I hope many of you are watching the CNN Town Hall in PA. Trump declined to participate. VP Harris is doing a masterful job of answering audience questions. And I’d guess that Donald couldn’t handle this type of event and give the kinds of responses she’s giving. And Anderson Cooper, the moderator, is doing an excellent job after fleshing out some of her answers. GREAT QUESTIONS! EXCELLENT ANSWERS. KAMALA HARRIS IS THE ONE!
This may actually reflect how low Trump's support is. Everytime he opens his mouth, he permenantly looses some of his base. All the swing states are so tied right now that Harris or Trump either can win by 500 votes. Harris isn't loosing voters. She is gaining new ones at each of her rallies. Trump can't afford to even lose 50 of them. So, he's not appearing in any debates. Normally, the two weeks before an election is where you want to show up at all debates to prevent your opposition from running away to the finish line.
Did I Read that Right?... DJT has been caught on Camera Molesting A Minor? If True, DJT will lose some Votes.... Sadly not all of DJT's Votes... If this Incident is True, DJT is Melting-Down Faster...
If this is true, there should be charges filed and an arrest made. Said another way, the parents of the minor who was groped should stand up for their kid and press charges against a pedophile. This will mean they have to choose between protecting their own child or confronting their deeply flawed mental construct around donald. May never happen. But the press can cover it and should. They should either confirm that it happened or prove that it didn’t. They owe that to everyone… the minor, djt and us.
I thought about this and realized that if the story is true, Trump's handlers have managed to buy off the parents from saying a thing about it. Rationalizing it as "look it could pay for her college and a nice little condo in Florida".
Is this true? Has anyone confirmed this? OMG! If this is true it should be announced to the World!!! Please let it be true. I won't be able to sleep tonight. This disgusting pig?
On Epstein’s island, he tied then-13-year-old Katie Johnson to a bed and then brutally raped her. You can find a video of her testifying on YT & transcript of said testimony on the internet.
Trump knows he had his ass handed to him in the last debate and didn't want to risk another shellacing. He talks like a mob boss but has the backbone of a an amoeba. We can only hope that we will make that shellacing happen at the polls and put him back on trial where he belongs.
Now that the event is over, the CNN crew is nitpicking many of Harris’s responses and style. The Republican guy is so hypercritical that it defies reality. I almost choked at Dana’s comment which I believe is a result of her own bad experience interviewing her. And unfortunately only one person mentioned that Trump was a no-show or how he would have responded to the questions that were posed to VP Harris. Also, in terms of the question of style, none mentioned, that I recall, that she’s only been at this for exactly three months and hasn’t had the luxury or opportunity to hone her skills. And I felt at the end of the program when she approached a few of the people in the audience was golden. It would be nice to see exchanges like that in her advertising so that voters can understand that she really cares about us.
I couldn't watch the debate as we don't have cable TV. But I watched the updates as they came through. Yes, she was indeed masterful in her answers but why, still, is she being held to a higher mark than Trump? Even Dana Bash said, "Oh she missed an opportunity to say she supports the border wall." Did Bash even listen to Harris' answer? The wall is only a tiny, tiny part of immigration and yes, I know what I am talking about as an immigrant myself, living in a border town with family and friends in Border Patrol. When the Donald came and posed in front of the rusting wall down here at Naco several weeks ago it was pathetic. Claimed the rusty deteriorating part was Harris' wall although the Biden administration didn't build any more walls, simply closed large gaps in fencing in Yuma, which happens to be, oh, about 312 miles away. As Harris said, Trump's wall project was an expensive joke and all you have to do is read "Trump Wall" on Wikipedia to get the facts about that.
It was another one of his grifts, people sent money to build that wall, the first contractor was fired for his sticky fingers. Bannon benefitted. Another case of golden sneakers.
Cheetolini is only viable in Potemkin McDonal’s photo ops, or Georgian Potemkin town hall events where the “audience” are hand selected cultists with pre-approved questions, and his legendary verbal incoherent weave, perhaps his recognitive nod to the artificiality of whatever that thing that disguises his bald pate, is edited
into a mild semblance of coherency. He is the cardboard cutout that was displayed at Trump University where students could take selfies with it; a truly emblematic display of his lifelong grift.
I'm betting that the buses for the Coachella rally didn't show up because the bus provider wanted payment upfront, he knew that Trump stiffs everyone. He didn't let himself get ripped off.
Can you imagine if the Orange Blimp had been there? How he’d turn EVERY. GD. SINGLE. ANSWER. INTO. A. WHATABOUTME. RESPONSE. And glower. And cast nasty things. And lies!!!
Thank you, Mary, for continuing to pound away at your loathsome piece of shit uncle. We all have to fight against him and his cult. It is not hyperbole to say the fate of our democracy depends upon it.
What is distressing is that many major newspapers did not put the news of General Kelly's comments on page one, - The Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal, the LA Times, the Detroit Free Press, USA Today. This is journalistic malfeasance. What could be more important than General Kelly (Trump's Chief of Staff') telling the nation that Donald Trump is a fascist two weeks before the election? Anyone who has a subscription to one of these papers should cancel it and should do a letter to the editor.
General John Kelly was Trump's longest serving Chief of Staff. This job entailed being Trump's personal aide, and following Trump wherever he went. So, Kelly was privy to most of Trump's conversations, just by being there.
Trump denied his indifference and disdain for military personnel when reports of it started coming out on CNN. General Kelly wrote a detailed statement to Jake Tapper, that confirmed all the reports were true.
Despite having recieved the statement a year before the Trump/Biden debate, Jake Tapper did not fact check Trump on any of his lies concerning the American armed forces.
Jay Kuo does an extensive write up on John Kelly's testimony, with audio clips of Kelly speaking
I turned off the CNN "panel" critiquing VP Harris' town hall at the point when they said they were going to "fact check" her performance after the next commercial.
Mary, at a certain point right after Biden was elected, General Milley filed paperwork to get a permit to carry a sidearm; in Virginia, a CCW is necessary. I can't imagine what he was aware of and was trying to protect his family from.
The electoral college does not support anything. According to all constitutions, they HAVE to vote based on the election popular vote results in their own state. The election hasn't happened yet.
Why does America still rely on the Electoral Vote? It's not even fair with their number of populations in each State. There's been talk about getting rid of it.
DO IT! That's how Trumpee won in 2016!
And what happened in 2020, Trumpee got fake electorates to overturn those results.
In 2016, Hillary won the popular vote by 3 million votes. However, Hillary lost the Electoral College by 78,000 votes, which allowed Donald to become "president".
The Electoral College elects the president, not the popular vote.
Remember Lafayette Square. Fooled senior leaders including Gen Mark Milley. Turned water hoses on peaceful demonstrators. Held up a Bible when he never goes yo church. Had it upside down and had to correct that when pointed out!
That's because he's the devil and they reverse holy items like the Bible and the Cross. I wasn't religious until Trump showed up, a perfect Anti Christ. Prince of Lies. Conveyor of all 7 Deadly Sins.
I keep saying that too. Believers refuse to believe they are being lead by the Devil. One would think a sane person would just look at his private life behavior and think, yeah he is the Devil. Why would they vote for a man of no morals?
This is just so Bad, Mary, I'm starting to think that your uncle is starting to believe that he's really Hitler?! Could that even be possible, because his rallies, podcast interviews, and language on his Nazi infested Truth Social platform, sure rings true. Thank You for your article this evening and will reStack ASAP💯👍💙🌊 OH I almost forgot to tell you, that I mailed my Mail-in Ballot today here in Oregon, but before I put it in the mail box, I sprayed the envelope with Chanel ®5 for Luck 🤗💋
With all this evidence coming out from everyone in his administration how could anyone vote for this guy? There was a time a guy with his credentials would not have been considered
I felt bad for PeeWee Herman. He was, after all, in an adult theater watching men porn like a lot of people do. Not nearly as awful as what DJT has done over his lifetime. Rape and treachery are his game.
If you're referring to the photo at the top of this column, that's from June 1, 2020 (i.e. it's not Trump's current entourage) -- it was taken as they set out from the White House to Lafayette Park and the church/Bible photo-op. Gen. Milley is in fatigues (the standard on-duty uniform) because as chair of the Joint Chiefs he was the senior military guy on site -- the site being the demonstration (and its clearance w/teargas by Natl. Guard troops) by Black Lives Matter and allied groups in the park and in front of the church.
I voted today in St Louis County, MO. I parked on the road because the parking lot for the library was full. I stood in line around 11:15 am. They call it No Excuse Absentee Voting because the Republican Party is weird (it's actually early voting). It took about an hour standing in a line that was mostly Boomers (I'm 72), mostly white and mostly women. Yesterday was the first day of early voting and the line was even longer; voting workers said it was crowded yesterday and today. We had a long, double-sided ballot with a lot of judges, Amendments and Proposals on it. There is an Amendment to amend the state constitution to basically return the state's abortion law back to what Roe allowed since MO currently has an extreme anti-abortion law. The women standing around me had all filled out their sample ballot ahead of time as I had. St Louis and St Louis County are large Blue dots in a Red state (as is Kansas City, MO and Columbia which is a college town) so I suspect there were a lot of Harris-Walz voters. I only had to drive about 20 minutes or so to get to the library where I was going to vote and, although I grew up in St Louis, I moved away after college but moved back after retiring. I was not familiar with the neighborhoods I drove through and I only saw Harris-Walz signs. We're also trying to get rid of Josh Hawley and his Democratic opponent, Lucas Kunce, is very close in polls. I think women are going to get Harris-Walz to the White House and all the pundits will be surprised because they're mostly men who always underestimate women.
God in heaven Patricia, I hope you are right. In my state - WA - we all vote absentee which is convenient, but I do miss some of the energy at the polling places.
Thank you for telling your story, Patricia. Here in gerrymandered and GOP-controlled legislative, executive and judicial OH, my partner (male) and I voted early on Tuesday. They call it "Absentee Voting" here now, too, even though we went to our county BOE and voted in person. The newly-appointed head of our County BOE is a Republican (appointed by the Secretary of State) and that's who checked us in and gave us our long ballot. We have an anti-gerrymandering amendment on the ballot that our Secretary of State, Frank LaRose, reworded so it appears the amendment is actually for partisan gerrymandering instead of against it. Hopefully, most people already know how they're going to vote going in or if they don't, they won't bother to read the extensive misleading explanation of the amendment that Frank LaRose rewrote for the ballot.
Nate Silver has released a bullshit poll/prediction today.
He declared Trump was winning and was going to be president. But, then he said depending if you count registered or "likely" voters, Kamala is winning and will be president. Then he said if you add a margin of error, either of them could win. Then, he put up a graph showing Kamala in the lead.
Finally, Silver said he really didn't know and not trust anything he says.
Nate Silver is the guy with the poor track record of making predictions.
Meanwhile Allan Lichtman, the guy who has been predicting for 40 years and missed only once, is sticking to his prediction of a Harris win with a larger landslide than before. This is based on the fear Trump's deportation plan instills in people, and all those hurricane victims pissed off at Trump for having disrupted FEMA efforts and financial aid intended for their recovery.
Trump's Plan for Mass Deportation | Lichtman Live #82
Right now, the eassiest way to tell who is losing the race is to count the number of desperate longshot scams designed to steal a win each candidate is deploying.
That's what we are all tired of, the constant gaslighting. That's why it's so important to vote. We have everything to lose if Chump gets back into office.
They can't vote but their friends, relatives, employers, and all those who care about what mass deportation would mean to those who will suffer because of it and to our economy and food supply if mass deportation is implemented, will vote for those who don't have a vote.
I know that is been said they will have thousands of their people at the polls which I thought was against the law? They have all their people on critical voter boards, to contest anything they think is "shady" even if they have to make it up...it takes up time. Believe me, they have a plan to get the vote up to SCOTUS for decision. They already have it mapped out.
I hope many of you are watching the CNN Town Hall in PA. Trump declined to participate. VP Harris is doing a masterful job of answering audience questions. And I’d guess that Donald couldn’t handle this type of event and give the kinds of responses she’s giving. And Anderson Cooper, the moderator, is doing an excellent job after fleshing out some of her answers. GREAT QUESTIONS! EXCELLENT ANSWERS. KAMALA HARRIS IS THE ONE!
This may actually reflect how low Trump's support is. Everytime he opens his mouth, he permenantly looses some of his base. All the swing states are so tied right now that Harris or Trump either can win by 500 votes. Harris isn't loosing voters. She is gaining new ones at each of her rallies. Trump can't afford to even lose 50 of them. So, he's not appearing in any debates. Normally, the two weeks before an election is where you want to show up at all debates to prevent your opposition from running away to the finish line.
Did I Read that Right?... DJT has been caught on Camera Molesting A Minor? If True, DJT will lose some Votes.... Sadly not all of DJT's Votes... If this Incident is True, DJT is Melting-Down Faster...
If this is true, there should be charges filed and an arrest made. Said another way, the parents of the minor who was groped should stand up for their kid and press charges against a pedophile. This will mean they have to choose between protecting their own child or confronting their deeply flawed mental construct around donald. May never happen. But the press can cover it and should. They should either confirm that it happened or prove that it didn’t. They owe that to everyone… the minor, djt and us.
I thought about this and realized that if the story is true, Trump's handlers have managed to buy off the parents from saying a thing about it. Rationalizing it as "look it could pay for her college and a nice little condo in Florida".
Is this true? Has anyone confirmed this? OMG! If this is true it should be announced to the World!!! Please let it be true. I won't be able to sleep tonight. This disgusting pig?
Me2. I want to see.
Dementia has stages. I think his father lasted 6 years hopefully this will be faster.
I truly believe that JD already has a plan to enact article 25 if they take office.
I think it's part of their 2025 plan.
Good, but, he's no better
Absolutely, he's not.
It won’t matter. The cult will justify it, blame Biden/Obama/Hilllary and then send him money.
On Epstein’s island, he tied then-13-year-old Katie Johnson to a bed and then brutally raped her. You can find a video of her testifying on YT & transcript of said testimony on the internet.
Given the Orange Predator's history of many, many sexual assaults, I hope I am wrong, but I don't believe it will make a damn bit of difference.
He has already done worse and found guilty so what’s new? I deplore pedos but his base thinks nothing of it. Sad.
I don’t see him debasing his base.
He does that every day in every way and especially with his rhetoric. He insults them with his very presence.
Spot on. Great comment…thank you!
Trump knows he had his ass handed to him in the last debate and didn't want to risk another shellacing. He talks like a mob boss but has the backbone of a an amoeba. We can only hope that we will make that shellacing happen at the polls and put him back on trial where he belongs.
Fair enough. I didn't want to insult other critters like warthogs. sewer rats and dung beetles.
Now that the event is over, the CNN crew is nitpicking many of Harris’s responses and style. The Republican guy is so hypercritical that it defies reality. I almost choked at Dana’s comment which I believe is a result of her own bad experience interviewing her. And unfortunately only one person mentioned that Trump was a no-show or how he would have responded to the questions that were posed to VP Harris. Also, in terms of the question of style, none mentioned, that I recall, that she’s only been at this for exactly three months and hasn’t had the luxury or opportunity to hone her skills. And I felt at the end of the program when she approached a few of the people in the audience was golden. It would be nice to see exchanges like that in her advertising so that voters can understand that she really cares about us.
I wish it was on MSNBC. They are getting better and better. I never used to watch them and now I watch them daily. Educational and uplifting.
CNN sucks
The Vice President has been masterful indeed. Cooper, however, has been trying to play "gotcha" all night. You've given him far too much credit.
Yeah his handling of the wall question was beyond idiotic.
Coop, will allow his sick twisted panel to undo it all. He's a billionaire traitor
I couldn't watch the debate as we don't have cable TV. But I watched the updates as they came through. Yes, she was indeed masterful in her answers but why, still, is she being held to a higher mark than Trump? Even Dana Bash said, "Oh she missed an opportunity to say she supports the border wall." Did Bash even listen to Harris' answer? The wall is only a tiny, tiny part of immigration and yes, I know what I am talking about as an immigrant myself, living in a border town with family and friends in Border Patrol. When the Donald came and posed in front of the rusting wall down here at Naco several weeks ago it was pathetic. Claimed the rusty deteriorating part was Harris' wall although the Biden administration didn't build any more walls, simply closed large gaps in fencing in Yuma, which happens to be, oh, about 312 miles away. As Harris said, Trump's wall project was an expensive joke and all you have to do is read "Trump Wall" on Wikipedia to get the facts about that.
It was another one of his grifts, people sent money to build that wall, the first contractor was fired for his sticky fingers. Bannon benefitted. Another case of golden sneakers.
Bash is a pro-genocide Zionist.
Cheetolini is only viable in Potemkin McDonal’s photo ops, or Georgian Potemkin town hall events where the “audience” are hand selected cultists with pre-approved questions, and his legendary verbal incoherent weave, perhaps his recognitive nod to the artificiality of whatever that thing that disguises his bald pate, is edited
into a mild semblance of coherency. He is the cardboard cutout that was displayed at Trump University where students could take selfies with it; a truly emblematic display of his lifelong grift.
I'm betting that the buses for the Coachella rally didn't show up because the bus provider wanted payment upfront, he knew that Trump stiffs everyone. He didn't let himself get ripped off.
I read that's exactly what happened
Can you imagine if the Orange Blimp had been there? How he’d turn EVERY. GD. SINGLE. ANSWER. INTO. A. WHATABOUTME. RESPONSE. And glower. And cast nasty things. And lies!!!
How can we possibly hate a “stranger” so much?
Can't wait to see it!
How did this get in the wrong 😑 place. It doesn’t even fit? and I can’t even delete it.
I'm especially disgusted with the SCOTUS. Nice job on their part preserving and protecting the Constitution! What the hell are they there for!!???
Waiting to be impeached!
Our Supreme Court has 5 I n c o m p e t e n t people on it. 4 are totally corrupt. 1 is an air head.
I count 6 corrupt justices. They are all very competent. They are doing exactly what their masters want.
I count the same here. It's the Extreme Court complete with six injustices.
Yes I was thinking 6.
Their own egos. Power and perks.
Thank you, Mary, for continuing to pound away at your loathsome piece of shit uncle. We all have to fight against him and his cult. It is not hyperbole to say the fate of our democracy depends upon it.
What is distressing is that many major newspapers did not put the news of General Kelly's comments on page one, - The Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal, the LA Times, the Detroit Free Press, USA Today. This is journalistic malfeasance. What could be more important than General Kelly (Trump's Chief of Staff') telling the nation that Donald Trump is a fascist two weeks before the election? Anyone who has a subscription to one of these papers should cancel it and should do a letter to the editor.
General John Kelly was Trump's longest serving Chief of Staff. This job entailed being Trump's personal aide, and following Trump wherever he went. So, Kelly was privy to most of Trump's conversations, just by being there.
Trump denied his indifference and disdain for military personnel when reports of it started coming out on CNN. General Kelly wrote a detailed statement to Jake Tapper, that confirmed all the reports were true.
Despite having recieved the statement a year before the Trump/Biden debate, Jake Tapper did not fact check Trump on any of his lies concerning the American armed forces.
Jay Kuo does an extensive write up on John Kelly's testimony, with audio clips of Kelly speaking
John Kelly Speaks Out
Hopefully Tapper has had an epiphany - or got the message from what he was looking at silently. No one is safe if Trump is elected.
I turned off the CNN "panel" critiquing VP Harris' town hall at the point when they said they were going to "fact check" her performance after the next commercial.
Mary, at a certain point right after Biden was elected, General Milley filed paperwork to get a permit to carry a sidearm; in Virginia, a CCW is necessary. I can't imagine what he was aware of and was trying to protect his family from.
Typical fascist propaganda: Orange Hitler claims if he doesn't get elected, liberals will exterminate Republicans.
Fascists use lies as a weapon, to switch the roles of victim and attacker.
I am SO TIRED and DRAINED knowing that a large percentage of the Electoral College supports Donald. I will NEVER understand why!
I hope his supporters come to their senses and vote for Kamala instead of rationalizing Donald's fascism.
Thank you, Mary 💙.
The electoral college does not support anything. According to all constitutions, they HAVE to vote based on the election popular vote results in their own state. The election hasn't happened yet.
Why does America still rely on the Electoral Vote? It's not even fair with their number of populations in each State. There's been talk about getting rid of it.
DO IT! That's how Trumpee won in 2016!
And what happened in 2020, Trumpee got fake electorates to overturn those results.
Get with the program. ENOUGH ALREADY.
Did you mean to say "a large percentage of" the electorate?
In 2016, Hillary won the popular vote by 3 million votes. However, Hillary lost the Electoral College by 78,000 votes, which allowed Donald to become "president".
The Electoral College elects the president, not the popular vote.
That needs to go away. Its roots are archaic and racist.
But the EC is constitutionally obligated to report the number of votes counted are they not?
Got it. Agreed. Thank you for clarifying.
Remember Lafayette Square. Fooled senior leaders including Gen Mark Milley. Turned water hoses on peaceful demonstrators. Held up a Bible when he never goes yo church. Had it upside down and had to correct that when pointed out!
That's because he's the devil and they reverse holy items like the Bible and the Cross. I wasn't religious until Trump showed up, a perfect Anti Christ. Prince of Lies. Conveyor of all 7 Deadly Sins.
I keep saying that too. Believers refuse to believe they are being lead by the Devil. One would think a sane person would just look at his private life behavior and think, yeah he is the Devil. Why would they vote for a man of no morals?
This is just so Bad, Mary, I'm starting to think that your uncle is starting to believe that he's really Hitler?! Could that even be possible, because his rallies, podcast interviews, and language on his Nazi infested Truth Social platform, sure rings true. Thank You for your article this evening and will reStack ASAP💯👍💙🌊 OH I almost forgot to tell you, that I mailed my Mail-in Ballot today here in Oregon, but before I put it in the mail box, I sprayed the envelope with Chanel ®5 for Luck 🤗💋
We dropped our ballots in ballot collection box here in Oregon.
With all this evidence coming out from everyone in his administration how could anyone vote for this guy? There was a time a guy with his credentials would not have been considered
There was a time that a guy with his credentials wouldn't even be allowed to enter a movie theatre.
Wish it were still that way
I felt bad for PeeWee Herman. He was, after all, in an adult theater watching men porn like a lot of people do. Not nearly as awful as what DJT has done over his lifetime. Rape and treachery are his game.
We will win and he will go to jail. 💙 Looking forward to Nerd Avengers tomorrow! Thank you Mary ❤️
Look at that entourage. That’s sketchy bastard will never give the stuff up.
If you're referring to the photo at the top of this column, that's from June 1, 2020 (i.e. it's not Trump's current entourage) -- it was taken as they set out from the White House to Lafayette Park and the church/Bible photo-op. Gen. Milley is in fatigues (the standard on-duty uniform) because as chair of the Joint Chiefs he was the senior military guy on site -- the site being the demonstration (and its clearance w/teargas by Natl. Guard troops) by Black Lives Matter and allied groups in the park and in front of the church.
I voted today in St Louis County, MO. I parked on the road because the parking lot for the library was full. I stood in line around 11:15 am. They call it No Excuse Absentee Voting because the Republican Party is weird (it's actually early voting). It took about an hour standing in a line that was mostly Boomers (I'm 72), mostly white and mostly women. Yesterday was the first day of early voting and the line was even longer; voting workers said it was crowded yesterday and today. We had a long, double-sided ballot with a lot of judges, Amendments and Proposals on it. There is an Amendment to amend the state constitution to basically return the state's abortion law back to what Roe allowed since MO currently has an extreme anti-abortion law. The women standing around me had all filled out their sample ballot ahead of time as I had. St Louis and St Louis County are large Blue dots in a Red state (as is Kansas City, MO and Columbia which is a college town) so I suspect there were a lot of Harris-Walz voters. I only had to drive about 20 minutes or so to get to the library where I was going to vote and, although I grew up in St Louis, I moved away after college but moved back after retiring. I was not familiar with the neighborhoods I drove through and I only saw Harris-Walz signs. We're also trying to get rid of Josh Hawley and his Democratic opponent, Lucas Kunce, is very close in polls. I think women are going to get Harris-Walz to the White House and all the pundits will be surprised because they're mostly men who always underestimate women.
God in heaven Patricia, I hope you are right. In my state - WA - we all vote absentee which is convenient, but I do miss some of the energy at the polling places.
Thank you for telling your story, Patricia. Here in gerrymandered and GOP-controlled legislative, executive and judicial OH, my partner (male) and I voted early on Tuesday. They call it "Absentee Voting" here now, too, even though we went to our county BOE and voted in person. The newly-appointed head of our County BOE is a Republican (appointed by the Secretary of State) and that's who checked us in and gave us our long ballot. We have an anti-gerrymandering amendment on the ballot that our Secretary of State, Frank LaRose, reworded so it appears the amendment is actually for partisan gerrymandering instead of against it. Hopefully, most people already know how they're going to vote going in or if they don't, they won't bother to read the extensive misleading explanation of the amendment that Frank LaRose rewrote for the ballot.
Nate Silver has released a bullshit poll/prediction today.
He declared Trump was winning and was going to be president. But, then he said depending if you count registered or "likely" voters, Kamala is winning and will be president. Then he said if you add a margin of error, either of them could win. Then, he put up a graph showing Kamala in the lead.
Finally, Silver said he really didn't know and not trust anything he says.
Silver Bulletin 2024 presidential election forecast
Nate Silver is the guy with the poor track record of making predictions.
Meanwhile Allan Lichtman, the guy who has been predicting for 40 years and missed only once, is sticking to his prediction of a Harris win with a larger landslide than before. This is based on the fear Trump's deportation plan instills in people, and all those hurricane victims pissed off at Trump for having disrupted FEMA efforts and financial aid intended for their recovery.
Trump's Plan for Mass Deportation | Lichtman Live #82
The Daily Beast has published articles for both Silver and Lichtman here:
Nate Silver Gives Up on 2024 Poll Predictions to Deliver ‘Gut’ Call
Modern Day Nostradamus Still Predicts a Harris Win
Right now, the eassiest way to tell who is losing the race is to count the number of desperate longshot scams designed to steal a win each candidate is deploying.
Stay Strong. Don't let anyone gaslight you
Polls don’t win elections only people voting does. Pay no attention to what is reported
That's what we are all tired of, the constant gaslighting. That's why it's so important to vote. We have everything to lose if Chump gets back into office.
But the people who are threatened with deportation cannot vote.
They can't vote but their friends, relatives, employers, and all those who care about what mass deportation would mean to those who will suffer because of it and to our economy and food supply if mass deportation is implemented, will vote for those who don't have a vote.
I wonder what they intend to do, how they are cheating? Both Trump and Vance are pretty relaxed as they lie…
I know that is been said they will have thousands of their people at the polls which I thought was against the law? They have all their people on critical voter boards, to contest anything they think is "shady" even if they have to make it up...it takes up time. Believe me, they have a plan to get the vote up to SCOTUS for decision. They already have it mapped out.