The worst aspect of the Arlington incident is that the woman who was shoved is afraid to press charges for fear of retaliation!

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And Trump's enforcer, Steven Cheung, alleged that the cemetery official, who was shoved, was “clearly suffering from a mental health episode.” That's just vile. Cheung is one chromosome shy of a mobster .. perhaps not even that. Trump and his crew are going nuts in their desperation for relevance.

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Thanks for calling out Steven Cheung. He needs to be called out more often for being the disgusting, lying turd that he is. Of course, if he is going to spend his life as a disgusting, lying turd, he has found the perfect job, debasing himself for the King of the Disgusting, Lying Turds.

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Steven Cheung is a toad, a poisonous one. He totally supports Donald’s lies and projections. Avoid poison. Walk away. They’re both despicable.

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Love they way you put it… succinct and knowledgeable.

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Dont insult toads.

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So it's DLTs for DJT? Love it

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Good one, Margaret. Maybe I should have called him a “disgusting jerkface turd” so it could be DJTs for DJT. 😊

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Naaah. One DJT is one too many

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Ain’t that the truth.

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Cheung is one chromosome away from being a pond scum amoeba.

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And that's with apologies to Pond scum!

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Hey, even pond scum has a purpose! Source: have a fish pond that I built myself.

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Well, Trump is a mobster. I almost wrote "monster", which he also is. Trump has long associated with mobsters (& monsters) & acts just like them.

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But he's a phoney mobster, he's a coward.

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Yes, but just like with dictators, he really admires mobsters & tries his best to act like them. He gets a huge surge with these power plays.

But you're right, & I can't understand why people don't stand up to him, why they (other than Putin) don't relish the thought of standing up to Trump & taking him down a notch or two. Everybody from fellow Republicans to Democrats to news organizations & interviewers to the FBI & the DOJ to judges & the Supreme Court just coddles him. I would love to see a photograph of Trump looking embarrassed & defeated followed by a triumphant Biden or some other Democrat at a news conference like what happened in Helsinki between Trump & Putin. I actually could picture Harris taking the place of Putin in such a scene, so maybe it will happen. Or maybe, just maybe, we could see it with Jack Smith, Fani Willis or Judge Chutkan (maybe as early as September 18th or 19th).

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it IS vile

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It shouldn't be HER job to press charges. The ARMY should be pressing charges for violating a federal law and for assaulting a staff member while on duty!!! What the hell is going on in this country?!?!?

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Most everyone is afraid of Donald’s goons aka red hatters. One of them tried to attack the press at one of his recent rallies. Deplorable.

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I agree with you. For some crazy reason everytime he pulls these stunts people just let it pass because oh well it's Trump. I keep saying. He should be called out there and then!!!

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Perhaps she asked the Army not to press charges? The retaliation issue is real.

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The military has the final word. And it complies with military orders and laws, whichever applies.

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Exactly. Bring the full authority and strength of the US Army to root to him. He does not deserve to be Commander in Chief ever again.

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I understand the employee’s reluctance to press charges but is the Army afraid of Trump and his goons too?

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It is NOT her responsibility! I replied to another woman, and told her the same. I'm sure there's still an investigation underway.

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Perhaps I'd the Army rep were male the Army might press charges.

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Yes, the army need to take up the rod and give Trump a thumping!

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Baloney. If that was really true, they would have informed the gate guard instead of making her go through that ridiculous incident!

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One thing I've noticed is when a Corporation or governmental agency gets into trouble it's usually women employees who are the ones facing the press or investigators.

Curious about the slanders remark by Cheung, has the Army responded to that? Defended her?

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And would Cheung have uttered the remark about a ‘mental health issue’ if the person confronting Trump was a muscular 220 pound male?

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I see, so when the Press says "Trump Will Make Mexico Pay for Wall" you think we should believe Mexico's going to pay for the wall, eh?

Besides, Johnson isn't actually on record as saying that. It's just hearsay from a pro-Trump member of a deceased veteran's family!

Jeez, how complacent, gullible, and incurious America has become.

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Like we should believe that kind of comment from the Press just because Johnson said so (or did he, really)?!?!

give us a break, Fox.

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By the way, I can't find any statement from Johnson about this. I only read that a FAMILY of a deceased vet claimed Johnson got involved. Please post citation where Johnson claims he intervened.

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So Ugly

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You would think though after being given and also the rules being posted that the rules should still be enforced. He's allowed to get away w way too much w no consequences! It also should not matter who asked for him to go there! He's an old, wee little wanna be and needs to be in Jail!

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And isn't this incident the perfect example of life under trump's rule.

So scary.

Americans, take heed!!!

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All you have to do is look at Florida or Texas to get a minor sense of what it will be like

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I'm in Texas and am taking the next two hours to send VERY detailed VOTE emails to young college students (former students) about registering and voting absentee. Voter suppression abounds. We don't need this country-wide. We need the John Lewis Voting Rights Act to sail through Congress in 2025. DO SOMETHING and then VOTE -- and then keep DOING SOMETHING!

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Finishing 1,000 GOTV postcards to mail Oct 24. I'm donated out.

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I'm mailing mine out before early voting starts here in AZ on October 9. Many are going out of state to college students so they need the reminders to look for those ballots in their mail.

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Yes! Let’s Please do something! We can all contact legislators and DEMAND INTERNATIONAL ELECTION OVERSIGHT ❗️

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THAT s a GREAT IDEA!! Would the UN send observers?? Who does that?

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@Carol Spencer Ken Paxton in TX is purging voters again. I've contacted my friends in TX to check that they are still registered to vote. I'm sure you are aware of this.

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Yes. Texas is #1 in Voter Suppression in the USA, along with #1 or #2 in infant mortality and maternal mortality. I live in a very crazy state. We are within 90 days of the election, so if we check our status at VoteTexas.gov and it's good, we should be set. Take a screenshot of the page showing that all is well, and it can be evidence on November 5. If things are NOT OK and you are not in the system, it's easier to just re-register to vote (BEFORE October 7) than to try to fix your suppressed voter registration. (Trust me. It's nuts.) Again, go to VoteTexas.gov, check your status, and request a Vote By Mail ballot if you're a college student away from home or over 65. THANKS for reminding your Texas friends. Texas COULD go blue this fall. It's within the realm of reality. 40 electoral votes would be good!

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I'm in Texas, and was not aware of that. I have checked my voter registration, and it's okay. We are signed up for mail voting, since we are over age 75, and when we do that, it's good for the whole year.

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Or Missouri. Anyone else reading Jess Piper? she draws attention to what happens after decades of right-wing rule.

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Yup, I just celebrated 75 years young and moved here in TexBanistan from California over 40 years ago,and I’m on bathroom post-it note duty and loving it while voting is private!

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So you go to public restrooms and stick up Post-it notes about voting?

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I live in Florida, and what you said is so true it hurts.

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Wrong !

It's life under we the people who fail to protest.

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Well, I for one did protest. I called Arlington National Cemetery and voiced my protest directly to the Customer Service Staff member who answered my call.

On the phone, I also directly called out Steven Cheung for his vile, lying, gaslighting statement about the staffer “clearly having a mental health episode.”

Anyone who cares to, can call Arlington National Cemetery and register their own protest, as well.

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She should be given protection around the clock and asked to press charges.

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Yes...and they retaliated anyway...ugh.

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What did they do? I didn't see anything, but I'm not at all surprized.

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The very thing he's running on!

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That's the classic Mob tactics of Don Trump. And the Nazi Party. Instead of the rule of law, we see the rule of fear.

Is that how we want the USA to function?

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I agree, Lynne Duffy! No one should have to fear a president. And he is the first I have feared. However I am so angry,so very angry that this coward has disgraced his former office and causes patriotic Americans to be afraid that I know my anger has overtaken my fear. I don’t want to go back. Never ever again!

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That's because we the people are no where in sight to back her up.

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What would you suggest, "We The People " do to support and help her if she hadn't asked anyone to come to her aid? I understand what you are frustrated about and yes,we were too naive about what Donald Trump was capable of back in 2016,and have paid Dearly for it,but if judges can't find the balls to put that psychopath in prison for the rest of his pathetic life,what can any or all of us do to minimize and contain him and his evil bunch of crazies before more people are harmed or killed? I am OUTRAGED this moron is allowed to reside in his mansion, still filled with stolen documents, I'm sure,and play golf every damn day no matter what he's got cooking, but if you have a solution to end his reign of terror ,sign me up,I'm so exhausted from the never ending drama and division the creature has inundated the world with. It's a total mind fuck ,but here we are.

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I agree. I think the Army or government officials like Dems are trying to do) need to step up and investigate, press charges, whatever, to protect not only the sacred space but also protect and support and defend the person who was shoved and probably verbally abused. Otherwise, trump and others will be emboldened to do this again or more. It should not be all on her shoulders to feel she would have to defend herself, press charges herself, stand up to trump and his gang on her own, for doing her job and the right thing.

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The “political” intimidation IS in Reality Mob Violence Intimidation. The Press MUST be called out on this-Expected to Use Accurate Words to Report Truth! Donnie was taught how to use Mafia tactics by his employee, Roy Cohn - (who had years of prior experience as an attorney for mob bosses.). This tutoring occurred when wannabe be gangster, was active in lucrative Manhattan building & construction. Mafia connections a well known secret/scandal at the time.

How he ever was allowed Security Clearance to even be allowed to run for POTUS is a Dereliction of Duty in High places in The FBI & CIA, Plus Secret Service. Some day this will be Revealed. 🇺🇸A Scandal Beyond ‼️

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I'm sure the military is handling it. Trust me. That's what they do. They're still investigating, most likely.

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I hope after Harris/Walz win the election, she chooses to then change her stance and press charges.

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It is appalling how that draft dodging criminal turned a sacred place into a campaign ad. And, it is equally appalling that the family of the hero over whose grave they were grinning, invited the orange baboon to do so.

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Sadly and unbelievably there actually Veterans who support Trump.

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I could ponder on that for a thousand years, and still not understand it. Of course, I could say that about women who support him, too. Or those in the economic middle and lower classes. Or anyone in law enforcement. Or religious people. Or people with even a minimal amount of intelligence. Or . . . well, you get the idea.

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Norm...my trump " chumps" are career law enforcement officers. 🚓🚓🚓💡💡

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Not surprised... They like to run roughshod over the little guy. Be admired for their position in life. Have everyone be afraid of their power.

And many are worse than the criminals.

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They really are suckers.

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I wonder if there’s a difference between how combat veterans vs. veterans vote. Not that it matters but it might.

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Often combat vets don’t vote because are more suspicious of the government than non-combat vets.

My partner (30 yr retired) said vets are pretty similar to how civilians vote whether active duty, combat vet, or stateside.

A side note* many active duty don’t vote because they don’t like how long it takes for the absentee mail in ballots. Those blocked mail in ballots in each state? Majority of the time they are service member ballots.

This happens because the absentee ballots sometimes change after a service member had already sent in the absentee ballot. It’s quite horrible the way the voting system discriminates against service members. & whoever is counting those absentee ballots can you that simple ballot change to toss out the votes. A common thing in southern states.

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Things definitely need to change... For the better...

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They do. & young service member voters are disenfranchised IMO. Clearly corporate media could care less about it as this has gone on for decades.

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*use not you.

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Yes...sadly, Mr La France...I have two in.my family who ...even with their admirable service to this country...take Trump's every word as gospel. Cannot for the life of me understand what they see in.this malignant, mendacious narcissist. All I can do is Vote Blue up/down my ballot....and pray others do as well. 🤗

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I'll venture a guess that they see themselves in Trump. Their Outer selves may not reveal the identification, but 'actions speak louder than words'.

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Maga is a cult. They do not allow questioners or dissenters. Members who don’t fall in line are ousted from the group.

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Good point. We get so disturbed by Trump we forget the millions of Americans who support him, like this family who supported his disrespect at Arlington. In one of his Substacks Chris Hayes compares preWWII German attitudes and the current ptoTrump Americans and found much similarity in their thinking, values and behaviors. Scary.

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The convicted felon would be nothing without his cultist enablers.

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That's a very good point. Also, pre WW2, many German-Americans had some publicly awful views. Madison Gardens hosted a massive essentially Nazi rally. There was a Bund youth camp in the Northeast (can't remember the state) that was basically a Nazi youth camp. Many Americans even supported the new regime.

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A few elections ago, when I went to vote, one of the election workers behind the counter was wearing a MAGA hat. I was mortified!!! I asked the gentleman doing my check in (not the person wearing a MAGA hat), how she could wear a MAGA hat and work the election. His reply to me was “what’s MAGA?” I immediately went home and called our county election supervisor. She told me would personally see that the hat was removed. I still regret not making a huge scene at my polling place!

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We can't wear anything political. They discuss it in length at training.

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I’m guessing they DID get the message, but were flouting the rules in standard Trumpian fashion, i.e. try it and see if anyone has the guts to confront you. And most people don’t— or perhaps are so startled by something so blatant that they question their own initial reaction.

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Played ignorance, while being in your face obnoxiously... On purpose.

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No pun intended but I think this was the gravest mistake of his campaign after picking JD Vance as his running mate.

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and hopefully he will keep right on making them. He's such a sociopath he doesn't recognize them as mistakes.

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He will. The more he talks the deeper he digs his own grave. He’s becoming desperate. Get your popcorn ready🍿

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Expect more racial and misogynistic insults from maga. They’re feeling desperate. They will insult and threaten Dems.

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Nothing the orange convicted felon/rapist does surprises me. I expect his behavior to become worse.

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I’m wondering how he could get worse. He’s hit that limit and looked gone down. Is there another word? Maybe we need to create one for the melting orange jello. After all, Shakespeare had the temerity to create introduce over 1,700 words to express his intended meanings. (Just checked that out). Here am I unable to creat even one new word for one deeply evil crazy mendacious menace. Turdacious sounds too positive. It needs to have an affect like the sound of 100 leaf blowers

when you have a headache. (Or a really off key singer just like me now)

So many creative souls here…..

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I pray for the safety of Harris and Waltz. I hope both have strong security around them.🙏

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I am so sorry to hear that you are still sick, Mary. Each day that I don't find a post from you, I whisper to whatever powers may be "Send healing. Make her strong again." Your situation has inspired me to be more careful.

As for your uncle's ongoing transgressive rampage....my exhaustion as I witness it mimics the enervating effects of COVID. I long, with all my heart, for a day when my newsfeeds are not crowded with his name, his face, his voice, his followers & enablers. I know there is more going on in the world besides his life but it is arduous work to find any reporting on it.

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I applaud her courage as well. Confronting relatives, especially the chief cause, of this horrible time in our society, cannot be easy.

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I'm sorry you're still dealing with COVID Mary. First time is rough. I just finished #3, once a year now ugh but it does get easier.

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I'm still recovering from my latest bout. My fourth. I wish I hadn't skipped the last booster. Being over 70 and having several pre-existing conditions, it was incredibly dumb of me. My agoraphobia is getting worse and worse...I can't push myself out the door even when I desperately need to! Thank God - or Amazon- for making it easy to have the things I need delivered, and for my friend who takes care of the rest...but he can't go to the doctor for me, or get my hair cut.

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I hope you'll get the next booster, Paula. Is there some way to make the agoraphobia less worse, like maybe having someone go with you to the places you need to go? I really know very little about the condition, but it occurs to me that some reassurance might be helpful.

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I have a friend/caregiver who is my driver and "heavy lifter". Richard usually takes me anywhere I need to go, and that helps. My biggest fear about leaving the house is being in more pain than I can cope with and moaning/weeping in public. My spine is always causing me pain, but it's much worse when I stand or sit. I have pretty good pain medication, but I doubt even fentanyl could help numb the stabbing, shooting pain of sciatica. Even more humiliating is the occasional incontinence that hits without warning when I stand or walk.

I think something like Valium would help, but I can't trust myself with it. The temptation to take too much would be hard to resist! 🤪

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Oh, Paula, I feel for you. I am glad to hear that you have someone to take you places. I hear you about the sciatica. I've lived with it for 46 years. A physical therapist taught me to lie on the floor with my elbows on a stack of pillows, and move my hips to the side opposite of where the pain was, while otherwise keeping the body and legs straight. What I do these days is a tai chi routine (that a purist called chi gong), which is really good for keeping my spine in alignment. Unfortunately the routine we do is a video my husband made from a tai chi class he took on a cruise ship, so I can't tell you where to get it. I personally wouldn't recommend trying Valium. I know that for people over 70 they won't give you xanax. I asked for that when I was feeling what I would call systemic anxiety, and my doctor said no and cut the level of my thyroid medication, which solved the problem. What I find most calming these days is Native American flute music. We keep it playing all day on our TV, with Pandora, where you can create your own radio station. We did one with R. Carlos Nakai, and it is wonderful. I hope things get better for you.

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Thank you Susan. I used to have a physical therapist come to my home. Eventually the bone spurs caused by spinal-cervical arthritis dug into the discs(something called 'degenerative disc disease), and I could no longer twist my back at all. I'm comfortable lying flat with a wedge behind my head, neck and shoulders. On good days I can roll onto my side before I stand up without screaming 😱! My poor cat is scared of loud noises, so I have gotten better at clenching my teeth to mute myself. I shudder to think what my neighbors think, especially in warm weather when my windows are open. I get so embarrassed! Being / feeling ashamed is a huge part of my problem. I have to admit that vanity is my worst fault.

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You're welcome Paula. I understand being concerned/embarrassed about what the neighbors might hear. I would be, too, in your position. One thing I learned to do in my many years of psychotherapy, was to write cards with affirmations on them. Things like, "t's okay to scream if I need to". It's important to express those thoughts in positive language. Once you have some written down, read them aloud to yourself several times a day, including as you are going to bed. Those things can really help with affirming yourself. I'm glad to know that you are one of those wonderful cat ladies (I love cats). Please give your kitty an extra scritch for me.

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My doctors do not recommend the boosters. They recommend masking in public and staying out of crowds.

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Masking in public and staying out of crowds is excellent advice. But IMO it is medical malpractice not to recommend getting the boosters, unless you have a condition that makes getting them unsafe. Having had it once, and losing my sense of smell and associated ability to taste my food, plus being asthmatic, I would not skip the boosters. They are well-tested and safe, and they help reduce the number of people who get infected.

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There is evidence the shots create medical problems in people who were healthy before getting the shots. Can't remember sources of this info.

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Kindly, if you have no actual, reputable evidence to offer, best not to conjecture where other people’s wellbeing is concerned.

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Your doctor's are doing you a grave disservice by recommending that you do not get a vex you should absolutely get your boosters. My third round of COVID was very mild but if I was not getting my boosters it would not be that way. Unless you have a medical reason to not receive them, you should absolutely get them. And as Susan mentioned in her comment after yours, it really is medical malpractice for any doctor to recommend you not get the boosters unless there is a reason a strong reason for you to not have it such as allergy to something in the vaccine.

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Waiting for # 8 I believe in October for the new strain! Only reaction to all of these a sore arm at 67 multiple high risk factors including some b p meds it’s vital to get these AND wear a mask indoors!

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I am all for staying out of crowds!

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I found a hairdresser who comes to the customers home.Yea!!

On days I want to condemn all corporations I remember Amazon, it's fast delivery, super easy ordering system, and wealth of products. Bezos produced a great system for it's customers and I'm grateful for it.

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I totally agree with you, Maureen! Amazon has become a lifesaver for me, and I am utterly dependent on it - especially my kindle! Being stuck in bed is not so terrible with thousands of books to choose from.

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Hope you recover really quickly. Looking forward to reading your book and excited that I actually have a real book to read. As much as I love chatting on this platform, I prefer the escapism of reading a real book. Something about closing yourself off to the world while you read.

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Listen to your body. Wishing you an uncomplicated recovery.

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Wait a minute. Trump violated a federal law by doing that. Why is the Press so focused on the woman not pressing charges when the ARMY should be ARRESTING the perp for violating a federal law!!! What the hell is going on in this country?!?!?

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So aggravating! It’s unfathomable that this “hands off” is going on in the light of day. It’s “ the media being afraid of being called Liberal” all over again.

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Please get all the rest you need Mary, and best wishes for a speedy recovery from your bout with Covid. We need all of us, and especially those like you who have a platform and a large audience.

As for Trump's Arlington incident, it's despicable and everyone should be appalled. I've been there. It's an amazing place that one certainly feels the solemnity and the honor our nation gives to those who are buried there.

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Try to take it really easy for the next 2 weeks at least and no exercise. Light walking only. This might help to prevent long Covid or at least a shorter recovery.

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Agreed. And the exhaustion does last a long time. I wouldn’t wish Covid on anyone!

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Who could ever imagine that the most basic of American traditions, volunteer to fight for the country, could be tromped on by a US President. It is sacred, that we volunteen, we fight, and some of us die for our country. To honor those who die preserves a sacred promise of support for the country. How can anyone tromp on our heritage? Why do we not all rise in fury at the transgression? I live in Lexington by the green where our countrymen came from the safety of their farms to fight the British and to wim. This is the true legacy of the country. There was a reenactment yesterday on the green where the town came together and rememberd and gathered together as a community.

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Mary...please get well soon. We need your voice and assessments of the political situation. Take care of yourself! 🙏 Julie G

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Praying for you and your family forever

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Get well soon! ❤️

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I’m day 5 of Covid. At 73 it has indeed knocked the crap out of me. Mary, I admire the fact that you are still publishing. The Arlington incident simply demonstrated the depths to which T and his henchmen will go. They have no bottom to hit. But the Army should be protecting that worker, so she feels confident enough to blow the whistle.

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