I only hope that the Democrats have strategies to overcome what looks like clear election cheating. If only USA had the same electoral system as Australia- compulsory voting so it’s straightforward to register, and an Electoral Commission which is rigidly non political- people employed by them cannot be members of a political party!

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We need a complete overhaul but we have to turn everything blue.

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Exactly. We need a complete overhaul -- future President Harris has already promised that she will sign the John Lewis Voting Rights Act -- but we have to turn everything blue in order to get it.

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That article in Rolling Stone was scary!

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I keep telling this to my American friends for years. I never understand why a powerful country like🇺🇸cannot automatically mail a voters registration to every eligible citizen, elections are held on a weekend, a bipartisan election commission & not this silly registration scramble before every election🤷🏻‍♂️come on America you can do it✊🇺🇸

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Can but those in power dont want to make it easy! On the contrary, they want to make it as difficult as possible for most people to vote!

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I know, this mindset has to change✊🇺🇸

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Can’t happen till it’s all blue. It’s MAGA who doesnt want people to vote cuz they know they will lose if the people can choose. Same reason they want Electoral College instead of National Popular vote. Hopefully we’ll beat em and dump the bad stuff, replace with Good Stuff🍀❣️🍀

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Blue @ every level of gov, fed, state & local, also need to get rid of that filibuster BS, I just wish ALL American women remember Roe when they vote, I just don't believe that women want to go backwards (according to stats 30-40% are still voting for the 🍊traitor & adjudicated rapist), after all their mothers & grandmothers fought for, equality, the right to decide what's good for women & certainly NOT be told by any man✊🇺🇸

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The stepford wives are the bane of women's Rights...always.

They don't think of their whole child's future and how their actions will affect it.

There is only 1 to a coffin and generally, only 1 brain per person.

PEOPLE" REMEMBER, WHO THE FUCK YOU ARE"🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🗽🗽🗽🗽🗽🗽🗽🗽🗽🗽🗽🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊

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you’re right. i don’t see how any woman can stand him much less vote for him. A lot of people have unfortunately been brainwashed into mistaking macho bullying behavior for strength.🤯

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We MUST SWAMP THEM WITH A TRUE 🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀




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I can’t speak for every state, but it wasn’t a problem for me in Illinois. I registered at 18 in 1976. I filed a change of address in 1979 and I haven’t had to do a thing since except go to the polling place to vote. This year I will vote early in September at the county court house.

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That was in a different era, in a different USA. Millions of eligible voters have been recently purged from the registered voter rolls across the country. Have you checked your registration status lately? I check mine monthly, and I have voted in every election since the early 1990's.

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Same here. And ballots & voters' pamphlets are sent to each citizen a couple weeks before each election.

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Make Election Day a holiday. It is in certain places.

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100% agreed, plus we make it a relaxed event throughout the country, there a voting locations close to anywhere you live (mine is 3 min walking away @ a church hall) or early voting facilities close by or mail in voting or absentee voting (for military etc.) there a bbq's, cake stalls, lots of volunteers, the whole community getting into the spirit & the privilege of being able to vote, we use school halls, church halls, council chambers all overseen by a bipartisan electoral commission, these commissions are @ every level of elections whether federal, state or local.

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Because the power is so important to those with $. It never stopped, it just became more secretive.

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Becsuse states handle elections. That's the simple answer but states are rigged against fairness in voting rights. These asshats have prepared to cheat was the point of the article. “State’s rights” rears its ugly head only when they want to DEPRIVE us of our legal rights, indoctrinate our children by stripping the history books of facts they don’t find convenient and thereby prevent or otherwise inhibit the growth of an informed voting public. Thanks Mary! Fantastic!

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Yep I was saying that, were required by law to vote 18yo and up.

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And we make it easy and convenient to vote. Not big deal. Everyone just shuts up about it and gets on with it. No palava.

Maybe pavlova, but never palava.

And if we dont like soneone, we are not shy about voting them out.

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Exactly 👍🏽 that’s the Windsor system If I’m not mistaken?

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Here in Australia we have the Westminister system of government. And as you’ve said voting here is compulsory.

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Christian, as a former civics and American history teacher, the 26th Amendment gave those 18 and over the right to vote. Though all citizens should vote it is not required.

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That's the problem, by not requiring to vote, countries tend to get a minority in control of the country because people just couldn't be bothered to fulfil their democratic obligation or civic duty & right to vote. Everyone should know how many countries in the world where voting is not allowed or restricted by authoritarian regimes. You do not want that to happen in the 'United' States of America, please✊🇺🇸 I read that in 2020 81+m voted Dem, 74+m voted gop & 101+m DID NOT VOTE or as the pie chart said 101m better start to give a sh** 🤷‍♂️🇺🇸

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I'm Australian & it's a legal requirement to vote. If you fail to vote, it's a $1500 fine! All systems are imperfect Edmond, as it's people at the heart of them, but I love our system, & all it's imperfections, as it brings every corner of the citizenry together.

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I'm Australian too, and the fine is $20 !! unless you have a legit reason for not voting, there are plenty of exceptions. The bipartisan Australian Electoral Commission website has all the details. E

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I know that in America I’m saying in Australia it’s compulsory to vote if 18 and up.

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Only males to register to kill....

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Will the Democratic machinery be strong enough? There is a history of VP Gore's surrender, the Party's silence connected to the Rep. block of Pres. Obama's SCOTUS pick (outlandish), and the subsequent jam of the now soiled Supreme Court.

So far, the Supreme Court judges have not been forced to amend their toothless, inane "code of ethics" that is as useful as a Dairy Queen list of items for sale; no De,/ media efforts to match the right-wing propaganda ceaseless spin,; no roar to the heavens when a Trump appointed, Trump-supporting judge presides over Trump case(s) and dismisses any (documented/witnessed) charges.

Knowing that nothing is off the table, no laws nor ethics to restrain them, the Republican pols, Trump supporters, and co-conspirators will stop at nothing to claim the win. We had a phony pronouncement over VP Gore's loss, way back when. The situations is 10-thousand times worse today. There can be no other choice but to presume that every Republican tied to the election will take part in the efforts to give the win to Trump.

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This is what those of us in the election reform movement are working toward: a pro-voter electoral system that is straightforward and which does not incentivize / reward bad actors, but which instead produces a more representative government--one that represents ALL the people.

The current winner-take-all plurality voting system has devolved into it's natural hyperpartisan duopoly. It's time for 21st Century governance in the USA.

We CANNOT keep thinking that if the Dems win, that it's somehow going away. It won't. People want money, prestige, and power. Some people REALLY want those things. Once they get some, they think they're very special people and somehow deserve more than those other nasty people. They'll take notoriety over popularity, and power over mutual respect.

Please learn more about election reform. PLEASE.

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During an interview I heard, there are many leagal experts coming forward and offering their time free of c harge to help out. For sure, they do not want to face the fascist Heritige interrigators attempted to force their loyalty to Hair Hitler.

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The guarantee clause allows the Congress to establish such a system. But then the 'Democrats', think Obama, running on a humane platform they have no intention of passing would win overwhelmingly (as Obama did - and did little; FDR won far more dramatically - did astly more). The relevant difference: '76 Valeo & '78 Bellotti. The Corps. and their Court realized that an actual progressive could still win - and so there was '10 Citiizens United & the flood gates were destroyed.

We have failed to recognize that Rs & Ds are but the 2 cheeks of a single ass.

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Plus don’t the Aussie s have a democratic rank-choice voting? This eliminates the radical extremist taking over 1 of only 2 parties here. We in same choke-hold Rupert Murdoch had on Aussie 2 party-system politics for decades like he did in UK & here since 2000, NYC has rank-choice few years but we need it in National level & get us 4-5 parties

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What does Australia think about multinational Ceo's meddling in other nations politics? Murdock? Musk?

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Broken implies that we had a good system previously. Voting in America has always excluded people, most of the people, especially women and people of color. The first voters in this country were white men who owned property. Even white men who owned no property were excluded. Those very few voters, of course, passed laws for their benefit.

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It's good to know that history, Jenn. I'm in NC, too. We'd love to have you as a supporter in our efforts to adjust the system so that it DOES produce a more representative government. You're aware that NC is registered in a triple split of Republicans, Dems, and unaffiliated? And that the GOP has a supermajority in the statehouse? That's NOT representative. What are WE going to DO about it?

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The rich, white, male property owners, property which included human beings as slaves, restricted the right to vote for themselves. This made it possible to replace the rule of a British monarchy with a ruling class of owners that has remained in power since the American Revolution.

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See if your state has a ranked choice voting / instant runoff nonprofit. Many do. Join the movement, either for independent redistricting, proportional representation, RCV/IRV, or something. HELP.

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I think rank choice voting is only in Alaska and Maine. Sure wish it was in every state.

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We need a complete overhaul -- future President Harris has already promised that she will sign the John Lewis Voting Rights Act -- but we have to turn everything blue in order to get it.

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this month has felt like 6000 years

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And the planet isn't even that old!

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According to Speaker Johnson. 😂😂

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For that matter, the friggin UNIVERSE isn't that old, at least according to Ussher.

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Oh honey, but IT IS!!

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The last 7 days seems like 7 weeks!

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The REAL threat is the Electoral College.

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Yes, especially when combined with vast amounts of voter suppression! Hundreds of thousands of “Vigilante Voter Challengers” are being deployed across the country (especially to swing states) by MAGA to purge voter rolls of anyone they don't like—ie anyone likely to vote Democrat, especially Blacks, POC, youth, elderly, marginalized. Every day there are more new laws making it harder and harder for these people to register and/or to vote.

According to voteractionproject.org , 160,000 voters (mostly Black) have just been purged from voter rolls in Ohio.

And recently word is out about wealthy Christian Nationalist organization (tax-exempt!) Ziklag (google propublica + ziklag) who intend to purge millions of voters in all states especially swing states. 💥Using AI, they can purge thousands of legitimately registered voters at a time!💥

Check the website of investigational journalist Greg Palast gregpalast.org for more info. and voteractionproject.org

I am wondering: CAN President BIDEN STOP THIS voter suppression with an executive order??? For example, requiring that a valid reason has to be provided justifying the challenge of each voter they want to purge?

Could he by Executive Order sign into law something like the Voting Rights Act? like the John Lewis Right to Vote Act? There must be something he can do!

If this massive voter suppression isn’t stopped and the existing purges overturned, Trump could very well steal the election no matter how many votes Kamala gets!!😡🤯

Write letters to the editor of your local newspapers!

❣️Support the folks fighting voter suppression especially commoncause.org, voteractionproject.org, lwv.org❣️

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The Supreme Court gave the presidency a lot of power. Can Biden get rid of the electoral college?

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Can he get rid of the 6 scotus?

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Dead skeleton hand of the slavemasters. It’s like something from Tales From the Crypt.

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A friend of mine posted on fb that if your ballot is marked in anyway with anything, hand it back and ask for a new one that isn’t marked. Someone who is working diligently on Kamala’s campaign wrote it. I shared it and fb told me it wasn’t true and if I kept posting incorrect or untrue information I would in essence be punished. Well fuck them. I keep posting. Including Brandon Herrera on YouTube who is a pro and showed how donOLDS shot ear was not shot. I will keep doing what I’m doing to get the word out. I’m 75 and disabled but I’m doing what I can.💙💙🇺🇸🇺🇸

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They kept telling me Project 2025 was false when I posted about.

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They put me in fb jail for a week for posting about it. Didn’t stop me.

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Read Agenda 47

It's trumps shorter version of 2025. There's a website & everything.

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Same thing happened here. And I reposted with a rather blunt note; so far they haven't jailed me. I hope that somebody who knows how to do this will question their claim that they employ independent fact checkers. Yeah? Really?

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Thank you Linda Krause!!

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President Biden needs to have the national guard at all poling booth’s to stop maga rednecks from intimidating and bullying people to vote for trump.

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Well there is certainly a LOT of options Biden has at his disposal, now that the Supreme Court said nothing he does is illegal....just sayin.

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Also- to the JD Vance's of the world: someone please remind them of their own hypocrisy - that you can't call yourself a Christian, want a Christian Nation, etc, while at the same.time telll people that folks w/o children deserve to have no vote. Afterall - Jesus never had children. Is HE less than because of it? I wanna hear those cultists say it.

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Really good point. I'm not sure they even still believe in Jesus - they sure don't sound like it. Or act like it.

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Unfortunately no, because he was male. An automatic validation stamp.

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Actually, according to Trump v. The United States, Trump is only immune if he is president. At this point he is not president. We just need to make sure that he is not elected.

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We gotta make sure more than that. The election loss on their part is part of the plan. It's like Mary pointed out - the real work comes After they lose. The riots on the streets, the corruption of GOP operatives in county seats, the calls for Civil War - THAT'S their actual plan.

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Do you really think that immunity decision applies to any democrat? I don't, even though it should.

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Yes! Biden righting wrongs could burnish his legacy forever!

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...oh i'm outa luck...

🚫 florida militarized 🚫

our national guard

... good guys have left

in disgust...

those who remain

are armed & should be

considered dangerous

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The intimidation and bullying is only part of the problem, there are many MAGA’s that are Election Officials

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We need to get international election monitors in place for this election. Like they did in East Timor & other questionable democracies. How do we make that happen?

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Wow never thought I'd agree with something like this, but we do need a United Nations task force here to make sure our elections are safe. We must defeat the fascists within our own country. Thank you, Deborah.💙💙💙

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Well, if presidents are kings, according to our (corrupt) Supreme Court, then Biden is the current king. If Donald and his operatives are planning for a Trump dictatorship on “Day One,” it only seems fair that in performing his official presidential duties, he should have them arrested for treason.

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As I've been saying. It's a no brainer - and when Aliti, Roberts, and Thomas then cry foul - just tell them it was THEIR decision that did this.

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Better yet, arrest those Supremes for Corruption. Oops...

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Thank you, Mary, 💙 for keeping us informed even though it is mortifying news.

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Donald = racist and narcissist.

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I would add anti-social character disorder and psychopath.

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What keeps me up nights is, what if it is a landslide for Harris? What if it is undeniable that Trump lost? What are all of those disappointed neofascists,many of them heavily armed, going to do?

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Unfortunately, I think we'll likely be dealing with stochastic violence and a potential terrorist insurgency no matter what happens. That's been the goal of people like Mike Flynn for awhile now

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I agree. Flynn has been flying around the country getting militias ready here and there. A little birdie told me about that. Horrible treasonous man

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Exactly what you're thinking they will, but hope that they won't. There will be armed vigilante groups. Hopefully you live in a safe area-my wife and I do not.

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Thomas Brown: I appreciate your comment. However, I am not sure that any area is safe. I remember when the Russian invasion to Ukraine first happened. A Ukrainian lady was interviewed by a reporter. She said her son was fighting on the side of the Russians and she feared that he would come to kill her. I have never forgotten how much pain was on her face and in her voice. This is what the other side has meant by a civil war. May you and your wife be safe and experience much joy.

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Melody, I agree that there is probably no safe area. I live in El Paso, which is a very pleasant, usually safe city, but then there was the guy who drove about 600 miles from Dallas to kill Mexicans…

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The National Guard will have to put them down quickly.

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Let’s hope they’re prepared for it.

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There will be so much joy on our side, they'll lay down their arms and join the happiness. I mean, who stays stuck in toxic anger for so long? Not a happy place.

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Sorry Stacy, but seriously? I mean, there’s a bunch of joyless, hate-filled thugs in this movement with access to military style weaponry. I don’t see them joining our victory party.

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Hate to agree with this one, Geoff, but I know so many people with guns who want to kill other Americans. It makes me sick to my stomach.

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Then what's your strategy? We have to overwhelm them with votes and positivity. What other strategy is there? LMK.

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Wish I had a strategy, Stacy. This much ginned-up anger and grievance is not just going to evaporate.

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People won't change unless they want to. And these people apparently don't want to change. They seem to be receptive only to negativity.

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They're there. We have to figure out how to go forward. Best way I can figure is to overwhelm with votes and have election safeguards. International agencies to oversee the election will be necessary.

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I feel scared. Despite all the unexpected joy and hope, and blissful shock of revelry with Kamala rising, will the … military? National Guard? Law enforcement? Be ready to block election site violence? Insurrection? Anti-democratic “militia “ etc.? How do we prevent this? Protect poll workers? What are the “proud boy” groups planning -can we feel confident that the government is prepped and ready unlike J6? I don’t think I’ve ever asked so many questions in one post in my life 😵‍💫 It just feels like it’s going to be so bad no matter what. Reassurance, please, anyone else Worrying or am I just being paranoid??

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Dogmother2, I don't think you are being paranoid. These people mean business.

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I don't think you're being paranoid. I'm old enough to remember the 2000 Florida recount and Bush v Gore. The Wikipedia entry for the recount describes the GOP volunteers as arriving "ready for war" while the Democrats were not. This is the story for a long time: Democrats "play nice" when that's no longer appropriate. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2000_United_States_presidential_election_recount_in_Florida

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Steve, you got that right. Democrats have a long tradition of bringing knives to a gunfight.

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The military and law enforcement will uphold their oaths.

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Some will. Some won’t. IMHO. Hopefully more will than won’t.

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I don't think you are paranoid at all. I am also quite scared and worried, and sadly I think we have reason to be. Tfg and magas are power hungry and manic, with weaponry, and as Geoff stated- hate filled thugs. Many seem not only willing, but anxious to cause mayhem and violence.

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I am exhausted for many reasons - personal and in a broader ‘citizen of a very disrupted world’ manner. I truly fear what comes after the election. And I think the best and safest way to combat the people they have in place to do their dirty work is to vote a WAVE OF BLUE that is utterly undeniable. And we only have 3 months to get it done.

I’ll point out that many of us are very much still dealing with COVID and long COVID and current COVID and life has been upside down for four years. With not much change in near sight.




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These people are enemies of democracy. So are complacency and overconfidence. We should enjoy this exciting time when we can, but we must keep working and fighting every day until the election is won. Thanks for the reminder, Mary.

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And after it is won-that when we are in the most danger.

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Fear must be defeated.

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Good point, Thomas. Complacency and overconfidence will still be enemies of democracy even after the election.

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As an aside, I would like to commend your brother for his book. Hearing those words about his son’s life must have been so painful. You and he are pretty doggone strong. Thank you for helping us fight the fight.

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I really admire the people who are working in the polls.it is at the point where to do so is dangerous . I frankly would be to afraid at my age(76).seeing where election deniers were winning gop primaries. Just everyone vote “d” for democracy.

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A must read!! Thank you Mary for sounding the alarm.

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