pamela, sorry to tell you, that is not going to happen for at least another 100+ years. Even after Donnie is 6 feet under (for 30-50+yrs) there are always going to be talk shows, talking heads, the GOP, MSM, Donnie's backers & supporters to mention his name up every so often. So, in reality, it is going to take many, many decades for 90%…
pamela, sorry to tell you, that is not going to happen for at least another 100+ years. Even after Donnie is 6 feet under (for 30-50+yrs) there are always going to be talk shows, talking heads, the GOP, MSM, Donnie's backers & supporters to mention his name up every so often. So, in reality, it is going to take many, many decades for 90%+ to ever forget about Donnie. These are just my opinions. Besides, do you really think that Donnie's backers & followers are ever going to let his name be forgot? Have a nice day.
I hate to agree , but it’s true ! He has done so much damage in his 4 years & even more since . He convinced his minions that the election was stolen & put people in danger with all his lie’s ! He is DESPICABLE !
If he gets humiliated by Kamala in Nov, he & his MAGAt Cult might just try to fade away! Oh, and don't forget, he will have to still stand for a couple of more trials, too! He may just be locked up for awhile! Wouldn't that be the best thing for our country? LOCK HIM UP!! 😂🤣😏😎!
Agree and how about if Judge Merchan does the right thing and jails him for 4 years in September? That would be the ultimate and from what I understand, SCOTUS has no authority over a state case. Lock him up. LOCK HIM UP! In the name of JESUS, LOCK HIM UP!
'fade away' is just not in trump's playbook - his 'people' might decide they have had enough, but the less attention he gets the more noise he will make - to try to stay in the spotlight ! If/when he pops off, there will be a huge Elvis-like movement to make money off the whole thing, and to create somewhere for the idiots to go & worship at his shrine. Hopefully they will forget about trying to take over the world, but trump-mania will still be around !
pamela, sorry to tell you, that is not going to happen for at least another 100+ years. Even after Donnie is 6 feet under (for 30-50+yrs) there are always going to be talk shows, talking heads, the GOP, MSM, Donnie's backers & supporters to mention his name up every so often. So, in reality, it is going to take many, many decades for 90%+ to ever forget about Donnie. These are just my opinions. Besides, do you really think that Donnie's backers & followers are ever going to let his name be forgot? Have a nice day.
I hate to agree , but it’s true ! He has done so much damage in his 4 years & even more since . He convinced his minions that the election was stolen & put people in danger with all his lie’s ! He is DESPICABLE !
I sincerely hope you have a nice day too-when trumpy is no more.
If he gets humiliated by Kamala in Nov, he & his MAGAt Cult might just try to fade away! Oh, and don't forget, he will have to still stand for a couple of more trials, too! He may just be locked up for awhile! Wouldn't that be the best thing for our country? LOCK HIM UP!! 😂🤣😏😎!
Agree and how about if Judge Merchan does the right thing and jails him for 4 years in September? That would be the ultimate and from what I understand, SCOTUS has no authority over a state case. Lock him up. LOCK HIM UP! In the name of JESUS, LOCK HIM UP!
'fade away' is just not in trump's playbook - his 'people' might decide they have had enough, but the less attention he gets the more noise he will make - to try to stay in the spotlight ! If/when he pops off, there will be a huge Elvis-like movement to make money off the whole thing, and to create somewhere for the idiots to go & worship at his shrine. Hopefully they will forget about trying to take over the world, but trump-mania will still be around !
Say it isn’t so!