I believe we win in huge numbers! There will be such a landslide it will be talked about for generations. Donald has woken up the women and we will roar! 🦁💙 Thank you for everything Mary ❤️❤️❤️
I absolutely agree. I think (and hope) that if all the same people vote for him as last time he will lose just like last time. His unhinged campaign and misogynistic behavior didn't bring him any new fans.
In instant retrospect, I think that the roar is a snore. Many of "them" still sleeping. "Reap what you sow"... NOW, the Hourly/Daily Hell Will Be Beginning Again. The first time was intolerable. Soon, Very Soon We will Know what the German Jews Felt in 1939 Hitler Germany.
MAGA will get theirs. They are going to be crying when inflation really hits home. The economists have said that if Trump wins inflation will increase by 50% or more. Trump will give all those tax cuts to his cronies. And the middle class will pay allot more in taxes and at the grocery stores and department stores.
Like Mary has said, these Rethug candidates are like menacing schoolyard bullies and empty suits. Time to relegate them to the 'trash heap of history'.
I worked the polls for 35 years. We had a few incidents over that time, but never violence. I’m praying for safety for those working in disputed locations today.
Quite possibly when a dangerous narcissistic demagogue with dreams of being America's First Dictator fed the idea into a pack of armed and rabid domestic terrorists - the "Second Amendment People" whom he loves dearly and hopes can "Do Something (wink nudge) About It" - that they had to "fight like hell or you won't have a country anymore!"
Sick MAGA assholes is when it became dangerous! And Trump says he is going to fire Jack Smith over his indictment of Trump stealing top secret classified documents. The jerk doesn't have the authority to fire Jack Smith. He has to be disbarred for breaking the rules of the Lawyers Bar. This should backfire on Trump if we have any laws left in this country. Trump is an anarchist!
I’m really hoping that she just blows him out of the water with a high turn out of women vote, gen z vote, Latino vote, Puerto Rican vote in Pennsylvania, Florida, North Carolina. I feel like our country and the entire world order is on life support right now.
She has certainly been going after those groups, doing everything she can to to mobilize the voters who will count. It's difficult to not be inspired by her.
She and Tim have run a brilliant campaign and I honestly don't think there is anything they should have done that they didn't do. She mobilized everyone, every celebrity, every Republican, every former President, General, staff member - and they responded. Every speech was on the money, every appearance was positive. There has been an outpouring of support that I have never seen. Hard to believe after all this that they won't win.
I agree that they should win. If everyone else is feeling as much in need of hope and change as I am, they should. Question for you: did W finally speak out? I know that Nicolle Wallace pretty much begged him to do so.
They didn't win it. They cheated with their threats of intimidation against poll workers. And Trump and his GOP cronies saw to it that the vote counters and ballot checker are MAGA sick pups to destroy ballots. 140,000 people were removed from the voter rolls in Oklahoma alone. That should have raised red flags. They claimed they were dead people. Then there were 11,000 voters removed in another state and they had to reinstate a bunch of them that were legal voters and call them to redo their voter registration because they were wrongfully removed. Many of those people were new naturalized American citizens who came into this country legally. That is how screwed up the MAGA nitwits are.
I saw a report on the republican election official Stephen Richer from Maricopa county AZ. He consistently verified that there was no election fraud in 2020 in his county. He lost the primary for re-election. But before leaving office he did a MONUMENTAL thing. He secured the building where the votes are counted. It is a locked down area, patrolled at all times. Security clearance required by all workers. In the interview he said all of these measures were to assure that the election was free and fair but more importantly that the workers could feel secure. I hope someone gives this guy a job!
He also put in bullet proof glass at the polls and where votes are counted. And so did Pennsylvania and some other states had to do it. Especially in Philadelphia.
On election night, be aware of timezones. There is a three hour difference between the two coasts. And the larger populations are at each end of the country.
That means the east coast will finish counting before the west coast by at least three hours. And, states with small populations (like North Dakota that has a population of a small city) will have less votes to count, than large states (like New York that have more people than the entire population of canada)
In 2020, most of Trumps votes came from rural central America which is made up of small, sparsely populated states. These will finish counting first and report their results quickly. In the first few hours after polls close, it will look like Trump is winning. But, this is because there is less to tally, and it's reflective of geography.
If these small rural states start to report blue in the first few hours, then it's a sure sign there will be a landslide win for Kamala and Tim.
Robert Reich explains more below:
Beware Trump’s Election Night Trick | Robert Reich
Insecure doesn’t quite cover it it’s horrifying and very frightening. I’m worried sick there are enough followers of the Donald to destroy our country.
You're right. And the preparation for this year is the one positive to come out of J6. Horrifying, though, to see fences and boarded-up buildings in DC.
One thing my college classmates and myself were warned about, is that when you see this sort of thing taking place in any country beware, you have a tyrant trying to rise to power. And that is what Trump is. All the death threats he has made to his opponents, death threats his cronies have made to judges and the list goes on.
Yes but they are all running too. Hopefully maga will lose up and down the ballot. It's the only way to make sure things like Project 2025 never happen.
I understand but I really don't think so. The so-called supporters have not been at any of his court appearances, they didn't do the marches they have done in the past, his rallies have been virtually empty, several of the convicted Jan. 6 criminals said he wasn't worth ruining their lives for. Hopefully these are signs that his reign of terror is at an end.
Robert Reich walks through the seven key House races and eight key Senate races.
Kamala needs only four congressional house candidates from these to win control and get rid of the rodent Mikey Johnson.
Kamala needs all eight to keep the Senate. This will have the final say on whether a state's election return is suspect and needs to be escalated to SCOTUS
Hey there, check out J Ann Salzer’s poll in Iowa. She found that women (and actually men as well) over 65 went overwhelmingly for Harris and Iowa is largely white & ruby red. I’m older (70 ish) & white, in a swing state and have a number of older white women friends. We’re all huge Harris supporters. Roe rage is very, very real as we are the ones that remember when abortion was illegal and were unable to get a bank acct or CC without a man’s signature. None of us are foolish enough to think it will stop there. I cannot stand the idea that my niece may end up with fewer rights than I did at her age. 💙
You can be confident. I shared the same reservations as you with 52% of white women saying they support Don-old, but amazingly women over 55 are voting more than two to one for Harris. Game over for the Hater in Chief!😃
So sorry for my previous reply, I've been dining on crow for the past 11 days and will for the foreseeable future. Did not understand how angry and dissatisfied folks are about what they unleashed on us.
I believe we win in huge numbers! There will be such a landslide it will be talked about for generations. Donald has woken up the women and we will roar! 🦁💙 Thank you for everything Mary ❤️❤️❤️
I’ve been saying that since early voting began. Women are beyond angry. We, and the men who love us, will take this home for Kamala and Tim.
And America! Thank you women voters!
Take heart, Mary. I think the days of Donald being able to mobilize a violent mob are over.
He couldn’t even get 12 people to show up at the NY courthouse.
We all have done degree of PTSD. But I think we are at the end of this nightmare.
I absolutely agree. I think (and hope) that if all the same people vote for him as last time he will lose just like last time. His unhinged campaign and misogynistic behavior didn't bring him any new fans.
I think it has just begun
Onward, legion of women voters. Now, let us pray. If you can't pray to God, pray to love.
Well, that aged like last week's pizza.
In instant retrospect, I think that the roar is a snore. Many of "them" still sleeping. "Reap what you sow"... NOW, the Hourly/Daily Hell Will Be Beginning Again. The first time was intolerable. Soon, Very Soon We will Know what the German Jews Felt in 1939 Hitler Germany.
From your lips to the EC.
This is Election Day, or the beginning of the end of MAGA.
Your keyboard to God's ears!
May what happened to the Pharisees and Sadducees happen to the MAGAseize. (not Masada, though. Have mercy)
No mercy for any of them! Sick people!
Be careful what you wish for. What they do with you they do to you.
MAGA will get theirs. They are going to be crying when inflation really hits home. The economists have said that if Trump wins inflation will increase by 50% or more. Trump will give all those tax cuts to his cronies. And the middle class will pay allot more in taxes and at the grocery stores and department stores.
TFG and JD are sinking and stinking.
Kamala and Tim are soaring.
Thanks for voting, my friends.
TFG sentencing day is Nov 26th.
"TFG sentencing day is Nov 26th." WHOO-HOO!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lets pray he gets sentenced to jail. And has to run the country from his jail cell. He deserves it.
I wonder how many voters bailed during the bomb scares?
I used to be excited on Election Day. Now I’m nauseously optimistic.
I agree, Arlene.
Thank you, Mary 💙.
"Nauseously"... LOL! Well played.
Now I’m just nauseous. And quite frightened. If I lose my SS I’m fucked.
I’m old. When did it ever become dangerous to vote or work the polls? I guess I know the answer to that.
Like Mary has said, these Rethug candidates are like menacing schoolyard bullies and empty suits. Time to relegate them to the 'trash heap of history'.
I worked the polls for 35 years. We had a few incidents over that time, but never violence. I’m praying for safety for those working in disputed locations today.
Quite possibly when a dangerous narcissistic demagogue with dreams of being America's First Dictator fed the idea into a pack of armed and rabid domestic terrorists - the "Second Amendment People" whom he loves dearly and hopes can "Do Something (wink nudge) About It" - that they had to "fight like hell or you won't have a country anymore!"
Sick MAGA assholes is when it became dangerous! And Trump says he is going to fire Jack Smith over his indictment of Trump stealing top secret classified documents. The jerk doesn't have the authority to fire Jack Smith. He has to be disbarred for breaking the rules of the Lawyers Bar. This should backfire on Trump if we have any laws left in this country. Trump is an anarchist!
I’m really hoping that she just blows him out of the water with a high turn out of women vote, gen z vote, Latino vote, Puerto Rican vote in Pennsylvania, Florida, North Carolina. I feel like our country and the entire world order is on life support right now.
She has certainly been going after those groups, doing everything she can to to mobilize the voters who will count. It's difficult to not be inspired by her.
She and Tim have run a brilliant campaign and I honestly don't think there is anything they should have done that they didn't do. She mobilized everyone, every celebrity, every Republican, every former President, General, staff member - and they responded. Every speech was on the money, every appearance was positive. There has been an outpouring of support that I have never seen. Hard to believe after all this that they won't win.
I agree that they should win. If everyone else is feeling as much in need of hope and change as I am, they should. Question for you: did W finally speak out? I know that Nicolle Wallace pretty much begged him to do so.
They didn't win it. They cheated with their threats of intimidation against poll workers. And Trump and his GOP cronies saw to it that the vote counters and ballot checker are MAGA sick pups to destroy ballots. 140,000 people were removed from the voter rolls in Oklahoma alone. That should have raised red flags. They claimed they were dead people. Then there were 11,000 voters removed in another state and they had to reinstate a bunch of them that were legal voters and call them to redo their voter registration because they were wrongfully removed. Many of those people were new naturalized American citizens who came into this country legally. That is how screwed up the MAGA nitwits are.
I saw a report on the republican election official Stephen Richer from Maricopa county AZ. He consistently verified that there was no election fraud in 2020 in his county. He lost the primary for re-election. But before leaving office he did a MONUMENTAL thing. He secured the building where the votes are counted. It is a locked down area, patrolled at all times. Security clearance required by all workers. In the interview he said all of these measures were to assure that the election was free and fair but more importantly that the workers could feel secure. I hope someone gives this guy a job!
He also put in bullet proof glass at the polls and where votes are counted. And so did Pennsylvania and some other states had to do it. Especially in Philadelphia.
On election night, be aware of timezones. There is a three hour difference between the two coasts. And the larger populations are at each end of the country.
That means the east coast will finish counting before the west coast by at least three hours. And, states with small populations (like North Dakota that has a population of a small city) will have less votes to count, than large states (like New York that have more people than the entire population of canada)
In 2020, most of Trumps votes came from rural central America which is made up of small, sparsely populated states. These will finish counting first and report their results quickly. In the first few hours after polls close, it will look like Trump is winning. But, this is because there is less to tally, and it's reflective of geography.
If these small rural states start to report blue in the first few hours, then it's a sure sign there will be a landslide win for Kamala and Tim.
Robert Reich explains more below:
Beware Trump’s Election Night Trick | Robert Reich
Be aware also of time differences in Hawaii and Alaska. Hawaii is 3 hours behind west coast.
Wondered about that. Thanks.
Thank you! When we fight, we win!
There is more GOOD in the USA than MAGA. We will win this and say goodbye to the Orange Menace!
By a large margin!
Good luck America! Michael Moore’s confident, so I am too!
Insecure doesn’t quite cover it it’s horrifying and very frightening. I’m worried sick there are enough followers of the Donald to destroy our country.
I don’t think they can beat the US Army (Nat’l Guard). Like the DA in Philly said, “F… around and find out!”
You're right. And the preparation for this year is the one positive to come out of J6. Horrifying, though, to see fences and boarded-up buildings in DC.
One thing my college classmates and myself were warned about, is that when you see this sort of thing taking place in any country beware, you have a tyrant trying to rise to power. And that is what Trump is. All the death threats he has made to his opponents, death threats his cronies have made to judges and the list goes on.
I am afraid, too, Maryellen.
Even if Kamala Harris wins, Project 2025 will still be enacted upon via conservative state legislation.
That’s horrifying about Louisiana. I never heard that before. God help us all.
Yes but they are all running too. Hopefully maga will lose up and down the ballot. It's the only way to make sure things like Project 2025 never happen.
I understand but I really don't think so. The so-called supporters have not been at any of his court appearances, they didn't do the marches they have done in the past, his rallies have been virtually empty, several of the convicted Jan. 6 criminals said he wasn't worth ruining their lives for. Hopefully these are signs that his reign of terror is at an end.
Imagine going to jail for that worthless human being and he walks freely ?
So am I
I am as worried sick as you are. All that is left to do now is to fight for the popular vote and end the Electoral College.
When I voted, a week ago Saturday, I thanked the poll worker for her service.
Throw Donald on his ass and into prison!
It's depressing. But though my years of service the adage holds: twenty percent of the people are eighty percent of the problem.
I hope that depression lifts tomorrow.
⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾
I'd agree it's true in a classroom too.
i taught for 40 yrs, and i'd say 5% of the students cause 95% of the problems.
Robert Reich walks through the seven key House races and eight key Senate races.
Kamala needs only four congressional house candidates from these to win control and get rid of the rodent Mikey Johnson.
Kamala needs all eight to keep the Senate. This will have the final say on whether a state's election return is suspect and needs to be escalated to SCOTUS
Can Democrats Flip the House?
Everything Depends on the Senate
Stay Strong. Don't Be Gas Lighted
Imho, the Dobbs decision will energize the voters to vote for abortion rights candidates. Hopefully she will have a blue Congress.
I'm not that confident, sadly. Never underestimate the power of white women to f#ck things up. 😡😡😡
Hey there, check out J Ann Salzer’s poll in Iowa. She found that women (and actually men as well) over 65 went overwhelmingly for Harris and Iowa is largely white & ruby red. I’m older (70 ish) & white, in a swing state and have a number of older white women friends. We’re all huge Harris supporters. Roe rage is very, very real as we are the ones that remember when abortion was illegal and were unable to get a bank acct or CC without a man’s signature. None of us are foolish enough to think it will stop there. I cannot stand the idea that my niece may end up with fewer rights than I did at her age. 💙
You can be confident. I shared the same reservations as you with 52% of white women saying they support Don-old, but amazingly women over 55 are voting more than two to one for Harris. Game over for the Hater in Chief!😃
So sorry for my previous reply, I've been dining on crow for the past 11 days and will for the foreseeable future. Did not understand how angry and dissatisfied folks are about what they unleashed on us.
it's time to take out the trash.
And, not surprising! But today is my trash pickup day! I taped a picture of TFG on my trash bin since we're taking out the trash today!