I agree that Pete would be a great VP(and future president) BUT as a gay man, he will face more challenges among some voters. An ethnic minority woman and a gay man--both extremely competent but each a challenge winning the moderate undecideds. Oh boy. Buit I am no prognosticator.
Just not the right time for someone this young and also not the right time to try to woo away from Trump with a gay male and a woman of colour both running at top posts. I have no issue with "Mayor Pete", his husband or family or any gay people whatsoever. But too many Americans still do for this to be a winning strategy. Needs to be someone who has a lot more experience running an entire state. I'd go for Bernie but no one else would support that given age/socialism etc. Don't know enough about the others to comment on who might do it.
I think the people that would object to Pete are Republicans so we donтАЩt have to worry. He is a sharp wit, very intelligent & informed yet polite &,respectful.
Yes but some Republicans and many pretty fundamentalist Christians as well as some registered Independents ALSO need to find 'sanctuary" within the Democratic party for this vote to defeat Project 25 and also to defeat Trump. You have to be able to appeal to a wider range than only democrats to get rid of this true menace to Democracy. He is polite, he is a proven military service man, he has many excellent qualities. I think though he needs more experience in Congress, or Senate, or leading a state to be a VP with a new President who is also younger side. Think he might be fine IF it were not such a dicey situation and if he got more Governing experience. He should perhaps run for Governor in his home state in 2 years to get that sort of experience. Mayor and Cabinet Secretary are not the same sort of job as VP. Personally I like him. But I think someone with governing experience is also needed on this ticket besides former VP Harris.
I'll see what I can find on that but there are certain 'rules' and criteria in immigration and one has to have a certain number of "points" to do so...although probably not too hard from USA we have a lot of Americans living/working here in branch-plants often through transfers by companies. Here's the Canadian Government Immigration link:https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/immigrate-canada.html. BUT we're not in great shape either these days; R wing on the rise here too in polls (Polievre). However if you have a skilled work trade or other qualifications it is certainly easier. Can get a visa to work here also I think. (4th-5th generation here, my folks came from n. UK c. 1830's-40's to early 20th C) You might want to make sure we get past our own 2025 elections w/o R wing takeover!! UK has Labour now, so perhaps...??
Looked at your link, but didn't find anything related to solvent retirees who want a West Coast exit to British Columbia...any leads, please. At 75 I could still teach...Will NOT stay here under drumph.
All I can suggest is to contact Canadian Immigration email maybe and ask for further info on going to b c ; certainly permitted to rent or to buy property in b c ; many US citizens have summer homes there; or in cottage country here too; people retire 1/2 year in one country 1/2 year in the other frequently! Just not sure how itтАЩs done since we rent if we go south for winter; not sure but think if you can get the ok to immigrate can get dual citizenship after used to be 5 years maybe 3 now?? They ll be able to tell you where on the website to look if you can email to inquire or call them and someone will get back to you. Also retired teacher here. Good luck!
Not impossible a lot of people do it if you te self supporting easier retired w pension or whatever tons of Chinese in b c who go back and forth lots of Indians also other nations not like old days so it must be fairly easy to get in as long as. It drain on govt support systems etc; they re good about emailing generally in Ottawa bureaucracy. Understand why you d want to leave facing that monster 2x ! We donтАЩt want to live next door to Fascist country either. Hope Dems win or world s in trouble again!
There are racists and misogynists every where every country every culture unfortunately. Just some places seem to be more biased this way. And some parties. Trump has unleashed this hugely in USA and Canada too alas!
No Canada...but I love Bernie...but I'm also a social democratic/democratic socialist (a lot of us here) so that's unusual. I don't think he'd be acceptable to America despite huge success in the past. Also perceived as too old too socialist.
Pete is our Man. Being gay is irrelevant here. I see him as a leader who can deliver solutions from the galloping destruction underway. Check his record in office and compare him to the other VP candidates. He speaks with clarity to any voter who can put our need above personal or religious bias. Step out in faith.
We'll have to stick with Kamala for now to be sure to win! I love Pete, but now isn't the time. He wouldn't run against Kamala as he knows how important THIS election is. And we MUST win so that we can fix the SCOTUS too. There will be a nice lineup in 2028, a ton of good democrats, both women and men that we're all familiar with who will be excellent for the job, and Pete may try running then.
I think Mark Kelly would be great. As far as I know he doesn't have any baggage. My one concern with him is what would happen to the senate makeup, since democrats are not easily elected in Arizona.
He is a fine man, but has one of the most conservative voting records of any Democrat in Congress. We need to get young people to vote, & I'm afraid Kelly won't do it. The far left who wouldn't vote for Biden, won't vote for Harris/Kelly, either. They'd need someone like Elizabeth Warren, Jeff Merkley or Jamie Raskin.
Very interesting. I didn't realize Kelly had such a conservative voting record. I love the idea of a Harris/Warren combo - the republicans wouldn't know what hit them.
Yes, he & Jon Tester of Montana have the most conservative Democratic voting records outside of Joe Manchin & Kyrsten Sinema (who are no longer Democrats). They'd have a hard time winning their states otherwise.
I think Hillary Clinton missed her chance by failing to select Elizabeth Warren as her running mate in 2016. Warren stands up to corporate bullies, and has well thought out plans on how to solve just about every important issue. There's really no one quite like her. She would be the closest thing to Franklin Roosevelt of anyone we've had since if she were President, but as VP, she would also be very supportive of her President. She was among those people who stood by Biden & quickly endorsed Harris, so there's an outside chance she could be selected as Kamala's VP, & that would be a very wise choice, in my opinion.
I agree that Elizabeth Warren would be a good choice. Those two would leave the republicans with their heads spinning. During the campaign they'd really have the republicans running scared. I also believe that as VP she would still be an activist. Maybe our country would finally learn that women can be very effective in high places.
It's way past time they do. 45 presidents in our history, all men? Many other female leaders around the world have proven to be very competent. We're one of the last countries, but the chances look good now that our next president will be a woman.
I sure hope so, for a lot of reasons, not the least of which is how good Ms. Harris is. BTW, much as I love the idea of Elizabeth Warren as VP, I'm guessing that a male would be a politically smarter choice.
I have to agree with you. There are many Good people that could run, but that should be in 2028, and by that time, we will have one helluva good line to pick from. Right now, we need to All stick together.
Mac, you are right about the challenges they would face, but maybe we need to shake some things up and get the complacent to actually start paying attention and to be gently confronted with a tiny bit of their personal biases when faced with two remarkable people who do try to speak with and for people who are struggling to be heard. Maybe that's how true positive change happens.
Good points, Ruth. After all, we did manage as a nation to gtow up enough to actually electтАФand re-electтАФa black man, something that would have seemed impossible a decade earlier! My top priority, though, is to beat Trump!!!
I think the racist buffoon has sowed division in our country over racism and let too many people get away with it for far too long. I think itтАЩs worse now than than when Obama ran!
I worry tho' given the current unrest on campuses particularly among (ignorant at times some) youth that there'd be a backlash against Shapiro due to the war in Gaza right now. It is unjustified to attack anyone for their race or culture or religion or sex etc. yet we see it in our country and city every day here since the war began. It is frightening.
I hear what you are saying, but when I see and hear Josh Shapiro, all I see is a smart, caring, well-spoken, intelligent person. It makes me sad that people like him and Secretary Pete aren't seen as people just like everybody else. I hate that there is so much bigotry against gays, Jews, Blacks, AsiansтАж
Agree completely it is very disturbing people aren't seen as just people these days; but look who you're fighting, the biggest racist misogynist in the country! Someone perhaps 'neutral' from a swing state, maybe, given the climate these days. I think he's good, he's known for working across the aisle and winning against big odds; but also only2 years as Governor I think?
My favorite choice, of the people I'm familiar with is Cory Booker, but we all know that wouldn't work. What I want to see is someone who would make a good president, and get them into the pipeline for the future.
Like Booker as well but hasn't been a Governor and think someone in charge of a State needed in this case to counter lack of experience charges by Trump & co.
I had a similar thought simply because of the times right now. Again, needs someone with experience and he certainly has this and is decent and known for reaching across the aisle/boundaries making bi-partisan deals etc. which is a good thing given the way the country's divided perhaps? I just think need someone who can carry the weight as VP would be good too.
I'm not convinced it's so unclear what is meant. However, I will grant you that Shapiro could stand to idiot-proof his order a little more carefully, spelling out in the text of the order what he has gone on the public record as having meant by it: that state employees are not to engage in speech or behaviors that incite violence or constitute harassment toward anyone based on [membership in any protected category (and here, he should spell out all of the legally accepted protected categories, and probably for good measure state explicitly that both Jews/Israel and Muslims/Palestine should be treated as protected classes)], or that advocate or constitute violation of the law.
I mean, for me that is all clear from his public statements. But then again, I have no intention of trying to get away with anything here. I would, however, be concerned about anyone who thinks it isn't clear, because it suggests that they may intend to try to get away with skating as close to the line as possible.
no but innocent people w/o any particular bias are attacked literally and verbally even here a lot these days. Anti-semitism on the rise world wide too, not just N. Am. alas.
In our hearts we all wish Pete and Josh would be able to run for VP, but that might be a loosing ticket for us. I personally like them, but feel we need a stronger candidate from the Midwest
Right. Black, female and a gay guy. Real winning combination! I do love Kamela and Pete, but I live in the real, ugly world. The ONLY important thing is to destroy MAGA, not to get woke cred. Very sorry it is like that.
Linda, OMG! I had exactly the same idea. They would complement each other, both caring, kind, decent human beings, but each with a different style of getting things done! I don't know whom Harris will pick, but Pete was my first thought too.
I too am secretly hoping she picks Pete Buttigieg as her running mate, although with some caveats: the betting money currently seems to be on Democratic governors such as Josh Shapiro; there is also an argument to be made in favor of retaining the same cabinet.
I think the best VP choice for her is Pete B. I can't spell it but he's a very strong candidate
I agree that Pete would be a great VP(and future president) BUT as a gay man, he will face more challenges among some voters. An ethnic minority woman and a gay man--both extremely competent but each a challenge winning the moderate undecideds. Oh boy. Buit I am no prognosticator.
Just not the right time for someone this young and also not the right time to try to woo away from Trump with a gay male and a woman of colour both running at top posts. I have no issue with "Mayor Pete", his husband or family or any gay people whatsoever. But too many Americans still do for this to be a winning strategy. Needs to be someone who has a lot more experience running an entire state. I'd go for Bernie but no one else would support that given age/socialism etc. Don't know enough about the others to comment on who might do it.
I think the people that would object to Pete are Republicans so we donтАЩt have to worry. He is a sharp wit, very intelligent & informed yet polite &,respectful.
Yes but some Republicans and many pretty fundamentalist Christians as well as some registered Independents ALSO need to find 'sanctuary" within the Democratic party for this vote to defeat Project 25 and also to defeat Trump. You have to be able to appeal to a wider range than only democrats to get rid of this true menace to Democracy. He is polite, he is a proven military service man, he has many excellent qualities. I think though he needs more experience in Congress, or Senate, or leading a state to be a VP with a new President who is also younger side. Think he might be fine IF it were not such a dicey situation and if he got more Governing experience. He should perhaps run for Governor in his home state in 2 years to get that sort of experience. Mayor and Cabinet Secretary are not the same sort of job as VP. Personally I like him. But I think someone with governing experience is also needed on this ticket besides former VP Harris.
Catherine, all I want to know right now how to emigrate to Canada without having to seek asylum.
I'll see what I can find on that but there are certain 'rules' and criteria in immigration and one has to have a certain number of "points" to do so...although probably not too hard from USA we have a lot of Americans living/working here in branch-plants often through transfers by companies. Here's the Canadian Government Immigration link:https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/immigrate-canada.html. BUT we're not in great shape either these days; R wing on the rise here too in polls (Polievre). However if you have a skilled work trade or other qualifications it is certainly easier. Can get a visa to work here also I think. (4th-5th generation here, my folks came from n. UK c. 1830's-40's to early 20th C) You might want to make sure we get past our own 2025 elections w/o R wing takeover!! UK has Labour now, so perhaps...??
Looked at your link, but didn't find anything related to solvent retirees who want a West Coast exit to British Columbia...any leads, please. At 75 I could still teach...Will NOT stay here under drumph.
All I can suggest is to contact Canadian Immigration email maybe and ask for further info on going to b c ; certainly permitted to rent or to buy property in b c ; many US citizens have summer homes there; or in cottage country here too; people retire 1/2 year in one country 1/2 year in the other frequently! Just not sure how itтАЩs done since we rent if we go south for winter; not sure but think if you can get the ok to immigrate can get dual citizenship after used to be 5 years maybe 3 now?? They ll be able to tell you where on the website to look if you can email to inquire or call them and someone will get back to you. Also retired teacher here. Good luck!
Thank you!! It"s probably a pipe dream, but if mango Mussolini gets in, we're gone. Not so far from northern CA...
Not impossible a lot of people do it if you te self supporting easier retired w pension or whatever tons of Chinese in b c who go back and forth lots of Indians also other nations not like old days so it must be fairly easy to get in as long as. It drain on govt support systems etc; they re good about emailing generally in Ottawa bureaucracy. Understand why you d want to leave facing that monster 2x ! We donтАЩt want to live next door to Fascist country either. Hope Dems win or world s in trouble again!
Do you really believe All democrats are open minded? Do you live in California? There are racists even in CA.
There are racists and misogynists every where every country every culture unfortunately. Just some places seem to be more biased this way. And some parties. Trump has unleashed this hugely in USA and Canada too alas!
No Canada...but I love Bernie...but I'm also a social democratic/democratic socialist (a lot of us here) so that's unusual. I don't think he'd be acceptable to America despite huge success in the past. Also perceived as too old too socialist.
Pete is our Man. Being gay is irrelevant here. I see him as a leader who can deliver solutions from the galloping destruction underway. Check his record in office and compare him to the other VP candidates. He speaks with clarity to any voter who can put our need above personal or religious bias. Step out in faith.
We'll have to stick with Kamala for now to be sure to win! I love Pete, but now isn't the time. He wouldn't run against Kamala as he knows how important THIS election is. And we MUST win so that we can fix the SCOTUS too. There will be a nice lineup in 2028, a ton of good democrats, both women and men that we're all familiar with who will be excellent for the job, and Pete may try running then.
I saw a suggestion that Capt Mark Kelly would make a great VP, military, astronaut, senator. Also that he gets along well w Kamala
I think Mark Kelly would be great. As far as I know he doesn't have any baggage. My one concern with him is what would happen to the senate makeup, since democrats are not easily elected in Arizona.
He is a fine man, but has one of the most conservative voting records of any Democrat in Congress. We need to get young people to vote, & I'm afraid Kelly won't do it. The far left who wouldn't vote for Biden, won't vote for Harris/Kelly, either. They'd need someone like Elizabeth Warren, Jeff Merkley or Jamie Raskin.
Very interesting. I didn't realize Kelly had such a conservative voting record. I love the idea of a Harris/Warren combo - the republicans wouldn't know what hit them.
Yes, he & Jon Tester of Montana have the most conservative Democratic voting records outside of Joe Manchin & Kyrsten Sinema (who are no longer Democrats). They'd have a hard time winning their states otherwise.
I think Hillary Clinton missed her chance by failing to select Elizabeth Warren as her running mate in 2016. Warren stands up to corporate bullies, and has well thought out plans on how to solve just about every important issue. There's really no one quite like her. She would be the closest thing to Franklin Roosevelt of anyone we've had since if she were President, but as VP, she would also be very supportive of her President. She was among those people who stood by Biden & quickly endorsed Harris, so there's an outside chance she could be selected as Kamala's VP, & that would be a very wise choice, in my opinion.
I agree that Elizabeth Warren would be a good choice. Those two would leave the republicans with their heads spinning. During the campaign they'd really have the republicans running scared. I also believe that as VP she would still be an activist. Maybe our country would finally learn that women can be very effective in high places.
It's way past time they do. 45 presidents in our history, all men? Many other female leaders around the world have proven to be very competent. We're one of the last countries, but the chances look good now that our next president will be a woman.
I sure hope so, for a lot of reasons, not the least of which is how good Ms. Harris is. BTW, much as I love the idea of Elizabeth Warren as VP, I'm guessing that a male would be a politically smarter choice.
Please! Not Bernie! He is even older than Biden. Besides I despise his selfish attitude.
I have to agree with you. There are many Good people that could run, but that should be in 2028, and by that time, we will have one helluva good line to pick from. Right now, we need to All stick together.
I like to think Josh Shapiro would be a good VP pick.
The betting money is actually currently on Shapiro. And the betting odds are surprisingly predictive of what will actually happen....
Mac, you are right about the challenges they would face, but maybe we need to shake some things up and get the complacent to actually start paying attention and to be gently confronted with a tiny bit of their personal biases when faced with two remarkable people who do try to speak with and for people who are struggling to be heard. Maybe that's how true positive change happens.
Good points, Ruth. After all, we did manage as a nation to gtow up enough to actually electтАФand re-electтАФa black man, something that would have seemed impossible a decade earlier! My top priority, though, is to beat Trump!!!
I think the racist buffoon has sowed division in our country over racism and let too many people get away with it for far too long. I think itтАЩs worse now than than when Obama ran!
I worry tho' given the current unrest on campuses particularly among (ignorant at times some) youth that there'd be a backlash against Shapiro due to the war in Gaza right now. It is unjustified to attack anyone for their race or culture or religion or sex etc. yet we see it in our country and city every day here since the war began. It is frightening.
But you ARE! Even a Cassandra!
Gov Shapiro! We need to WIN PA!
I don't think a woman of color and a Jew could win at this time, unfortunately, and I say that as a Jew descended from Shapiros.
I hear what you are saying, but when I see and hear Josh Shapiro, all I see is a smart, caring, well-spoken, intelligent person. It makes me sad that people like him and Secretary Pete aren't seen as people just like everybody else. I hate that there is so much bigotry against gays, Jews, Blacks, AsiansтАж
I agree.
Completely agree, Trump has unleashed racism not seen since the 1960's in America.
Agree completely it is very disturbing people aren't seen as just people these days; but look who you're fighting, the biggest racist misogynist in the country! Someone perhaps 'neutral' from a swing state, maybe, given the climate these days. I think he's good, he's known for working across the aisle and winning against big odds; but also only2 years as Governor I think?
My favorite choice, of the people I'm familiar with is Cory Booker, but we all know that wouldn't work. What I want to see is someone who would make a good president, and get them into the pipeline for the future.
Like Booker as well but hasn't been a Governor and think someone in charge of a State needed in this case to counter lack of experience charges by Trump & co.
I had a similar thought simply because of the times right now. Again, needs someone with experience and he certainly has this and is decent and known for reaching across the aisle/boundaries making bi-partisan deals etc. which is a good thing given the way the country's divided perhaps? I just think need someone who can carry the weight as VP would be good too.
You think? He's already governor, and it could help them win Pennsylvania, which is a swing state...
Yes, I think, especially considering all the controversy over Gaza.
Ah, yes, there is that... I hadn't thought of that angle. Although then again, does he have any known Zionist activist tendencies?
I'm not convinced it's so unclear what is meant. However, I will grant you that Shapiro could stand to idiot-proof his order a little more carefully, spelling out in the text of the order what he has gone on the public record as having meant by it: that state employees are not to engage in speech or behaviors that incite violence or constitute harassment toward anyone based on [membership in any protected category (and here, he should spell out all of the legally accepted protected categories, and probably for good measure state explicitly that both Jews/Israel and Muslims/Palestine should be treated as protected classes)], or that advocate or constitute violation of the law.
I mean, for me that is all clear from his public statements. But then again, I have no intention of trying to get away with anything here. I would, however, be concerned about anyone who thinks it isn't clear, because it suggests that they may intend to try to get away with skating as close to the line as possible.
no but innocent people w/o any particular bias are attacked literally and verbally even here a lot these days. Anti-semitism on the rise world wide too, not just N. Am. alas.
I agree! Pets Butigieg would be excellent!
A WOC and a lgbtq? A recipe for disaster. A white Christian male may give her a small chance of getting elected but I wonтАЩt hold my breath.
In our hearts we all wish Pete and Josh would be able to run for VP, but that might be a loosing ticket for us. I personally like them, but feel we need a stronger candidate from the Midwest
Right. Black, female and a gay guy. Real winning combination! I do love Kamela and Pete, but I live in the real, ugly world. The ONLY important thing is to destroy MAGA, not to get woke cred. Very sorry it is like that.
Unfortunately I have to agree with you
Linda, OMG! I had exactly the same idea. They would complement each other, both caring, kind, decent human beings, but each with a different style of getting things done! I don't know whom Harris will pick, but Pete was my first thought too.
I too am secretly hoping she picks Pete Buttigieg as her running mate, although with some caveats: the betting money currently seems to be on Democratic governors such as Josh Shapiro; there is also an argument to be made in favor of retaining the same cabinet.