Unfortunately, things haven’t changed much since the 1950s. 😢😢😢 I think I’ll vomit if I hear one more Republican say it’s no longer the Party of Reagan. It absolutely is the Party of Reagan! Racism and misogyny are nothing new to the Republican Party.
I agree, but I think that another important factor in the rise of Trump and of more open racism and misogyny on the part of Republicans was the election of Obama. A Black president was more than they could tolerate.
That certainly was/is a factor. Republican men are so-o-o-o fragile. A black man (or ANY woman) in the Oval Office? OMG! You can see this in the comments you'll find on various boards like Quora that maintain that Harris "slept her way to the top" (many of them put it much more crudely). This in spite of the fact that she has a Juris Doctor degree. Yet, they prefer a man who graduated in the lower half of his class (I looked years ago when info was still online.) and who claims (unfounded) that he's "a very stable genius".
The fact of the matter is: White men are feeling threatened and are terrified that they may lose their identity. That identity is based on values from the '50s and their hopes are that Trump can bring it all back, including keeping women in the kitchen and control in the hands of spoiled white collared American men.
While I think a lot of it is what you said, I think that many of his supporters believe the myth that he created the greatest economy and that's a powerful motivator. What they don't realize is that salaries went up faster than the rate of inflation, but now that inflation has caught up, it's now Biden's fault, in their minds, that the costs are high. Trump also set this up to happen with his tariffs and his awful response to Covid. Why his supporters can't see this is, still a mystery.
Maybe they are afraid they will lose their identity. Yes, that's part of it but, more I think is the fear that if women and really anyone who isn't a white male ever gain majority power that we will do to them what they have done to us. That's the deep fear. What if we delegated them to second class citizens? That's the fear and they know that's how so many have had to live under their rule. All while they wore the cloak of saviours.
Ben, yeah, scared white men whose talents are limited and their ideas and creativity for anything but lying, cheating, and serving their child-man Trump are sorely absent.
We, as a country, should be able to elect a woman to lead us, after all, other countries have women leaders, like Angela Merkel of Germany. Six of 29 other countries include Bangladesh, Iceland, Italy, Aruba, Uganda, and Samoa. (World Population Review 2024)
How VERY true- our allies are worried also.Alot of our treaties are policies that congress initiated- not our president.To deviate would be chaos ( maybe a goal ??? ) thanks,respectfully
AND demented AND stupid AND uncurious AND sadistic AND an always-lying sociopath AND as narcissistic as they come AND a misogynist AND a racist AND a grifter AND on and on and on and on and on and on.
Many men like me have already voted for Kamala and others soon will. No need to label men as fragile or stupid enough to vote for OldDon. (Yes, I know you didn't say all men, but to me some of the comments seem anti-male). We are in this together.
Great reminder, Raymond. Keep reminding people. I know in my white hot anger and outrage at the GOP & turd I have painted "old white men" with a broad brush. There are more of us, all decent people, than there are of the racists. 👫👫👫👫🇺🇸
Very well said. Remember when the GOP actually pretended that Herman Cain had a shot at the nomination? Wake me when that actually happens. And when they promoted Michael Steele to Party Chairman, just so they can pretend they're not run by racists? Uh huh. How ironic that the very party whose "leaders" (cough, gag, choke, snort) embraced corporate henchmen who destroyed unions is now embraced by guys whose own sons can't get really good skilled labor jobs because the unions are gone.
Ronold Reagan busted the Air Traffic Controllers union (PATCO) in 1981. It sharply accelerated the downward spiral of unions. They went on strike for better pay, better benefits, and better working conditions. I say if the guys and gals pushing planes around the sky, keeping them off each other, need more money, then they should have it! Same with pilots!
Most white "men' are CLUELESS about what is a "stable genius!" I'm a 76 y/o white man so I know of what I say! BTW: I'm voting for VPOYUS Harris for POTUS!! I voted for POTUS Obama 2x!1
I have been thinking EXACTLY the same thing! (Except, of course, they were using Biden's age against him. Ultimate hypocrisy: ageism for Biden; no problem for the orange sadist.)
I agree, Henry, but that is just the point. They either need to learn how to tolerate it or they will be relegated to the back because this is the direction our country is moving and it is the direction our country needs to move. We need to continue to progress to the point that every single person feels important, welcome and needed. It is high time we put aside this racist crap and learn how to live together.
It seems the newer one’s family is to the USA the more fear there is. My family came to the New World in the 1600’s and we were never taught to fear “others” whether race or religion. I have had friends of all sorts my whole long life.
Lynne, I wish everyone could experience friendships of all sorts! They might discover people are people instead of judging by race or culture or anything else. They might even find their lives enriched by those friendships!
Mine has been here since the 1600s so hey, we've seen it all--though nothing as bad as Trump. This is why I voted for VP Harris! Plus I like her ideas. Time goes only one direction that I know of and that's FORWARD. Trump wants to go backwards. Ain't nobody sane has time for that.
Right! We are a nation of immigrants. Some of them are probably even descended from some of the same people as the immigrants that they loathe. Perhaps, it's only some nationalities that they consider welcome to be here.
Maga's probably are not keen on getting their DNA/ancestry tested. We've heard the stories of people finding out they are part Jewish, Black, etc. They would eat glass splinters before investigating their heritage.
Henry, yep, racism is deep, systemic in our society, then they got hit with a Hillary Clinton popular majority win. Misogyny is as far as I can see, right along with racism the evil that stalks those scared white men who just must cling to their ridiculous candidate who has nothing to offer them but whiteness and maleness. Scared white men are dangerous, alas.
A black President is exactly what they deserved! And they are really going to have a cow when Kamala Harris beats their sick boy Donald Trump. I just can't wait to hear Trump cry when he is beaten by a woman, and a black woman at that. In fact, I wish that Michelle Obama was the one running against him. Trump has called Kamala Harris stupid. She is the smartest woman ever when it comes to politics. And she was one tough California Prosecutor and Attorney General. She will put you behind bars for your crimes in a minute.
They still have NOT and NEVER WILL get over POTUS Obama! Now with the real possibility of a Black Women as POTUS they are "ABSOLUTELY TERRIFIED" and will lose their LITLLE MINDS if this occurs!!
I'm absolutely mind boggled that the MAGA lunatics are already setting it up to contest the results of the election should Kamala Harris wins the election. The threats ,the demeaning of anyone who isn't republican. My prayers are that Kamala Harris wins this election!
My question in regards to Mary asking what is wrong with White Men, and I mean no disrespect towards any if us since I birthed and raised two sons myself ,is Why are they still immersed in the same misogynistic programming that hasn't altered since Before I became a mom in the late 70's ?
I am extremely proud of how empathetic,respectful,sensitive and aware they were,even in during those toxic testosterone teen years. Both were subject to bullying in school for not being aggressive or macho enough,but they grew up in a tough rural very conservative little town. They moved on to more urban and diverse communities and matured into adults that made me very proud of the manner in which they treat All people . I tried to convey a deep respect towards all humans ,and neither have ever shown me a smidgen of prejudice against females,other cultures, or even religious beliefs. We all have opions,and subjective experiences, but in my household, intolerance was never allowed or nurtured at any level. They also knew they could ask any question and never be punished,criticized,or ignored.
I don't claim credit for their own evolvement as human males ,accept the fact that I consistently reinforced compassion by walking my own talk and also and getting them interested in service to others at a very young age.
I also began reading to them as soon as they could hold onto a book and that sparked curiosity about the world and other people's interests and experiences. Education and communication is key with our youth, if we want to foster a balanced and healthy society for men and women alike.
I think there is too much bashing on both sides at this point in time.
Trump has divided not only our country, but caused deep,infectious wounds between young men and women. How can we help to heal them?
So,since we are all dumbfounded as to Why these men are embracing the Worst Male role model on our planet,who,exactly is raising and programming these dysfunctional males?
My oldest moved to Oregon a decade ago and while he fell in love with the mountainous beauty,and the diversity of Portland,his work environment was filled with exactly the type of mentality,like the Good Ole Boys club,that were hyper- masculine, idolized Trump,and most watched Fox News. He relayed to me that they never asked questions or seemed to have the capacity to use reason as independent individuals. ( Like A Cult)
He has enough life experience and wisdom to be able to get along with his co- workers in any environment, but when Covid hit,he was the only male in the office that acknowledged it was real,infectious, and deadly. The rest of them,even his boss, referred to it as a " little cold" The boss ended up having a massive heart attack a year later at the ripe old age of 50.
My son is back in Michigan, our home state, misses the mountains deeply,but that toxic Trumpian propaganda took a toll on his spirit.
Maybe many of these young men have decided it's easier to join and adhere to the status Quo of their peers,even though they may know it's direagatory and harmful towards all women, and ultimately our society, but they feel less threatened and more secure within that tribal brotherhood, like a sort of shelter where they feel protected from the violent chaos we are all being subjected to.
I am just as disheartened and alarmed by this 'movement ' as anyone who sees the writing on the wall. My own thought process is how can we,as mothers , wives, girlfriends, and teachers, help to Alter and shift it towards a less extreme, more empathetic mindset?
Re COVID. Our neighbor very early during COVID was a big turd fan. Flags etc. 40-ish. Serious heart attack out of the blue. Hubs said Dr. said she tested positive for COVID, which was the underlying reason for heart attack. She recovered slowly, refused masks & vax later. Said "Dr was an idiot" to say it was a direct result of COVID.
It's not just white men. Black men, especially the younger ones, support Trump. Even though they know he's a racist. Notice how few black celebrities are coming out for Harris compared to the white celebrities.
We are learning much about our American citizens because of Trump. And it ain't pretty.
You are right: it AIN'T pretty. However, let me say that the two most awful, off-the-rails discussions I've had about tRump were with white women who supported him. It is fair, I guess, to look at demographic trends, but over-generalization completely misses the problem. The sex ratio in the USA is c. 0.4924 so if the generalization was useful and c. 157M people vote (as in 2020) and thus all women vote for Harris and all men vote for Trump, Harris will win the popular vote by c. 2.4 M votes and all the worry could stop. If women are more subject to reason (and I could make a modest case for that), convince your sisters ladies.
The men that support him are small minded and insecure. They think women are taking their jobs and they are right because they have become lazy. They want to control
Women. Are they ready to step up, work 2 jobs to pay ALL the bills to have their dream of the wifey
I watched how the Trump team moved into a community here in Michigan when the Arab protest began and they set up shop in Hamtramck and began to polarize,manipulate,and basically radicalize using there Mayor to influence those who were drowning in grief, loss, highly traumatized, and gain their trust and support even though we all know he doesn't give a rat's ass about Gaza or Palestinians. He did the same thing at the beginning of the current devastation in the south after the hurricane subsided. He came into a small town,used Elon Musk for his Starlink,claiming he was their Savior and was bringing support, while Biden was doing nothing. The horrible lies,attacks on FEMA, setting up bogus GoFundme, etc. He Plays people especially minorities when they are in crises, to gain votes, but will discard them in a heartbeat once he got what he needed. It's Criminal, how he is able to manipulate gullible souls, but shame on those who trust and believe he actually cares about anything or anyone but Trump.
Well here is a link to the Grio that shows a number of high profile Black actors, singers and athletes who are supporting Harris - add also those not included but who have already performed at events: Common, Lil Jon
I was chatting about Harris gassing up. A car with 4 young Hispanic men pulled up. I asked if they were planning to vote - "we're not 18". As I drove away, all four began yelling "Trump! Trump! Trump!" I didn't ask if they knew about the mass deportation plans.
Just heard/read that Beyonce is appearing with Kamala Harris at some event. That's encouraging that a woman of color supports another, but where is JayZ? Has anyone heard of any male black actor, musician or whatever, who has spoken out for Harris?
Not even Denzel Washington who seems like an equal opportunity guy, or Chris Rock, Eddy Murphy?
Their silence is noted and hopefully will be remembered by Mrs Harris.
Joan posted a link above and that is just 10 prominent Black men. Many, many others . Don’t get too caught up in this narrative about young Black men- I believe it is a product of the 24-hr news cycle and panicked reporters.
@Maureen Mannion see my link to The Grio above. Chris Rock, John Legend, Usher, Tyler Perry and others are listed in support of Harris. Also Stevie Wonder was at the Democratic Convention.
The south turned totally Red when President Johnson brought in Civil Rights in 1965. Has it not been a slow walk to Germany 33-45 since then?.......the finish line with Orange Hitler buddy buddy with ever dictator on the planet.........wishing he had generals like Rommel, Guderian, Goring, Manstein.......the Melting Pumpkin is a full blown traitor and "must never stand behind the seal of the President......NEVER AGAIN!!!!!!!"
Hitler's generals tried to kill him eventually, but I think you are right about the 'slow walk'. Nonetheless, the forces have been complex and not easily dismissed as a singular flaw. For my part, I think we have tended to underestimate the power of propaganda largely paid for by rich sociopathic bastards who want only to become ever richer. Some are racist, some aren't. Some are misogynist, some aren't. They are all greedy and care way more about themselves than the society in which they live. Occasionally later in life, some like Andrew Carnegie, recognize the harmful things they have done and try to give some of it back. However, his libraries, museums, etc. could have been built in time to enrich the lives of those he was ripping off. Still, IMO, not the best ... but better. Nothing surpasses the combination or responsibility for one's actions (up and down the scale) and striving to make life as fair and good as possible for all in a society.
John....all great points. In the world of Narcissitic Abuse there is always the 'love bombing" period.......the breaking down of the barriers, hiding the subversive intentions to take control. Propaganda does that, as you note.
The good thing is, now Trumps living-life-long-lie is on the table. He must be voted out now...hopefully in a landslide
Excellent post. However,"making life as fair and good for all in society" is not on corporate America's to do list, nor is it on the banks or Wall Street's list. I don't know if they were ever on the corporate and financial world's lists in the history of this country. There's a heartlessness at the heart of capitalism which is destroying our country. Perhaps sections are already destroyed. Trump is the poster child for American capitalism: it's greed, degeneratecy,(sp?) immorality, hatreds, war mongering, narcissism. You name it he's the exemplar of capitalism in America. No wonder the movers and shakers support him.
Yeah, Nixon took the Voting Rights Act and drooled over how many racist whites he could turn Republican. Nixon's Southern Strategy was opportunistic racism.
I am a lucky woman. All the males in my life are democrats. And my husband is amazing. We are now retired and he will help with some "women's work". A few days ago I was going to make pasta with Alfredo sauce. He asked if he start boiling the water and cook the pasta. One day I thanked him for helping out so much. He said since he retired he doesn't mind. He said there were so many years I worked AND did domestic work too while he was busy working. I know my son does a lot of cooking for his family too. He is such a good cook.
But if I look at Fox News web site, the comments are almost entirely about white male dominance.
My Daddy was the same as your husband. He always helped my mother with chores, cooking or whatever and they were married 68 years. Sounds like you got one of the lucky ones.
Good for you and your mom. It took me a few years to find just the right one. We help each other with various projects and volunteering. I'm happy you got a a great father and for your mom a great husband. You don't always have to have the battle of the sexes.
There are misogonistic democratic males. I've met some. Most don't even realize that they are. They were never inclined to look at it. Or even had to look at it. That's an historical fact. (Just check out the world's three "major" religions. They reek of misogony.)
Yeah, but Reagan didn't start it. He only put a smile on it. It dates back past the McCarthy Era to the 1930s, when they sued to stop several New Deal programs. And they have been trying to kill Social Security and collective bargaining for 90 years now.
Women's voting - dating back only to 1920 - certainly helped massively in the 1932 FDR win only 12 years later.
Nixon did much to ruin America, too. And his turn toward his racist 'Southern Strategy' is what made the GOP racist in the last half of the 1960s.
Eisenhower was the only Republican in the last 100 years who helped the 99%.
Exactly right. FDR and Eleanor Roosevelt were attacked constantly by the Republican Senators, many of whom were allowing a Nazi representative of Hitler to dictate letters praising Hitler and demonizing FDR. Those letters were sent to these traitors’ constituents using taxpayer dollars for postage through a “franking” system. It’s all in Rachael Maddow’s book and podcast “Ultra”
Sandy, you are right on target with this one. Republicans have been the party of racism, misogyny, xenophobia, general hatred of anyone called Communist or Socialist, or whatever else those scared white men can come up with. They were raised to believe they are the best, the most, brilliant, strong, and worthy of other people's homage toward them. We do need some new parenting styles that will help white boys realize they are just human beings like everyone else, not little gods who grow up to be scared, sometimes evil god wannabees.
AI is already very dangerous. Want an angry mob like MAGA. Just use AI algorithms that maximize time on a platform to maximize ad revenue. That would be send titles to click that stimulate fear uncertainty doubt and anger.
Want to punish all US critics of Trump. Even easier AI can automate the identify of folks who want fishing lures or skin cream. Easy to use the same SW to identify and punish Trump critics. Trump stated he would punish critics, but you didn’t know that was aimed at 100s of million US citizens. All dictators focus on controlling thoughts of US citizens. Once identified how to punish? Simple just bar them from US banks. Easy if you have president immunity and declare any criticism as a risk to US.
If Trump’s AI savvy Oligarchs Peter Thiel and Elon Musk want to push AI control of US thoughts, easy. They own AI resources.
Trump called The Heritage Foundation a "great group." He also referred to The Heritage Foundation's plans as a "colossal mandate" and said it would "lay the groundwork for exactly what our movement will do" in order to "save America".
The issue is Christian Nationalists using our government to force us to follow thier extremist views. They can't be happy living in a country that allows you to worship as you choose, they want to force everyone to follow their beliefs.
That's why I have a shirt that says: "This is our home, not your church"
We MUST do everything we can to combat fascism. Voting is not going to stop fascism, but anything that puts a barrier between Trump and the executive will at the very least make it so that an authoritarian fascist regime is not guaranteed!
I'm sick to death of the Christijihadists at the Heritage Foundation. I'm Christian, but I believe everyone is entitled to believe (or not) as they see fit. That is what true religious liberty is. This country was not founded on the Christian religion.
Matthew 23.......a chapter they will never preach about in the Christofascist megachurch's that pay for the mansions, private planes...hookers and escorts...
Just did, JP, and the rest who haven't yet, go now! Trump is a raging wild boar, and male trumpists are congenital members of his rampaging herd, be they black, white, red, yellow or orange! I'm a single white male with some free advice for married women stuck with one of these clods: get unstuck, make your children safe, and move on to a better life!
The last time this country was so over religious people were burnt as the stake and accused of being witches and warlocks when they were not. And all for the power of stealing their homes and land. The Salem Witch Hunt Trials! No, we are not going back.
The extreme right idiots want to steal our Social Security Checks, our Medicare and Obamacare and our Veterans Service-Connected Pensions! They think this is funny! They wouldn't have any freedom to their religion had it not been for our Veterans and their service to protect this country and our Democracy that they are so hell bent on destroying!
You're correct. Black men, don't know %, support a man who has demeaned, degraded, cheated them, and considers them to be filth. How can anyone explain that? It's mind boggling. It reminds me of the time when Clarence Thomas was confronted by Anita Hill. I was dumbfounded to discover the black women in the department where I worked closed ranks and did not support Anita Hill but by the silence supported Thomas. I'll never forget that. Yet some of these black women were quite outspoken about racism from whites. They supported misogyny because the perpetrator was a black man.
You would think after all this time where black actors, musicians, and other artists have been fighting for equal rights that one of those people would speak out for Kamala Harris. But not one has to my knowledge.
White males need to come to grips with them being justva large demographic among many demographics. The 1950s American society WILL NOT come again. By 2050 the country wpill be minority majority.
I am a white man who is just fine with powerful women. My mother was a dynamo. My wife is a force of nature. My daughter has a spine of steel. I get so tired of being lumped in with people I have nothing in common with except chromosomes and melanin levels - think about it, because you weren't thinking when you made that statement.
You are engaging in exactly the same kind of bigotry as people who talk about women, people of color, people of different religions, LGBTQ+ people, etc., as if everyone in those groups shared the perceived negatives of some.
How about acknowledging the high percentage of white men who loathe Trump and are voting for Harris? She couldn't win without us, either.
"American white males are not okay with powerful women," my ass. Prejudice is wrong no matter who it's aimed at.
Wait! What? Either 1) I’m not a white male or, 2) I’m not allowed to vote for Kamala. I just checked my photo ID and can eliminate option 1. I’ve always wanted to do something daring and risky so I voted for Kamala who might just become the most powerful woman in the world. I think I’ll be OK with that. Let’s see how many other American white males will be OK with Harris as president. Click the heart if you’re with me.
They’ll never be. They’re afraid of powerful women so putting them down and demeaning them is what they do. With Kamala is not only the fact that she’s a woman. She’s also black. Their racism -not only white men but white women as well- is the main factor. Look what Britain did to Megan Markel the biracial wife of Prince Harry. It’s in the Anglo-Saxon DNA. Sadly Latinos are racists as well as they don’t want to be put in the same basket having colored skin themselves. Shame on them.
You're forgetting that Kamala's people, black men, are behaving like the white racists toward a strong woman. This subject is not being addressed at all. And it needs to be brought out into the light of day. We know white men have problems with women in the workplace. That's been obvious for a long time. Many of us experienced the brunt of their misogyny in the workplace for years.
But, we've shied away from speaking about the misogyny of black men. Perhaps nows a good time to talk about it.
So is misogyny the main factor for men in general? Did she ever have a chance? No wonder why Trump/JD Vance, Musk and the cabal are going full fascist.
Elizabeth, those white males are not comfortable with powerful anyone who is not them. That's one of the things that makes dealing with them hard. They see enemies all around them. The good thing is that a large segment of white maledom can manage their fear of everyone, but there is a large bunch who just can't, so they run for office and get power jobs so they can keep everyone in the place that can sometimes ease some of their fear, those places under their thumb or under whatever.
There is an old saying the little girls grow up to be women while little boys grow up to be bigger boys,
Even though that is a generalization as there are many exceptions, overall I agree with this characterization recognizing that it s a generalization with exceptions.
Let’s not get to the point of asking for citations when there is an abundance of anecdotal evidence to support the claim. Likewise, let’s not speak in vague generalities that suggest a monolithic culture amongst white males. I think there is a wide gulf of differences between those two extremes that we can explore. We are not all Archie Bumkers.
This! Every election cycle pundits question why white women, black women, any women, black men, Hispanics, etc. vote like they do, especially when it comes to Donald. But white men? One of the largest demographics in this country? Hardly ever are they under the microscope for voting against the interests of a majority of them. Year after year they get a pass. Like it’s perfectly acceptable to be self-centered jacka$$es. 🤦🏻♀️
Susan....White men, I believe, are considered to be at top echelon of societal hierarchy. (The last time majority of whites voted for a Democrat was 1964 with 59%.) Sadly, other ethnic groups take cues from them and some vote against their interest. Poor whites vote against themselves election after election.
Is this the comment where you mention women cheering for Donald at his rallies? If so, nice deflection and you are proving my point. People seem determined to keep the focus on anyone other than white male supporters. If not, I apologize.
As a white male, It’s embarrassing. You’d think college educated people of any demographic would listen to economists about what his plans of massive tariffs and mass deportations would do to the country. That directly affects them.
I agree Mary. But would also put that question to women and to any person of color who seems to forget he hates everything about them. Hates. Not dislikes. Not is ambiguous about. Hates.
He hates practically everyone but the misled MAGAs keep coming back for more. My son and I are no longer speaking because of this cruel, demented dirtbag. He claims he was better off under Trump but when I attempted to show him the facts, he refused to even take a look. A disastrous second term would cause irreparable worldwide damage, further divide families and those GOP voters regardless of race don't seem to care. Sad that they believe every bit of the BS he constantly spews.
The thing which would be hilarious (if the situation wasn't terrifying) is that drumpf wouldn't have anything personal to do with 99.8% members of his cult. Can you imagine him sitting down and having a beer with the good old bubbas in Tennessee on a Friday night? Going to a pot luck dinner at a Baptist church in Boone, NC? Of course not. And they are too willfully ignorant to understand he despises them.
I think he summed it up succinctly when he said "I don't care about you. I only care about your vote". If I were a MAGAt, that would have got me headed for the exit.
Clearly many Americans are insane. There's no other explanation. Oh I know, the psychologists and others will have various explanations etc but, it's just insanity to support a man who has told everyone of his supporters he doesn't care for them, only cares for their vote. He's been more brutal about minorities. He's told them he's a racist. Yet, many of them are going to vote for him.
Donald Trump has shown us that approximately half our population is mentally ill.
I’m sorry. I have the same situation. He and I have always had problems but this whole thing was the straw, really being ignited over vaccines. Everything I’ve read on “de-culting” says that showing them facts never works. Usually makes the situation worse. I found that to be true. Just stopped speaking to him.
My cousin is a Trump fan. The only way we maintain a relationship is by not discussing politics. I mean, she believes the moon landing was faked and that Obama is actually ruling the US through Biden.
Sad to watch these kids grow into this awful stuff. Btw. Mine is 55 years old. A middle aged man. Not a child. We’ve been haggling since he was 20-ish. This whole thing made communication really impossible.
So sad. I had the same situation with my father over Vietnam.The instant he received a fatal diagnosis that all dissolved, but we had lost several good years. Take my advice—each of you concentrate on your memories and love, know that it's only politics, and make up.
Yes. Don’t let politics ruin relationships. I say this knowing there are fundamental belief differences in the way we view issues and people. Love them anyway, but stand up for what is right, loving, and kind.
Same for me, Rick. I have only one immediate family member living today. My brother is an ex Green Beret MAGA to the core. We are no longer communications because of it. I pointed out all of his military leaders having abandoned Yrump and he will not do the same. I am astonished. My brother proudly wears his Special Forces baseball cap every day in public. He will not listen to reality and only follows Tucker Carlson for his news so he is deeply lost. It’s so sad to me.
You are so right. It's not just the US that will suffer if he wins, it's much of the world too Bevan many countries depend on us for so many things including support and most of those countries won't get all the things that we usually provide for them if Trump gets back into office. One of the only countries that will benefit will be the one that Putin is the head of.
Because the system has favoured them in the past and now that they have to compete with women and other racial/ethnic groups, they can't deal with it. This is why they rant about things like DEI.
Agree. What motivates a black person to support a white man who has made it abundantly clear he hates them? Is this some kind of ancestral energy from slavery?
I know and certainly appreciate that fact You are the solution not the problem. I’ve reared 3 sons and they are balanced and have moral compasses. It’s the extreme that are the problem and am so tired of dealing with them
But are you doing anything to help move your on-the-fence or pro Trump friends to vote for Harris? Men will only listen to other men and that’s not happening enough.
Yes I know that’s a generalize, and we are thankful and appreciate the real men, fathers, sons, brothers, husbands and friends who are the moral compasses
Don't forget over 50% of white women still support tRump. Everything you said is true, but white women are apparently nearly as scared of the "other" and perceived threats to their status.
I am very happy to report that I'm one of the white women who isn't afraid of "others" or perceived threats to my status. IMO diversity is the path to greatness while inbreeding will definitely tank the country.
I'm a white woman who isn't afraid of others but I am terrified of Trump and his Gileadean bullshit. First they took control of our bodies away. If he gets in, before long women will not be allowed to work, to vote, have their own bank accounts...
That's what makes it so stunning to see the amount of support he has among women. Haven't they ever had a relation or friend who had a tubal (ectopic) pregnancy or one of the many other life or fertility threatening complications of pregnancy?
I must agree. Can’t imagine a situation where a man would tolerate their medical options being controlled by the fools we continually elect. My dad had to get my mom’s “permission” to have a vasectomy after 5 children and as many dangerous miscarriages. Mom was stunned, he was irate.
I'm a white woman married to a black man for 25+ years. I have a very diverse group of friends and am not afraid of any group of people. I'm a retired metallurgical engineer and a lifelong progressive. I'm also a childfree cat lady. VD Chance can kiss my ass.
They’re the kind of women who are looking for a sugar daddy that will give them everything they want, as long as they’ll be arm candy & spread their 🦵🏼for them. I’m NOT that kind of girl. I like being financially independent and able to make my own decisions. I have a man who loves that about me & is the least immature, toxically hypermasculine man I know. He’s great. I’m great. They’re both chronically afraid 😱
They identify with the misogynist men in their lives. It’s all about tax breaks Just look at the Mar a Lago base women, self hate or why would you do that surgery to your face and bodies. As amoral and shallow as their men
yes and remember that white women status is intertwined with their white men....ergo they often vote like their 'menfolk'. They think it's the winning side.
Please don't generalize white men. I was raised White,English,Protestant in a Republican family and hold none of their views. In fact I teach at a Hawaiian school.
Be careful with those broad brushes. Old white male here who’s voting for Harris. Do you ever think how people like me hear these ridiculous generalizations? Don’t do the other side’s work for them.
Doug, you have to be proud the shoe does not fit and brush that off. The fact you are voting Harris/Walz proves you are smarter, more empathetic, and much less tolerant of fake-tough hogwash than the men Mary is lampooning.
I really don't understand most white men. Or men in general. There is no threat to us or our status when other people get a chance to succeed. Being a white man is the gift that keeps on giving, free human capital. Not only that, but if you have light hair and eyes, you are perceived as being more honest and trustworthy than any other group of people. If more white men would be careful not to purposely look mean, they would also know that people, especially women of other races generally give you the same level of acceptance as other whites do.
Well, after years of listening to "what do women want" and letting it roll of my back, I'd advise you to do the same ;) It's a question that we always ask of large groups.
White men have always been the top dogs in our society. They see that dominance slipping away and are fighting back, hard! It’s a massive backlash toward gains by women, non-whites, and LGTBQ+ people. Many white men want a return to the 1950s where they were the undisputed Kings of their domains. Vance and Trump are playing into that fear of loss and desire for power over their lives.
Those white men need to "find themselves" in something other than power and dominance. Those are as empty as money, they won't make anyone truly happy. I think they are too lazy to pursue something with real meaning.
Men are indoctrinated from childhood to be the way they are, especially through playing sports. Parents put pressure on them to be the best and coaches pressure players to win, sometimes at all costs. By the time they are grown there is no changing them since they can’t see anything wrong with themselves. My ex husband was horrified that I gave our son an old doll of mine to play with when he was about 18 months old. My son’s wife asked why I did that and I told her that I wanted him to develop caring and nurturing ways. He is now 54 and has been a wonderful husband and father who did just as much care giving as his wife did.
I've never had brothers so I don't know how men are raised. My husband has played all sorts of sports but still came out a caring human being. Good on you, Kathy, for raising your son right!
Old white man here. College educated, son of a veteran, raised in a Southern Baptist church with a wife, daughters and granddaughters. I don’t understand how any man, or woman, can vote for the orange felon with a clear conscience. Voting straight blue this year was the easiest electoral decision of my life!
Wayne, I salute you. When I take a short cut through some grass, I (fondly) hear my first First Sergeant yelling at me, "Stay off my grass!" That guy taught me so much about life. I will always appreciate my NCOs.
Well, from my perspective as a white man, it seems that white men, as a group, are a fearful bunch. We’re afraid of women, immigrants, and new ideas. We’re afraid of losing the power we’ve had forever. We’re afraid somebody is going to take our guns. We’re afraid of people who don’t look like us. We’re afraid we’ll be exposed as having emotions or feelings that make us look weak. Now, of course, there are those of us white men who welcome the strength and intelligence women can provide for the betterment of our society. Personally, I would say it is way past time for a woman to be President of the United States. I would gently suggest to white men still clinging to the old patriarchal society of the past, put your poor baby-man ego aside and wake the fuck up and get with doing what’s best for America. And, what’s best for America is NOT voting for a fascist, misogynist criminal for President.
I am at 77 year old white male and combat-wounded veteran of the Vietnam War, and I wouldn't vote for Trump for local Dog Catcher. In my opinion, the reason so many white males support Trump is several fold. First, misogyny is alive and well in our male population. Secondly, racism is also alive and well in this country. Finally, too many white males in this country have a sense of entitlement and think because they are a white male born in this country they are entitled to a $100,000/year salary without having the education, work ethic or employment history to deserve that kind of money. That sense of entitlement, together with the fact they have been left behind in our economy because of that attitude, causes them to vote for someone like Trump who promises to restore the status white men had in this country until the 60s, and who villainizes immigrants who are doing jobs these lazy-ass white males won't do or aren't qualified to do. These white males who support Trump are losers, one and all.
My view is that they are having an identity crisis. I was an active participant in the mostly white feminist movement in the 1970's. I remember the moment when it was decided that CR (consciousness racing groups) were going to be for women only. Women were having an identity crisis and needed to withdraw into support groups talking only with each other to sort it - from the inside out. We assumed that men would need to do their own CR to participate in the changes that our movement would make. That never happened in a widespread way.
Today, many men, but especially white men, resent the changes and growth that women have made and it is a hard time for heterosexual lovers.
Too many white men are trying to find a way back to the old days, when only white men were in charge rather than doing the work
I like what you said about the white men wanting to be in charge instead of doing the work. Too many people are too lazy to do the work that would give them a truly meaningful life and make work less onerous.
I was invited to a friend’s house about a month ago with the instruction, kind of a demand really, not to speak about politics. In this man/woman couple who were hosting (wealthy, educated, white), I knew it was the man who was the Trumper. I took his wife aside and asked if her husband really liked Donald. “He doesn’t like him, but he thinks she’s too liberal.” 🤮 Then she showed me around her new house and pointed out her husband’s office. He’s in his seventies and recently finished serious treatment for a blood cancer. “Does he really work much anymore?” I asked. “He manages our money,” she said primly. Now, did I want to go over to him and say something like has he watched the rallies, seen the gross behavior, paid attention to what’s going on? But—I didn’t. I’m still tempted. But I also want to shake my friend. How the hell can anyone not a Trumper stand to be WITH one?
I have a few friends who are Never Trump married to Trumpers. They stay with them for economic security. For a lot of us in our 70s, divorce would leave us very poor. We were of the generation that either worked in the home, raising children or didn't have high paying jobs so that our own Social Security is minimal. Battling through the divorce courts at our age? "And why do you want the divorce?" "My husband has different political allegiances." "And, so....?" I am just glad that although my husband has some small misogynist tendencies and still thinks Reagan was a swell guy, he's a Never Trumper.
I think a lot of us in our 70s learned, after decades of marriage, we’re never going to change the people we married. So we accommodate and make the best of things. Like our mothers did.
For sure. I get it. I’m late 60s, and I’ve learned to accept a lot of things that drive me nuts about my partner. It would be so hard to deal with living with someone who supports the felon.
The polls are not remotely associated with reality. The are simply click-bait to get more viewers to boost media outlets advertising profits. The only "poll" to check are the long lines at early voting places; all those people are NOT standing in line to vote for Trump. Kamala will easily have well over 300 votes in the electoral college. Just a low end guy with 40 years in 9 different newspapers in the US and Canada.
American white males are not okay with powerful women.
Unfortunately, things haven’t changed much since the 1950s. 😢😢😢 I think I’ll vomit if I hear one more Republican say it’s no longer the Party of Reagan. It absolutely is the Party of Reagan! Racism and misogyny are nothing new to the Republican Party.
No longer the party of Lincoln. You are correct about Reagan-hood being the genesis of the MAGA movement, or at least foreshadowing it.
I agree, but I think that another important factor in the rise of Trump and of more open racism and misogyny on the part of Republicans was the election of Obama. A Black president was more than they could tolerate.
That certainly was/is a factor. Republican men are so-o-o-o fragile. A black man (or ANY woman) in the Oval Office? OMG! You can see this in the comments you'll find on various boards like Quora that maintain that Harris "slept her way to the top" (many of them put it much more crudely). This in spite of the fact that she has a Juris Doctor degree. Yet, they prefer a man who graduated in the lower half of his class (I looked years ago when info was still online.) and who claims (unfounded) that he's "a very stable genius".
The fact of the matter is: White men are feeling threatened and are terrified that they may lose their identity. That identity is based on values from the '50s and their hopes are that Trump can bring it all back, including keeping women in the kitchen and control in the hands of spoiled white collared American men.
More like values from the 1850s !! Women worked thru both WWs and kept the economy going!
"they may lose their identity" I think it's more like "will lose their power".
IMO the "identity" goes back to the beginning of humanity. re. The Fable of Adam & Eve.
While I think a lot of it is what you said, I think that many of his supporters believe the myth that he created the greatest economy and that's a powerful motivator. What they don't realize is that salaries went up faster than the rate of inflation, but now that inflation has caught up, it's now Biden's fault, in their minds, that the costs are high. Trump also set this up to happen with his tariffs and his awful response to Covid. Why his supporters can't see this is, still a mystery.
Maybe they are afraid they will lose their identity. Yes, that's part of it but, more I think is the fear that if women and really anyone who isn't a white male ever gain majority power that we will do to them what they have done to us. That's the deep fear. What if we delegated them to second class citizens? That's the fear and they know that's how so many have had to live under their rule. All while they wore the cloak of saviours.
Ben, yeah, scared white men whose talents are limited and their ideas and creativity for anything but lying, cheating, and serving their child-man Trump are sorely absent.
This is just one of the innumerable things that terrify white men.
Any slightly intelligent person can listen to him speak for 2 minutes and know that is not true. He is neither stable or a genius.
Exactly! He has the vocabulary and emotional age of a 2nd grader (sorry, actual 2nd graders).
The term "blithering idiot" is the only rational description of everything he says and does (and plans to do).
He is as stupid as stupid gets.
We, as a country, should be able to elect a woman to lead us, after all, other countries have women leaders, like Angela Merkel of Germany. Six of 29 other countries include Bangladesh, Iceland, Italy, Aruba, Uganda, and Samoa. (World Population Review 2024)
And Denmark has had two female PMs since 2011.
Don't forget Norway which has quite the history of electing women to the post of Prime Minister.
Surprised Spain and The Netherlands have never had a female head of state. Not at all surprised about Russia and Belarus though. And the Vatican🤣
I'm surprised no one included New Zealand.
How VERY true- our allies are worried also.Alot of our treaties are policies that congress initiated- not our president.To deviate would be chaos ( maybe a goal ??? ) thanks,respectfully
Can’t even call him an unstable genius. He’s just plain unstable
AND demented AND stupid AND uncurious AND sadistic AND an always-lying sociopath AND as narcissistic as they come AND a misogynist AND a racist AND a grifter AND on and on and on and on and on and on.
Nuts is more like it.
Narcissists tend to exaggerate their own accomplishments, however small.
Many men like me have already voted for Kamala and others soon will. No need to label men as fragile or stupid enough to vote for OldDon. (Yes, I know you didn't say all men, but to me some of the comments seem anti-male). We are in this together.
Yes Raymond. My husband is a white male, and he is voting for Kamala Harris. He has never voted for a stinking Republican. And he can't stand Trump!
Great reminder, Raymond. Keep reminding people. I know in my white hot anger and outrage at the GOP & turd I have painted "old white men" with a broad brush. There are more of us, all decent people, than there are of the racists. 👫👫👫👫🇺🇸
And without Daddy’s help, he wouldn’t have made it into any college. He’d be working on the line, in the fields or have his fat, White ass in jail.
Very well said. Remember when the GOP actually pretended that Herman Cain had a shot at the nomination? Wake me when that actually happens. And when they promoted Michael Steele to Party Chairman, just so they can pretend they're not run by racists? Uh huh. How ironic that the very party whose "leaders" (cough, gag, choke, snort) embraced corporate henchmen who destroyed unions is now embraced by guys whose own sons can't get really good skilled labor jobs because the unions are gone.
Ronold Reagan busted the Air Traffic Controllers union (PATCO) in 1981. It sharply accelerated the downward spiral of unions. They went on strike for better pay, better benefits, and better working conditions. I say if the guys and gals pushing planes around the sky, keeping them off each other, need more money, then they should have it! Same with pilots!
Most white "men' are CLUELESS about what is a "stable genius!" I'm a 76 y/o white man so I know of what I say! BTW: I'm voting for VPOYUS Harris for POTUS!! I voted for POTUS Obama 2x!1
This race wouldn't even be close if trump's opponent were a white male. Because of racism and misogyny.
I have been thinking EXACTLY the same thing! (Except, of course, they were using Biden's age against him. Ultimate hypocrisy: ageism for Biden; no problem for the orange sadist.)
I agree, Henry, but that is just the point. They either need to learn how to tolerate it or they will be relegated to the back because this is the direction our country is moving and it is the direction our country needs to move. We need to continue to progress to the point that every single person feels important, welcome and needed. It is high time we put aside this racist crap and learn how to live together.
It seems the newer one’s family is to the USA the more fear there is. My family came to the New World in the 1600’s and we were never taught to fear “others” whether race or religion. I have had friends of all sorts my whole long life.
Lynne, I wish everyone could experience friendships of all sorts! They might discover people are people instead of judging by race or culture or anything else. They might even find their lives enriched by those friendships!
Same here. My family fought in the American Revolutionary War for President George Washington.
Mine has been here since the 1600s so hey, we've seen it all--though nothing as bad as Trump. This is why I voted for VP Harris! Plus I like her ideas. Time goes only one direction that I know of and that's FORWARD. Trump wants to go backwards. Ain't nobody sane has time for that.
That is my family history also.
Right! We are a nation of immigrants. Some of them are probably even descended from some of the same people as the immigrants that they loathe. Perhaps, it's only some nationalities that they consider welcome to be here.
Yes, anyone white from a European country: our doors are wide open to you! Everyone else? SCRAM!
Maga's probably are not keen on getting their DNA/ancestry tested. We've heard the stories of people finding out they are part Jewish, Black, etc. They would eat glass splinters before investigating their heritage.
Definitely! White males just couldn’t believe this happened! What!?
Henry, yep, racism is deep, systemic in our society, then they got hit with a Hillary Clinton popular majority win. Misogyny is as far as I can see, right along with racism the evil that stalks those scared white men who just must cling to their ridiculous candidate who has nothing to offer them but whiteness and maleness. Scared white men are dangerous, alas.
A black President is exactly what they deserved! And they are really going to have a cow when Kamala Harris beats their sick boy Donald Trump. I just can't wait to hear Trump cry when he is beaten by a woman, and a black woman at that. In fact, I wish that Michelle Obama was the one running against him. Trump has called Kamala Harris stupid. She is the smartest woman ever when it comes to politics. And she was one tough California Prosecutor and Attorney General. She will put you behind bars for your crimes in a minute.
They still have NOT and NEVER WILL get over POTUS Obama! Now with the real possibility of a Black Women as POTUS they are "ABSOLUTELY TERRIFIED" and will lose their LITLLE MINDS if this occurs!!
Even worse to them than Obama being black was the FACT that Obama was a highly successful and well loved black president.
I'm absolutely mind boggled that the MAGA lunatics are already setting it up to contest the results of the election should Kamala Harris wins the election. The threats ,the demeaning of anyone who isn't republican. My prayers are that Kamala Harris wins this election!
Thank you Mary for this and all you do! Welcome to asylum in Canada if it becomes necessary! Although Mexico has better weather for sure!
Can Canada accommodate half of America??? I sure hope so.
Catherine, right now Canada looks good, and I am white. I will not live under a rotten dictator!
If Canada will have me, I'd gladly go. Anywhere I can live in freedom. Trump will make this country into a real hell hole.
Will Canada take us all?
The party of catty caddies now.
My question in regards to Mary asking what is wrong with White Men, and I mean no disrespect towards any if us since I birthed and raised two sons myself ,is Why are they still immersed in the same misogynistic programming that hasn't altered since Before I became a mom in the late 70's ?
I am extremely proud of how empathetic,respectful,sensitive and aware they were,even in during those toxic testosterone teen years. Both were subject to bullying in school for not being aggressive or macho enough,but they grew up in a tough rural very conservative little town. They moved on to more urban and diverse communities and matured into adults that made me very proud of the manner in which they treat All people . I tried to convey a deep respect towards all humans ,and neither have ever shown me a smidgen of prejudice against females,other cultures, or even religious beliefs. We all have opions,and subjective experiences, but in my household, intolerance was never allowed or nurtured at any level. They also knew they could ask any question and never be punished,criticized,or ignored.
I don't claim credit for their own evolvement as human males ,accept the fact that I consistently reinforced compassion by walking my own talk and also and getting them interested in service to others at a very young age.
I also began reading to them as soon as they could hold onto a book and that sparked curiosity about the world and other people's interests and experiences. Education and communication is key with our youth, if we want to foster a balanced and healthy society for men and women alike.
I think there is too much bashing on both sides at this point in time.
Trump has divided not only our country, but caused deep,infectious wounds between young men and women. How can we help to heal them?
So,since we are all dumbfounded as to Why these men are embracing the Worst Male role model on our planet,who,exactly is raising and programming these dysfunctional males?
My oldest moved to Oregon a decade ago and while he fell in love with the mountainous beauty,and the diversity of Portland,his work environment was filled with exactly the type of mentality,like the Good Ole Boys club,that were hyper- masculine, idolized Trump,and most watched Fox News. He relayed to me that they never asked questions or seemed to have the capacity to use reason as independent individuals. ( Like A Cult)
He has enough life experience and wisdom to be able to get along with his co- workers in any environment, but when Covid hit,he was the only male in the office that acknowledged it was real,infectious, and deadly. The rest of them,even his boss, referred to it as a " little cold" The boss ended up having a massive heart attack a year later at the ripe old age of 50.
My son is back in Michigan, our home state, misses the mountains deeply,but that toxic Trumpian propaganda took a toll on his spirit.
Maybe many of these young men have decided it's easier to join and adhere to the status Quo of their peers,even though they may know it's direagatory and harmful towards all women, and ultimately our society, but they feel less threatened and more secure within that tribal brotherhood, like a sort of shelter where they feel protected from the violent chaos we are all being subjected to.
I am just as disheartened and alarmed by this 'movement ' as anyone who sees the writing on the wall. My own thought process is how can we,as mothers , wives, girlfriends, and teachers, help to Alter and shift it towards a less extreme, more empathetic mindset?
Re COVID. Our neighbor very early during COVID was a big turd fan. Flags etc. 40-ish. Serious heart attack out of the blue. Hubs said Dr. said she tested positive for COVID, which was the underlying reason for heart attack. She recovered slowly, refused masks & vax later. Said "Dr was an idiot" to say it was a direct result of COVID.
Maybe people should vote for politicians instead of B actors and failed businessmen.
It's not just white men. Black men, especially the younger ones, support Trump. Even though they know he's a racist. Notice how few black celebrities are coming out for Harris compared to the white celebrities.
We are learning much about our American citizens because of Trump. And it ain't pretty.
You are right: it AIN'T pretty. However, let me say that the two most awful, off-the-rails discussions I've had about tRump were with white women who supported him. It is fair, I guess, to look at demographic trends, but over-generalization completely misses the problem. The sex ratio in the USA is c. 0.4924 so if the generalization was useful and c. 157M people vote (as in 2020) and thus all women vote for Harris and all men vote for Trump, Harris will win the popular vote by c. 2.4 M votes and all the worry could stop. If women are more subject to reason (and I could make a modest case for that), convince your sisters ladies.
Latinos are supporting Trump much more than Black men and he calls them rapists and murderers - wtf?!?
If tRump wins, "They" will be shocked at what they helped put in the "WHITE" House!!
The men that support him are small minded and insecure. They think women are taking their jobs and they are right because they have become lazy. They want to control
Women. Are they ready to step up, work 2 jobs to pay ALL the bills to have their dream of the wifey
I watched how the Trump team moved into a community here in Michigan when the Arab protest began and they set up shop in Hamtramck and began to polarize,manipulate,and basically radicalize using there Mayor to influence those who were drowning in grief, loss, highly traumatized, and gain their trust and support even though we all know he doesn't give a rat's ass about Gaza or Palestinians. He did the same thing at the beginning of the current devastation in the south after the hurricane subsided. He came into a small town,used Elon Musk for his Starlink,claiming he was their Savior and was bringing support, while Biden was doing nothing. The horrible lies,attacks on FEMA, setting up bogus GoFundme, etc. He Plays people especially minorities when they are in crises, to gain votes, but will discard them in a heartbeat once he got what he needed. It's Criminal, how he is able to manipulate gullible souls, but shame on those who trust and believe he actually cares about anything or anyone but Trump.
Well here is a link to the Grio that shows a number of high profile Black actors, singers and athletes who are supporting Harris - add also those not included but who have already performed at events: Common, Lil Jon
Misogony "trumps" everything else for many men of all colors, education, ethnicities, cultures, national origins, etc.
I was chatting about Harris gassing up. A car with 4 young Hispanic men pulled up. I asked if they were planning to vote - "we're not 18". As I drove away, all four began yelling "Trump! Trump! Trump!" I didn't ask if they knew about the mass deportation plans.
Replying to my reply!
Just heard/read that Beyonce is appearing with Kamala Harris at some event. That's encouraging that a woman of color supports another, but where is JayZ? Has anyone heard of any male black actor, musician or whatever, who has spoken out for Harris?
Not even Denzel Washington who seems like an equal opportunity guy, or Chris Rock, Eddy Murphy?
Their silence is noted and hopefully will be remembered by Mrs Harris.
Joan posted a link above and that is just 10 prominent Black men. Many, many others . Don’t get too caught up in this narrative about young Black men- I believe it is a product of the 24-hr news cycle and panicked reporters.
@Maureen Mannion see my link to The Grio above. Chris Rock, John Legend, Usher, Tyler Perry and others are listed in support of Harris. Also Stevie Wonder was at the Democratic Convention.
John Legend, Steph Curry
The south turned totally Red when President Johnson brought in Civil Rights in 1965. Has it not been a slow walk to Germany 33-45 since then?.......the finish line with Orange Hitler buddy buddy with ever dictator on the planet.........wishing he had generals like Rommel, Guderian, Goring, Manstein.......the Melting Pumpkin is a full blown traitor and "must never stand behind the seal of the President......NEVER AGAIN!!!!!!!"
Hitler's generals tried to kill him eventually, but I think you are right about the 'slow walk'. Nonetheless, the forces have been complex and not easily dismissed as a singular flaw. For my part, I think we have tended to underestimate the power of propaganda largely paid for by rich sociopathic bastards who want only to become ever richer. Some are racist, some aren't. Some are misogynist, some aren't. They are all greedy and care way more about themselves than the society in which they live. Occasionally later in life, some like Andrew Carnegie, recognize the harmful things they have done and try to give some of it back. However, his libraries, museums, etc. could have been built in time to enrich the lives of those he was ripping off. Still, IMO, not the best ... but better. Nothing surpasses the combination or responsibility for one's actions (up and down the scale) and striving to make life as fair and good as possible for all in a society.
John....all great points. In the world of Narcissitic Abuse there is always the 'love bombing" period.......the breaking down of the barriers, hiding the subversive intentions to take control. Propaganda does that, as you note.
The good thing is, now Trumps living-life-long-lie is on the table. He must be voted out now...hopefully in a landslide
Excellent post. However,"making life as fair and good for all in society" is not on corporate America's to do list, nor is it on the banks or Wall Street's list. I don't know if they were ever on the corporate and financial world's lists in the history of this country. There's a heartlessness at the heart of capitalism which is destroying our country. Perhaps sections are already destroyed. Trump is the poster child for American capitalism: it's greed, degeneratecy,(sp?) immorality, hatreds, war mongering, narcissism. You name it he's the exemplar of capitalism in America. No wonder the movers and shakers support him.
Yeah, Nixon took the Voting Rights Act and drooled over how many racist whites he could turn Republican. Nixon's Southern Strategy was opportunistic racism.
I am a lucky woman. All the males in my life are democrats. And my husband is amazing. We are now retired and he will help with some "women's work". A few days ago I was going to make pasta with Alfredo sauce. He asked if he start boiling the water and cook the pasta. One day I thanked him for helping out so much. He said since he retired he doesn't mind. He said there were so many years I worked AND did domestic work too while he was busy working. I know my son does a lot of cooking for his family too. He is such a good cook.
But if I look at Fox News web site, the comments are almost entirely about white male dominance.
My Daddy was the same as your husband. He always helped my mother with chores, cooking or whatever and they were married 68 years. Sounds like you got one of the lucky ones.
Good for you and your mom. It took me a few years to find just the right one. We help each other with various projects and volunteering. I'm happy you got a a great father and for your mom a great husband. You don't always have to have the battle of the sexes.
There are misogonistic democratic males. I've met some. Most don't even realize that they are. They were never inclined to look at it. Or even had to look at it. That's an historical fact. (Just check out the world's three "major" religions. They reek of misogony.)
Yeah, but Reagan didn't start it. He only put a smile on it. It dates back past the McCarthy Era to the 1930s, when they sued to stop several New Deal programs. And they have been trying to kill Social Security and collective bargaining for 90 years now.
Women's voting - dating back only to 1920 - certainly helped massively in the 1932 FDR win only 12 years later.
Nixon did much to ruin America, too. And his turn toward his racist 'Southern Strategy' is what made the GOP racist in the last half of the 1960s.
Eisenhower was the only Republican in the last 100 years who helped the 99%.
Exactly right. FDR and Eleanor Roosevelt were attacked constantly by the Republican Senators, many of whom were allowing a Nazi representative of Hitler to dictate letters praising Hitler and demonizing FDR. Those letters were sent to these traitors’ constituents using taxpayer dollars for postage through a “franking” system. It’s all in Rachael Maddow’s book and podcast “Ultra”
Sandy, you are right on target with this one. Republicans have been the party of racism, misogyny, xenophobia, general hatred of anyone called Communist or Socialist, or whatever else those scared white men can come up with. They were raised to believe they are the best, the most, brilliant, strong, and worthy of other people's homage toward them. We do need some new parenting styles that will help white boys realize they are just human beings like everyone else, not little gods who grow up to be scared, sometimes evil god wannabees.
Exactly correct.
Trump and AI
AI is already very dangerous. Want an angry mob like MAGA. Just use AI algorithms that maximize time on a platform to maximize ad revenue. That would be send titles to click that stimulate fear uncertainty doubt and anger.
Want to punish all US critics of Trump. Even easier AI can automate the identify of folks who want fishing lures or skin cream. Easy to use the same SW to identify and punish Trump critics. Trump stated he would punish critics, but you didn’t know that was aimed at 100s of million US citizens. All dictators focus on controlling thoughts of US citizens. Once identified how to punish? Simple just bar them from US banks. Easy if you have president immunity and declare any criticism as a risk to US.
If Trump’s AI savvy Oligarchs Peter Thiel and Elon Musk want to push AI control of US thoughts, easy. They own AI resources.
I wrote a reply to Alyssa Farah Griffen on this "Reagan" sainthood baloney. HE CHARTED THIS COURSE FOR THE RNC.
Absolute TRUTH!
Sandy you are absolutely right. The Republican Party stinks.
Trump called The Heritage Foundation a "great group." He also referred to The Heritage Foundation's plans as a "colossal mandate" and said it would "lay the groundwork for exactly what our movement will do" in order to "save America".
The issue is Christian Nationalists using our government to force us to follow thier extremist views. They can't be happy living in a country that allows you to worship as you choose, they want to force everyone to follow their beliefs.
That's why I have a shirt that says: "This is our home, not your church"
This one 👇
We MUST do everything we can to combat fascism. Voting is not going to stop fascism, but anything that puts a barrier between Trump and the executive will at the very least make it so that an authoritarian fascist regime is not guaranteed!
Vote blue up and down the ballot!
I'm sick to death of the Christijihadists at the Heritage Foundation. I'm Christian, but I believe everyone is entitled to believe (or not) as they see fit. That is what true religious liberty is. This country was not founded on the Christian religion.
Matthew 23.......a chapter they will never preach about in the Christofascist megachurch's that pay for the mansions, private planes...hookers and escorts...
"Woe to you, scribes and Pharisses, hypocrites"
Tell that to the 6 [GOP] members of the Supreme Court, that are somehow confused about what the first amendment says & means.
Just did, JP, and the rest who haven't yet, go now! Trump is a raging wild boar, and male trumpists are congenital members of his rampaging herd, be they black, white, red, yellow or orange! I'm a single white male with some free advice for married women stuck with one of these clods: get unstuck, make your children safe, and move on to a better life!
Easier said than done. Usually comes with a lower standard of living for Mom and the kids.
Absolutely correct.
The last time this country was so over religious people were burnt as the stake and accused of being witches and warlocks when they were not. And all for the power of stealing their homes and land. The Salem Witch Hunt Trials! No, we are not going back.
The extreme right idiots want to steal our Social Security Checks, our Medicare and Obamacare and our Veterans Service-Connected Pensions! They think this is funny! They wouldn't have any freedom to their religion had it not been for our Veterans and their service to protect this country and our Democracy that they are so hell bent on destroying!
Sexism is rampant in this country. You are 100% correct. Many white American males are not OK with powerful women.
From what i saw on TV this morning in the UK, neither are black men.
You're correct. Black men, don't know %, support a man who has demeaned, degraded, cheated them, and considers them to be filth. How can anyone explain that? It's mind boggling. It reminds me of the time when Clarence Thomas was confronted by Anita Hill. I was dumbfounded to discover the black women in the department where I worked closed ranks and did not support Anita Hill but by the silence supported Thomas. I'll never forget that. Yet some of these black women were quite outspoken about racism from whites. They supported misogyny because the perpetrator was a black man.
You would think after all this time where black actors, musicians, and other artists have been fighting for equal rights that one of those people would speak out for Kamala Harris. But not one has to my knowledge.
Latinos are worse about this than Black men.
Sad, but true!
White males need to come to grips with them being justva large demographic among many demographics. The 1950s American society WILL NOT come again. By 2050 the country wpill be minority majority.
(Unless they're paying to be dominated.)
I am a white man who is just fine with powerful women. My mother was a dynamo. My wife is a force of nature. My daughter has a spine of steel. I get so tired of being lumped in with people I have nothing in common with except chromosomes and melanin levels - think about it, because you weren't thinking when you made that statement.
You are engaging in exactly the same kind of bigotry as people who talk about women, people of color, people of different religions, LGBTQ+ people, etc., as if everyone in those groups shared the perceived negatives of some.
How about acknowledging the high percentage of white men who loathe Trump and are voting for Harris? She couldn't win without us, either.
"American white males are not okay with powerful women," my ass. Prejudice is wrong no matter who it's aimed at.
BUT. Not All of Us. I'm Voting for Kamala for President.
Again, not a useful generalization. Many of us think that it is past time to have a woman in the white house.
I just want somebody competent and relatively uncorrupt - be they white, black, male, or female.
Wait! What? Either 1) I’m not a white male or, 2) I’m not allowed to vote for Kamala. I just checked my photo ID and can eliminate option 1. I’ve always wanted to do something daring and risky so I voted for Kamala who might just become the most powerful woman in the world. I think I’ll be OK with that. Let’s see how many other American white males will be OK with Harris as president. Click the heart if you’re with me.
Men as a group (not just white men) aren’t okay with powerful women. And are poor or working-class Black men gonna vote for Harris, or vote at all?
They’ll never be. They’re afraid of powerful women so putting them down and demeaning them is what they do. With Kamala is not only the fact that she’s a woman. She’s also black. Their racism -not only white men but white women as well- is the main factor. Look what Britain did to Megan Markel the biracial wife of Prince Harry. It’s in the Anglo-Saxon DNA. Sadly Latinos are racists as well as they don’t want to be put in the same basket having colored skin themselves. Shame on them.
You're forgetting that Kamala's people, black men, are behaving like the white racists toward a strong woman. This subject is not being addressed at all. And it needs to be brought out into the light of day. We know white men have problems with women in the workplace. That's been obvious for a long time. Many of us experienced the brunt of their misogyny in the workplace for years.
But, we've shied away from speaking about the misogyny of black men. Perhaps nows a good time to talk about it.
So is misogyny the main factor for men in general? Did she ever have a chance? No wonder why Trump/JD Vance, Musk and the cabal are going full fascist.
The Black culture has an authoritarian bent--very conservative.
That should read - all males, American and otherwise, White, Black, or Brown.
Gee, I thought I was a liberal white man who just voted early for Harris. But according to you, I don't exist, so I guess I'm mistaken.
You and me both, bro. Ain’t stereotyping a bitch?
Elizabeth, those white males are not comfortable with powerful anyone who is not them. That's one of the things that makes dealing with them hard. They see enemies all around them. The good thing is that a large segment of white maledom can manage their fear of everyone, but there is a large bunch who just can't, so they run for office and get power jobs so they can keep everyone in the place that can sometimes ease some of their fear, those places under their thumb or under whatever.
There is an old saying the little girls grow up to be women while little boys grow up to be bigger boys,
Even though that is a generalization as there are many exceptions, overall I agree with this characterization recognizing that it s a generalization with exceptions.
Citations, please. Where's your evidence?
Let’s not get to the point of asking for citations when there is an abundance of anecdotal evidence to support the claim. Likewise, let’s not speak in vague generalities that suggest a monolithic culture amongst white males. I think there is a wide gulf of differences between those two extremes that we can explore. We are not all Archie Bumkers.
Maybe ultra rich white guys can't accept a powerful woman:, but don't assume we are all so stupid as to not recognize Kamala's strength.
INDEED! That's just one of the minor reasons that white men are so screwed up!!
This! Every election cycle pundits question why white women, black women, any women, black men, Hispanics, etc. vote like they do, especially when it comes to Donald. But white men? One of the largest demographics in this country? Hardly ever are they under the microscope for voting against the interests of a majority of them. Year after year they get a pass. Like it’s perfectly acceptable to be self-centered jacka$$es. 🤦🏻♀️
Susan....White men, I believe, are considered to be at top echelon of societal hierarchy. (The last time majority of whites voted for a Democrat was 1964 with 59%.) Sadly, other ethnic groups take cues from them and some vote against their interest. Poor whites vote against themselves election after election.
Is this the comment where you mention women cheering for Donald at his rallies? If so, nice deflection and you are proving my point. People seem determined to keep the focus on anyone other than white male supporters. If not, I apologize.
As a white male, It’s embarrassing. You’d think college educated people of any demographic would listen to economists about what his plans of massive tariffs and mass deportations would do to the country. That directly affects them.
these people may just get news/opinion & analysis from FOX & Newsmax.
I agree Mary. But would also put that question to women and to any person of color who seems to forget he hates everything about them. Hates. Not dislikes. Not is ambiguous about. Hates.
He hates practically everyone but the misled MAGAs keep coming back for more. My son and I are no longer speaking because of this cruel, demented dirtbag. He claims he was better off under Trump but when I attempted to show him the facts, he refused to even take a look. A disastrous second term would cause irreparable worldwide damage, further divide families and those GOP voters regardless of race don't seem to care. Sad that they believe every bit of the BS he constantly spews.
The thing which would be hilarious (if the situation wasn't terrifying) is that drumpf wouldn't have anything personal to do with 99.8% members of his cult. Can you imagine him sitting down and having a beer with the good old bubbas in Tennessee on a Friday night? Going to a pot luck dinner at a Baptist church in Boone, NC? Of course not. And they are too willfully ignorant to understand he despises them.
I think he summed it up succinctly when he said "I don't care about you. I only care about your vote". If I were a MAGAt, that would have got me headed for the exit.
Clearly many Americans are insane. There's no other explanation. Oh I know, the psychologists and others will have various explanations etc but, it's just insanity to support a man who has told everyone of his supporters he doesn't care for them, only cares for their vote. He's been more brutal about minorities. He's told them he's a racist. Yet, many of them are going to vote for him.
Donald Trump has shown us that approximately half our population is mentally ill.
Agree 100%. They've stewed in their hatred and resentment for so long they've gone completely round the bend.
It s a mass psychosis spread through society !
I’m sorry. I have the same situation. He and I have always had problems but this whole thing was the straw, really being ignited over vaccines. Everything I’ve read on “de-culting” says that showing them facts never works. Usually makes the situation worse. I found that to be true. Just stopped speaking to him.
It's difficult but sometimes we're better off by not communicating with them. He was also one of the many science deniers who ended up getting Covid.
My cousin is a Trump fan. The only way we maintain a relationship is by not discussing politics. I mean, she believes the moon landing was faked and that Obama is actually ruling the US through Biden.
Sad to watch these kids grow into this awful stuff. Btw. Mine is 55 years old. A middle aged man. Not a child. We’ve been haggling since he was 20-ish. This whole thing made communication really impossible.
So sad. I had the same situation with my father over Vietnam.The instant he received a fatal diagnosis that all dissolved, but we had lost several good years. Take my advice—each of you concentrate on your memories and love, know that it's only politics, and make up.
Yes. Don’t let politics ruin relationships. I say this knowing there are fundamental belief differences in the way we view issues and people. Love them anyway, but stand up for what is right, loving, and kind.
Same for me, Rick. I have only one immediate family member living today. My brother is an ex Green Beret MAGA to the core. We are no longer communications because of it. I pointed out all of his military leaders having abandoned Yrump and he will not do the same. I am astonished. My brother proudly wears his Special Forces baseball cap every day in public. He will not listen to reality and only follows Tucker Carlson for his news so he is deeply lost. It’s so sad to me.
You are so right. It's not just the US that will suffer if he wins, it's much of the world too Bevan many countries depend on us for so many things including support and most of those countries won't get all the things that we usually provide for them if Trump gets back into office. One of the only countries that will benefit will be the one that Putin is the head of.
For give them for they know not what they do!
But that question HAS been asked of non whites and women. Mary is asking why white men have had a pass.
Because the system has favoured them in the past and now that they have to compete with women and other racial/ethnic groups, they can't deal with it. This is why they rant about things like DEI.
Been asked of them too. No one has come up with anything reasonable. All good questions.
Agree. What motivates a black person to support a white man who has made it abundantly clear he hates them? Is this some kind of ancestral energy from slavery?
What makes Latinos support him at a much higher percentage than Black men? He's called them rapists and murderers.
White men are the most selfish, power hungry and do not want to give up their male white privilege , yes they are the problem.
Excuse me. That's certain white men. There are enough of us decent ones to vote against that piece of shit.
Completely agree!
Please do.
I know and certainly appreciate that fact You are the solution not the problem. I’ve reared 3 sons and they are balanced and have moral compasses. It’s the extreme that are the problem and am so tired of dealing with them
But are you doing anything to help move your on-the-fence or pro Trump friends to vote for Harris? Men will only listen to other men and that’s not happening enough.
Yes I know that’s a generalize, and we are thankful and appreciate the real men, fathers, sons, brothers, husbands and friends who are the moral compasses
Don't forget over 50% of white women still support tRump. Everything you said is true, but white women are apparently nearly as scared of the "other" and perceived threats to their status.
I am very happy to report that I'm one of the white women who isn't afraid of "others" or perceived threats to my status. IMO diversity is the path to greatness while inbreeding will definitely tank the country.
😃😃😃Thanks for the laugh, Methinks the inbreeding has already had a bad effect.
It’s def a factor in the Trump base
I'm a white woman who isn't afraid of others but I am terrified of Trump and his Gileadean bullshit. First they took control of our bodies away. If he gets in, before long women will not be allowed to work, to vote, have their own bank accounts...
That's what makes it so stunning to see the amount of support he has among women. Haven't they ever had a relation or friend who had a tubal (ectopic) pregnancy or one of the many other life or fertility threatening complications of pregnancy?
I must agree. Can’t imagine a situation where a man would tolerate their medical options being controlled by the fools we continually elect. My dad had to get my mom’s “permission” to have a vasectomy after 5 children and as many dangerous miscarriages. Mom was stunned, he was irate.
I'm a white woman married to a black man for 25+ years. I have a very diverse group of friends and am not afraid of any group of people. I'm a retired metallurgical engineer and a lifelong progressive. I'm also a childfree cat lady. VD Chance can kiss my ass.
He can kiss my ass as well. I'm a white, childfree former cat lady.
That's the plan Lights....their plan is to have women go back to ....1870s??
At least that far back
They’re the kind of women who are looking for a sugar daddy that will give them everything they want, as long as they’ll be arm candy & spread their 🦵🏼for them. I’m NOT that kind of girl. I like being financially independent and able to make my own decisions. I have a man who loves that about me & is the least immature, toxically hypermasculine man I know. He’s great. I’m great. They’re both chronically afraid 😱
Excellent point. What's wrong with white American women as well?
Nurjam's question is "What's wrong with white American women as well?" I believe the answer you are looking for is white men. 💙🌊🗽
Can you post that survey? It was true in 2016, but what I’ve read recently has far more white women supporting Kamala than Trump.
They identify with the misogynist men in their lives. It’s all about tax breaks Just look at the Mar a Lago base women, self hate or why would you do that surgery to your face and bodies. As amoral and shallow as their men
yes and remember that white women status is intertwined with their white men....ergo they often vote like their 'menfolk'. They think it's the winning side.
Please don't generalize white men. I was raised White,English,Protestant in a Republican family and hold none of their views. In fact I teach at a Hawaiian school.
I def hear you I reared 3 sons and like you are nothing like my generalization.
Be careful with those broad brushes. Old white male here who’s voting for Harris. Do you ever think how people like me hear these ridiculous generalizations? Don’t do the other side’s work for them.
Doug, you have to be proud the shoe does not fit and brush that off. The fact you are voting Harris/Walz proves you are smarter, more empathetic, and much less tolerant of fake-tough hogwash than the men Mary is lampooning.
Smarter too. She’s the most qualified. Thank you for being your own person!
I really don't understand most white men. Or men in general. There is no threat to us or our status when other people get a chance to succeed. Being a white man is the gift that keeps on giving, free human capital. Not only that, but if you have light hair and eyes, you are perceived as being more honest and trustworthy than any other group of people. If more white men would be careful not to purposely look mean, they would also know that people, especially women of other races generally give you the same level of acceptance as other whites do.
Good point. Stereotyping is a two-edged sword!
Thank you. I know MANY white men who are voting for Harris. They are intelligent enough to know a con when they see it.
Well, after years of listening to "what do women want" and letting it roll of my back, I'd advise you to do the same ;) It's a question that we always ask of large groups.
White men have always been the top dogs in our society. They see that dominance slipping away and are fighting back, hard! It’s a massive backlash toward gains by women, non-whites, and LGTBQ+ people. Many white men want a return to the 1950s where they were the undisputed Kings of their domains. Vance and Trump are playing into that fear of loss and desire for power over their lives.
You put your finger on it.
Those white men need to "find themselves" in something other than power and dominance. Those are as empty as money, they won't make anyone truly happy. I think they are too lazy to pursue something with real meaning.
Men are indoctrinated from childhood to be the way they are, especially through playing sports. Parents put pressure on them to be the best and coaches pressure players to win, sometimes at all costs. By the time they are grown there is no changing them since they can’t see anything wrong with themselves. My ex husband was horrified that I gave our son an old doll of mine to play with when he was about 18 months old. My son’s wife asked why I did that and I told her that I wanted him to develop caring and nurturing ways. He is now 54 and has been a wonderful husband and father who did just as much care giving as his wife did.
I've never had brothers so I don't know how men are raised. My husband has played all sorts of sports but still came out a caring human being. Good on you, Kathy, for raising your son right!
Also want to add that I like old white guys with the same descriptor. My husband is one, too.
So in other words, you are a normal human being… Glad to know that.
Old white man here. College educated, son of a veteran, raised in a Southern Baptist church with a wife, daughters and granddaughters. I don’t understand how any man, or woman, can vote for the orange felon with a clear conscience. Voting straight blue this year was the easiest electoral decision of my life!
Dr. Trump, you bring pride back to the Trump name. You. No one else.
Thanks for standing up for America and our Constitution!
Wayne. Retired and disabled First Sergeant, US Army.
Wayne, I salute you. When I take a short cut through some grass, I (fondly) hear my first First Sergeant yelling at me, "Stay off my grass!" That guy taught me so much about life. I will always appreciate my NCOs.
He meant Dr Mary Trump.
Thank you, i misunderstood and will delete my comment.
Bring back the draft so they can be taught how to make a bed, clean a bathroom and take an order.
As a white man, . . . GOOD QUESTION. Wth?? Considering voting for Trump the Anarchist? Do we just hate America now, like ISIS does?
Well, from my perspective as a white man, it seems that white men, as a group, are a fearful bunch. We’re afraid of women, immigrants, and new ideas. We’re afraid of losing the power we’ve had forever. We’re afraid somebody is going to take our guns. We’re afraid of people who don’t look like us. We’re afraid we’ll be exposed as having emotions or feelings that make us look weak. Now, of course, there are those of us white men who welcome the strength and intelligence women can provide for the betterment of our society. Personally, I would say it is way past time for a woman to be President of the United States. I would gently suggest to white men still clinging to the old patriarchal society of the past, put your poor baby-man ego aside and wake the fuck up and get with doing what’s best for America. And, what’s best for America is NOT voting for a fascist, misogynist criminal for President.
I am at 77 year old white male and combat-wounded veteran of the Vietnam War, and I wouldn't vote for Trump for local Dog Catcher. In my opinion, the reason so many white males support Trump is several fold. First, misogyny is alive and well in our male population. Secondly, racism is also alive and well in this country. Finally, too many white males in this country have a sense of entitlement and think because they are a white male born in this country they are entitled to a $100,000/year salary without having the education, work ethic or employment history to deserve that kind of money. That sense of entitlement, together with the fact they have been left behind in our economy because of that attitude, causes them to vote for someone like Trump who promises to restore the status white men had in this country until the 60s, and who villainizes immigrants who are doing jobs these lazy-ass white males won't do or aren't qualified to do. These white males who support Trump are losers, one and all.
My view is that they are having an identity crisis. I was an active participant in the mostly white feminist movement in the 1970's. I remember the moment when it was decided that CR (consciousness racing groups) were going to be for women only. Women were having an identity crisis and needed to withdraw into support groups talking only with each other to sort it - from the inside out. We assumed that men would need to do their own CR to participate in the changes that our movement would make. That never happened in a widespread way.
Today, many men, but especially white men, resent the changes and growth that women have made and it is a hard time for heterosexual lovers.
Too many white men are trying to find a way back to the old days, when only white men were in charge rather than doing the work
I like what you said about the white men wanting to be in charge instead of doing the work. Too many people are too lazy to do the work that would give them a truly meaningful life and make work less onerous.
I was invited to a friend’s house about a month ago with the instruction, kind of a demand really, not to speak about politics. In this man/woman couple who were hosting (wealthy, educated, white), I knew it was the man who was the Trumper. I took his wife aside and asked if her husband really liked Donald. “He doesn’t like him, but he thinks she’s too liberal.” 🤮 Then she showed me around her new house and pointed out her husband’s office. He’s in his seventies and recently finished serious treatment for a blood cancer. “Does he really work much anymore?” I asked. “He manages our money,” she said primly. Now, did I want to go over to him and say something like has he watched the rallies, seen the gross behavior, paid attention to what’s going on? But—I didn’t. I’m still tempted. But I also want to shake my friend. How the hell can anyone not a Trumper stand to be WITH one?
I have a few friends who are Never Trump married to Trumpers. They stay with them for economic security. For a lot of us in our 70s, divorce would leave us very poor. We were of the generation that either worked in the home, raising children or didn't have high paying jobs so that our own Social Security is minimal. Battling through the divorce courts at our age? "And why do you want the divorce?" "My husband has different political allegiances." "And, so....?" I am just glad that although my husband has some small misogynist tendencies and still thinks Reagan was a swell guy, he's a Never Trumper.
Super good point. It’s too bad they can’t convince their husbands, isn’t it.
I think a lot of us in our 70s learned, after decades of marriage, we’re never going to change the people we married. So we accommodate and make the best of things. Like our mothers did.
For sure. I get it. I’m late 60s, and I’ve learned to accept a lot of things that drive me nuts about my partner. It would be so hard to deal with living with someone who supports the felon.
I’m certain I could not remain with my spouse if we were polar opposites politically.
The polls are not remotely associated with reality. The are simply click-bait to get more viewers to boost media outlets advertising profits. The only "poll" to check are the long lines at early voting places; all those people are NOT standing in line to vote for Trump. Kamala will easily have well over 300 votes in the electoral college. Just a low end guy with 40 years in 9 different newspapers in the US and Canada.
John I so hope you are correct!!!