One word comes to mind that seems to cover it all: PATHETIC

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I just read this Guardian article about “Why are people leaving his rallies early? We asked them” 👇


Of all of the bizarre things Trump has done, the music for 40 minutes was by far the most revealing to anyone who is not deep, deep into the cult.

Strange answers to questions can be reinterpreted to actually mean something and that happens all the time. Hannibal Lector is about illegal aliens. Sharks are about electric motors. But standing there swaying for 40 minutes can't be defined as anything but WEIRD. That’s why they are pulling him out of the limelight. They can’t risk another one of those episodes and they hope it will be forgotten in a few days!

How about wearing these shirts in front of your MAGAs neighbors? 👇 🤔


Just imagine their reaction! 🤣

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Heather B.: Thank you for posting the Guardian aritcle. It was an interesting read!

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I love this one from the article:

“I’m actually leaving early because my phone is dying and I have a Tesla so I can’t get in. It’s really upsetting, because it meant a lot to be here, and I just can’t get in my car.”

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Boy if that isn't a first world problem!

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Dave, it seems they have been infected with Trump's lying and can step away from the truth and reality with ease! I wonder if they are sure they aren't running away from the shark?

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Ruth, from my vantage point in Australia, it seems to be such a strange phenomenon, this apparent shutting down of rational or critical thinking en masse that you see in Trump supporters, which is a few steps removed from even the traditional hardline conservative thinking. But I’ve actually experienced a much more scaled-down version of it here too, when we had Covid lockdowns.

I think it happens (this apparent brain-deadness) as a result of not-so-mature emotional thinking taking over from rational thinking. It’s the inner child latching onto perceived demons, ‘the other’, to exercise primal tribalistic catharsis. I guess it’s a universal human issue – the inner child prevents empathy, compassion and logical thinking from occurring (the Trump man-baby being a glaring example), and it seems the MAGA movement has tapped into that beautifully. Looks like a big train wreck from here, though.

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The ignorance reflected by the exiting attendees was just about as expected. "He's doing this for us."

"Kamala can't make up her mind."

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Doc Blase, are there ever any follow-up questions like, "what exactly is it he is doing for them" or "what do you expect to get out of a Trump victory that you don't already have? What evidence is there that Trump, who knows nothing about governing can give it to you? I know the last is a bit partisan, but it would be interesting to hear their answers to some of these. Maybe the best question would be, why did you leave the rally early?

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The Guardian article should be a wake-up call for us. People leaving Trump rallies early are not going to vote for Harris. They are going to vote for Trump.

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Maybe they don't like what they see?

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As mentioned in the article, there were a few "tourists" just wanting to see what the fuss was about. I suspect they left bored and bewildered LOL. What a waste of time when you could be doing literally anything else...

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The main thing is that he is a danger to democracy, women and children especially. He will do anything to keep his ego happy and his powers enthroned. Vote BLUE.

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Actually it should be three: pathetic human being. Or: pa the tic. 😀

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And they all should be ashamed and history will tell the story and the end is ugly

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He’s too stupid to understand how stupid he actually is.

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Oooh he knows he's stupid! He covers it up with lies and distractions. He's been doing this all his life! Growing up, attending school, working with his Dad during dealings with the trades, declaring bankruptcies (how many times)? Can't imagine 3 marriages with kids? The women must be really dumb to put up with him!

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Ivanka didn't put up with him. His open affair with Ms. Manner's was the last straw of many. That Ivanka went so far as to expose the fact that Donald slept with a book of Hitler's speeches locked in his nightstand, "Mein Kampf", in the September 1996 issue of Vanity Fair, I have to wonder if she really fell down the stairs to her death.

Richard La France

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@Richard, when she first died I read a small article that insinuated that she may have died as a result of foul play. The article explained that within her penthouse she had an elevator which she used. Reportedly she didn't use her staircase. The article also implied that she was in the process of writing a tell-all book. I have tried to research any other information but to no avail. I think that article was pulled by the folks who actually control the media.

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Yes she had a stair lift sort of elevator. It didn’t make sense at all. There’s no reason for her to use the stairs. And he was due in court the next day. She knew too much. I can’t believe there wasn’t an investigation.

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I thought that too

Also the attempted shooting seemed like a setup too

I think that kid was mentally ill and they told him he wouldn’t be hurt and to just fire off some rounds

Then trump had a way to cut his ear when he slapped his head, that’s why he kept saying he was looking for his shoes, to hide what he had used

Large weapons rounds don’t slice you like that

Also if you look at the video he didn’t jerk, he just slapped his head with his hand hmmm don’t know for sure but it’s just that word again WEIRD!!

The fact that he has done so many awful things to others, sure don’t want to give him another chance to do it to me!

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I have wondered about her falling down the stairs. Trump almost killed her when he beat her so bad. She was never in good health after that terrible beating. She had lots of surgeries after that. The children did not see their Dad for long periods of Time. Don,Jr did not have anything to do with Dad for 10 years. He was 10 at the time and saw it all. I read all that in news paper at the time.

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I believe you mean Ivana, his first wife, not Ivanka, his daughter.

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I thought the same after reading she fell to her death...

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Or, they didn't put up with him, and got a divorce (and then mysteriously died - of strange circumstances- the day before he was to go to court!).

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well,not quite..ivana and he were divorced for many years before she died about 2 years ago,by falling down stairs..wife 1 and mother to djt junior,eric and ivanka...marla maples was wife number 2 and mother to tiffany,the reason ivana and he divorced,and of course there is melania,still "hanging in there ( i believe for monetary reasons) and mother of barron...

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There’s absolutely no proof that she fell down the stairs. She had a stair lift. It didn’t make sense. Everything I said was true. He was due to go to court the next day. There was no investigation into her death, and there should’ve been.

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and he literally buried the evidence in his golf course. What about Marla, is she still around? I never hear anything about her at all.

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Unfortunately, Marla is openly supportive of Trump, even recently (absurdly) saying she’d serve as his vice president.

She also claims Carroll’s rape claims are unfounded.

Here’s more.:


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Does any one besides me remember Trump and Melania being so thick with The G. Maxwell women ( who is in prison for 24 years) and Jeffery Eipstein. ? Jeffery E. was sentened to 25 years in prison , watched 24--7 but managed to kill himself. Never was investigated by Bill Barr. Something strange there.

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Trump will die soon after election if he wins. Many ways possible. Ketchup keeping him alive.

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Which would leave us with JDV. If voting for DJT is not a turn-off. JD certainly is. Vote BLUE. Save us from the Orange Balloon and Slick.

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That scares me! He is one strange individual !!

That’s a good one but don’t know that he is so slick think of him a more blunt!

Ya know I don’t know about you buy trump seems to talk out of both sides of his mouth … he was screaming about how “He stopped roe-v-wade then he says he is the “father of IVF”

I know it’s a women thing and men won’t get this but it’s like being sorta somewhat pregnant HEHE!!

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I hope you read some of this Mary, love ya gal, thanx for your spirit and kindness for us all


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4 hrs ago·edited 4 hrs ago

Trump also calls himself the "protector of women". He clearly thinks his followers are idiots. And if they actually buy his blather, then he may be right.

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He meant He was father of IVF BUT IT COME OUT OF HIS MOUTH. FATHER OF IDF, WHICH IS he does not know what IDF IS.

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Melania is only there for the money, trust me! Money is all she's interested in.

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Lida, I do believe Trump knows he is lacking, but in his current state of "dementia" he is not aware of just how lacking. And none of his Klan will dain to inform him, if he could even understand. There is no way he could "debate" anyone again or even answer questions with any degree of comprehension.

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trent..he has,many times over,in the past 7 or 8 years,told the american public and the republican party how smart he is,that he is a genius,that only he can fix things,that he is smarter than all of his generals,and on and on..he is what we used to say "a legend in his own mind"!!

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The truly intelligent, gifted and talented people have no need to brag about themselves.

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Don’t forget, he’s the “father of IVF” God help us 🙄

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You mean the Dunning-Kruger Effect. Yes, we’ve all known that since 2016 at the latest. Best explanation I’ve seen is John Cleese’s (of Monty Python fame) here: https://youtu.be/wvVPdyYeaQU?si=Q39IFjKdfAPxyfRS

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The witty post of the day!

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The poster child for Dunning-Kruger effect combined with The Peter Principle.

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Beautifully said. Thanks Mary!

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And the photo of el Lardo that goes with it is absolutely PERFECT!

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And thanks again, Mary, for dismantling the dodo. Please don't l;et up now!

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Thanks, Mary and he is so tiresome… if he were a relative of mine and Thanksgiving is coming, I would be trying to figure out how not to invite him… moment of joy for me would be never to see him or hear him again.

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Of course policy is so important and I don’t mean to lessen the importance of it… but at the end of the day, I’m tired from work and family and cooking and then I sit down to relax and “there he is” … every time he opens his mouth he drains me further. PLEASE GO AWAY

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I got tired reading and hearing is mouth. He drained me too. Imagine being a (now retired)federal employee and hearing about him wanting to implement schedule F. I hated going into work before covid hit, for remainder of his term. Seeing his portrait, upon entering and leaving, 5 days a week.

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His gaslighting is horrific, and unfortunately, having lived with gaslighting, he brings it all home… I am terrified that he could be elected! He is a despicable human being…

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I'm with you on the gaslighting, I lived it for 23 yrs

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That would have made me lose my breakfast

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Got to the point I could actually tune out the portrait, but not the voice.

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So true Mary ! It s finally starting to show: the dementia brain recycling his thoughts on completely off topic ideas that the interviewer on Bloomberg finally said “President Trump the question was on…” to redirect his wandering attention back to the subject at hand (economics I think)! Wild to see! Like my 95 yr old f I l a sweet man who kept asking if we d had lunch 10 times in 3 minutes! (Senile dementia).

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I’d be been tempted to add a certain mustache to that portrait in black giant marker!

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Yes. Lol.

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Don’t underestimate the amount of stress someone like Donald Trump brings into your life… Think your body doesn’t react? I even found myself discussing my response to him with my therapist …

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I’ve spent so much money on therapy because of that shitty man. I am consumed by my loathing of him. Well, my mental illness is.

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Let him go …focus on you and being well…he will pass one way or the other soon I’m sure! Sooner the better for the world! Record turnouts in early voting in Georgia and other places usually bode well for Dems who statistically tend to vote early. First sign of encouragement in weeks! Hopeful at last! (35 yrs major depression here you have my empathy!)

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Same here. 42 yrs MDD, but last 9 years until now have been the worst. When I no longer in reality, have to see his face & voice on tv, I'll be glad. Someone else on another recent substack post of Mary's, that him paralyzed from a stroke would work.

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Anyone remember the movie Network? Time to pull that up again.

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Yes…let him go! Show gratitude that he’s not your husband or brother or God forbid father!

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Elizabeth, I would never have married a man like him under any circumstances. My husband is a carrying, wonderful human who works hard at 62 so we still have insurance. But you can’t tell a broken brain to shut it down. I certainly come from an era of decorum in politics, not that it’s my favorite subject, but I follow the news and read extensively. I have rapid cycling bipolar (up to 6xs daily which is very abnormal) and parallel symptoms of ADHD which cause ideation and intrusive thoughts. That doesn’t turn off. I’ve been trying to let go for years, but no other person would get away with the bs he does and it causes the defective brain to churn. It’s like telling a one legged person to grow a leg. Impossible. I hope you see this.

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I can't take it anymore. I'm beyond functional. Can't even be bothered with important matters. I just sit here and say, "Fuck it!"

Richard La France

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Not so much as fuck it but fuck fuck fuck.

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Ditto Laura!! 👍

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Richard, I feel the same way. I fight every day to just keep getting up. Here’s what I know: Polls don’t count. Inherently, more people are kind, followers of the rule of law and believe in the future. I have to have hope. That also means I have to try and trust that more people than just me want a future. I see it in Substack. I see it in the lines to drop off ballots. I see it in the people helping neighbors in the South. I am still very concerned but fight to stay cautiously optimistic.

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That's a good response, it's mine too.

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The narcissism , gaslighting etc. will totally destroy you eventually!!

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I will be addressing this in detail in my new Substack…

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Definitely effects the body. I have not slept properly for the last few nights because of the threats and the fact many of his supporters think violence will be necessary to "save" America.

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My favorite story about him was told by our gracious hostess, Ms. Mary Trump. She posted it some months ago. It made me fall in love with her father, Donnie's brother.

It was a large family get together. Donald, in constant need of having someone to bully, loved harassing the hell out of Mary's Dad. Finally, I believe his name was Robert, got really fed up, grabbed a bowl of mashed potatoes and dumped it on Donald's head.

Mary, I'm ever grateful that you shared that story with us. I would love to be able to replay that memory because I'm sure he's anxiously awaiting the chance to to terrible harm to this tired old gay gentleman. Oh my! I'm 78, too! Well, when I proofread my comments I'm very pleased that what I write makes perfect sense.

Richard La France

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Richard, I can never look at mashed potatoes now without thinking of that incident. 😂 (Mary is great)

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If he were a relative of yours, I’m sure you would’ve made sure he got help by now.

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You can't get help unless you can admit that something is wrong.

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Unfortunately, we cannot force our relatives into therapy, but we are free to uninvite them! You may get plenty of criticism and other members of your family who secretly wish they had your guts!

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Elizabeth, I'm pretty sure that Mary has been looking for that moment of joy since she was old enough to think.

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I read an article about the plan for Vance. If the Republicans are successful in the November election, the 25th amendment would be leveraged and Vance becomes President. Does anyone think this is plausible?

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Plausible? A certainty, Jeff. Trump’s not gonna just snap out of it. He’s on a descent into madness.

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He's already reached the bottom of the pit.

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No. He'll get worse.

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Agreed. He won't stop until he starts a true war, that gets USA in trouble.

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Agree with you Henry.

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This has been the oligarchs plan all along.

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Oh I dunno. You really think orange oompa loompa is gonna give up his minions and position of power

for that dipshit? The spotlight has to be on him, remember?

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Plausible and horrifying. Vance is even worse; same ideals as the moron, but with a few brains.

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I think it's the plan. Vance has got to be salivating.

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Vance is an ambitious little shit, so yes, I'm sure he's counting the days until he takes over.

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Yup, he's salivating so bad that he probably had to buy puppy potty pads for his favorite couch.

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It’s plausible. Yet I don’t think it’s likely because I can envision Trump turning his base into another riot mob but pointed towards Republicans & Vance. It could get uglier than Jan.6, 2021.

Which, btw, Jan. 6 is my birthday and thank-you very much asshats for ruining my birthday that year!! F**kwads.

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Same with my daughter! She was very upset that he ruined her birthday.

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OMG ... Heaven help us all.

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I think that's been the plan all along.

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Seems this was under consideration before, and nobody had the character to follow through. I forget which parties were involved...

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Yes. I just wrote a paragraph about this. I’m sure Harris/Walz had to have thought about this. But it’s really terrifying.

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I agree. Vance is an ambitious little shit, and will probably use Article 25 on 'Donnie Demento' ASAP. Maybe he'll give him one of his bogus $100K watches as a consolation prize.

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I’m sure that’s the plan.

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Yes I think Nikki Hailey will be Vice in that case also…has to be defeated!

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G-d Forbid!!

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I shudder to think.

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I saw some of the Brett Baier interview, and he was absolutely obnoxious. I'm betting he's a misogynist, just like all good trumpies. I'm currently listening to Harris's rally in Wisconsin and she is really giving it to trump, as well as giving them good reasons to vote for her, like real policies. I loved when she told people that they were at the wrong rally, that they should be at the smaller rally down the street (we couldn't hear what prompted that comment). I think it was all in good fun with her, not that she was serious. I love the way she is able to handle whatever comes her way.

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She's fabulous. Doesn't take the bait, doesn't get ruffled, doesn't sink to their level. So proud to support her, and I hope so strongly she's our next President (I've already voted for her).

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I'm with you, and I mailed my ballot yesterday. I can't fathom having anyone else for president now.

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I think Brett's lazy

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Like all good MAGAts? I think he also very much disrespects women, especially strong women. They are certainly a threat to him.

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I agree, most women are a threat to him. Any woman who refuses to be controlled by him is his worst enemy.

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I applaud women like Kamala Harris who are clearly beyond his ability to control them.

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He is less than that!!

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It's really quite simple, the "stable genius" is fucking nuts!

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There's some confusion here. His nutty followers believe he's Jesus. Hence the 'stable genius' tag . 'Jesus born in a stable'. - sounds like.

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As well as being crazy he has a hearing problem.

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Mary, if you were running for president, I am certain that I’d vote for you! You really should be in President Harris’s cabinet at the very least. How can it be that you’re in the same family? You’re so intelligent and articulate, and then there’s your uncle. It’s just amazing.

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It proves God has a sense of humour.

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Unfortunately there are many myths that even when proven to be false are still believed by many.

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Trump is a super-expert at gaslighting…Mary addresses this in all of her books. I am also in the mental health field. It seems he also believes his own gaslighting because it is his norm & to make matters worse he is a showman and embeds the gaslighting in his humor meant to delight and entertain people as his untruths enter their minds in this fun marinade. Super dangerous…

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Also watch how he twists and takes one down a separate path from a question and goes round and round so the listener who is trying to follow gets lost in his her own mind bringing one to total confusion and then thinking that the other is so smart so he must be right. A good gas lighter is excellent at this, and Trump has practiced all of his life.

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This is the power of gaslighting… it is insidious

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The full Bloomberg interview can be seen here:


His suit is pure polyester,

his head is like lead,

his offices are always empty!

Because he goes golfing instead.

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You are a treasure, Mary, to us all....

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I only read a summary of the Bloomberg interview, and I thought the ignorance of the convicted felon was horrifying. THIS imbecile is going to receive millions of votes for President! I agree, Mary, we’ve all got to keep the pressure on him, and not let up. He’ll crack. But, even if he doesn’t, Kamala will kick his ass, anyway.

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Isn't it so sad, so unbelievable, that our great country has come to a place where so many are so proud to state that they're voting for the felon.

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It sure is, Maureen. I’m old enough to remember how awful it was with Tricky Dick and Watergate. The current Regressive Party Presidential candidate makes Nixon seem like Mother Teresa. I’ll never ever understand the MAGAs. Not in a million years.

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When you are exposed to the likes of a narcissist, you begin to doubt your own mind that what you know is wrong, he has sucked you into a monster!

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Stop it, Norm. If you say he has an ass he'll definitely believe he's Jesus!

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HAHAHA! I do sometimes refer to him as “Sunkist Jesus” . . .

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Haha!! Hilarious and so true! 🤣 🍊✝️

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He cracked long ago. The only good thing about him is that he's bringing all the crazies out of the woodwork. It would be a great opportunity for the current 'government' to lock them all up in secure units.

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He doesn’t even know he’s a narcissist 🤷

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Yep. Can't see past his tunnel vision.

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That’s a hallmark of being one, and an egotist.

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There is nothing wrong with him, you are the problem. Everyone else is wrong he's right always.

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It’s pretty sad to me that a 78-year-old corrupt man who cheats on his taxes, doesn’t pay his contractual obligations, commits adultery and treason and has lied to everyone all his life cannot come to grips with a innumerable amount of wrongdoing, breaking laws and living the life as a man without a moral compass. Donald Trump represents one of the worst and wasteful lives of a human being. It would be sad enough alone if it were only affecting him, but instead, it has infected an entire country of fools willing to follow him over the edge.

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That statement by Charles, says it all. I am dumbfounded that so many people I know who I always thought was smart enough to see things clearly, just seem to follow Trump and The Republicans lies, lies. lies. Believe it ALL. I AM SHOCKED AND BEWILDERED by it. Seems like the world is spinning too fast for me to catch up.

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I first read about Donald Trump when I saw his book the art of the deal. He fooled a very impressionable young man like me thinking that he was an extraordinary business person. Since then, I see him for what he is: a man who is morally bankrupt and without a conscience for a compass. His entire life is a testimony of how extreme a corrupt person can be, and believe he is unaccountable to anyone even to his wives and his own family. He has a narcissistic racist, dangerous ambitions of becoming a dictator and vengeful one at that. he must be exposed, opposed and defeated, and quite frankly not only in need of medical and mental attention, but sadly a prison cell.

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Very true! Very sad indeed.

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I first read about Donald Trump when I saw his book the art of the deal. He fooled a very impressionable young man like me thinking that he was an extraordinary business person. Since then, I see him for what he is: a man who is morally bankrupt and without a conscience for a compass. His entire life is a testimony of how extreme a corrupt person can be, and believe he is unaccountable to anyone even to his wives and his own family. He has a narcissistic racist, dangerous ambitions of becoming a dictator and vengeful one at that. he must be exposed, opposed and defeated, and quite frankly not only in need of medical and mental attention, but sadly a prison cell.

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Eight years ago, many of us knew that he was totally incompetent and knew nothing about business or running a government. His time in the Oval certified that yet, here we are again with millions ready to vote for him for the highest office. It boggles the mind why. How can so many people be so incredibly stupid?

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He is just so out of step with the world… he has not a clue how tariffs work or how anything works for that matter… he is imploding and his followers either don’t see it or don’t care…they have drunk the Koolaide.

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