You are 100% correct Mary. When will the mainstream media ask about the cost of not taxing the ultra rich. When will they ask about the cost of not taking care of people or acting on climate change.
Why is that a surprise, the rich and now ultra rich are significant the owners of MSM? Cheetolini is good business for MSM; it’s reminiscent of Orwellian hate screens, there are no real surprises in what you get and you’re free to choose the content source that resonates with our own prejudicial beliefs. Fox is obviously abysmal and is really just an agitation spin zone of opinionated pablum that is determined by the owners, their shameless prognosticators are laughably obsequious to the hate rant of the day, a daily spew resonates through their lips, their words are those of the marionette . Other MSM aren’t nearly univocal as those of Fox, but their presenters exercise a degree of autonomy in their individual programs, but their political bias is not difficult to discern. Regardless of the messages, each represents an aggregated demographic that advertisers sell into.
I've been watching Brian Karem's Reverse Shot videos on Mary Trump Media. Totally agree with his take on the state of the media these days. I'm old enough to remember the days of local newspapers staffed by local people. Of course, that was also the time before social media.
I was married for on until he happily retired as there were news room cuts in staff, and because he was Managing Editor he had to pick up the slack. He retired a 62 which is early but saved his sanity.
The major two NYT, WP are owned by oligarchs who want to take the country back to fiefdom and the oligarchs would be our feudal lords. They will never report the truth as it pertains to the middle/working class.They don't give a damn about us.
And Seth Meyers/Jimmy Kimmel/Stephen Colbert. Some days if I have only watched the 3 of them, I am rewarded with news of the day and solid editorials as well, especially Meyer's "A Closer Look". And I can go to sleep aware but also less stressed, more humor.
Mary, Apparently you received all the brains in the Trump family, what great questions!! A quick story of unexpected savings in material handling in the Ports: Use of electrified zero emission forklifts has resulted in lower health costs, decreased accidents, less damaged goods toward the end of shift. Why? Operators are less fatigued and more alert when they are driving electric instead of a driving a shaking, noisy, smelly diesel powered forklift. If only everyone knew that…
I came here to say that. I heard her Harris say that multiple times. The top one percent got wealthy off the backs of hard working American taxpayers and migrant labor. It's way past time for them to lift some of that burden off of them by paying their fair share. Greedy bastards.
Thanks to any of us who permitted his outrageous behavior in Trump's first running, or kept quiet when George HW Bush and Reagan set the stage and we did not organize so they were voted in. Or when we permitted Sanders to be called "extreme" and now Harris who is a conservatiive be called " left leaning" we have participated in grooming society for a Trump. The progressives and liberals have given much space and permitted too much craziness as well. We cannot put this all on Trump or on Republicans.
We got lazy.
Clinton (bill) being permitted to be reelected after his horrific behavior of presidential sexual assault is proof. We must not allow ourselves to participate in Otherism. We don't like it in "them", let's not become it.
I just learned of this book called "Unhumans" by Jack Posobiec and Joshua Lisec. The forward was written by Steve Bannon, and the book was endorsed by JD Vance. It's a fascist manifesto that praises dictators like Augusto Pinochet and Francisco Franco. And of course, anyone that is against this brand of fascism is labeled as 'unhuman'. People need to know the stakes of this election.
Monica, you're so right -- this IS (are?) the stakes of this election. I was born in 1946 in Germany, where I grew up right after the war and the Nazi time. All my life I've tried to understand HOW this could have happened, and I found bits and pieces of answers all my life. But it's just now that I realized that I've subconsciously identified Nazis and fascists with German culture, although I knew they existed in England, the U.S., Holland, etc. (I mean before and during the war). And it's only just now that I see that Nazi mentality can be everywhere -- be it those who are into it for personal gain, money and/or power, or those who prefer an authority figure to tell them what to do and to think, etc. It is so sobering.
Thank you for the reference, Monica. Never has it been more crucial for those dedicated to the democratic principle to call out the aforementioned arch-criminals and their predecessors like Joe McCarthy, Richard Nixon, and Henry Kissinger who were in bed with the corporate powers
who reaped the spoils generated by the Pinochet regime and those of other Latin-American and World dictators. To this day we remain snarled in the undergrowth of a deeply uncivilized
world. Thanks go out Mary Trump for her spirited exposes.
OMG, Monica. I’m completely gobsmacked when information like this comes my way. And I consider myself a very highly involved voter. Do you think I could read the book without a barf bag?
This analysis about why MAGA supporters justify substituting an authoritarian for a democratic government sums up the premise of my just published book, saying that there is a deep state - our corrupt education system that has been impossible to expose.
They are right to suspect a conspiracy. They are far from what it is and what to do about it. That’s why I published the book A Graver Danger: White Chalk Crime, The Stunning First-Ever Explanation for School Shootings & How We End Them.
They think “there may be no evidence that there is a vast communist plot to destroy the country. The crimes of Stalin and Mao are long in the past, and in no way does contemporary American life contain anything similar. And yet, people are unhappy. They think something is wrong. And so why not believe it’s all part of a giant sinister conspiracy?”
They are accurate. However, they’re way off. It’s our corrupt schools. That’s why I wrote this book.
I’m a former teacher who realized in 1995 that our schools were so corrupt they would take down democracy. I’ve been working to expose this ever since.
People don’t know this the way people didn’t know about Harvey Weinstein for decades.
Power has its way. People are scared. The unions go along to get along. They’re right. Disgusting things happen in a democracy. The problem is even more disgusting things happen in an autocracy - where they want to take us.
People don’t know about education, but they will if my book goes viral. That’s why I priced the ebook as low as Amazon allows—$2.99. I’d offer it for free if I could because I care about democracy. That’s why I became a teacher, unaware that the profession has become too inept and too corrupt to do its job.
It is the deep state that got so many to want change via Trump. They believe democracy is phony, so blow it up - nothing to lose.
It isn’t phony. It has lost its pillar—education. Once we get that pillar back, we won’t have to live with so many people who have lost faith in democracy. Read my book and learn about what really goes on in our schools so people like Trump will no longer have power.
I love democracy, and I know people reading this do, too. We have to make the solution for democracy go viral. It’s real schools that we absolutely do not have enough of, but we could easily have if teachers like me had power in our schools.
And as a bonus, it will end school shootings because they’re happening for one reason - they got rid of or muzzled most of the great teachers since they’d report the corruption.
They were the ones who helped those deeply troubled children not become shooters. In my book, I tell about a teacher who tried to prevent a Columbine by reporting to the police that a student brought guns to school, and his district criminally indicted HIM for telling the kid to bring the guns. He proved his innocence after two years, but who wants that? No one. So teachers avoid these kids now.
I was tenured and fired in 1999 for speaking out. They erase each courageous teacher, so you don’t know.
Yes, it’s Harvey Weinstein all over again, but substitute corruption and ruthless abuse for sex. That’s been democracy’s pillar since around 1980. It’s not communism. It’s corrupt schools. That lesson must be taught so it will be learned. Find my contact information at, and I’ll send you a free pdf of my book. We must make the truth go viral so democracy has a chance. Dodging Trump is not good enough. We must put the pillar of democracy - our schools - back in place.
Expanding Medicare to cover home care is long overdue and will keep patients home longer. It is much more expensive to care for patients in hospitals or nursing facilities which is where many people end up just so that their care is covered. Has anyone done the math?
While greed is always in the mix, it need not be the driver. There is a compelling need for a rational basis for allocating healthcare costs and for funding healthcare. Americans are not that greedy or stupid.
I don't disagree with you at all. My point was that the lobbyists in D.C. will never be on board with legislation or tax law changes that would take away from their conglomerates' profits. Same thing is happening with hospitals - investment groups buying up the struggling not-for-profit facilities, and turning them into billion dollar profit machines that have nothing to do with the health and welfare of Americans. And they're supported by our Medicare dollars, for the most part. For anyone lucky enough to have an investment portfolio or 401K, I'll bet they own shares in the healthcare sector, which includes these guys:
Thank you for the article on privatization of nursing homes. While I share your skepticism about corporate motives and tactics, nursing homes, which have been in deep distress, are predominantly funded by Medicaid and not Medicare. Medicare currently provides funding for some home care, if medically necessary following a hospital stay for example. Expanding this provision to include personal care and assisted living facilities would be enormously impactful for seniors who do not have the financial resources to hire their own home care attendants and/or afford the exorbitant rates of assisted living. It would potentially reduce unnecessary hospital stays and avoid the necessity of nursing homes. Also, private pay and private insurance drive both revenues and profitability of most hospitals.
Point well taken: "What is the cost of not addressing an issue that affects millions of Americans?" But we can also answer the question the Post asks: "How will she pay for that?" Duh, with taxes. Get rid of Trump's tax cuts for the rich and for corporations and raise taxes on both to levels that they were at in the past. And fund the IRS to go after tax cheaters.
Everyone forgets that the Clinton administration left behind a nice surplus, that W proceeded to squander. It's not like it can't be done, to balance the budget and include the necessary services that make people's lives better - it's just the Republicans who can't do it because they refuse to pay their fair share.
Eisenhour ( sorry -misspelled) was our last good Repu. president. The big Business people and the ultra wealthy came to him to try to get him to lower the tax rate but he would not. He left it up where TRuman and FDR. had it. Around 70--80 percent. I have forgotten the exact amount but I remember my Dad saying Ike was thinking like TRuman and FDR. NO Rep. like that today.
“Harris wants Medicare to cover home care.” Republicans shrink back in horror: Let ‘em die! I just turned 74—dat means me: Know Nothing Party, care nothing consequence.
Add the cost to people “lucky enough” to survive gun violence. Who pays for their injuries, physical and mental? What about the permanent inability to work and care for their families or the devastating effect on families having to care for young children after school shootings?
I saw the estimated cost for the kind of deportation they are talking about would cost around $80 billion. That's in dollars. What about the violation of the Constitutional right against illegal search and seizure? You know that would happen. Also authoritarian mean-spirited, toss them all out attitudes would ensure legals would be rounded up along with illegals, and it costs too much and would accomplish nothing except to satisfy a small handful of rabid racists. It's mean and stupid.
I lived in a suburb of New Orleans when Katrina hit. The city would STILL be rebuilding if it were not for immigrant construction workers ( legal and illegal ). I don't wish anything bad on anyone who has damage from these last 2 hurricanes, but it would be interesting to see how long recovery would take without immigrant labor. Decades, I bet.
The whole made-up issue used to scare racists and get them to vote Republican. I don't see how anyone who is scared of anything would see Trump as a solution to their fears. He would increase them for everybody. They wouldn't be made up, as he showed us when he was in office and failed to protect our health and our economy, just used our federal funds as his personal piggy bank to exploit and rob. How is it these fearful people even see him as some sort of protection against what they fear?
I hadn't seen that before, but when he did that balcony thing where he ripped off his mask, I heard he did infect the videographers because he made them film several takes of it until he was happy with it. I was saying the same thing, he's trying to pretend he's Evita or something. Must really grind him that Madonna actually got to play her in the film.
There's also the cost of losing their labor. Who's going to do all those jobs Americans don't want to do and what's going to happen when they don't get done? Hospital workers, trash pickup, construction, gardeners, plumbers, etc.
Another thing which isn’t discussed by proponents of mass deportation is what happens when the prospective recipient nations refuse to accept the deportees. They don’t want a lot of unemployed people dumped on them all at once, so said deportees will inevitably be housed in massive camps (basically open air prisons or concentration camps) and subjected to abuses too numerous to contemplate.
As you commented earlier this week, the 'main stream media' has completely abandoned their mission in reporting news. Why Trump continues to get a pass is astounding.
I like that VP Harris is using non-traditional outlets to get her message out and to reach voters. I read that this week alone, her participation with Howard Stern, Who's Your Daddy and others reached 22+ million listeners. Fantastic.
I honestly think the upper echelon of Republicans would be perfectly happy if they created a dystopian world of pollution, mass poverty, and hunger that is similar to that of the film "Soylent Green."
Republicans are interested in short term profitability only. They can't see beyond the end of their noses. And, since they don't pay their fair share of taxes, they'll never be responsible for footing the cost of necessary or emergency care for the rest of us.
Mary...I look at that photo of the women holding the signs that say, "Mass Deportation Now," and I'm horrified. What if one of those people they want deported was a son or daughter of theirs? How many of these women purport to be Christians? It literally makes me sick. Yesterday I told my sister that it's like these "Christ" followers think Jesus was a white dude and he loves America and other white people more than he loves anyone else in the world. Are they choosing to be completely brain-dead? (And BTW, I am also a Christ follower but I had to quite attending church soon after 2016 and the hope against hope that things would change have only gotten worse.
I am one who is fully aware of the cost of home health care, with my son in a wheelchair, a quadriplegic. "Home health care is a cost burden on families". So True. But. Isn't WAR a cost burden on families? There's Always Enough Money For Wars...
Peace, and Thank You Mary for your constant, Intelligent Posts. Please keep up your Great Work.
True, however there is something most people and lawmakers are forgetting about the illegal immigrants. These are hard working people on the average and just want a better life for their children and while they are here illegal, they contribute to our GDP and our social security. Their employers help them get social security cards and taxes are taken out. They pay into a system they may never see benefit from. Think of the billions of revenue generated at no cost to us from the immigrants. They as Biden proposed are on a pathway to citizenship and they want that very badly. They will stay, work hard and some will stay and some will return to their families left behind. I am a Nurse Practitioner and to be truthful the clinic for which I am employed is designed and set up decades ago to the migrant worker. I see mostly Spanish speaking people and those who have no insurance or means to pay a doctor bill. Our service is paid for by grants and donations. I hear horror stories of the Coyotes getting them across the border. The people I see are children that attended our schools and their parents that hold a job and pay into our government taxes. Stop complaining about them, all our ancestors were migrants at one time, some good some criminals. A pathway to citizenship is the only decent way. We do need controls because our country is quite full. Millions occupy one city and at one time the whole of the United States had only millions as a total count.
We have many concerns going on at one time. Climet control which is getting worse because of us the millions on earth. We have to eliminate carbon emissions and the deadly waste. Next we have the right to Health Care and the right to our own health care and choices for our bodies. Trump did all of us a great dis-service. No one person, and no one answer is going to clear these three major problems but we must work on all at once. The disinformation I hear on my red state makes me sick. This is not the time for such irresponsibility. We must pull together as a human race and jail those like Trump who have committed crimes. Most countries have a harder judicial system on criminals, less prisons and people who fear of making an illegal movement. No we let a man with 34 felonies run for president of the greatest nation under God, which by the way he does not believe in. He uses the word God interchanble with himself. There should be no way under the sun that a convicted felon awaiting sentencing run for president. Have we all gone mad? Thank you for letting me spew my opinion on the others that may read this. Diane Wright FNP, MBA.
You are 100% correct Mary. When will the mainstream media ask about the cost of not taxing the ultra rich. When will they ask about the cost of not taking care of people or acting on climate change.
MSM now does the bidding of the ultra rich. No more of that silly Fair & Balanced stuff!
Why is that a surprise, the rich and now ultra rich are significant the owners of MSM? Cheetolini is good business for MSM; it’s reminiscent of Orwellian hate screens, there are no real surprises in what you get and you’re free to choose the content source that resonates with our own prejudicial beliefs. Fox is obviously abysmal and is really just an agitation spin zone of opinionated pablum that is determined by the owners, their shameless prognosticators are laughably obsequious to the hate rant of the day, a daily spew resonates through their lips, their words are those of the marionette . Other MSM aren’t nearly univocal as those of Fox, but their presenters exercise a degree of autonomy in their individual programs, but their political bias is not difficult to discern. Regardless of the messages, each represents an aggregated demographic that advertisers sell into.
I've been watching Brian Karem's Reverse Shot videos on Mary Trump Media. Totally agree with his take on the state of the media these days. I'm old enough to remember the days of local newspapers staffed by local people. Of course, that was also the time before social media.
I was married for on until he happily retired as there were news room cuts in staff, and because he was Managing Editor he had to pick up the slack. He retired a 62 which is early but saved his sanity.
The major two NYT, WP are owned by oligarchs who want to take the country back to fiefdom and the oligarchs would be our feudal lords. They will never report the truth as it pertains to the middle/working class.They don't give a damn about us.
I canceled both. Heather. Mary. Joyce. BBC. Bloomberg works for me.
Don't forget Thom Hartman
And Seth Meyers/Jimmy Kimmel/Stephen Colbert. Some days if I have only watched the 3 of them, I am rewarded with news of the day and solid editorials as well, especially Meyer's "A Closer Look". And I can go to sleep aware but also less stressed, more humor.
I'm a big fan of The Guardian. Founded to support the working class, and still do.
Mary, Apparently you received all the brains in the Trump family, what great questions!! A quick story of unexpected savings in material handling in the Ports: Use of electrified zero emission forklifts has resulted in lower health costs, decreased accidents, less damaged goods toward the end of shift. Why? Operators are less fatigued and more alert when they are driving electric instead of a driving a shaking, noisy, smelly diesel powered forklift. If only everyone knew that…
No action on climate change will cost everyone the most.
Harris has addressed where the $$ will come from: everyone, including major corporations and the wealthiest, paying their fair share of taxes.
I came here to say that. I heard her Harris say that multiple times. The top one percent got wealthy off the backs of hard working American taxpayers and migrant labor. It's way past time for them to lift some of that burden off of them by paying their fair share. Greedy bastards.
Not gonna realize that, right?
loser lift there
Thanks to Trump and others like him, we’re no longer a shining light or a beacon on a hill. We’re a STOP sign trying to block out the world.
Thanks to any of us who permitted his outrageous behavior in Trump's first running, or kept quiet when George HW Bush and Reagan set the stage and we did not organize so they were voted in. Or when we permitted Sanders to be called "extreme" and now Harris who is a conservatiive be called " left leaning" we have participated in grooming society for a Trump. The progressives and liberals have given much space and permitted too much craziness as well. We cannot put this all on Trump or on Republicans.
We got lazy.
Clinton (bill) being permitted to be reelected after his horrific behavior of presidential sexual assault is proof. We must not allow ourselves to participate in Otherism. We don't like it in "them", let's not become it.
I just learned of this book called "Unhumans" by Jack Posobiec and Joshua Lisec. The forward was written by Steve Bannon, and the book was endorsed by JD Vance. It's a fascist manifesto that praises dictators like Augusto Pinochet and Francisco Franco. And of course, anyone that is against this brand of fascism is labeled as 'unhuman'. People need to know the stakes of this election.
Monica, you're so right -- this IS (are?) the stakes of this election. I was born in 1946 in Germany, where I grew up right after the war and the Nazi time. All my life I've tried to understand HOW this could have happened, and I found bits and pieces of answers all my life. But it's just now that I realized that I've subconsciously identified Nazis and fascists with German culture, although I knew they existed in England, the U.S., Holland, etc. (I mean before and during the war). And it's only just now that I see that Nazi mentality can be everywhere -- be it those who are into it for personal gain, money and/or power, or those who prefer an authority figure to tell them what to do and to think, etc. It is so sobering.
Check out Ultra by Rachel Maddow. Fascinating podcasts of Nazism in the U.S.
Thanks, I will.
Thank you for the reference, Monica. Never has it been more crucial for those dedicated to the democratic principle to call out the aforementioned arch-criminals and their predecessors like Joe McCarthy, Richard Nixon, and Henry Kissinger who were in bed with the corporate powers
who reaped the spoils generated by the Pinochet regime and those of other Latin-American and World dictators. To this day we remain snarled in the undergrowth of a deeply uncivilized
world. Thanks go out Mary Trump for her spirited exposes.
OMG, Monica. I’m completely gobsmacked when information like this comes my way. And I consider myself a very highly involved voter. Do you think I could read the book without a barf bag?
This analysis about why MAGA supporters justify substituting an authoritarian for a democratic government sums up the premise of my just published book, saying that there is a deep state - our corrupt education system that has been impossible to expose.
They are right to suspect a conspiracy. They are far from what it is and what to do about it. That’s why I published the book A Graver Danger: White Chalk Crime, The Stunning First-Ever Explanation for School Shootings & How We End Them.
They think “there may be no evidence that there is a vast communist plot to destroy the country. The crimes of Stalin and Mao are long in the past, and in no way does contemporary American life contain anything similar. And yet, people are unhappy. They think something is wrong. And so why not believe it’s all part of a giant sinister conspiracy?”
They are accurate. However, they’re way off. It’s our corrupt schools. That’s why I wrote this book.
I’m a former teacher who realized in 1995 that our schools were so corrupt they would take down democracy. I’ve been working to expose this ever since.
People don’t know this the way people didn’t know about Harvey Weinstein for decades.
Power has its way. People are scared. The unions go along to get along. They’re right. Disgusting things happen in a democracy. The problem is even more disgusting things happen in an autocracy - where they want to take us.
People don’t know about education, but they will if my book goes viral. That’s why I priced the ebook as low as Amazon allows—$2.99. I’d offer it for free if I could because I care about democracy. That’s why I became a teacher, unaware that the profession has become too inept and too corrupt to do its job.
It is the deep state that got so many to want change via Trump. They believe democracy is phony, so blow it up - nothing to lose.
It isn’t phony. It has lost its pillar—education. Once we get that pillar back, we won’t have to live with so many people who have lost faith in democracy. Read my book and learn about what really goes on in our schools so people like Trump will no longer have power.
I love democracy, and I know people reading this do, too. We have to make the solution for democracy go viral. It’s real schools that we absolutely do not have enough of, but we could easily have if teachers like me had power in our schools.
And as a bonus, it will end school shootings because they’re happening for one reason - they got rid of or muzzled most of the great teachers since they’d report the corruption.
They were the ones who helped those deeply troubled children not become shooters. In my book, I tell about a teacher who tried to prevent a Columbine by reporting to the police that a student brought guns to school, and his district criminally indicted HIM for telling the kid to bring the guns. He proved his innocence after two years, but who wants that? No one. So teachers avoid these kids now.
I was tenured and fired in 1999 for speaking out. They erase each courageous teacher, so you don’t know.
Yes, it’s Harvey Weinstein all over again, but substitute corruption and ruthless abuse for sex. That’s been democracy’s pillar since around 1980. It’s not communism. It’s corrupt schools. That lesson must be taught so it will be learned. Find my contact information at, and I’ll send you a free pdf of my book. We must make the truth go viral so democracy has a chance. Dodging Trump is not good enough. We must put the pillar of democracy - our schools - back in place.
The "deep state" is The Heritage Foundation, The Federalist Society, Focus On The Family, etc.
Monica, that book review is terrifying.
Thank you for sharing this frightening resource. I have not known of it. And do not want to buy it....
Expanding Medicare to cover home care is long overdue and will keep patients home longer. It is much more expensive to care for patients in hospitals or nursing facilities which is where many people end up just so that their care is covered. Has anyone done the math?
It's not about the math, Naomi. It's about the profits, and the patient neglect that can lead to even better margins.
While greed is always in the mix, it need not be the driver. There is a compelling need for a rational basis for allocating healthcare costs and for funding healthcare. Americans are not that greedy or stupid.
I don't disagree with you at all. My point was that the lobbyists in D.C. will never be on board with legislation or tax law changes that would take away from their conglomerates' profits. Same thing is happening with hospitals - investment groups buying up the struggling not-for-profit facilities, and turning them into billion dollar profit machines that have nothing to do with the health and welfare of Americans. And they're supported by our Medicare dollars, for the most part. For anyone lucky enough to have an investment portfolio or 401K, I'll bet they own shares in the healthcare sector, which includes these guys:
Thank you for the article on privatization of nursing homes. While I share your skepticism about corporate motives and tactics, nursing homes, which have been in deep distress, are predominantly funded by Medicaid and not Medicare. Medicare currently provides funding for some home care, if medically necessary following a hospital stay for example. Expanding this provision to include personal care and assisted living facilities would be enormously impactful for seniors who do not have the financial resources to hire their own home care attendants and/or afford the exorbitant rates of assisted living. It would potentially reduce unnecessary hospital stays and avoid the necessity of nursing homes. Also, private pay and private insurance drive both revenues and profitability of most hospitals.
Point well taken: "What is the cost of not addressing an issue that affects millions of Americans?" But we can also answer the question the Post asks: "How will she pay for that?" Duh, with taxes. Get rid of Trump's tax cuts for the rich and for corporations and raise taxes on both to levels that they were at in the past. And fund the IRS to go after tax cheaters.
Everyone forgets that the Clinton administration left behind a nice surplus, that W proceeded to squander. It's not like it can't be done, to balance the budget and include the necessary services that make people's lives better - it's just the Republicans who can't do it because they refuse to pay their fair share.
Plus they don't see any value in letting us peons get things we need. Our needs are of no consequence to them.
Eisenhour ( sorry -misspelled) was our last good Repu. president. The big Business people and the ultra wealthy came to him to try to get him to lower the tax rate but he would not. He left it up where TRuman and FDR. had it. Around 70--80 percent. I have forgotten the exact amount but I remember my Dad saying Ike was thinking like TRuman and FDR. NO Rep. like that today.
Of course, Congress, not the president, sets the tax rate. You must mean that Eisenhower did not support lowering the tax rate.
Cut funding to the military.
“Harris wants Medicare to cover home care.” Republicans shrink back in horror: Let ‘em die! I just turned 74—dat means me: Know Nothing Party, care nothing consequence.
the more it disheartens U.S. the sadder we are.
David J. Buckle talking.
Add the cost to people “lucky enough” to survive gun violence. Who pays for their injuries, physical and mental? What about the permanent inability to work and care for their families or the devastating effect on families having to care for young children after school shootings?
I saw the estimated cost for the kind of deportation they are talking about would cost around $80 billion. That's in dollars. What about the violation of the Constitutional right against illegal search and seizure? You know that would happen. Also authoritarian mean-spirited, toss them all out attitudes would ensure legals would be rounded up along with illegals, and it costs too much and would accomplish nothing except to satisfy a small handful of rabid racists. It's mean and stupid.
I lived in a suburb of New Orleans when Katrina hit. The city would STILL be rebuilding if it were not for immigrant construction workers ( legal and illegal ). I don't wish anything bad on anyone who has damage from these last 2 hurricanes, but it would be interesting to see how long recovery would take without immigrant labor. Decades, I bet.
The whole made-up issue used to scare racists and get them to vote Republican. I don't see how anyone who is scared of anything would see Trump as a solution to their fears. He would increase them for everybody. They wouldn't be made up, as he showed us when he was in office and failed to protect our health and our economy, just used our federal funds as his personal piggy bank to exploit and rob. How is it these fearful people even see him as some sort of protection against what they fear?
I hadn't seen that before, but when he did that balcony thing where he ripped off his mask, I heard he did infect the videographers because he made them film several takes of it until he was happy with it. I was saying the same thing, he's trying to pretend he's Evita or something. Must really grind him that Madonna actually got to play her in the film.
There's also the cost of losing their labor. Who's going to do all those jobs Americans don't want to do and what's going to happen when they don't get done? Hospital workers, trash pickup, construction, gardeners, plumbers, etc.
People who repair bridges, like the ones who died when that out of control cargo ship hit the bridge in Maryland…
Mary and Jean, there is a film on YouTube by the American Immigration Council called The Disastrous Costs of Mass Deportation.
It'll never happen. The oligarchs need the cheap labor.
Oligarchs figure those will be the "Black jobs" in the new order they have been imagining. Kamala, on the other hand, is going to show them what a
Black job really is.
Another thing which isn’t discussed by proponents of mass deportation is what happens when the prospective recipient nations refuse to accept the deportees. They don’t want a lot of unemployed people dumped on them all at once, so said deportees will inevitably be housed in massive camps (basically open air prisons or concentration camps) and subjected to abuses too numerous to contemplate.
As you commented earlier this week, the 'main stream media' has completely abandoned their mission in reporting news. Why Trump continues to get a pass is astounding.
One reason they may have is that they believe he sells more papers, etc. The FUN stuff. Rather like The National Enquirer took over all MSM.
I like that VP Harris is using non-traditional outlets to get her message out and to reach voters. I read that this week alone, her participation with Howard Stern, Who's Your Daddy and others reached 22+ million listeners. Fantastic.
I honestly think the upper echelon of Republicans would be perfectly happy if they created a dystopian world of pollution, mass poverty, and hunger that is similar to that of the film "Soylent Green."
As long as they didn’t live in it with us; Between Space Force and Musk’s tech, they’ll be living on a terraformed, elite planet of their own.
The faster we can launch them into space the better off we'll be.
As missiles
Thank you for a good laugh, Ronda. I couldn't agree more.
Soylent Green, Elysium, Logan’s Run, and Fahrenheit 451
Love that film, and yes, we are barreling our way into that nightmare.
'Soylent Green', with Charlton Heston and Edward G Robinson
You are so right Mary. Nobody seems to look at long term costs of these issues, only the immediate ones.
Republicans are interested in short term profitability only. They can't see beyond the end of their noses. And, since they don't pay their fair share of taxes, they'll never be responsible for footing the cost of necessary or emergency care for the rest of us.
Mary...I look at that photo of the women holding the signs that say, "Mass Deportation Now," and I'm horrified. What if one of those people they want deported was a son or daughter of theirs? How many of these women purport to be Christians? It literally makes me sick. Yesterday I told my sister that it's like these "Christ" followers think Jesus was a white dude and he loves America and other white people more than he loves anyone else in the world. Are they choosing to be completely brain-dead? (And BTW, I am also a Christ follower but I had to quite attending church soon after 2016 and the hope against hope that things would change have only gotten worse.
Donald "Trail of Tears Ii" Trump :(
Good Day Mary, Team and All Decent Americans.
I am one who is fully aware of the cost of home health care, with my son in a wheelchair, a quadriplegic. "Home health care is a cost burden on families". So True. But. Isn't WAR a cost burden on families? There's Always Enough Money For Wars...
Peace, and Thank You Mary for your constant, Intelligent Posts. Please keep up your Great Work.
True, however there is something most people and lawmakers are forgetting about the illegal immigrants. These are hard working people on the average and just want a better life for their children and while they are here illegal, they contribute to our GDP and our social security. Their employers help them get social security cards and taxes are taken out. They pay into a system they may never see benefit from. Think of the billions of revenue generated at no cost to us from the immigrants. They as Biden proposed are on a pathway to citizenship and they want that very badly. They will stay, work hard and some will stay and some will return to their families left behind. I am a Nurse Practitioner and to be truthful the clinic for which I am employed is designed and set up decades ago to the migrant worker. I see mostly Spanish speaking people and those who have no insurance or means to pay a doctor bill. Our service is paid for by grants and donations. I hear horror stories of the Coyotes getting them across the border. The people I see are children that attended our schools and their parents that hold a job and pay into our government taxes. Stop complaining about them, all our ancestors were migrants at one time, some good some criminals. A pathway to citizenship is the only decent way. We do need controls because our country is quite full. Millions occupy one city and at one time the whole of the United States had only millions as a total count.
We have many concerns going on at one time. Climet control which is getting worse because of us the millions on earth. We have to eliminate carbon emissions and the deadly waste. Next we have the right to Health Care and the right to our own health care and choices for our bodies. Trump did all of us a great dis-service. No one person, and no one answer is going to clear these three major problems but we must work on all at once. The disinformation I hear on my red state makes me sick. This is not the time for such irresponsibility. We must pull together as a human race and jail those like Trump who have committed crimes. Most countries have a harder judicial system on criminals, less prisons and people who fear of making an illegal movement. No we let a man with 34 felonies run for president of the greatest nation under God, which by the way he does not believe in. He uses the word God interchanble with himself. There should be no way under the sun that a convicted felon awaiting sentencing run for president. Have we all gone mad? Thank you for letting me spew my opinion on the others that may read this. Diane Wright FNP, MBA.