You are so right!!! Your uncle is the real “garbage man”! No disrespect to the real waste management personnel, but he is vile, narcissistic, misogynistic, nasty, and all the unhealthy words that I can think of that I cannot post in order to make sure that we never see your uncle again in politics, we must vote BLUE all the way down the ticket!!!

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He’s the garbage collector. At the back is his MAGAs. Makes perfect sense and is probably the most truthful thing Trump has done in his entire life.

Trump is RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT and has called those of us supporting his opponent, "garbage", "evil", "sick" and more. He's threatening us with the US military, which is illegal.

MAGAs need to shut up about Biden. No one with an once of sense doesn't see their hypocrisy!

When facts don’t dictate your thought, and the lies of a single individual do, you’re in a cult. The Republican party no longer exists, it is simply the MAGA cult.

That's why I enjoy wearing these kinds of shirts in front of Trumpers 👇


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Mine has never arrived 🙁 whatta scam. My money…gone.

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He's not a "garbage man". He is a man who is garbage himself.

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Real waste management people are good people, hard workers, very faithful to get their job done.

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What Donald said about Harris's people being 'scum' and 'garbage', he's talking about the half of us who don't take sustenance out from his backside, the grossest insult to Americans' intelligence. His rhetoric has hit absolute zero.

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Global Pain —

Global Suicide occurs ongoing and becomes particularly high when human beings, so distraught by depravity and selective social justice INEQUITIES, reach the point of hopelessness.

When my older Sister died by suicide it was toxemia from drinking cleaning fluids 20 years AFTER our Father raped her (it was not the 1st time). He killed her gentle, 11 yr-old spirit. It was 1968; I woke up in the middle of the night to see his body, fully naked and planked out over her. He was moaning. She was listless. I was almost 9 years old. I told my Mother what I saw. It was confirmed later at the hospital. At the police station my mother took us out of there after about 30 minutes of painful questioning. My father received no consequence.

Suicide is a heart attack of the soul, aching to be free of a pain that can’t be erased or well-managed. I miss you, Jenny.

PLEASE, America, STOP RAPE & Sexual Assault culture!

Amend Presidential Eligibility —

No sexual predators (Trump & Billy on the Access Hollywood Bus Tape) need apply.


Infinite Hope & Gratitude,

Major Reneé Marie, Retired Reserve '17 (RESIGNED)

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How heartbreaking for your sister and for you. Thank you for this important reminder of the consequences of sexual assault and another reason we must defeat the perpetrator running in this election.

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Eveey time I see the orange one, I feel sexually assaulted all over again. He's been on my "predator alert" for years.

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So sorry.

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And still, we share resilience & resolve — without apology

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I don't know how one recovers from seeing something as horrible as what you saw, and the losses that entails. I hope you have good, solid friends and a good life all these years later.

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I truly think his daughter Ivanka was a victim of his. I watch how he touches her. She doesn't try to get away but I don't think it still going on, I just think she has made him pay in dollars and cents.

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What if everyone who gave my post above a Like, hit the url and signed my petition to Amend Presidential Eligibility! I know it’s not perfect but it’s a start… Let’s get the Draft Bill to Congress


No sexual predator presidents (Trump’s Access Hollywood Bus Tape) https://sign.moveon.org/petitions/presidential-eligibility-1

Infinite Gratitude,

Major Reneé Marie

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A Warrior’s Battlefield/s/;

The Family, The Foxhole, The White House

We’re inching closer to the 2024 presidential election. WE tremble!

Thank you so much for your time and consideration of this important issue.




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I take great comfort in receiving the empathy of others — especially those whom I’ve never (and may never) met

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I am so so very sorry.

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I feel & receive your understanding and empathy, Valerie

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What a heartbreaking memory......and how brave of you to share it. Peace,


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I am so sorry you had to go through that, and that your sister didn't know she had any recourse (like therapy). I can tell you from my life experience that psychotherapy, with a trauma specialist, really works.

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Your story allows truth to shine. And compassion. We need both, now more than ever it seems. Thank you. And - I am so very sorry.

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Renee, I am so very sorry for your loss.

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So sorry, that was awful, my temper probably I would have cracked him over the head with whatever I could find.

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God bless you and your sister. She endured the most horrific thing a 11 yr old can. I was almost raped at age 6 by a trusted cousin of 16. Thank God Mom and dad pulled in the driveway and stopped the whole thing. Stupid me I never told then, my father would have killed his nephew with his bare hands. This would have been 1964. So the police was not an option. No woman or girl should ever be charged or prosecuted for being raped or molested. God Bless and carry on with a fight we just started about 10 to 20 yrs ago. I finally told my mother when I was in my 40s. I also confronted him and up until then I had been indifferent and did not think about it after that I hated him and he died when I was 50 and now I kick dirt on his grave every time I go to our family cemetery. I did not want him buried there but all his rapes and molestations had been kept from his mother. His sisters and brothers knew by then what he had done because I busted him out when I told his sister that he had molested and probably raped his own daughter because she hit the streets at age 14 to get away from him. I knew the signs. I was a nurse and learned the patterns of both. I truly hated him and have not forgiven him. I got him to ask forgiveness to his daughter. She is still messed up in the head and behaviors but tries to be normal. She said she forgave him but she couldn't get past it. I was lucky.

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OMG! I have no words for this pain. The scars are deep and split wide open each time we read of such abuse of power over others. Sexual violence is a human rights crisis— other human species is capable of stopping it! Let’s amend presidential eligibility to address this disqualifying aberrant behavior

Americans for The Greater Good

What if everyone who reads this post opens the url below, and with deep conviction, signs my petition to Amend Presidential Eligibility!


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Thank you - every time I read a reply of support, I feel a little more healing.

What if everyone who gave my post above a Like, hit the url and signed my petition to Amend Presidential Eligibility! I know it’s not perfect but it’s a start… Let’s get the Draft Bill to Congress


No sexual predator presidents (Trump’s Access Hollywood Bus Tape) https://sign.moveon.org/petitions/presidential-eligibility-1

Infinite Gratitude,

Major Reneé Marie

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I would dare say the consequence to your father was the loss of love of the females in his life. I am so sorry to hear about your sister.

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I’m glad he wore the vest. He looks excellent in orange. Hope there’s a jumpsuit in that color in his near future!

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Oh! Love that thought!

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Leave it to you , Mary, to lead a lesson for those “professionals” in the corporate media in grammar, punctuation in the English language and how to be thorough when doing their jobs. If they haven’t learned that by now it’s a little late for that now. Fortunately the election is almost here and they can’t do much more damage because 1) voting has already begun and 2) you progressives in the media are calling out EVERY time they mislead the rest of us that are paying attention. You are doing yeoman’s work during this election! Thank you!

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In regards to the voting has already begun, there was some good news reported on Twitter by Morgan Freeman. The swing states of Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin are currently showing a substantial lead by the Harris Walz ticket. We can't get complacent here but those early results are very encouraging. One again, the media fails to do its job by not reporting newsworthy info like this but instead opting to focus on a warped candidate in a garbage truck. That stumbling could've all been avoided had he used a forklift.

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Rick, have you seen pictures of 'hardhat donnie' on one of his NYC construction sites way back when? What a phony! He would have dropped a load of bricks on somebody's head!

No complacency, but the mobster media is full of(stuff).

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That's right Dennis and there's no shovel big enough to keep up with it all.

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Yes! I have an image in my mind of Dumbass being hoisted by a forklift and unceremoniously dumped into the back of a garbage truck. Good riddance to bad rubbish!!!

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Trump’s MAGA supporters are, at best, immune to his felonious, treasonous, racist, fascist, misogynistic, hateful ways. At worst, they subscribe to the same. The press makes a meal of Biden’s mistakes, but tell me WHEN will Trump ever get beaten up by the press for being the traitorous Putin-loving Nazi national security risk and convicted criminal that he is?

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The press covers him in a coat of Teflon

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I heard Sen.Warnock,GA, say, and I paraphrase his remarks, Trump is a plague on the country and all of us need time to heal from the woundedness created by this plague. A powerful step towards that healing is to vote for Freedom. He compared our vote to a prayer for the healing of our nation.

His words made an impact on me and Thought Mary's people on here would resonate to the truth of this message.

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I think highly of Senator Warnock! He speaks the truth of Christianity and I will be praying for the healing of America and (Pardon me) God Damn Trump!

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Well said, Julie.

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She gives us hope for keeping the freedoms we still have

He's the one that took them away and bragged about it

She understands real people

He doesn't understand anything.

She comes from a middle class background

He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth

She wants to help us be a nation that is united

He wants to keep us divided

She cares about other people

He only cares about himself

Who will you choose

I don't think it's a hard choice

Do you?

©️Jackie Newport August 21, 2024

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May be copyrighted but should be in the public domain. Worth repeating over and over and over…

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Thank you I do have it copywrited I have a lot of other poems too

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"He seemed very off-balance; he missed the door handle three times; his left hip glitched; and he dragged his right foot. Once he did get the door open, it almost hit him, and he was barely able to drag himself up into the passenger seat."

Speaking as a video producer who has been behind-the-scenes on hundreds of productions over 40 years, generally if one take is bad, the Director of Photography will go for a second take or a third. Can you imagine the other takes that led them to go with this one as the best take?

Also, somebody could have thought to put an apple box there for the guy to step up on and climb into the cab more easily.

Sometimes I think there's someone on his "team" who has guided him into all these strange stunts recently that backfire for the Republicans and favor the Democrats. We'll take all the "handicaps" we can get.

How a convicted felon and adjudicated rapist can be veering so close to our nuclear codes again - it's astounding and says so much about the baked-in misogyny here in the good old USA. (For anyone who doesn't know what the word "misogyny" means, it's a hatred of women.)

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I wonder the same. Is there no one who can say, your makeup is too dark today? Or, you look like an idiot in that vest? Guess not. Brilliant column today! Hits all the high points.

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I sure hope they set new guidelines for eligibility to run for POTUS and clean up the corruption of the Supreme Court.

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I agree and have said the same thing. New laws in regards. Nobody ever thought a felon would be allowed to run, thank you not SCOTUS. New laws with them too.

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I know he doesn't drink, but there is such a thing as a "dry drunk", and he has been on a bender! Seriously, his brain has been overtaxed by all the lies he's told over his lifetime and it's about to explode. He comes from alcoholism in the family and he's fought his predisposition to drink, but it can assert itself with alcoholic behavior without picking up a glass.

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Even if Biden had called all Trump supporters garbage, he would have been right and there was no need to apologize. At this point theres no denying who and what Trump is and what he represents. Fuck them all.

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Especially the useless MSM.

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He’s such a fool. Just clownishly dumb. What a disaster of a creature that thing is.

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Trump is a good reason to believe in abortion!

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Or maybe a reason to cut them off, that would prevent abortions.

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That Trump logo on the side of that garbage truck couldn’t be a more fitting image to describe him and his campaign.

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Face it, his supporters are garbage. Racist and ignorant people who won’t change the channel off FAUX NEWS for another point of view. They brashly display testicles hanging from their trucks, the silhouettes of women with large breasts, “F*ck Biden” signs everywhere. Children see these things every day. It’s disgusting, and as Hillary said, it’s deplorable. Now some of his supporters are setting fire to drop boxes, destroying other’s votes. And they don’t see anything wrong with the things they do. And what’s to come will be far worse. They refuse to accept that tRump might lose. One said he will win all 50 states. Anything less will be cheating by the Democrats, they say. And they are prepping for another January 6. Garbage and deplorable adults who act like a bunch of whiny children!

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What really pisses me off about this orange piece of scum is that he said he doesn’t like to be seen with amputees. They embarrass him. The more he talks the worse it gets. He has zero empathy for anyone. I keep thinking he has some really bad karma coming his way.

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I kept hoping to read (though obvi to no avail) an editorial regarding what your uncle hoped to accomplish by slapping his campaign sticker on the side of a garbage truck. After all, doesn't that send the message that the campaign is indeed nothing but a garbage collecting device? And that everyone involved is simply garbage being taken out?

That's the message I got from it. And if you want to know how people felt about that garbage headline on the story in the Post, just go read the comments section online.

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Uncle D looks like an Oompah Loompah in his orange make-up and orange sanitation outfit!

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What I’ve been calling him all along.

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This is what I came here to say. So very ridiculous, he must truly have no one with him who notices anymore. Gave me a good laugh, though.

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I’m hoping we can all put his trash out permanently next Tuesday. Those WaPo and NYT headlines infuriated me.

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