No respect for her intelligence, that’s rich, from a guy who wrote on a weather map with a Sharpie. couldn’t read his daily briefings, and thought injecting bleach would cure COVID.
That was someone's brilliant assessment. It explains why he thinks refugees are all criminals. When I first red it, I could not stop laughing at the ignorance!. Mary: at what grade school level is Donold dysfunctioning??
This is my theory. Rich kids like Donny go to private schools and I have discovered that many private schools are not necessarily better than public, merely cater to do what ever keeps the rich kids happy. Yes many of those rich kids are clever and turn out to be true leaders and successful on merit despite not needing to work a day in their life and then there are the other rich kids. Donald's own parents sent him to a military high school - I don't know what the academic standards were but they sent him there for discipline and that failed miserably because he hated it there. He got worse. For that to fail suggests the blame is still on the parents. The fact the school did not kick him out meant they were willing to keep the huge tuition coming in and the fact his parents did not pull him out means they were fine to let someone else deal with their horrible son and avoid any shame in their social circle, having a son kicked out of military school.
Well Donny was clearly proficient when it comes to evading the law though that he likely learned that from the Fred Trump School of Business, except his father was smart enough to hide his slickness for the most part. Except the trouble Fred Trump got into by refusing to rent to black tenants. Fred's family was German eh? In fact, Fred's father got kicked out of Germany. I didn't think countries ever did that to rich folks. This is how the Trump line got imported to the USA.
He also seems to equate visas that allow you to enter a country with Visa credit cards since he keeps saying that immigrants are getting money to move here.
He apparently has a feral cunning that has allowed him to bully and grift his way into the republican party, but intelligence and knowledge, not so much.
given that the Republican party has been planning their takeover of the country since the Reagan years when the "moral Majority" morphed into the radical Christian right, I think they were just waiting for someone like Trump to come along that could serve as their useful idiot to facilitate the final grab. We all have to work really hard to make sure that never happens.
He may have been useful to someone once (who???), but he is a useless idiot now. He is not a person who will look back on his public displays of idiocy and feel embarrassed, either.
Certainly useful to his buddy Vlad. Oh Vlad wouldn't consider him a buddy since I am sure Donny had no choice. When you can't fill up your new Trump Tower and the Russian Mafia saves the project by buying several condos at 6 milllon a piece they owned him then. Money laundering - check
Surely the Democrats have known the Republicans or at least a group of them have been jonesing for a fascist take over - it was never really a secret less so since Trump got elected once, but have the Democrats ignored the peril over the decades??? Can't ignore it now, I hope.
Donald surfed the Obama wave and wiped out. He's never inherited well, what with the bankruptcies and all. Now he's trying to take credit for the success of those who cleaned up after the elephants
He never got that their just people who want a better life. And I can't help but wonder if they would still want to if they(emagrints) knew what tRump plans for our country? Similar to what they are trying to get away from.
It’s not that he always lies; it’s that he’s ignorant to policy. He has a childlike mentality. He doesn’t read. He’s a spoiled little rich boy. He always got his way. And the NJ Press Conference was a goddamn joke. They had to put food on display to discuss policy. Really! I couldn't believe what I saw. We have to make sure this man is never our Nation’s Commander in Chief.
No, he’s a sociopath. We know this because the key element of all people with sociopathy or psychopathy is they always seek pity. Don’t underestimate him. He is a pathological liar by nature. His propaganda campaign looks exactly like Stalin and Hitler because they were both afflicted by psychopathy as well. He’s an idiot but he’s also very good at being the grifter he is. We can’t let down our guard for a minute.
Donibal Lector is the perfect piece of Orange shit to carry out the draconian Project 2025. Wait for it..."The people at Heritage say I am the greatest president ever in the history of the world.....They really like me.....they like me alot..."
If 34-0 manages to scam the electoral college bullshit and voids the election somehow.........he will do their bidding...because "they like me."
He can't be re-programmed. He was spoiled from birth. Way too late. Birth order and its effect on families. Donny was No. 4 and his older brothers got all the attention. So this explains his personality. His sisters seems to be high achievers who live quiet lives. Wonder if they ever have family reunions and invite him.
It seems much more important that people like him! He’s as dumb as a stone or maybe he is just stoned!!
No one should care that much if people like you, I know a lot of people don’t like me just because I say exactly what they wish they could say but don’t have the nerve to say! There’s not a single cell in my entire body that gives a shit if you like me or don’t like me!!!
Life goes on for Don, and he best learn that NO one will ever like him.
I can see him arriving at the gates of hell and the Devil takes a look at him and says, “sorry Don you can’t come in no one here likes you.”
Dear Brenda....You have empathy and care for others or you would never be on this site. Your positive attitude/self esteme is together, so who gives a fuck about what people think, right?? My hero, Melanie Tonia Evans, who saved me from a living hell with a narcissist taught me this. "I am the Light. The Light I am, It just is, It's all that is."
Geez, WJB Motown: if you really ARE from Motown, didn't you forget a "K" at the end of your moniker? Used to listen to it all the time. And WWJ and WJR and WXYZ and……….
Perfectly said. Complacency will doom us. Volunteer, donate, stay engaged. Plenty of time to celebrate later. For now, how about sending a few bucks to the campaign?
If the most disgusting human being on the planet can get 75 million people to vote for him, what does that say about those 75 million people? Can you believe they live on the same PLANET as us, forget the same COUNTRY?!
Oh lord no! Costa Nostra or any other of the big mob families would have turned him inside out. They would have never considered him one of them, just like he was rejected by NYC's high society (which I understand he always tried to be a part of) or the ownership of an NFL team. That was another great disappointment for him. He's had many groups turn their backs on him and I am ready for him to feel that again.
Oh thanks for reminding me of the foulness that was Roy Cohn that was one of his influences. For example, Roy Cohn never ever paid his bills but he was so intimidating even though he was a gay man in a time that was not acceptable but he was a powerhouse lawyer that scared everyone. I mean Cohn was part of the McCarthy witch hunt and he was having an affair with another one of the members on that committee . Yet no consequences!!! Now he did die from AIDS.
I also think Hitler was not that educated, his father who he hated died when he was 13, had to support his mother. But he was smart enough to surrounded himself with men smarter than he was,
Never AGAIN our Commander in Chief… I watched the second hour of Deadline Whitehouse, with four very respected veterans, and they were a delight to listen to. I really appreciate hearing the truth about the military, coming from respected, respectful people.
We need Mattis and Miley to speak at the DNC. And Tillerson and the many others who denounce him that have actually worked WITH him. It IS amazing that there are still people around that attend his rallies but I suspect that even many of them are getting bored at the SOS. It's like a song that gets overplayed, you just don't want to hear it again.
Or like canned tomatoes for me, which I can no longer eat. I would also like to see those mean speak at the DNC. However, I'm not sure any of them have the guts to do that.
My granddaughter puts stuff on t-shirts all the time! At 75, I still like to wear obnoxious t-shirts. I have some that should be rated R. I’m going to have her put Bye-Don! on one for me!!!
Or one that says something about a sociopath or psychopath! I had so many when Ruth Ginsberg was no longer on the bench!! AND ON THE BACK OF MOST , ITS SAYS AH AH AH, I TOLD YOU DONT SPEAK TO ME. I sent several to my Daughter who I believe is the only Democrat in the entire state of Florida.
I want one about the Supreme Court!!! I’d love to know what Don paid or promised if they vote as he told them to! I have my favorite on the front it says DON’T SPEAK TO ME and on the back it says, AH AH AH, DON’T DO IT !!
Another one says, Have you lost you lost your 2025 F….UCKING MIND!!!
Some people laugh some get really angry and swear at me!!!
Then as I walk past on the back says, AH, AH, AH I TOLD YOU DONT SPEAK TO ME!!!
I want to get one made reading, "Just try to be decent". Seems a decent mantra and I try to live by it. Getting one specially made is proving a nightmare.
Let's not forget nuking hurricanes and raking leaves off the forest floors to help prevent wildfires. For a guy who never has a plan for anything but more self enrichment, tax breaks for the gazillionaires, getting even with those who called him out and staying out of prison, he doesn't have a damn thing to offer for the better of our country.
He was never running, at any point in time, for the bettering of America. He initially ran to boost his brand. Winner the election was a fluke. He has always been only interested in himself.
Actually raking debris and trimming the forests was always a European thing, my father always says his home country in Europe did it. But then they don't have the size of forests of say USA and Canada but if it is done as regularly as you can? At least areas near dense populations? A beautiful ski town Banff Alberta was almost totally destroyed by fire this summer - experts said it might have be avoided or at least the damage minimized if the forests were better maintained. Warmer than average summer and less rain didn't help in Banff either.
I'm sorry Rick, but the rake manufacturers and bleach injectors would beg to differ with you. This is their livelihood! (Kidding! He's such a maroon man!). Oh and windmill cancer may get a run for its money without him.../snorr
A few nights back I ran across an old article published in the New Yorker in early 2017 about how Trump is dangerous for US foreign policy because he's stupid and totally ignorant of history. It also pointed out how alarming Trump's infatuation with strongmen is, and potentially disastrous. His stupidity can be laughable but it's also potentially catastrophic.
If you don't already, Marycat, follow Ruth Ben-Ghiat, who literally wrote the book called Strongman, paralleling him to Mussolini, Stalin and of course, Hitler, whose book of speeches he kept on his bedside table.
Do you think Ivana would have read Mein Kampf to Donny at bedtime -though clearly Russians and Germans were not on the same side when Ivana was living in Russia.
Very true Marycat2021. Though from my perspective childlike has an innocence quality, more benign. Childish mentality in an adult, that has behind sheer stubborn willfulness as his distorted thought process and belligerent, bullying, retaliatory actions have a calculated Vengeance with a capital V, that reveals cunning & manipulation. Nothing innocent about that. 34 Felonies let No one Forget.
Well his daddy had a buddy who got Donny into Wharton because he said he knew Donald would never get be accepted for a MBA never mind pass it but a Business Administration degree was feasible and it is suspected he had um help to just barely pass, that someone else may have written the entrance exam because he would not be that famous then. His father just wanted his son to be able to say ''I went to Wharton'' and leave it at that and not lie.
"I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning, because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that, but it sounds interesting to me. So, we’ll see, but the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute. That’s pretty powerful."
I wrote a "British grammarian" comment a couple of days ago... LOVE this sort of thing. This is a BRILLIANT observation, thanks. I don't actually think he meant it as "will", not "would". Man is not educated, can't articulate a grammatically sound sentence like the rest of us. It's just delicious that he phrased it like that.
Yes, that's such a common one it's hardly worth mentioning. I worry about the subjunctive when people millions can't differentiate between subject and object. Sigh.
Back to DJT... He's a very stable genius who passed the Montreal test with flying colour's.
Dam' it. Auto correct changed my flying colours to flying colour's. Now the world thinks I can't use the apostrophe correctly. Where's the Prussic acid?
Thanks! Auto correct changes all plurals to 's but I don't always catch. I'm on to the next word before auto correct destroys my life. If I were techie, I'd switch off auto correct.
It happens to me too but one day I discovered that if I use a word not in the Apple dictionary just touch the unusual word as typed as it appears in the scroll below your comment.
It may almost be not worth mentioning, but having been raised by the grammar police, it annoys me every time I hear it. I find myself correcting my husband on that one.
Thanks. I'm the kind of woman who lets correct grammar override the fact we're supposed to be ensuring America doesn't re-elect Don-old. Back to Mary's podcast, eh?
Stuck in Classic Mental “Projection” take most anything he accuses others of and flip that back to what Trumpy does, or plots to do. Bingo! He’s given away what he did, does or plans to do.
He just wants to stay out of prison.. cause let’s be honest he should be in an orange jumpsuit to match his orange assed skin and fake orange assed hairball
I want him to lose and to go to jail. He deserves that. The American people deserve that. He is a one man crime spree and we need to see that no one is above the law.
I’m so ready to see his perp walk in an orange jumpsuit with no toupee and no makeup and no lifts in his shoes.. oh what a wonderful sight that would be!!
Trump should've been shamed out of Office after swearing to defend, protect, and blah blah obey the Constitution but spit on it, instead. He should've been removed from Office as soon as the insurrection began. it was all confirmed by handmaiden Mitch McConnell, who, when faced with the loss of his job and paycheck, recanted. And, come to think of it, no way should Dems. have surrendered to the outrageous Dem. SCOTUS pick and allow the poisoning of the Supreme Court by inserting 3 unfit, right-wing biased judges onto the court, forever tainting it. And now, because of the rotten court,, bribery is legal, r@pist get free to do it again, and 11 year old victims must flee the red states to get relief. Why do men call the shots & women allow it? No female should've let this outrage last a day.
Lois, I find it interesting that our current Supreme Court cons gave Trump the immunity powers when most of his crimes were not committed while in office (OK, the crimes we know about) and those that were, like inciting insurrection were not official duties of any president. What game is Roberts and his unamerican 5 playing? Then, what game is AG Garland playing that he waited so long to even bring charges and then, no charges have been brought against the other handmaids of insurrection like the senators and representatives who spoke at the insurrection rally (the biggest crowd ever) and voted not to certify the results of a free and fair election? Going on 4 years later and so much has not been addressed! It really is weird, and totally unacceptable.
Ruth you are exactly right. I have been wondering about the same things. Even with the immunity granted I wouldn’t have thought that the insurrection qualified as “official duties” - really how absurd would that be? And I’ve been railing about Garland forever - maybe we wouldn’t be in this position if he had done what he should have done from day one.
You know..I used to know Donald Trump back, you know, well..then, he was White. Yes..he was actually white..but then, you know, he, well, sometime not long ago, he was white and then he went orange. He was white..then he went orange. Strangest thing that...
Yes Klara his misogyny is glaringly obvious.. and he’s blocked.. I don’t have time for some male Fucktwats opinion on that Orange Douche and all the women he’s raped and taken advantage of promising them shit and just using them like Kleenex..
Doesn't really want to win, but can't bear to lose and not running means losing. All those conflicting thoughts wandering around the vast empty spaces of his brain.
He didn’t want to win in 2016! Now he just wants to win so he can have the protections and immunity of the presidency. He couldn’t care less about the country or the rest of the world.
Bonnie, I heard that when Trump got the word in 2016, he was in shock. You are right that he wanted a platform for whining and complaining rather than a desk in the Oval Office. Now he has had the privileges of the presidency and wants it back. He had to do nothing and could even hold rallies while in office. Trump was not changed by his time in office unless it is that we can notice the signs of his dementia more clearly now. Trump has not really worked a day in his life beyond signing things, approving the cheating of contractors, and verbal bullying. Even his time on reality TV involved a very minimum of effort. When we have so many challenges going, why would anyone want a know-nothing, do-nothing as president? He will, though release his band of brown shirts to do their worst to our nation, though and claim the credit for the destruction. Our courts need to stop pretending Trump deserves all the breaks he has been given by them and start treating him as they would any other citizen, say a man of color. Then, maybe the media will start being honest about Trump's inadequacies and danger to this nation.
I happened to take note of the fact he is no way put in the time that any other President at the White House would.. I seem to recall a normal day was a few hours in the morning at the White House then afternoons doing interviews and blithering on Fox News or visiting other right wing outlets - since it was televised daily it was quite obvious. I believe many of those staffers even if they were proTrump to start were annoyed and exhausted too.
I think what I hate most about Trump is the hatred he has stirred up in this country. He has turned us against each other and brought everything down into the mud with him. We have the opportunity to rise up out of that mud and return to being one nation again by voting against him in November.
I have red that , in 2016, he was in shock for 3 days. That he reassured Melania that he would not win but that they would profit from him merely having been a candidate. Allegedly, then he said something like: "Well, if I won, I must deserve it." It went to his tiny brain. ( EVERYTHING ON HIM IS TINY!! LOL)
Oh, he wants to WIN because winning means he won't go to prison for his crimes! Also, his ego's so easily bruised he can't stand the thought of losing....
For sure! I noticed the tense as well! He knows ! This is why he is in such a foul temper all the time these days. He can t understand her at all or why she s riding as he sinks. Sick man that he is! Wish they knew definitively why some people develop narcissism if it’s nurture or lack of it or brain structure as well. Mary anything you can shed light on this way in general psychology would be helpful. I read your book Too Much and Never Enough so I get some of why with Uncle Trump. But in general terms what causes such malignant narcissism?
Even better is when he actually says: “I think I’m entitled to a personal insult.” We can Reply-You Certainly are entitled to a personal insult. As many as you gave out. How does it feel to be the target? She is very effective. When you dish it out, it’s important as an adult to learn how to take what you give. If you don’t like it, learn not to do it.
Never too late to learn. Hmm, well, unless you aren’t capable of learning? Is that your problem? Lost your job, last time you ran. Remember?
His daddy had to pay another student to take his exams so he could get a passing grade. The felon is totally illiterate. He confuses asylum seekers (the subhumans, as he calls them) with the word ASYLUM the place where he belongs. Can’t tell the different meaning of the two words. He needs to be held in a stretched jacket and sent to an ASYLUM asap.
I bet he laughs “down”. Guy slips on a banana peel: funny. Breaks his back: funnier. Loses his house because of medical bills — now he’s Rolling. Sues and LOSES, he’s laughing so hard his stomach hurts. Send down more hamberders.
well he has no sense of humor. the only time he laughs is at someone else's expense. Like making fun of the disabled reporter. He really is the worst of what human beings can become.
2016. I cried all night and was numb for days. I'd forgotten what celebration felt like until January 20, 2021 when Joe Biden was sworn into office. And VP Harris was right there with him. They turned our world from despair to joy and we will never go back. #KamalaBringsUsJoy
Every one I know felt the same and we re in Canada and the UK and we’re utterly horrified and stunned! It’s had repercussions world wide in tone racism sexism homophobia etc! Horrible man but his enablers have to go too!
I’m not a US citizen but felt sick and numb over DT’s election.
I felt especially sick after James Comey did his manipulation - gaslighting over Hilary’s completely regular innocent emails fearing it would influence many voters for the worst. Hilary said it did. That was a terrible act of election interference and he has never paid for it. Unless DT’s malfunctions wrecked some of his stock options!
The wonderful thing is that what the campaign for Kamala does, is not really going low, it's rather going humorously with wit at the silliness of what Trump says, and does. It is so very well done.
Yes, Kamala Harris is getting under Donald’s very thin skin. I love it. She is coming off strong and likable. Yes, I said likable. I want her to refute these crazy claims that she is “soft on crime” by saying “ We will fight to keep criminals out of the White House!”
I want to hear Mariah Carey”s song “MAKE IT HAPPEN” at every event and rally.
I hope it it's real bigly, the most bigly ever, because they are getting a false flag election obstruction, denial, action put together, far more substantial than last time.
I hope they're not just monitoring him, but also trapping him so he can be caught, red-handed, in the act and can't deny it. His mental deterioration is so blatant at this point that he will be more likely to make mistakes and not cover his tracks as well as he did the first time. Lock. Him. Up.
Let’s make sure of that Jim!! Get everyone you know who hopefully will vote blue up and down vote!! And let’s all of us slam flush that Orange Shit stain.. The new Tidy Bowl Man
No, he won’t. Should, but won’t. Oh, he’ll blow that gasket all right, and throw plenty of ketchup, but then he’ll pick himself up just enough to challenge the election results. The contested election will go before SCOTUS, and the shameless six will declare him the winner. They WILL declare him the winner. There’s no way they won’t. It’s not just him; it’s all those Project 2025 people who will overturn the election, no matter what it takes. Why are we not preparing for this?
New nickname for the donOLD/whatever his name is: Couch Cassidy and the Sundowner Kid.
Also, anyone notice that one of the cereals was Froot Loops? Think about it, Cheerios are small, and easily grabbed by baby hands. On the table. Right by the Froot Loops.
donOLD....the call is coming from inside the house.
I did like how the media grasped upon the Froot Loops. Unfortunately, they are too scared/owned to do anything bold, but they did make a point of that.
The Washington Post reported that Trump once again criticized soldiers who get shot. Harris had the perfect reply. Rather than criticize his comment directly, which would be to take it seriously, she made it personal, saying that he “knows nothing about service to anyone or anything but himself.” That should get under his skin.
It is such a pleasant surprise to see and hear how competitive Kamala Harris is. I love that she responds to Donald's crazy comments. The Obama team had a rapid response team but Kamela and Waltz seem to be the responders and their responses are memorable! It seems like the Democrats have come alive!
I said above that Harris made it personal against Trump. More specifically, by saying that he “knows nothing about service to anyone or anything but himself,” she was pointing out his narcissistic disorder. That's the way to deal with mentally ill people. Maybe suggest that they get help.
Caution ⚠️ I don’t trust the convicted felon and traitor. I’m happy to see him doing so badly, but beware of the wolf. Don’t count the votes yet. I’ve said it before, a loudmouth only becomes quieter when planning revenge. The twice impeached, convicted felon, traitor will do anything to regain power. I believe after January 6th you must believe he is capable of anything to gain control of the White House. He is already planting the seeds.
The one positive that I think people forget is that this time Biden’s in office. He WILL call in the National Guard lickety-split. He WILL throw bad actors in jail. And he WON’T just turn over the keys to Trump. THEY’re preparing for every contingency.
That's what I've been saying. Nothing short of life in Rikers will stop him. Sneaking off to Venezuela and actually letting it be known is also worrisome. We can't have him expedited because Venezuela doesn't permit that. He even invited Musk to go with him. I no longer can think of musk as a pleasant manly odor after a workout. Those dirty bastards ruin everything.
Laura, I, too, would like to see him gone. But if he goes to Venezuela, he would once again be avoiding/evading accountability. That idea upsets me greatly. He needs to be held accountable, and IMO he shouldn't be allowed to just go to Venezuela. (I do wonder, though, how he'd fare in Venezuela, since he doesn't speak Spanish and wouldn't be able to learn it…)
I’d say as long as his $$ lasts. He’ll have no political capital to spend, and only the trained-from-birth lackeys *may* follow him into exile. None of his kids will.
Totally agree! And I’ve been posting similar warning on other blogs. We don’t have the luxury of assuming there’s a win for the Dems. Hope for the best. Enjoy Dump’s discomfort. Stay alert and prepare for the worst so there are no surprises. We’ve got a great chance here. Let’s do this right!
Yes of course you're right. we can't celebrate yet. We can celebrate their wonderful campaign and the positivity they are bringing us but it's too soon to count those deplorables out. They will literally do anything to win, and what they will do if they win is another reich.
correct; they won't give up without some very ugly shenanigans (they're still doing it over 2020). But Dems will have an army of lawyers at the ready, and Joe has the power to squash any attempt at another Jan6.
Still, I expect a lot of election denial.
The only cure is a massive Blue Tsunami that can't be denied.
And I love and respect how the Harris-Walz campaign is ignoring the irresponsible cowering press' continued whining about "She won't talk to us" VP Harris doesn't owe the press a damn thing. She works for us. She's talking to us. She's holding rallies with us not a gaggle of microphones. She doesn't need the press to win this election. She needs us. And we love her.
There’s that example of Donnie’s Projection, “she’ll be a bad president.” “Ah ha, yup, Donnie, you’ll be a bad president, Again. We Already know that.”
Mary, I give you so much credit for the Harris campaign knowing how to get under that individual's skin. He definitely telegraphs his vulnerabilities but your insight has validated (non-cultist) public perception of him. Your acknowledgement that he really is as crazy as he seems has empowered the rational public and Harris campaign to fight this battle with weapons that, while unconventional, are the only ones that can actually stop him. Thank you. Keep up your good work.
Trump doesn’t think anyone should be allowed to run against him. He thinks the office should just be hand to him, and he’s insulted that it doesn’t work that way.
"I don’t have a lot of respect for her intelligence, and I think she’ll be a terrible president.”
SHE'LL be? Doesn't he mean SHE'D be??
LOL - he sees it coming!
Good catch, David!
No respect for her intelligence, that’s rich, from a guy who wrote on a weather map with a Sharpie. couldn’t read his daily briefings, and thought injecting bleach would cure COVID.
And thnks people seeking asylum are FROM asylums.
Omg I almost just fell out of bed
ROFLMAO, right--so much projection Trump should open a movie theater.
That was someone's brilliant assessment. It explains why he thinks refugees are all criminals. When I first red it, I could not stop laughing at the ignorance!. Mary: at what grade school level is Donold dysfunctioning??
You think he reaches up to the grade school level?
I think he's had to stay back in nursery school.
Is he Smarter Than A First Grader?
I doubt it!!!!
If he does get to 1st. Grade it’s just because in kindergarten no one liked him!
That would be a barely.
“Grade school?”
As a citizen, I would say STILL in pre school. Will not insult Kindergartners most are probably smarter!
My 3 year old great grandson In pre school is smarter than he will ever be!
I refer to him as a 15 year old in an adult body.
A 15 year old is smarter.
You're right-I miscalculated!
Actually, he's worse then that. More like a 2-3 yr old toddler who can't handle the truth.
That's giving him too much credit
I think that is an overstatement!
This is my theory. Rich kids like Donny go to private schools and I have discovered that many private schools are not necessarily better than public, merely cater to do what ever keeps the rich kids happy. Yes many of those rich kids are clever and turn out to be true leaders and successful on merit despite not needing to work a day in their life and then there are the other rich kids. Donald's own parents sent him to a military high school - I don't know what the academic standards were but they sent him there for discipline and that failed miserably because he hated it there. He got worse. For that to fail suggests the blame is still on the parents. The fact the school did not kick him out meant they were willing to keep the huge tuition coming in and the fact his parents did not pull him out means they were fine to let someone else deal with their horrible son and avoid any shame in their social circle, having a son kicked out of military school.
Well Donny was clearly proficient when it comes to evading the law though that he likely learned that from the Fred Trump School of Business, except his father was smart enough to hide his slickness for the most part. Except the trouble Fred Trump got into by refusing to rent to black tenants. Fred's family was German eh? In fact, Fred's father got kicked out of Germany. I didn't think countries ever did that to rich folks. This is how the Trump line got imported to the USA.
His grandfather was the one who got kicked out of Germany – for dodging military service. Seems to run in the family.
Pre-Hitler anyway.
Excellent point!
He also seems to equate visas that allow you to enter a country with Visa credit cards since he keeps saying that immigrants are getting money to move here.
He apparently has a feral cunning that has allowed him to bully and grift his way into the republican party, but intelligence and knowledge, not so much.
given that the Republican party has been planning their takeover of the country since the Reagan years when the "moral Majority" morphed into the radical Christian right, I think they were just waiting for someone like Trump to come along that could serve as their useful idiot to facilitate the final grab. We all have to work really hard to make sure that never happens.
He may have been useful to someone once (who???), but he is a useless idiot now. He is not a person who will look back on his public displays of idiocy and feel embarrassed, either.
Certainly useful to his buddy Vlad. Oh Vlad wouldn't consider him a buddy since I am sure Donny had no choice. When you can't fill up your new Trump Tower and the Russian Mafia saves the project by buying several condos at 6 milllon a piece they owned him then. Money laundering - check
Rich guy we can continue to blackmail - check.
Surely the Democrats have known the Republicans or at least a group of them have been jonesing for a fascist take over - it was never really a secret less so since Trump got elected once, but have the Democrats ignored the peril over the decades??? Can't ignore it now, I hope.
Well, I hope - but i doubt - that they're now thoroughly ashamed of themselves with the havoc they have wrought.
They do not even know what shame means.
Make up your mind! Is DJT45 someone part of the Christian plan, or is he as depraved as you keep saying?
He is more depraved than anyone ever has thought.
May God hear you and the devil be blind and deaf.
"feral cunning" - right on target. I love it.
Including his old pal Hannibal Lector! LOL
If Hannibal Lecter were alive and non-fictional, I would love to serve a trussed Donald Trump on a silver platter to him in his locked cell.
Donald surfed the Obama wave and wiped out. He's never inherited well, what with the bankruptcies and all. Now he's trying to take credit for the success of those who cleaned up after the elephants
When all seemed lost to the King of Diamonds, Biden went for broke and used his Trump card…
He needs to seek asylum. I think he would be right at home in an asylum. I heard there’s one for terminally stupid!!
He never got that their just people who want a better life. And I can't help but wonder if they would still want to if they(emagrints) knew what tRump plans for our country? Similar to what they are trying to get away from.
That is a fact.
ha ha, never thought of it that way
It’s not that he always lies; it’s that he’s ignorant to policy. He has a childlike mentality. He doesn’t read. He’s a spoiled little rich boy. He always got his way. And the NJ Press Conference was a goddamn joke. They had to put food on display to discuss policy. Really! I couldn't believe what I saw. We have to make sure this man is never our Nation’s Commander in Chief.
Bye-Don! on a t-shirt here 👇
No, he’s a sociopath. We know this because the key element of all people with sociopathy or psychopathy is they always seek pity. Don’t underestimate him. He is a pathological liar by nature. His propaganda campaign looks exactly like Stalin and Hitler because they were both afflicted by psychopathy as well. He’s an idiot but he’s also very good at being the grifter he is. We can’t let down our guard for a minute.
Donibal Lector is the perfect piece of Orange shit to carry out the draconian Project 2025. Wait for it..."The people at Heritage say I am the greatest president ever in the history of the world.....They really like me.....they like me alot..."
If 34-0 manages to scam the electoral college bullshit and voids the election somehow.........he will do their bidding...because "they like me."
Who in their right mind would ever say such a thing! He brags on himself constantly while the world sees an idiot!
That’s the problem
He has NO mind!! If he would lose his mind !!
He can't be re-programmed. He was spoiled from birth. Way too late. Birth order and its effect on families. Donny was No. 4 and his older brothers got all the attention. So this explains his personality. His sisters seems to be high achievers who live quiet lives. Wonder if they ever have family reunions and invite him.
It seems much more important that people like him! He’s as dumb as a stone or maybe he is just stoned!!
No one should care that much if people like you, I know a lot of people don’t like me just because I say exactly what they wish they could say but don’t have the nerve to say! There’s not a single cell in my entire body that gives a shit if you like me or don’t like me!!!
Life goes on for Don, and he best learn that NO one will ever like him.
I can see him arriving at the gates of hell and the Devil takes a look at him and says, “sorry Don you can’t come in no one here likes you.”
Dear Brenda....You have empathy and care for others or you would never be on this site. Your positive attitude/self esteme is together, so who gives a fuck about what people think, right?? My hero, Melanie Tonia Evans, who saved me from a living hell with a narcissist taught me this. "I am the Light. The Light I am, It just is, It's all that is."
Geez, WJB Motown: if you really ARE from Motown, didn't you forget a "K" at the end of your moniker? Used to listen to it all the time. And WWJ and WJR and WXYZ and……….
And BTW, kudos on "Donibal Lector". Haven't seen that anywhere else. Very cute!
You are one thousand % correct, at least about not being able to let down our guard. #Never2016again. #byedon #Harris-Walz #voteblue
I agree I just don’t trust the electoral college
He also seems to be desperate and desperate people are particularly dangerous.
They also have no compassion or empathy, and you're right. I wish more commenters here would also read the Substack called Lucid, by Ruth Ben-Ghiat.
Perfectly said. Complacency will doom us. Volunteer, donate, stay engaged. Plenty of time to celebrate later. For now, how about sending a few bucks to the campaign?
I really think that he thinks he’s entitled! He’s the most disgusting human being on the planet!
If the most disgusting human being on the planet can get 75 million people to vote for him, what does that say about those 75 million people? Can you believe they live on the same PLANET as us, forget the same COUNTRY?!
As Hillary said : “Deplorables”
They do live among us.🤨🤨
Hop on in that basket, MAGAs
I concur completely.
Street smart.
Nope, he wouldn't last a NY second trying to come on th strts.
He's white- collar crimes smart, daddy & Roy Cohn taught him that.
Costa Nostra, he is not.
Oh lord no! Costa Nostra or any other of the big mob families would have turned him inside out. They would have never considered him one of them, just like he was rejected by NYC's high society (which I understand he always tried to be a part of) or the ownership of an NFL team. That was another great disappointment for him. He's had many groups turn their backs on him and I am ready for him to feel that again.
Oh thanks for reminding me of the foulness that was Roy Cohn that was one of his influences. For example, Roy Cohn never ever paid his bills but he was so intimidating even though he was a gay man in a time that was not acceptable but he was a powerhouse lawyer that scared everyone. I mean Cohn was part of the McCarthy witch hunt and he was having an affair with another one of the members on that committee . Yet no consequences!!! Now he did die from AIDS.
I also think Hitler was not that educated, his father who he hated died when he was 13, had to support his mother. But he was smart enough to surrounded himself with men smarter than he was,
Sociopath not psychopath. They end in one institution or another.
Never AGAIN our Commander in Chief… I watched the second hour of Deadline Whitehouse, with four very respected veterans, and they were a delight to listen to. I really appreciate hearing the truth about the military, coming from respected, respectful people.
We need Mattis and Miley to speak at the DNC. And Tillerson and the many others who denounce him that have actually worked WITH him. It IS amazing that there are still people around that attend his rallies but I suspect that even many of them are getting bored at the SOS. It's like a song that gets overplayed, you just don't want to hear it again.
Or like canned tomatoes for me, which I can no longer eat. I would also like to see those mean speak at the DNC. However, I'm not sure any of them have the guts to do that.
Na na na nah,
na na na nah,
Donaldo bye bye
A bit facetious and possibly antagonistic but I couldn’t resist….
Don’t you think it could be a catchy t-shirt?
I’ll have to check that out for a t-shirt!! My granddaughter has made me so many absolutely obnoxious t-shirts. I love wearing them!!!
A 75 year old women wearing this obnoxious crap is crazy but I just laugh and laugh 💙🌸🌸
I'd buy one! Love it. ❤️ 🤣
I hope someone in the US picks up on it and wears it to gop rallies.
I am in Quebec and it wouldn’t mean much here.
Thanks !
My granddaughter puts stuff on t-shirts all the time! At 75, I still like to wear obnoxious t-shirts. I have some that should be rated R. I’m going to have her put Bye-Don! on one for me!!!
Or one that says something about a sociopath or psychopath! I had so many when Ruth Ginsberg was no longer on the bench!! AND ON THE BACK OF MOST , ITS SAYS AH AH AH, I TOLD YOU DONT SPEAK TO ME. I sent several to my Daughter who I believe is the only Democrat in the entire state of Florida.
I want one about the Supreme Court!!! I’d love to know what Don paid or promised if they vote as he told them to! I have my favorite on the front it says DON’T SPEAK TO ME and on the back it says, AH AH AH, DON’T DO IT !!
Another one says, Have you lost you lost your 2025 F….UCKING MIND!!!
Some people laugh some get really angry and swear at me!!!
Then as I walk past on the back says, AH, AH, AH I TOLD YOU DONT SPEAK TO ME!!!
I love it💙💙💙💙💙
I want to get one made reading, "Just try to be decent". Seems a decent mantra and I try to live by it. Getting one specially made is proving a nightmare.
Got the coffee ☕️ love it.
No, he also always lies.
Let's not forget nuking hurricanes and raking leaves off the forest floors to help prevent wildfires. For a guy who never has a plan for anything but more self enrichment, tax breaks for the gazillionaires, getting even with those who called him out and staying out of prison, he doesn't have a damn thing to offer for the better of our country.
He was never running, at any point in time, for the bettering of America. He initially ran to boost his brand. Winner the election was a fluke. He has always been only interested in himself.
Stupid crap just pops in his mind and come right out of his mouth!!
Ftrump. Sofa King We Todd did.
Actually raking debris and trimming the forests was always a European thing, my father always says his home country in Europe did it. But then they don't have the size of forests of say USA and Canada but if it is done as regularly as you can? At least areas near dense populations? A beautiful ski town Banff Alberta was almost totally destroyed by fire this summer - experts said it might have be avoided or at least the damage minimized if the forests were better maintained. Warmer than average summer and less rain didn't help in Banff either.
I'm sorry Rick, but the rake manufacturers and bleach injectors would beg to differ with you. This is their livelihood! (Kidding! He's such a maroon man!). Oh and windmill cancer may get a run for its money without him.../snorr
Ugh. /snort even!
A few nights back I ran across an old article published in the New Yorker in early 2017 about how Trump is dangerous for US foreign policy because he's stupid and totally ignorant of history. It also pointed out how alarming Trump's infatuation with strongmen is, and potentially disastrous. His stupidity can be laughable but it's also potentially catastrophic.
If you don't already, Marycat, follow Ruth Ben-Ghiat, who literally wrote the book called Strongman, paralleling him to Mussolini, Stalin and of course, Hitler, whose book of speeches he kept on his bedside table.
I do.
Do you think Ivana would have read Mein Kampf to Donny at bedtime -though clearly Russians and Germans were not on the same side when Ivana was living in Russia.
You mean they didn’t take over our airports in 1775? 🤣🤣
Very true Marycat2021. Though from my perspective childlike has an innocence quality, more benign. Childish mentality in an adult, that has behind sheer stubborn willfulness as his distorted thought process and belligerent, bullying, retaliatory actions have a calculated Vengeance with a capital V, that reveals cunning & manipulation. Nothing innocent about that. 34 Felonies let No one Forget.
Some smart person out on the interwebz noted that with DonOLD, every accusation is a confession.
Every dirty deed, bad action or shortcoming he ascribes to someone else, is really DonOLD. He doesn’t even realize he’s doing it.
For a guy who paid people to take his college exams for him.
Well his daddy had a buddy who got Donny into Wharton because he said he knew Donald would never get be accepted for a MBA never mind pass it but a Business Administration degree was feasible and it is suspected he had um help to just barely pass, that someone else may have written the entrance exam because he would not be that famous then. His father just wanted his son to be able to say ''I went to Wharton'' and leave it at that and not lie.
What he said, verbatim:
"I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning, because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that, but it sounds interesting to me. So, we’ll see, but the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute. That’s pretty powerful."
I wrote a "British grammarian" comment a couple of days ago... LOVE this sort of thing. This is a BRILLIANT observation, thanks. I don't actually think he meant it as "will", not "would". Man is not educated, can't articulate a grammatically sound sentence like the rest of us. It's just delicious that he phrased it like that.
Yes "And she called JD and I weird" more poor grammar.
And his math skills if he thinks there's more than 100%
Yes, that's such a common one it's hardly worth mentioning. I worry about the subjunctive when people millions can't differentiate between subject and object. Sigh.
Back to DJT... He's a very stable genius who passed the Montreal test with flying colour's.
Dam' it. Auto correct changed my flying colours to flying colour's. Now the world thinks I can't use the apostrophe correctly. Where's the Prussic acid?
You can go back and correct it. click on ...Click outside on the próxima left to completely open the comment.
I am constantly using the edit dots. Spellcheck has a lot of nerve!!
I have no idea what that means. When I say I'm non-techie, I MEAN it. Thanks anyway for trying to help.
I'll give you a pass on that one even though it shocked me coming from someone with your facility in English.
Thanks! Auto correct changes all plurals to 's but I don't always catch. I'm on to the next word before auto correct destroys my life. If I were techie, I'd switch off auto correct.
It happens to me too but one day I discovered that if I use a word not in the Apple dictionary just touch the unusual word as typed as it appears in the scroll below your comment.
It may almost be not worth mentioning, but having been raised by the grammar police, it annoys me every time I hear it. I find myself correcting my husband on that one.
Margaret, but, how do we know he passed anything but a regular dose of BS?
Noticed “JD and I” too.
Oh, he's dumb.
I’m the grammar police in my family and reading that made me cringe. The only thing worse than reading it would have been hearing it.
I'm glad to see that you didn't write, "It was cringe." That sends me up the wall.
I’m glad (but not surprised) she didn’t say “would of ”, one of my pet peeves. I have a whole menagerie of them but they’re getting old, alas.
I was an English major.
And "would of" is definitely cringe worthy.
Well, I, sometimes leave letters out because I don't press hard enough. The Sisters the Blessed Sacrament would certainly be ashamed of me. 🙄🤫
I often say one thousand percent, for emphasis. I don't think he knows the difference. Jajaja.
Ha! Your Auntie Margaret says, stop yourself from saying 1000%... For emphasis, repeat 100% in a louder voice.
People often say 102%, 110% or whatever. Annoys the bejesus out of me. But then, quite a lot in life annoys the bejesus out of me.
My kind of woman.
Thanks. I'm the kind of woman who lets correct grammar override the fact we're supposed to be ensuring America doesn't re-elect Don-old. Back to Mary's podcast, eh?
Stuck in Classic Mental “Projection” take most anything he accuses others of and flip that back to what Trumpy does, or plots to do. Bingo! He’s given away what he did, does or plans to do.
My grammatical pet peeve. Ugh
Freudian lol
You know what is said about guys and crowd size.
His unconscious projects every time he opens his mouth! Never seen such perfect examples ! Must be narcissism on steroids!
How funny! I didn't pick up on that. You're right!
I've often thought that he really doesn't want to win.
He just wants to stay out of prison.. cause let’s be honest he should be in an orange jumpsuit to match his orange assed skin and fake orange assed hairball
I want him to lose and to go to jail. He deserves that. The American people deserve that. He is a one man crime spree and we need to see that no one is above the law.
I’m so ready to see his perp walk in an orange jumpsuit with no toupee and no makeup and no lifts in his shoes.. oh what a wonderful sight that would be!!
Wonder if he could learn o " Crip WaLk"?🤔😉😃😆😂
Trump should've been shamed out of Office after swearing to defend, protect, and blah blah obey the Constitution but spit on it, instead. He should've been removed from Office as soon as the insurrection began. it was all confirmed by handmaiden Mitch McConnell, who, when faced with the loss of his job and paycheck, recanted. And, come to think of it, no way should Dems. have surrendered to the outrageous Dem. SCOTUS pick and allow the poisoning of the Supreme Court by inserting 3 unfit, right-wing biased judges onto the court, forever tainting it. And now, because of the rotten court,, bribery is legal, r@pist get free to do it again, and 11 year old victims must flee the red states to get relief. Why do men call the shots & women allow it? No female should've let this outrage last a day.
America is a white, patriarchy, that's how they get away with shit.
1920(1924?) is the year white females got to vote. 1965 is he year black females got to vote; remember?
When I think of both those dates, I feel a sharp ache and still find it difficult to believe.
Lois, I find it interesting that our current Supreme Court cons gave Trump the immunity powers when most of his crimes were not committed while in office (OK, the crimes we know about) and those that were, like inciting insurrection were not official duties of any president. What game is Roberts and his unamerican 5 playing? Then, what game is AG Garland playing that he waited so long to even bring charges and then, no charges have been brought against the other handmaids of insurrection like the senators and representatives who spoke at the insurrection rally (the biggest crowd ever) and voted not to certify the results of a free and fair election? Going on 4 years later and so much has not been addressed! It really is weird, and totally unacceptable.
Ruth you are exactly right. I have been wondering about the same things. Even with the immunity granted I wouldn’t have thought that the insurrection qualified as “official duties” - really how absurd would that be? And I’ve been railing about Garland forever - maybe we wouldn’t be in this position if he had done what he should have done from day one.
I call them the Corrupt 6. Sad and alarming.
You know..I used to know Donald Trump back, you know, well..then, he was White. Yes..he was actually white..but then, you know, he, well, sometime not long ago, he was white and then he went orange. He was white..then he went orange. Strangest thing that...
"....paying off a woman.....?" Your misogyny is showing.
Yes Klara his misogyny is glaringly obvious.. and he’s blocked.. I don’t have time for some male Fucktwats opinion on that Orange Douche and all the women he’s raped and taken advantage of promising them shit and just using them like Kleenex..
Are you actually defending that grifting POS?? Seriously??
Doesn't really want to win, but can't bear to lose and not running means losing. All those conflicting thoughts wandering around the vast empty spaces of his brain.
You assume he has one--a brain. Lol.
He didn’t want to win in 2016! Now he just wants to win so he can have the protections and immunity of the presidency. He couldn’t care less about the country or the rest of the world.
Bonnie, I heard that when Trump got the word in 2016, he was in shock. You are right that he wanted a platform for whining and complaining rather than a desk in the Oval Office. Now he has had the privileges of the presidency and wants it back. He had to do nothing and could even hold rallies while in office. Trump was not changed by his time in office unless it is that we can notice the signs of his dementia more clearly now. Trump has not really worked a day in his life beyond signing things, approving the cheating of contractors, and verbal bullying. Even his time on reality TV involved a very minimum of effort. When we have so many challenges going, why would anyone want a know-nothing, do-nothing as president? He will, though release his band of brown shirts to do their worst to our nation, though and claim the credit for the destruction. Our courts need to stop pretending Trump deserves all the breaks he has been given by them and start treating him as they would any other citizen, say a man of color. Then, maybe the media will start being honest about Trump's inadequacies and danger to this nation.
I happened to take note of the fact he is no way put in the time that any other President at the White House would.. I seem to recall a normal day was a few hours in the morning at the White House then afternoons doing interviews and blithering on Fox News or visiting other right wing outlets - since it was televised daily it was quite obvious. I believe many of those staffers even if they were proTrump to start were annoyed and exhausted too.
I think what I hate most about Trump is the hatred he has stirred up in this country. He has turned us against each other and brought everything down into the mud with him. We have the opportunity to rise up out of that mud and return to being one nation again by voting against him in November.
I have red that , in 2016, he was in shock for 3 days. That he reassured Melania that he would not win but that they would profit from him merely having been a candidate. Allegedly, then he said something like: "Well, if I won, I must deserve it." It went to his tiny brain. ( EVERYTHING ON HIM IS TINY!! LOL)
Think again, Bonnie.
Oh no, he wants it tremendously badly.
His stay -out -of- jail card demands it.
Prison might actually be a relief for him.
It's true. Dementia patients thrive on a fixed routine.
Oh, he wants to WIN because winning means he won't go to prison for his crimes! Also, his ego's so easily bruised he can't stand the thought of losing....
Maybe that's because Dumpty realizes he can just grab a plane out of the country and with that Plan B, all of a sudden losing doesn't look so bad.
Interesting thought.
exactly what I thought too David !!!
He never understood the subjunctive mood any better than he understands anything else.
First thing I noticed!
For sure! I noticed the tense as well! He knows ! This is why he is in such a foul temper all the time these days. He can t understand her at all or why she s riding as he sinks. Sick man that he is! Wish they knew definitively why some people develop narcissism if it’s nurture or lack of it or brain structure as well. Mary anything you can shed light on this way in general psychology would be helpful. I read your book Too Much and Never Enough so I get some of why with Uncle Trump. But in general terms what causes such malignant narcissism?
That was my *immediate* take on that Freudian slip. Bwahaha 😹
Thanks for pointing that out. Made my night lol.
I was just about to write something similar! Yes! A Freudian slip on Trumputin’s part!
Trump is actually Captain - of the Freudian Ship!!
Even better is when he actually says: “I think I’m entitled to a personal insult.” We can Reply-You Certainly are entitled to a personal insult. As many as you gave out. How does it feel to be the target? She is very effective. When you dish it out, it’s important as an adult to learn how to take what you give. If you don’t like it, learn not to do it.
Never too late to learn. Hmm, well, unless you aren’t capable of learning? Is that your problem? Lost your job, last time you ran. Remember?
He knows he’s done.
And that makes him doubly dangerous.
I suggest he start accepting the inevitable. He's headed for the geriatric / dementia wing of some unfortunate prison.
I caught that! Oh.. he knows..
His daddy had to pay another student to take his exams so he could get a passing grade. The felon is totally illiterate. He confuses asylum seekers (the subhumans, as he calls them) with the word ASYLUM the place where he belongs. Can’t tell the different meaning of the two words. He needs to be held in a stretched jacket and sent to an ASYLUM asap.
I really think there’s something suspicious about people who dislike animals and who aren’t able to laugh at themselves.
Or even laugh at all.
I bet he laughs “down”. Guy slips on a banana peel: funny. Breaks his back: funnier. Loses his house because of medical bills — now he’s Rolling. Sues and LOSES, he’s laughing so hard his stomach hurts. Send down more hamberders.
Have you ever heard PUTIN'S "HO" LAUGH or even seen him genuinily smile?
My thought exactly.
Or smile sincerely
well he has no sense of humor. the only time he laughs is at someone else's expense. Like making fun of the disabled reporter. He really is the worst of what human beings can become.
He’s not human, he’s subhuman.
I think you are much too kind.
I don't remember hearing him laugh at the disabled reporter. I just remember obnoxious, disrespectful imitation.
more like smirking. that’s mainly what he does. he doesn’t really laugh per se.
Yeah, like he's really proud of what he just said or did.
A sense of humor requires stepping outside yourself; a trait he doesn't have.
the only time i've ever seen him laugh is when he hosted Lavrov and the Russian delegation in the White House; he was all smiles that day.
A trait of all psychopaths, sociopaths and even some narcissists are not liking animals, or animals that you can't exploit and use for your own needs.
Correct. Suspicious and dangerous.
Two words - mashed. Potatoes.
😉 those who know, know.
Makes me LOL to just see what you wrote!
Troll, Kamala, troll!
Mashed potatoes 🤣😂
2016. I cried all night and was numb for days. I'd forgotten what celebration felt like until January 20, 2021 when Joe Biden was sworn into office. And VP Harris was right there with him. They turned our world from despair to joy and we will never go back. #KamalaBringsUsJoy
Me too ! I was up all night and for days afterwards I just couldn’t function
Same with me. I NEVER want to feel like that again.
Every one I know felt the same and we re in Canada and the UK and we’re utterly horrified and stunned! It’s had repercussions world wide in tone racism sexism homophobia etc! Horrible man but his enablers have to go too!
Me either
I went out on my porch with a pin and popped all my red, white, and blue balloons. “Dead balloons” epitomizes those four years.
Real or not, that's also a good metaphor for our side then.
I don’t understand. We are dead balloons?
I couldn’t function for four years.
Nobody could - he brought progress and democracy to a standstill.
I finally understood that “made my skin crawl” was not just a figure of speech, because mine literally did when I saw tfg had won.
I’m not a US citizen but felt sick and numb over DT’s election.
I felt especially sick after James Comey did his manipulation - gaslighting over Hilary’s completely regular innocent emails fearing it would influence many voters for the worst. Hilary said it did. That was a terrible act of election interference and he has never paid for it. Unless DT’s malfunctions wrecked some of his stock options!
Yes, and just knowing how much our pro-fascist corporate-owned media magnified Comey's actions!
Big business hates democracy.
Especially how US big business hates US democracy. The division is….(hunting le mot just)…..indescribable!!
Thank you B. Maurene White, we are grateful for our Good Neighbors!
Touches my heart!!
This Is so exactly true, Mary !!
The wonderful thing is that what the campaign for Kamala does, is not really going low, it's rather going humorously with wit at the silliness of what Trump says, and does. It is so very well done.
Thanks ; ↩️↪️🔎🧹 agree respectfully 🟪☮️🥏
Yes, Kamala Harris is getting under Donald’s very thin skin. I love it. She is coming off strong and likable. Yes, I said likable. I want her to refute these crazy claims that she is “soft on crime” by saying “ We will fight to keep criminals out of the White House!”
I want to hear Mariah Carey”s song “MAKE IT HAPPEN” at every event and rally.
Think Kim Jung Un was right about one thing. Donald Dump is a weird old dotard.
Did Kim say that? If so, that's worth bringing out because Donald has expressed his admiration for Kim.
Yep. Trump kept calling Kim “little rocket man” and Kim returned fire with “Dotard.” Then they fell in love.
And Kim played him like fiddle. Same with Putin.
trump called it love… "we fell in love."
Don't forget his LOVELETTERS🤣🤣🤣🤣
Korean Hitler only fires rockets when he feels he isn’t getting enough media attention.
Donny is going to blow a gasket and end up in a straight jacket. Especially when he loses bigly on election night
I hope it it's real bigly, the most bigly ever, because they are getting a false flag election obstruction, denial, action put together, far more substantial than last time.
Very true. I hope someone’s keeping tabs on that whole process.
I'm betting on Marc Elias and Democracy Docket for that.
Here’s the link. Donate today:
They need your support.
It has to be a ginormous landslide. Whatever we’re doing to make that happen, we all need to do more.
We need to dominate the House and Senate.
And we need to be ready somehow to stop SCOTUS from overturning the election, not just the presidential, but also our sweeps of Congress.
I hope they're not just monitoring him, but also trapping him so he can be caught, red-handed, in the act and can't deny it. His mental deterioration is so blatant at this point that he will be more likely to make mistakes and not cover his tracks as well as he did the first time. Lock. Him. Up.
"Like nobody 's every Sen before"
Let’s make sure of that Jim!! Get everyone you know who hopefully will vote blue up and down vote!! And let’s all of us slam flush that Orange Shit stain.. The new Tidy Bowl Man
No, he won’t. Should, but won’t. Oh, he’ll blow that gasket all right, and throw plenty of ketchup, but then he’ll pick himself up just enough to challenge the election results. The contested election will go before SCOTUS, and the shameless six will declare him the winner. They WILL declare him the winner. There’s no way they won’t. It’s not just him; it’s all those Project 2025 people who will overturn the election, no matter what it takes. Why are we not preparing for this?
I believe many people are preparing for it.
Wash your typing fingers with soap! Use abrasive soap!
Maybe he is in the closet? You know: I would not be surprised! THERE
Can’t wait!
New nickname for the donOLD/whatever his name is: Couch Cassidy and the Sundowner Kid.
Also, anyone notice that one of the cereals was Froot Loops? Think about it, Cheerios are small, and easily grabbed by baby hands. On the table. Right by the Froot Loops.
donOLD....the call is coming from inside the house.
Oh Don.. that is an epic take down my friend!! Loving it!! Keep it going!! More adjectives!!
I did like how the media grasped upon the Froot Loops. Unfortunately, they are too scared/owned to do anything bold, but they did make a point of that.
Lol, that's good 😂
The Washington Post reported that Trump once again criticized soldiers who get shot. Harris had the perfect reply. Rather than criticize his comment directly, which would be to take it seriously, she made it personal, saying that he “knows nothing about service to anyone or anything but himself.” That should get under his skin.
Her responses to him are always perfect. Even better is that she does respond, every. time.
It is such a pleasant surprise to see and hear how competitive Kamala Harris is. I love that she responds to Donald's crazy comments. The Obama team had a rapid response team but Kamela and Waltz seem to be the responders and their responses are memorable! It seems like the Democrats have come alive!
Well done, Madam Vice President!
BINGO,,,,narcissistic sh*ts didn't SERVE their fellow HUMANITY ↩️↪️🌐☮️☯️🔎
I said above that Harris made it personal against Trump. More specifically, by saying that he “knows nothing about service to anyone or anything but himself,” she was pointing out his narcissistic disorder. That's the way to deal with mentally ill people. Maybe suggest that they get help.
Caution ⚠️ I don’t trust the convicted felon and traitor. I’m happy to see him doing so badly, but beware of the wolf. Don’t count the votes yet. I’ve said it before, a loudmouth only becomes quieter when planning revenge. The twice impeached, convicted felon, traitor will do anything to regain power. I believe after January 6th you must believe he is capable of anything to gain control of the White House. He is already planting the seeds.
The one positive that I think people forget is that this time Biden’s in office. He WILL call in the National Guard lickety-split. He WILL throw bad actors in jail. And he WON’T just turn over the keys to Trump. THEY’re preparing for every contingency.
tRump wouldn't give the coast guard a RAISE !!!2025 puts coast guard ybder NATIONAL SECURITY PROTOCOL,,,that MATTERS
PS he has TOTAL EMUNITY = he should USE IT NOW,thanks respectfully ↩️↪️💧💠🧹
I hope they’re preparing.
That's what I've been saying. Nothing short of life in Rikers will stop him. Sneaking off to Venezuela and actually letting it be known is also worrisome. We can't have him expedited because Venezuela doesn't permit that. He even invited Musk to go with him. I no longer can think of musk as a pleasant manly odor after a workout. Those dirty bastards ruin everything.
Richard La France
I’d be THRILLED for him just to flee to Venezuela and never return. I just want him GONE.
Laura, I, too, would like to see him gone. But if he goes to Venezuela, he would once again be avoiding/evading accountability. That idea upsets me greatly. He needs to be held accountable, and IMO he shouldn't be allowed to just go to Venezuela. (I do wonder, though, how he'd fare in Venezuela, since he doesn't speak Spanish and wouldn't be able to learn it…)
I’d say as long as his $$ lasts. He’ll have no political capital to spend, and only the trained-from-birth lackeys *may* follow him into exile. None of his kids will.
Totally agree! And I’ve been posting similar warning on other blogs. We don’t have the luxury of assuming there’s a win for the Dems. Hope for the best. Enjoy Dump’s discomfort. Stay alert and prepare for the worst so there are no surprises. We’ve got a great chance here. Let’s do this right!
Yes of course you're right. we can't celebrate yet. We can celebrate their wonderful campaign and the positivity they are bringing us but it's too soon to count those deplorables out. They will literally do anything to win, and what they will do if they win is another reich.
Yes he is
correct; they won't give up without some very ugly shenanigans (they're still doing it over 2020). But Dems will have an army of lawyers at the ready, and Joe has the power to squash any attempt at another Jan6.
Still, I expect a lot of election denial.
The only cure is a massive Blue Tsunami that can't be denied.
And we may be riding that wave now.
Spot on!
And I love and respect how the Harris-Walz campaign is ignoring the irresponsible cowering press' continued whining about "She won't talk to us" VP Harris doesn't owe the press a damn thing. She works for us. She's talking to us. She's holding rallies with us not a gaggle of microphones. She doesn't need the press to win this election. She needs us. And we love her.
YEP -_-_-I humbly AGREE↩️↪️🥏🟪 he doesn't READ ; can't tell the truth; FIRES EVERY ONE WHO DISAGREED;bully;I PITY HIS WIFE 🗿✅️2025=⚓️around it's NECK
Kamala is fierce
Troll, Kamala, troll!
"I think she’ll be a terrible president.”
Not, "she WOULD be a terrible president." He knows that he is going to lose.
Exactly :D
There’s that example of Donnie’s Projection, “she’ll be a bad president.” “Ah ha, yup, Donnie, you’ll be a bad president, Again. We Already know that.”
Mary, I give you so much credit for the Harris campaign knowing how to get under that individual's skin. He definitely telegraphs his vulnerabilities but your insight has validated (non-cultist) public perception of him. Your acknowledgement that he really is as crazy as he seems has empowered the rational public and Harris campaign to fight this battle with weapons that, while unconventional, are the only ones that can actually stop him. Thank you. Keep up your good work.
Trump doesn’t think anyone should be allowed to run against him. He thinks the office should just be hand to him, and he’s insulted that it doesn’t work that way.
I absolutely agree with you. Hopefully he’ll never be back in the WH
AGREE ☆☆☆ tRump is the definition of GRIFTER ; shit cheated charities ↩️↪️🥏💠☮️🕊🟪🦺
It worked that way in 2016