Thanks to all of you for what you’re doing! I was 17 when Roe was passed; I was 66 when it was overturned. Not once, during my reproductive years did I have to worry about whether or not I could get an abortion if I needed one.

When the Dobbs decision came down, I was horrified. I have an adult son, no daughters or grandchildren, but I have nieces and grandnieces. The idea that young women will have to worry about their own reproductive rights and freedoms sickens me.

I am in this fight as much as I can be, for every female out there.

πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™VOTE BLUE!πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™

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And us males too!

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Absolutely. It concerns everyone.

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Jun 25
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What is this?

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I was 15 & 64. With you 100%. So grateful for what the Seneca Project, including Mary, is doing in this unbelievably horrific circumstance for women. I have been saying for years to anyone who would listen, that the stance we should be taking is for women’s rights more broadly, not only abortion. Reproductive rights are a fundamental human right. The effects of the loss of those freedoms can be readily seen now and serve to awaken decent people to the imperative we have in November.

However, it need also be said that the people who want to strip women of these rights don’t intend to stop there. The agenda is far beyond that. There’s more misogyny at play here; to the extent that those of this mindset would prefer women be relegated to the status of obedient subjects. The β€œgood old days.”

It’s been said by various sages, β€œwhat we resist, persists.”

Therefore, instead of fighting AGAINST those who wish to oppress us, we need to wage the good fight FOR women’s rights and autonomy in all its forms. And I say YEA to @senacaprojectus ! You’re on that track.πŸ‘Stepping down from soap box now.☺️

πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™VOTE BLUE!πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™

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America needs to move forward and upward. Not go back to 1920. The Republicans really do want to allow only affluent white males to vote. They want to take away thousands of years of progress in society so they can stay in power.

Women across America need to mobilize and help defeat Donald and the Republicans. Or all of their rights will be gone.

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The office left a text he would/could not see me . they ask on the form what did I want to talk about? Dr. Cassidy is a physician in a war to talk to him especially about women’s rights because I worked in the school system in New Orleans area as a nurse practitioner and I can’t tell you how many high school students came in to be checked for STDs or pregnancy and we weren’t allowed to teach safe sex. Ha ha I got around that and if a teenager was pregnant, we had a close by Planned Parenthood refer to so what’s going on with women is evil and against the Hippocratic oath.

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By the time you would have gotten an answer for a pregnant teen, she may have been too far along. That’s likely to be what they’re counting on.

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As a for,er teacher I would like to say that the rights of children who may be unwanted are at risk as well as women. Every human has a right to be loved and cared for by a family who wants them.

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That is so true. Every woman may not want to become a Mom. Or she is working hard in a career and is not the time to have a child. There are to may children n this world who are not really cared for in a way that a loving parent loves and cares for a child.. We got to bring back Abortion..

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As a former…..😱

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Thank you for working to protect women! Scary times we are living in. The Handmaid’s Tale shouldn’t be a documentary πŸ₯Ί

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I have just ENORMOUS GRATITUDE for what you are doing! The stakes could not be higher for women and those who care for them. This is doubly true for transgender women, and men. I am terrified for my daughter, granddaughter and transgender son. Pretty frightened for my elderly self too! I depend 100% on Social Security and Medicare. I also live in government subsidized housing. I am disabled physically and mentally, my psychiatric care is barely available as it is. I may be a little bit off, due to my depression, anxiety and PTSD, but I still think a tRumPutin presidency would be ultimately Apocalyptic. Everyone alive on Earth is at risk. The loss of Democracy here will start the dominoes falling. And if I'm overstating this, it probably isn't by very much.

Thanks again my sisters, and I will support you in any way I can.

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you are definitely NOT exaggerating at all. In fact, what you are experiencing is far, far more widespread than you and most our country is willing to admit. I personally know multiple people, in similar situations to you.

Most as a result of pre-existing condition clause, when a certain political party was taking bribes from Insurance companies. Medical Insurance Premiums skyrocketed: to thousands per month. Unaffordable: forced to sell one’s home, liquidate all investments, retirement savings plans, when in mid-50’s to be able to continue Medical Care & treatments:

The worst of it, watching as the politicians in Congress who instigated this scheme, had been taking bribes from Insurance Companies. The Senators & Congress Persons - bought by Corporations of Insurance Industry, got Excellent Improved Benefits for votes to Approve the Profit Scheme: Lifetime Medical Benefits for the Congress Members and all their family Members For Life; at low premiums, no cancellations ever, or pesky preexisting clauses. Even if/when A member of Congress no longer serves. Notice the MASSIVE DISCREPANCIES. No conscience is Highly Rewarded.

Their β€œreward” for passing heinous legislation that β€œallowed” health care premiums paid for decades, to skyrocket from monthly cost affordable $ amount, to over $$1,200 + a month ( in β€˜05 and after) a time, when it’s difficult to start saving All over, once if you can even afford to continue treatments. Many are now Out of Pocket, on top of unaffordable premiums. Forced to rent. Moves, at whim of rental owners. Abundant, wise Planning for a comfortable retirement is destroyed.

If you make it to survive to early Social Security Retirement Benefits ( this means less per month the rest of your life) if you live to get that far. Many burn out, trying to work, to get employee benefits, and if possible. If a self-employed business owner, with years of successful, profitable career, finding employment to get medical benefits

is near impossible, as Employers aren’t inclined to hire an ill, experienced person, experienced in their 50s, only seeking employment for Insurance.

Continuing to work into late 70’s and beyond, as a result of Political Bribery, + political Greed is not a sign of a healthy society. Vote Blue!

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Thank you Kali. The unconscionable cruelty you describe is precisely what I'm talking about. It has spread to every aspect of most of our lives, and if Republicans gain power....everything, every single thing! will be much, much worse. Vote Blue! Our lives and our planet depend on us.

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Indeed you DO Realize, Experience 1st Hand, just how Warped and Dangerous the new regime that’s taken over. The β€œOriginal Republican” Party of Lincoln, even Eisenhower, No Longer exists:

Sunk into Toxic Depravity, overtaken by,” as many of us choose to Identify them. ( or Similar Descriptive Titles). They’ve Hi-Jacked the party’s Name, but their Actions, Attitudes, Beliefs and Direction DO Resemble Lawless Thugs, Outlaws, Predators.

Anyone with Eyes to See, Ears to See, Understands the Nefarious Intent: Use of Force to Coerce, Demand & Overtake. Self-Righteous Bigots. Authoritarian, They ARE Betrayers of Democracy.

We Women, Our Children, the Disabled, Handicapped, Seniors and those without the financial means to Emigrate, are the Most Vulnerable.

Thank you G.F. D. & John Miller and Numerous Strong, Mature Men, Know, Stand Strong for And With Us!

There Are Plenty of Americans Heeding The Call!


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I am male, so perhaps one might say I have no dog in the fight. However there are women I love and their welfare is of immense concern to me. Furthermore, as a citizen I am concerned about the safety and wellbeing of all citizens, ALL! There are many more men who feel as I do on this; so Dobbs will have an effect among both women and men. The question of how much effect is open to debate.

However, I believe the issue of preserving Democracy is probably more urgently understood by voters than is obvious on the surface. This issue will be important in the election. As for the Dobbs decision. It is undoubtedly important to voters, both Republicans and Democrats; and this will be reflected in the voting. But I recall how Republicans who wanted an abortion before Roe vs. Wade simply left this country and got one. They had the money to do this while Democrats were less likely to be able to afford it. So maybe one should not rely too much on the "Dobbs" effect at the poling booth. The form of political organization in a nation, Democratic or Autocratic is the cause of societal effects. Abortion made legal or illegal is an effect. Which is the more fundamental issue?

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You have women you love, of course you have a β€œdog β€œ in the fight!

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Every human has a dog in this fight. Heck, even dogs have a ... stake in this fight.

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As a male voter all of this abortion on rights thing has been out there for women to deal with. In a male dominated world, (and it really is), our female family members, especially grandchildren we love, are in jeopardy. Everybody knows how growing up brings the need for love and the boys terrific impulse to get some sex. From our standpoint, Oh the girl can just refuse, right? It ain't that easy, and that's why you ladies have a big reason to push the abortion, contraception, day after pill and how girls are in real danger in the Trump era. And Doctors too.

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Every unwanted pregnancy was caused by a man.

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Thanks to all of you for explaining the huge extent these "people" are going to in order to silence and keep us "barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen". Hate this period in out history. There is so much violence and destruction happening all over the world and our politicians choose to be divisive and repressive. Something has go to give. We need intelligent leaders in both parties who can focus on what they are getting paid for. Argh.

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Ms. Read, Republicans are doing exactly what they are paid for. Attacking women.

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Remarks while First Lady to the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women, Plenary Session in Beijing, China: 5 September 1995.

The international community has long acknowledged that both women and men are entitled to a range of protections and personal freedoms, from the right of personal security to the right to determine freely the number and spacing of the children they bear.

No one should be forced to remain silent for fear of religious or political persecution, arrest, abuse or torture. Tragically, women are most often the ones whose human rights are violated.

Even in the late 20th century, the rape of women continues to be used as an instrument of armed conflict. Women and children make up a large majority of the world's refugees. When women are excluded from the political process, they become even more vulnerable to abuse.

I believe that it is time to break our silence. It is time for us to say here in Beijing, and the world to hear, that it is no longer acceptable to discuss women's rights as separate from human rights.

These abuses have continued because, for too long, the history of women has been a history of silence. Even today, there are those who are trying to silence our words. The voices of this

conference must be heard loud and clear: It is a violation of human rights when babies are denied food, or drowned, or suffocated, or their spines broken, simply because they are born girls.

It is a violation of human rights when women and girls are sold into the slavery of prostitution.

It is a violation of human rights when women are doused with gasoline, set on fire and burned to death because their marriage dowries are deemed too small.

It is a violation of human rights when individual women are raped in their own communities and when thousands of women are subjected to rape as a tactic or prize of war.

It is a violation of human rights when a leading cause of death worldwide among women ages 14 to 44 is the violence they are subjected to in their own homes.

It is a violation of human rights when women are denied the right to plan their own families, and that includes being forced to have abortions or being sterilized against their will.

If there is one message that echoes forth from this conference, it is that human rights are women's rights - and women's rights are human rights. Let us not forget that among those rights are the right to speak freely - and the right to be heard.

Women must enjoy the right to participate fully in the social and political lives of their countries if we want freedom and democracy to thrive and endure.

Thank you Mary for being part of this wonderful new organization and thank you for this beautiful discussion about women’s rights. The overturn of Roe violated International Law.

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I was alive before abortion was legal. Women were dying in alleys!!! I won't go back!

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I posted this article on Facebook and they notified me that they removed it. I have to conclude that they are a bunch of fascists.

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Talk more about any woman who has been raped, not being able to get an abortion immediately and how many women that would be

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Back to the debate. IDEA! Mary, you can get to Biden. I’ve never read a tweet or heard Trump talk that didn’t make me aware of his incompetence, and, for his closing remark, I suggest Biden say nothing except that he defers to Trump who will show everyone how unqualified he is. HAVE JOE BE DARING!!!

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PS: Biden could start by saying he doesn't intend to do much talking. He'll just listen and let Trump hang himself. Wouldn't that be a treat?

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Every aspect of women’s health, reproductive rights, forced birth, and childcare is a men’s issue as well as women’s.

As a father of daughters and a son, this is of great concern to me.

As a citizen I am absolutely aware of the costs to all the tax payers if women aren’t well and unwanted children are brought into the world.

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