Mary, for some strange reason, the worse Trump gets the more smiles it puts on my face. In fact to accelerate it, hopefully he can become increasingly more and more outrageous. Go to it, Donnie! He is digging his grave, assuming he ever gets to have one. I constantly think of all the dictators who have met terrible ends. Tick tock, tick tock. Or maybe TikTok. Madame Defarge here, just waiting, knitting, humming little tunes, glancing at my watch . . .

And I should add: it's not just Trump who has it coming. It's all his puppeteers. AND he has made so many enemies all over the world, the final blow may not come from America.

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that helps only if you consider Trump is the core of the problem and that his downfall leads to a return to normal times. Trump isn't even an important character in this script from the 'Theater of Pain'. All he really did was demonstrate you can bring the private, callous, sociopathic private agenda of the Destructionists out into the open and, with effective manipulation and lies, it would leverage the power they sought. Other than that, he's really a vulgar, unpredictable clown that the puppeteers behind him (most of whom remain in the shadows) don't even want around. I expect they will soon find a way to replace him with someone shrewder, smarter, more callous and more predictable. They are not in this for the short-run, and their agenda looks way beyond this buffoon who is really nothing more than a rather clumsy performance artist and embarrassment. Make no mistake, these folks are dangerous and can think 50, 100, or more years ahead. He's stupid, but they aren't.

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Yep, Seeing the big picture…the long plan. If we don’t stop this NOW .. it may be generations of subjugation…

Bless us All 💫

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Mama, I think we've passed the 'Stop This' strategy. We had a chance (for two months) to 'stop this', but preferred a "peaceful transfer" of unlimited power to a Mad King. I tried suggesting the only 'stop this' strategy there was at that time, to prevent the Mad King from taking the throne. Didn't get anywhere, so now we are here, way late to 'stop this'. The only thing left is Azimov's "We cannot prevent the Dark Ages from happening, but perhaps we can shorten its length by a little."



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Feb 10Edited
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If it can help, you might try this,

A remake of the lyrics to Olivia Newton John's "Let's Get Physical", that might clear some fog? Just play her vid and read my lyrics over it.


[Sorry, the formatting on Sstack is crap. it doesn't break the paste into stanzas like it should. nothing to be done about that.]

"Let’s Get Tactical"

I'm saying things you know are right

makin’ secret conversation

We gotta do it now, tonight

If you know what I mean


I’ll take you out the shadows, into the scene

Been planning and plotting away

The time’s now come, no time to play

Unless we play seriously


Let's get tactical, tactical

I wanna get tactical

Let's get into tactical

Let me hear your body talk, your action walk

Let me hear that action walk


Let's get tactical, tactical

I wanna get tactical

Let's get into tactical

Let me hear your body walk, your anger talk

Let me hear your anger walk


Time to end the blah, blah, blah

Time to for us to turn the tables

Stop takin’ their shit and throw it back

You know what I mean


I’m sure you understand my point of view

We’ve gotta go on the attack

Stop trying to rhyme with ‘peacefully’

It’s the animal in me


Let's get tactical, tactical

I wanna get tactical

Let's get into tactical

Let me hear you walk the walk, your anger talk

Let me hear your body talk


Let's get tactical, tactical

I wanna get tactical

Let's get into tactical

Let me hear your anger talk, your body walk

Let me see your anger walk, ah


[music interlude]


Oh, let's get tactical, tactical

I wanna get tactical

Let's get into tactical

Let me hear your body talk, your anger walk

Let me see your anger walk

Let's get animal, animal

I wanna get tactical

Let's get into tactical


Let me hear your mind talk, your planning walk

Let me hear your anger talk, ah-ah


[interlude & fade. continues in the long version.]


Let me hear your pain walk (your outrage walk)


Let's get tactical, tactical

I wanna get tactical

Let's get into tactical

Let me hear your anger talk, your body walk

Let me see your anger walk, ah


Oh, let's get tactical, tactical

I wanna get tactical

Let's get into tactical

Let me hear your body talk, your anger walk

Let me see your anger walk

Let's get animal, animal

I wanna get tactical


Let's get into tactical

Let me hear your minding talk, your planning walk

Let me hear your anger talk, ah-ah

Let me hear your pain walk (your outrage walk)

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Correct on many levels. The person in the wings, of course, is JD Vance. He is smarter as well as a better looking specimen, but every bit as evil. He is being groomed to take over after they invoke the 25th.

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why would they get rid of dumpster? would they retire him to moscow? when does melania get her medal from putin? is Baron the next manchurian candidate?

stay tuned for these and other plot twists in our ongoing tragedy.

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kindness is a wonderful,christan value..however..not everyone shares that value system,no matter how many bibles they hold up (trump and mike johnson)..we can pray,we can hope and maybe join in whatever protests (peaceful of course)written or other wise that we think MIGHT help..the damage ,however, has already been done and the evils of project 2025 and the destruction of the democratic system we all have taken for granted is well under way..until and unless (and im not sure even then the idiots who support trump will understand)the programs,or bills or laws that actually were in effect and helped millions,including those who complained about eggs being too expensive,or the "macho men" who thought trump was such a "strong man",get something they need or want taken away (FEMA for example)THEY WILL STILL LIVE IN THAT BUBBLE OF LIES HE AND HIS CROANIES HAVE BEEEN SPREADING and not really understand what is happening to ALL of america at present..we are way past "kumbaya",and this is NOT the country of the 60's or 70's or even reagans 80's..by the way..i tried calling my senators and congressmen to no avail..phone numbers given either ring and ring with no answer,or they are busy..i tried e mails,and one sentator conveniently on his "support me" website,does not have an e mail address listed!..unfortunately,i live in a mostly republican run state and both senators and congreesmen are from the MAGA trump group..!

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Now is the time to join the protests. There is one tomorrow at the Federal Building where Musk and his Muskrats have their cots and working overtime to get all ---everyones ss number and bank account#. I watched TV AND HEARD THIS GOOD BIT OF NEW S.

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The MAGA idiots don't answer their phones or list an e-mail. Our Congress has been very hard to contact anyone anymore. They don't want to be contacted. It doesn't matter what party they belong too.

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That's how the MAGA Trump groups operate. Trying to contact those idiots is impossible. They don't answer their phones. They shut down as much of civilized government as is possible. The libraries all over the country will be closed due to budget cuts. They will shut down health departments that help those who are indigent. They make life hell for all the local people. They did it in Sequim Washington and are still being jerks in Redding, California. Sequim managed to take back their local government offices by people knocking on doors and finally banding together to vote out all the stupid MAGA idiots. And Redding, California is trying to get rid of them. They are evil people.

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Here’s the sequence

2029 - 2036: Vance

2037 - 2044: Rubio

2045 - 2052: Stephen Miller

2053 - 2060: Baron Trump

I think you get the picture. The democrats keep doubling down every election on running against Hitler and fascism. By 2045 the Republican super majority in the house is + 175. In the senate it’s 90 - 10. There is no Democratic Party left. For the 2048 campaign, the left has to create a new party, and it’s called the “common sense FDR party”. They run on common sense, borrowing a theme from 24 years past when Donald Trump shocked the world. This actually works and the FDR party gains back a few seats on both sides but the WH republican domination remains. By 2068, the FDR party finally wins the senate by 1 seat. They do this by making wholesale changes. Here’s the changes:

No more abortion politics.

They finally throw away the climate scam after 50 years of fear mongering.

They quit lying. New motto - Truth hurts

They nominate a candidate that can formulate sentences.

Year 2100 - FDR party wins the White House on a center left agenda.

Worldwide sanity is restored. FDR party takes over the US with all wars stopped, colonial mars, peace and prosperity for all.

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I don't know what you're smoking, popping, or vaping, but it isn't working for me. Just wander off to a comfortable spot somewhere and sleep it off. Hope you feel better after awhile, sugar. Oh, my.

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yes, i think he ran off into some pastures of his own design. But I also think your patronizing doesn't help much either - telling someone to sleep off things you think are wrong, or calling them "sugar", isn't an argument either. When someone is trying to be on our side of things, even if they may be wildly off the mark, I find it best to try to help them be on our side, rather than blow them off. N'cest pas?

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i am guessing sarcasm or satire in your posting?djtj by the way,jhas already hinted at running for politcal office..barron has a few more years to go as he is 18 now,but by 2053 he will be over 40!..i am not sure vance will be running because mr djt senior has announced no one will ever need to vote again,and he is already putting himself up as a monarch!none of it is funny,and we MUST find ways to get the "common mans" point across..elon musk and donald t. are playing this as if it were a video game or a game of thrones scenario,or even chess and we are the pawns!it is unreal however,that many are still not paying attention,and have the idea none of it will affect them..i have met a few by the way!with musk being given total access to the treasury department and all taxes,social security numbersetcetera that are supposed to be held securely, there,something is going on that is truly against norms and laws..

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DEM party elected new fellow to run the party. Hope he is good. He was on Rachel Maddow show and seems ok. Let's all hope so.

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Yes, I think that's the plan. Not sure if it was their plan or just a fortuitous line-up, like the capture of the Supreme Court. Trump, Vance, Johnson. Johnson is also stupid, but the fact is they have the succession line sewed up and the Democrats are pinned down -- they can't even impeach Trump without opening a bigger can of worms. In any case, Vance is shrewder, more predictable and less vulgar. That's what they are looking for, and it's their call by several portals--the 25th or impeachment (that would be interesting, the Destructionists impeaching their own poster boy), a lot of ways to make the substitution whenever they want.

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Heritage foundation, Federalist Society have some play or side play in all this it would seem as well. I hate to think it, but the Catholic church has had levers in power, sought and wielded them since A.D.

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'Some play, side play'? They are a hub, a funnel for dark money and a whole lot of other things. They are why Barrett is on the Supreme Court. Nothing side about them, their right in the middle of things.

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You know that 6 of the Supreme Court justices are Roman Catholic, right? Sotomayor is the only one who has decent values. The rest (Thomas, Alito, Roberts, Kavanaugh and Coney-Barrett), well... let's say that they are mostly part of the problem ☹️

Gorsuch was raised Catholic, but is now Episcopalian; Brown-Jackson is a non-denominational Protestant; Elena Kagan is Conservative Jewish.

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They're the authors of P2025. They are the ones who got all of this started, recruited most if not all of the major players, and will be the ones to reap most of the profits (literally) from the coming Depression. They ARE the oligarchy that will be our shadow government. Oh, they did model a great deal of this on what the RC church did in Europe during the Dark Ages and so-called Period of Enlightenment. Most definitely so, when the Popes actually ruled all of Europe and kings and queens had to go to Rome to get permissions for marriages and the popes had mistresses with all the accompanying children that needed to be married off into various noble families. (People really should read up on the Church's history with sex scandals. This current thing with covering up pedophilia is rather mild comparatively speaking.)

Barrett and Thomas are on the Protestant side of things. Bill Barr is on the RC side of the Church's involvement as is Sam Alito. Very radical side of the religious side of beliefs. That wall should never be breached. Things get way too complicated way too fast.

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Please do not bring religion into this debacle. Admittedly, Trump and his cronies are not Christian. They do not even come close. That is evidenced by their behavior. I am Catholic, and know for a certainty, that the many Catholics that I know, despise Trump and the others, that claim to be Christian but do not live or act as such.

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Feb 3Edited

Hope and others of Catholic faith: Please forgive my bluntness if you can. I have a lifetime of friends of faith, Catholic and otherwise. My reference, clumsily done, is to * 'splinter' groups, Opus Dei, etc., etc., that may be 'extremist splinters.' As well, knowing you to be well educated via reading past comments from you, I'm certain you're aware of some of the ancient histories involving some early Catholic sects. I've read your comments many times and value it always. I mean nor doubt anything regarding main stream Catholics and feel certain you are good person of faith and intent. I pray this labor of mine is helpful to understand and perhaps forgive my clumsiness.

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Well, go watch "Bad Faith" documentary. There Trump claims to be a Christian. The so-called Christian Right is nothing but a bunch of thugs. They do not adhere to the word of God and what the Bible teaches as to how we are supposed to be good to each other. This nation was never founded on religion. Our founding fathers didn't want America to be theocracy. They even said so. Separation of Church and State. The Conservatives want to push their religion down everyone's throats. And continue with their non-stop lies. And Trump was groomed to run for President by them to bring in their Heritage Foundation rotten politics. They are a bunch of Nazi Fascist Pigs! And I bet they came to this country following World War 2, under Operation Paper Clip. The Bush dynasty came here under that secretive Operation Paper Clip, which was to protect certain Nazi's that this governments leadership happened to like.

They brought 3,000 of them to this country.

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The Catholic Church has always been about GREED. POWER and CONTROL!! Christianity has always been this way!! Christianity has always been a "SERVANT RELIGION!" The laity is/was a SERVANT" to the Church Hierarchy to gain HEAVEN!! Most "CHRISTIANS" are clueless about what Christianity was supposed to be! I'll stop now!1 BTW: I was baptized at 14 months in the Methodist church! so by definition I'm a Protestant Christian but,.........

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That's very nice, except that the Bible has Jesus himself forbidding even the apostles - let alone anyone else - to lord it over anyone or exercise authority over them. So the problem is not Christianity, but mind-blowing hypocrisy.

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Trump didn't win by a landslide. He won by about 1% of the vote. And he has pulled from Congress members of his own Republican Party to fill his positions. That increases the Democrat Power in Congress. And there are some Republicans who don't like him in Congress. All it takes is two-thirds vote in the House of Representatives to impeach Trump. And while they are at it, they need to file impeachment against Vance as well. But I fear it won't happen.

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those details don’t matter much anymore. When you give a Mad King unlimited power and hand them the keys to your democracy, all those reliable ‘normal times’ devices become useless. 2/3 is already a very high bar, and we will only have a Congress as long as the Mad King finds it useful to pretend we live in some kind of democracy. When it no longer serves his interest, he will get rid of that too.

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I know that Trump won by only one percent. Yes, he was dumb enough to pull Republicans from Congress, narrowing the Republican majority. He is also alienating other Republicans. He can try to play, to the far right Christians, all he wants. However, no one will be better off focusing on religion. Religion must be set aside in order for all people to fight against him. There is no theocracy here, only a very real threat to our freedoms.

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When JD Vance was picked as Trump's running mate, my first thought was that Vance was his insurance policy. Picture this: Those of us who'd like to see DJT's demise, and Vance becoming spoiler-in-chief, would then become nostalgic for the days of rage and Big Macs. Vance is more dangerous than Trump because he's literate, can string more than four words together in a sentence, and appears to not have had mistresses lurking, nor a shotgun marriage. I really do weep for our country.

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Only the always self-interested Trump has already protected himself from being 25'd by stocking his cabinet with utter loyalists, regardless of their qualifications for their posts.

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The utter loyalists are the ones he needs to fear most. They are the ones who can get closest, who can command his utmost trust. He really can't win. Like Claudia and Louis "stopping" Lestat. (I'm rewatching IWTV as comic relief these days). Who are his Claudia and Louis?

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I don't think a single one of his Cabinet picks would ditch him for Vance. He didn't pick the best and the brightest--he picked opportunists and ideologues--the ones who publicly supported him even when he was at his lowest popularity after J6.

In all their confirmation hearings, they've all made it clear that their main focus is to support whatever Trump wants, not to think or act independently.

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That's okay. Because when Trump goes down and all those lawsuits hit him in court, his loyalists will turn on him. That entire Administration already has 3 lawsuits filed against them for violating the U.S. Constitution.

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That's correct, but like Adolf, it was precisely those people who plotted to kill him.

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Congress can invoke the 25th Amendment if they deem fit. It was done in past history by Congress. The 25th Amendment has been invoked 6 times.

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I don’t think Vance has the same pull as trump.

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You're right, he doesn't.

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Better looking is subjective. JDV has zero personality, however. TFG has some weird charisma that connects to the rabble. I think TFG will be the face they stand behind until he is too far gone to appear in public. JDV and Musk and Miller, maybe Bannon, are the men running every evil behind the curtain.

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If they invoke the 25th. I doubt that invoking the 25th will happen. But the truth is Congress has enough power at this time to impeach him. Allowing Elon Musk to access files that require a top-secret clearance is serious. For one thing the man is an illegal citizen and not even confirmed by Congress to be doing anything. What is wrong with Congress????

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too much is wrong with congress at present..in all honesty,they had the solid facts to impeach djt a few years back, and that went away because of one man and his semi control in the senate,mitch mconnell..then secondly,the scotus having been overtaken for mr trump by his appointees,also pushed by the heritage foundation and again,mitch mconnell..they (the republicans) have all given over their brains to the MAGA ideas,and of course,their own selfish reasons for reelection..until and unless those elected officials come to their senses and recognize djt and mr musk are going all around legalities and the power THEY are supposed to have,that water will continue to flow under the bridge..people are forgetting elon musk is NOT elected,and is being allowed to enact things,such as his raid on the treasury and getting access to information on funding and the soc.sec. numbers and tax information of millions of americans..if you cant attend a peaceful protest on many of the things going on,at least attempt to call,write,e mail or text YOUR local senators in washington d.c. as well as your YOUR state representatives in the house!!we know djt should be impeached for his ignoring the laws and the constitution..we all know he wont be..we also know those who voted for him may NOT be aware inactuality of what he is doing with a bit of "cloak and dager"..

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And Donald r is the one who sold him to his father!

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Perhaps, red, but someone like t. is essential to be the clown and to give the disenfranchised and lower earners of the public a fake superhero to idolize. He is the frontman for sleaze and was one since way before his phony 'apprentice' gig. When he goes may the mirage he created go with him.

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As for the callous and shrewd forward thinkers, I suspect that they will be strung up

by their thumbs by their screwed cash providers before two more terms are up.

Events are accelerating at a pace lesser only than that of total war.

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disagree. I could argue the case in detail, but haven't the time just now. Maybe read what i've said a little more closely? The clown got them what they needed when all the other things were lined up and ready. Clown is not necessary now. Once you've got the reins, you don't need that, it's all yours for the taking. What they need is someone predictable and less vulgar. And that is coming, I'm pretty certain. It's in their playbook.

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I think you're overlooking one important point, Red. Trump now holds all the power, with the blessing of the Supreme Court to do what he wants, and he has always had only one focus--protecting himself and promoting his self-interest. None of his Cabinet picks is likely to gainsay him on anything, much less 25 him.

We saw in his first administration that a lot of people in the power structure thought they could control him from behind the scenes--and they all wound up under the bus.

Trump has been studying the dictator's playbook all his life. He may ramble and do outrageous things, but he's far from a clown. He's cunning and he knows what he wants and how to get it.

We underestimate him at our own risk.

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There's a big difference between the sycophants who do his bidding and those who are actually in charge (most of whom are in shadows and we have no idea). Yes, it comes from the puppet's mouth, but I'm pretty sure he isn't in charge -- this is way out of his league. He was useful to play the grand messiah, but his unpredictability and vulgarity will get him replaced. When they don't need him, they will dump him, and there are many ways to do that.

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The first administration was a clumsy practice run. And trump and his “picks” (wrecking-crews) are not in charge. They are tolerated for awhile. This too shall pass, and you won’t like what comes after it, not at all.

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“They” needed an egotistical idiot and found one. He’s a pawn and a puppet, plain and simple. If he tries to do anything on his own, “they’ll find a way” to stop him.

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he's unpredictable, stupid and vulgar, which is what they don't need. They also don't need a cult messiah who does have some juice to bully even his handlers. I figure they will get rid of him at their convenience. That they can do.

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You may be correct, red, but in my short life I will never give the oligarch class credit for that which they have ripped off, not earned. This attitude must come from my sturdy working class roots and immigrant stock. I don't have the time to run the list of criminal CEO's who have left me a sack air for my labors.

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If something I said made you think I was giving them credit, other than being shrewd, smart and callous, I didn't intend to. I don't underestimate them either.

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Agreed. And this demonstrates what a crappy bunch so many of his maggots are. Probably born to people who never wanted kids in the first place. Which is all the more reason for abortion rights. Years ago I looked at the noticeably flat head of Roger Stone and thought this was a baby who was neglected. (Babies' heads get flat when they are not turned in their cribs, and his is extreme.)

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Correct but understandable. What parent would want Roger Stone/

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Republicans are not going to find their balls I’ve come to believe. We need to believe what we’re seeing.

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If it comes to taking him out, I'm pretty sure that only a woman could get the necessary access to him...

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That is how I see the outlines of the larger picture red, and have for some time; I've always seen tffg, now the cfg, as a tool of others. And those 'others' never wanting their fingerprints associated and will never, choosing ever to conceal themselves. Perhaps I amuse myself with my imagination; The known's as dots to connect.

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If Donald is out of the equation, do you think Vance will be any better?

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No. In many ways Vance will be worse.

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He will be more predictable to his handlers, less vulgar, shrewder and more callous. That may well be their idea of "better" and reason to get rid of Trump. He's a loose cannon on the deck and waists a lot of energy feeding his ego. So yes, I think Vance will be better for them, and a lot worse for us.

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Vance? Much worse (if such a thing is imaginable) Vance is smarter, shrewder and plays with some very dangerous cards. Our vulgar clown of a Mad King, doesn’t believe in anything but himself — a run of the mill narcissistic, with delusions of grandeur. Vance, now he’s a believer. He has an agenda, he knows what he wants, and its not just for himself. A believer is far more dangerous than an unpredictable loose cannon. That’s what makes it so difficult. It’s not just the capture of the three branches, its the triumvirate that has locked up the chain of succession. That make things far more difficult.

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"Trump isn't even an important character in this script." YES!!! SHOUT IF FROM THE ROOFTOPS!!!

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Scariest thing I’ve read yet!

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Who are the puppeteers behind him?

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The obvious ones are those billionaires, Project2025 architects, a few others whose names are known and pull strings. But I think there are some in the shadows whose names we don’t know, and may never know. I’m not speaking ‘conspiracies’ or ‘evil cabals’ here. It’s a whole other level of some who have their hands on the real levers of power. You can’t even call them ‘sociopaths’ or ‘evil’. The words don’t apply. They know who each other are, but I don’t think they even communicate very often. To them, things like wars, pandemics, mass starvation, countries rising and falling, despotic or democratic are just details, effects of their agenda which they let others, more visible actors manage. China, Russia, USA, it all makes no difference to them, just pieces on the board. Black, white, women, men, Democrats, Republicans, all just effects of large-scale structures we’re not even aware of. Not sure how true my thesis is, but enough to keep me wondering about it. Plausible, I’d say, after a long review of history.

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I kind of agree with you. And I love Madame Defarge. Knit one, purl one.

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And it may be a woman who will be his undoing...

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Oh, I certainly hope it's always a woman!

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Somehow that talk about Mme Defarge got me thinking that there are certain remedies for which only a woman would be able to get the necessary access...

Indeed, on a broader scale, AOC said something quite interesting recently about the shocking incompetence in this administration which means that, as she puts it, "opportunities are everywhere" to bring about his downfall.

However, I am skeptical about foreign entities. The problem with them is that they may or may not have our best interests at heart. They may or may not be fighting on behalf of democracy in the United States...

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No "may" in that equation.

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melania could push him out a window. isn't that what her trainer does?

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I think she has to get orders from Putin before she can do that. He is his useful idiot.

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JD Vance is described as a "chameleon" by his Yale Law classmate who knows him extremely well. Good interview by Don Lemon.

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I agree. I must learn how to knit.

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Karma. These people don’t look beyond tomorrow to see what will be waiting for them when they have to answer for this life.

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not sure they will have to answer, or there is anything or anyone they have to answer to. Nice to believe, but not necessarily good to eat. Could be what you see is what there is. In any case, it is what we must deal with. All the rest is beyond our control.

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Agreed, but if we are to believe they are the God-fearing men they profess to be, then I’m sure they will see the light some day. Or burn in a special corner of Hell, as they say. Or their next life will be on the receiving end of the vial hatred they spew. But I’m afraid you’re correct in that they don’t believe in anything but the almighty dollar and they are going to party in this one and only life while they can.

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‘God-fearing’ is not a word in their vocabulary. The prospect of future punishment don’t bother them at all. Dark Ages typically last about a thousand years. The $ is an obsolete idea. It i really a homonym for power, that’s all it is.

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Norah you hit the nail on the head! 47 and his goons will be gone in short order. As you say he has pissed off people all over the world. Many despots like him have come to very bad ends. When it happens and it surely will he won't see it coming. He is the consummate idiot!!

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yes, but who/what replaces him is an unknown and perhaps not what we think it will be. Gotta take things as they come.

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Something to look forward to!!

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Good words! Thank you! Easy to get caught up in the awful.

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No he is not digging his grave. Well, ultimately, maybe. But long before that, baby, he's digging YOUR grave. Our grave. NIP IT IN THE BUD!

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ConOld won’t be president for long. We will have President Vance, because they’re going to “86” ConOld, by using the 25th Amendment against him. ConOld is going to do it all on his own (well, with musk leading him), everything ConOld does, is counting for the 25th Amendment against him.

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My feeling they will implode within eventually . The Democrats have to regroup , name a new candidate and start campaigning now! Enough of the nicey nicey !!!

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They may implode, but the question is, who will fill that vacuum? At the moment, I don't see anything on the progressive side in a position to do that. They are much to busy climbing over each other to be on top. That doesn't look like a plan to fill a pothole.

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Thank you Norah! I love your attitude.

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I can only think of the last few minutes of Sadam Hussein, Hitler, Khadaffi, and others when I see this guy's horrible narcissistic face. And this most ugly wife of his? Grab her by his favorite. I hope their life is horrid and very short.

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Feb 2
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That is OK

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My MAGA sister hung up on me when she questioned my George Orwell quote I put on FB. They don’t want to hear anything that is contrary to their narrative. They think Republicans walk on water. This is no longer about parties. It is about saving Democracy. These are evil people that can hide behind a party because they can take advantage of that base and naïveté.

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I suggest deleting your FB account. I did, and instead follow people of my choosing on Bluesky and Substack.

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I keep mine. I hate FB for a lot of reasons. But it is still the best platform there is for real ongoing discussion and exchanges of ideas. What is missing is some open source folks to gives us a platform which we can tailor to our needs and reflects who we are, not who it wants us to be to attract its advertisers and echo the ideas of its leaders. I've tried to interest Mozilla in doing that, but no response. Still its what we need. Until then, FB is the tool I've got, so I use it.

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I'm still on FB and I have a Bluesky account. Deactivated Twitter early in December.

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I tried to deactivate twitter but not sure if I only achieved put on hold status

It would be great if someone posted how to deactivate it

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Mark Cuban is thinking about starting a social media site that could do just that.

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I'll believe it when I see it. I'll believe it more if he actually invites us to talk about what we want, how we wish to be reflected and what kind of tools we need. I haven't heard a peep in that direction, so we'll see. I still think an open source consortium like Mozilla is the best approach.

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I've been hearing lately of this thing called BlueSky that is supposed to be a sort of alternative to Facebook for people who subscribe to democratic values. What about that?

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Bsky is good (I'm on it) but limited to 300 words. Definitely not for extended discussion, which is what I mostly engage. Also hard to really gather and have running real-time conversation or create specialized groups for focused discussions, like Substack, hard to gather together, too many clicks to sign on, find who you want, get others into the mix, etc. blah. We really need a platform different from either, a platform of our own. I don't really care about limits to perspectives or ideologies. People who are thoughtless and disruptive on fb I block immediately -- end of that. I haven't had much problem from them.

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Or... what about Telegram? I mean, it is also used by our enemies, but it does apparently have pretty good privacy...

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I don't care about "enemies" - like I said I just block them and gone! Privacy? I think we'd best get used to the fact that there is no such thing anymore, not here, not there. Nope, I think we need a platform designed for ourselves, and with real opportunity for each of us to present ourselves as we wish. Hell, the big weakness here is it doesn't permit images. No we need something better than anything that is out there now.

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I think Bluesky is a sane alternative to twitter not fb

I would love to dump fb but then I have no access to the posts that are actually useful and interesting to me. We need an alternative to fb

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It's an alternative to X.

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I’ve thought about this. I’m part of many fun groups that rely on FB for connection.

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I'm not deleting my FB or X accounts. Just paring down my use of them.

If a reputable person links to a post on X, I can follow the link and see the content. I'm not on Instagram so I can't do that.

And... I feel the need to see the bad ideas, to know something about what they are up to. "Know your enemy."

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Yes, that is good for many. For myself, I don't need any more details. I know what they are up to, and how they are up to it. I know the enemy (and it is partly ourselves')

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I'm part of (and create) serious groups that rely on fb for exchanging ideas, resources and support.

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Same! Some useful groups that have been yeeaars and feel like extended family for me

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Ditto. Thise are the first things I did to protect myself.

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I deleted fb as well and I don’t miss it at all🤷‍♀️

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My MAGA sister living in the money-sucking state of Alabama, sent me a letter blaming the female fire chief of LA, for the fires in Palisades and Altadena. Oh yes, Mayor Karen Bass was in Ghana at the time the fires broke out. I rose up like a cornered raccoon to defend California, against her felon/fox BS. We are done forever. She professes to be a Christian. When I asked for compassion, none. I will place the e-mail in my family history book. This is a Civil War and it is going on amidst families!

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Agree. It is difficult to have a conversation with them. I’ll avoid politics but they will say something. And attacking.

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I’m sorry you have to deal with this. I have similar stories. It seems many of us have relatives that have gone bat-shit crazy and rude due to their joining the Mump (Musk/Trump) cult. Blessings to you and long live those who resist!

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There’s no talking to them. Seems they are unwilling to consider any viewpoints but their own

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She needs to wait until the price of coffee increases—which it will.

trump’s tariffs will cost the average household between $1300–2600/year.

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Keep going, Mary. You are my unstoppable inspiration.

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Ditto Mr Morgan I’m so glad that there are so many of that think alike, unfortunately not enough of us voted.

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Paquale - I think the votes just weren't counted. the machines had been tampered with so they didn't count all the votes. easy enough to do for a mediocre programmer. easier with a couple hundred million to throw at the problem. know anyone who threw $250 million at that problem?

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Greg Palast made a film called Vigilantes Inc, about voting and how it most definitely affected this election. Election Truth Alliance and Smart Elections, among others are looking at questionable data. I hope it's not too late to make a difference for future. Jessica Denson- Lights On, Andrea Chalupal- Gaslit Nation making noise.

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But who in mainstream society knows or hears about this but they probably know 2000 mules. That latest report a few weeks from Palast about the number of ballots thrown out and 'real' election interference is eye popping. I found on subtask - where are the other media sources?

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MAGA people, are you finally starting to understand what you’ve unleashed on ALL AMERICANS, or do you still believe that Donold is working to make America great again? Because, here’s the thing: ALL AMERICANS will be paying the price for your poor judgement in voting for this fascist dictator. With the exception of the richest of the rich, he’s going to grind every single one of us into the ground.

YOU DID THIS. And we’re all going to get what YOU deserve.

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They don’t care. I have a good friend who says she feels like common sense has been restored to the WH now that Trump is back. She’s a good person — caring, educated, selfless. It’s baffling to me how she can think this. It’s a cult but that doesn’t make it any easier to accept. MAGA won. We lost. We’re fucked. Get used to it…..

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I am curious, what was not common sense before? Some people believe in too much government, no government or not enough. I personally think no government is nonsensical. As long as it acts on behalf for the people and notto a select few without imposing their values without choices.

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I know, right?! But, unfortunately, that doesn’t make it any easier for those of us who knew what was coming. Sigh…

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Isn't the proper term for Maga people.....Maggots?

They are creepy and yucky........parasites.

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Myself, I prefer to call them cockroaches, led by the giant orange cockroach. No useful purpose except to be squashed, devouring what they can reach and defecating all over our nation.

Haven't come up with a name for the followers of a tangerine tumor... tots? DumbOld Hump's little Dumbell Schlumps.

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You’re going to find out, MAGA. I’m sorry for the hell you’re going to go through, but you brought this on yourself!

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they won't feel it until the money stops coming. which apparently it will soon now that elon has the checkbook at Treasury.

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Feb 2Edited
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Vanessa - do you read the news? do you understand that elon has access now to the Treasury Dept? that's the dept that disperses payments to social security, medicare, payrolls, contractors, defense spending, everything that gets paid by our gov't goes through treasury. (that's where the money is, the treasury).

do you read the news? do you understand the the CDC is forbidden now from informing us of impending pandemics, or planning for them?

do you read the news? did you hear about the air collision at ronnie reagan airport?

do you understand that 1 air traffic controller was doing the already stressful job of 2, because the republican party won't fund recruitment and training for an aging and dispirited workforce of air traffic controllers?

do you read the news? do you understand that an astonishing amount of aging infrastructure (highways, bridges, waterways, ports,)is being repaired/rebuilt through the Inflation Reduction Act? it won't be obvious for a few years because those are all major projects. but that injects money and jobs into our economy, and good infrastructure is vital for a robust economy. what exactly are you talking about when you say the last four years were disastrous? i'm really curious.

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Oh yeah, Vanessa? Get back to me in a few months and tell me how much better your life is under this new regime (if your honeymoon phase even lasts that long).

Trump has never — and will never — care about you. Weren’t you listening when he told his base at his Vegas rally last fall that he didn’t care about them, and that all he wanted was their vote? Wake up, girl!


What MAGA people need to understand is that Democrats — despite everything you’ve been told! — are NOT your adversaries. We’re only human beings who are trying to improve the lives of ALL Americans, regardless of their political ideologies or any other perceived differences. But, unfortunately, many conservatives are literally their own worst enemies who would never consider working with their “enemies” across the aisle to improve their own lives.

Please, when you begin to understand what’s really going on (and that it’s not going to be what you had hoped for), take a stand for the United States of America, which has taken a stand for ALL of its citizens for 199 years come July. This democratic “experiment“ of ours is far too precious to let die after all this time and effort.

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He is the darkness, we are the light. They are the monsters, we are the angels. Please help my partner and my family after she was fired from her civil service job focused on diversity, equity, and inclusion - the good in us: https://democracydefender2025.substack.com/p/dei-public-servant-fired

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So sorry. It's so unfair.

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Yes. Trump is the monster. But the blame is on Dr. Frankenstein for creating him. The blame is on the people who chose to rule in hell by taking us all down with them. The greedy. The deplorables. The morons.

This great experiment of democracy is salvageable. I don't think this union is. We need to cut out the cancer and free ourselves from it.

We need to leave those rat bastards in the dust and go our own way without them. Now!

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Exactly how do you suggest this happen? Two countries, red and blue? Good luck with that--unlike during the Civil War, when geography, industry and land use bound people together ideologically, today people with all sorts of ideologies and backgrounds live everywhere.

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You're absolutely right. I don't have an answer. Its not an easy problem to solve. I think the first step would be to do what the far right has been suggesting for a while now, decentralize government control. Essentially reform as a confederation of states bound together for mutual defense with total autonomy at the state level. People would then stop fighting over control of the federal government as it would be far less important and instead fight over state control. People would then have more varied choices of the states they want to live under.

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I agree. But who would pay my social security if separated from federal government?

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Well. My original hope was to make those other people secede. But that didn't work out like I'd hoped. My new hope is to devolve power back to the states including social security. So hopefully we would get our social security from our state.

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That’s good since I live in CA. But we know that breaking up the states would make Putin happy, so not sure that would be so great. I’m tired of the good old boys who need their white supremacy.

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Minnesota is the latest state wishing to join Canada........

Every red state hates the west coast of America.......?????

Why do they bail out and support the Maggot breeding grounds??

Throw 2025 right back into their racist faces!!!!

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Remember, there are millions of liberals who live in red states and, for various reasons, can't relocate. Just because a state went red in the Electoral College doesn't mean that everyone is ideologically in lockstep. Same for blue states.

Plus many states are purple and flip back and forth between Dems and GOP.

So it's not productive to generalize about the people in any state.

For instance, I'm in Florida, considered to be one of the reddest states. But when you look at the actual number of registered voters, you'll see that there are plenty of Dems--4.5 million, compared with 5.6 million Republicans and 3.7 million with no party affiliation.

And Canada is not the liberal sanctuary that some Americans think it is. The right-wing media, including social media, has been spreading its gospel for years there, too--to the point that Trudeau resigned as the head of the Liberal Party there three weeks ago, and a Conservative Party candidate is heavily favored to win in the next federal election.

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Totally understand about the swing states. That is the way is should be. The Electoral College really has to go. Any excuse for keeping it is BS. Most votes in any election wins....full stop.

Trump is generalizing, and being very cruel about it. He constantly attacks the Blue states of America.........If he does kill democracy, they should split away from him.

In the Canadian situation, Poilliever is slipping in the polls a bit.

His whipping boy Justin is gone........he has no platform or policy.

We have had right wing governments, but they respect the social programs.

The positive effect of the Trump tariffs could be a total backlash aginst

a conservative government.

US right wing think tanks feed the Fraiser Institute with all that extremist bull shit and it has warped meny peoples minds.

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I hope the tariffs do create a backlash against the conservatives. We'll see,

I hope the opposite doesn't happen and Canadians decide they want a bloviating strongman too.

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Canadian here: Polievre is far too weak to deal with Trump and his minions. I’m putting my money on a revitalized Liberal Party with Mark Carney at it’s head. He’s a very savvy guy.

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California secession sounds so good.

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Mary, I was watching "Nefarious" for a second time today (actually going to finish the last 20 minutes---it's taken most of the day, on and off, because it is so painful to watch). Told myself to listen to some music and opened your post here. Talk about synchronicity. I had forgotten about Anderson's work. So needed right now! Love her music, too (except for the same way you mentioned). Hit the spot, as they say. Like you, I keep promising myself to get a turntable. I am 70, a Veteran and quite disabled, but I never stop fighting the good fight. Have read your books and have to say, a lot of us are kindred souls. Bless your ❤️, from the Universe!

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Once again, it's Mary to the rescue 🛟 I've always wondered, when you knew you were going to be "Leading the Charge" (so to speak) against your ungodly uncle and his minions? I've read your books and know your family's history, but, you have established yourself as the only sane, grounded and intelligent member of the Trump clan, and hope you know how incredible you are to so many. Thank You, and will reStack ASAP 💯👍

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Let’s not pussyfoot around this with nice music: a coup detat is happening right now. Elon Musk’s goon squad has control of the US Treasury payment system and has shut out federal employees. That’s monstrous, all right.

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Thank-you! Is it not driving you nuts that they are getting away with all this???

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WHEN DID MUSKRAT shut out the Federal Employees. I have not heard that. Tell us where you got that info.

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When the senior federal employees wouldn't leave and wouldn't take their buyout, the very next day Elon and his cronies locked them all out of the computer system. And, the day after that he took control of the largest financial system in the world... OURS!!

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As Mario Savio said back in the '60's, "The time comes when you have to put your hands on the gears of the machine." That time has come again. We must fight, and as Mary so accurately put it, fight against those powering the machine. I'm talking the billionaires, Musk, Bezos, Zukerberg, and others that give him money to intimidate and crush the opposition.

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And those fcukers literally pay NO taxes.

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Dearest Mary, I don't know how to thank you for all you've done and are doing for us with your eloquent words of support and empathy. No one knows better than you the extent of the evil and harm this monster has done to your family and now to our country. Just know that we empathize with you, as well. We share your pain as you share ours. We are with you - altogether.

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Any comments on what he is doing to Canada right now?

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Feb 2Edited

Considering MAGA doesn’t fully understand how tariffs work, they won’t understand the trade war currently underway. I hate what Trump is doing to Canada, Mexico and multiple other countries. How he’s treating our allies is disgraceful and unacceptable.

No one blames Canada, Mexico, etc for protecting their people. Why did Trump start this?

Come on Canada and Mexico!

Squeeze trump from the north and south!

The USA backs you, not Trump!

It's time to wear these kinds of tee shirts the next four years 👇


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Canada and Mexico will retaliate with their own tariffs and other measures to protect their own economies, which will give the right-wing media an opening to blame them for the inflation and recession we're almost sure to experience. Swift-boating whole countries, making them seem like the enemies to his fans. Trump may also use this as an opening to invade one or both countries--since he's populating our whole government with toadies this time around, there will be no one to stop him or criticize his plans.

Because no other country can stand up to the US war machine, I think he'll also seize the Panama Canal, treaties be damned, and perhaps invade Greenland, too.

His lapdog Congress will go along.

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Trudeau just announced he'll retaliate with 25% tariffs on American goods, and Sheinbaum said she'll impose tariff and non-tariff measures, too.

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Just so you know we Canadians are furious and afraid. Although it is not entirely clear what the Trump endgame is, I believe he wants to destroy our economy, wait until we cry uncle and annex us. T says now that he will raise the tariffs higher if we retaliate. Most of us are now making sure we stop buying US products, and stop vacationing in the US. Many friends have cancelled trips. Many snowbirds in Florida are selling their condos and moving home.

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I did live in Fl. in the winter season. I got to know many Canad ians and became friends. Liked all that I met. Do not blame any for selling their homes. I sold mine. FL is not the same since he REp took over. Cost went up on every thing.

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My heart aches this dangerous idiot is back agin. How many more boxes of records will he take this time. He wants to punish those that don’t see his way and dictatorship. I think the world would be a better place if he tried to clean his lungs like he said we should do. I have Never liked T. He is so far below what is expected of a leader. I wish I could put what is in my heart! I pray the Universe will take care of it for us all. I wish he could see life through the eyes of those that are common. Im relying on Meals on Wheels for helping me with food I can’t afford to buy. If I didn’t have Medicare I would be dead. Why punish the elderly and disabled ad I am both. God Bless America. Please open the eyes of those that voted and help them see the truth. Jodyinutah a very red state.

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And the lying slime campaigned on no more wars.

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He is way more pissed off at Mexico. Hence the 10% tariffs for Canada and 25% for Mexico. FYI folks. I am not living in Mexico anymore but I lived there for 20 years. I am livid about how the MAGAts are applauding ICE right now. And ICE is in my community which is 47% Latino and in Santa Barbara County. That’s California. Mary, thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

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He’s put 25% tariffs on Canada! Your best trading partner. Canada stood by the usa after 9/11, went to war in Afghanistan, Korea, ww2 against fascists… it is disgustingly that he’s throwing away all the goodwill. The most disgusting and despicable way to treat an ally. He’s alienating all former allies. He doesn’t want yo work with us at the border to stop fentanyl or illegal migrants. It was never about that anyway. He wants to invade us through economics. Canadians are really angry about this and are ready to fight to defend our beloved country. Anti-Americanism is growing very quickly. We feel betrayed!

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Funny he keeps mentioning fentanyl, and not the cocaine we can all see his son and namesake is addicted to.

I don't blame Canadians for being angry, However, looks like lame duck Trudeau is going to be replaced soon by a more right-leaning person, which may change the whole dynamic between our governments. Trump is cozying up to strongmen dictators around the world, because that's what he admires and wants to be.

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The premiers are fully aligned with Trudeau. Trudeau is still our Prime Minister and he and his cabinet, and all true Canadians are standing united against that American monster.

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The worst thing people can do is give in to a bully. He will just be back for more and more. Stand firm Canada.

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And yet Trudeau resigned three weeks ago as Liberal Party leader, and the frontrunning candidate for the next federal election is Conservative Party leader Pierre Poilievre.

Canada also has been infected by the right-wing media virus, which I think is primarily responsible for the infection running rampant now in the US.

That media will find a way to stoke division and hate, and create scapegoats for the cult to hate, just like it has here.

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We, as Americans feel betrayed also. Most of us did not vote for all this garbage. Canada is our neighbor and welove neighbors. TRump is the one doing all this dan gerous stuff, not average citizens. We cannot stop all this so easy.. JUst voteout all the REP. and officials next time around if we are still a country.

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Ann, the 10% tariff is against China (probably because all the crap he sells gets made there). Canada gets 25%, except for gas, which is 10%, and Mexico gets the full 25%.

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25% for Canada

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We Canadians are unitiing coast to coast as the Orange dictator blindsides democracy

We will respond to this demon from below.


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Canada is paying some red states back for the POS kick in the ass.

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Mary, I am a huge fan of yours and enjoy your appearances on TV. My nickname for your uncle is "Agent Orange" (AO) because of (1) his phony Complexion: (2) his acting like an Agent of the Kremlin; and (3) his overall Toxicity, like the Defoliant. Something you said at the top of your column--how there could not be a worse Lab Creation-- echoes something I have mused to my friends and family (who all hate HIM) for years: If a modern day Dr. Frankenstein wanted to create a Humanoid Monster today with all of the worst attributes known to man, AO would clearly fit the bill. I hope and pray that the Courts will act as Guardrails to help save our Democracy and that enough GOPers in the House and Senate will join Dems as a Firewall to frustrate his efforts to destroy this great nation of ours.

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thanks Mary. Your thoughts are mine, too. Keep it up. My hero.

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When someone asked the moron what he thought folks were going to think of higher prices due to the tariffs, he said the people will understand. What people? Not me and millions more like me. My blood ran cold because the threat was there that they better like it, or else!

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Canadians are reeling at the betrayal. A tariff war will hurt people in both countries. We didn’t get a chance to vote for the pompous twit but we’ll be feeling the effects of his unhinged power. We hate him because the fallout will cause tremendous pain (but of course I know the pain in the point).

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I just imagined swarms of magats invading the WH and rending their former savior...

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That was a really amazing and powerful article. Really. Thank you.

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Truly it was.

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