I saw this on your YouTube channel that I subscribed to last night! Funny story. Somebody commented that Biden should tweet out "Hey Donald! You still like mashed potatoes?"
I'd love to see the epic meltdown that would bring on.
Wow Sheeshka, if someone called that out to him, it would be interesting to see Trump's reaction, that is, if he even remembers the "mashed potato" incident. If he does remember, it might show more Americans just what kind of a toddler-bully Trump still is at age 78. It is so strange that people worry about Biden's age when he does act like an adult and does not need to bully anyone to get things done. He just really cares and knows how to be with people in a positive way. Trump knows no other way than to bully so he draws around him a cadre of either bullies or wannabee bullies like a spoiled three-year-old. One can tolerate that in an actual child, but not in an old man.
I've rewatched the dinner on YouTube several times just to hear President Obama make fun of trump who turned beet red and probably fumed all night. You could almost see the steam coming out of his head he was so angry. All that birth certificate B.S. coming from trump and the birther movement was turned against him that night. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHckZCxdRkA
Marlo, I suspect that was just an excuse. He had been playing around with running for president for a long time. His ego was just so large he couldn't resist. The sad thing is that so many people bought his BS and actually voted for a jerk who cares for nothing and no one that is not completely centered on himself. I am interested in seeing how he and his handlers are going to spin the near-assassination. It is guaranteed to be filled with lies, half-truths, and threats of vengeance against Democrats because that's how his toddler brain works and there are no longer any adults in Donnie's room.
I saw that. I’m convinced it’s the whole reason he ran in 2016, and worked so hard to reverse everything President Obama did. Also why he keeps talking about running against Obama and beating Obama and on and on.
Tracey, you are probably right. However, Trump despised Obama from the beginning. Obama is a Black man who is clearly smarter and more competent than Trump will ever be or could ever have been and Baby Donnie just can't handle that. When Obama roasted him, the baby couldn't deal with it and the hate and thinking he was running against Obama stuck because I suspect in his mind, he was. He had no respect for Hillary Clinton, so was really going up against Obama and still is. That may also be part of his dementia, but who knows!
Why don't we just see how many of us would do this and get on Truth Social at the same time? Such an interesting name consiering that there is nothing either true or social about it. However, that does fit with every other lie the entity parading as Trump puts out there.
Beter yet at historical meeting of inccoming and outgoing oresidentsss Biden should have a big bowl of mash potatoes on snack/refreshments table/ trolley front and center
Well, he is right that life is unfair -- he's just wrong about which way it's tilted. As Molly Ivins said about George W., he was born on 3rd base and thinks he hit a triple.
Even protesters with signs showing a photo of mashed potatoes would work! Or better yet your photo (with his most hideous expression ever) with the pile on his head…
Read your Awesome Book "Too Much Is Never Enough" wow, what a page Turner!!! Maybe they'll initiate him with a Hot Bowl over the head first day of Prison?!!! Love me some Mary Trump 💯👍💙
She has also encouraged all her voters to vote for him.
How pathetic is that?
She had all the “Never Trump” voters and asked them to vote for 45. That’s what I call compromising one’s own values to still be accepted by the Republican Party. . Had she listened to her constituents, she would have done the right thing. Instead, she has told us all who she really is. Such a disappointment. Wouldn’t it have been great had she told all of her supporters to vote for Biden? She may have even gotten an office in the administration. State by state after her primaries, before she dropped out, ppl were asked
Who they would vote for if she wasn’t the candidate……. 4 out of 5 said they’d vote for Biden before Trump. My hope is that they follow through bc otherwise Project 2025 is waiting in the wings.
Nikki Haley gave all her delegates away because she is desperate to stay in the game. I read a comment yesterday that supposed she somehow got something for her give away (isn't that the way it works for the Republicans?). It dawned on me that she must have been promised an Administration position for her generosity. I'm going with Secretary of State.
Surely! As this is the Party of quid pro quo. Wouldn’t put it past the orange turd for promising a pardon to someone to pretend to shoot him. He’s the King of Fake Fuckery.
True enough. But she would be immediately arrested and his attorneys could have the supreme criminals make new laws for attacking a presidential candidate. They deserve each other.
Yep, and when asked to comment on that, a Trump spokesperson had nothing to say except that she had endorsed him. Which actually is exactly why people are wondering why they didn't invite her. But, I'm also wondering why she is STILL endorsing him. And how she thinks she has any credibility left at all, after telling people for months that he is unqualified, dangerous, unfit, etc... And now telling those same people to please vote for him to MAGA. Makes no sense at all.
Sadly, though, atm, it was probably the right thing to do politically, unless she wanted to leave the GOP altogether. Logic, honesty, consistency, and competence mean nothing. Support for Trump means you won't be publicly attacked at every opportunity, but it sure doesn't mean he'll do anything else for you, even if he promised it. Loyalty only goes in one direction. The truth is whatever Trump says it is in that moment, and you just better forget about what he said 2 minutes ago that was contradictory. Such is the state of today's GOP.
Any of the pols with any level of integrity and intelligence, even the tiniest shred of either, end up being run out of the party-see, for example, Mike Pence, Mitch McConnell (nevermind that he is responsible for today's Supreme Court that is highly deferential to right wing interests, Trump doesn't like him so he's trash), and so many others. They've been replaced by MTG and Matt Gaetz.
I guess older brothers teasing their younger brothers is pretty commonplace. But non-stop? And without respect for anyone else at the table? It’s a funny but troubling story. However, his throwing rocks at the toddler next door…horrible!
Your uncle needed some serious therapy. Surprised he didn’t turn into a serial killer. Oh wait, he did. Don’t forget his monstrous handling of the Covid crisis. Millions of deaths.
That’s blood, not ketchup on his miserable little hands.
Lets all of us send a packet of mashed potato mix to Mar a Lago with serving suggestions such as, "Looks great on a combover," or some more well crafted bit of humor.
Thank you, Mary, for continuing your fight for the good in us.
Like the Wisconsin Cheese Heads, why not Trump Mashed Potato Heads? Make up some hats featuring a bowl of mashed potatoes and get a bunch of people to make sure that Trump sees a "sea of mashed potatoes" wherever he goes. Tee Shirts to match. Literally rub his nose in his greatest humiliation.
I saw this on your YouTube channel that I subscribed to last night! Funny story. Somebody commented that Biden should tweet out "Hey Donald! You still like mashed potatoes?"
I'd love to see the epic meltdown that would bring on.
"Hey, Donald, I got a bowl of mashed potatoes with your name on it, buddy!" That ought to send him into the stratosphere!
Wow Sheeshka, if someone called that out to him, it would be interesting to see Trump's reaction, that is, if he even remembers the "mashed potato" incident. If he does remember, it might show more Americans just what kind of a toddler-bully Trump still is at age 78. It is so strange that people worry about Biden's age when he does act like an adult and does not need to bully anyone to get things done. He just really cares and knows how to be with people in a positive way. Trump knows no other way than to bully so he draws around him a cadre of either bullies or wannabee bullies like a spoiled three-year-old. One can tolerate that in an actual child, but not in an old man.
Trust me, he remembers and her telling of the dinner at the White House indicates just how deeply it has affected him.
Priceless! Hope Joe is listening today!
I've rewatched the dinner on YouTube several times just to hear President Obama make fun of trump who turned beet red and probably fumed all night. You could almost see the steam coming out of his head he was so angry. All that birth certificate B.S. coming from trump and the birther movement was turned against him that night. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHckZCxdRkA
I remember also. That roast was Trump’s impetus to run for president and seek revenge.
Marlo, I suspect that was just an excuse. He had been playing around with running for president for a long time. His ego was just so large he couldn't resist. The sad thing is that so many people bought his BS and actually voted for a jerk who cares for nothing and no one that is not completely centered on himself. I am interested in seeing how he and his handlers are going to spin the near-assassination. It is guaranteed to be filled with lies, half-truths, and threats of vengeance against Democrats because that's how his toddler brain works and there are no longer any adults in Donnie's room.
Trump was being primed and manipulated by Putin even then. See Malcolm Nance for background.
I saw that. I’m convinced it’s the whole reason he ran in 2016, and worked so hard to reverse everything President Obama did. Also why he keeps talking about running against Obama and beating Obama and on and on.
Tracey, you are probably right. However, Trump despised Obama from the beginning. Obama is a Black man who is clearly smarter and more competent than Trump will ever be or could ever have been and Baby Donnie just can't handle that. When Obama roasted him, the baby couldn't deal with it and the hate and thinking he was running against Obama stuck because I suspect in his mind, he was. He had no respect for Hillary Clinton, so was really going up against Obama and still is. That may also be part of his dementia, but who knows!
Good idea!
Love it! Let's do it! Let's get on Truth Social and do it en masse. Then get right off that sick platform.
Why don't we just see how many of us would do this and get on Truth Social at the same time? Such an interesting name consiering that there is nothing either true or social about it. However, that does fit with every other lie the entity parading as Trump puts out there.
Somebody (maybe Mary) should be sitting with the moderators (if there is another debate) with a big bowl of mashed potatoes for the ready!!!
That’s really bad, LOL!
Whatever it takes to prevent bullying by the world’s second biggest bully. 👍🏼
I love this - a true stroke of genius!!!
"...have a massive group of people, equipped with large bowls of mashed potatoes, get inside his venue."
Beter yet at historical meeting of inccoming and outgoing oresidentsss Biden should have a big bowl of mash potatoes on snack/refreshments table/ trolley front and center
Thank you Mary for this wonderful story. Given the state of things, I really needed it. Kudos to our wonderful American Hero - Mary L. Trump.
The Biden campaign should hire you, Mary. Nobody knows more about how to fuck with what passes for your uncle's head.
I agree! Mary, you should run for office! You’re certainly more knowledgeable than your uncle.
I agree
I second that motion!
THAT is a story that everyone should know.
Well, he is right that life is unfair -- he's just wrong about which way it's tilted. As Molly Ivins said about George W., he was born on 3rd base and thinks he hit a triple.
How I miss Molly Ivins!
God, how I miss Molly Ivins
Even protesters with signs showing a photo of mashed potatoes would work! Or better yet your photo (with his most hideous expression ever) with the pile on his head…
Mr Potato Head for the win! 😂
Yes, that would be amazing marketing. Too bad so sad Donald, the truth hurts!!
Signs with bowls of mashed potatoes are a wonderful idea!
Using this caption: This is your brain on Diet Cokes, hot dogs, and Big Macs.
Read your Awesome Book "Too Much Is Never Enough" wow, what a page Turner!!! Maybe they'll initiate him with a Hot Bowl over the head first day of Prison?!!! Love me some Mary Trump 💯👍💙
Pushing for Prison for this idiot twerp CRIMINAL!
We can only Hope 🙏😜
Happened minutes ago,Donald was clipped with a bullet to his right ear. I don't condone political violence, however,He does 😡😠🙏 Biden/Harris 💙🇺🇸
If only Niki Haley could get into the convention with a big bowl of mashed potatoes! Thanks for the vision! 💙
Nikki has given all of her delegates to 45.
She has also encouraged all her voters to vote for him.
How pathetic is that?
She had all the “Never Trump” voters and asked them to vote for 45. That’s what I call compromising one’s own values to still be accepted by the Republican Party. . Had she listened to her constituents, she would have done the right thing. Instead, she has told us all who she really is. Such a disappointment. Wouldn’t it have been great had she told all of her supporters to vote for Biden? She may have even gotten an office in the administration. State by state after her primaries, before she dropped out, ppl were asked
Who they would vote for if she wasn’t the candidate……. 4 out of 5 said they’d vote for Biden before Trump. My hope is that they follow through bc otherwise Project 2025 is waiting in the wings.
Nikki Haley gave all her delegates away because she is desperate to stay in the game. I read a comment yesterday that supposed she somehow got something for her give away (isn't that the way it works for the Republicans?). It dawned on me that she must have been promised an Administration position for her generosity. I'm going with Secretary of State.
🤮I wouldn’t put it past her!
Imagine working for a malignant narcissist who trashed your family, as well as yourself. She has lost all credibility . Too bad.
Surely! As this is the Party of quid pro quo. Wouldn’t put it past the orange turd for promising a pardon to someone to pretend to shoot him. He’s the King of Fake Fuckery.
I'm thinking he renegs on whatever promised she thinks he made to her!
She sold her soul to stay with the MAGAts. No respect.
It’s why I’ll never support her again.
True enough. But she would be immediately arrested and his attorneys could have the supreme criminals make new laws for attacking a presidential candidate. They deserve each other.
Haley told us who she was, a very Long time ago.
Wearing shark costumes…
If she can get in at all. She’s been banished officially I hear.
WHUT? I’m telling you - ALL the ReThugs have gone BONKERS.
Exactly. That's why I would love it!
She was not invited.
Yep, and when asked to comment on that, a Trump spokesperson had nothing to say except that she had endorsed him. Which actually is exactly why people are wondering why they didn't invite her. But, I'm also wondering why she is STILL endorsing him. And how she thinks she has any credibility left at all, after telling people for months that he is unqualified, dangerous, unfit, etc... And now telling those same people to please vote for him to MAGA. Makes no sense at all.
Sadly, though, atm, it was probably the right thing to do politically, unless she wanted to leave the GOP altogether. Logic, honesty, consistency, and competence mean nothing. Support for Trump means you won't be publicly attacked at every opportunity, but it sure doesn't mean he'll do anything else for you, even if he promised it. Loyalty only goes in one direction. The truth is whatever Trump says it is in that moment, and you just better forget about what he said 2 minutes ago that was contradictory. Such is the state of today's GOP.
Any of the pols with any level of integrity and intelligence, even the tiniest shred of either, end up being run out of the party-see, for example, Mike Pence, Mitch McConnell (nevermind that he is responsible for today's Supreme Court that is highly deferential to right wing interests, Trump doesn't like him so he's trash), and so many others. They've been replaced by MTG and Matt Gaetz.
I heard she has since been invited to speak at the RNC (there had been so much bad publicity they had not in it her after getting her delegates)
I guess older brothers teasing their younger brothers is pretty commonplace. But non-stop? And without respect for anyone else at the table? It’s a funny but troubling story. However, his throwing rocks at the toddler next door…horrible!
Your uncle needed some serious therapy. Surprised he didn’t turn into a serial killer. Oh wait, he did. Don’t forget his monstrous handling of the Covid crisis. Millions of deaths.
That’s blood, not ketchup on his miserable little hands.
Mr. Mashed potato head!!!
Thank you, Mary, you are a sane voice amongst all the craziness.
The mashed potato 🥔 story! I love it!
Hard to believe we owe the disaster that is DJT to what amounts to a KFC side order.
Thank you, Mary. I watched your great video on YouTube yesterday! 💙
This is a wonderful story that we all need to remember.
Lets all of us send a packet of mashed potato mix to Mar a Lago with serving suggestions such as, "Looks great on a combover," or some more well crafted bit of humor.
Thank you, Mary, for continuing your fight for the good in us.
Great idea! Thank you for a good laugh.
Let's make it into a movement. Tell your friends.
The Former Guy
Mar-a-Lago Club
1100 S Ocean Blvd, Palm Beach, FL 33480, USA
Like the Wisconsin Cheese Heads, why not Trump Mashed Potato Heads? Make up some hats featuring a bowl of mashed potatoes and get a bunch of people to make sure that Trump sees a "sea of mashed potatoes" wherever he goes. Tee Shirts to match. Literally rub his nose in his greatest humiliation.