My apologies for the lack of posting. I’ve been taking Linden back and forth to the vet and I got my second COVID booster which knocked me out. I’ll have the Good Human of the Week results tomorrow. In the meantime, here is my latest rant about the lifting of the mask mandate on airplanes and public transportation:
Here’s the text:
“I got my second COVID booster yesterday so I’m feeling a bit under the weather, although as I’ve said every time I had a reaction to the COVID vaccine, I have never felt so grateful to feel sick. A small price to pay for keeping myself and everyone around me safe.
Kathryn Mizelle is an unqualified hack who literally received an unqualified rating from the American Bar Association. Despite this—or more likely because of it—Donald appointed her to a lifetime appointment on the federal judiciary. And every single Republican voted to confirm her. Yesterday, Mizelle reversed the CDC’s requirement that masks be worn on public transportation. Her reason? Well, according to her the CDC doesn’t have the authority to prevent the spread of the disease called COVID. CDC literally stands for the Centers for Disease Control.
I’m pretty sure that’s what Republicans would call legislating from the bench, or judicial activism, at least they would if she were a Democrat. But we haven’t heard a critical word from any of them.
The reaction to the lifting of the ban from those on the right has been one of vindication and euphoria as if a great burden has been lifted and they no longer need to make the incredible and onerous sacrifice of wearing a piece of cloth over their mouths and noses, even when they’re crammed into small spaces with other human beings. The fact that some of these people may have compromised immune systems or children who are at high-risk doesn’t matter to them at all.
Think, for a second, about the monstrous selfishness of these people. Think about the extraordinary sense of entitlement, the craven disregard for anybody but those who think like they think, believe what they believe, and hate what they hate. Behind the false bravado and the sneering contempt we need to remember that they are weak, their leaders are weak. And we need to hold a mirror up to them at every opportunity. We are stronger, kinder, and better than they are by every metric. We just better start fucking acting like.”
Every Tuesday on “The Mary Trump Show” we have The Strategy Sessions in which my panel and I try to answer this question: How do we ensure that the Democrats win races at every level of government and hold onto, or preferably expand, our razor-thin margins in the House and the Senate?
This week my guests were Ben, Brett, and Jordy Meiselas, pro-Democracy activists, awesome human beings, and co-founders of The Meidas Touch. You can watch the whole episode here. It’s definitely worth checking out.
Have a great night.
A friend was in the air with her baby (unvaccinated) and her young child with diabetes 1. She NEVER would have flown with them if she knew that midway through flight to Minneapolis- in air; the pilot cheered that everyone could remove their masks. It’s horrendous that this judge did this and the airlines immediately got rid of protective measures ppl counted on prior to purchasing tickets. This variant has been a lot harder on kids and it’s often grave for people with diabetes (neither child old enough to be vaccinated). And she cannot afford to contract COVID on that plane or in the airport or in the Uber home or she can’t take care of these at risk babies. HOW is this ‘who we are’ as human beings?
You have perfectly expressed my anger at the selfishness of the anti-maskers, who have made Covid stick around and mutate and have caused especially the medically fragile to remain hermits and avoid human contacts and hugs in order to stay alive.