It's absolutely ridiculous that the most powerful positions in America that require people we all can trust with the responsibility of what their oath of office calls for does not demand that the highest requirements be met first to run before the amount of money is met. Only people that the truth matters too, people with the human values of people to whom the truth matters, God, love, Earth, constitution, America, democracy, integrity, and honor matters. When a person puts one hand on the bible, raises the other and swears to God, to fulfill the oath to protect and serve America, democracy and people so help me God, then immediately talks about how great, perfect and they are the only one that can fix this, the people that don't see that as huge deadly warning, really doesn't care if they were lying before they (so called) won the election, then they got to lie even more afterward! There are test to have the privilege to drive a car, even much more vital there should be test to see if a person meets requirements to have the privilege and understand the responsibility of the power to vote, 2016 definitely, revealed that millions don't understand or care about the responsibility, privilege or the out come .

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Yeah, any leftist should be able to destroy a man by making up lies. Nice try, but by your own standard Biden should resign. He is accused by Steve Daines neice and others.

Christine Blasey Ford's accusations are complete lies. 1) Her psychiatrist notes, which she herself presented as evidence, say there were four attackers---not one attacker and one observer but four attackers. This is not a minor detail. This is a major difference. 2) These notes also claim that the attack happened in the mid-80's when Kavanaugh would already have moved off to college. 3) The notes don't mention Kavanaugh. In fact, she never mentioned Kavanaugh before he became famous. 4) No one else remembers the party where this supposedly happened. 5) No house like the one she describes exists. 6) In another inconsistency, Ford told The Washington Post she was upset when Trump won in 2016, because Kavanaugh was mentioned as a Supreme Court pick. But Kavanaugh wasn’t added to Trump’s list of possibles until November 2017, a full year later. 7) She lied to Congress about her fear of flying.

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Just as Cambridge analytica has thousands of phycological "points" on american voters, the justices that the gop elivates to our courts, are scored for their predilections that will insure their abismal behaviour. The oligarchs that are destroying our democracy figured out that if they destroy one of the parties in a two party system then you are essentially destroying the whole thing. In the end that's all they care about.

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None of that behaviour is as abysmal (you spelled it incorrectly, genius) as falsely accusing a man of having assaulted you. Her psychiatrist notes prove she was lying: She told the psychiatrist there were four attackers and the attack happened in the mid-80s---when Kavanaugh was already at Yale.

Clearly, what Ford did was take a real incident that others committed and decided to blame Kavanaugh because she sees him as being like the four men who attacked her. This means she is deeply troubled.

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Excellent piece on the once-revered court (I refuse to capitalize!) I doubt that many liberal women have forgotten about Kavanaugh’s repulsiveness; I’m sure you remember the long list of signatories on a letter saying he lacked judicial temperament, written after his extremely partisan attack on Democrats during his confirmation hearing. I think it was the purest display of white, male, rich privilege I have ever seen. He was screaming, “How dare you question me!?” Alito, Roberts, et.al., seem to believe they are gods and that no one, including Congress, has any right to reign them in. Apparently, we can add them to the list of Republicans who haven’t read the Constitution.

Thanks for being you, Mary.

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As always you are right on point ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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Thank you Mary Trump! Your moral clarity about the Supreme Court is refreshing.

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Those Republicans judges are Thugs and Corrupt including the Chief Justice, that's all I can say...shame on them.

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To continue with Carleen’s point-this is the face of a man who has ALREADY made many people pay. It’s a crime that so many members of the highest court in the land have no respect for the laws they create!! Mary-thank you as always for pointing out the injustices our country continues to face in the hands of corrupt leaders who should have never been elevated to positions of authority in the first place.

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Excellent, orderly, methodical and eloquent. My frustrations, fears and feelings put so concisely.

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That is the face of a man who will make you pay. Thanks for the picture and the article Mary. Bravo!

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what? no billionaire friends?? shame on YOU!!!

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Or relatives 🤫

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ill pray for you in Fiji

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“Mos Eisley spaceport. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.”

-- Obi-Wan Kenobi, Star Wars A New Hope Episode IV

In 2007 at San Francisco’s “The Drink,” my oldest brother and nephew were in attendance to witness Barry Bonds break Hank Aaron's home run record. But the memory was tarnished in 2011 when Bonds was exposed for using performance-enhancing drugs. The biogenesis scandal for the MLB broke in 2013 and the MLB screamed from the rooftops that they were capable of self-regulating themselves and did not need oversight from Congress; basically, telling the country “These aren’t the droids you are looking for.” Baseball has never fully recovered from the doping scandal.

We are out of time to keep playing “games” with the lives of Americans. While I believe Manchin and Sinema will block any attempt to expand the court, my New Hope for 2024 is with the votes of Gen Z to save our democracy just like siblings Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia did for the Rebels.

The Supreme Court continues to tell us as Darth Vader told anyone questioning his authority “I find your lack of faith disturbing.” Yes, we do Supreme Court Justices, and thank you Mary for reminding us to pay close attention to the courts otherwise “We're doomed.” -- C-3PO.

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Excellent article! Your keen perception of the weaknesses in our system and the rot in our society taking advantage of those weaknesses in order to destroy it and replace it with authoritarianism is to be 👏. I’ve never felt so helpless how can we stop this scourge?

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Clarence Thomas’ judicial career is essentially a protracted act of revenge on America. Watch the recent PBS documentary about him and his deranged wife. Even people who like him as a person volunteer that opinion. Anyone who thinks any of this will cause him to recuse himself or resign is kidding themselves. He is serving exactly the purpose he feels he’s there for: to hurt Americans, degrade the country, and elevate fascists.

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Needs to happen now.

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Mary, I am enraged with various efforts of Maga republicans including removing libraries in the Houston public schools, voter suppression and limiting access to abortion. They are taking money from the gun lobbyists and arming nazis. Let’s call it what it is. Then they wind them up and direct them and their guns at innocent people just doing their jobs. Let’s be clear the republicans are arming the nazis. This is costing our children their lives and their mental health. Everyone,no matter what race or creed deserves the same right and no one has the right to take that away. Especially someone who puts our money in their pockets while giving us the finger. Mary how do I start a movement to defund the Maga republicans as I have no money or power ?

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Good article Mary L.! The difference between religion and religiosity is the difference between righteousness and self-righteousness.

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