I am a longtime subscriber to both Judd Legum’s and Professor Richardson’s newsletters!

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Me too!

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It was amazing reading about the Shark exhibit. I didn’t know they were here so long before dinosaurs. Leave it to humans to be their biggest threat. I cannot believe 100 million are killed each year. That is insane! Thank God there are many people and organizations trying to protect them.

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Mary, Im going back to share each individual part of this newsletter, very insightful on Sharks And The Compilation Of Facists List Beginning, I promise, through research, I will Contribute To, Love Your Ambition, Lets Get Down With Facts! Your Fan John Pillin

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I believe sharks are the most perfect mammal that lives in the ocean because they are the gate keeper and chew on people who haven't taken the time to research when you can swim near a female who is waiting for a mate and not to.

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I will repeat what I stated on your earlier e-mail. Bari Weiss is not a liberal and is a joke. Her comment section is filled with very dumb Trumpers. I used to read her in The NY Times. I read her now just to see what “wokeness” she and her fellow contributors are whining about. The victimhood mentality of the entire Trumper party can be found on her substack.

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I have followed HCR for 5 years. I read Judd Legum on Twitter.

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I now subscribe to both Letters from an American and Popular Information. Thanks, Mary, for the recommendations and your 3 posts from today. I learned much about sharks today.

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