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I can't like and re-emphasize this ENOUGH!!!!! I majored in journalism and I just don't understand why they can't report the truth!!!!

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He’s their cash cow.

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But there’s a pretty good chance that Trump will put them out of business. That’s especially true for the New York Times and the Washington Post.

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They don’t realize that they would be transformed into state-run media if he wins.

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On Jan. 6, even the asses at Fox reached out to him to beg and order that he put an end to the violence. They seem to have forgotten their momentary reality check, much like McConnell, Graham, McCarthy, and a pile of other Republicans who cowered while Capitol Police risked their lives to protect them. Those texts were published. They should be on billboards in red and purple states.

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Barbara, maybe becoming a tool of the state is what they, the guys with the money, at the top, are hoping for.

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So those "guys with the money" won't be "tools of the state", they ARE THE STATE! They have control: his reelection allows them to come into the light! Regardless of who wins and looses, there WILL BE VIOLENCE. That's all these RACIST PRICKS know, and they are very well armed.

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Our problem is dumb, greedy Billionaires who not only don't know History like what happened to a lot of the Rich Guys financing Hitler, but don't seem to notice Putin's Oligarch Friends falling from windows if they disagree or he needs their cash. Historically a Supreme Leader like Henry 8th having dinner at Hampton Court really liked the place and it's owner was soon beheaded, his mansion going to the King. With a Democracy there are barriers to this. That's our Checks and Balances of 3 branches which Republicans have destroyed. The Owners of the NYT and WaPo are not realizing that they will eventually be on the chopping block. No one is exempt. Hitler took his Brown Shirts out. Trump will do the same thing to MAGAs after they give him the Presidency.

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Maybe they don't want their buildings and offices burned down. The media had their chance to nip this in the bud after Jan 6th but money got in the way.

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The corporate owners of media companies only care about money.

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Barbara, it's too bad they, the media, supposedly smart people, can't see what Trump is doing to this nation and that they are colluding with him.

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The editorial board is separate from the news division. The board endorsed Harris but reporters continue to sanewash rump. If they’re backing rump, there seems to be a whiff of white supremacy in addition to corporate greed.

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Sorry, Dee, but you might have to return to J-School to take the course on the total corruption of the mainstream/legacy media in the U.S. It's all about money., that's why they can't/won't stop normalizing Trump's psychopathy. They make money from covering him even though there's a firehose of lies coming out of his mouth. No one I know who wants the truth depends on mainstream media. I get my news about Trump from the Meidas Touch Network. All of the hard news broacast on the Meidas Touch network is based on data, plus the network is not owned by someone who would force them to slant a story about Trump in order to "compete" with mainstream media.

Buena Suerte!

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You were doing great until you said Medias Touch Network. That guy MIGHT tell the truth, but he’s not committed to the truth when it’s not supportive of his agenda. He’s a clickbait king on YouTube. And clickbait is inherently deceitful. Once someone is willing to deceive their audience “a little” bit for a “good cause” they become willing to deceive a little more. And a little more. The ends justify the means in their mind. Ben Micelas is a poster boy for this mindset.

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I wholeheartedly disagree with you about Ben Meicelis and the Meidas Touch Network. They started with ten viewers, and now thy have over three million supporters, and I am grateful to be part of this online community. You didn’t mention anything about the other incredibly valuable podcasts, especially Legal AF, with Michael Popock. Popock is astounding, as well as is Legal AF, where policitcs meets law at an intersection. Having spent plenty of time in felony trials during my career as a private investigator who specialized in criminal and indigent defense, I really appreciat the deep dive that Legal AF takes into a subject. Then there is the podcast “Uncovered,” with Anthony Davis, who is a first rate journalist and the fascinating Ron Filipkowsi, who is a former Marine, a former Federal Prosecutor, a Republican and a Christian who attends chuch. Filipkowski can spot the bullshit coming our of the mouths of the MAGA crowd in a minute, and he calls them on it regularly. You might not like Ben Meicelis, but to ignore the valuable role that the Network is playing in presentlng a factual and therefore truthful analysis of the daily news is a great mistake on your part. Lastly, where do you get your daily news and analysis? I’m just curious.

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Thanks for the recommendations. I will check them out.

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I never miss "Uncovered" on Wednesdays, billed as the show that uncovers what the mainstream/corporate news refuses to cover. ai'd recomment going to the Meidas Touch Network website to get a full list of the podcats that are included in the Network. I also love "Politics Girl" with Lee Mcgowan, a Canadian who became an American citizen, and she is razor sharp in her analysis. I never miss Anthony Davis on the weekend show, on Sundays. He's been featuring Dr. Bandy Lee, the psychiatrist who was banned by the American Psychiatric Society for telling the truth about Trump's psychopatholgies. Her CV is solid and we should all be grateful for her work.

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What has MTN done to piss you off so much? I’m assuming you have something to back up your claims? Please tell us.

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Have you seen Lawrence O’Donnell’s piece where he calls mainstream media “stupid” for falling for all the lies? It is so good. You can find it on YouTube. It’s a great pick-me-up.

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Lawrence O'Donnell is a national treasure but I worry about what's going to happen to him and the entire MSNBC lineup if drumpf wins again. Hope they have a contingency plan for November 6; and let's pray they won't need one.

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No need to worry about Lawrence and MSNBC. Worry about the entire country.

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He is one of my favorites. He tells it like it is.

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I also have a journalism degree and am a former radio and newspaper reporter. The MSM is only interested in clicks and ratings, not in serving the public interest. They “sanewash” Trump in the name of “both sides”. The MSM and DOJ have failed miserably in holding Trump accountable.

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Thanks much for you post. It said it all. I will never forget seeing some big time honcho from CBS on tv in 2016. He said it all, too, when he told his interviewer, "We may not agree with a lot of things that Trump says, (then a huge smile appeared), "but he sure is making us a lot of money." I apreciated his honesty while at the same time having a great desire to piss down his throat.

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That was Les Moonves who said that. I’ll never forget it or him. He WAS the Chairman of CBS until he got accused of sexual assault, harassment and abuse. He resigned in 2018.

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Look at who owns the media. Money is their god no matter what is said.

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They CAN report the truth, they Chose not to do so, for a variety of reasons, feel free to contribute those you are aware of in reply. This choice certainly contributes great risk of danger to our nation’s continued freedom as a democracy.

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There's No Money in Truth/Journalism. It's All "Soap Opera" News today.

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Rethink who is paying their salaries.

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They are corrupt and afraid of his royal 🗑.

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Haven't you gotten the hint yet people? Why are you sacrificing America all because of ratings? Money? Greed? So sad that it's come to this. That's all it is isn't it?

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yes, thats what it is. sorry. america is not the country you and others have been led to believe. it's a terrible place.

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The MSM can't have it both ways because they lack imagination. If they propel him into the Oval Office again, they will cease to exist - but for some reason, they continue to believe it "won't happen to them". They might want to think about all the German Jews, et al who believed the same thing because they were "Germans first".

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Actually, we need more investigative reporters. I know what I know because of them [MSNBC, CNN, PBS, C-SPAN].

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Happy to note that the NYT Editorial Board just endorsed Kamala Harris in no uncertain terms!

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Finally all the subscription cancellations got to them. I started by eliminating the Opinion writers who made me furious and later cancelled the entire Times.

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I hope so. I keep getting re-subscribe offers and always answer that I will not consider doing so until they stop normalizing Trump's behavior and rationalizing his lies; lately added that their unfair coverage/non-coverage of Biden's presidency is just as much a barrier to considering the NYT a legitimate news source. Same for WaPo.

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I got whiplash from that one!

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As long as money is involved nothing will change. They will stay as greedy as ever. Thanks Deborah.

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Don't count on it. They don't care. Send a message on twitter to those morons at CNN - Tapper, Bash, Cooper, Collins that if Trump get's elected they will have blood on their hands.

They just don't give a shit about the average American person. But the average American person just keeps tuning in. So who is to blame? The morons who keep tuning in.

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Thank you!

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Write the Pope. No endorsement - no dinero!

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The Pope drank the kool-aid. Duh. I am a catholic mystic and have zero allegiance to the Catholic Church. The popes of the ages invented the kool-aid. The real deal does not live anywhere near any form of institutional religion. It lives in the hearts of folks that drink and then live the truth.

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Michael Moore directed his current podcast on Catholics

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Yes exactly what came to my mind ‘the night of the long knives.’ What worries me more is what will happen if he doesn’t accept defeat again. The law enforcement agencies will need to be on full alert this time.

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The good thing is that when Trump loses this time, he is not the sitting President-Biden is the current President.

I think we can be completely confident that President Biden will pull out all the stops to uphold the Rule of Law!

Wannabe dictator DT will be out of luck if his deluded minions try anything because they will inevitably be met with the fullness of law enforcement!

Trump was able to incite violence and delay reinforcements for the Capitol and DC police on 1/6/21,because he was then president .

Right now and when he loses, he will be just a deranged,weak, degenerate sore loser who commands no legitimate forces.

He may try something but no one has ever won by going up against the full force of the law unless they were in a position to put their giant thumb on the scales of Justice to tilt them their way!

Trump’s little fingers will not even reach those scales as his fragile ego finally crumbles in the face of his ultimate defeat.

We must All Vote for Kamala Harris & Coach Walz to save ourselves, secure our future and our precious legacy of Democracy!

Do it for your children!

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Hear! Hear!

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Very good points.

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I want to see Trump in prison.

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The Night of the Long Knives was a political hit by the Nazis against their radical wing, the storm troopers. It was how Hitler got the support of the major industrialists.

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Yes, he used that side of his membership (the cutthroats) to murder Jews etc then when he realised they were distasteful to the elites who wanted to support him he slayed them all. The analogy is to use your Clan’s followers to your own ends…. Sickness. Deprogramming from Trump is required, best way is to defeat him in the polls then lock him up.

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Rights. The foolish Trumpers don’t realize that the only person taking the necessary steps to taking away their gun rights is Trump himself. He will use the NAZI. playbook and create his own Trump branded national militia under the banner of the constitutions “well organized militia.” Then he will use them to take away the guns of anyone deemed enemy and not in the Trump militia. Once that’s settled, it is only a few more steps to cleansing the armed militias of those insufficiently loyal to the leader, and beginning to disarm all but the most rabidly loyal Trump supporting militias. They can’t see that Trump is the greatest threat, by far, to their precious 2nd Amendment rights. They just can’t see it.

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Ms. Sharp, what if the law enforcement agencies are sympathetic with him? Ms. Trump notes that the Fraternal Order Of Police endorsed him.

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Yes, but the Fraternal Order of Police has always tilted right.

That doesn’t mean that all police officers are right-wingers who’d abandon their training and duty for that foul mouthed degenerate.

They must do their duty and follow orders from their superiors.

Let’s remember once more that Trump is not in power.

He commands no legitimate force and if he tries something when he loses, it will just add to the multiple cases and judgements already against him.

We all know that is one of the big reasons he’s running for President.

DT is really running for his life away from a lifetime of criminal acts!

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Hope you’re right about the police.

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It’s somewhat concerning that we have no idea how many insurrectionists are embedded in law-enforcement and the military. The Capitol police valiantly defended our democracy on January 6, 2021. I haven’t heard any evidence that any of them turned to fight with the crowd. I’m counting on those good people in the ranks to come to the aid of our country and hope they are the majority. I agree with Diane, the Biden Administration will be prepared and the insurrectionists are no match for US Military might. President Biden understands what’s at stake. I think he’ll do everything he can to provent the death of Democracy on his watch.

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It's not so much law enforcement to worry about but paramilitary militia, like Oath Keepers and Proud Boys, etc. They are still "on stand by." But, point taken that President Biden will respond.

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You probably don’t live in the south.

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Paramilitary insurrectionists are not a force that can overcome the US military, unless there is massive treason in the ranks. The military has far superior technology - drone strikes, infrared, tanks, etc. Antifa is also preparing to fight the white supremacists. And local police forces are gearing up to deal with potential riots. Most of the MAGA crowd who threaten Civil War are bloviating, beer drinking, armchair warriors, who don’t have the guts to put their lives on the line. On January 6, 2021 they failed, despite having the element of surprise, although they were all absolutely convinced they were going to succeed. Many of them have realized the futility of their efforts, except the hopelessly delusional.

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Not all of them support him. The National FOOP. The order here in Ohio supports Kamala, so do local Sheriff departments.

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Fraternal Order Aye. Also sounds historical. We then trust the Good in mankind, it is ultimately the winner.

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Ms. Sharp, when I was a young social worker in the Detroit Summer of 1967; Governor George Romney sent in the Michigan national guard and President LBJ sent in the 82nd air-born division to attack citizens in the streets of my home town. My wife and I cried as we watched our fellow citizens being shot in the streets. It has been done before. But that sort of thing is a dangerous, slippery slope.

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Neil Young wrote "Ohio" after students were gunned down by National Guard in 1970 on the grounds of Ohio State University.

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That was Kent State University.

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True.....my mistake.

The song was in my head.

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I read Michener's book about Kent State a long time ago. It's one of those books I can read only once.

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Not to take anything away from what your fears are, it was a bad time for unemployment and racism then came the riots. And yes it will be a politically charged time fired up by the southerners historical psyche ruled by their Clan Leader, i am sad to have to say that. However, as it was during the civil war, the greatness of good principles for people to co-exist won through, as it will again.

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I was there in Detroit. I was 11 years old.

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The National Guard marched down my Detroit street. I was just a little kid, sat on the porch and watched. On the far off horizon there was smoke rising from the riot.

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I was there. 11 years old.

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That says a lot about the majority of the police in our country doesn't it. Sad.

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Fraternal Order Of Police, they only follow baby Trump.

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And what did the American Bar say???

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Stop worrying. Nothing good is coming no matter who actually wins. Give it up.

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What fun you must be at a party!

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Thank You so much!

I needed that laugh.

A perfect response 🤭

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Yes I can party with the best. Just very depressed about this whole mess. This race is to close.

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Tough love Kathleen. Two choices. Drop out, no media until April 2025. Bubble bathes, romance novels, ice cream, consider a medically induced coma, deep massages by hunky guys.. or gals. Or- shake it off, rise up and.... do something. Any little thing... go outside look at a bird, find a sensible joy buddy. Have coffee and list the beautiful things you experienced that day. And little by little you cup will get fuller and you can offer us a sip of hope, a tiny ray of light.

Or a joke. Why did the chicken cross the road? When it did not want to debate Kamala Harris a second time.

I empathise, I’ve been there. Join us... do something.🎼💙🎶

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Sweet lady u are. This is so clinically depressing.

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Yes, it is Kathleen, but the only choice we have is to keep fighting. If we fight there is hope, without a sustained effort there is no hope. I would rather die trying than give up. And I’m a person who has experienced clinical depression several times in my life, so I know what you’re dealing with.

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I'm depressed clinically just waiting for him to win and not answer for all the crimes he has committed. He will get away with what he did and continues to do to the Haitians in Ohio. Yes I will vote.

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🤣🤣🤣🤣 I know, God almighty, Kate is depressed!!!! 🤣🤣

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Sadly I agree with her. All cases against Trump are virtually gone. Republicans have already rigged voting in their favor. It would have to be a big win for Kamala to overcome the corruption that they have set. I hope I’m wrong but I don’t think we have the votes to stop him this time.

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You underestimate the POWER of women!!

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I hope so. I sure don't want Donald Trump to run for anything ever again and God help us , not just our country but the world should he get in.

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Nice Russian talking points.

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I disagree. If Harris wins she promises to provide real opportunities for the middle class. If Trump wins the Ku Klux Klan and Neo Nazis are in full control.

Moreover, the Heritage Foundation (Project 2025) BRAGS that they are the Taliban in Suits. It's your choice. You can hide your head in the sand and let an authoritarian religious government take over or you can vote for Harris to preserve the union so we can move on from all the hatred and negativity spewed by Donald Trump's mouth

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What I find disturbing is will law enforcement and the National Guard be on the side of Democracy or Trump? The police union is backing him so where do we stand?

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Some members of law enforcement and the military will support Trump. The vast majority will uphold the constitution and respect the orders of the Commander in Chief (who thankfully is Joe Biden) and put down any attempts at an insurrection. But yeah it's intense and a little unnerving to think some might fight for Trump.

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Oh they will be

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They will be on full alert. Armed troops will protect the certification process this time. Thank God Biden is in charge currently. I don't expect there to be a riot this time but if it comes to that, no Trump terrorist is getting inside the Capitol. We just need to make sure Harris wins! 🇺🇸

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How is this type of threat-making allowed? How is he not in jail?

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It is acceptable in this culture.

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I PRAY TO GOD THAT THE DAY COMES SOON — when we never see this repulsive excuse for a human being in the news, on tv, anywhere.

Kamala has to win….

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God, she hasn’t help, that has been reported in the MSM. hopes and prayers…?

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Thank you, Mary, for keeping us informed. 💙

I am also afraid Donald will egg-on the same violence if he is NOT elected.

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Problem is-Trump is Not President right now!

He cannot claim Presidential immunity if he ain’t President!

If the Corrupt fascist 6 on the Supreme Court decide to grant compete immunity to the employees of Barnum & Bailey,

I guess Trump could claim Clown immunity, but that might take sometime to work its way through the courts!

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“He cannot claim presidential immunity if he is not president.” Yeah, right, just like all the other things he’s done that he cannot do. When he claims he won the election and IS the true president, he will do more than claim presidential immunity. He will try to overthrow the elected government, but call it saving America FROM an overthrow. And TENS OF MILLIONS will support him. He’s the greatest conman that has ever lived, a pure narcissist and at least a sociopath is not a psychopath. He stops only when someone stronger stops him. Period.

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It is very scary to think about whether he wins or loses, it will be violent.

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Yeah. That’s what I was thinking, violence & chaos actually “feed” the malignant maggot called lying Trump!

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The part that likes violence is the only part of him that is 13 years old. The rest of him is a lot younger than that.

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But this time Biden is in charge and he can order the army out on the streets to protect the citizens. Up untill the next president is sworn in!

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No, he can’t and won’t. It’s illegal, thank goodness, and Biden respects the law.

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It depends on where it happens. The Capitol Police weren't called out during Jan. 6 because Trump refused. Biden won't refuse.

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They have already planned to have Nat Guard at the Capitol for the certification I believe and presumably for inauguration also

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The Guard should be on standby from November thru January, and present during certification, Jan 6, and inauguration.

Yeah, it's a fucking shame we have to do this but it must be done. This maniac and his allies in and out of politics, the outrageous refusal of the media to DO ITS JOB and warn the public that this man is unfit for the office because he is insane, the unbelievable failure of our legal system in dealing with this THUG, are all to blame and leave us no choice.

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If trump encourages people to revolt as he did in 2020, we need a steady hand in power to prevent the murder and mayhem that his fan base did. If trump was allowed but didn’t do it. What has changed between then and now to prevent President Biden doing it. Have they actually change the law, Tex27?

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You don’t understand presidential powers any more than they do. . .

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If t wins, it's violence against Americans for weeks, months, years. If t loses, it's violence after the election, how nasty, and for how long? Will t do anything that gets t arrested? I'm preparing my pantry and my heart for this difficult season. (I've been volunteering on a Texas voter hotline since 2018. Kind, concerned voters who need answers call us. The two voters I spoke with last week were so angry we weren't really able to help them. They thought I didn't realize Texas is #1 in Voter Suppression? Yep! That's why I'm volunteering. Just an example of how upset everyone is right now. VERY UPSET people.)

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I wonder how violent it will be if he loses, to be honest. Will multitudes of cult following idiots risk jail for him after seeing what happened last time? And look at his small-ass crowds…. I don’t know if that will happen again.

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Sure hope you are correct!

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Some probably will...

Then they'll learn the hard way that Trump really doesn't care about them.

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He, of course, is the actual and true enemy of the United States.

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Note: Both NYTimes and The New Yorker are endorsing Kamala and coming down hard on Trump—finally!!!

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But of course! Donald Trump is eager to encourage violence by others because … that’s what bullies do. And, conveniently, he can put any later blame on them.

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Bully through and through. People don’t change. He will not accept the results if he loses this election. I truly believe it will be much worse this time. Hopefully, we will be prepared.

P.S. I am looking forward to watching you on The Last Word tonight!

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I've never heard TFG say anything remotely funny, yet he claims he's joking all the time.

In fact. I never see him smile except when he's posing next to a big donor, hot woman or flunkie.

If he's re-elected, I expect Canada will have to put up a wall to keep fleeing Americans out.

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Our attack beavers stand ready to exert mass water pressure!

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🤣😹🤣 thank you for the laugh!!! Much appreciated!

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Let the Red states go out on their own........see how long they last without Blue states picking up their bills......The entire west coast would be better off without the wacked out southern racist red states.........ignoring the narcissist is your best revenge.......Go total NO CONTACT!!!

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Here's hoping November 5th is a real rough day for the little man. And MAGA. And main steam media. You get the picture. I can't wait till this ugly chapter in our history comes to a close!

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Amen to that, Joelle.

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Please explain his obsession with violence. Psychological explanation.

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Look up psychopaths. They get a thrill from manipulating others to create damage and mayhem.

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I'm sure it's explained in Mary's books.

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Absolutely 💯

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Of course he does - worthless bullies who are physical cowards like Donnie Dumbfuck always want to see you and them fight.

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