So it seems like the media is dead set on continuing to divide us for profit. Who needs mis and disinformation when we have The New York Times.

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The MSM are doing their level best to help Trump at every turn. They want Trump to win because long term that's what helps them. They are not even trying to hide its one-sidedness at this point. They got Trump elected before and they are trying to do it again, with a lot of help from extremely wealthy owners. They want Trump back. He's a profit source. They'll help democracy burn for share price. Media has become no different than anyone else with too much money and influence.

They can stage fake WWF battles while actually helping each other profit!

It's up to us now to fight back with our numbers. VOTE!

This "VOTE removes stubborn orange stains" shirt is perfect for these times 👇 🤣


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But what I don’t understand is why MSM doesn’t scream the dangers when we know that free speech will be eliminated when it comes to the media and their reporting of this dangerous man! He’s already threatening to take away broadcast licenses. He would definitely go after any media source that spoke ill of him! You would think that they would want him to lose at all costs at this point because if he wins a lot of those reporters, journalists, and media talk show hosts will be out if a job!

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They are Republican owned Corporations whose only loyalty is to its stock holders...

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I'm guessing they are more concerned with money/livelihood/status/etc. than with free speech. The corporations that own many outlets will do fine under fascist rule: they'll print what they're told and still take home a paycheck and be allowed into the halls of power. So....

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Not to mention viewership and ratings.

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They'll just be state-run media like China or Russia.

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They are close to that now. The omissions, emphasis on unimportant minuta, and editing the word salad to make sense is pretty much it.

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I was gonna say...they already are.

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Out of a job and in prison. Possibly worse. God only knows what he’d do to them. It’s maddening!

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I keep expecting an "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore," moment by one of the evening news anchor. It does explain why two network executives resigned with protest.

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Julie, it appears our mainstream media don't really care about that "free speech" thing. Their owners have money even though the media platforms often don't. They can pay Trump and Kump to keep their licenses and get points. Their reporters are already well-controlled, so that won't be a problem for them either.

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Re: "if he wins a lot of those reporters, journalists, and media talk show hosts will be out if a job": not if they continue to spout the Party line

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This is why, the media knows if he wins he will use the ones that have sided with him. They continue reporting all his retoric, his lie's, misinformation and anything to push his praises on him an bashing the media and journalists that tell the truth. He steps back

and takes it all in. I can picture him sitting at his desk, arms folded with a big sarcastic smirk on his fat ugly orange face.

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Will you listen to, like, and share the songs #UnravelTrumpMassPsychosis and its antidote #KamalaJoy. Ask others to do the same. https://open.substack.com/pub/equitymoonshot/p/how-might-we-unwoketheunwoke-to-makeamericathink?

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Be careful wearing it! Have a whole town of idiots(magatards) waving at me after one trip to pay a water bill.

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Don Rudy did you not read the part of this post that indicates the use of words ending in "tard" is unacceptable, offensive and a perjorative slur?

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Margaret Gacki, dotard is still okay, Isn't it? I mean, Trump's very own 'friend', Kim Jong-un called him a dotard in 2017.

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Even when referring to tRump supporters?

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Good one MG!

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Thankyou DK! 😉

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Uhh…agreed (I think that was the point).

While I’d never use offensive and unacceptable words to describe MAGA. They’re in a class that transcends offensive and unacceptable.

But I just cannot stop wondering if the Trumpers stuck in desert thought “Man! I must be really ID!”

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Well there goes my leotards.

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Can you pay your bills via autopay?

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I could set up an automatic withdrawal, but I'm glad this happened. Gives me a realistic view of the anger and frustration of these folks.

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I’ve seen that logo and love it!

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Yes vote vote vote we have to do something this is the worst

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Seriously. Your problems fall outside the realm of care

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Will you listen to, like, and share the songs #UnravelTrumpMassPsychosis and its antidote #KamalaJoy. Ask others to do the same. https://open.substack.com/pub/equitymoonshot/p/how-might-we-unwoketheunwoke-to-makeamericathink?

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Boycott NYT and WAPO, among others. I get my news from Substacks.

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I have canceled my subscription. More people should.

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Same here.

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Same here

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Where do you think Substacks writers get their news?

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Meidas Network

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There are many, many sources other than NYT and WaPo, that's foe sure.

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Let them read the disinformation from NYT and WAPO and pass on their analysis to us.

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Yup, skip corporate news altogether!

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Yes Mike, why would they even need the unspeakable sicko networks who have already done in their readers (TV viewers) with their poison, anymore? Thanks to Mary L for having the guts to call out this vile garbage. Here are three astoundingly reputable publications who have refused to succumb to the stench of D, and have endorsed Harris:

1) The Atlantic Monthly, with motto " Of No Party or Clique" since 1858

2) Scientific American, a stalwart of the 'scientific method' introduced by Archimedes and Galileo

3) The Lancet medical journal

So much the better to sort fascist fallacy from fact.


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I don’t watch U.S. TV news and haven’t for years. TV news is very shallow and gives only superficial attention to detail.

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My granddad would be doing somersaults in his grave !

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Mine too

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Walter Cronkite is putting his skeleton together, he'll be reporting this shit on YouTube @ 6 PM...any evening now.

Ghost Riders on the way to Mar a le ggo

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Mine was a journalist in the old - school sense. He'd be beyond apoplectic.

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I know my Dad is 😵‍💫

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agree tho wonder how we can add nuance to broad words like "media," "government," big pharma," etc. Perhaps most media, or modern media, the majority of media. Neutral fact-based journalism has been pushed aside in favor of clicks and views and audience so they can win advertising dollars. Perhaps we need a law that bans anyone from calling themselves "news" or "reporting" if they don't pass certain criteria (as Fox "News" was not allowed to continue calling themselves "news" as a result of the settlement and fine over the voting machines lies).

Thanks for reading my thoughts as they form as I write.

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Fox is a malicious gossip station. That's what they are.

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If you consider the "news" on generic television stations, it's all exactly the same stuff, like someone gave them each the same list of stuff to report on. With the resources they have the news should be a lot more interesting but instead it's Sports, lame car chases and the weather. Plus five min about stuff that could change our democracy. If they bother to say anything about it. Ending with that all important feel good story! Most of our citizens still get their news on TV. Most don't even care.

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Well there's only 4 Corporations owning all the radio, TV, and newspapers so yes it all sounds the same.

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It could be worse, you could have a Sinclair station as your local tv news. None of the local stations in Dayton are owned by Sinclair, but Columbus has one in WSYX. Sinclair was the outlet that required their newscasters to read an Orwellian announcement for Trump, and featured Boris Epshteyn (a Trump crony) as an “editorial” speaker.

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The closer the polls the more prognosticative content on the polls they can sell.

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As always, A conman is Lying, Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire. Frankly I am Disgusted Far too many supposed by age adults in this country are Chosing to fall for this nonsense, from an OBVIOUS, lousy Liar. Who even looks like a total jerk. Sounds like a total idiot, incoherent getting worse every day. Wake up Americans. Before you loose not only Your own Freedom, but your children’s and theirs, And the Freedoms, of the Rest of this Nation, and likely a large population of the world’s too. As a disastrous “ election” of an imbecile will likely lead to another world at war. Do you really want that on your conscience? Why? Is irrational spoutings worth fascism to you, is that what you really want, because if you really listen to what DJT says, that is what you are voting for, he and his party have planned in Project 2025.

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Yep. It does not fail to amaze that they treated Biden differently than they are treating this doddering fool. It's like he's fine, nothing to see here, except holy shit there is so much to see that people refuse to see. It's mind boggling. What is wrong with them? My faith will be restored if Harris wins, but the alternative, nah, I keep hearing don't listen to polls. See who is betting on whom. There is the real story.

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There was on incident that I am so furious at the failure of the mainstream media was the Fuckolashit's comment being so fascinated with Arnold Palmer's penis size and there was almost nothing said in the media, barely make a peep about that obnoxious comment from a president to ever say, particularly in public. Could you imagine the press go bonkers and a frenzy if Biden or Obama said something as so in the gutter comment to the public.. they would never let that die, much like Biden's confusion at times. Have you ever seen the babbling babyish nonsensical gibberish, repeating the same nonsense over and over with not a clue what the hell he's talking about with the Fuckolashit occupying our, what has become the “Stained House”??

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Trump can’t cross any line that requires either honesty or insight. (While I’m here, your great work exposing Donnie’s total lack of integrity , etc., is very much appreciated, at least by some of us.)

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Deranged, incestuous pedos

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That's not a nice way to describe Republicans but I guess if the shoe fits...

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Actually I was describing Epstein’s crew, which is 100% of the people you admire.

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Ah, that would be trump who hangs out with pedophiles. Or didn't you see all the photos of him with Epstein? Even took Ivanka with him to the parties. You guys are so lame. Willful ignorance is nothing to be proud of, but I'll stick a gold star on your notebook for spelling your first name.

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The guy you’re trying to kill is not the problem

Pea brain. He’s the swamp drainer. The establishment kills people that buck the new world order, JFK, MLK, RFK, Reagan, and Trump. Dont worry once we catch you it’ll be death row records. As for

Epstein, Trump never went to the island, only Dem pervs went, all of your hero’s including till your top buddy Diddy.

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Are you okay, Marky? Must be rough having all those dark thoughts bouncing back and forth between your two brain cells.

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Oct 14
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Because it IS something we need to hear. And if they don’t tell us, who will? This is an ex-President and (god help us all) a possible future President of this country. Trump will never tell us the truth about anything—especially himself

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Quite frankly, I'm scared. He doesn't seem to get stopped for ANYTHING he says or does. I am quite sure the Constitution doesn't allow the spreading of lies that harm others, yet NOBODY is doing anything about it. The media is complicit, the Attorney General does nothing and the MAGA R's are trembling and afraid to stand up to him because if they do, they will be targeted!!! I am truly losing sleep over this but I thank YOU for your diligence and I will continue to support Kamala and the Dems hoping that in the end, sense rules the day.

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This is a major turning point in history. Does the US go the way of the Roman Republic, to be owned by a series of demented dictators (Caligula, Nero and more) who execute their rivals (they really did), and like Russia (where Putin executes rivals and their children), or like Germany (only saved after horrendous cost to Germany and the world)? Yes, it is that serious.

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Yes it really is. I am so scared.

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Couldn’t agree more and I feel scared every day.

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I really think our AG should step it up. Trump is making continual dangerous threats.

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You mean Garland??!?? The AG that never pokes his head out of the rock 🪨 he lives under and never sees the light of day?? That guy?? He’s the worst and THE MOST inexcusable waste of a human being on the damn planet!! He doesn’t do a damn thing.. I’ve said it a dozen times he’s THE Worst AG EVER.. keep hiding under your rock you little weasel dick MFKR!!

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Garland??? Lolololol

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I’m scared, too. And I can’t believe that he may actually get back to the White House, this time with an even worse VP. I so loathe what the NYT and WaPo are doing (and not doing).

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Yea, I am having a very hard time wrapping my head around all the shit he's getting away with. WTH!!!!

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Oddly enough, it was Mike Pence who stood firm in his refusal to accommodate the MAGATS last time. There may be others with principles who will stand against his cruelty this time, as well. Have faith.

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There is no one who will rein him in this time. Stephen Miller will be in charge and if that doesn’t frighten the bejesus out of you then you haven’t been paying attention 😳. He’s the worst of the worst. He makes “the final solution” look like a walk in the park.

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There are none left.

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We can't know that. Perhaps not even they know that until they are called upon to do what is right, legal and just.

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...But when will these principled leaders step up against trump’s cruelty?

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We know Mike Johnson is unfortunately no Mike Pence. He can’t even be bothered to recall Congress for emergency funding for FEMA to assist people recovering from Helene and Milton, even though it hit Trump-favoring states the hardest. Meanwhile, malicious people are lying about FEMA and its supposed lack of assistance to people hit by the storm. FEMA is there to help, but some people on the ground are attacking them thanks to the liars. You can also thank the Republicans in Congress for refusing to adequately fund FEMA even though their areas are the worst hit by these storms.

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Think about it, could become a country run by that New Jersey mob boss, what's his name. The one that shits in his pants and farts out his lawyers? That guy who buried his ex wife on the grounds of his golf club (I want to know what else is buried in there?) This is what our democracy has sunk to? People would vote for that slob?

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My understanding is that by burying his ex-wife Ivana on his golf course, New Jersey law grants Trump a tax exemption for land used as a cemetery. It’s one of Trump’s typical tax dodges.

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Just wondering: who do you think should "stop him" and how? The deck has been stacked completely in his favor by the behind-the-scene puppet masters. Took them decades; but they were patient.

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It didn’t stop you or your party for the last 40 years, warmongering tyrants.

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Don't you have somewhere else to be, magaturd troll? I'm sure FUX misses you.

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Get lost idiot! Reporting you to substack for trolling!

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That s directed to MM above!

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I am tired of this POS, people need to vote BLUE to rid us of this horrible excuse for a human

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He’s a malignant cancer on our country!

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If you’re referring to the Democrat Party the proper pronoun is “it’s”, otherwise you’re absolutely correct

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Frankly, the Grim Reaper cannot arrive too soon to collect this orange bipedal skin sack of genetic material.

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Erudite!! Brilliant thank you!!

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Apparently you and the other Coven of Dems have been offering incantations to Satan’s demons to take out another human. Be careful there are a lot of things that can go wrong when you’re dealing with the essence of evil. Satan doesn’t care about you but the author of the universe and finisher of our faith does.

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You & everybody else with critical thinking who isn't a MAGAT.

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I agree, Cheryl. I cannot stand Donald, either.

Thank you, Mary. 💙

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It will take the most extraordinary TURNOUT. we need numbers!! So there can be no question. This is torture.

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I've been waiting for my mail in ballot for weeks. It finally came yesterday and I got up at 6 am to put it in my mail box. I actually watched the mall carrier pick it up at 7am! 🎉💕🇺🇸🌊🌊

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He used the “R” word. I bet even money before the November election he will say the “N” word in public. For all I know he’s said it many times in private.

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He has done so, many times in his lifetime.

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You can count on him doing it.

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This is Deeply Troubling News today, Mary. Your uncle is calling for civil unrest and Violence. He's completely unhinged, incoherent and Pissed off. These aren't the kinds of behavior you'd want in or near the White House. Your right about Corporate Media Too. This is why you're so important to the American people! You state the Facts and the Truth every Day and Night. Thank You, and will reStack ASAP 💯👍🇺🇸💙🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊

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True. My concern is that whether or not Donald wins (God forbid,) he is going to urge his followers to use physical violence against any of his critics or opponents.

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I believe he will try however the last time he wanted them to do something like that they didn’t. I think MAGA will go to a point and stop 1 or 2 maybe but Biden is the President period. They will think about Jan 6 and all the jailed MAGAS. Doubt they do much else than bitch. Their weak people. DJT IS CRAZY THINKING JAIL SO I SAY VOTE EARLY AND BLUE DOWN BALLOT SHOW THESE UN AMERICAN SLIME WHOS Superior than MAGA & DJT

Vote Harris Blue down Ballot. We can’t let DJT WIN SO LETS GET EVERYONE OUT TO VOTE. THESE CREEPS are threatening FEMA workers? All because trumps lies and Fox sickening. The World is watching.

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How far did you get in Detective school because your powers of observation are amazingly bad

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Fuck Off.

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I don’t report anything. I’m not even close to being that person. So curse me all you want.

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mark miner for vino 🍷. Looks like he’s found more than his share 😂. Try to keep it together there buddy boi. You must be addled to think trumps babbling makes sense. Bless your pea sized heart.

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Just kicking it with the moors

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Are you getting paid in rubles or potatoes ? Just troll along back to your sad little life. The adults are talking now. Go on.

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DonOLD isn’t it past time for a diaper change and bed?

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Oct 14
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Thank you Sophie and Lou! I was going to but ya beat me to it!:)

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Oct 14Edited

There is no line on the side of meanness, lawlessness and depravity that he will not cross. On the other hand, I have yet to hear him utter a word of kindness to anyone. But believe him when he speaks of his desire to ruthlessly go after his enemies! On that note, he is being honest.

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Trump will rarely if ever compliment anyone, and he will never, ever admit he’s wrong. The latter tactic was something he learned from Roy Cohn.

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I notice that he compliments people who praise him or do MAGA work for his campaign. Calls them out by name and says they are wonderful people. However, he compliments himself incessantly (genius, best looking, very best concepts of plans...) We live in queasy times.

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He calls a lot of men "great guys". As he praised Epstein.

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And I’ve never seen him laugh or give a genuine smile. How could anyone want this laughing stock to be our President.

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Does it occur to anyone listening to his garbage to question *why* Harris or Biden (or anyone else) would deliberately import a bunch of criminals to live among so-called "good" people? I hope some of these people have at least half a brain and ponder that because it's completely illogical, as is everything else that jerk says.

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It’s just bs fodder to ramp his lemmings up!! I never thought in a million years Americans would fall for this grifting POS losers propaganda.. but dang here we are!! And there needs to be more of us that stand together to save our country than those brainwashed MAGats spewing hate and BS lies..

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Apparently, their critical thinking faculties either never existed or have died under the onslaught of groupthink. A friend — probably former friend — told me that Trump said he has no connection to Project 2025, so she believes him. And she’s well-educated and was never a racist, antisemite, xenophobic, or hated LGBTQI+ people.

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Yeesh. Somehow she's been brainwashed. It's the only explanation.

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Thank you. Yes, she has, or has allowed herself to be brainwashed. She was religious as a kid, and maybe that set the path to accepting Trump as her Lord and Savior.

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I'm so sorry. That must be very painful for you.

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Thank you. It is.

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And yet she believes a PROVEN liar 🤥 ? What is wrong with these people? The worse thing that has happened to my heart through a Pandemic, his tenure and having to abide his bloody existence is that I have become a completely disheartened cynic. My soul cries every single day.

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I can’t understand it, either.

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anyone who still supports Trump has less than half a brain. Of course there is no possible answer to the question 'why?' except perhaps 'because they hate America' ... but the only evidence of that is the stack of Trump's lies (and Vance's etc etc.)

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That makes no sense either. Why would they hate America? It's just typical GOP rhetoric. It's the same as it was sixty years ago.

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But critical thinking is not common among his followers.

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Since Trump lives at the bottom of my fish pond, I have to remove the koi and pour bleach in it!

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More like acid!🧪

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Unbelievably frightening. We are rooting, cheering, praying and hoping America can prevail and will be the great and enjoyable country we love to visit. Go ,La and Coach!!🇨🇦

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I feel scared every day of the possibility of that fascist dictator getting back into the Whitehouse. God help us! America will be no more if he gets power. God help us…….

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My snarky prediction is that if TFG manages to cheat his way back into the White House, he will pretty quickly piss off a very large swath of his own MAGA faithful and one of them will take him out behind the wooodshed for a career-ending whupping --- so to speak. It'll be one of them or an "ambassador" from outside of the U.S. Of course, that would elevate JD to Position One, and then he'd have to be obedient to them whut brung him to the dance. Seems to me that it would be MUCH easier to just do right by We The People instead of playing all these power games.

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Well said!

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We appreciate your support. All we can do is to maximize our turnout to keep the Orange Menace out of office. No one can save us but ourselves, as our institutions are failing us.

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Right. They've failed us. But the people voted these motherfuckers into office. So blame the people since they created the institutions.

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I’m seriously thinking of emigrating to Canada if Trump <gasp, choke> wins. Canadians are, in my experience, very polite and civilized…unlike one of the American candidates for president!

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I am a bit biased but I love Canada and all it offers. Hopefully, you will be able to stay and not feel you must relocate. 🤞🙏💕

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Donald has desperation dripping off of him 24 hours a day. He is trying to set up a Civil War for next month when he loses. He forgets that Joe Biden is President now and he has control of the National Guard and the Army. Where is J Edgar Hoover and why hasn't he declared Donald Public Enemy Number One?

Let Donald take care of this on his own, with no armored car or anything, and you'll see what he is made of. He won't last 30 seconds.

He has two weeks to get much worse and he probably will. His mind is gone. He never had any morals. The human body can only take so much. He is the most hated person on the planet. All of this does not bode well for him.

Our job is to stand back in the meantime but vote! Early voting starts here in Arkansas a week from today. Hopefully there will be no yahoos at the polling place trying to harass Democrat voters.

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I'm not sure J Edgar Hoover would see tfg as Public Enemy Number One. I think he would probably like trump.

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Trump is a mob boss wannabe. Hoover wouldn't like that.

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You probably know a lot more about Hoover than I do. I'd love it if he were here and would go after trump.

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Dreams of fascist dominion are the way DonOLD calms his anxieties. Like a little boy pretending to be Superman.

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By L.D. Michaels (with more than a little help from Charles Dickens)

It should be noted

That I've rarely ever voted.

What difference does one vote make?

Is it really worth my time to take?

I'll devise a lie

Why I passed it by.

So tonight, I'll start a book to say

It mesmerized me right through Election Day.

What better book to read than Dickens

In which each page the plot thickens.

It will divert me till the polls close.

It's the best excuse to interpose.

To get me past November 5th

"A Christmas Carol" is the ideal myth.

As the sunset fades,

I lower my shades

And settle into bed

With this book I've never read

With a faint bedside light

That dims my sight

I begin the first page,

Immortalized by age:

"Morley was dead; to begin with."

This will last past November 5th.

I read on that Scrooge was to await 3 Spirits

That Morley’s ghost told him would visit.

As I read through the pages,

The Spirits emerged from the ages

At the tolling of Scrooge's bell

To lead him to Heaven or to Hell.

Each night as the bell tolled

Scrooge's past and present did unfold

On each visitation, the Spirit let him see

How morally bankrupt his life has come to be.

Over many days of reading,

I cringed at Scrooge's pleadings

To the Ghosts of Christmas Present and Past

Having lived a greedy life in which the die was cast.

Awaiting the Spirit of Christmas Future to appear,

It was the future that Scrooge had the most to fear

When judgment for his sins he would hear.

I continue to read at a faster pace

To learn what sins Scrooge will face.

But I begin to wonder if I were in Scrooge's place

What sins would the Spirit of the Future call upon me to face?

Could Heaven possibly punish me for avoiding to vote?

It's such a minor sin the Lord would never take note.

I tremble with fright awaiting Scrooge's fate

As I strive to stay awake in my half-sleep state.

My reading slows down to a snail's pace,

As I begin to drift off to the sleep I'll embrace.

My mind drifts as I begin to envision

The potential consequences of my own decision.

I continue to read and imagine the worst

Would the Spirit address Scrooge or possibly me first?


Did I just read "The bell tolls" on the next page?

Or was it a figment of my old age?

Or did I hear the bell with my own ears,

Or did I dream it from my rising fears?

Am I awake or asleep?

A hooded black-draped vision now appears without a peep.

An unearthly apparition appears before me,

Whether friend or foe I am unable to see.

My blood turns cold.

I must be bold.

Is this ghost as real as he seems?

Or is he a figment of my heat-oppressed dreams?

He offered an outstretched hand,

Which I took as a gesture to stand

To get ready to see the future land.

"I beg thee Spirit to speak to me

So that I can believe what I hear and see.

If you are here for me,

Then tell me my fate

And if I can change it

Before it's too late."

"I've come " said the Spirit "to reveal the future to you

Because without your vote and that of others too

You'll see that what lies ahead

Will be four years of misery and dire dread".

"Touch my robe" to me he then said.

As my left hand clutched the Spirit's black robe

I expected to see the future unfold.

The Spirit took my arm with a cold tight fist,

And off we flew into a thick dark mist.

And when we emerged, it was now the 4th of July,

With Trump at the helm having barely squeaked by

With 1 Electoral College vote more than Harris could supply

Because of low voter turnout no one could deny.

Trump returned to the Capitol his mob had stormed

But this time to be sworn in with a government to form.

He had proven that lies, hatred and bigotry

Were a winning formula for election glee.

Justice Alito gave the inaugural prayer

For which Trump took credit with an egotistical air.

Trump, he said, was to serve as an Apostle of Jesus

Banning all abortions (though with his usual distortions)..

The Gospel of Jesus Trump would spread from sea to sea

To convert our country into a Christian theocracy.

And if successful, Alito agreed to propose

That this con man be deified after he rose.

His inaugural speech went over an hour.

It rambled and rambled and quickly turned sour.

The only real theme was self congratulation

And the size of the crowd admiring his oration.

The rest was babel that revealed his mental deterioration

Which progressively worsened as he promised mass deportation.

All eyes were then on Vance whom everyone believed

Was calculating his chance that Trump would be relieved.

The takeaway on Trump was that he was out on a limb

And would make a deal with Vance to pardon him.

The House and Senate also went red

By only a couple of votes that caused this dread.

The narrowest of margins across the land

Gave Trump and Congress the right to command.

Together they passed the most oppressive laws

Aimed at freedoms to which they now closed the doors.

Trump quickly appointed his lackey AG

Who dismissed all his indictments with alacrity.

He also declared that Trump could do no wrong

Now armed with full immunity and a hit-list 10 yards long.

Having warned the country he would be a dictator

Trump's first six months was a reign of terror.

With revenge against his opponents at the fore,

He rained down arrests, lawsuits and prosecutions galore.

White Male Christian Supremacy was the platform advanced

And implementing Project 2025 was given to JD Vance.

With Vance as Trump's Goebbels and Himmler rolled into one,

Reducing non-whites to second-class citizens he had deftly done

As he denounced all women who produced neither daughters nor sons.

Dripping with smoothness, polish and ooze,

Vance is being groomed to step into Trump's shoes.

Hidden behind a beard and feigned suavity,

He's a rabid champion of White Supremacy.

To enforce the new laws of the land

Trump looks to his faithful January 6 clan.

He sprung and pardoned the entire lot

And recognized over 700 of them to be America's Patriots

(Including those who assaulted or killed Capitol cops.)

To memorialize their heroism on that glorious day

Trump declared January 6 a federal holiday.

Uniformed, armed and reporting only to him

The Proud Boys and others are to serve his every whim.

"Be there. Will be wild!" is again Trump's call

To report to duty and give Trump their all.

Trump's first order was to round up migrants and "vermin"

Which the Proud Boys had the discretion to determine.

Trump's "Day of Violence" lasted 10 weeks.

Doors were busted down as they lay in their sleep

Like the Jews in Paris seized by the Nazi elite.

Bloodied families and children were herded into box car lots,

And when the country was outraged, all Trump would say was "So what!"

The unstable huckster showed no end to his iniquities

From filling his Cabinet with sycophants and misfit employees.

To purging civil servants who couldn't prove their MAGA loyalties

To cutting down Medicare, Social Security and other benefits,

To granting tax breaks to the rich that causes huge deficits.

To the elimination of the Department of Education

To enable red state far-right indoctrination.

Finally, to the Spirit of the Future, I quoted Dickens: :

"Spirit - Show me no more. Take me back"

"These things you have shown me - Must they come to pass

or could the future be different?"

"Why show me this if these are the shadows of things that must be

or are they the shadows of things that may be?”

'Why show me this if I am beyond all hope?"

"Spirit. I am not the man I was ! "

That was the last I saw of the ghost.

He vanished into thin air as I awoke.

My eyes opened from a very deep sleep

With Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" at my feet.

I was shivering in a cold sweat

I must have dreamt it all, I would bet.

But the dream was so real

That it made my feel

So cheap that I would sacrifice my vote

To enable a con-man to gloat.

But it was the dream I needed

To show me what I should have heeded

That the right to vote

Carries a duty to vote

If not for my sake

But because our democracy is at stake.

"I am not the man I was ." I kept mumbling

"I am not the man I was !" I started to shout.

"I am not the man I was!!" I shouted even louder

I don't know if I have cause to hope

That I have not missed my chance to vote.

I ran to the window and shouted to a boy:

"What's today, my fine fellow?"

"Why today? It's Election Day" he bellowed.

Then I haven't missed it and replied:

"Ask when the polls close of any driver

And come back in 20 minutes and I'll give you a dollar.

Come back in ten and I'll give you a fiver."

The polls are still open, and vote I will

Freedom loving Americans have a duty to fulfill.

"Ask not for whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee" (John Donne, 1572-1631)


As I think back upon last night's drama,

It was likely an hallucination that produced my trauma.

But I still churned round and round my dream

As to why it felt as real as it seemed.

Round and round I twisted my ring

As I tried to sort out this curious thing.

As I kept turning my ring back and forth

Appearing under it were threads of black cloth

How curious it was that the hand with this ring

Was the same one I used to help me cling

To the hooded Spirit's black robe

When he transported me into the Future to probe.

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Great prose, sir. Thank, am sharing it

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Thank you !

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I've done my job. I VOTED!!!! Anyone else care to join in?

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LD.. that was stunning!! And gave me chills reading it.. like a forewarning of the evil in the dark.. and still there in the light of day..

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Thanks very much Morgan!

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No one.. He can do or say anything he wants... With all shit that he said over that past 9-10 years, a lot of them would have been "political suicide" for any other politician, but not him, nothing stick to his skin and can crime as much as he wants (remember J6 and stolen documents). He even have the approval of the SCOTUS to crime... That is sad. Really sad...

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It amazes me the horrible things he says and does, yet he still has so much support. Very scary.

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And people want this man to be the leader of the free world.

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I doubt a good proportion of the people supporting him, have any concept of what "the free world" is.

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Very scary. Just doesn't make sense.

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I'm focusing on Professor Allan Lichtman, American University professor who has used 13 keys to predict presidental elections since 1984. He was only wrong once when he predicted Gore would win. (Bush's win is debatable.) He predicts Harris will win. I'm trying my best to ignore the avalanche of MSM & polling bs. The NYT actually has his video explanation.

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Oh Jacqueline!! Please please please 🙏🏽 I’m praying that a BLUE WAVE prevails

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Please, God.

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My husband told me about this Professor’s prediction and I am clinging to it! I also watched a YouTube video of a medium who also predicts a Harris win. She also said there would of course be a backlash (and that’s putting it mildly) from tRump and his maga cult. But who didn’t know that, he’s telling them daily now for months that there will be, including violence. But guess what he’s not in the White House this time and can be arrested along with his idiots. If he’s brave enough to show his face anywhere that is. Which he won’t be. He and his maga republicans will try and sue every agency and state they can which is already happening.

So that’s 2 valid (IMO) predictions so we can’t give up Hope! It’s all we have besides our vote because we’re preaching to the choir regarding his total lack of ability to lead a congo line, let alone our country. My also terrified German cousin says it so clearly: the entire world wants him to lose!

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