Between my book release on Tuesday, the debate between Vice President Harris and Donald that night, the scapegoating of Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio for cynical political ends, and Donald’s constantly pretending he’s the victim while he actually victimizes other people: It’s been something of a week.
Please 🙏🏻 do Mary. Just as he did in PA before the Republican convention. He MUST BE CALLED out as we can’t expect the MSM to do anything at all. He wants all the attention on him so that he can blame the Democrats. I’ll do it on Threads. Will get your book on audible as I have Wet Macular Degeneration.
Trump is MASA: Make Americans Slaves Again. DEMOCRACY is on the ballot and we cannot lose. We cannot afford to fail. The world is counting on us to show the way.
Chronic Narcissists will do anything for attention........faking another assasination attempt is just another episode of the apprentice for the orange dicktator in waiting
2 things that stand out. "Agents saw the barrel of a rifle poking thru a fence 300-500' away." Imagine that - a tiny stick at that distance. Binoculars? How long until they actually spot it.
2nd- with a long gun scope the gunman missed a 300 lb 6' mega target. Even a terrible shooter could not miss.
The funny part about it is, the SS noticed the barrel sticking through the bushes from about 100 yards. Where was Vance during the time before the shootings, because he would be the republican runner if anything did happen to Con-Old. I think they should check Vance's phone records and see where he was for both shootings.
Just keep remembering the first reports that the shooting was “in him vicinity” 🤔 meanwhile the campaign was drafting its slick grift for money. Never put anything past this master liar and narcissist. He has to always be the story. He will not be ignored.
Odds are, this is the tip of the ice berg: if there's one like Rough (sp?) there are hundreds. It's too bad Donald brought this on himself. He wanted hate.
He might not talk, if he was hired to do it, or if it was on his own. The main thought is, if Con-Old does get shot, Vance would be the runner for the republican POTUS. That does make you think, seen as this is the second time in 2 months. The first time, Vance was picked to be his VP, what will be done this time by Con-Old?
As much as it seems likely, and the ring of truth it carries, that’s a ‘slippery slope’ accusation. If investigators find it not to be true, the false accusations will be used against the accusers as proof they are conspiracy theorists, just like them. Personally, I’ll wait to see what law enforcement turns up.
I agree that it's weird, although the only two things trump does are watch TV and play golf. If he does it at the same time every day, that would be easy enough to find out.
Maggot Kelly's hate-rant about Taylor.......No matter how many hair extensions........Fox News prostitute make up jobs she has...........never never can that witch ever live that down!!!!
Some people do not advance mentally after a certain age; for various reasons. I refer to those people as "emotionally stunted". Which means they do not grow emotionally after a certain age. From what I have read about DJT; his fits of anger, over not getting his way, were never dealt with in a healthy way. Therefore, he could have been "emotionally stunted" at 2 years of age. It appears that his fits got him what he wanted. So, why change his behavior? Now he is playing with people who do not live with him, are much more advanced in their emotional state, are not intimidated by him, etc. The biggest thing he has had in his adult years is money to pay his way out of things. He has overcome those that have less money. They cannot afford to fight him. The best attorneys that represent those who fight him in court are the ones that agree to take a percentage of the settlement on what their client receives if they win over DJT. Sorry for going on for so long. I do not have a degree in Psychology. However, I have studied it my whole life. And have read numerous books written about him. His father was not a nice guy either.
Are Trumpers in denial of that fact or knowingly indifferent to his obvious diagnosis, even if they are not sophisticated enough to categorize it? We concentrate on Trump’s mental illness but, what mental condition do Trumpers suffer from?What if anything can alter their inexplicable allegiance to such a man?
Psychopaths are born, not made. They have an underdeveloped amygdala, which processes emotions, so they don't feel them as strongly as neurotypicals. That actually makes them much cooler under pressure than most of us--studies have shown psychopaths excel at jobs that require sang froid, like surgeons, CEOs, and airline pilots.
DJT is the opposite of a psychopath--he's all intense emotion, easily feels hurt, and constantly feels aggrieved and seeks revenge. He has all the earmarks of malignant narcissists, who become that way because of their upbringing.
Both psychopaths and malignant narcissists don't care about other people, but for opposite reasons.
Thanks for the explanation. It is obvious to most of us that he has mental illness, along with some dementia. To me, it was revealing of his character when he chose a picture of his father to hang in his White House office, instead of a former president. He has been trying to please his father all of his life, or at least has been using the methods he always used with his father, to get his way. He definitely embodies his father’s racism. The man is manifestly unfit to hold any position of responsibility, let alone the presidency.
If he were a psychopath, he would have dulled emotions because of a shrunken amygdala. Psychopaths are born this way and cannot be cured, though their lack of fear and emotion can be channeled into productive and pro-social work. Studies have shown a disproportionate number of CEOs score high of psychopathy tests. Also scoring high—successful military people, surgeons, air traffic controllers and pilots, highrise construction workers, race car drivers—really any profession that requires a high tolerance for risk and low fear.
Does that sound like Donald? If he were a psychopath, his father’s bullying would have rolled of his back. He wouldn’t be afraid of debating Kamala, or of Taylor Swift.
Instead, his dad turned him into a malignant narcissist, who covered his fear with bluster, lies and bullying. He’s afraid of being punched, so punches first.
But if someone lands a blow on him, he goes into overdrive. His sense of self worth is actually fragile.
Remember—psychopaths have very low emotion; malignant narcissists are driven by emotion.
I agree. But I think they want to be brainwashed. They feel they are part of something that is bigger than they and that reflects their sense of entitlement as white people, and their feelings of being ignored or minimized. I think “white rage” is a decent descriptor. I also think they like Trump because they mistake his bullying for strength. They lack insight into his very, very real weakness. What Kamala said about his vulnerability to flattery and manipulation is correct, and hearing it must have wounded Trump, because at some level, he knows it is true. But his followers cannot see this, because they don’t want to. And many of them are willfully ignorant.
I've been tweeting for an hour, WaPo, but, all networks, journalists "Do NOT LOSE FOCUS: Tariffs, Project 2025, abortion, his dementia, LIES, Springfield!!!
Don’t stop. The rapes, sex when Melania had a baby, against NATO, and the promises of retribution and mass deportations.
It is time to talk and illustrate graphically what the day after a Trump win would be like. What will the roundups look like? See Hitler’s concentration camps, Stalin’s Gulag. This is not hyperbole. Deporting millions is a big, expensive deal. It can’t be done carefully by professionals but will require auxiliary people. The Germans got them drunk to do this ugly work.
Two books explain why 60+ million Americans will vote for him anyway.
Eric Fromm's "Escape from Freedom" (1941) describes how Hitler & the Nazis exploited the "Authoritarian Personality" of those who willingly surrender their minds to a Supreme Leader who tells them what they want to hear
and Richard Hofstadter's "Paranoid Style in American Politics" (1962) describes how the Radical Right exploited the fear of Communism, and made their supporters feel more American than "others" like immigrants and minorities and elites.
Trump doesn't read, so he got the playbook from Steve Bannon or Steven Miller, but they're using both books (depicting how Supreme Leaders manipulate masses just like cult-leaders) and they've convinced all those MAGA folks that they're the "real" Americans, and Trump alone can fix everything and make it all great again.
Why doesn't Harris make an ad with the town hall or focus group meeting where Trump speaks to a woman thanking him for banning abortion and he says that's what he appointed the 3 justices for, and then clips of all 3 at their confirmation hearings lying about their position on Roe v. Wade.
Is there a way to know how many and where the 18 to 25 year olds who have newly registered to vote? Right now, the Times is saying that Kamala is behind, but is it possible that they're not tracking the youngest demographic of voters? (which I hope is huge).
On the basis of this thread seems like the NYT acts like a malignant narcissist. Emotionally unstable and overreacts to perceived slights. Or is that just the owner, all editors and people posing as journalists?
I'd also like to know about the younger newly registered or even those considering registration.
Polls seek the opinions of registered or likely voters, but nobody asks the pensive youth.
Several hundred thousand "Swifties" were invited to register and vote this week. After some may have watched the debate, how many fans of Taylor Swift are telling their parent, "Wow, Mom! That Trump guy has me motivated to register and vote to get him into office!"
There are potentially THOUSANDS of kids considering Harris-Walz all over the country, but we won't find out till they register.
Here’s my question. It’s naive, I know. How is this monster so revered, so shielded by the media , and allowed to spew filth and hate and violence inciting rhetoric from his rancid catbutt mouth. Are we really supposed to ALLOW the MAGgots to impose their reign of terror on the rest of the country? They will stop at NOTHING (inciting violence on a whim and double downing on it being true) to get him re-elected. And what’s even more terrifying than 4 more years of a racist,facist piece of shit in the hallowed White House, is the thought of his cultists following his MAGA- or-death agenda in every city at whatever cost.
Congratulations, Mary! In the midst of your book release on Tuesday, the powerful Debate experience and all of the chaotic and appalling violence in Springfield, Ohio, I hope you’re not exhausted.
You’re somewhat circumspect about your complex Covid recovery and I respect your privacy about health matters; i just want to offer my hope (like so many others here) that your health is continuing to improve in the best possible way.
Rather than a question I want to offer my deep gratitude for continuing to keep comments open here for those of us who simply cannot afford to be paying subscribers. I understand that non-paying access to make comments is increasingly rare now on Substack. When we non-paying subscribers CAN comment, it cements a sense of belonging to a community of this dynamic caliber; belonging is enormously supportive for building one’s spirits and easing one’s stress during this singularly challenging and dangerous crossroads that our country has reached and struggles to navigate.
While I'm not a paid subscriber, I did buy your newest book, which I just finished. I really admire your strength in dealing with such a dysfunctional family and your bravery in openly writing about it. It helps us all! Brenda H.
Mary has a higher purpose than trying to squeeze a few extra bucks by selling the right to comment. She is committed to do her utmost to do whatever she can to open eyes and thereby contribute to the effort to save our imperiled democracy from her “funny” uncle.
I so enjoyed the picture of you and the family on today's post 🥰 Your book is taking off like a Rocket,and it couldn't have come at a better time! (For those of you who are going to read Mary's new book, I suggest you have a box of tissues on hand) My question is "Where's Melania"?! Looks like your uncle has a New addition hanging on his arm. Speculation will Suffice!! Blessings to you, Mary, good luck with the show this evening. and always remember, how much you are Loved 👈💋💙🇺🇸🌊🌊🌊
OH, yes the 1st thing I thought was this was staged so people will feel sorry for him yet again. If you look at all the photos of his ear from the 1st assasination attempt there is absolutely no marks. He's a fraud.
Tina, ALL-CAPS is the equivalent of shouting. It doesn't make your message (that I agree with) any more convincing. Remember Trump shouting "they're eating the dogs, they're eating the cats." or "I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT". It doesn't make your message more convincing.
But I feel your pain and frustration and fear and anger. This orange POS must be defeated. And thank God for Kamala - the right leader at the right moment in American history.
I have been listening to your memoir on audiobook, and it is truly excellent. You have skill in describing situations in a way that makes me able to picture the scenarios. I am appreciating knowing more about your background and the struggles you have been through. I admire your honesty. Thank you for everything you do, including using your life experiences and intelligence to bring truth and create a feeling of solidarity among those of us who are fighting for the future of our country.
What more could he ask for. I wish they would stop with attacks. It’s just making him a victim and bolstering his hold on his hypnotized following. Poor him. Phooey.
Please call out his staging of a shooting today.
Please 🙏🏻 do Mary. Just as he did in PA before the Republican convention. He MUST BE CALLED out as we can’t expect the MSM to do anything at all. He wants all the attention on him so that he can blame the Democrats. I’ll do it on Threads. Will get your book on audible as I have Wet Macular Degeneration.
Trump is MASA: Make Americans Slaves Again. DEMOCRACY is on the ballot and we cannot lose. We cannot afford to fail. The world is counting on us to show the way.
Please, let's not be the ones promulgating conspiracy theories.
What are the odds of two attempted shootings in 2 months?
I think the first shooting was a solo bad actor.
The timing of this shooting is suspicious to say the least.
He loses the debate and within a week there are shots fired in his vicinity?
A long gun was recovered. Over open terrain at maybe 100 yards. An average rifleman wouldn’t miss at that range.
The impact points will tell the story.
It reeks of some attempt to paint himself as a hero.
Chronic Narcissists will do anything for attention........faking another assasination attempt is just another episode of the apprentice for the orange dicktator in waiting
Or a victim! We MUST FOCUS ON PROJECT 2025, tariffs, abortion, his devastating mental condition. THERE IS NO SQUIRREL!!
The secret service did the shooting. There were no shots fired at Trump.
This makes it even more suspicious.
You are making a declarative srtatemnert when you don't have justification of such certitude.
It isn’t that they fired on him. They should it’s their job to protect a former president.
It’s suspicious that this happened when he happened to be on the golf course.
I don’t think Trump is above staging this for publicity and to distract from his loss of the debate.
2 things that stand out. "Agents saw the barrel of a rifle poking thru a fence 300-500' away." Imagine that - a tiny stick at that distance. Binoculars? How long until they actually spot it.
2nd- with a long gun scope the gunman missed a 300 lb 6' mega target. Even a terrible shooter could not miss.
Yep. This will get zero traction except with his true believers.
Who in their right mind would vote for somebody with a propensity for attracting these behaviors.
What a tactical move- sociopaths united and do things that are absolutely dumbfounding 🤡🤡🤡🤡
The funny part about it is, the SS noticed the barrel sticking through the bushes from about 100 yards. Where was Vance during the time before the shootings, because he would be the republican runner if anything did happen to Con-Old. I think they should check Vance's phone records and see where he was for both shootings.
Sorry, it was 400 to 500 yards away, not 100 yards
The boy who cried "wolf".
Or victim….who needs avenging…..😳😡
Just keep remembering the first reports that the shooting was “in him vicinity” 🤔 meanwhile the campaign was drafting its slick grift for money. Never put anything past this master liar and narcissist. He has to always be the story. He will not be ignored.
Odds are, this is the tip of the ice berg: if there's one like Rough (sp?) there are hundreds. It's too bad Donald brought this on himself. He wanted hate.
And collect a few votes. A real POS!
"What are the odds of two attempted shootings in 2 months?"
This is a nonsensical question.
This time they caught the shooter, so we may get some answers.
He might not talk, if he was hired to do it, or if it was on his own. The main thought is, if Con-Old does get shot, Vance would be the runner for the republican POTUS. That does make you think, seen as this is the second time in 2 months. The first time, Vance was picked to be his VP, what will be done this time by Con-Old?
I did speak to this later. Personally I think that this was some kind of false flag operation.
The weapon was an SKS, not an AK.
It is staged.... and he started the campaign grift off it right away...
As much as it seems likely, and the ring of truth it carries, that’s a ‘slippery slope’ accusation. If investigators find it not to be true, the false accusations will be used against the accusers as proof they are conspiracy theorists, just like them. Personally, I’ll wait to see what law enforcement turns up.
What? What happened?
Thank you for posting the link - I hadn't heard about this.
How did the "shooter" know that Orange was golfing? Already, it sounds the normal creepy and weird.
I agree that it's weird, although the only two things trump does are watch TV and play golf. If he does it at the same time every day, that would be easy enough to find out.
Yes, that would be the only way to know where he is, other than an inside help. Because his day was not on his public agenda schedule.
He's always golfing.
Also his I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT - how old is he 12? And the media loves it!
That’s an insult to 12 year olds
It truly is an insult to them. I have met some amazing 12-year-olds as an adult. Actually, the comparison is probably an insult to anybody of any age…
I’m an adult with the mentality of a 12 year I’m amazing
lets please not go down this rabbit hole. I'm sure the OP did not mean it as an insult to 12 year olds. My inner 12 year old self is not insulted.
Of course all twelve year olds aren’t insulted. It is a joke.
Forgive me. I'm a bit on the spectrum and I often miss jokes online.
No worries. 😉 all the best to you.
All she's saying is that he is even more childish than a 12 year old
and yet about 60+million Americans will vote for him. Might even elect him President.
What does that say about America?
It says that America is woefully uneducated; something the republicans have been working towards for over 50 years now.
It's a cult!
Maggot Kelly's hate-rant about Taylor.......No matter how many hair extensions........Fox News prostitute make up jobs she has...........never never can that witch ever live that down!!!!
Like Tay says "I keep my side of the street clean." IOW, she stays above hate. 💖
Some people do not advance mentally after a certain age; for various reasons. I refer to those people as "emotionally stunted". Which means they do not grow emotionally after a certain age. From what I have read about DJT; his fits of anger, over not getting his way, were never dealt with in a healthy way. Therefore, he could have been "emotionally stunted" at 2 years of age. It appears that his fits got him what he wanted. So, why change his behavior? Now he is playing with people who do not live with him, are much more advanced in their emotional state, are not intimidated by him, etc. The biggest thing he has had in his adult years is money to pay his way out of things. He has overcome those that have less money. They cannot afford to fight him. The best attorneys that represent those who fight him in court are the ones that agree to take a percentage of the settlement on what their client receives if they win over DJT. Sorry for going on for so long. I do not have a degree in Psychology. However, I have studied it my whole life. And have read numerous books written about him. His father was not a nice guy either.
Yes, actually he is 12.
More like 3.
I worry for her safety because his thugs and deranged cult members have been known to take these dog whistles as calls to action.
He’s cuing the Magats to make her life miserable.
how old is he?
Scarier question: how old are his supporters?
Of COURSE you do, Drumpf! And, OBVS, she doesn’t give a sh*t! HE’S SO PATHETIC!!!
I know Donald is a sociopath. Is he also a psychopath?
Definitely. My professional and informed opinion.
Are Trumpers in denial of that fact or knowingly indifferent to his obvious diagnosis, even if they are not sophisticated enough to categorize it? We concentrate on Trump’s mental illness but, what mental condition do Trumpers suffer from?What if anything can alter their inexplicable allegiance to such a man?
PMHNP bc agrees with you.
Psychopaths are born, not made. They have an underdeveloped amygdala, which processes emotions, so they don't feel them as strongly as neurotypicals. That actually makes them much cooler under pressure than most of us--studies have shown psychopaths excel at jobs that require sang froid, like surgeons, CEOs, and airline pilots.
DJT is the opposite of a psychopath--he's all intense emotion, easily feels hurt, and constantly feels aggrieved and seeks revenge. He has all the earmarks of malignant narcissists, who become that way because of their upbringing.
Both psychopaths and malignant narcissists don't care about other people, but for opposite reasons.
Thank you for your insight. It explains much.
Excellent comment! 👍 Great information for those who don't know the definitions.
Thanks for the explanation. It is obvious to most of us that he has mental illness, along with some dementia. To me, it was revealing of his character when he chose a picture of his father to hang in his White House office, instead of a former president. He has been trying to please his father all of his life, or at least has been using the methods he always used with his father, to get his way. He definitely embodies his father’s racism. The man is manifestly unfit to hold any position of responsibility, let alone the presidency.
In Mary’s first book, she concluded that his father Fred Trump was a sociopath and Donald IS a psychopath.
If he were a psychopath, he would have dulled emotions because of a shrunken amygdala. Psychopaths are born this way and cannot be cured, though their lack of fear and emotion can be channeled into productive and pro-social work. Studies have shown a disproportionate number of CEOs score high of psychopathy tests. Also scoring high—successful military people, surgeons, air traffic controllers and pilots, highrise construction workers, race car drivers—really any profession that requires a high tolerance for risk and low fear.
Does that sound like Donald? If he were a psychopath, his father’s bullying would have rolled of his back. He wouldn’t be afraid of debating Kamala, or of Taylor Swift.
Instead, his dad turned him into a malignant narcissist, who covered his fear with bluster, lies and bullying. He’s afraid of being punched, so punches first.
But if someone lands a blow on him, he goes into overdrive. His sense of self worth is actually fragile.
Remember—psychopaths have very low emotion; malignant narcissists are driven by emotion.
Very informative. Thank you all. What is your diagnosis of Trumpers, if one is possible? And, are they curable? How?
Brainwashed. I think if you can delete Fox and Newsmax from their remotes, and turn the dial from hate radio, you could deprogram a lot of them.
Our country’s enemies have been playing the long game with disinformation for decades, especially ex-KGB operative Putin.
I agree. But I think they want to be brainwashed. They feel they are part of something that is bigger than they and that reflects their sense of entitlement as white people, and their feelings of being ignored or minimized. I think “white rage” is a decent descriptor. I also think they like Trump because they mistake his bullying for strength. They lack insight into his very, very real weakness. What Kamala said about his vulnerability to flattery and manipulation is correct, and hearing it must have wounded Trump, because at some level, he knows it is true. But his followers cannot see this, because they don’t want to. And many of them are willfully ignorant.
Thanks for this!
He also shows all the signs of being a sociopath - the lack of any sense of right and wrong, and making the world all about him..
Shooting nowhere near Donold this afternoon. Media immediately puts out Trump ok shooting nearby. How to shut down the media re Donold???
I've been tweeting for an hour, WaPo, but, all networks, journalists "Do NOT LOSE FOCUS: Tariffs, Project 2025, abortion, his dementia, LIES, Springfield!!!
Don’t stop. The rapes, sex when Melania had a baby, against NATO, and the promises of retribution and mass deportations.
It is time to talk and illustrate graphically what the day after a Trump win would be like. What will the roundups look like? See Hitler’s concentration camps, Stalin’s Gulag. This is not hyperbole. Deporting millions is a big, expensive deal. It can’t be done carefully by professionals but will require auxiliary people. The Germans got them drunk to do this ugly work.
Two books explain why 60+ million Americans will vote for him anyway.
Eric Fromm's "Escape from Freedom" (1941) describes how Hitler & the Nazis exploited the "Authoritarian Personality" of those who willingly surrender their minds to a Supreme Leader who tells them what they want to hear
and Richard Hofstadter's "Paranoid Style in American Politics" (1962) describes how the Radical Right exploited the fear of Communism, and made their supporters feel more American than "others" like immigrants and minorities and elites.
Trump doesn't read, so he got the playbook from Steve Bannon or Steven Miller, but they're using both books (depicting how Supreme Leaders manipulate masses just like cult-leaders) and they've convinced all those MAGA folks that they're the "real" Americans, and Trump alone can fix everything and make it all great again.
And they're buying it.
Sadly you don’t and the felon knows it. He has X Elon Musk pushing the story plus all the KGB assets still spewing disinformation.
Why doesn't Harris make an ad with the town hall or focus group meeting where Trump speaks to a woman thanking him for banning abortion and he says that's what he appointed the 3 justices for, and then clips of all 3 at their confirmation hearings lying about their position on Roe v. Wade.
I agree Maria
Dems should be running non-stop ads on Trump's 3 SCOTUS picks.
And Project 2025.
Is there a way to know how many and where the 18 to 25 year olds who have newly registered to vote? Right now, the Times is saying that Kamala is behind, but is it possible that they're not tracking the youngest demographic of voters? (which I hope is huge).
The Times is still angry that neither Biden nor Harris gave them an exclusive interview.
On the basis of this thread seems like the NYT acts like a malignant narcissist. Emotionally unstable and overreacts to perceived slights. Or is that just the owner, all editors and people posing as journalists?
Mostly the publisher
I'd also like to know about the younger newly registered or even those considering registration.
Polls seek the opinions of registered or likely voters, but nobody asks the pensive youth.
Several hundred thousand "Swifties" were invited to register and vote this week. After some may have watched the debate, how many fans of Taylor Swift are telling their parent, "Wow, Mom! That Trump guy has me motivated to register and vote to get him into office!"
There are potentially THOUSANDS of kids considering Harris-Walz all over the country, but we won't find out till they register.
Here's a list of excellent sites to check (and double check) your voter registration status, and individual state rules for voter registration
Here's a list of excellent sites to check (and double check) your voter registration status, and individual state rules for voter registration
Your book is phenomenal. So well written. Thank you so much for contributing to our democracy in such a huge way with all that you do.
Here’s my question. It’s naive, I know. How is this monster so revered, so shielded by the media , and allowed to spew filth and hate and violence inciting rhetoric from his rancid catbutt mouth. Are we really supposed to ALLOW the MAGgots to impose their reign of terror on the rest of the country? They will stop at NOTHING (inciting violence on a whim and double downing on it being true) to get him re-elected. And what’s even more terrifying than 4 more years of a racist,facist piece of shit in the hallowed White House, is the thought of his cultists following his MAGA- or-death agenda in every city at whatever cost.
💙💙 Kamala/Tim 2024-2032!💙💙
We all, tens of millions of us, have been asking that since 2015. I made an unplanned donation today + am working on postcards. #Harris/Walz
Thank you, Mary, for writing and narrating your heart wrenching book. 💙
Also, thank you for sharing the 1st story in your book. I am glad you are here to keep us sane in these difficult times.
Congratulations, Mary! In the midst of your book release on Tuesday, the powerful Debate experience and all of the chaotic and appalling violence in Springfield, Ohio, I hope you’re not exhausted.
You’re somewhat circumspect about your complex Covid recovery and I respect your privacy about health matters; i just want to offer my hope (like so many others here) that your health is continuing to improve in the best possible way.
Rather than a question I want to offer my deep gratitude for continuing to keep comments open here for those of us who simply cannot afford to be paying subscribers. I understand that non-paying access to make comments is increasingly rare now on Substack. When we non-paying subscribers CAN comment, it cements a sense of belonging to a community of this dynamic caliber; belonging is enormously supportive for building one’s spirits and easing one’s stress during this singularly challenging and dangerous crossroads that our country has reached and struggles to navigate.
While I'm not a paid subscriber, I did buy your newest book, which I just finished. I really admire your strength in dealing with such a dysfunctional family and your bravery in openly writing about it. It helps us all! Brenda H.
Mary has a higher purpose than trying to squeeze a few extra bucks by selling the right to comment. She is committed to do her utmost to do whatever she can to open eyes and thereby contribute to the effort to save our imperiled democracy from her “funny” uncle.
I so enjoyed the picture of you and the family on today's post 🥰 Your book is taking off like a Rocket,and it couldn't have come at a better time! (For those of you who are going to read Mary's new book, I suggest you have a box of tissues on hand) My question is "Where's Melania"?! Looks like your uncle has a New addition hanging on his arm. Speculation will Suffice!! Blessings to you, Mary, good luck with the show this evening. and always remember, how much you are Loved 👈💋💙🇺🇸🌊🌊🌊
OH, yes the 1st thing I thought was this was staged so people will feel sorry for him yet again. If you look at all the photos of his ear from the 1st assasination attempt there is absolutely no marks. He's a fraud.
Tina, ALL-CAPS is the equivalent of shouting. It doesn't make your message (that I agree with) any more convincing. Remember Trump shouting "they're eating the dogs, they're eating the cats." or "I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT". It doesn't make your message more convincing.
But I feel your pain and frustration and fear and anger. This orange POS must be defeated. And thank God for Kamala - the right leader at the right moment in American history.
I have been listening to your memoir on audiobook, and it is truly excellent. You have skill in describing situations in a way that makes me able to picture the scenarios. I am appreciating knowing more about your background and the struggles you have been through. I admire your honesty. Thank you for everything you do, including using your life experiences and intelligence to bring truth and create a feeling of solidarity among those of us who are fighting for the future of our country.
Why do they keep missing? Suspicious 🤨
Who presides over the finalization of election results in January? Donald will go crazy if Kamala Harris is in charge
Just. A. Perfect. Confluence.
It is written in the Stars. 🌌
Also in the Constitution.
It will be newly elected Congress, and the current VP, Kamala Harris.
Thomas, you say: "Donald will go crazy"
Isn't he already crazy?
OH MY GOD!! 🤩 (but wouldn’t she be recused or whatever, either way?)
Nope. It's in the Constitution that the vice president presides. Remember, Pence was presiding in 2020, even though he was on the ballot with DJT.
A great day for the orange 🍊 one with the runny makeup. He’s getting renewedattentio from this
His makeup is running similar to his side kick Rudy’s hair color. It must be a NY con man thing that they have in common😂
What more could he ask for. I wish they would stop with attacks. It’s just making him a victim and bolstering his hold on his hypnotized following. Poor him. Phooey.