There is no line on the side of meanness, lawlessness and depravity that he will not cross. On the other hand, I have yet to hear him utter a word of kindness to anyone. But believe him when he speaks of his desire to ruthlessly go after his enemies! On that note, he is being honest.
There is no line on the side of meanness, lawlessness and depravity that he will not cross. On the other hand, I have yet to hear him utter a word of kindness to anyone. But believe him when he speaks of his desire to ruthlessly go after his enemies! On that note, he is being honest.
I notice that he compliments people who praise him or do MAGA work for his campaign. Calls them out by name and says they are wonderful people. However, he compliments himself incessantly (genius, best looking, very best concepts of plans...) We live in queasy times.
There is no line on the side of meanness, lawlessness and depravity that he will not cross. On the other hand, I have yet to hear him utter a word of kindness to anyone. But believe him when he speaks of his desire to ruthlessly go after his enemies! On that note, he is being honest.
Trump will rarely if ever compliment anyone, and he will never, ever admit he’s wrong. The latter tactic was something he learned from Roy Cohn.
I notice that he compliments people who praise him or do MAGA work for his campaign. Calls them out by name and says they are wonderful people. However, he compliments himself incessantly (genius, best looking, very best concepts of plans...) We live in queasy times.
He calls a lot of men "great guys". As he praised Epstein.
And I’ve never seen him laugh or give a genuine smile. How could anyone want this laughing stock to be our President.