As a sixty-something balding, rural progressive male, I gotta say I feel seen today! 🤣✌️

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Tim Walz will get the rural vote, the middle class vote, the republican vote, the Union votes!

He is a Biden Democrat. Harris/Walz will win in 2024 just as Biden/Harris won in 2020!

Republicans are not prepared for Walz being the nominee—they assumed Shapiro would be chosen and trained all their fire on Shapiro. It’s going to be hard for Republicans to pivot in time to attacking Walz, just as it has been hard for Republicans to pivot to attacking Harris. I have a feeling Harris-Walz are going to break more records in fundraising and poll numbers in the coming weeks!

This Kamala Removes Tough Orange Stains shirt it's so damn funny! 👇🤣


It's happening!

I can’t believe how much has changed in a couple weeks. Hope and optimism are back in play. A blue tsunami is coming!🌊

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I was worried she'd choose Shapiro although he seems to be great for PA. He could deliver 18 Electoral votes. But his position on Israel could completely alienate many.

Trump calling Waltz a crazy CA liberal is hilarious.

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I worked as a metallurgical engineer across the street from San Francisco City Hall as a public servant for 30 years (1990 - 2020). I know VP Kamala Harris. She's wonderful and is more centrist or center left than some (people clutching pearls around the USA "California liberal).

By the way, without Pelosi, Harris, Gavin Newsom, Adam Schiff, Katie Porter, Eric Swalwell, Xavier Becerra, Ro Khanna, etc. during Combover Caligula's reign of terror, the USA would have been even more screwed than it was.

You're welcome.

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"Comb-over Csligula" is great!

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I've lived in California for

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Replying to self to continue post. I've lived in CA for many years and remember Kamala Harris in Brown administration, I think it was. She never stood out as especially liberal to me. She says she got money for people who lost their homes in '08 crash but I do not recall anything from her office about how to apply for compensation and since I was a victim of that banking scam I would remember that. My opinion of her is she's very middle of the road, far from being a radical liberal Trump is labeling her.

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Of course she's not! Trump is doing what he always does. Any opponent is "crazy", a "communist" and on and on . Bears no resemblance to reality.

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As always, Trump has and offers nothing positive or helpful like most of today's GOP. While good guys like Walz want to make sure that kids won't go hungry, GOP MAGA moron Gov. Huckabee Sanders signs legislation to allow children to work in pig knuckle processing facilities. The choice here is obvious and the stark differences in priorities is as extreme and damaging as it ever has been.

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Really??? He let Antifa & BLM destroy his city/state. It is as unsafe as Cal., N.Y., Chicago, pick almost any blue city/state or sanctuary city/state. Who wants to live that way? Not me. I'm tired of the rapes, murders, stealing with no justice gets applied. KH gave $$$$ to bond out Antifa & BLM. Wasn't that thoughtful of her? But J6???? God, just hang the lot of them. Real justice??? in rancid cells, poor food, little to drink. no exercise; (before trial!!!!!) worse treatment than any jail or even Guantanamo. BUT I guess you all are right.... I will stick with Jesus Christ and prayer.

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Gross generalizations, do more research.

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Did you hear about Waltz's comment about JDVance? He said he looks forward to debating Vance, that is if he can get off the couch.

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Yes, I think there will be a lot of people defecting from the Republican party as I did when Trump got in.

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Just read on Michael Moores substack that media is spinning Shaphiros loss to antisemitism. Morning Jo is named. Google News shows an unsmiling photo of VP Harris and Shapiro saying the VP pick was "nasty business." Trumps Acolytes.

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Tim Walz is a member of the demographic "White Dudes Who Rescue Cats".


When the bastards attack this normal guy, you will know who they are. They sold their sacred honor to Vlad, Donald, Rupert and Elon. The oligarchs hate Tim because they can't buy him.

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I love the title!!

How about all dudes?

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As Trump would say, Gov Walz is straight from Central Casting.

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Why would anyone repeat the words of a traitorous, lying, piece of excrement, as if they are meaningful?

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My point is that Walz is a great communicator, and your look is part of communicating. It makes things easier when a book can be judged by its cover.

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I'm glad he's not coiffed and manicured, as is de rigueur for Trump.

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Total agreement.

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I think the point here is that Walz is a great pick, from any angle!

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The other VP candidates had to stay and hold their states in tough fights.

This was always my main concern.........Kamala and the party pulled it of perfect!!!

You gotta luv how the Dems are pulling together.......

The work is paying off........and there must be zero slacking off from here on in.

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I heard Obama wanted Mark Kelly instead of Kamala Harris. Anyone else hear that? Doesn't matter now but explains why Obama didn't support Harris right away.

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Besides real accomplishments and virtues, it never hurts to look the part on top of it.

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Kathleen is not a real person. Just a bot- artificial "intelligence"if one can consider what it posted intelligent.

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Well this bot was in the hospital 5 times between March 2023 and January 2024. I said hospital, not repair shop.

I hope you don't make all your judgments on such a small amount of information.

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He just turned 60 in April. Kamala's birthday is in October. They were both born in 1964.

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As a seventy-something (actually, six “somethings”) balding (kidding), extremely urban woman, I can’t wait to vote for them, with a vengeance!

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Yay I am so happy to be able to vote for people I believe in! Truly think they will make an excellent team.

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I'm super happy to hear that, Al.

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Intelligent, honest people who work hard and serve people regardless of their station in life is what I feel and see today, in Tim, and I identify with him because I've been the same kind of man.

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All good ✌️

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As a seventy-something balding, rural progressive male, I gotta say I feel seen today too! And I was born on L.I. and raised in NH. (and now live in AZ, just to needle those red votes....)

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I'm pleased with VP Kamala Harris' choice. I read about him earlier today.

Our Governor Newsom was full of praise for the man.

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Everyone both sides who knows him from Congress days likes him even if they disagree with him politically

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Catherine, I think it is a good judgment when people from "both sides of the aisle" or issue or whatever, think you are fair and honest as well as likable. I didn't know much about Walz before beyond that I liked the things he was getting done in MN, but I am liking him more each hour as I learn even more about him. I hope we can get others to see that too.

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I feel the same, Ruth

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Im so excited as a 67 year old nana with granddaughters that this ticket will save their future! As a lifelong democrat i am reveling in the joy ( as i did with President Obama) that we all deserve hope and change. I understand the assignment lets go!!!

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I was a lifelong Republican until Trump, at which time I switched to Independent and even I am excited about the Harris/Walz ticket!!

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This 68 year-old like-minded nana completely agrees. I feel like I can breathe again. Anxiety and BP down!

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so very sad and depressing that you actually want your granddaughters to be living in a socialistic or communistic country!!!! Better revel in "your joy" now as you will be eating bugs, own nothing and be happy if the dems win. Look up the Committee of 300. Be sure to read the list of members! Bush, Clintons, Kissinger, all 300 are listed! Oh, along with idiot, Bill Gates who experiments with vaccines in Africa with unknowing women and children causing irreparable harm. Hope you enjoy your "joy".

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So you have summed up the current events by referring to the past. So not impressed. Where do you get your info from. Kennedy podcasts and their magic bus?

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I find it revealing and sad that so many Americans don't know that The biggest recipients of government aid aka socialism are corporations. Not average poor people. The Republicans have done a great job of blaming the poor while they and their fat cat friends have a ritous good time with the free money. In the words from Dylan's song: "When will they ever learn?"

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Better than with Putin - fascist is better dictatorship is better? I cant believe these people think he is a strong leader ( oh thats right Donny is his lapdog) watch he might poison you next!

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I think Miss Dianne is a bot.

As for me, I would have supported whoever VP Harris picked. I AM OVER THE MOON that it’s Tim Walz.

I told my husband he was going to be the pick and he argued that it would be Shapiro. When the news got out I just looked at my husband with a raised eyebrow and smug smile, and said nothing.

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Keep on needling them! I like your Mark Kelly.

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So do I Maureen-he offsets the deluded!

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yeah..seen but weak

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I'm sorry, do you mean you think Thomas Brown is weak?

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I don't understand. Why do you think Walz is weak?

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Dianne, and you base that thinking Walz is weak on what? I don't see it.

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Huh! Distorted view much of what a real man and strength really means? It's physiological -- not to get sciencey -- but physically men are built to give, and they hunt and gather, and women receive and decorate/embellish what they give -- like rearing the kids, decorating the home, etc. Now, this is an energy thing, so don't hate on me for describing my POV of roles of head and heart in human terms. I'm just trying to get to how Tim Waltz is a real man, and a great expression of the good a wise and mature human being can be! And, on top of that, he minds his own business and has a sense of humor. I'd have a chia tea with him anytime!

We're so fortunate to have Tim Walz in the national spot light to remind us what we may have lost clear sight of over the last 16 years as an example and model for future generations!

Coach is cool! GO BLUE!

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What do you consider weak about Mark and his wife? These two individuals were visited by a mad man who destroyed his wife's life Instead of whining and complaining they set about restoring her ability to talk and function again. A daily, hourly, minute by minute devotion to her healing. Yes, they were unseen because we are not interested or care much about hidden, decent selfless acts of goodness. I'll take their "unseenness" their deep commitment and unspoken solidarity with the forces of life and hope that are struggling like them a day at a time. Compare their courageous lives to the shabbiness of Trumps.

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Oh my a former teacher (so am I) married to a career English teacher (so was I)…Donald’s right …Walz will unleash •” Hell on…” Donald because Walz will have taught everyone including narcissistic sociopaths in development in his 20 years in high school and coaching. Everyone goes through the public school system except wealthy sociopaths like Trump ; but Walz will recognize the bully spoiled brat attention seeking moronic lazy frat boy rapist entitled arrogant prick that Trump is inside and will know exactly how to effectively silence him with an apt phrase! Go teacher coach governor VP candidate and prosecutor attorney general senator VP Presidential candidate! REAL PEOPLE at last running the top offices in politics! Amazing!

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I wonder if that description of Donald will fit on a y-shirt?😜😊🤣😂

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Good one Wendy!

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I guess it depends on how long and wide said T shirt is but I’m willing to try !

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Catherine, WOW! That was amazing! Yes, teachers do get to know all kidns of people in the profession. I taught 26 years in public school and over time became a pretty good judge of character. Trump and Vance are simply well-trained and highly supported by society, bullies!

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Don't you find it troubling that approximately half of America is like Trump? Sociopathic, hates women and all minorities, especially people of color, considers men and women who died in combat lovers, refuses to allow freedom of choice? In other words half of America is TOTALITARIAN. That's a very different picture of America that we were so proud of.

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Meant Losers, not Lovers!😆

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Soo tired of DT negativity!! Go Kamala & Walz!!

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I’m one of them!

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The difference could not be more blatant. On one side, vibrant, happy, charismatic, positive life loving people with a history of public service, on the other a couple of insane self serving grifters. I can feel a blue wave, no, a blue tsunami!

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Very well stated!!

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I agree, Jetta. Mary got straight to the heart of Gov. Walz. I posted this link on Threads. The last paragraph perfectly describes this Minnesotan. I know I spent 10 years of my life there

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I lived there too for 12 years. I was so sad when Paul Wellstone died. He was fantastic.

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That was tragic. I lived in MN during Wellstone's first campaign against...it was Andy Boschwitz, right? I didn't have a TV, but I think I saw one in the town pub and people talked about them. He'd talk about how he didn't have the money his candidate did, so he had to make this quick, and he rapidly pushed his family members in front of the camera, "Here's my wife, here are my kids" then quickly said why he was doing this.

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Rudy Boschwitz .

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What's "weird" is that so many don't seem to realize or recognize it, like they're asleep or blind. (Fearful)

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You know, I never even heard of Tim Walz until about a month ago. The more I hear about him, the more I like. A Midwestern guy, a social studies teacher, and a football coach? Good luck painting him as a radical. No wonder MAGA world is just shitting itself.

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I'm from Iowa so I've definitely heard of him. He's great. The teaching-coach aspect is a real positive here!

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I imagine the Walz pick will give hope to more than a few Midwesterners that they’ll have someone in Washington who will listen to and understand their unique concerns.

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I'm from the northeast with family members who are conservative and Trump supporters. I switched from Republican to Independent because of Trump and have been scorned for it. Thing is, they were once Democrats themselves.

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After Tommy Tuberville, I'm not sure football coach is the best recommendation. Thank God there's more to Tim Walz.

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High school football coaches aren’t in it for the money.

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I know that. I have two step-sons who are high school sports coaches - swimming and soccer. They do it because they love it. I only mentioned Tuberville because he gives a bad name to coaches.

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There's always one rotten apple. As a retired teacher, I understand your step-sons love for coaching. It definitely isn't for the pay but the look on a kid's face when they finally get it means everything to a teacher! I bet your step-sons love it when their kids do well!

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Peggy, they do. And my husband is a retired teacher, who taught high school math and physics. Plus he coached girls' soccer. He did well as a teacher, and his students, and his soccer players were excited to see him even years after he retired. I've had experiences myself, as a medical claims consultant in group health insurance, where I loved it when what I tried to teach the lower level of people sank in. I remember one time when I had to find literally six different ways to explain something before the lightbulb finally lit. That is an amazing, rewarding feeling.

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Susan, I just wish there were some way to get that light bulb to light up for the millions of Trumpers and Trumpettes who see Trump as their deity. How anyone would want to worship something like Trump is beyond comprehension, but it could be interesting to have someone who could break that shell of Trumpism for a person in need.

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Susan, you nailed it! For dedicated teachers it is that truly rewarding feeling. Our children are our future and I truly hope that once Kamala is in office, she will turn her attention to the education system. It most definitely needs to be swept clean of the far-right radicals and a new system that will help every child succeed!

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Agree! My son in law is also a football coach in Minnesota. They do it for the kids and love for the game!

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And they won a State Championship!!

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After being 0-27 the previous year! Imagine such improvement to the Democrats' fortunes!

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I only included his football background as a reason the MAGAs would have trouble turning him into a flaming radical. I was not suggesting being a football coach is a recommendation for anything, other than football. As you correctly pointed out, Tommy Tuberville would be Exhibit A for that.

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Good point about the magats. To me Walz sounds like a good, down home kind of guy.

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Agreed, Susan. Walz does give off those regular guy vibes. Contrast that with the creepy guy vibes given off by Jim Dee Vance.

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I don't do well with creeps, and Vance certainly seems to be one. Huge contrast between him and Walz.

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Vance is a truth toilet......flips like a crackhouse mattress

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Vance is from central casting for Dracula. His fangs are just hiding.

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Oh my a former teacher (so am I) married to a career English teacher (so was I)…Donald’s right …Walz will unleash •” Hell on…” Donald because Walz will have taught everyone including narcissistic sociopaths in development in his 20 years in high school and coaching. Everyone goes through the public school system except wealthy sociopaths like Trump ; but Walz will recognize the bully spoiled brat attention seeking moronic lazy frat boy rapist entitled arrogant prick that Trump is inside and will know exactly how to Meridee, OMG, Dracula, huh! And what gives you that idea or were you just a Trumper who was watching "Dracula" and you thought, "yep, that's Walz alright, fangs in somehow." Are you sure you are not really just telling us about yourself?

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WTH does that mean?

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Forgot about that joker. Ewww. No Walz is not that kind of coach. He'd never tolerate sexual abuse in his gym!

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Meridee, what you said makes me feel sick. I didn't know about the sexual abuse. Some people are just disgusting.

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There is another current GOP congressman that was involved in such things as a wrestling coach, I believe.

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None other than the despicable gym jordan

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Oh yes, I'd heard about that, and unfortunately had forgotten. He is only about destruction, and has been ever since he first got elected.

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Tuberville is a turd.

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Tommy Turdeville

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Or as a friend of mine refers to him, Tuber the Goober.

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His military service can help with older men who served in Vietnam and justifiably may be embittered still by how they were treated when they returned to the US.

I'm hoping his middle Americanness can bring back to the Democratic party a significant number of those embittered when they lost their jobs because of Clinton's NAFTA.

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....and no where in Walz's CV are bone spurs mentioned!

Karma! Kamala!.Walz.! Sweet dreams tonight for us all !🤗

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You know, Maureen, it was not just NAFTA that outsourced jobs here and continues to outsource them. It was greed, but most of the workers who were screwed didn't really know that. They thought it was just NAFTA but that only dealt with jobs in North America, not those that were sent to China, Vietnam, Indonesia, etc. etc. so the corporations could pay workers a tiny fraction what they were paying Americans. After Clinton, for 8 years we didn't have anyone to police NAFTA or stop the tax breaks that were going to corporations that were outsourcing. In fact, corporations I know about now are outsourcing tech support to Costa Rica, India, the Philippines, and elsewhere. Maybe Walz can communicate the truth to those embittered midwesterners who somehow just couldn't get to the truth, blaming Democrats when Republicans had even more responsibility for what happened to them.

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I'm a bit younger than those who went to Vietnam, but where I grew up, in the suburbs of Washington, D.C. males about 10 years older than I who I knew very often did not serve on active duty in Vietnam. When I went to live in central Minnesota, nearly everyone did. Those who didn't were "Vietnam Era", i.e. they were drafted or enlisted but served elsewhere so weren't deployed in the war. It was very eye opening. All of their lives were changed in a bad way. They described it differently, something died in them, there's an anger and/or fear they will never be rid of, etc. They felt they probably needed therapy, but couldn't afford it, and they always cut off the conversation. They appreciated being listened to, but thought it was dangerous to stir up the feelings too much.

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It surprises me that a Trump supporter whom I know and who served in Vietnam, still supports him after the comments he made about veterans. Another whom I know, who also got a draft deferment, but because his wife was pregnant with twins, not because of bone spurs, and who has a great deal of respect for our veterans, still supports him. This is how badly they have been indoctrinated into the culture of hate - simply because Trump is not a Democrat - despite at least one of them and Trump having been Democrats themselves before. Oh, the hypocrisy!

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Actually was Bushs NAFTA but he did sign it . Not good for America

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I heard him talk on NPR a while back about gun control. I immediately thought he was excellent and was thinking "why can't we just do this?!" It wasn't extreme, it was very common sense and logical, like everyone could get on board with what ge was saying. I'm happy he's the pick-wasnt expecting him, but once I realized it was he who I heard on npr, it's perfect!

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Me neither. Never knew such a great man was in politics. Love his slogan:"IT'S HALF TIME AMERICA"

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I’ll bet JD Vance feels Walz closing in on him.

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He has already blew past him.

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???? JD Vance?????

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No good….meet so good. JDV might also need some smoke special effects, like DT, to make up for lack of substance.

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I see what you did there 🤣🤣🤣

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I hope so

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Well said. Congrats

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I was hoping she’d choose Walz—I’m thrilled! I was so depressed before President Biden decided to step aside and now I have hope with Harris and Walz. No small thing, as Walz notes. And I have a beloved granddaughter conceived through IVF. Her parents are married lesbians who’ve been together for 30 years. This is my America!

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And the America I know and love…. the one that my father, a 24 year Army/Vietnam Vet served and fought for, the America my brother served in the Army for, as did my beloved Mama and I who both served in the Air Force!

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Jetta, I've been told not to say thank you for your and your family's service but I do it anyway. I cannot begin to express my gratitude for the men and women who serve and have served in our military. You are my heroes and I wish you all the best!

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Love this, especially about holding the ladder steady!

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Donald's doom and gloom talk has to be wearing thin, even on the people in my age group that thought he was a change from what they thought of our government. He has destroyed any platform that the Republicans had and the autocrat Project 2025 is a nightmare scenario for most Americans. Harris and Walz want to work for the people, and if the Senate and House go Democrat, they may can deliver on these promises. All Americans need to pull together on this. Vote for Freedom, not Fascists.

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Of course, it's wearing thin. People fundamentally want happiness.

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Darrell, do you think Project 2025 is that well known to people who are too busy trying to make a living to read it?

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All I know, Maureen, is I am doing my dead level best to inform as many people as I can about the orange man's dystopian nightmare he will unleash on America if he is elected. I explain Project 2025/Agenda 47 and make sure they understand that even though he has tried to distance himself from Project 2025, his Agenda 47 is Project 2025 just worded differently. A lot of aspects of Project 2025 have been implemented at the local and state level. We need to stop that now! Vote blue, America!

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Bless you for your hard work. I'm doing the same but but not as well as you.

BTWZ I listened to Chris Hedges on YT and felt really depressed that he blames the Dems so much and never says a word about the insanity of the Republicans. Some of the comments on there were distressing. They seemed oblivious of the Trump threat.Some of my comments were taken down.

Just had an earthquake here. Gotta stop! Yikes.

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Be safe!

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Thanks. It was pretty strong but no damage thank God. Reminds us how little control we have especially when the Earth's plates decide to move!!

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I don't care to read it and I am retired. Most people have seen enough of it to have an idea of what it contains.

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Joy Reid has been doing a break down on Project 2025 in past week or so; apparently it’s been the most googled reference lately so some voters are listening and concerned which is good! Heard of it in Canada and we are terrified of the impact here too if the Nazi-trumpublicans get in! Best of luck ; you all give me hope America is not yet lost!

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A Republicans wet dream

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Valid point. I haven't read it. I don't want to throw up.

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It will have that effect totally not what America is about and if you see who the authors are that will say enough

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That's what Trump/Vance are banking on, no doubt.

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And everyone needs to know about project 2025 Trump in a nutshell he may try to distance himself but it him all wrapped up with a bow

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Beautifully written, Mary.

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HW for the WH!

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While enlisted in the Marine Corps, Vance was a correspondent, who served in Iraq for about 6 months. He has said he was “lucky to escape any real fighting".

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Upfront I want to say I cannot stand JD Vance. HOWEVER, while he was in a support role in Iraq, it is a dangerous place to be deployed regardless of the mission. I served in the so-called “Green Zone” (meaning safe zone) in Baghdad 2004-05, but there were still attacks with rockets and RPGs coming in and people were injured and killed. While it was safer than being in Fallujah, it was not a safe place. So JD is scum, but he did serve in a combat zone and that should not be denigrated.

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JDVance did his honorable support service and Phoenix did just state the facts. JD slimmed his service by selling off his honor/integrity to become garbage, kissing the Orange ass of a traitor.

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Nothing in my words denigrated Mr. Vance’s service to our country. I was simply stating facts, including Mr. Vance’s own words.

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phoenix.....you just stated facts.....JD Vance has a negative 15 rating, from his own MAGA cult following.......they are slicing their own into pieces......let them do it......."weirdo" Vance, today was stalking VP Harris on the airport tarmac....wanting to smell the inside of the plane. ....JD “Vladimir Futon” Vance.....with 89 days left..........Trump dosen"t give a shit about "shady vance"..........he alone. tuened his back on being a patriot and became an enemy of democracy.

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The implication is clear—meant to minimize his service. I’m a veteran who served in Iraq, in the Green Zone, in an office setting. But still ducked incoming mortars and RPGs more than once as I walked between my work space and the Iraqi military hq, or at other times moving around the Green Zone. Al Assad air base where JD served was just recently attacked and Americans, military and contractors, were injured and lost their lives in this recent attack. Again, I cannot abide JD, but don’t try minimize his service.

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Loser or Sucker, was he?😂

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Two heros for us against two hemorrhoids for them.

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Could send the losers a box of Preparation H...but alas...they might use it to cover Orange Julius' bald spot 🤔

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Hahahahahaha! Good one!

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I think he's a wonderful choice. I didn't know anything about him when he was first mentioned as a possibility and did a bit of work and it seems he is a good choice. I had fully expected it to be Shapiro or Mark Kelley but if the chemistry is there between Kamala an Walz, then it has to work.

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That was well put. We and probably DNC advisors are probably looking at things like "Who might help you pick up a swing state?", but she has to look at both 1) Will we campaign well together? and 2) Will we work well together after we win? So it's much more about chemistry, and I think they've got that. To me, they've both got the right mix of integrity and humor, and it was forged in them through different types of experiences of family and community. Together they will express a vision of what it means to be part of the USA that is compassionate, fun, and something to be proud of, not based on might but on a commitment to do the right thing and to truth.

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And not based on infighting and constantly trashing the left instead of getting things done.

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I am really liking this “energy”! I always vote, but this time, the choices are clearer! It’s Not feeling like a high school beauty contest

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Tim Walz is an excellent choice for VP. Among his many pluses he speaks clearly in plain English to the concerns of many Americans as evidenced in your quote "my daughter Hope was named Hope for a reason. . . . Because married for eight years, no children, wanting children—we got Hope because of this type of stuff.” (He also appears to have no skeletons lurking in his closet, although the R's will lie about something anyway.)

My recommendation to Republicans: Disavow DJT and JD Vance. Vote for Harris or stay home. Promise to come back in four years as a sane political party based on policy and not personality, hate, division, lies, and cultural crap against everyone they see as "the other". Stop supporting fascist dictators. Promise to work with Democrats to get things done for people here and abroad. (Like any of this will happen, but hey, I can dream.)

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He was also a Social Studies teacher and a governor and probably knows more about government and policy than the Trump and Vance combined. I am much more confident about this ticket than I have about any other more recent ones in my lifetime.

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Soo encouraging. Thank you. Reading you I had the fleeting feeling that the whole MAGAT thing will prove to be a mirage, a noxious fog that passed across the land. It’s leaving now

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Maybe the magats are currently a noxious fog, but they sure weren't during the pandemic. Trump was a horrible person to have as president during that time, and I think that a lot of the people who died from the pandemic were magats. I'm definitely ready for them to be gone.

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Well, they were all Darwin Award nominees, so I guess that's their consolation prize. Yes, I'm satisfied that the herd has been culled and am ready for more to be gone. There is no place for that here. They were not patriots. They were/are a stain on this country's greatness and on our unity.

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Love your enthusiasm but the Trumpites are very very organized and determined to win any way they can.

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It is our enthusiasm and hard work that will put Harris/Walz in the White House in November! The orange man and his team are running in circles trying to figure out how to campaign against the optimism and strength our candidates are bringing out in millions. They may try to cheat or do whatever they can; however, we will make sure we win in such a large number, they cannot refute it!

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I may just vote this year now that we have a strong pair whom I can believe in, and who can beat Trump/Vance.

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Please don’t think a single vote (yours) is insignificant, or won’t matter. We count to one thousand, one number at a time. If you don’t want DT destroying democracy, then voting against him is required to prevent that. It’s a simple choice. No need to overthink it, but I understand how easy it is to do that, when trying to make a decision. I’m an expert over thinker…. But this situation is crystal clear, to me anyway. Since we are all humans, that means nobody is perfect, including candidates. There will always be negative blah blah blah about even the best of people. I think some folks are just not able to detect truth from lies, or good from bad, easily , if even at all. Something like not having a very strong sense of smell. And all too many are only comfortable following around a schoolyard bully or career criminal. They feed on the strength of such bad people. Like with gangs, cults and mafia…once you get in, you never get out. So many of DT’s followers are terrified of leaving him, because he’ll come after them, and when he does that, its not pretty.

The choice is between good people on one side and a pathological liar and criminal on the other side.

If you do vote, don’t forget to register as soon as possible, and then follow up to make sure it went through correctly, as well as exactly where you will be going to place your vote, and then you’re good to go. That will avoid delays and confusion on voting day. If you do make it to vote on voting day, thank you for voting, whatever your decision may be. Your vote matters. You matter. Wishing all good things come your way!

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Alright, Sandy! That's what I absolutely love to hear! Get your friends to get out there and vote, too! One blue tsunami coming in November! Lotus for POTUS!

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Believe me...I have to keep reminding myself of Nixon's legacy of hand-me- down " dirty tricks". " Balding Blighter will use any crooked avenue to secure a check in the win column!😱

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Did Vance see combat? I thought he was a media person while he was in service.

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He was. He quite literally saw combat in that the did go to the front lines on occasion to "talk" to the troops there, but he was never involved in actual combat. I said that in my comment below.

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There are/were no front lines in Iraq. I served in Baghdad in the so-called “Green Zone” (safe zone) 2004-05. There were incoming rockets and RPGs on a regular basis, and people were injured and killed as a result. I wore body armor and helmet, and had to be armed outside of my work area. So while JD is scum (IMO), don’t denigrate his service in a combat zone.

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I'm not denigrating his service, merely pointing out that he wasn't in combat, nor even near it. Vance (or should I say Hamel as he was known then) was stationed at Al Asad Air Base northwest of Baghdad, and it wasn't under daily attack.

When you say someone saw combat you're usually implying that they actually came under fire. That was not the case with him. And he was there for 6 months. If you see his pictures from then, he wasn't in body armor or wearing a helmet.

And I was in Iraq 13 years before you. In '96, just before I retired, I was in Kuwait, which was still considered a combat zone. So, I once again got both combat pay, and hazardous duty pay because of the desert environment.

And from a fellow combat vet, thanks for serving.

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And Vance is honest about this. He uses what I'd consider proper veteran language about it. I believe he said "I was lucky not to see combat" even though he was actually "seeing it" in the common sense, but from a safe distance. Seeing it through a telephoto lens, as you said, is not what is meant when military or veterans use those words.

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"JD Vance has been careful not to claim he served in a combat role while deployed to Iraq as a Marine". This according to NCPR, northcountrypublicradio.org. He was a media correspondent for about 6 months in Iraq.

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