Do you think Jared and Ivanka will come anywhere near the White House this term or do you think they will stay away and count their blessings that no charges have been brought against them?

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I don't think they expected to become the social pariahs that they now are. And since that isn't going to change I think they will stay away. They're certainly not worried about charges. The Trump family is immune for the next 4 years at least. Just what I wanted, a king.

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Why the whole family - family was not given immunity.

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Dec 1Edited
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Why are you on this site spreading misinformation? Please stop! I'm tired of all the negative fake information!

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Thanks to King John's 1215 gift of MagnaCarta, no one is above the law!

Not even kings.

Just elected presidents.

Only in America.

Why did USA Founders omit MagnaCarta (the foundation of civil rights descending from Britain), from the Constitution's Bill of Rights?

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Nov 28Edited

Happy Thanksgiving!

Let’s see how thankful MAGAs are when tariffs mean things like soap, laundry detergent and socks cost three times what they do now.

Let’s see how thankful they are when they have to wait ten months for their tax refunds, because Trump and friends cut funding for the IRS.

This shirt is perfect for Thanksgiving dinner 👇 🤣


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JP, Canadians are considering a 25% Export Tax on everything we sell to Americans.

We would keep $$ to help our people redirect our trade away from our "best friends" to the rest of the world.

After all, why trade with Untrustworthy countries?!

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Why haven't they been investigated/prosecuted & otherwise held accountable???

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Ivanka cooperated.

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My hunch is they don’t want anything to do with creepy Dad. Even if they do crawl out of their caves, it will be a puffy event all paid for by you and me:(

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Jared said that Gaza would be a great place to build waterfront condos once the place “was cleaned up”. Now that Gaza has been ethnically cleansed, you can bet he'll have both feet in the trough. Oink, oink.

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Nov 29
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Putin IS Trump.

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Butt, of course. Asses All.

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Stay Tuned for Thyroid Manequin Jared & Stylish IVANKA with their Israel Friends @White House Dinners

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Putin will bring the caviar, vodka, gold and diamonds. That’s all it takes for a seat at the President-elect’s table.

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After he was convicted on 30+ felony charges, Ivanka let it be known she loved her dad.

I expect she will be there.

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Thank You, Mary, for working on the Thanksgiving Day Holiday. Your unstoppable and Amazing🙏💯👍🦃🥰

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And we are all here for each other because we need a safe space, and friends we never met.

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YOU’RE (from an English teacher)

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Who cares? Don't we have more important things to think about? (from another former English teacher)

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I was married to one. Nothing wrong with trying to use good English, or spelling, for that matter. Proper communication is a gift.

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Voice response doesn't differentiate. Why pick on one another over inconsequential sh*t? Serious question.

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Why must we choose?

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...and a good one....

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I agree. Your show and others on your channel are those I have watched daily for months. Thankful for you and impressed how knowledgable and thoughtful you are about your opinions based in facts and reality.

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The prohibition on indicting a sitting president always refers to a Memo. If It is Not a law , WHY FOLLOW IT?

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He is NOT a "sitting President." The vote hasn't been certified, and he has NOT been SWORN IN. Article XIV Sec.3 US CONSTITUTION:

An insurrectionist CANNOT HOLD OFFICE.

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True but because Garland piddled around we have NOTHING happening. Biden's choice of Garland was a horrible idea as proven by how NOTHING has happened. Smith stepping aside with all of the millions spent is VERY frustrating. 😔

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But honestly because Jack asked the charges be dismissed WITHOUT prejudice and Judge Chutkan agreed, those charges at least are able to be reinstated in the future depending on the statute of limitations. So it's not entirely dead.

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Garland put Jack Smith in place.

The Supreme Court, as I understand , punted on naming Donald to be an insurrectionist.

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Nov 29
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I’ll take your word for it that you have that expertise. If you claim to have comparable expertise in navigating political realities, I will dispute that.

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...And the state of Colorado for one, had it right.

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We know he is an insurrectionist, but the law doesn’t recognize him as such as yet.

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So did the state of Colorado.

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I can’t remember what happened to that Colorado case.

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Colorado wanted to keep tffg (Mary's uncle) off the Colorado ballot for U.S. president, because he was involved in an insurrection. The crooked supremes (SCOTUS, in name only) "decreed" that Colorado may 'not' keep him / it off the ballot. I rule in favor of the people and legal minds of Colorado.

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Mary, for all you do, for how much you care, may you have a truly blessed Thanksgiving. (P.S. HYSTERICAL picture!!! Isn't that what your father did to the orange sadist to shut him up one night when they were children? [maybe that's why the o.s. made sure to cut your family out of grandpa Fred's will?] Anyway, it's nice to see potatoes on his head instead of ketchup on that wall! FOTF!!!)

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Those potatoes could feed a hungry family, so please use something else. A bucket of s..t comes to mind….🧐

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LOL! (I think, however, that the potatoes do have a historical significance in the Trump family history. :-) )

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It was reported that in January 2020 45’s WHITE HOUSE & HIS INVITED TRAITOR REPUBLICANS RECEIVED HIGH LEVEL GOVERNMENT INTEL ON THE COVID VIRUS. Axios carried 45’s statement of what he knew about it. What HE SAID WAS “CORONAVIRUS IS DEADLY AND IT IS AIRBORNE, YOU JUST BREATHE & YOU GET IT” BUT IT WAS TAKEN DOWN BECAUSE I COULD NOT GETBACK TO IT TO FORWARD IT TO OTHERS. 45 said the exact same thing to his biographer on a recorded line. So he knew the devastation this virus would bring but he hid the facts & lied that the virus was a hoax and it would just disappear! Why wasn’t 45 charged with Voluntary manslaughter for the one million Americans who died from Coronavirus BECAUSE HE INTENTIONALLY WITHHELD VITAL INFORMATION?

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I have wondered the same thing. In my view, he was responsible for nearly a million deaths and deserved to be charged. As is so often the case with him, where's the outrage? (Answer: We've moved on to the next outrage.)

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tRUMP sure helped his Russian buddy with vaccine tests when they were in need here.

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I lost 4 dear friends due to orange face withholding vital information.

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Remember how his diagnosis of covid instilled in us an exhilarating feeling of hope?

Then: the let down.........

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How healthy do you think your bad uncle is? Do you think he will serve a full term?

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Hopefully, NO—but what is the alternative?!

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We talked about that at dinner today. The top 3 are equally monstrous so it doesn't really matter if one doesn't make it.

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The problem is, there are more than 3 in reality; It's the monsters behind the curtain that are the real problem. The three we worry about are only the "tools."

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That’s why we have to change things in the mid term election. That will help somewhat with guard rails for some policy projects with republicans. IDK, but there has got to be more to do than being vigilant.

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Oh I agree with all who are looking forward to the midterms. I would wish there was more that we could do than just vigilance; my heart and soul aches for more.

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Not a good one. That’s for sure.

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The alternative is vance, because he is the VP

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That'll be okay,....none of them fear Vance like they do tRumpus.

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Even though vance will follow through with ConOld's ideas, because you know he will.

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He'll try, but the things that really repulse the Repubs that they'd vote for under tRumpus won't fly,...... he really has a hold on them,.... and we all know that Vance is just a schlub. We'll see.

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Yes, we will just have to wait and see what will happen in the next few months/years

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And then doesn’t Mike Johnson become VP?!

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Yes, he is the next in line

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That's not how it works.

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Yes I think think Michael is right, they always said Nancy Palosi was 3rd in line when she was speaker.

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Let's say, something else will come to him. The 3rd time is a charm. Right!!!

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Mary, what is your take on why Ms. Harris doesn’t demand a recount? An exercise in futility? Thank you!

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Democrats have not claimed reasons to demand a recount.

Accepting a loss today can contribute to winning next time.

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>Accepting a loss today can contribute to winning next time<

Are you kidding?! Dems rolling over after getting kicked & cheated on & then asking for more abuse is NOT a winning strategy! It's one of the reasons they hate us & see is as weak. Because it IS WEAK!

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No one is counseling Dems to roll over. Recommend cool your jets.

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Harris has not demanded the recount; That falls to her alone. No one else.

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Your logic escapes me, D4N. Be well.

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She's the only one who was damaged by this (even though we all were) therefore only she has "standing" in the legal sense to ask for a forensic audit.

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Correct Hazel.

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Nov 29Edited

Explain please. I won't be insulted. I sort of understand your logic, or perhaps I don't. Help me understand the logic of, 'just roll over and take it." ..*edit: I honestly appreciate you wish (?) that I be well. If you don't understand something I've offered, just ask a question.

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I wasn’t saying “roll over and take it.” I was saying, VP Harris is not standing out there all on her own. She doesn’t have to figure it out all by herself.

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Am curious why the media is NOT addressing the fact that this election was seriously tampered with causing your sick uncle once again to steal a win. I remain outraged, horrified and devastated that he is anywhere near our well being and lives and hoped that Stephen Spoonamore and his insights into how this election does NOT add up would matter to most of us.

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Thank you, Mary. I hope you had a lovely and peaceful day and got some time in with your daughter. I’m off to Friendsgiving dinner. I’m resolved to acknowledge something each day for which I am grateful. I’m very blessed to have many, including this community. ❤️

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Hi Mary, first of all, so grateful for all you do, big THANKS! Second, please name at least 3 things each of us can DO every day to protect our civil rights and improve outcomes for our fellow humans in Ukraine and Gaza. Robert Reich says there are no gains to be made agreeing with each other inside a blue bubble, and I'm reminded "freedom isn't free," so how do we fight for it?

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Good question, Dick. We would all like to know your answer to it.

We would also all like you to go out and buy Mary’s book, and read it carefully.

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We can at least call and write legislators frequently.

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Happy Thanksgiving. Thank you very sincerely for all you're doing. — Joe

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No questions, just my thanks.

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Happy Thanksgiving, Mary. Much appreciation for your steady help in decoding your family and just being there in the way you do for so many, myself included. No questions here, just a note of thanks.

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Can you give us just one thing about the year 2025 that can give us a sense of hope about it, and ourselves? Just one thing to feel thankful for this winter? Hopefully this counts as "within reason". I could understand a case could be built easily that it is not...given the appalling circumstances.

Thank you...Mesila from San Francisco

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Hey!! How if we turn that question around. What can we give to Mary to stimulate hope in her for what we will all live through in 2025?

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Mary, what's your advice to any person who cuts off a Trump-supporting family member from their life? I believe you and/or Fritz have uninvited that felon and his family from Thanksgiving and other holidays you often celebrate.

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Do you think your cousin Barron has any chance of becoming a normal, relatively sane, adult — or is he likely to end up as damaged as Donald’s other kids? (Glad you’re doing an AMA today!)

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I doubt he fell far from the tree and living with that fool will give him inspiration to follow his footsteps, look at the rest of his kids. 🤢

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Barron has already shown violent behavior and actions, the kid is a ticking time bomb.



Do a search, there's a LOT more and that kid will be a problem in the future. He displays a lot of similarities to a Serial Killer. 😔

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Norton, stopped my computer from going to this site. Site will put a virus in your computer do not go to this site.

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Him and his father look like there is something wrong with the both of them. Barron don't look right in his face and his father has a look of insanity in his eyes. Yes, there is something wrong with the family. They all are ticking time bombs ready to go off at amy minute and this is what the United States wanted for a President.

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OMG... poor kid.

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YIKES! Thanks for the links. I wasn’t aware. Except for Mary, that whole family is so terribly fucked up. It’s both terrifying and so, so sad.

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