The tsunami of bad news this past week has been overwhelming.

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Indeed. I tuned in to the news for a few minutes and my stomach was in knots. I fear the shooting will only have benefit to Trump. I wish I could go to sleep and not wake up until Nov. 5.

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No, it will not benefit the orange menace. He can't keep a promise to keep the campaign civil. He's already started. I know Michelle Obama said, "When they go low, we go high." Those days are gone, when one is in a battle with sewer dwellers, the haz mat suits go on, and the fight for our democracy becomes real. The thing I fear the most is our being our usual polite civil selves. Not this time. Too much at stake. Now we are fighting two baseborn liars instead of one.

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Yes. Still it amazes me how he gets away with everything, even an assassination attempt. Still, several assassinations on Hitler failed, he had to finally shoot himself.

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Trump has followed Hitler so far......

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said he never read Mein Kampf another lie

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From what I have heard Trump does not read much, so he may be telling the truth. I read that he used to keep a copy of Mein Kampf next to his bed. It didn’t necessarily mean he read the book but he certainly seems to follow the advice in it.

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Kotex Jesus holds hate-speech rallies even in power, just like Hitler did during 33-45

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It is sickening that he gets away with everything but I am relieved that he survived the shooting. What if the purpose Was to miss the shot? That changes the narrative.

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Malcolm Nance has been warning about all this for years now. The anti-nazi movement has got to get it together fast. Pro-democracy advocates are marching outside the GOP hate speak rally....there should be a million plus protesting the arrival of the Orange anti-christ and his brainwashed legions of his demonic followers.

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Nice. One small problem. The arena for protesting is so far away from convention center that it isn't going to happen. Not going to happen.

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There is video of people walking in the streets..........so that is a good thing.

People need to get out there.......channel this fear and anxiety into action.

Studies show that going to protests is good for your health. Your stess level goes down.

I have marched many times and will do it again.

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Was it a big protest???

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The Guardian did a story. It still should be online.

Go to WomensMarch.com

They are always planning things

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New Zealand Women can teach us about strike/protest!

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S0 true, Carol-Ann. It is time for both POTUS ,VP ,supporters ,surrogates ,cabinet members and family to be like Junkyard dogs; downright dirty and mean.

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As Symone Sanders-Townsend said on "The Weekend" show she cohosts, "When they go low, we go toe-to-toe."

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Aren’t they just attacking their own party and not the one they should be attacking?

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Maureen, I also want to sleep until after the election. I hope that the shooting reveals Donald's cruelty to his voters since the permissive gun laws and rhetoric were caused by Donald, himself.

I was horrified this morning by Cannon's dismissal of Donald's classified documents case.

Thank you, Mary. 💙

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Dismissing the documents case means Loose Cannon is aiding and abetting espionage. She herself should be prosecuted. Cannon and the Supreme Court show how corrupt the judiciary is. At some point, will this psychopath be held accountable.

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Jenn, I like your idea of prosecuting Cannon. I am not sure it can be done, but if someone can find a way, I'm on board.

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If Biden orders it, it should work. He is now immune from anything he does.

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I apologize for writing this post I wrote earlier. The scotus was wrong in giving a president dictatorial powers but Biden doesn’t have to use those. Otherwise in the future authoritarianism will become a norm.

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Can she not can be impeached & removed for gross incompetence? Especially we now know that her two senior colleagues spoke with her & suggested she should recuse herself. Suspect they could foresee this minefiled of stupidity.

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I have heard that judges can be impeached and removed. She could be impeached but I doubt that any Republican will vote to remove her.

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I think she is in lock step with th S.C. (at least the deciders at this time. She's protected, imo.

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Me too. I think it will be very difficult to prosecute a judge. They can say she is incompetent, bias, etc. It will be tough to indict her even though her motive has been clear for a very long time. I am not a lawyer so really can’t say one way or another.

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Shouldnt we just cut off the heads of the snake at the Supreme court level? They can implement numerous "Cannons" to carry out the will of the majority of SC members.

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Even if the 11th Circuit removes her or tries to disbar her, the case will go to the Extreme Court, where the decision will not be what we want.

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The Extreme Court will, of course, side with Cannon. For god's sake, Clarence Thomas as much as telegraphed her ruling to her from the footnote he included in his opinion on the immunity case which had nothing to do with that case. Sheesh, what next?

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A few on the high court are being investigated for taking bribes through gifts, it seems they have taken more than allowed in a year of gifts. And also for their involvement with trump.

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Much of the Government and Judiciary in America is as corrupt as Some South American Countries!

"We've" either moved SOUTH, OR, "They" have moved North...

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Thomas is a disgrace. He shouldn’t even be called a judge, let alone Supreme Court judge. He is so corrupt!

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Thomas has his own problems. Maybe he'd be willing to deflect by supporting getting her off the bench.

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Love your characterization of our highest (supposedly) court.

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If Barrett and Roberts make the right decision, it will help. Thomas and Alito are out of the question. Gorsuch and Kavanaugh will go with their party.

We still have a chance.

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An itsy-bitsy one.

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Mim, and isn't it disgusting we already know how the 6 would rule?

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Yes, it is, Ruth. And depressing.

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We cannot join the Republicans in seeking to prosecute those who do not commit crimes. Cannon committed no crime. The response is for Special Counsel Smith to appeal and get the decision reversed. The broader response is to work harder to elect a Senate that will not confirm such unqualified political hacks to the bench.

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Cannon did commit a crime, interference with the law, aiding and abetting a known criminal for political gain

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Unfortunately, Cannon seems to have mastered political hackdom quite well.

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Cannon is a pawn for the growing nazi-fascist movement that has a foothold now. Progressives have to stop living in dreamland, watching this all go down.........people....what you thought would never happen is happening. Yes they will do it!!!

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Of course, AG Garland could Hire Jack Smith as a Federal Prosecutor to rectify this BULL-COCKY.

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As well as the empty, expressionless doll eyes

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She committed the crime of rank partisanship, by siding with, aiding & abetting the orange puke's delay, delay, delay tactics... Hoping to be a SCOTUS appointee, in the event ( God forbid) he wins in November. " Ain't Nobody fooled by her actions of judicial misconduct, I am cutting her NO Slack. PERIOD

Her marching orders came straight out of the horse's mouth and she neighed in agreement. 😲🙄😡😎♏🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊💙💙

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Phil, I don't understand how Cannon got the case in the first place since she was appointed by the guy she was going to oversee the trial for. That sounds like an automatic recusal to me, but it seems Republicans get break after break and clearly don't have to follow any ethics rules.

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I’m hoping Jack Smith can go to the 11th circuit!!!

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Joyce Vance wrote in her article that he can appeal to the 11th circuit because the solicitor general has given him the permission. However this means more delays, appeals, etc. And even judge Chutkan’s trial will be delayed. The trucks won’t start before the election. If Trump wins, all trials against him will evaporate.

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The NY case is one that trump can not do anything about if he does get elected, the charges can and will stick, he will have to face them charges no mater what.

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He will become president. :(

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https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/law-and-justice-in-the-third-reich Democratic Germany was transformed into a fascist state by essentially rigging the court systems aligned with Hitler’s vision of The Third Reich. It’s already underway with his activist appointees doing his bidding (even he’s no longer president). The pathway is clear in modern times: Erdoğan in Turkey and Orban in Hungary. Both used the courts creatively to give themselves unprecedented powers. It’s a playbook that the Right understands and is implementing right now.

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But the Germans were Europeans, and we are (or were) Americans. There is nothing in the history of Germany after the 1840's unification like the Declaration of Independence. I like to think that when the Berlin Wall fell, it was because of the spread of ideas of independence and consent into the political views in Europe. Were there no America, there would be no Ukrainian resistance, I expect.

"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness." That's our mission. Live it.

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And didn't the Founders tell US " to fight any Tyrants", too?

Thomas Payne's " Common Sense"

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American exceptionalism at its finest - incredible.

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they understand it, unlike so many other vital matters, because it is direct, simple and violent, in their "sweet spot".

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You left out the Isreal wanna-be... I can't spell his name.. Nethanyu?

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Caroline, there will be no positive action toward gun control. Republicans will blame Democrats and they will tell their cult they must get more guns to protect themselves from Democrats and all those other horrible people who are not rich, white, straight, pseudo-christian and male.. That's the majority of us, so why do we keep acting as though we are the minority in this country and why are we not getting together 100% behind Biden and Harris? Is it because there are some of us who would be OK with fascist rule, as long as they get a place in the new government? A lot of Germans did that before WWII. Disgusting!

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And a lot of Germans held the belief long after WWII was over.

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Still do, too

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I know it is as Hot as Hades, but perhaps a March On Washington( not a Black March) by Real Freedoms wanting inhabitants of Our Country, is NECESSARY; you know like " the WOMENS MARCH.

Those Karen's and Becky's at the refukkkans convention gave away their brains, along with their Uteri. 🙄🤨😡🎱⏳⌛🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊😎♏

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THAT worked out well for everyone.

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I too was upset but we all knew it was coming, based on all the steps she had taken. It was only a matter of time.

I want to see what happens next. How far will the SCOTUS go to protect this criminal?

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Hey, I dont care about you, I just want your votes.

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That's what the orange puke said and it is FOREVER on Video; they'll just claim " Democrats spliced it together"... A Brain unwilling to perform the Job it was created to do =maga- nits

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Her unbelievable decision will probably go to State Supreme Court and be overturned as her other crappy decisions have been, but what if it can THEN goes to SCOTUS? Do I despair?

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Eventually it Will go to the Scotus and we know how that will turn out. :(

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Sorry, can't hear you. I have my head buried deep in the sand to block out reality.. but I think you're right. Her other decisions were overturned by the State Supreme Court & never went to SCOTUS because they weren't as crucial nationally. This time, if I take my head out the sand, I can still stick my fingers in my ears and chant LALALALA.

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I am afraid the MAGAs will think he is so brave and tough that he survived the attack. They will not notice his cruelty.

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He fell asleep during. the Convention... AGAIN last night!

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Why don't our media play that a hundred times? Because they want him elected.

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Wait - How do we know he fell asleep at the convention? Because it was reported in the media.

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BIDEN is ahead of the polls according to MidasTouch poster. Go see for yourself. Trumsters lie about everything!!!! Send Project 2025 to everyone you know. Stick with and support our PRESIDENT BIDEN!!!!! OR WE ALL LOSE!!!!

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I have another plan. If it works I will let you all know about it. :)

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Every time I think “finally, some good news” like a one-two punch it’s overpowered by more nightmare fuel. The only hope I cling to anymore is the prognostications of Allan Lichtman.

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I, too, am holding on for dear life until Professor Lichtman reveals his prediction in August after our convention. Fingers crossed he predicts a Biden victory. He has NEVER been wrong. He has 1 “loss” on his record, but he rebuts that because that election (Bush/Gore) was stolen from Gore (whom he predicted to win).

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And this time it could be stolen from Biden. It is very important that Biden wins in a landslide. Unfortunately with the electoral college most of our elections are very close.

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He has not made a prediction about the 2024 election yet because things are still changing.

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That's the thing right there; none of us "Stackers" can afford to be asleep, we ' very got to stay vigilant and keep talking up Project 2025.

Imagine ÒUR COUNTRY THE HANDS OF TRUMP, VANCE, AND his sycophantic hooligans; sleep would become an impossibility for all of us, waiting for that shoe to drop.


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Link to Project 2025 PEOPLE article:

Timothy Snyder


Got all the way through the Constitution and did not find the provision whereby the South African oligarchs select the vice-presidential nominees on behalf of the Russian dictator.

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I wish I could go to sleep and not wake up at 3am in a cold sweat wondering what's going to happen to us all if he gets back in the oval office. It won't be good. It won't even be good for MAGA supporters, and that's what's really sad - they have no clue their lives will be ruined too.

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Sorry to give you the bad news but things are looking very bad for Biden. Nearly every article I read says that the Dems are going to get rid of him. They are playing with fire and they Will get burned in November. They are going to turn away people who support Biden. This is a losing strategy. Media are twisting words to make it sound like even Obama does not support him.

I have a very bad feeling about this whole thing. It is not going to end well and I hold the party accountable for making a difficult situation an impossible one. I am afraid they deserve the outcome.

I am not saying we should not try to win the election but it is becoming increasingly more difficult because of incompetence of the party.

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I've thought long and hard about this whole debate, and having watched Biden's recent interviews and speeches carefully, I really believe - and this is difficult to say and difficult for those of us who love him to hear - that he is likely showing the early signs of an age-related neurological illness. I'm not a doctor, but I've had first hand experience with family members with such illnesses, and so I base my view on that. And those illnesses can progress rapidly. For a man in Biden's condition to subject himself to the rigors of a presidential campaign seems to me absurd. The polling data indicates that he's losing this race. He barely won in 2020. I just don't see how we can be even the slightest bit confident that he can stage the comeback he needs to stage in order to win.

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Unless you are a neurologist who has examined Joe Biden, I will not believe your diagnosis. If you were an MD in another specialty, I may give some credence to your observations. People often believe that they can make determinations without any training in the medical field. My father was a doctor. I had a lot of exposure to medical knowledge, but I never made medical decisions, on myself or others. I always go to the professional. So did my father, who actually was a doctor, but he went to the right specialists whenever the case was not in his field.

Biden gets a full checkup every year. Neurological exam is a part of that checkup. His neurologist did not see dementia or Parkinson's in him. So everyone else needs to trust that diagnosis. Usually even a trained doctor will not give diagnosis on a patient he/she has not seen in person. So I don't believe anyone that says he has dementia.

I do agree that he has wrinkles, he looks old, he bends a little, his voice sounds weak at times, but he gives logical answers to complex questions , based on how he handled the press conference, NATO summit, and whatever else I saw after that debate. However, if looks alone are important to you, you won't be happy with an old man as president.

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It's not about what matters to me - it's about what matters to the undecided voters who will decide the election. I personally don't object to how Joe looks or sounds. I'd vote for him over Trump without question. The only issue here is whether Joe can defeat Trump. And all available polling data indicates quite clearly that Biden cannot and will not defeat Trump, and that he will lose so badly that we will lose the Senate and House too. Now, you may think polls don't matter, but the people who make their living in electoral politics do, and with good reason, because in the aggregate and properly interpreted they're a very good barometer of public opinion. That is why Pelosi and Schumer are showing Biden the polling data which shows he can't win in the hopes that he will understand it himself before it's too late.

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You cannot put a dx on a person like Joe Biden; he was Pre- COVID-19 AT THE DEBATE.


What would be your Dx of him?

Dementia leading into 1st stage Alzheims Disease.is mind; based on Sundowner's syndome, his spitting rage, slumping posture and gait.

But then it could be based on his high consumption of non- prescribed drugs, also.

Leave the Scorpion Alone before his anger, feelings of Betrayal and " Who the fuck " , Emotions are let loose; believe me STINGERS on the WARPATH of RIGHTEOUS INDIGNATION, ISN' T FOR THE WEAK, TO HAVE TO DEAL WITH; THE TAIL IS POISONOUS, AS THE WORDS CAN ALSO BE.


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I just read an article in the Atlantic that made me lose all hope. There is a plan by democrats to push Biden out of the nomination. Pelosi said he cannot win. Many others are involved in this. At first it seemed like they would nominate him in the virtual votes and bring other candidates to the convention that starts Aug 19. I couldn’t find a way to copy the link since I am no longer a subscriber, so I am just summarizing what I read. It sounds like it is going to happen. Biden will be forced out. I am heart broken. I want nothing to do with that party. Sorry if I have offended people here but Biden of all the people does not deserve a public humiliation like this. No other candidate has been treated like this as far as I know.

Why is Pelosi still around? Isn’t she older than Biden? I feel very upset. Does this all have to do with donors threatening to leave, which would affect the down ballots? Whatever the reason, this is undemocratic. Our elections are completely controlled by the billionaires. We are not a democracy. May be we never were.

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All good questions. My thoughts. I dont think we are seeing the entire elephant. Pelosi may be the absolute best player in political games. She stepped down from the Speakership. And I happen to think Hakeem Jeffries is doing a fabulous job. This election is going to come down to the results night and beyond, it appears. Everyone keep your powder dry and be ready fir the long onslaught. Regardless of Nov iv 5 outcome.

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Jeffries has joined Pelosi and Schumer in the anti Biden campaign. I think they are wrong in removing Biden. I think she has panicked and miscalculated Biden. We all will suffer for this.

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The only good thing about the news is not hearing the screeching of those trying to force Joe off the ticket for the last 48 hours.

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I too thought something good came out of this. The media are not regurgitating Biden's debate, although Lester Holt asked him about the debate during his interview. Biden retorted with - why don't to ask about the 28 lies Trump told?

Lester asked some questions about Dems wanting to replace Biden..

Biden said at the end - next time ask me about policies. He handled that combative interview very well.

l feel our president deserves more respect than what Lester showed today. Got to write to NBCto complain.

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I don’t think Biden should do any more of these interviews. They just turn against him or humiliate him like Stephanopolous did. He just needs to be the President. He isn’t a show pony. He doesn’t need to prove himself over and over. He’s already done that. It’s sickening.

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I was yelling at Holt the entire interview, how dare him not even ask about Biden's plans for the next 4 years! I should not expect any better than Lester gave tonight. I don't think Biden should grant any more interviews and should not agree to debate tfg again. tfg will never shut the f up no matter what "rules" are expected to keep him on track. tfg will continue his little rant, same as the old rant. The guy totally disgusts me, what a pile of grunt he is. What an embarrassment he is for the US.

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Lester kept pushing him to answer whether he would agree to haven the second debate Now. Biden was firm that it would be in September as planned. What is wrong with these media people? Biden was not being interviewed for a job. He is our president and he deserves to be treated respectfully, regardless of what the internal feelings of the journalist may be.

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I agree no more debates either. They don’t accomplish anything.

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Debates were meaningless anyway. Bush and Trump lost all 3 but got elected. It is just a way for the media to create viewership. If the debate does not have proper rules Biden should refuse to participate . About us, he has the presidential duties and the campaigns. Does he really have time time to prepare for a debate?

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What is tgf?

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"the former guy'

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It is sickening that he has to prove himself after doing great work for 3.5 years. He addressed the age issue effectively since those are the only questions these interviewers are asking him. Why don’t they ask him questions that show how good he is at doing his job?

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He hasn't addressed it well enough for the 75% of voters who still say he's too old for another term. And he can't, because he sounds and looks too old to THEM. You and I may be fine with it, but THEY are not. That is the problem here.

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You don't understand how presidential campaigns work, do you?

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Feels very orchestrated…

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The MSM doesn’t give him the respect that he is entitled to, while giving Donald a pass for all of his shortcomings and inadequacies.

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The word "fair" and politics can not be used in the same sentence. Only, Outwit. Outplay, and Outlast.

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IIt HAS. It was a struggle not to cave to anxiety and not to despair. Rest, recgroup, we got fighting to do!

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The tide is bound to turn.

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Yes yes yes!!!

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I sure hope you are right, but I wonder with the attack dog Vance is. I shutter to think he would be next in line should anything ever happen to tfg.JD is the real Nazi.

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They are all the real Nazis. Every one of them.

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We need to make sure that Trump does not win the election. Vote blue in huge numbers, like never before.

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Kamala will tame him pretty quickly

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Yep and it wiil. Do not shoot until you see the whites of their eyes.

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Not soon enough, but we can hope We can pray . And we can and better vote .

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When Joe leaves the race, yes.

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Just stay the course folks. Light has to be shown on Trvmp's project 2025. No average person will like the tenets of 2025 once they hear about. We need to focus on a single solitary action until November. We are on the side of truth, justice, and right. Get out of the ditch, no whining, ... no one ever said it would be easy. We have to out think and outwork the other side. When things happen like Cannon's actions, and the SC action's, it is obvious the other side has out thought and outlasted us, thus far. It is not too late, we need the unification to take place on the Dem's side with one solitary purpose. Win the Prez, House, and maintain senate control by Focus on the horrible things in store if Proj 2025 gets enacted.

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Yes! Spread the word re Project 2025,send postcards to likely voters swing states, distribute copies of On Tyranny!

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I am wondering if some people may not even want to listen to Project 2025 because of its name? Now the republicans have renamed it Agenda 47. It seems it is better to leave out the name but tackle each issue on its own. I am not sure this can be done though. Still the discussion needs to happen in front of the public. Nobody (almost) is going to read a 900 page book. It is up to the tv networks to educate people about it.

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Dont trust tv networks to educate the populace on anything. Cable news (cnn, msnbc, fox)are in existence to make a profit, by getting the most shiny object (in their opinion) in front of people. THATS ALL. If they could be counted on to educate, there would not be so much misinformation out there today. Autocratic nations CONTROL THE MEDIA. What most Americans do not realize is that our TV stations have been taken over by right wind moguls. Yes you are right about the name of the project. The Repubs are not in lockstep yet on the Project. It was called Agenda 47 before it was called Project 2025. I have been referring to it as Trumps Project 2025. When I worked in a corporation they changed the name of unpopular projects all the time just to keep people backing the project. You could litterally read throught the tenets of a project and think, Oh, they are recycling projecdt "X" again!

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And it's only Monday!!

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I am so soul-sick.

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The US hasn't faced an existential threat for a long time. Ask people how they felt after Pearl Harbor. After Paris fell in WWII. There was a real possibility that we - the US - weren't going to win this war. We did win, but we could have lost.

We've had 70 years of soft riding with the AC on. Shit may get hard.

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It will get worse!

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Before it gets better. Don't lose hope.

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And 2 weeks ago.

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Our default is to worry. All the recent very ugly might just expose them to more people who haven’t been paying as much attention. I continue to believe that there are more people who love each other than hate each other. The blatant white supremacy, bullying and lies being exposed will hopefully bring people to the polls in November droves to vote them out! 🙏🤞🏼

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And still, comments from R friends:

1. "Oh, we'll survive..." (stop being alarmist - like you were last time)

2. "They are 2 elderly gentlemen who are kinda too old for this" (false equivalency that allows me to vote like I always have) Press succeeds in muddying those waters - WOW

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I am so sick of our media! They are determined to elect Trump just like they did in 2016. I am mire disgusted with the democrats than with the republicans and the media. Had they stood united behind Biden they wouldn’t have had this problem.

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“Let's make one thing clear from the start: Donald Trump was the victim of a shooting in a country he has been inciting to violence for years. — Trump is neither a martyr nor a hero, he is a cause.”

~ Gloria Horton-Young

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I think of him as a disease.

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This was a REPUBLICAN-PROJECT 2025 plot that went HORRIBLY wrong!!

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It sure looked staged to me!

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well thought out . Donald is a cause...... Interesting I will remember that one. Thanks Marlo

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Actually, I quoted Gloria Horton-Young (a Substack writer)

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Just because you put that quote there does not mean it's true that's a total fabrication

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Dunno about that. Our side has more than contributed. Kathy Griffiths bloodied, severed head. Johnny Depp threatening to "assassinate a sitting President", Madonna threatening to burn down the White House. Hillary moaning for 4 long years that her election was stolen and everyone agreeing, but then everyone denying elections could be stolen when it was Trump saying it. The whole Russian Asset nonsense.

The unending hysterics make us look exactly that: hysterical.

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Stop shooting yourself, stop shooting yourself

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I guess since Donald already had the fascist vote sewn up, Vance is supposed to attract the dumb, poverty-stricken working slobs like me (Ohio native) and win the Midwest. But they've missed how much we yokels from the hollers despise Vance because of the poverty porn about us he peddled. Vance is evil, a grotesque user who made millions off the poor. We all need to do our part in making sure the country knows exactly what he is. Along with all that, of course, he knows precisely ZERO about governing anything anywhere. And, yes, I know that means nothing to the MAGAt ticket. On another note, I've searched for an answer to this question, but haven't found one. I've read that after he is anointed this week, Donald will start receiving security briefings. Do you know anyone who can reassure us that's not true?

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I think only after he is a president elect but Biden’s team has to initiate. Don’t you remember when Trump withheld that info from Biden in 2020? Biden had trouble moving forward with planning who he’d appoint to key positions

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I do remember that, but I also have a vague memory of some information being made available to both tickets, if not incumbents, in advance of that and once the tickets were confirmed. I was thinking about how last week, Viktor Orban made a beeline to Mar-A-Lago directly from a meeting with Putin, so I started obsessing a bit. I really, really don't want Donald to have any classified information of any sort ever again. Thanks for letting me know what you remember. I know I have to guard against catastrophizing!

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Thank you for the link. I had been hoping since Donald was under indictment in the classified documents case, he would be ineligible to receive such information. Since this information indicates that it's up to the Biden administration whether or not to release information, I hope he doesn't get it. Because Cannon dismissed those charges today and despite the fact that her ruling will likely be appealed, I expect that confuses the issue further.

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I think they should feed him fake information so they can prove that he gives it away to our enemies. Although thinking humans know he’s already done so.

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Excellent suggestion, though!

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"Ahmed Ertogan, Victor Orban and King Donald are totally gay for Putin", says Pres. Biden, VP Kamala Harris. US Experts concur"

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That’s how a lot of people feel about JD Vance in southern Appalachia. He’s full of $h!t.

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Hear, hear. Well stated. I want to see him get what he has coming

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Someone just sent me this link. Intelligence Briefings for Presidential Candidates, Explained


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Thanks for the link. This just makes the decision to dismiss the case against tfg for stealing government documents even more suspicious.

“Politically, there are also the questionable optics of Trump receiving intelligence briefings while on trial for mishandling classified material in the past. But these concerns are political—no law compels or forbids the Biden administration from proceeding in either direction.”

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Very interesting.

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I understand that as a major party nominee Trump will begin getting security briefings this week.

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Thanks for the information. Also, my head just exploded.

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I believe that is the case - horrifying as it sounds! I’ve heard the briefings he’d receive would be “dumbed down”. 🤞

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You're right. We didn't create the violent rhetoric or perpetuate it. We have told the truth and it's ugly, but it's the truth. Project 2025 is a detailed diagram of exactly what trump and vance will do to our democracy given the chance, and aided by corrupt judges and justices We. Will. Lose. Everything. That's the truth. It's not hyperbole and it's not propaganda and it most definitely is not a lie. If we don't vote for Biden/Harris we are giving our country over to a fascist regime. Truth.

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Agreed, and unfortunately they won't take the time to read 922 pages, or have the intellect to understand the ramifications even if they did.

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There need to be lists of the main things in it posted on billboards all over the country! Flood the zone with all its plans. People need to be roused from their inertia!

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Lincoln project, please devote resources to this!

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Nobody is going to read it. We need President Biden as our candidate to communicate it clearly to gettable voters so that they understand it. So far he's only mentioned it sparingly.

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Project 2025 is very hard to read, but I think everyone should at least read parts of it, with the understanding that you have to read between the lines to get that it is not the "nice" document it appears to be. We have a responsibility as voters to know what's going on. That said, I agree that Biden should communicate about it, but also encourage people to check it out. It's okay to read just parts that are of interest to you.

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David Pakman.com has a very good Project 2025 outline that is easily downloadable to anyone. Go to his web site everyone and read up on this horrific plan

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I downloaded and read i it yesterday. I'm sorry to say that I was not impressed, having read some of the original project. But it's probably helpful to people who haven't read any of Project 2025.

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It has to be everyone who communicates it. I like the idea of having "charts", etc. Basically, people need to know how it will affect their everyday lives.

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People respond well to visuals. It will be good to create bullet points, charts, etc. and a summary. I have not read the 922 page book even though I am an avid reader. There isn't enough time to read it. Those who have read it should invest time in creating these messages for people.

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He is too busy running the country, we have to spread the word ---I like Pamela's idea about billboards!

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That's when we have to have community meetings to educate voters by using our reading skills or create a PowerPoint with the information and educate them on the Project 2025 agenda. We need our representatives go out and educate them.

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Ideally the meetings should include Dems,Reps, Independentsand ithers. That may be difficult inthe current climate. However, as many as possible need to to be informed about this.

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Rebrand it as, DONALD TRUMP’S PROJECT 2025. Repeat it when you say it, repeat it when typing it. Let’s get this out into the vernacular, so everyone hears it and sees it. He should get full credit for this frightening edict. Let’s take a page from his playbook, do him a favor and rebrand him!

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Please write about your uncles obsession about fighting. His love for the WWE and watching J6 happen for hours. I’d love to know the psychological aspect of his obsession with fighting.

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He doesn’t fight. He cons others to do the fighting for him. He’s a coward.

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Exactly, well stated. Most bullies are cowards. There is only one way to minimize them, and that is smash mouth. Knock them down. If they get back up, knock them in the dirt again. They truly are cowards. Pumping of fists is solely bravado.

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Look at how he makes a fist. His thumbs are in the wrong position.

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That's to keep him from sucking on his thumb.

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Thought I would be the only one noticing that, Mr.P!

Misspent youth...listening to.boxing ( much later viewing TV.) circa.Joe Louis, Rocky Marciano, Sugar Ray Robinson, et al with my dear father! In those days you had to have a vivid imagination as Don.Dunphy called the fight!....but I digress...good.memories to.be sure🤗🤗

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Oh for sure. tfg would run to Melania if he hurt his finger.

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The violence was sparked by Trump who refused to accept his election defeat! He continued his rage every day and everywhere. He urged his mob to attack the capitol and invade the building. He was ready to have his vice president hanged!

He threatened judges, prosecutors, poll workers and a secretary of state of Georgia to “find him votes”.

The People of this country remember his crimes and trials where he was convicted of various crimes.

“As you sow, so shall you reap!”

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Well said!

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Chins up everyone. Maybe Vance is a gift that will make up the minds of Independents and on the fence Dems. Vance as president? Or second in command.I shudder at the thought. And while I will not put Mary on the spot as she is in her Uncie’s crosshairs, who else thinks that this “attempt” on Trump’s life was a set up or staged. There are enough clues. And I am not a conspiracy theorist. Mary and others have always said it will be the ballot box that ends Trump’s ascent. But Trumpism cannot go away unless we hold strong to our beliefs

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I’m not a conspiracy theorist either but I do think it may have been planned. I would put nothing past the monster & his monstrous enablers.

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I thought I was becoming a crazy ct when I thought Trump blew some mind numbing pheromone dust at the debate.

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It’s nothing but pure grift.

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I am Not a conspiracy theorist and I am still giving Trump the benefit of the doubt,but i see many odd and suspicious things in this so-called assassination attempt. So I am open to other ideas.

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I have mentioned on Robert Reich’s Substack that there is a video clip, which I saw on Twitter, of a huge group at the Republican convention, all raising their right arms and shouting “Fight, fight!” Just a bunch of good little Nazis!

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There was a huge and i mean huge group of anti trumpers parading there

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Pretty soon, they will all be wearing ugly blue suits and red ties. Many already do.

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My stepdaughter lives in Washington State. She is terrified.

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That is scary, such dumb shits - bet they were following t cruz example, speaking of bullies.

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I hope E. Jean sues his ass off. And we will not be silenced. We will keep speaking the truth. BTW, I sent an email to about fifteen people this morning asking them to do postcards. Two of them already are and one is doing door-to-door. I will not let up. 404 postcards and counting here.

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How do I find out about how to do postcards? Forgive my ignorance...

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Not ignorant at all! Here are some organizations that do postcards:

Field Team 6

Blue Wave

Postcards to Swing States

Postcards to Voters

Moms Rising.

You can also write letters with Vote Forward.

I have participated with Vote Forward, Field Team 6, Postcards to Swing States, and Moms Rising. I feel that Moms Rising is the easiest because they pre-address the cards and I think they stamp them too. Field Team 6 is a little complicated if you don't buy their postcards, but if you do it's nice because you can mail them immediately rather than waiting until October. I have not tried Blue Wave or Postcards to Voters so I don't know how they work. If you have more questions please ask. You can always DM me too.

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Thank you SO much for sharing this information!!!! I just signed up with Moms Rising and ordered the 100 postcards kit. And made a donation while I was at it. Do you know how long it takes? I'm currently laid up from a total knee replacement surgery and would love to use this time to write postcards. It's been hard not being able to do anything so I was thrilled to read your post!

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And get well fast!!!

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I'm so glad to be able to help, Julie! Moms Rising said they'll send the cards later this summer. I don't know exactly what that means but it sounds like it will be a while. You could try one of the others as well if you want to get going faster.

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Thank you For doing this! It makes a difference!

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thank you VERY much!

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Activate America is another source.

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Thanks for letting us know!!

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Do they allow non USA citizens outside of the USA to also send post cards or is that breaching election laws there? Or can one send such post cards to non-resident USA citizens in Canada I wonder (We do have thousands working in branch-plants).

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I don't know the answer to that but regardless of the law, I believe it could get expensive for you. I would write them and send them to people in the US for mailing. You are wonderful for doing this, Catherine!!! Thank you.

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Don't care about the costs, or could send to USA citizens here in Canada easily enough if they have a list. It isn't wonderful, really, its pure selfishness on my part. I DO NOT WANT TO LIVE NEXT DOOR TO A FASCIST USA...the stuff seeps across the border here too! Very dangerous and we have our own Polievre who is a menace as well! I'll try to connect with them and see what they need. Thanks Paula!

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I don't blame you!!! If you need someone here to mail cards, please let me know. You can DM me. I know about PP. My sister-in-law lives in British Columbia. I hope you defeat him!!!

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You are an inspiration, Paula B. Thankyou.

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You're very kind. Thank you.

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You asked, therefore, you are not ignorant. You're just questioning.

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Thank you very much, Jim

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Elon Muskhas promised Trump 45 million dollars every month till the election.

I would like limits on the amounts of donations (we had those in the past). I don't like to see someone buying the Presidency through rich friends. It seems JD Vance was the beneficiary of a rich friend (Peter Thiel) while he ran for the senate and now he is going to be our VP. Utterly disgusting.

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Citizens United has to be reversed. It's the root of all the evil we're seeing right now.

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I so agree. It seems criminal.

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Just when I think things couldn't get worse, they get worse again, and again, and again. Good luck USA!

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Jul 15
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Not yet. Smith has to appeal the dismissal. I have little doubt the 11th circuit court will reverse her. they’ve already proven they’re willingness to do that.

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There can be no going along to get along. The violence is coming from the Republican side. Speaking up is the only way. The only way to deal with bullies.

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The. ONLY. Way

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Thank you Mary!

Don’t obey in advance!

Legitimate comment on Donald’s record and policy are appropriate.

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True most of what you say here, Mary! Brilliant analysis as always.However, beg respectfully to differ that political violence is NOT America! It is far too much how America was begun and has continued: revolution is violence, out of control gun laws that restrict almost no guns are violence, repeated political assassinations from Lincoln to JFK, RFK, MLK, Malcolm X, Medgar Evers, or attempted such political assassinations like that against Ford and Reagan and Wallace (not to mention overseas assassinations in the 20th C) ALL are PART OF THE AMERICAN PSYCHE and CULTURE. THAT is why it is so very dangerous to democracy! Until America faces its own darkness and changes this, its Jungian shadow if you will, such events will unfortunately continue. As a Canadian neighbour, I pray for the democratic instincts in your citizens to rise up and vote for the only viable option for President and Vice President that will act lawfully, equitably, fairly, and with a sense of economic justice once elected. And that is certainly not the Republicans and your uncle! Thank you for ALL you do to help "bend the arc of the moral universe towards justice!"

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It's really too bad that the things you mentioned have never been taught in our schools, and I'm talking about the 50s & 60s, before all the book banning, etc. began. That's why I've read The 1619 Project and Caste, to get the truth of our history.

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We just have to keep doing what we can to prevent their plan. I’m once again in fb jail for saying his whole shooting was staged. No explanation just 3 days given. They won’t stop me. Vote blue and save our freedom. Once again Mary, thank you!

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I believe it was staged. No doctors report , he’s out playing golf the next morning picture of him not even a bandage on his ear. It seems to me if a bullet from a AR15 would hit any part of your ear it would do a lot of damage.

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It could have blown off a part of his ear. It was clearly not a bullet wound, but glass chard from the teleprompter is possible. However, there is too much secrecy about his wound. No hospital report. It is suspicious.

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We have not seen the doctors' report. I vaguely remember reading that the hospital said it wasa glass shard and not the bullet. For transparency they should release a full report. Trump had a bandaidon his ear at the convention but who knows what's under it? Was he really injured? If yes, was it from a bullet or glass? I think these are legit questions but our media are not bringing those up. What happened to investigative journalism?

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Something strange is going on. Whatever I post does not appear.

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Seems like everyday it's something else more outrageous than the last?! I'm simply dumbfounding, Mary?! However, I refuse to give into my insecurities for the country and the American people. We must keep it together folks, stay the course, and bless Mary Trump 🙏 We are lucky to have her in our lives 💯 Biden/Harris 💙🇺🇸

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I meant Dumfounded !!! Oopsies 🥴

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Karen, you can edit mistakes - I do it all the time. Just click on the 3 dots at the right on the line with "liked".

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Not on iPhone!

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Point taken. I do all of my reading and commenting on my laptop. Probably because I'm old, and don't use my phone for that…

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Thanks, glad I'm not the only one 😊

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Not here Susan. You must be thinking of the WP.

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Yes, you can edit here. I don't do anything with the WP. It's the three dots below and to the right of your comment. You have the choice to either edit or delete.

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I agree. Mary knows Donald better than all the journalists.

One thing that bothers me is - calls forBiden to step aside......and who is going to fight against Trump? That too this late in the election? I am honestly worried about the DNC convention. If they bring their favorite candidates to replace Joe, it is political suicide.

Our media are not letting up. Yesterday Biden tested positive for Covid - nothing unusual about that - and immediately there were calls for him to drop out. NYT had an article - what does Covid mean to an 81 year old? Sickening.

I am upset with the media but I am more upset with the democratic leaders. It was their responsibility to unite behind Joe. They panicked and said he cannot win. How did they come to that conclusion? Polls? Those are never real. Hillary was leading Trump in 2016 throughout but she lost. So Trump can be beaten. The only thing that matters is voting. Biden understands it and he knows himself. That is why he is not stepping down. He has my vote.

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