With Elon musk upping his payment from $47 per person for voting for Trump now to $100 per person and in addition giving away a million dollars by a raffle at each rally in the coming days to one person how can it be that such illegal activity is not immediately stopped? It's well known that bribing people is illegal. What kind of election is this. Are we a third world country? Mary please run for president?!!

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But if you provide water to someone on line to vote you go to jail.

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Precisely! NAUSEATING!!!

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Can it get any stupider than that?

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Or I'd say, any more CRIMINAL than that?

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Agreed a d the fact they have been allowed to get away with it those people that don't enforce the law are just as guilty!

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Are you really asking that question? The answer is yes, and it probably will.


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Maybe flood the Trump rallies with Democrats to increase the chance of winning the $million dollars and declare they are voting for Kamala publicly.

(Just a funny dream I have). 😀

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ONLY IN A REPUG dominated STATE where they are attempting to make it a very inconvenient and harrowing experience to stand in a long line on a hot day in either

'Bammy or GorgeYa or even CanFuckYe or the AridZone. ONE NATION NEEDS AND DESERVES ONE SET OF GOOD LAWS AND NOT 50 SETS WITH 1/2 as half-assed crap!

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Exactly! When this is over, if Kamala wins, Musk needs to be tried for influence peddling! So sick of him!

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Sounds like tampering with a Presidential election by a man who's lunacy is also shining brightly these days

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It is very much tampering…or buying votes which is out & out illegal. This scummy little nut bar needs to have his citizenship revoked & be sent back to South Africa where he belongs!

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Yes. And he can live down a road behind a gate like my friends do, where they can’t even put up a cell phone tower before someone steals it. Go back to South Africa Elon, and keep your sticky fingers out of 🇺🇸politics!

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AMEN - I JUST GOT BANNED FROM "X" that Musk now owns for my several critical remarks I posted there about a man he supports - Donaldo Grumpolini. That name I gave him is my subtle comparison of him to Benito Mussolini - who was Hitler's buddy in WW-2. Kinda ODD how Trump now defends Putin after his trip to Russia where they probably made crude vulgar sex movies of his acts with Russian whores ??? who knows ?

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I can't tell you how many times I have posted that same line-he really needs to go.

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The worst part of it is most of his wealth comes from tax dollars we Americans pay him for his projects, and then he pays little to no income taxes, no wealth taxes, and uses our tax money to undermine our government, which is hardly in our national

Interest. We the people have the final say, not the billionaire miscreants.

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We're supposed to have the final say, but for some reason we don't. Who needs to address this? It seems that politicians have been imprisoned for far less than this for how campaign funds were used. What part of the law oversees this and brings charges or lawsuits?

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America needs ONE uniform tax system and not 50 sets of shit. I want a GROSS RECEIPTS TAX deducted from every deposit as it's being made into every bank account = including each bank's own funds -and remit daily. Start at 0.5%! And all foreign goods must be paid for here in America before any $$ leaves here ! American then also needs to fire 7.383 tits-on-a-bull state legislators and have one congressperson for every 100,900 of voting age - [18 ro 110] = about 2500-2700 with no more than 3 terms of 10 years - elected to district by last number # s0 10% each year - not all at once =- how many today even know who their f-ing congressperson is ? SYSTEM SUCKS

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Considering he was in this country illegally when he applied for citizenship? the Muskrat only knows how to behave illegally. This was post on his own social media in 2013. It's still a bit iffy, but knowing what we do now about the Muskrat? I'm inclined to believe it.

Catching Elon in a lie isn’t hard. In 2013: “I had to [stay in school]..otherwise I’d get kicked out of the country.” (This is correct.) Then “since I already had my undergrad, I could..get an H1-B visa” (That’s a lie). In 1995 he had no degree, so no visa. He was illegal. 3/

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The boy from South Africa could have applied for an investment visa without breaking a sweat. Money talks... possibly even melania's Einstein visa...

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Take the whole MAGA coterie of miscreants with him Ginger!

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Oh I thought you meant trump and then realized it was musk. Both of them along with Vance are despicable.

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In ancient Athens, ostracism was the process by which any citizen, including political leaders, could be expelled from the city-state for 10 years.

Once a year, ancient Athenian citizens would nominate people they felt threatened democracy—because of political differences, dishonesty, or just general dislike.

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And one of his "fully self driving" Teslas just killed a pedestrian.

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They don't want him.

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In Nelson Mandela’s vacated room in jail.

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I think I saw today on Politico that the issue is being looked into. I sure hope so!!

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WTF. How in the hell is Musk getting away this?

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I hope he gets nailed with it, you know ConOld will say it wasn't his idea. Musk will just get a slap on the wrist for it, though, money talks with the law now.

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Money, as in ConOld and Musk, they have been getting away with a lot lately. Musk was paying ConOld's followers the $47, that was last week, now it's a million. And you know how many ConOld has gotten away with.

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What are they waiting for

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They are waiting for vance to invoke the 25th and remove ConOld, then they will nail him, but he will only get a big fine and or house arrest, because of his health and age.

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20 hrs ago·edited 13 hrs ago

Isn't that bribery? Isn't that against the law? Or did the Supreme Court say it is now okay to bribe voters with cash, since they can accept bribes of fancy motor homes and exclusive use of luxury jets and vacations by far-right billionaires?

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Yes it is! I believe it would be considered election tampering.

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SCOTUS has been telling us that they have no problem with open bribery and corruption.

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Well, we the people DO have a problem! !

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Not bribes, it's gratuities for the Supremely Corrupt Court.

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Only if the bribery is for Cheetolini; it’s a steep hill that Kamala has to climb, from the electoral college, to all the laws being passed to suppress voters and the purging of voter rolls in several red states. Their policies are the marginalization, disenfranchisement, an imprisoned of the “enemies with” and the deportations of many of the people this country is dependent upon to do the actual physical work that keeps us feed and housed.

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Don't worry about picking crops. They are probably planning on bringing back slavery.

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Yes, I believe the same that in my life time, ALL Jim Crow laws will be back, Brown v. Bs. of Education reversed, no marriage equality, no IVD, no surrogacy, women will go to jail for illegal abortions and so will anyone helping them, no trans protections, women will not be permitted to vote, all child labor protections banned, unions banned, no LGBT rights, and of course, slavery WILL be back and it will include legal and illegal immigrants of all colors.

Active Anti-semitism and Jew Hatred will flourish and yes, Jews will again be sent to concentration camps if they had not voted for Trump.

(And so will Muslims again be barred and families separated thanks to Jewish Steven Miller who will be treated better and differently for a while as were Sonderkommandos in the WW2 death camps.

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S.Miller=J.Goebbles. Uncanny resemblance. Maybe reincarnation is a real thing?

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If this comes to pass, Stevie's turn will come.

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You meant that as sarcasm probably, but it is scarily close to the truth. I’ll probably get gassed. I’m old and will probably be deemed useless so some right-wing nuts can loot my house and they can confiscate my bank accounts. Why else will money to run the government come from?

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Why are we all boo-hooing? Democrats can take the money too! And then we rub it in his face and tell him how we spent it!


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How do I sign up - I’ll donate to Harris

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Don't know, but easy to find, I'm sure. You just have to be in one of the swing states on o his list to get the cash.

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Brilliant! A massive wave of Dem voters need to sign the petition, take the money and donate to Kamala (or your state’s Senate or tight congressional races) and we can all laugh and high five on her with aided by Elon’s grift!

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No! That’s not the point at all. It’s not about who can benefit from his money & who is willing to be a part of corruption. *He is asking you to put your name on HIS PAC petition*, which if ever shown in a court of law as an illegal document, there’s YOUR name, glowing out along with all the rest! What would you say if you were called into court to testify! “Oh well yer’onner, I didn’t really mean it. I just wanted a piece of the action?”

Good luck with that but I care where my money comes from. I don’t take it from criminals.

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My feeling is that Musk is doing this to elicit our outage. If there are any maga voters thinking of sitting this election out, our "liberal tears" could possibly inspire them to get out and vote.

The way to deflate all this? For there to be a mass movement by Dems to take the money and mock Musk and Trump, which they hate. (Steve Schmidt often writes about Trump's psychology, as does Mary Trump. That's why so many Lincoln Project videos speak directly to Trump and make fun of him.)

I'm quite sure Musk had a thousand lawyers go over this, and with a closer look, it doesn't appear technically illegal. And if anyone ends up in court, it will not be those who took the money, but him.

I love what you're saying, but I believe we need to think out of the box on this, and in general. A dead hero never helped anyone, and if Trump wins, we're dead.

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P.S. And on the outside chance I DID have to show up in court, my testimony would be what I said here. That I took the money and donated it to Harris!

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SCOTUS has become less and less impressive in their opinions as time has passed. Their legal reasoning, even to the untrained non-lawyer, is highly dismissive of legal precedent AND defies the most basic rules of argumentation. They continue to try to sell us the baloney of “originalism” by trying to argue that the founders intended their interpretation. They had no such intentions or even thoughts for that matter. Just a few of their ridiculous findings.

1) Money is not speech…it simply gives billionaires and corporations an unfair and decided advantage that is anti democratic

2)Corporations are not people. If they were people, they could be incarcerated for crimes against the environment, fraudulent marketing practices and election interference

3) Gerrymandering is ok even though it diminishes the representation of some os us in favor of others depriving us of equal protection

4) Presidents are immune from prosecution if acting in an official capacity, but then declining to say what those official duties are until they see one that they want immunity for ( presumably using the same faulty logic previously applied)

5) The 2nd amendment never did nor should it grant the right to bear arms beyond the original intent(which was do a militia could be called to active defense as the federal government could not support a standing army which was prohibited at the time.

6) The founders never anticipated that the US would grow to over 330 million. But Congress did manage to pass laws that added administrative capacity to contemporaneously manage such complexity with the likes if the SSA , FCC, SEC, FDA, EPA etc. Now, having eliminated the Chevron deference, these 6 Republican justices have set the stage for eliminating all of it …in favor of the profit motives of private industry and their kleptocratic leadership.

Time to rid ourselves of these short sighted morons!

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I wonder how Musk will police the people he paid $100 to vote for Trump. Does he plan on going into the booth with them? Will they really vote as they were bribed?

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None of the above. That’s the sad part of MAGA. They don’t know how to tell when they’re being jerked!

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I'll take the $100. I could use it. When I vote I'm alone. Even he can't see it.

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Exactly! That's why I just created this Facebook page for Dems who signed the petition and got the cash. It's called "What I Did With Musk's Money." It's also called Musk mockery.

Geez, go out to a nice dinner, then rub it in his face!


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Been off FB 11days, but went back to like this. Place is too toxic.

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You may not wish to post this. See the law below

18 U.S. Code § 597 - Expenditures to influence voting

U.S. Code


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Whoever makes or offers to make an expenditure to any person, either to vote or withhold his vote, or to vote for or against any candidate; and

Whoever solicits, accepts, or receives any such expenditure in consideration of his vote or the withholding of his vote—

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if the violation was willful, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both.

(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 721; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(H), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147; Pub. L. 104–294, title VI, § 601(a)(12), Oct. 11, 1996, 110 Stat. 3498.)

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This is NOT what he's doing. Thank you for posting this, but it's in no way applicable. Please read my post to Ginger just below, which has a full explanation of the language.

You think he didn't have a thousand lawyers all over this? He wants us pissed and talking about it, which is exactly what we're doing. It's all smoke, mirrors and deflection. And we're falling for it.

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It’s not about voting totally tho’, riritt. It’s about getting you to register as a republican & *sign his petition saying you agree with Trump*! He is so sleazy & what he’s doing is big-time criminal! Garland needs to have him AND Trump handcuffed & thrown in prison! Before the 5th of November!

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It's absolutely not paying anyone to register as a republican, which is indeed illegal. By its own wording, it only asks that you sign a petition to support the first and second amendment. That's it. It's not asking you to vote any particular way. It also states that to sign, you must already be a registered voter.

It's purely a stunt by Musk in these last two weeks before the election. He wants to be at the top of Trump's mind in case he wins so that he can get a powerful White House job.

The whole thing is really bizarre because voters minds are made up. And the petition is inane.

With Trump's sensitivity to mockery, having him and Musk know that millions of Dems are taking musk's money and donating it to Kamela to me seems like a beautiful thing.

In fact, of you're nervous, don't take the money but use a false avatar that says you did and it's on its way to Kamala. 😝


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Yeah, like Garland Merrick would ever have the stones to go after this crap. He's a moral coward and useless.

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You probably don’t get it unless you prove you voted for Drump

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This reeks of an outlandish gimmick. I'm quite certain that Musk has a team of highly paid, top shelf lawyers advising him on how to skirt all the legal technicalities which could land him in court, or with minimal fines (that he can well afford).....But I also believe that Musk doesn't understand campaigning, a good field foundation, and knowing the difference between dedicated and seasoned volunteers.... and those mercenary souls who are in it for the cash and who have no qualms about pulling off a scam, knowing full well the impossibility of monitoring and managing such folks spread out all over. Musk is a rookie at this and overly arrogant. People are not the same as technological expertise. I'm still placing my bet on his unethical schemes blowing up in his and Trump's face.

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We can only hope. I’m still shocked that ( like Trump) people think these guys are geniuses. They are in fact, far from it. I was living in CA back when Musk bought the old empty NUMI plant & hired a bunch of engineers to start building electric cars. That was of course Tesla. Pre to that he was working with his brother trying to become the next Bill Gates. Big ideas, no talent. But bringing together the right people did it. More luck than brains.

From that point he armed himself with banks of lawyers which he’s needed.

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Elmo didn’t start Tesla. Three other inventors did, and Musk came in as a financier and wound up ousting the last original owner.

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I remember the whole thing as we lived near the plant before it became Tesla. Toyota had the plant (NUMI) & wanted out, robotics were growing big & Toyota needed a bigger plant for that. The building was basically unused, just sitting there & the electric car designers who had all the ideas & were trying to get the car going using three or four buildings elsewhere…Mountain View I believe, not sure. But! Musk saw a way of making money from their dilemma & he & three of his monied buddies who were with him & his brother on the computer venture decided to fund the engineers & buy the NUMI plant for them on conditions they got credit for the business! That’s as much as Musk had to do with being a genius electric car inventor. It’s the same with Starlink. He was an investor hoping to make some money, nothing more.

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All comes down to integrity, musk has none, doesn't mean everyone doesn’t have it. They could pull a Steve Miller and take the money and run.

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Twins in orange jumpsuits!

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It's illegal to pay or accept such payments.

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The problem is that since Citizens United, the SCOTUS majority is telling us they think political corruption and bribery is OK with them, but it actually rots our government.

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That's pretty much their goal--to rot our government from within.

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I'd like to know where the damn DOJ and the FEC is with curbing this illegality? Once again Merrick Garland has failed us all.

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Elon Is buying trump votes. Elon musk is a political moron. He really should stick with rockets selling cars And going to planet Mars. Social media X Is the sewage pit.

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If Elon goes to Mars he ought to stay there.

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If there's a rocket that'll get him to Mars, put him on it and LIFTOFF! It would be the best multi billions the country has ever spent!

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I don't understand how any of that is legal, but I am guessing it's at least tangentially related to Citizens United rulings.

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It’s not legal! They’ve already admitted he’s breaking the law, buying votes! But will they do anything about it? Is Trump in prison yet? That should give you the answer. DOJ will sit on this until after the election & then perhaps…perhaps press charges on Musk. Who like Trump has a huge corral of lawyers to fight everything they throw at him.

Stay tuned.

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This is like a bad movie but unfortunately it is real!

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It sounds pretty fascist to me.

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I can’t believe that Elon Musk is allowed to offer people money for their votes! How is that legal?

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Like I said before about Schmukz, he could bribe !00 million people with $1000 bucks each, and still have a couple $100BB left for himself, small price to pay for world domination. Privileged little white-ass puke.

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The arachnid emperor of Klendathu from Starship Troopers, having sucked out Donald's putrefied brain, would have puked it back in abject horror.

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That's assuming he even HAS a brain.

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I have heard several people are signing Musk's petition, getting the $100, and donating it to Harris' campaign. And of course, voting for Kamala! The joke is on Elon.

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hasn’t 45’s team already been paying people to come to the rallies ?

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No. People actually WANT to hear what she has to say!

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I’m fine because Allan Lichtman, with his 100% accuracy record, called the election for Harris. If it wasn’t for that I’d be a mess.

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Thank goodness for Lichtman’s prediction because that’s the only thing keeping me sane.

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I wonder what effect the GOP’s removal of millions of voters from the voter registration records will have... several of the red states have used various means to identify probable D voters

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100% with you!

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Not even a hidebound indoctrinated GOP DRONE would vote for King Judas.

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Sadly, I suspect many in the cult are immune facts and persuasion.

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Same. Except, this time I'm holding my breath..... 😬

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A 100 % accuracy record (really?!) but let's hope, hope, hope he's correct here!


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Yes, 100% since he started doing this in 1980. His keys are based upon 140 years of data. Some say it 90% because he called it for Gore in 2000, but had Florida not thrown out tens of thousands of black ballots where they not only punched the chad for Gore but also wrote in his name on the ballot (a common practice at that time), calling them “double votes”, Gore would’ve rightly been called the winner in 2000, so I don’t count that as a miss.

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He was the winner, sadly.

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And think about how different everything would have gone since then… I truly cried on that day.

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YES! And that’s what is keeping my mind inside my head and allows me to sleep.

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I hope you, and Allan Lichtman are correct, whilst ironing my shirts for the working week the morning news here, (Australia) has the newsreaders and their guests telling the audience that 'it' the needle, the tealeaves, the poor bloody octopus … are tipping a second trump presidency.

I cannot perceive that, understand the logic, or understand the mindset of the voting US public who would do such a thing --- to them selves! … or see a pleasant path forward for anyone except trump, musk, and other corrupt individuals if it does come to pass.

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A majority of the polls are being financed by the GOP, trending red because they sample more Republicans than Democrats and Independents. They are mixed in with the true polls, and show a false result.

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Exactly. Dr. Lichtman has said more than once that the polls appear this way because the media learned from their mistake of overrepresenting Democrats in the polls in 2016 and decided to heavily represent Republicans this time. It doesn't matter whom they're reflecting in the polls: they're STILL getting them wrong. This article from Salon.com confirms it: https://www.salon.com/2022/10/08/stop-obsessing-over-polls-the-less-attention-and-the-media-give-them-the-better/.

As Dr. Lichtman has said time and again: ignore the polls and ignore the pundits. Look at the overall picture. He has predicted a Kamala Harris victory and once he makes his final prediction, he doesn't change it--ever. What WE need to do is vote and continue to GOTV right through Election Day. That's what will get Kamala, Tim, and the Democrats in Congress over the finish line.

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Well, almost 100%. Apparently he called one wrong, but I'm not sure which one.

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p.s.,Philip DeWalt is right, the election he is said to have gotten wrong was the Gore-Bush election. Lichtman argues that his model was right and it was other factors that gave the election to Bush.

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Lichtman is a good predictor, but seeing Trump in action makes me think that Trump has more dirty tricks up his sleeve, and that people in high places will help him.

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That is exactly what I fear: "Other" nefarious factors at play. This is why Kamala Harris must win this Election in a Landslide with "We The People" voting in numbers too big to rig and too real to steal!

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Me, too!!!

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I have watched his prediction, too. And "cling" to that.

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Ditto me

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If I were create the predictive algorithms for demonstrating the validity of my predictions, isn’t that similar to having the answers to test questions. I’ve watched him roll out his methodology, there seems to be a lot of hermeneutical equivocation of the facts. I certainly hope he’s right, but it’s easy to do historical analysis with the fabricated questions

of your own creation.

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But Lichtman is doing historical PREDICTION. Different game, albeit based on an histocially winning methodology.

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Nothing will move the needle, Mary! It’s not your uncle they want for president, it’s Vance. If your uncle wins, they’ll get rid of him soon enough to put their project 2025 into place via their handpicked puppet Vance.

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That may be true but Trump is bad enough. Either one of them is unacceptable. And since Trump didn't win last time, in spite of the polls saying red wave every other second I don't think we have to slit our throats just yet. Maybe everyone here has heard differently but I haven't heard that Trump's base has grown. I choose to think that with the same number of cult members he probably won't win this time either.

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I liked reading that there is a problem (by design) with the polls averaging showing a much tighter race because of prolific influx of individual polls that are skewed to the right thrown into the mix.

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The media isn’t really about news, opinion or weather; the content of the media is by design to create a marketing demographic, the media is the vehicle to get you there, which enables an advertiser to see you something, often creating problems that you were unaware of until they point out their miracle product that will fulfill the lack that they made you unaware of in their advert. Close polling increases content consumption. Good for business.

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I saw that, too. Please let that be the case.

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I feel the same way that there is no way he will win. But that doesn’t matter to him. Notice how he said “we don’t need any more votes.” He always says out loud what the plans are.

They are planning to take over and throw doubt on the election so that it goes to Congress, and finally to the Supreme Court. Mark my words

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At this point I’m not voting against Trump; I’m voting against Vance.

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I’m not voting against anyone. I’m voting FOR Harris and Walz

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Me too Barbara!

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Also my reason for voting for Harris/Walz. Sanity or chaos.

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I am Truly, Madly, Deeply in the F'ing tank for President Harris and VP Walz. Just can't get Enough! Deeeee-Lirious!!! At the same time, voting against Emperor Palpatine and Boss Baby? Joy to the World! YAAAASSSSS!!!

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I fully agree with and support everything in this comment. Yesss

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For me, it’s voting for Harris and Walz, and against Trump and Vance.

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Very true. Trump’s brain is fried. Vance will use the 25th amendment to get rid of Trump due to his obvious cognitive decline. And just like that we will have President Vance.

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So true! Donald either resigns or dies. Then, Vance will deliver for the oligarchs.

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I thought about that but it was too scary. 😱

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I think Barbara Laman said it right. Trump is continuing his campaign to stay out of jail, then Vance will take over and pardon the nitwit. Scary unless the Blue wins.

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He can only pardon federal crimes, though....

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Why must I get a message every time someone likes my post? How do I mute it?

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Try turning off alerts for SubStack in your Settings.

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I think that the Rethuglican Nazis belong in a VERY HOT UNPLEASANT place. With lava. & boils.

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Yes, Inferno on the lowest level!

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As Dante said, “abandon hope all you who enter here.”

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Don’t forget the nine other plagues unleashed on the Egyptians.

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That's exactly what I've been thinking and afraid to voice!!!

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And now. Musk. Trump said he will turn a large part of the government over to him. We're screwed. Unless the patriotic Republicans join the Democrats to stop and not allow it........ha ha that's a joke. No such thing as a patriotic Republican.

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The powers behind project 2025 want Vance; but the cult only wants the orange pustule. The powers just need trump to get them to the finish line- the cult won’t come out for Vance; and they will rebel if Vance displaces trump when in office by invoking amendment 25. …Hopefully we don’t find the results of this scenario.

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My thoughts exactly. See my post above.

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I don’t believe it’s neck and neck. Something is off with the polls.

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Yeah, David, those polls HAVE to be as malleable as any other stats, cuz, yeah, I'm working with the campaign and we're overwhelmed with volunteers. We're overwhelmed by the responses of positivity for Kamala from all demographics we're dialing...

Plus, does anyone know anyone who's ever been polled? I don't....

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I get tons of texts and calls per day (I’m not sure how they got my number) – the texts are clearly for polls (legitimate or not; who knows?) but I never have answered one of them. None of my friends or family answer them either..

It’s well known that the polls are skewed right. MSNBC had a whole piece on it this weekend with political experts saying it is a setup for trump to claim he really won whwn he loses. Worth watching.

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Jay Kuo of Status Kuo said the same. He did a deep dive on The Big Picture this week (I think).

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Ellen; neither have I. I don’t answer my phone when I don’t recognize the number and if they don’t leave a message I block it.

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The campaign calls are from throwaway numbers. When you get one of them calls, call it back, it is a non-working number. I also get a lot of texts from ConOld Jr, asking for money to win, I get about 10 a day, and about 20 calls a day. I have gotten about 15 messages, but I delete them without listening to them.

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Me too. I’ve been bombarded with junk calls lately.

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The polls conducted by telephone go out to land lines. Since most of the people who still have land lines are older or in rural areas without cell towers, they are probably more conservative politically. So a telephone poll will generally skew to the right.

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Someone can lie when polled by phone, so we have to be careful

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We are older, have a landline and live in a good-sized city. We are not conservative politically. I have received one poll call, and I answered their questions truthfully. The phone number we have has been at this house for 50 years, and it's the easiest way to get hold of us. That's why we keep it.

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I answered one for the first time last month, since I wanted to hear what questions they asked. The questions were so long winded, I stopped in the middle and hung up.

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I have never been polled and I don’t know anyone who has been polled

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Exactly. Either we’ve added millions of new Maga voters to the rolls since 2020 and un-offended the millions of voters he has disgusted and turned off since then- including the wave of voters angry and ready to avenge the end of ‘Roe’, or the media needs a horse rate to ensure eyeballs and ratings. It can’t hurt to keep us anxious to ensure maximum turnout…so keep your eyes on the prize, get out to vote, and help anyone you can to vote as well. Go, fight, win!

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I have been fortunate to be able to help some newly admitted US citizens to register and vote in their very first FREE election! I explained how to verify their registration and the issues on the ballot and how to fill out their ballots. They used mail-in ballots and were proud to use their "I Voted" sticker! I cried with happiness for them! We are so lucky to have this privilege - I hope everyone takes advantage of it!!! If they do, WE WINN!

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Our unesteemed Ohio Secretary of State, Frank LaRose, has made purging voters from rolls a priority, and he managed to revoke the right to vote from a newly naturalized American citizen from England. Some recently naturalized Americans are getting caught up in this fiasco, even though they are fully eligible to register to vote once they are naturalized.

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Oh, no...what a low-down scum to do that to these new citizens who made it through the race to become citizens of their chosen country! I'm so sorry to hear that in Ohio!

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You're right. The polls are usually wrong. After the fact they're always doing a deep dive on how they screwed up.

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We know the polls are wrong because Republicans have been flooding the zone with skewed, invalid polling.

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Nate Silvers info is misinformation. He is aligned with Peter Thiel.

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Is this true?

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Yes check out www.thecorbettreport.com, article called The Strange Story of Peter Thiel. It doesn't deal with Nate Silver but gives valuable information on Thiels destructive plans and his relationship with JDVance whom he paid and wants to get in Presidency

The more these individuals like Thiel and Vance surface into the light the better. They thrive working in darkness. Thief and Musk and Zuckerberg are connected, but Musk is not in the "in Thiels in group" anymore.

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Thiel follows the Dark Enlightenment philosophie of Curtis Yarvin and similar authoritarians, and Thiel has gone on record that he doesn’t like democracy. Peter is free to live in Putin’s Russia or Orbán’s Hungary if he likes. Our nation is not his toy to play with for personal gain. Thiel is also responsible for giving us our dubious Senator JD Vance.

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I have been saying the same thing! They are trying to get people to vote and not stay home and do nothing.

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I believe they’re being purposely skewed so that after Harris wins they can claim fraud because “the polls were so close!”

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I wouldn't put that past them!!

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I am sure they will. No doubt about it!

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The polls have been wrong for just about every election since 2016.

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Since 2016 when trump started buying IP addresses to pump polls. Read Michael Cohen's first book. Underrated bombshell.

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I think there are a lot of people who respond to a poll by saying they're going to vote for Trump to save face with their family, friends and neighbors but, when they're alone in the voting booth, it will not be Trump who gets their vote. I know several married women who do not intend to tell their MAGA husbands that they are voting for Harris.

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Yes, and Scump’s clown show makes them money and they want to milk it as long as possible.

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The media is motivated to make it a "horse race". No one would be clicking on articles about the boring normal candidate being ahead...

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And when they do so, they deliberately avoid discussing the policy implications of electing candidates like Trump.

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Agree. There's a lot of money in it to put out misinformation

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I heard and prefer to believe that there are a lot of fake polls put out by the gop and that’s the reason it’s so called “close”. It’s not.

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Something is off with the polls because they are done by media owned by the GOP - kind of like the Supreme Court deciding the FL felon is above the law. Blackmail is very persuasive!

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“Figures don’t lie but Liars do figure.” (Unknown author). I suspect a deluge of Dubious, heavily R-slanted “polls” are deliberately skewing the averages to hide Kamala’s lead. Obfuscate, obfuscate.

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Weinstein had been "schlonged"? Dear Leaders true elegance has clearly busted out of the creaky recesses of his demented mind. And how in the hell can he dare to call President Biden a "fat pig"? I assume Donnie Dungball doesn't look at himself from mid-chest down very often. Gag.

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I know. He's really a troll. But everything he says is a projection. HE'S the fat pig. Biden is almost too thin. That goes for everything he says - it all applies to him not the people he's insulting.

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Trolls are wayyyy cuter and their hair is better styled

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He’s projecting again.

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Trump has empathy for a sick rapist, what a surprise, not!

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21 hrs ago·edited 21 hrs ago

Stop looking at polls. They haven't been correct since 2012. Also, they are not polling Gen-Z voters. They don't have land lines, and don't answer their phone unless the number is their contacts. What's top for Gen-Z? Climate change and abortion access. Don't get me wrong, it's not a lock, and it's tight. If it wasn't for the idiotic electoral college process, we'd have nothing to worry about.

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After seeing that picture and knowing that trump called Harris a "sh*t Vice President today, I think things are getting worse by the moment -

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Can you imagine!?! The only way to placate my blown mind is knowing he always projects…and HE was the sh!t president. #takesonetoknowone He is vile.🤮 And who works around food without gloves?! This guy. Rawdogging the 🍟. 🙄

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He is disgusting 🤢

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It wouldn’t be any more bizarre if it were fictional. Counting the days till he loses again!

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As a distant observer (Australia) I too continually wonder WTAF! I was stunned in 2016 by the lead up (Comey burn in hell) and the outcome. Unsurprised by the ensuing sh!tshow. Horrified by the Jan 6 insurrection and slow walk to justice. Pleased for the 2year reprieve from daily hearing about the orange buffoon until the primaries and the trials. The felony conviction should have scuttled him but what do we see… little apparent movement in the polls.

The MAGA cultists are indicative of a societal and economic decline that gives opportunity for a populist to con the uneducated and those lacking critical thinking skills. But why the wider electorate continues to support this criminal, medically and morally unfit, narcissistic, lying head case that has clearly laid out his dystopian agenda is beyond understanding through a sensible analysis. That he even got through the primaries let alone in tight contention this November is national insanity.

Compare to the criticisms of our Prime Minister last week when he and his independently wealthy fiancé bought a $4M house by the sea! Genuine discussion about his electoral future and how he is out of touch with the public during a housing and cost of living crisis. Simply unbelievable.

I love your work Mary and the writing and advocacy that you and those around you are doing.

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So, the McDonald’s was closed while he was pretending to be a working person. Christ. As if we needed more evidence that everything he says and does is a lie. Standing next to that deep fryer must have made a mess of his makeup.

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🤣🤣🤣I’m starting to think he’s going for the brown face look. His makeup is getting darker and darker but his hairline is pale white.

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Isn’t it ironic? Such a blatant racist wishes his complexion wasn’t the pasty white it really is.

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Doesn’t he have a professional make up artist? He’s been missing areas around his hairline leaving them very white. His makeup looks very blotchy

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I assumed he did his own makeup because it always looks so terrible.

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When I first saw that pic of Trump at the fryer earlier today, I thought, "That's the worst AI photo I've ever seen!"

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Yeah, I wondered if it was a fake at first, too. Turns out it was a real picture of a fake fry cook portrayed by a fake human being.

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Mary left off the list the fact that Trump called Harris a "shit" vice president. Even though such a thing was unimaginable before Trump, for him it's apparently not worth mentioning. Also, Obama mentioned the fact, which other Democrats and the media have ignored, that Trump killed 400,000 Americans by his refusal to deal with the pandemic.

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If you allow me to be cynical: most of them were probably MAGA...

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Unfortunately for Trump, they were.

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That needs to be replayed on a loop!

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I thought it was closer to a million people who died. (But maybe I imagined the bigger number since Trump always imagines bigger numbers.)

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1,219,487 Americans died, but Trump was responsible for only one-third of the deaths. Let's give him credit where it is due. (Sorry; that's a gruesome joke.)

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Thankful for all you do. I hope you are staying healthy You must have nerves of steel.

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Pollsters are bedbugs. Voters are lions.

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No words anymore, but thanks for sending this.

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Do you want sanity with those fries? 😈🤦🏼‍♀️🤨🍟

15 days people... Hooooooold! 💙🌊🙂🙃💞

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I’m desperately trying not to panic.

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Me neither, Diane.

Thank you, Mary. 💙

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