Hint: it's very, very interesting and you can have wonderful conversations with other voters who are as scared as you are. When you tell them not to be so scared, YOU WILL FEEL STRONGER.

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🎯🎯🎯 Was frozen in place post debate. The day #OrangeTurd was shot I signed up to write postcards.

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Think about volunteering in some capacity to get the vote out. Contact your County's Democrat Office/Party. It may help you, but it WILL HELP THE COUNTRY.

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You're not alone, Brooke.

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You know what helps counteract terror??? ACTION. Get out there and write a letter to the editor of your local paper. Make a $10 donation to your state's Democratic Party. Volunteer to write 10 postcards. Volunteer to make 30 minutes' worth of phone calls to voters in your state. Volunteer to do lit drop or voter canvassing with a friend closer to the election. I can guarantee it will help you breathe and will stoke your courage.

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I respect you Mary for ALWAYS keeping it real when discussing your uncle! Thank you for your honesty, and fighting for our country & democracy!! 🇺🇸💙

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This is what really bothers me - the fact that corporate media is owned by billionaires who do NOT care about democracy and supporting those who want to do what is GOOD and what is RIGHT. Nope, they care about keeping their billions and getting more tax breaks. Our country is in trouble.

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Guess none of them studied history and what happened to the 4th Estate bowers and scrapers in Germany under Hitler. It did not end well. They suffered along with a whole slew of other "intellectuals." The question is not "what have you done for me lately?" It is "how do I perceive you loyalty?"

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It’s especially sad that I can’t even trust NPR. I stopped getting news from them a while ago. The somewhat recent piece by one of their former writers made so much sense - she talked about the personal ties among staff that prevented critical thinking and their explicit instructions to “both sides” the news during the 2016 election.

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I'm with you, but I believe that those instructions to examine both sides were originally an idealistic effort to preserve and promote journalistic fairness, a practice that now seems to be outdated and dangerous, given the deepened division in our society led by the misguided moral wrongness of the far right, "Christian" Nationalists, Heritage Foundationers, insurrectionists, chaos sewers and disruptors, and brainless and blind followers of a man they perceive, however ridiculously, as their champion and savior. These groups and all the subgroups thereof have willfully subjugated truth that used to be the hallmark of journalistic integrity--as well as "evolved" society.

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All the expence of our precious planet and its inhabitants, and human workers.

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