Yes; he has the lexicon of a 7th grader at most. His non-fluid sentences are difficult to follow for those who have a keen grasp of English grammar and sentence structure. He zig zags with different thoughts all in one sentence. For someone who has an ivy league education, he must not have learned a thing.
Yes; he has the lexicon of a 7th grader at most. His non-fluid sentences are difficult to follow for those who have a keen grasp of English grammar and sentence structure. He zig zags with different thoughts all in one sentence. For someone who has an ivy league education, he must not have learned a thing.
Yes; he has the lexicon of a 7th grader at most. His non-fluid sentences are difficult to follow for those who have a keen grasp of English grammar and sentence structure. He zig zags with different thoughts all in one sentence. For someone who has an ivy league education, he must not have learned a thing.
Daddy bought his "education."
5th grader!