Can you imagine what things would look like if Kamala Harris won? Things would have improved on Biden's economy. So many people would still be employed. And all of the programs would not be affected. One can only dream.

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I still wonder to this day if Musk rigged the votes

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I'm no conspiracy monger, but even I wonder that.

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I used to think I would suffer from brain fog for the rest of my life..."𝐛𝐮𝐭" this changed everything.... https://t.co/1PuwssoVwO

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I believe that as well. Some how the votes had to manipulated. Kind of strange a couple of musk's sats fell from the sky w/o any explaining. Someone knows something because that was too quick of a count when it was announced it would take a couple days.

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I remember Trump said they had a plan

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Any plan of his is devious

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And perhaps it would be the last time they would have to vote.

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And I think they are committed to seeing that that happens. I'm certain Musk had his fingers in trump's election. And my instincts are rarely wrong.

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Too much red quickly popped up on the map. I'm convinced it was rigged.

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It was extreme gerrymandering, plain and simple.

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What bothers me is no one ever second-guessed his “win”. I’ve believe Musk and his satellites were part of a plan from the start, one that was conceived and put in play four years ago. And no one in govt has ever questioned this. Why are the Democrats so afraid of him? I believe he’s blackmailing the Republicans, but does he have incriminating evidence on both parties?

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That's what I've been wondering. This malaise has affected the whole Democratic Party, although a number of them are beginning to speak out now. We know that Trump is an inveterate cheater & that he had powerful, well-connected, tech savvy billionaires deeply invested in his winning the election, including Musk & Putin. But from the election to the inauguration, which is the time they could've done something about it, they were practically silent & inactive, despite many warnings from non-politicians, including cybersecurity experts. My guess is that some mysterious powerful person or entity either inside or outside the party told them in no uncertain terms that they must keep quiet, not challenge in any way the election results, & certify the elections without objection to this deranged man we all knew would greatly harm the country if not the world. I would love to know who this entity was, what they said & the reasons & threats behind it. I can hardly imagine anything worth risking what is going on today.

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We would all like to know

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I believe Edward Snowden was part of it, the wikileak person who was given asylum in Russia. Trump wants him back, yet he never offered a pardon if he returned..

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How does that connect with Democrats being impotent since the election?

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I don't think the Dems are afraid of him. I think they're deliberately letting him do all that damage so that MAGA can get a true picture of what they voted for early enough to swing the mid-terms (assuming Trump doesn't throw a body block to that election!!). Dems are looking forward to MAGA gagging by stuffing all of Trump's chaos down their throats.

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That strategy is extremely dangerous, & puts us & the world through a tremendous amount of harm.

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The damage is going to happen anyway. I mean, the Dems have no power to stop it, they can only delay it, and what does that accomplish other than hiding the damage that's going to happen eventually anyway. At least letting the GOP have at it now will allow any damage to surface so that the world can see who is responsible during this same term! Otherwise, Trump will simply blame the next POTUS, just like he's blaming Biden for all the damage he (trump) did in his first term.

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You might be on to something there...

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Remember when the boxes of documents were confiscated at Maralago, in them was found a document and file on Trudeau. That had nothing to do with government, and was returned. Then his saying he had information on DeSantis that even his wife didn't know, when he was running for presidency, or how everyone that was running against in 1 short week dropped out till he was the only one left.

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All the while sharing classified information about our nuclear sub positions with some random Australian business man - just to show off.

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Nah, just carefully constructed voting district manipulation. That's all it took. That and non-stop propagandizing from Faux Newspeak.

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Many Heritage persons were placed in government positions. Even as mayor's, some sit in Congress that were once in Trumps cabinet, like Ronnie Jackson, Kash Patel, JD Vance,Navarro etc. The whole government system was infiltrated even before Trumps 1st term.

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Me too

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Remember Musk also has a company called nutralink, that makes chips, implanted in the brain, placed by robots. These chips are controlled by computers and phones, so why wouldn't he be able to manipulate data and elections. Trump is big on collecting data of Americans, or should I say the Heritage is. They have a data base they started, for those loyal to Trump. Trump has those in Congress investigated housed many commissions I order to collect voters information.

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I believe Skunk Musk's ultimate goal is with that is to seize control of as many brains as possible, and turn us into his personal cyborgs.

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There are also the government satellites placed by Musk. Anyone else notice how many times the system has been hacked, those demanding Ransome, or complete files disappearing..

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The felon did say he did not need any votes, he stated he won already, and that was just after he announced he was running again.

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Yes, it was manipulated using a technique known as "extreme gerrymandering".

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Visit #Verify the Vote 🗳️ to see how it was done. ✅

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I don't wonder it. I'm sure of it. And more & more evidence is being accumulated to show that. Check out Election Truth Alliance & other sources.

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I am, too.

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naw, you guys are wrong. just accept that your fellow bretherens are stupid, en masse.

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All you need to do is look at an electoral map and you can see it. You see all those districts shaped like a rattlesnake slithering through the underbrush? That's the reason. That plus a finely honed GOP propaganda machine, led by Faux Newspeak.

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Gerrymandering is only a small part of it, one that we've had for quite some time that has intensified recently, but still not as impactful as voter suppression & vote manipulation.

Fox-led GOP propaganda is definitely a major reason for the huge division among Americans & a large proportion believing in things that are not true. This is mainly due to the influence of Russian propaganda, trolling & interference, & the inordinate amounts of money coming from right-wing billionaires. These entities, with all their wealth & technical knowhow, are also involved in vote manipulation & voter suppression on behalf of Trump.

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Oh I wouldn't say that. No question voter suppression has reached near Jim Crow levels, and with the same ugly tactics. However, gerrymandering is profoundly impactful, especially since, as you point out, it has intensified recently.

When voting districts resemble a rattlesnake slithering through the underbrush, it significantly alters the composition of Congress.

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Perhaps more so than I acknowledged, but still gerrymandering is most impactful when the vote is close, & the candidate winning the popular vote has lost the electoral college because of the way districts were gerrymandered. According to the official (tainted) election results, Trump got more votes than Harris, but I contend that Harris got more than Trump, including in most of the swing states, which were most heavily impacted by vote manipulation & voter suppression. Gerrymandering affects only electoral votes, not the popular vote.

For more on this, you can check out Election Truth Alliance or SMARTelections. Also people like Stephen Spoonamore, Jessica Denson, Andrew Darroch & "Cat" discuss this in much greater detail, including analyzing patterns in voting results that are quite suspicious & appear to be the result of algorithms favoring Trump. There's also evidence that Trump partisans got a hold of a lot of voting machines & inserted a code that affected the results, & various statements, slipups & actions by Trump & others that strongly suggest hanky-panky by them.

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CREWS.Org is a very good source. As well as opensecrets.org.

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I don’t wonder! When people (especially profoundly stupid, diabolically evil morons) show you who they are, believe them the first time! Rigged election AGAIN! Felon Trump’s “Reign of Terror I” and Felon Trump’s current “Reign of Terror II”! Stop blaming voters! Would rather see OUTRAGE, not the polite concern shown by folks who can do something about this travesty if they could only get off their dead keisters and actually DO IT!

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There is mounting evidence that the votes were tweaked in at least seven key swing states. In those states, the number of "bullet" votes, i.e. ballots in which only one candidate on the entire ballot was filled in - Trump - far exceeded the norm established in previous elections. And the Thief Executive did boast about Musk knowing "more than anybody about those vote-counting machines" in Pennsylvania.

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Also the purged ballots that were found, most were for Kamala.

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Lois, I was just listening to a podcast where an expert in election auditing described the anomalies in the election in the swing states and how the votes seem to have been tampered in the tallying process, not in the actual voting. Using graphs he showed that after a certain number of votes on each machine, 60% of the votes automatically went to Trump and 40% to Harris. If that seemed too large a disparity, the votes were dropped and the voter was listed as not having voted for president. His talk was convincing. It could explain how Trump seemed to know he had won by the Sunday before the election and why he thanked Musk the guy who knows about computers for help with the election (a slight paraphrase, but not much).

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Of course he did. He admitted it on Jan 18 in a pre inauguration speech. He thanked Elon for giving him Pennsylvania and connected that (in his indirect rambling( to Elon's being very good with computers. Rep. Jasmine Crockett and nj.com picked it up and wrote about it.

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Well we know in some states the people were disenfranchised. We do know that ballot curing was halted earlier than anticipated with absentee votes not counted

in certain counties.

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There's no doubt in my mind ...if you saw how the entry data changed after you had voted blue all the way down the ballot and then see your vote jump and change from blue to the red candidate you'd say it's obvious. It not only happened to my daughter but then her husband 3 days later ...different times , different days . After we all realized what had happened it was reported but this was in a red state ... Centerton Ark ....so we expected a red outcome but if it happened so obviously in a red state can you imagine how easy it was to do in swing states .. . Pretty fing obvious . At first we thought it was a fluke but when other people we knew had it happen too .. well let's just say Kamala won ..she should have demanded a recount . .and the Democratic party was complicet with all of this ....and they shouldn't have been

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Yeah, we don't know what Trump said to Putin, What Putin said to Trump, what Putin said to Musk and what Musk said to Putin. Zelensky's eyes looked said in his meeting with Donald. I don't know if it was intentional because of his background in the theatrical arts but I think that, and the facts of the situation must have been one reasons are former European allies got involved.

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Ten million dems didn't vote!

Sure. KBG at work.

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90 million registered voters didn't vote. Not sure of the breakdown of D, R and Ind though.

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What matters now is how, given the unlimited power we handed him, how he plans to rig all future elections? Or, if we will even have any future elections. What he did then is of little importance now. We handed the power over to him in a "peaceful transfer of power." That's a done deal. Time to move on to these more important questions and what we are going to do about them.

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I found that it was interesting that after elections there were starlings that exploded. Did they have something to do with the power or operation of counting votes? On March 7, there was rumor Trump said he rigged it.

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he didn't. didnt have to, the american popuce is profoundly stupid. Professor Robert Reich told them in great detail, in his 1994 C-SPAN interview, that this was going to happen.

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I think he did

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I think he did.

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I think of that every day, Joe!

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It's just so sad that we're here and this is our reality

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It's just so TERRIFYING that we're here today and this is our reality. Maybe I'm being overdramatic, but it feels like Armageddon.

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You aren't being overdramatic. At all. We are in a horrible, horrible mess.

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Getting close to Trumph fratricide!

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Not overly dramatic at all! Armageddon? Bullseye 🎯! Wish missing spines and a few other attachments could be found so that the Terrorists could be removed, replaced and enjoy the consequences of their heinous crimes!

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Yes, because people would not see that a liar will always be a liar and the Zebra's stripe do not change. Now, there is people who can kick their own ass for putting a snake in the office. Reality has kicked in over a thousand times or more. But it is too late.

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Very sad! Something has to be done! This is not a democracy

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It breaks my heart to think about it. 💔

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A CR Democrats Could Vote For

Exposing the Dangers in the Republican CR


MAR 11

Democratic messaging on the continuing resolution is all wrong. You can’t tell scared people that you will “stand fast” to try to preserve things they care about for the long term while gutting them in the short term.

You have to have an alternative that protects them.

The alternative is to say that they will ONLY vote for a CLEAN continuing resolution that:

•runs through September 30, 2025

•has no changes in any of the funding levels that were in Biden’s last budget to protect the social safety net until then

•forbids sequestration of funds so Trump and Vought cannot create a phony emergency to allow them to redirect funds

•forbids illegal impoundments of funds by Trump

•Raises the debt ceiling by only a small fraction of the $4 trillion so Trump cannot get enough to enact the tax cut for billionaires.


Tell the people that!!!

If the Republicans pass their own booby-trapped CR, at least you’ve warned people about what more destruction may be coming down the track.

And you are taking the first step in building a true opposition shadow government. One that makes the alternative positions and policies clear and exposes the hidden attacks on the working people of America in everything that Trump and the oligarchs are doing.


IMPORTANT! Call/email the House Republicans and READ to them Georgia Fisanick’s excellent ‘Alternative CR’ (above) that the Democrats should DEMAND NOW.

I already called Hakeem Jeffries. (202) 225-3121

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I disagree. Shut the goddamn power off, if it prevents people from getting “disappeared.” No CR , and no debt ceiling suspension. The House is supposed to pass a credible budget for the Senate to endorse. Can we keep funding going until we invade Canada and take back the Canal? Let’s not.

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sigh, think about it all the time. Don't you wonder what they are thinking right now? For Biden & his family, they should be mad at themselves, rightfully, for deciding to run again when he knew & his family definitely new he was in serious cognitive decline. Plus he said when he ran that he wanted to be a one time President. If Dems had a primary, where Dems voted and decided on a candidate there would have been buy in & 24M probably would not have stayed home & Dems could have won the house and/or senate. I am not seeing any Dem leadership and that is scary. No going on TV, podcasts to SCREAM about what is going on. GOP have become masters at TV BS

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I’ve seen several videos of Warren speaking about bills and the like.

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Trump told his followers at a rally not to come out and vote because he didn't need them. Weird. He also said that he and Mike Johnson had "a secret." As far as I know, no media asked him what the secret was. They're all afraid of him. ALL polls showed Kamala ahead. Even top pollsters like that chick in Iowa and forecaster Allan Lichtman predicted Kamala would win. Elon got involved and suddenly Trump didn't look so stressed out anymore. I'm not a conspiracy theorist but Musk has technology we can't even imagine. He did something. That's why Trump is putting up with Elon running the show and his kid putting boogies on Trump's desk. He owes him big time. More than money.

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It’s too painful to even think about.

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Yes, I can imagine and it would be this.....We would be walking around with a sense of relief and smiles on our faces!

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(Wagging index finger at you, speaking in a condescending tone, like a parent talking to a two year old) A, a, auuuu, thats not what stupid americans voted for. LOL.

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I am thinking the same thing! There was so much momentum for Kamala and for her to lose all of those states is just strange. Trump made a comment about Musk knowing how to manipulate computers or something to that effect and he mentioned Pennsylvania. Why would he say that? Something is up.

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I heard from a couple of (secondhand at best) sources that she had begun an inquiry to auditing election results but was stopped for some reason. I have no idea if it's true, but I've been very disappointed that this woman who kept saying "When we fight we win" has been so quiet & weak since the election.

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You’d think with all the damage he’s doing to our country someone would realize he never could have won without cheating. If the Democrats sit back and do nothing this whole country goes down the drain. They are suspiciously silent. I remember trump saying “I don’t need your votes” before the election-no one else hear this but me?

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I heard it too. First he says they didn’t need to vote. Then he must have gotten a signal that he shouldn’t reveal that, as he’d said in the debates with Hilary back in 2016, “the election is rigged [for me].”So then he flipflopped and said they’d only have to vote this time snd then no more.

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James Rankin: You're disappointed??? What did you expect her to say or do? Challenge him to a duel at dawn ?? Beat him up? Do what he did in 2020 and say the election was rigged ad nauseum? Who would prosecute him on her behalf? If you think being silent denotes weakness, there's a lot of Republicans you need to be scolding for being silent and doing nothing while allowing fat nixon pervert hoover and armpit odor to strip the country.

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Yes, of course I'm disappointed that she didn't call for an investigation of the fraudulent election results nor had them audited, which was her prerogative, & which many of us, including cybersecurity experts who analyzed the election results, called for her to do. Instead she pretended everything was normal, & like the rest of the Democrats, certified his stolen "victory" in the interest of "decorum" & left the country & world to suffer from this horror. Are you not disappointed? Or even outraged?

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Of course I'm angry! I've been angry ever since trump and his his snivelling criminal skanks arrived on the scene!Where have you been? How old are you? This has been going on since at least 2000. Had Harris called for an investigation or demanded a recount, trump's supreme court would have ruled in his favor, just as the supreme court ruled in Bush's favor over Gore in 2000, when Gore demanded a recount. Harris is well aware of this. She's also aware Dems are outnumbered in Congress. She's also aware of the backlash occurring had she demanded a recount, trump likely would've started up the whole "See? I won in 2020" shit all over again even though investigations proved he lost, which he never accepted and still whines about today. Perhaps she DID demand an investigation, but was overruled because of the chaos trump caused in 2020, even though she has a right to demand recount. Musk and Putin could have disrupted 2024 just as Putin disrupted 2016. Perhaps Harris didn't want the resulting discord of another recall or was talked out of demanding one. I don't know! The problem is NOT Harris, NOR IS BLAMING HER GOING TO SOLVE ANYTHING.

The election process itself has to be safeguarded from foreign interference. Since trump hooked up with techskank musk, this election may have been in danger from the getgo.

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James, you can be disappointed, but you're upset at the wrong people. MAGA Republicans have control of the Senate. Any investigation would be squashed. She's a private citizen now, just like you. What have YOU been doing since the election?

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I am talking about immediately after the election, when Biden was still in power & had the authority to call for an investigation, & Kamala, more than anyone else, had the right to call for an audit on questionable election results by a notorious cheater, a right that Congress, still split, & the US Supreme Court had no authority to prevent. There were multiple recounts & audits in various states on the 2020 election results, all which reinforced the fact that Biden won the election fairly, & if anything, by larger margins than the initial results showed. Why Republicans get to conduct recounts & audits based on no real evidence, while Democrats are loathe to ask for any investigation, recount or audit based on much stronger grounds, really mystifies me.

I alerted many people about the tampering of the 2024 election, including sending messages directly to Biden & Harris as well as relevant legislators, as did many others, but still no reaction from any of them.

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Yes, a recount of one battleground state and then the rest if it seems something’s amiss.

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Well Said Mary Thank You For All You Do. I Truly Appreciate You. I’m So Sick Of That Monster And His Lies. He Is A Very Evil Living Walking Piece Of Shit 😈😈😈

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Public Servant...Pastor Niemoller 's Lament....!.

As truly significant today as it was during the days of WWII...

Past is prologue.... will we never learn from history ???

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A gentle reminder: Niemoller was a Nazi.

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A quick search indicates Niemoller was an early supporter of the Nazis who realized the error of his ways.

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Thank you, Hayden....never knew about Niemoller's former Nazi affiliation. Mea culpa. Pastor Neimoller ultimately came to see " the light" of goodness. Those words...profetic as they are , will guide others in future.times. Sadly, the drumpf family will never fully appreciate the Pastor's words...they appear lost to anything good & uplifting.

How did this man with no conscience.. no heart beating in his chest..fool so.many? We're.certainly. paying a a horrible price.

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Thank you, Lauren.. ..ignorant of his earlier Nazi affiliation...so relieved he, at least, saw the light of goodness. Sadly...do not feel that same light will ever shine for any of the drumpf cast of characters in this lifetime.

Thank you again for your knowledge...☺️

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This time, I'm more worried about persecution because I'm a Democrat than because I'm a Jew.

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From the photo caption: ''“Peace Deal?” Very funny.'' Trump calling for a Ukraine peace deal is like an arsonist offering to "help" put out the fire with...gasoline. Cutting aid, cozying up to Putin, demanding Ukraine’s resources as “payment”, yep, totally sounds like a fair negotiaton. Spoiler: Ukraine and Europe aren’t buying it and we aren't either.

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Everything is transactional to him.

But his result is always " I win...you lose" ...biggly.

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For him, every deal is just a game where only he can come out on top, everyone else is just a pawn. But the world isn’t buying his ‘Art of the Con’ anymore. Think he’ll ever realize that, or is self-awareness too high a price to pay?

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I admire President Zelensky so much and I hate what Donald is doing to Ukraine, all in service to his master Putin.

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Everytime he breathes he lies 😡

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Like a child, if his lips are moving , he is lying

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His responses are sounding more and more like he doesn't have a straight answer because he doesn't know.. he is just the talking head and they haven't told him what's going on because his handlers don't want him going off the rails.

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Exactly, this idiot has no idea what he’s doing, nor does Muskrat. They are both creating a massive fucking mess.

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I also watch what he says. Even if it seems insignificant, he often projects what he's doing or is about to do. If it's on his mind hard enough to fly out of his lying mouth, he's either done it or is planning to do it. (EDIT: Or someone has mentioned an idea that he's pondering.)

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And, per Michael Cohen, the accordion hands are also a tell that he is lying.

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I really like Michael Cohen. He knows the tremendous fraudster better than anyone.

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But Mary Trump seems to know him better.

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I have learned a lot about Dump from those two experts - Dr. Mary and “his fixer” Michael Cohen!

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Me too.

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I'm not arguing with Mary's familiarity, or her insight as a trained and educated professional. I'm coming from a place of observation, as well as the experience of a having a psychopathic individual in my own family.

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Agreed. Though I’m sure she wishes she didn’t.

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OH yeah! I made note of those accordion hands years and years ago! SUCH a blatant tell!

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Hehehe! So helpful for his “woke” audience! 😉

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M-hmmm. And the further he stretches them out, the bigger the lie it is, too.

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He's truly his own worst enemy in his deliberate denials and deflection . You know what he's planning or what he has done by his pointing fingers the other way

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Just look at his unhinged reaction to our Ontarian friends slapping a 25% export tax on electricity. Yet he remains patently incapable to taking ownership of any negative consequence he inflicts onto the People.

It's not even clever, and the pressure keeps mounting.

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Donald still doesn’t know what a tariff is.

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Mary it must be hard on you having this despicable bottom feeder a member of your extended family. Thank goodness you are a voice of normal and intelligent reason. 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦

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It long ago occurred to me that Trump is a Russian asset. What is worse is that we have a large population that have poor powers of discernment or are fascist to the core.

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Since the 1980s when the Russians bailed his then worthless ass out.

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The oligarchs wouldn’t be able to take over and privatize all of the United States‘s assets and laws if they don’t break them first. It’s all going very well according to the “strongman” plan. And no, the orange PINO is not a STRONG man, merely using strongman tactics known the world over Since Mussolini and Hitler, right up-to-date with Orban and Putin, et al.

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It's urgent!! We've got to have a national uprising

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Tom here…..

Thank you Mary.

This all is so sad and so demoralizing. I am scared.

Please keep doing what you can. Those of us out here in the general public feel entirely helpless against the stupidity running rampant and squashing us “NCPs”.


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amazingly well written and in point. the leadership of the dems is corrupt. most dems from NY, barring AOC, are completely driven by wall street. they need to just keep repeating a few things everywhere. 1) why are the gop only focused on expenses and not revenues. 2) why are the gop enabling and growing the most accumulation of wealth by the top 1% in 100 years. 3) why is the GOP not helping our allies but not cutting defense spending?.4) why is the gop trampling on the first amendment! americans can criticize christians, muslims, whites, blacks and others but not israel. 5) why are we cutting the VA, FDA, NIH, EPA who primarily help the bottom 90%. 6) why has the GOP gutted the IRS division that is focused on collecting the right taxes from corporations and individuals making more than $10m. 7) why has the gop stopped the functioning of the CPFB whic returned $87b to americans who had been defrauded by corporations. they are the party of the elite and are funneling more money to the top 5% and increasing the greatest wealth hoarding in 100 years. there is 1T of taxes that are being stolen every year by non compliant tax

dodgers every year.

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He uses his voice as a tool to keep his followers under his spell. It really does have a hypnotic effect... But don't listen too closely for obvious reasons ;)

Damn that guy is a con man huckster charlatan extraordinaire!

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Yeah, I'm hypnotized to barf every time I hear his voice.

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Yes, but if we want to get the late night humor we at least have to watch in close caption, ha ha ha.

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He actually has a kind of genius for self-promotion. It's evil.

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Russian assets are immune from the disaster unfolding. He is making millions.

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The word " millions" is becoming rather obsolete these days...

These Robber Barons of today are thinking " Billions...Trillions..."

Look.at just how close muskette is now!

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On my spreadsheet, I deducted the billions he owes the US and other party which left him with millions.

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Hope you used very RED PEN.!

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Well said, Mary.

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