I'm so mentally and physically exhausted by all of this Mary. It's soul and mind-crushingly horrible.

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I agree, Carrie.

I hope Michelle's intense speech today immensely helped Kamala.

Thank you, Mary 💙.

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Michelle's speech was killer. The best one I've ever heard from her. Wow.

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But how many people actually heard the speech?

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It is on YouTube, X, and will probably get picked up by people like Lawrence O'Donnell. But the people you wish would hear it will probably ignore.

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There were 44,000 YouTube views when I looked at it and that's not counting people that might have watched MSNBC and CNN online, both of whom posted the 13 minutes in their entirety. I would venture to say that more people might have heard more of her speech than what they waded through with Joe Rogan and Trump.

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I watched the whole event and listened to his 3 hour podcast with Joe Rogan. Kamala could never do an interview without a teleprompter or a sit down unscripted interview. She only does interviews once she has questions in hand so she can study the questions and practice her answers. Just like her town hall with Liz Cheney, a woman in the audience had a question for Kamala and Marie Shrivers stepped up and said we have a preset of questions to ask and hopefully it will answer yours. A Town Hall is suppose to be for the audience to ask questions but Kamala cannot handle questions because she cannot think quick on her feet. Just proves how incompetent she is. Can you imagine her sitting down with Putin and the other enemies of the US. They will eat her up and spit her out. Russia didn’t listen to her when Biden sent her there to stop the invasion of Ukraine 5 days later he bombed Ukraine. We need a strong leader that the World respects and that is Trump❤️🇺🇸 I would never vote for such an evil demonic communist Kamala Harris👺 She hates America and the all citizens who believe in God. Our country was founded on God and she wants to take Him out of everything. She will not do anything to help our citizens and she’s proved that leaving the borders open for 625,000 criminals to enter our country and letting them kill and rape our daughters and women and she is keeping the police from doing their job and letting them back on the streets to continue to do more criminal acts. She wants transgender men to play in our women’s sports leagues, She wants to kill God’s children in late term abortions and then wants us to pay for transgender surgeries is insane. Why should our taxpayers dollars pay for these elected surgeries and why should we be giving the illegal immigrants billions of dollars free everything when we have so many homeless veterans that need help. She has done nothing good for our country so she has to attack Trump which we are getting sick of hearing. We had a safe country when Trump was in office, we had no wars, gas was at an all time low of $1.87 in Louisiana, groceries were affordable, the American citizens felt safe with his closed borders. Need I saw more. Vote Trump to save our Country 🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️

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Stephanie, that of course is nonsense! I think you are describing Baby Donnie and used the wrong name or you are deliberately being insulting in favor of a man who would think you are scum under his feet, if he even thought of you at all. Your comment is just so out there, I am thinking troll or bott. I am wondering which. And I am wondering who you are working for. It isn't for this nation.

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Ruth, you are a rockstar!

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If you are worried about the (so last century) threat of communism, you should definitely not vote for the man (using the term loosely) who wants to be Joseph Stalin, purging the Party of all opposition and hunting down his enemies. (I am just waiting for his next rant to include trash talk about "rootless cosmopolitans.)

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I am a Loosiana girl myself and I have so much to say to you regarding your comments. I believe you've received some misinformation along the way, but it will have to wait until tomorrow.

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Utter garbage post.

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Bonnie, it is one of the best political speeches in general that I have heard. I was enthralled. It is unfortunate so few Republicans, Trumpers, and Trumpettes will ever hear that speech because they could learn a lot from it. Oh, wait, that's just what they do not want to do, learn anything about the way the world really works. It might mess up their fear, anger, resentment, and hatred cycle and they can't have that.

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I missed it. Phooey! Hopefully it will be replayed tomorrow on my fave, MSNBC

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I heard it is on you tube. Check it out.

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Think Melania will plagiarize this one also ??? 😁😆😅🤣😂

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Oct 27
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Remarkably, many women will vote for tRump...

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INDEED!! I'm just dismayed that so many women will vote against other women and themselves!!

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Timothy, yes, many mostly white women will vote for a jerk who thinks they/we are all scum to be wiped off his shoes after he steps on us. I don't get how they don't see it. I know that racism is strong with those women, but I would think scorn and hatred on the part of their disgusting leader would be more powerful and push them to a woman candidate who actually does care about them. Oops, that messes with their minds, a Black woman who cares about them and their problems when their whiny white toddler-man thinks they are scum. They can't manage it! How sad for them and us!

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Let us hope so ...for the sake of our country. yes...he's irritating...but the other choice is as smart as a broken rock

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tRump is a Traitor and Convicted Felon. He's a mentally sick mad man.

There is only one choice this time. She is all we have to Save America!

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Well, Virginia, your comment is just nuts! But that means you are either a troll or a guy without a clue. You are free to pick which one, then send me an insult since that is within your ability at this time.

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The traitorous coup leader is beyond irritating, he's a rapist felon. Get a damn clue earl.

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I agree Virginia with you, Trump tells it like it is, and yes he’s crossed the line a few times, but remember it was the Democratic Party that brought all these charges against him. They all know that if Trump wins and if it’s not rigged he will and once they are investigated the whole bunch of them will be prosecuted also. What a glorious day that will be when the corrupt career politicians are taken down then we will see just how committed they are to backing a criminal. Anyone that can vote for killing God’s children in late term abortions is just pure evil she doesn’t believe in God that’s for sure because if the democrats and republicans that vote for her did their conscious would not let them vote for such an evil pathetic demonic person like Kamala! Like she said last night she wants to get all these illegal aliens documented as a citizen of the US and she would send back the criminals, haha, she’s in office now so why does she have to wait! Do it now, no need to wait till January 20th! She wants our taxpayers dollars to pay for criminals sex changes, we’ve already given the illegal migrants several billion of dollars and they still living off the government. If you want to live in America come in the right way and wait your turn in Mexico like the legal immigrants did. Kamala ruined California now she wants to ruin the US. I’m sure you’ve done your research on her just like I do everyday. She’s a terrible human being that was just thrown into this race by the Democratic Party when they had 12 people in the primary. She didn’t receive one vote in 2020 and dropped out before reaching Iowa. She is the most unqualified person to run for President and the whole world knows it. I just pray God intervenes and puts a stop to this insanity🙏. I would have rather voted for any other woman but her policies are just off the wall with her wanting a woke military, men playing in girls sports, she hates the Jews, Catholics, Baptist, and everyone that believes in Christianity and that who this party has picked to run our country! It’s time for her to move back to the state she ruined California!

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Well, the white ones anyway...

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Oct 27
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Truly, you can't fix stupid.

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This election is all about RACISM, BIGOTRY, HATE and MYSOGINY!! VPOTUS Harris is a BLACK WOMAN and way too many whites will NOT vote for her just b/c of her RACE & SEX!!

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Whose your favorite?

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Michael's speech was as inspiring as weeds growing in the yard.

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Apparently, you are neither educated enough or intelligent enough to appreciate the reality and gravity of Michelle (not Michael) Obama's poignant message, delivered with grace, to women who are living this reality, and are tired of the blatant misogyny and patriarchy. We are Not Going Back!! 💙

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Bigots gonna bigot. So boring

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Enemy action via Earl's presence amongst us! Trolls are gonna troll, I get that, but this is my home. I require a safe place to sort through my feelings, and I don't feel like I am able to with hostility present. I'm not gonna shut up. Would somebody in administration show him the door?

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Didn't know your father gave a speech...

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You are not alone, Carrie.

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So important to remember a malignant narcissist's goal is to mentally & physically exhaust targeted prey by crushing their hopes, soul & mind with lies & insanity. CNI advocates that by recognizing the horrors they create as the gaslighting, they lose most power to trigger us.

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Yes - creating a feeling of despair in the electorate is their goal, and they've done a damn good job of it, if you ask me. Thankfully, Kamala and Tim are doing their best to counteract that and to give us an infusion of hope.

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Please don’t lose hope. We’ve got this. Tfg is getting more and more afraid he’s going to prison, so his behavior is more and more erratic.

Kamala and Tim are normal candidates, and a majority of voters recognize that. Tfg is a flat out fascist who wants unlimited power, like a king. The U. S. is a democracy, not a monarchy. Anyone who has crossed him is at risk of facing his ire. We can’t go back, we must move forward. Vote blue up and down the ballot to send him into obscurity where we never have to hear his voice or see his made up face and cotton candy hair again.

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Oh I DO HOPE! Honestly, with all the reporting that the 'race' is a tie, I feel so stressed sometimes i wonder if I'll make it to Nov 7th. Sometimes Djt sounds like such a dimwit it's amazing to me he has manipulated so many and shocking he can put two sentences (that make sense) together. Hearing his voice makes me ill.

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Debbie -DJT could be outthought by a flea, a tardigrade or a case of ATHLETES FOOT FUNGUS ! His stupidity could crush Mt Kilimanjaro into a fine brownish powder. Compared to him George W Bush is a NOBEL LAUREATE ! I can't stand his moronic droning either. Trumpsky's, not GWB's. I could listen to GWBs feckless meandering for HOURS after a few stiff drinks.

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I couldn’t watch GWB speak either, he gives me the creeps, but not as much as tfg.

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Putin's tardigrade, the moronic drone has hypnotized the 80 million.

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I’m waiting to see what this Madison Square Garden rally is all about and its impact. If they march, I’ll freak. If there are outsized flags and images, I’ll freak. A sea of red, for sure.

This is Trump’s final push in the final days. He’s been practicing his solemn dictator pose jutting his jaw out in past rallies. A freak. If they break out Y.M.C.A. I’ll fall on the floor laughing!

Harris must have something spectacular to pull out of her hat to counter all this, yes? As they say “a week is a lifetime” during elections. Anything could happen. May lightening find the right target!

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I had 2 thoughts: Poor NYC flooded with all those morons who don't even know how to cross a city street. Or: there will be many seats vacant...no, MOST seats vacant.

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You poor thing...I truly hope when President Trump wins you have a fainting couch.

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This traitor felon's never getting near the WH again earl.

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Well Ginny , you better start making your Psychotherapy appts on Monday, 11/4/24, because your words prove you along with the other tcp are in serious need of a Re- re-education camp; ie, China-type.

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I know right Me too! You can’t fix stupid and obviously all these people are hateful democrats that can’t tell a good thing from a bad thing! Good Luck Virginia I’m out of this thread and together the Republican’s will rein again. If not Trump then we will take the House and Senate and stop all of her bullshit from going through!

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It's a main default of narcissists to create despair because that's their familiar 🧠 state.

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Absolutely, they are fighting evil.

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Sam Ray, what you describe is the 'big lie' theory in action, perfected by Hitler and Goebbels. Drumpf has punished the nation with his insidious hypnotic drivel until half of them join in the rapture and accept him as their Messiah, when actually he is their ultimate destroyer. I admire Harris, Walz, and the group of luminaries who support them, mainly for supplying truth with panache in the face of Donald's and his toadies' vile lies. Respective to D's thirst for vengeance, the comparison of his motivation to that of Hitler is rather clear. Donald like any effective paranoid malignant narcissist, promotes retribution as a primary goal of his return to office, and his much-maligned cultists as they see it, line right up to deliver that to him. Hitler's ambition was to destroy or make impotent his arch enemies in which he was successful to a point. He named the inventions of his rocketeer von Braun, the 'V1' & V2' for 'Vergeltungschlag' ( retaliation strike), intending to reduce London and then further reaches like America to rubble. Now drumpfster is set with his rocket man schmuckz and his stainless monstrosity to command the skies and space. With his trigger finger, I wouldn't trust him with a water pistol!

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The ultimate proof of what you wrote is that Trump’s proxy, the Uriah Heep-like Tucker Carlson, could stand up and say “you’ve been bad girls and now Daddy’s home to give you a spanking” and not only was he cheered by the MAGA crowd but the craven media barely uttered anything about it.

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That was sick SHIT by Moscow Tucker! He is really screwed up!!!

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Tucker is one sick puppy. And the worst part was that when *rump made his entrance to his rally, the crowd was chanting "Daddy's Home! Daddy's Home!" What Tucker really wanted to do was to infantilize women as if we weren't able to reason or make decisions. And I think that's what Tucker is afraid of. He has mommy issues. Maybe he ate too many Swanson TV dinners as a child.

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I'm a guy.. Often embarrassed by it.!

Hoping that "The dawning of the age of Women" brings peace to this planet

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Unfortunately, there are some nasty MAGA women out there. I hope we can cancel out their noise.

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Wasn't it funny that this morning on CBS with Jake Tapper Vance was trying to portray Trump as the President of Peace?

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Oh dear !!

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Tucker is SICK!!!

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yes, an equally vile yet more energetic drumpf extension. Complicit media are mere shells of themselves from 8 years ago

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Malignant narcissist was coined to describe hitler's psych. donny is circa the same. https://samray.substack.com/p/trumps-nazi-narcissist-paradox

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Yet Mr. Orange Weave would have the football! The nuclear codes. Really? Please get the word out!!

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He's a Malignant Narcissistic Psychopath.

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Yes, he is. He should have been committed years ago.

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They can't commit people for being a - holes, & I'm not giving him, of all " people ", a pass or Golden Ticket to be one.

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Stage 4 on the malignancy scale.

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They are Very Dangerous. Have No Business in Authority.

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I honestly don't think he's bright enough to have thought it out, maybe the Federalist Society behind a good portion of this is telling him what to do? Remembering why is over his head😂 wish some of his old teachers had the gut's to come forward! Do we even know that he has a diploma or if someone else took that test also? Cuz he can boast all he wants and argue with Blomberg that he's good at math but I doubt if he got past whole numbers and he's definably got ADHD with most likely learning disabilities which is extremely common & I understand cuz I've been there but I didn't turn out like my Parents wanted, thank goodness😊 I have built in moral's & ethics & I didn't live for my Parents approval which I believe is a huge problem with his follower's!

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Like almost all of his behaviors, it's a malignant narcissist's default setting, not done consciously. However, he has a lifetime of knowing his nastiness makes people run.

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And that’s how he’s learned to use his “power”. Which shows just how pure evil he is - not a human bone in his body.

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I grew up with a Father that was similar to djt, only he didn’t have as much money. He did drink too much. It was only after I left home, after college, married. Had a family of my own. Got distance, and saw, + my mom, in a weak moment, because she got really scared. He’d been falling asleep, lit cigarette in mouth, fell out, still smoldering, onto the blanket, night after night, started to smoke and smell…

Almost set the blanket on his twin bed on fire over and over again. Mom was awakened by the smell, coughing and choking, in a panic. Would get up and try to frantically wake him up, in a drunken stupor, hard to get him awake! Terrified, she finally asked for my help. I wasn’t shocked. I’d been concerned about his drinking and smoking for years. Belligerent attitude, denial, utter disregard for my allergy to cigarette smoke, for decades. I had already spoken to my clergy for help, been referred to AlAnon. Tried to get mom to meet with me @ meetings. She’d refused. Afraid sone might find out, even if we went to meetings , 1/2 way, between, a 30 min. commute for each of us.

Not to mention his on health. I’d only meet with them on neutral territory, or at our home. To protect my health. No smoking, allowed. If he tried to light up I could leave, Or he had to go smoke outside. As I got sinus infections from the Smoking. I refused to get sick for 2 agonizing weeks, on antibiotics, in pain. Never again, for an addict. Who cared only for his selfish habit. Not my wellbeing and agonizing pain for weeks, and inability to function. And taunted me, denying it affected me.

The finally Insult, and End of the Road for me, of Zero Tolerance came on a 4th of July., BBQ. At our home, sitting on the patio, watching as my husband was starting the Weber Grill, on wheels. The 3 of us sitting at the picnic table. The grill was on the patio, about 4’ from the back door, far enough away, to be safe: Where it unusually was, when started. Convenient to the kitchen, when using the Grill as a Smoker.

Mom, dad & I watched as T. arranged to charcoals in the round base. Reached for the can of Lighter fluid next to the legs of the grill. He began squirting fluid on them. Well soaked, he fit the grill onto the pegs, firmly, then reached into his pocket for matches: lit and tossed one in. Hmm. Didn’t catch, tried another. Still no Flame, got the can, added a lot more Fluid. Tried Again; A little catch, but not Enough. Turned around and commented, we had some rain earlier in the week. The charcoals may be a bit damp, yet.

He reached down to feel the bag, it’s slightly damp. Checked the can of Fluid, almost Empty, Gave a last Squirt. Said, it might take a Bit more, I’m going to get the gas can,from the Lawn Mower. Don’t think it needs A trip to Jewel, for a Whole new can of Lighter Fluid. Just 1 good squirt from gas can should do it. Be right back. Off he went. We chatted, again. Minutes later, he was back, shook the can. Muttered, “not much left, that should do it.” Turned his back arms out at sides.

I barely noticed, dad got up, and Strolled over behind Terry, put his right hand in his pocket & “What, Th STOP!” I Shreiked! . NOOO! Barked, My Husband as Both his Hands hands Flew up Over his Head! As he Giant Stepped Back, Bumping my dad with a Lighted Match in his Right Fingers, Off Balance. As T, Jerked the Grill Away in 1 Huge Sweep as far Away as hid Left Arm/Hand Jerked the Grill now With 3-4ft Shooting Flames! A Raging inferno. The Can Hugging his Chest in his Right Hand!

a sheepish, smirking, Idiot, “I had it under control at all times.”


Shaking and Swearing “WHAT THE Fuck DiD you Do, YOU DAMNIDIOT, YOU NEAR KILLED ME!

Until we eat. Then Go HOME.

Unlike, Trump, He did Drink. BUT LIKE DJT, he was an Accomplished Liar. When they went home, he Convinced my mom, What she’d seen, knew happened, and was Furious with him about, and having Too much to drink, And all the nearly setting the Fires, that had Terrified her for a year or more. They Never happened. None of it.

I had gone to my clergy the next day, for counseling. and Gotten a Referral, to an Excellent Counselor, for Family Therapy. And a Ref to ACOA ( Adult Children of Alcoholics) near me. You bet I went to the next meeting. And for many years after. In 2 states, after I moved.

Saved my sanity. Because, between the 2 parents, they convinced most of my family, it was me who was lying. Or just exaggerating. Not surprising, my parents neighbors, believed me. And My husbands family, all believed us. They were Very supportive, of us. Sad for us. As they had some Alcoholic family members, and understood, how the denial of Some, and their supporters can get stuck in the Lies. Years later, a couple of my cousins, privately told me they knew, that I had told the truth. And believed me, but they had to be careful, to keep peace in their families. Felt bad they hadn’t known how to Bridge the Divide. .

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If you want to reach me, I'll be in Ontario. I WISH. Not enough money & you have to have family in Canada. that's been my understanding.

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Let THEM leave the United States if democracy is so offensive to them. You stay here.

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I live in Texas and am a native. Not once have I suggested that Texas should secede. I hate the repubs in office; abbott, paxton, price, etc. They are awful and have been terrible for this state, the women who live here and the education system they are starving to death of money. It doesn’t matter that there are billions in their so called rainy day fund (aka slush fund). I am no longer living here by my own choice. I can’t afford to move, at least at this time.

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Abbott and Paxton are criminals. I feel for you.

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I understand your dilemma. I live in the reddest county in Arizona. The one where the two county supervisors refused to certify the midterm vote until they were told the county's vote would be thrown out. Which was going to be the ultimate payback because without those votes Kari Lake (this was when she was running for Governor and, no, she still hasn't conceded that she lost) was DEFINITELY going to lose by more than she did. So they were forced and then they were charged with felonies. One pled guilty and the other? The other is running in this election to retain his seat and the sick thing is he'll probably win. Even though he too has felony charges hanging over his head. He's got to hope that Trump gets in and pardons him too.

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The reddest county in Arizona? Not sure of the metric to make that claim.

I live in Pima County. Here the suburbs of Tucson are red. To the southeast is Cochise County where the local government is controlled by crazies. Pineal County is to the north filled with crazies. To the west is Yuma County fill with crazies.

The issue is not the geography but the percentage of older white people in charge of the local governments and legal systems.

I’m white, I have done consulting work in these counties. I have personally seen the stupidity, the corruption, the greed, the racism…..I can go on and on. However, I do not need to be Hamlet to recognize that something is rotten in Arizona and many other geographies.

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I live in Cochise, the County that’s controlled by crazies and where our sheriff—who if you are elderly and white is a nice guy—is an OathKeeper

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The heat seems to bake the kindness out of people's brains. I live in rural Cochise county as well. Just like Florida and Texas there are plenty of mean people. Thank goodness for the cities in the state, hoping they will keep AZ blue in 2024 and not let those electoral college votes go to the Cheeto Jesus.

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The women need to put their rights ahead of the sinister games of Trump. Paxton, Abutt and Cruz and vote blue in this election.

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So sorry to hear this. I live in true-blue California, and even we are frightened. I think Gov. Newsom should retaliate by activating our National Guard to our borders to protect us from those fascists.

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Same here, I live in Florida and can't afford to move. Wish I could😞✌🏻💙

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Texans are always flapping their gums about secession. Let them go there, declare independence from the US. Then they'd hit us up for money if something happened.

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Let 'em go fend for themselves. When the first major natural disaster hits, who will help them? The big oil companies? They want their taxes so low, resulting in very little in return.

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Look what happened to Louisiana as well when they courted the big companies. Shoddy building, shoddy road repair, dams and wham when the hurricane hit where were any of those corporations?

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Mexico is looking like the safe bet!

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Folks. We’re not the ones who are going to have to move. It is they who are mistaken about a great many things. Their callous disregard for the law, ignorance of the deep seated truth of America Democracy, and their childish clinging to their oh so beloved money is going to be their downfall. So, after we’ve all voted, taken friends and family to vote, put the final touches on our last donations to the candidates of our choice, grab your favorite beverage, maybe some popcorn, a comfy blanket, sit back and watch Donald and his sycophants come unglued on live television in front of all our eyes as they push more and more election denial and evidence of election interference in real time. Jack Smith and his team are going to have a field day. They simply can’t control themselves.

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From your lips to God's ears, Mr Glaser!

Praying my heart out that you are correct, sir!

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I was thinking the exact same thing.

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Puerto Rico could become a sanctuary since it's not technically a state.

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Just take rolls of paper towels! You do not need a passport!

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Don't know how many could be accomodated there, though.

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Keep as many options as possible. I'd gladly go there if things turn to shit here. Of course, my FREEDOM / DEMOCRACY- HATING COUSIN would probably wonder why I wanted to be around non - Protestant BROWN PEOPLE whose 1st language wasn't English.....

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Bigotry is a drug.

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Where they now have their first woman President.

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And the president is Jewish, too.

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I moved here in 2019 because of that subhuman and its lapdogs in Congress.

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I was living in Mexico during Trump’s presidency. The expats were as incensed there, and as divided as people here. This time, if he gets in, I believe things could get a whole lot scarier. Going back might be an option.

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Can they be deported to Russia? Donny thinks he'll get an important position there and doesn't realize that he's gonna fall out of a window before the week is up🤭

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If you have money, otherwise your in danger & sometimes even if you have money!

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I thought that's where all the rapists and drug dealers and murders lived.

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I thought that they all came up here by invading our southern border.

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Well I have Canadian and Irish citizenship as well as US (I have as many citizenships as Musk does) but, no, I'm not heading up to Canada. Couldn't afford to buy a house there and they don't have a welcoming attitude toward spouses of Canadian citizens unless you're uber rich. Ireland would be a possibility--we did it from end of 2016-end of 2017 and you know why. Problem is it is SO far from any family and we are in our 70s.

It's not accidental that Musk didn't stay in Canada but came to the US to make his fortune. In Canada at least he'd be taxed higher and he wouldn't be able to buy himself into power. Trudeau might not be great but he has huge checks on him in Parliament. Still he's probably on his way out and my Canadian friends are terrified that Pierre Poliviere, the leader of the Conservatives will be PM next. They call him Trump Light.

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Valerie - Hopefully Kamala WILL WIN & the most that the MAGATs will do is blow up an AT & T communications center or something equally moronic & inconvenient in protest. That happened in Nashville in 2016 & the wannabe terrorist turned themselves into FLAMBE'. Just exploring the options. If Dump wasn't facing PRISON TIME he wouldn't give a rat's tuchis, & wouldn't be so desperate to win. DUMPSTER is as popular as ( name the disorder, disease, illness ) with anyone who has more than a BRAIN STEM.

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I have so much experience of living with insane laws. When I was barely 20 I had an illegal, one-step-up-from-backstreet abortion because abortion was illegal in Quebec and I didn’t have any money to get to New York State where it was legal. You can’t imagine what the pain was like—worse than childbirth which I was grateful to experience years later, when I could be a good mother. Adoption you say? I was profoundly depressed at 20, part of the reason I became pregnant, and I would have been shunned by my family had they known whatever I did. My father never knew that I scraped together enough money to pay the doctor who was doing these abortions because he’d survived the Nazi death camps and knew how women could suffer. So, yes, I loathe and detest Trump and Vance for saying they’ll “take care of women” and I hope that every thinking man and woman listens to what Michelle Obama has to say. Even my “by the book” older sister almost died in 1966 when she started hemorrhaging late in her pregnancy. The doctors told her husband—it’s her or the baby—and thank goodness he chose her and the doctors felt free to do the necessary procedure on her! They went on to have two sons.

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My Brother in Law has family in Ireland him and my 2 niece's just went to a wedding last mth, I'm 1st generation Italian American and I'm sure I can find someone who has my maiden name as it's unusual but it's hotter then hell there and if I can't handle Illinois? I defiantly won't make it there and it pisses me off that those of us natural born citizens are looking for alternatives if Trump's hackers are able to get him in, cuz there's no way on God's green earth he can win on his own! Half the HB don't even vote and just sit in front of the TV crying about their golden calf! Reminds me of married with Children I absolutely hated that show! Pretty sure the South lives for it? I was offered a job and the headquarters was in South Carolina and I was appalled at the way the wife's were treated & I couldn't leave fast enough total sexist POS

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I have lived in many different places—born in Montreal, moved to just outside London England in my mid 20s, returned to Hamilton/Toronto a few years later, got married 13 years later and moved to various parts of the US I’d never heard of as my husband was a contractor for the DOD and went to weird military installations where I am sure we all glowed in the dark. South Carolina? Aiken? Yep. Tried to escape after Bush was elected over Gore and went to Vancouver BC for a very good job for myself but Canada wouldn’t grant any kind of residency to my husband because, heck, what does Canada need with someone whose main experience is in nuclear weapons installations? So after a couple of years of long-distance marriage I gave up and moved down to Vegas for awhile, then Santa Fe. Then Arizona but when Trump was elected in 2016 we tried Ireland but I missed the family. And now here I am in rural Arizona. You talk about hotter than H-E-double hockey sticks. But here I am, living out the rest of my days probably. At least it’s inexpensive, at least I don’t stick out in the population, being white, over 70, speaking midwestern English. And I’m now a citizen so if worst comes to worst, my son-in-law, who works for Border Patrol won’t rat me out to ICE as deportable. (Seriously, I love my son-in-law, and I have hope that he wouldn’t do that considering his wife, my daughter is still on a green card.)

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That move went so well for Great Britain, didn’t it?

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Not sure what you're referring to? The current mess of a gov't where people voted thinking they were electing MPs who knew what they were doing?

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If TFG is elected I’ll be heading to Canada, most likely Toronto. Canada is tough to immigrate there but a US citizen can stay for 6 months on a tourist visa.

Because I have no money either but I’d sell my condo and car so I’ll have a chunk of change.

Good luck

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You can go to Toronto but you might have a difficult time finding housing. Look around at some of the smaller towns but apparently the housing crisis is widespread (the Ontario PM isn't exactly Kamala Harris, he's more on the Trump side,) And remember to bring a very warm coat, boots and long johns. Six months, yes. What I would actually advise, if you have a chunk of change, is to go on an extended road trip and hit a lot of the really small towns in Manitoba and Saskatchewan, the Atlantic provinces. You'll find peace and quiet and pretty friendly folk if you're just passing through (they're a tightly knit group, outstay your welcome and you're ignored, forget trying to start a business in a small town in rural New Brunswick say.) But put snow tires on and remember that the price of gas in Canada can be around $4.50 US a gallon (they measure in liters so it's deceptive, $1.50 a liter but there are about 3.78 liters to the gallon.)

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I know I can receive my Social Security check there but I get extra benefits from Medicare and I'm not sure if they accept Medicare? To many pre existing conditions, I'd defiantly need the coverage! See what stress doe's to a person's health and I thought after Biden we were safe and sound

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I don’t have a personal answer Deb as I did the opposite, moved from Canada to the US. I received Old Age and Canada Pension as well as US Social Security, having worked in both countries. I get US Medicare. So I looked up the answer. If you were a permanent resident, you would be eligible for Canada’s healthcare. Contrary to what a lot of people think, healthcare in Canada varies slightly from province to province so do your research if anybody reading this is thinking of moving to Canada. One thing to know though is that you WILL lose US Medicare if you move to Canada. Also remember that your social security will be taxed at Canadian rates except for the first 15% of the benefit. So figure that one out as well. There is a lot to think about before you decide to move. For myself, I think I might consider moving to Spain if I absolutely positively felt that I had to move. But what I would do is try it out for a few months first, just as we did in 2016-2017 when we tried moving to Ireland.

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I don't have to pay tax's on my US social Security since I'm 100% below federal poverty level so I probably won't even coincider leaving but it's nice to dream

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If you sell your car how will you get around? Defiantly the last thing I'd sell! Wish I could sell some of my wedding rings but I'm in a poverish area and even if I was still in Chicago no one is interested in this economy, ya I didn'trealize I was allergic to gold

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They don’t want retirees and you have to have a desired job skill if you are still working.

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I’ll adopt you, Daniel, and you can come to my family in Ontario.

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AW..... thanks. Can I bring my AC / DC CDs ? Try saying " AC / DC CDs " when it's getting close to 5 A.M. 😂🤣

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Wait until Canada decides to stop the "invasion" across their southern border.

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They can't keep people out who appreciate good beer & enjoy poutine. Some of us are barred because we don't have Canadian relatives.

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You can be kept out if you have a felony such as a DUI

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Oh crap I didn't know that you had to have family😨 does a friend on Twitter count?? I'm with you there's no way I could up and move out there even tho it's perfect I love winter & loathe the Summer and we'd have to have a few trial runs on what part we would be Happy in and still afford Kitty food!

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Maybe the rules have changed a little since the time that I heard that, I don't know. I had an acquaintance who moved to Quebec, Canada's TEXAS, 😁back when GWB won his 2nd term.

RIGHT NOW, GWB seems preferable to the likes of Don Dumpsterfire, but that's just me......

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You can go on vacation there for 6 months.

The. Find another country to go on vacation for the other 6 months.

Become a digital nomad to earn a living. I’m an old lady and that’s what I am considering as a plan.

It’s mid November as I write this and we now know that the orange mango has already destroyed things as he makes his picks to fill positions.

Thousands have been laid off from their jobs right before the holidays.

It has already begun and he hasn’t t been installed yet.

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Yes, I looked into moving to Canada whe I was in my 50's too old, not enough $$ and they didn't need more teacher😩

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Like Melania. Rules for thee, not for me.

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If Elon Musk worked illegally, can the US government deport him and seize his assets?

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From your lips to Homeland Security's ear🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

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I was about to say the same thing. I need a long internet break. My head is hurting.

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The negativity is affecting damn near everything, 98 % of it is coming from the POD ( Party of the Demented ) PEOPLE.

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I was off all day today. No news either. It was bliss.

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Hold on, Carrie, please believe that Kamala will win. We have to believe. Wishing You and Yours Best Days

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and you have to vote. Understand that many of these polls are fake. Their goal is to discourage democrats, independents and republicans against Trump from casting a vote for Kamala so they can win. Vote Blue - if we all do, we will win in November.

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I get to vote today!!!Hurray!

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Vote to Dump the tRump

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Thankful to be living in NZ.

I'm 'centre left' at the moment... (was formerly 'Green' because of obvious environmental changes developing, but have stepped back towards centre-Left because of more local issues).. & thoroughly GRATEFUL to be NOT living in the USA. but in a relatively (politically/military) insignificant part of the globe.

I simply don't understand how such an unhinged clown can be seriously even nominated to represent the USA! Even Right Wing elite disown him !¡

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My husband and I were in NZ on holiday back in January of this year. We loved it there and the apparent lack of acrimony between people with different backgrounds and beliefs. Not to mention your beautiful country and people! Things never used to be this acrimonious up here. In a way, it's making me almost embarrassed to reveal that I'm an American.

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I just mentioned to Law Dork what we elderly are going through with all this horror. He's brilliant and is watching cases in Virginia and Alabama where the MAGAs are demanding a bunch of possible votes of people be withdrawn even though they might include votes that are legal. The request is breaking some law that prohibits such action during a period less than 90 days from voting ends.

Law Dork is on SubStack. I think he should be placed on one of the higher court benches.

Richard La France

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Oh yeah, tRump mentioned Virginia on Rogan--"thousands of illegal votes are being counted thanks to the crooked courts." So now he is going to go after State courts too.

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You took the words right out of my mouth.

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The exhaustion is unbearable. I can’t wait till this is over! VoteBlue 🇺🇸💙

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Faith or fear? Choose wisely.

Harris or scare us?

Let the gravediggers do the digging, don't bury us yet.

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Just vote, Carrie. If you get too tired, your sisters are here for you.

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I've been so stressed out of late. More and more. I can't take another 4 years with him, especially since there will be no guardrails this time if he wins.

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Just Vote and tell 💥💙💙💙💥

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Remember this 💙💙

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It's been shocking to watch the crown jewels of our 1st Amendment be purchased & silenced.

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Yeah, reporting a main rival was illegal redeems not endorsing sanity over nazis. 🙄

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At least some reporters did their job!

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Melania Trump worked illegally too. Guess it's OK if you are of a certain color?

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Or into modeling in soft Lesbian porn.

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Can't read it says because of cookies which are allowed! Another scam from this news outlets and you can't even send them an email

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Oct 27
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Michael, what you say is true. We have a significant white male nation amongst us. Someone is making money off this. America is a work in progress. We win some and lose some. We must not let Trump a racist Fascist become president again. Wish us luck. By the way have been to Germany many times and really enjoyed the people that I met there. Düsseldorf and Berlin.

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Oct 27
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Thank you. Trump is a narcasistic personality sociopath and is showing serious signs of dementia. The billionaires (all white men) in the Tech area are bankrolling him because they don’t want to pay fair taxes on their outrageous fortunes made on others work.

He plans to leave NATO. And his allegiance is to Putin so goodbye any former USSR members now independent countries.

Trump wants to be Hitler, a dictator.

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Oct 27
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Yes, we are all citizens of the Earth and need to work together to protect our home planet and to benefit all. ✌🏽

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And so cheaply by a Fascist idiot.

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Easy choice for me. Voted straight Blue

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I’ve seen multiple comments about Bezos being afraid of Trump. I don’t think Bezos is afraid, I think he actually supports Trump. Bezos thought that in having a patsy write a mealy-mouthed justification for nonendorsement that he (Bezos) would cover himself with a veil of objectivity. It hasn’t worked. In effect, this is Bezos’ support of Trump.

I think Bezos’ decision is driven mainly by GREED. I think he bought the Post so he could control a major media source to his advantage, so he planted his minions there immediately and they are doing what we all feared.

The MSM are doing their level best to help Trump at every turn. They'll help democracy burn for share price. Media has become no different than anyone else with too much money and influence.

They can stage fake WWF battles while actually helping each other profit!

The closer it gets to election day, the more anxious I get. When you want something now, 10 days seems like a year!

When Kamala wins I will be celebrating in the streets wearing this rainbow flag "We the People means everyone" shirt 👇


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I appreciate your confidence. We have to believe.

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I’ve got my fireworks ready and waiting for the Kamala WIN!

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I have that shirt as well. Great idea of when to wear it!

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You would think Bezos would hate 🍊🤡after he tried to blackmail him about his affair. F’n coward.

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Same for me! VOTE ALL BLUE!!!

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Living in a Red state, voting BLUE.

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Me too. Red state. Husband and I voted blue on the ticket.

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TN. Most of the Republican politicians are Bible - spouting hypocrites with the moral compass of an algal bloom.

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I'm not originally from the Bible belt and thank goodness too. They aren't fond of Yankees here, but I really don't give a shit about those braindead maga Republicans.

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I wish that I could EDIT my personal history since Southerners & rural Midwesterners have a reputation - not completely undeserved - for being barely literate, Bible - spouting dipwads who enjoy ignorance & scorn critical thinking.

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Me, too. Vote blue--no matter who.

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Me too

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I did too, straight ticket..

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I have voted a straight BLUE ticket since 2002 and will for the rest of my life after my middle brother died of Trump’s HOAX virus on 4-09-2020. The day he died the Orange Idiot was urging Americans to pack the church pews for Easter 2020 because the virus was a HOAX! Some hoax with 1,250,000 dead Americans!

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Irony? after wondering how many Americans would die from Trumps incompetence he goes and kills 3x the number Americans Hitler managed to kill. Good Americans, mostly boys under 22 years m, died protecting us from a horrible fascist dictator only to have one grow up right here, in America.

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Still the highest number of Covid deaths this month, 4x the rest of the word combined (3.7k deaths in the USA , next closest country is Sweden at 218) , yet everyone there seems to act like it is business as usual. What is going on over there? How is the death rate so much higher than the rest of the world?

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Lots of old MAGA Trumpsters who will never get the coronavirus vaccines. Darwin’s Law at work which calls for the survival of the fittest. One way to look at it is 3,700 votes less for the Orange Monster!!

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Samm, welcome to sanity! I have worked since age 16 and I am 71. I have worked 55 years for my social security and Medicare as you have as well!!!

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Same here.

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The billionaire owner of the Los Angeles Times is also South African. It's not that I don't like South Africans, but I'm not crazy about their billionaires.

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Curious, isn't it? All these South Africans who immigrated, that's right immigrated, to the United States to do what all immigrants do, make a better life. They grew up under Apartheid. From their actions, they seem to remember it fondly. Guess they thought that it would transfer to the new country where they continue to prove their loyalty is to discrimination and money. Actually, these South Africans seem to be the epitome of everything the traitorous turd wants to get eradicate - wait a minute - these guys represent all the turd admires - Fascism.

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And they’re all white people…

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Patrick Soon-Shiong, a friend of Musk's

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They all, also seem to be of the Apartheid mind-set younger generation.

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I thought The Times was bought by a billionaire doctor of Asian origin.

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His ancestors are Asian, but he is South African.

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i hear the regulars over there are really racist so..

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Mary, I am determined to fight the kleptocratization (how's that for a word?) of our country. After the election I will be trying to get together with others to come up with a strategy. I may be a nobody but that doesn't mean we can't band together and change things. Expect to hear more from me.

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I can't give up. Too many of my friends are buried in Arlington.

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I am so sorry, Chris. We have to turn this ship around.

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Good word, Paula.

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I'm glad you like it. 🤣

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If we survive this election, the best way to accomplish that is help me - a former teacher - expose our corrupt schools that created all this. The pillar that was to hold up democracy is totally corrupt. It’s why we have this chaos. Learn about it at WhiteChalkCrime.com. It’s the best kept secret that I’ve been trying to expose since 1995. I need help!

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Thank you for the info, Karen! Education is very important to me. I will get your book.

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I went to your site, and found it very interesting. Please do something to clean up the audio on the YouTube interviews, though. There are ways to screen out excess background noise from spoken word audio. I think there are things being said here that should be heard!

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You’re right. That YouTube was done in a noisy restaurant - not planned - and was close to useless but what they said was so valuable I posted it despite its quality, which was the best I could get it. Thanks for caring. Hope to hsve more video soon.

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I heard about that. What a hypocrite.

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While they are screaming about rigged elections, they are actually freaking doing it.

Right before our eyes.

And roughly hall of America thinks it's a great thing. " Can I have another?"

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Yep and they’ll blame the democrats however they can of course

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" please sir, may I have...... ". " ANOTHER KICK IN THE TEETH ? Coming right up ".

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Its a real tragedy that the paper that brought down Nixon. Whose slogan is "Democracy dies in Darkness". The owner decides to dim the lights and toss that in the garbage can? WTF?

That Donny, who as Mary put it, is "bigoted, ignorant, deceitful, narcissistic, vengeful, petty, misogynistic, fiscally reckless, intellectually lazy, contemptuous of democracy and enamored of America’s enemies." That such a vile creature could not only be the presidential candidate for a major American poliltical party, but would be attractive to anyone let alone jerks like Bezos and Musk is beyond me.

History will not treat these three kindly. I also feel the cliché "Love of money is the root of all evil" has relevance.

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LOVE of money is root of all evil. It's a distinction with a difference, :D

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Thanks! I fixed it. :)

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Bless you

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I take comfort that when their end of days comes it won't be pretty or painless.

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Include Thiel in that list.

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Moved to another state but registered immediately and have voted. Blue all the way. We don’t matter to them and it shows. Middle class Republicans who vote for him will be in for a shock sooner or later under his fascist fist and fiscal policies. Musk will be laughing all the way to Wall Street We all need to boycott anything he produces.

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Musk has already proven himself to be a traitor to our country. Any software, technology, etc of ANY kind connected in any way with him will be suspect. You have no idea exactly WHAT it is you are buying.

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This is all extremely horrifying. Our beloved United States of America is being brutalized to the max by our own version of oligarchy. Please. vote. BLUE. EVERYONE.

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Speaking from Canada, it’s blindingly obvious that the choice should be Harris/Walz.

But clearly, oligarchy and Russian Mafioso-style intimidation is the order of the day for those who lean towards (or are all-in for) another four years of the sub-human, sub-normal knuckle-dragging Trump supporters.

I sure hope the light gets through the cracks in the Liberty Bell as you move into the last week of campaigning.

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TY, WE do, also. This is so tiring though.


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Canceled my WaPost subscription today!

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Me too. And early voted yesterday in a red state with several blue dots in line with me. Hopefully that’s a good sign.

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I cancelled mine a month ago. Could see then where they were going.

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Hey Jeff Bozo, how’s that “Democracy Dies in Darkness” going for you?

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Just the way a man who was raised in an apartheid South Africa would expect it to - to his lily livered white advantage.

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Lights are shining, like Solar Rays, all over their sneaky, skeezy illegal actions.

Maga's " po crackers" really believe none of the shyzer will land on their plates. How stupendously foolish of them!!😵‍💫🥴😭😱; just watch and wait for it.

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I canceled my WAPO subscription. I hope thousands of subscribers do the same. Shame shame on Bezos…what another weak and disgusting human being.

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Red State Missouri here. Waited a long time in line yesterday to vote a straight blue ticket. It made the rest of my day.

Thanks for everything you do and the inspiration you provide.

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Yes, the easiest choice in my life. If Trump wins we all lose.

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Don't forget Patrick Soon-Shiong, another apartheid era South African friend of Musk's, who owns the LA Times and pulled the same stunt there.

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