I am a counselor and an empath, so it is hard for me to admit that I do not have true empathy for donald trump. He is just too awful in every measurable and understandable way that I am left with nothing but hate for him.

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Trade hate for disdain and it will feel better to your mind and heart. This very wounded huMAN has me feeling beset. I resigned from the Army after the 2016 election, shocked that millions of civilians thought nothing of putting the mad monster in charge of the military. I was grateful for not losing my 20-yr retirement benefits but suffered moral injury walking away from so many comrades and my idealistic beliefs in and hopes for America— evolving into A More Perfect UNION

In some states convicted felons can’t vote but can still BE our President

Please sign & share my petition to #AMENDpresidentialeligibility




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I agree that disdain is more appropriate than hate. He is not worth hating; to hate someone is to show at least a modicum of respect for him. If he were not so evil, one might even pity him. He's a sick man.

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My go to word for that waste of oxygen is loathing.

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I feel great sadness for Trump as a 2 yr old little boy who had Noone to take care of him. It's a tragic event for his life and for all who have had to rely on him as an emotionally needy, angry, destructive 2 yr old adult.

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This is one reason why I was extremely worried and the children torn from mothers or both parents. Their development stunted will affect the adult they will become.

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Absolutely, Darlene. I have volunteered in the foster care system for14 years. Every one of those kids will have problems. That whole situation makes me livid.

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I could see what it was doing to the babies, and the children of different ages. In college I studied child development and both child and adolescent psychology. I cried and cried over it. T has negatively people. Those children have been traumatized and that trauma will be with them forever.

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Baby Trump glued all his brothers building blocks together. He deserves zero sympathy.........daddy should have been wearing a condom that night.

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Excellent argument for retroactive birth control.

Oops, did I say that??

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I had it much worse as a child, but I’m a much better person than he is; he wallows in self pity.

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I had it a lot harder, never meet my father, and my mother had me by a handful of my hair with the claw of the hammer aimed at my head, my back to the stairs on the second floor, she said she never wanted boys. My 3 sisters were given anything they wanted any time they asked. I had to fend for myself till I turned 16, then I was told to move out and could only take my clothes (salvation army clothes). I turned out a lot better than ConOld did.

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That's so sad. It reminds me of that terrible child abuse case in MI. The wife was molested by her grandpa, so she hated boys & didn't want them. Well unfortunately she had a boy & from the beginning she abused him, spanking him as a newborn, never giving him love, teaching the daughter to abuse him etc... She told her husband that she didn't want the child & wanted to adopt him out, which was the sensible thing to do, but selfishly ....he wanted a boy. So as he grew she started hurting him more, abusing him, not changing him, etc...

She threw nail polish remover in his eyes & blinded him. He had bruises all over his body, until she finally killed him. The grandmother tried to stop it & called social services to intervene, so she wouldn't allow the grandmother to see the kids very often. The son went along with all of this, until she killed him & was hauled away by the police. She went to jail, he was broken with guilt, & she was pregnant. She had to give the baby up to be adopted, along with their other daughter.


I feel like once the grandma witnessed the abuse of him as an infant, that she should've harassed/begged/pleaded with her son to please allow his wife to adopt him out, for the sake of the child. I have a hard time forgiving this, & can't fathom why the father would allow his child to be abused like this every day of his life. It's unconscionable.

I am sincerely sorry that you had to deal with a mother so mentally broken that she could do the terrible things she did to you.

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Fuhrer Fred Trump had a large household staff.; DHT grew up in a tasteless McMansion.

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Nope...2 year old trump had every option for care.

There's No Way that "2 yr old" had NO ONE to take care of him! That's bullcrap

Just like every one else in Life, shit happens.

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1. He had "every option"and you know this how? The fact that the family had money doesn't mean they spent it on anything in particular.

2. "Care" is more than being fed and clothed. Mary detailed several emotional needs of young children in her post. The meeting of those emotional needs-or not-by a consistant caregiver is crucial in the development of personality.

3. Children adopted as infants often do well. They are generally placed with people who want to parent, and therefore have their needs met. Though even some of that group struggle with identity issues. But kids who go through the foster system, or who aren't adopted until later, have very mixed outcomes. Severe behavioral problems, attachment disorders, personality disorders, criminality, developmental delays, running away, self harm, addiction... All are more common in foster kids and former foster kids. If you want a better understanding of what a lack of attachment to a caregiver in early childhood can do to a kid, look up "But He Spit in My Coffee" on Amazon, or "Raising Devon" on Facebook. To suggest kids can lose their parents and then just get new ones and live happily ever after every time is a gross oversimplification.

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Lots of wee ones with no bio-parents are still able to be adopted or placed as a foster child ~ and they usually thrive!

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As I said above, I think "usually" is incorrect. Regardless, though, Trump was left in his bio family. Where, as he grew up, his father encouraged and supported his narcissism and complete lack of empathy, as well as his dishonesty and tendancy to cheat. So his entire childhood was spent being shaped into a selfish, dishonest, callous monster who thinks the rules don't apply to him.

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And still— I do feel waves of pity for any person so toxic and punishing that those in proximity who are not toxic begin to quiver in the wake of realizing such a damaged ego’s relentless assault on decency, truth, inteGRITy

Please sign & share my petition to #AMENDpresidentialeligibility because #characterstillmatters



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From a now free person, that escaped the total hell of living with a narcissit.....please do NOT feel anything for any souless, heartless, lifeless piece of s#i! that is a NARC. Your only way to get your lfe back is to go NO CONTACT. You can see on the faces of those that will not vote for the orange diaper claude rapist the relief, joy and freedom of breaking away from the most eviil energy vampire that lives. Flush the melting pumpkin down your toilet.

Channel every cell in your body into electing the beautiful soul that is Kamala Harris.

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You got it. Shared on FB and I have 3000 followers!

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Ellen, can you tell if your FB post of the Draft Bill Petition is getting views &/or traction?

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Signed and shared via Facebook and Messages.


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Besides, hate burns up to much positive energy, depletes your immune system and leads to all types of diseases. He ain't worth it, wish there was a way to just ignore his existence, though.

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I agree. Hate takes away one’s power. But it is so hard to not hate this man who is determined to undermine our power & our rights, our freedoms & our democracy, all to assuage his own ego.

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Just signed your petition because not only is he a moral degenerate but he is a clear and present danger to our democracy.

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Exactly!!!! Thank you so much for embracing the truth that our eyes, ears and heart knows!

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Please consider helping to give the petition visibility?

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Already shared!

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We are a Constitutional Republic.

Some democracy perpetrating a coup vs a sitting POTUS with oatmeal for brains …replacing him with the amazing DEI VP.

Write on your chalk board.

“Orange Man Bad” 500 times.

Finish this exercise with watching and MSM channel 3 hours a day.

Research “Mass Formation psychosis”.

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You are against diversity, equity and inclusion? I thought that was a good thing.

She checks all the boxes.

Just not sure she is qualified to be in high office. She finished dead last and the first one to drop out of the race when she ran for POTUS in 20’. Amazingly she smacked down BIDEN for being a racist…

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Bot , you can comprehend English.

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I signed too. Thank you for that Renee.

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I’m feeling so supported by this community thread tonight. I really needed this!

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Good. We're in this together.

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I signed your petition and shared it on Twitter (I refuse to call it X). I agree, character matters SO much, especially for the person leading our country!

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Where do we find the petition?

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Denize, Renee' shared a link on one of her posts here.

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I love that advice, to feel disdain (contempt) rather than hatred. It works; your body changes when you view someone with disdain as opposed to hatred.

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Hatred is unhealthy for the hated AND the hater. Ask me how I know.

Disdain on the other hand, is harder on the target than it is on the targeter. That is a dynamic worth repeating allaround the bloody world!

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I appreciate your deep understanding of the difference 💜🌎☮️🙌🏽

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That's what I saw how he desperately wants to be loved, it's there in his crowd size and his description of Jan 6th as a "Love Fest". It proved to him that those people cared. Unfortunately he thinks they are worthless and stupid because they care, and that makes him smart. Everyone is disposable in his fantasy where he's the Star, powerful and no one can hurt him. I've never seen someone project their sins onto everyone else to the extent he does.

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Where did you get your psychology degree? On the back of a cereal box?

I’ll take Dr. Phil’s assessment of Trump’s persona..

While you all focus on the MSM propaganda “Orange Man Hitler”, he is

Winning…You May need to seek mental health professionals after Nov. 5.

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Yes he doesn't like the ones that love him, because he wants the love & respect from...liberals from NY, Washington, etc... He wants the stars in Hollywood to love him, & yes Bill & Hillary Clinton & other big names in the Arts, politicians, Sports figures, etc..he tried to hang out with. Because he was a big donor to politicians, he was able to get in their orbit & invited them to his weddings, & received wedding invites, etc... but at some point, he must've pissed some folks off.

For example: He wanted Frank Sinatra to sing at his casinos FOR FREE. To which Frank Sinatra said, "Tell him to go Fk himself!"

Interesting because Frank Sinatra hung out with the Italian mob, & Frank Sinatra used to sing for them for free, in their establishments. So I don't know if he thought he was a big mobster deserving of respect (he wasn't), or if he was just a moronic cheapskate. Hard to tell, but he certainly didn't earn the place of those powerful Italian mobsters & could not just step into their shoes. He admired them, but they didn't like him.

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I signed ✌🏻💙

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I will gladly post this everywhere. Thank you.

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Thank you so very much, Bonnie! Imagine if a bill actually gets presented for consideration!!!

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Thank you, Renee'. I just signed your petition.

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I feel like it matters that I am alive each time I am aware of a positive action resulting from my humble and yet serious contribution toward justice

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Kudos to you, Renee' Marie! You are the example of working to make our Democracy better! You are walking the walk and not just talking the talk! We all need to pitch in and work hard together to keep our Democracy moving forward. Onward and blue!

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Just signed. Good luck with starting to convince members of Congress, especially given the recent SCOTUS decision.

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What if everyone who gave my post above a Like, hit the url and signed my petition to Amend Presidential Eligibility! I know it’s not perfect but it’s a start… Let’s get the Draft Bill to Congress


No sexual predator presidents (Trump’s Access Hollywood Bus Tape) https://sign.moveon.org/petitions/presidential-eligibility-1

Infinite Gratitude,

Major Reneé Marie

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I do not feel hate for him, only disdain and repulsion. His appearance repulses me. His voice repulses me. His lack of intelligence repulses me.

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and he is a lousy accordion player

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The music he plays with those hands is always off-key.

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Michael Cohen says he is trying to jerk off 2 giraffe's at the same time.......

Bone spurs degrades the iconic accordian as he tells one lie after another after another after another..........

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Someone that knows him well, wish I could remember who, said that when he really is going with the accordion hands movement, he is lying and knows so and concentrating on distraction, or some explanation along those lines.

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I also notice that he has two versions: the hands facing each other like accordion playing, and hands facing towards the audience, in a defensive posture, (still moving of course).

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Very noticeable that he lives rent free 365-24-7 in your lives.

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Scaramucci said it

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I just want all of the terrible things he has said and done to be his undoing.

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However, you Norah are quite clever! You know what they say about tfg's "playing."

That "instrument" has been getting a whole lot of use lately.

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Author and clinical Psychiatrist Justin Frank wrote “Trump on the Couch”. During an interview with Thom Hartmann, he described Trump’s apparent mental decline as early stage dementia and the symptom being “frontal release”. I’d be interested in Mary’s opinion on whether is a factor in here Uncle’s increased cruelty or how this decline might affect him going forward.

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I agree with you Candace.

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It's difficult to have empathy for someone who has the exact opposite of empathy for everyone else.

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I can imagine him as the terribly sad toddler crying for someone to hold and comfort him.

For that child I feel great empathy.

To that child I send love ❤️

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I love this so much!!! Thank you for your heart-centered knowing. Personal accountability remains essential even for adult children of emotionally handicapped parents

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Thank you!!! I resigned my Army Commission as a Major when the boasting sexual assaulter became Commander In Chief. I started a handle on Twitter (pre ‘X’) to plead with Americans to help amend presidential eligibility. I became so disheartened as weeks would pass and so little ground was gained on my petition. I’ve never been good at ‘promotion’. I can’t imagine there are still enough Americans to put him back in(.)

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You know, from everything Mary has said and others that knew him when, he was just plain nasty as a little kid. No sense of humor. The neighborhood kids wouldn't play with him. He picked on his little brother constantly. Just an obnoxious brat from the jump. Some kids just are. He was so bad that his parents shipped him off to military academy hoping that would straighten his act up. Nope.

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And can you do a psychoanalysis

of Mary Trump’s childhood..I am confident that she had no axes to grind.

Where did you get your psychology degree?

Conversations and the Hive mind.

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Mary has her PhD in psychology and practices the same. I do not psychoanalyze; I report observations that have been made by several other people. My educational background is MYOB. And exactly how in the hell this troll got in here, I'm quite sure I don't know.

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Look up mass formation psychosis. There

will be a shortage of therapy dogs soon so don’t delay.

Figure Mary had a PHD…

This thread is so entertaining…Thanks for Kamala.. truly a gift that kept on giving.

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Trump doesn’t need your love. Save it for Kamala. Yes, The one who received

14,000,000 less votes than Joe Obama.

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Your empathy problem with Donald is probably because you are used to dealing with actual human beings. This guy is straight out of The Omen.

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He has absolutely no redeeming features. No one can point out even one good deed, one decent impulse, one generous act. He is, by most standards, a monster.

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He has one…he’s never tried to hide who and what he is. The horror is realizing half the population apparently identify with and/or like him.

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The horror is your MKUltra mind control stupor. Libtardism is truly a mental disorder.

Our turn…Welcome to hell whiners.

Yea, you elitist snowflakes …Have a nice life. Blake Shelton would listen to it

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I agree and we know this —

“He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster” is a quote by German philosopher and writer Friedrich Nietzsche

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When building Trump tower there was a homeless lady that put a tent down on the construction site. When the building was finished Trump put her in one of his rooms rent free for life.

Better acquire more accomplished snipers in the future. Maybe run a more competent Marxist in 28’.

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And yet, look what he did to his mentor Roy Cohn as Cohn was dying of AIDS.

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A story but is it the story. After 6000 lies about Trump , You won’t move the needle.

When you run out a 70 year old grifter claiming rape 40 years ago in the middle of a department store dressing room, it’s comical.

People are smarter than to give credibility to a lady with a cat called vagina who doesn’t know the year of when the alleged act took place… More comically the state of NY waived the statue of limitations of 7 years.

The default position of any story dealing with Trump is…. Not true… 8 years of media malpractice has destroyed the Left…

Find a candidate that has one

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I am an empath as well but am feeling nothing but abhorrence for what he’s doing to the country. It’s a real tragedy that he was just a little boy who had no control over the family he was born into. So I have empathy for that but not at our country’s expense. The only thing keeping this nightmare alive is the number of people who don’t see him for the manipulator he is. That has shocked me for the last nine years.

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I am likewise an empath, but quite honestly, I cannot work up enough energy to actively hate the man. I despise him, I loathe what he says and has done, and I find his actions incredibly despicable. But I suppose it is because he hasn't actually harmed me or someone in my family that I cannot say that I "hate" him. Do I wish him anything good? Only in the sense that continuing good health mentally and physically so he will live to understand that he will go to prison for his crimes is good. That's about it. I want him to know that he is going to have all of his assets, all of his children's assets, and every dime of his grandkids' assets taken to pay his creditors and legal bills. I want to see his children in prison right beside him because they are committing fraud and treason as well. I want to see Melania in there. Her business dealings are also fraudulent. Lord only knows about her parents' and Baron. I have no clue about Marla and Tiffany. But Marla was the one he cheated with while he was married to Ivana, so who knows? Tiffany seems to play both sides. She went to law school. From all accounts, she's the brightest of the bunch but that's a low bar.

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You are not alone in your feelings Eric. I’m not a counselor but a nurse, spending most of my life trying to help and comfort others. Not this person….

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I agree. Even though I "get" this psychologically impaired man, he's a threat to us all. My hatred of him is born of fear for our country. We don't need a person locked into his own disorder!

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Eric, I replied earlier but I’ve been asking myself the same question…how can I truly be an empath if I despise him like I do. I decided empathy for him has died in all his hatred of others. I believe my empathy is well-placed on all those he denigrates, all those he hurts. He’s like a vicious dog who is biting his victim and won’t let go. I can feel sad that the dog was abused and became aggressive, but my empathy is really placed on the victim. Still an empath.

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It’s amazing how one utterly selfish man has unleashed such hatred towards other Americans and government of his own country. He feels such enmity he only wants to destroy anyone and everything that stands in his way. He sucks power from others and when he’s gotten his fill he’ll destroy the others.

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What if everyone who gave my post above a Like, hit the url and signed my petition to Amend Presidential Eligibility! I know it’s not perfect but it’s a start… Let’s get the Draft Bill to Congress


No sexual predator presidents (Trump’s Access Hollywood Bus Tape) https://sign.moveon.org/petitions/presidential-eligibility-1

Infinite Gratitude,

Major Reneé Marie

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I've been saying for years that astonishingly, there are fewer roadblocks to presidential candidacy than there are for driving or drinking. And he's driving a hell of a lot of people to drink. I have also seriously been, like you, saying that there should be serious eligibility standards for a presidential (or any political) candidate.

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He is pure evil in every sense of the word and reading about all of these examples from Mary is truly appalling.

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Empaths do not hate ….

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That is simply not true.

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Check out the book “The People of Lies.

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Seek counseling. Why does he live rent free in your hive mind?

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Because I am an American. I am also a Combat Command (2010, Kabul, AFG) Army Veteran who has a civic duty to stand up to abuser/s of power. Bystander apathy is not an option. Seek counseling, Charles— find out why your blinders also compel you to berate others trying to make a positive difference for The Greater Good. May Peace be in the UNITED States of America. May Peace Prevail on Earth

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. . . and one wonders what childhood trauma makes a Charles Goffnett.

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Berate…to scold or criticize with anger.

So sorry ..Nov. 5 was tough on the hive.

Where did the 20 million votes disappear for the Marxist Left from 20’. The diamonds will be returned from the past. Things will become more clear as time goes on.

Enjoy the great awakening.

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I read a good book several years ago about how sociopaths came to be. Everytime, it was as infants/very young children, they failed to bond with a primary caregiver. It was the single most factor that set in motion their lack of empathy and their cruelty. Trump certainly fits that scenario. Every child deserves to be loved. However, crappy childhood or not, I do not excuse his behavior or hod choices in life. Most sociopaths only have the ability to harm a small amount of the population. This a-hole has the ability to harm millions. Just so sick and tired of hearing his voice, seeing his face and hearing about him.

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I’m not trying to belittle your comment has the ability to harm millions not a true statement in these times during the pandemic he killed millions of Americans and he was the president with his rhetoric. Let’s not forget this he killed people. He’s not just a sociopath and a misogynist and a racist he killed Americans with his bullshit and I reiterate, how can you sorry not you how can they actually vote for him to be president again he’s a mass murderer with his rhetoric with his insurrection. Unbelievable that he’s even close in the race.

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Thank you for clarifying what I had meant to say. I’m a nurse and was very ill and hospitalized for COVID in early January, 2021. Unfortunately, I was able to see firsthand, everyday at work, the misery that he brought because of how he handled COVID. I had never been sick in my life. So many people died that didn’t have to and it put in place a division in this country about public health that I had never seen before. I try and am unsuccessful as to how anyone can vote for him after 9 years. I feel bottom line, unless he’s going to give you a huge tax cut because you’re uber wealthy, your reason (whether you will admit it or not) is that you’re a racist. People are kidding themselves if they think that minorities aren’t racist either. Keeping America status quo supersedes your gender, your skin color and your sexuality. That’s why you see minorities, gays and women voting for him.

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Christopher, I’m watching this unfold from across the pond in the UK and concur with everything you’ve said. The mass delusion among the republican, more specifically MAGA, crew is beyond belief. Trump has entitled the ignorant, rotten to the core and those who are too stupid to know they’re being manipulated. Now, amongst ‘ordinary’ folk this is bad enough. When powerful and very articulate commentators insult and deride Harris while championing trump (small ‘t’ deliberate!), something very sinister is afoot. I can’t help but intuit that misogyny, racism and greed for money/power are key to this demographic.

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I agree with you. I will also say that when parents have children they don't really bond with, it is possible to grow beyond that. From my experience it takes a lot of work, but it is possible to learn to be empathetic and to love and to care.

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Exactly. To think I'm his age yet an unwilling victim of his. My anger and disgust is painfully unbearable and leaves me sorry that I am not in a position to stop him.

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You said it all.

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Exactly. To think I'm his age yet an unwilling victim of his. My anger and disgust is painfully unbearable and leaves me sorry that I am not in a position to stop him.

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Human Growth and Development classes in Nursing School coupled with Psychology classes, taught this teen- aged mother/ wife, how to give my 2 Belongings what I missed out of from my " parents" .

Thank Jesus for Grandma and my extended family members.

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I feel your pain. What I can’t forgive is the number of very articulate, intelligent people who defend him, while defaming Harris. No doubt that is also about abuse of power for personal gain.

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Racism has no IQ/education boundaries. Doesn't matter your level of education or how much money you make. I think we've (and I include myself) given people that are educated or wealthy a pass at times that we expect them to think and act intelligently. Not so. I've run across thousands of people in my nursing and law enforcement career to find out that you never know. Actually, some of the nicest people I've dealt with haven't been the most educated or wealthy. Common sense has nothing to do with any of that. In fact, if I had to choose between taking care of people on the lower socioeconomic level or wealthy, give me the poorer ones. Many are grateful for the care I've given them, don't have a sense of entitlement and actually had common sense. Rich people when they threaten to sue you, will spell your name right.

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So well put Deborah, thanks for sharing your experience and insight.

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Mary, it is always quite interesting whenever you shed light on why your uncle is the way he is. I am unable to work up even an ounce of compassion for him, though. It’s too late for that. He’s way past redemption. All there is left is to deal with the damage he’s done and to make sure he cannot do any more.

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I agree that Mary's analysis of her uncle is interesting because it explains why he is what he is. I don't feel she is advocating empathy for this vile, damaged man. Instead, Mary Trump offer a unique perspective on the essence of the donald's flaws and what americans should be aware of and prepared for.

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Absolutely, his unfortunate and sad upbringing is an explanation, not an excuse. He had no control over what happened to him as a child, but as an adult he had every opportunity to seek help and heal from that trauma. And he not only chose not to get help, he has embraced his dysfunction and welds it as a weapon.

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I agree, I never believed that Mary was advocating empathy for her degenerate uncle. Especially after what she and her family have had to endure because of him.

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I agree. Way past.

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From an earlier report from Mary, I recall that she suggested the best outcome for Donald would be public humiliation. He needs to be defeated by Kamala. If that’s not enough of a jolt, then an Orange prison suit might be then next in line. Perhaps picking up trash on a major highway near Manhattan? Perhaps a fellow trash handler could pretend not to know him and as him ( as was suggested by another writer), “So Don, what do you do in world? Are you local?”

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But sadly, it seems that all those terrible "personality" quirks of Donald are either dismissed or admired by 50% of Americans. It's not Donald who has to be psychoanalized, it's half of Americans. How did they get this way? What is sustaining it?

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This is the very same question I came here to ask. Why does half the country see this man and think, "Yes, this is who should lead us." It's deeply disturbing to believe so many people are ready to sign up to be led by a sociopath. All the hate and cruelty that he is proposing to unleash on our fellow citizens. It's mind blowing.

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Those that support him are willing to give up everything mentioned in Project 2025. They believe he made their lives better last time, so why not give him a second chance? Except HE didn't make their lives better. Their lives were better because during his first two years, he rode the 8 years of a good economy among other things that Obama left. Ask a supporter to give you a concrete example of something that HE DID. They can't. Obama left him a pandemic playbook which he ignored, thus, 400,000 people died. He and his family turned the presidency into a profit center for themselves with guardrails. Imagine what he will do with no guardrails. When your home state won't vote for you and former members of his staff say he shouldn't be in office, to me that says a whole lot we should heed!

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You are absolutely correct. But the question is why do they believe that they were better off? I think the root issue is that MAGA is a group fueled by hate and grievance. I read somewhere that they support Trump because he hates the same people they hate. The saying "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" comes to mind. The hate filled rally at Madison Square Garden showed how much they hate brown and black people. This is the glue that holds MAGA together. The shocking part is that includes 46% Americans.

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When the convicted felon mentions something often, they pay close attention and pass it on to other supporters. Before you know it, they're all repeating the same lie. Over the last few days, I've seen a reporter asking them about the hurricanes that recently occurred. Almost word-for-word, they said the same thing, that the Democrats were seeding clouds and making the hurricanes. Somewhere along the line, the convicted felon must've said that because they're not bright enough to think up something like that.

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They are being fed nonsense by Fox and other MAGA media. Murdock stated he bought Fox to use it for political propaganda. The GOP takeover of the media is a big piece of people believing the lies. Along with decades of dumbing down our education system. A majority of adults do not have the developmental cognitive capacities to think critically. So, they swallow the grievances they are told to swallow and regurgitate them.

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My opinion is that the MAGAs are fueled by misogyny, racism, and stupidity. I do not believe they truly care about politics or policies or conservatism or any of that. They are overcome with fear, hate, and ignorance. And, that makes Mary’s deplorable, disgusting uncle the perfect messiah, in their eyes.

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But between 30 and 60% of our personality is genetic (depending on the trait we are talking about). Astounding. But look it up.

Also proven by the experiments on Twins Separated at Birth and how they lead insanely similar lives.

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Well said. Thank you, Sarah3000.

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I thought it was close to a million from COVID. ?

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It might be a million by now. I read that when he left office it was around 400,000.

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The issues you mentioned, such as the economy and public health, have their complex backgrounds. They not only involve policies and leadership, but are also closely related to the global economic situation and the long-term planning of the public health system.

Regarding the response to the epidemic and economic policies, we can look in depth at the specific measures at the time to understand the results of different decisions. As for the moral bottom line of the presidency and the issue of financial conflicts of interest, this is indeed a topic we need to learn and discuss in any leader.

Finally, I think that knowing more about the effects and background of different policies may help us make more rational and long-term choices in the future. Each of us may have a different understanding of the facts, but retaining the exploration of facts and truth may be what we need to insist on.

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Am I the only one who doesn’t believe there are as many pro Trumpers as we’re led to believe? That right there is the only really persuasive propaganda The Red Death has left. My sister believes that most voters back Trump. Most! Why does she believe that? So they can make her believe the election had to be stolen if Harris wins. I think they’re lucky to have 28% of voters that are for Trump at this point.

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I hope you're right. The poll numbers I saw earlier today had Trump at 47% and Harris at 50% for swings states. All I can say is even 28% is shameful. I think that the polls are misleading and they definitely want us to believe that the race is tight. And yes, they're trying to people believe that the only way Harris can when is by stealing the election. It worked for them last time, might as well use it again. I hope he gets beaten by a landslide so there's no question Harris won.

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Sarah when you get an anonymous text asking you to give your opinion on an issue with regard to the candidates and their policies what do you do?

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I have received texts asking if I am voting for Kamala and telling me that failure to respond will result in a "no". I don't click on unsolicited links. If this was a "poll" the results are pure crap.

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To be honezt, I don't reply. Most of the time they're fishing for a donation. I'm very selective about who I donate to.

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Neither do I. When they ask if I’m voting for Harris they tell me that if I don’t answer they will assume I’m a Trump voter.

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I never reply. I don’t know who is really asking or why? If these are polls and if many blue voters are like me and don’t answer, then the poll results must be way off. One poll asked if I was voting for Harris. They said if I didn’t answer they would put me down for Trump!

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A percentage of the people like him because he attacks people (minorities) they dislike. They want to feel superior to other.

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They have a powerful and effective propaganda machine. I think the strongest deterrent to opening their eyes is group camaraderie. It’s possible most of them don’t want to look outside their bubble for fear of losing that feel-good belonging. It’s a scene where they unanimously hate together. Hate what? Whatever they’re told to hate.

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Yes, the fact that everyone can choose their own media outlet makes it easy to remain in an echo chamber, hearing whay you want to hear.

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This all started 50-60 years ago when right wing evangelicals started taking over politics. This is exactly what they have wanted all along. This system has been working as designed, if you are cis-het-white-“Christian” and wealthy. Makes me livid.

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....and 30-40 years ago when Reagan removed protections against worker exploitation, and when corporations started turning the Evening News into "entertainment television" instead of actual NEWS programs. Pandering to the lowest common denominator has brought us this... crap.

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Yes, definitely!

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This is actually a face-off between two very antagonistic forms of governing: Hierarchy Patriarchal Authoritarianism which uses force, religion and conformity to rule. It's based on Dominance and class / caste set ups. The lower classes are held in place by ignorance, superstitions and threats. This opposes popular Democratic Rule by people voting on who temporarily rules and have the ability to fire them if there's malfeasance or dereliction of duty. The Constitution and Rule of Law anchors this, and educated Citizens with open sources of information. You can see where we went wrong by allowing the deterioration of education and Monopolies in Media.

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Good comment, Moon Cat.

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Answering my own question. Bob Altemeyer just died last Feb. Nice guy, taught at one of my alma maters. He wrote the book Authoritarianism that caught the attention of Watergate's John Dean who then promoted it. Explains the sheeplike behaviour.

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Since he is so fond of copying Hitler and he does seem very similar, I think maybe reading some of what must be hundreds of analyses of Hitler and why he was able to resonate with so many may be helpful. Of course what Trump seems to keep forgetting in his admiration of that ultimate monster, is that he lost.

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A few years ago I wrote on YouTube how a few dictators died. Comment was removed, no explanation. Did they think I was inspiring people? Stochastic?

But it mentioned sweethearts like Mussolini, hanging upside down in a gas station, Hitler in the bunker, Ghadaffi, Sadaam., not pretty, and ..lately several others. Waiting for Putin's end. Ironically a defenestration?

These guys NEVER learn. They all think they are going to either never die or die on a soft pillow surrounded by loving family. But what goes around comes around.

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read Timothy Snyder, "On Freedom". The book will add to your understanding, Norah. However you will still need more insight, like Anne Applebaum's "Autocracy", or a book by Chris Hedges from 2008 "American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War on America".

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Thanks, Bruce. Other ones I endlessly promote are Mary Belenky et al: Women's Ways of Knowing which is a 7 stage process from silence, obeisance, to critical thinking to confidence in their own ideas/perception. Men learn differently so there is the male version by William Perry.

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Hey Nora, thanks I'll try those, for my "female" side. I also have many other sides though too, Mathematician, Painter, Businessman, Professional Skier, Marathoner, Master Diver, Husband, Partner... you get it!... I would also like to recommend Brené Brown: "Braving the Wilderness" and many others that challenge us to live Autonomously whether male or female or non binary. Nothing on this lovely earth is binary.

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Oh...Canadian, American, Austrian, living in Germany, Farmer, Traveler, High Tech Guru...blah blah.😵‍💫🤣

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They got this way, Norah, because according to first wife Ivana, he kept a book of Hitler's speeches ('Mein Kampf') locked in his nightstand. I learned that from an article in the September 1996 issue of Vanity Fair entitled "After the Gold Rush".

It's called brainwashing. It is almost impossible to undo.

Richard La France

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One more lie to add to his jillion others…he recently mewled that he never read “Mein Kampf.”

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I doubt he is capable of reading much of anything.

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Nora, I ask the same questions almost everyday. They take up too much room in my brain.

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I know! That is terrifying! I also don't get it.

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Fear--my theory, anyway.

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Yes, that's a huge part of it.

It's also the way a crazed leader starts/fights a war of Aggression and how he gets soldiers to follow: he promotes his war as one of Defense, not Aggression. So men willingly sign up thinking they are nobly defending their country. He promotes a war of his Greed as one of public Need.

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Isabel Wilkerson, author of Caste, answered that question on the Lawrence Odonnell show last night. Ever since the census of 2020 predicted that America will no longer be a white majority nation by 2042, the Great Unwashed have had their knickers in a knot. But Orange Jesus's plan to round up 11-15 million brown and black people and deport them sounds like the solution to them. The knuckledraggers who support the Orange Lardass, who suffer from a total lack of critical thinking skills, are unable to see that mass deportation and Asshole's tariffs on everything imported will destroy America. And if they think prices on groceries are high now, fruit and vegetables will be rotting in fields because there is no one to pick them.

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Unfortunately, Nora, I ask myself thy almost every da

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I agree. DJT is just one sick, sad person; but what about the millions of ordinary Americans - not the billionaires who have something to gain - who continue to believe, despite reams of evidence, that he is qualified to be president (or anything else)? I think some of the media has continued to prop him up, perpetuate his fantasy of being a great businessman (who bankrupted 6 businesses!)

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Cult of Personality

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LBJ explained it, very succinctly:" GIVE THE POORESS WHITE MAN A REASON TO BELIEVE HE IS BETTER THAN THE BEST BLACK MAN, AND YOU WILL HAVE HIS VOTE FOREVER" [ kinda paraphrased, but it's the gist of LBJ'S statement] GO GOOGLE IT!


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He will not be the next president.

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Your lips to God's ear

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Thank you, Mary! May you enjoy inner peace and social justice in our lifetime


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Trump is hardened, but spoiled. He is also someone who has received accolades for many (non)accomplishments that weren’t deserved! You pinpointed that his neglectful parents caused his behavioral issues, yet I don’t feel sorry for him. Your father had the same upbringing yet he was a kind person. I have no sympathy for him, and hope that justice does come his way, hard.

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I feel the same. I truly believe he’ll get what he deserves, eventually.

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It's like being subjected to a reeeeaaallly long version of A Christmas Carol.

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Exactly...! ...but without the happy.ending!

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He is the monster under the bed of our childhood. His cruelty knows no bounds because cruelty was how he got attention. He’s so obviously mentally ill that it’s beyond comprehension that tens of millions of our neighbors will vote for him and he may well become the next president. His cruelty will then be unleashed on all Americans. I am afraid.

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Ironically, if he is "elected" this will be the republican's real trickle-down, as his corruption will start to flow through the system to where it will be at all levels of government and non-government alike. The next who knows how many years will be like a shit show we've never seen before nor wanted to for sure.

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This is already happening.

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To some degree for sure.

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I am too. But not So afraid to put my Harris/Walz sign in my front window

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He's the worst of human nature in a badly-fitting suit, appealing to the darkest, stupidest and most self-pitying sides of his supporters...

...and yet I have faith in this being the part of the story where too much seems to have gone wrong to ever be fixed - right before the triumphant finish that finally vanquishes the bad guy and leaves everything on a hopeful note of reconciliation, restoration and rebuilding for a better future. (I mean, we have to think that, right?)

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Had a feeling that his childhood was missing the parental inputs. Noticing how, as the time progressed towards November, his psychological condition seems to be eroding...

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His supporters find his cruelty to be a feature not a flaw. They can’t hear the music. I have to talk to them everyday. They like when people are worried or upset about his grotesque behavior.

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Peter, they are so emotionally taken up with the hate, they cannot think straight

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That is the point I am trying to make. You put it more succinctly than I. Most of the time they don’t realize it comes from a place of bigotry or hate. Unfortunately, many times they do and don’t care. Thank you for your comment. Please vote ❤️

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So you speak for yourself then? You’re voting red?

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Not at all. My experience tells me that his supporters are inured to any behaviors he may exhibit, no matter how horrible. Understanding and socializing with his base is a must. Thank you for your comment. I will try to be more clear in the future.

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Well said. Historians will be trying to explain this cult like phenomenon for decades. And then I pray his name is never mentioned again.

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So sad. The idiot's

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We need to take them seriously if we are to perhaps change their minds. Thank you for commenting.

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Thank you again for your extremely important insights and clarity, and continuing to be a strong voice for truth and a better future for our country!!☮️

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Thank you, Mary for the great service you have performed for your fellow Americans in giving us insight into your Uncle's mental health problems and moral deficits. I hope that enough of us make use of the information you have given us to save ourselves from a monster.

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When Donald won in 2016, I was in shock, traumatized, crying for days. The election of Biden brought some temporary joy and relief, but the "Stop the Steal" lie & January 6th left me stunned and anxious - and my anxiety's been growing ever since, with the complete moral collapse of the Republican Party. And yes, the most painful punch to the gut was realizing that millions of my fellow Americans rejoiced in Trump's cruelty, believed every ludicrous lie and celebrated his profound ignorance. There is no hope of me ever getting back the hope and faith I once had in the basic decency of the American people. Dear God help us.

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I feel the same.

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Step back. Take a breath. Look for the helpers, as Mr Rogers told us his mother taught him. (If you haven't heard that story, I encourage you to Google it.) Good will win over evil. The struggle might demand a lot from all of us, but good will win!

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Simply an ordinary person, I was at Temple University in Philadelphia, PA during the period Donald Trump was at Penn. I recall waiting in line to pay for groceries & looking over the scandal sheets at my elbow. I remember seeing pictures of Donald & Fred on the front pages & learning who/what they were (or said to be). Donald is just 4 days younger than me. Over the many years since, I've read lots of similar articles. Then, he jumped the hoop into our politics. He didn't do that alone... He is very easily used by unsavory business "leaders" and unsavory politicians due to his extreme instability as Mary has so well described. If he wasn't so dangerous, he'd be considered pathetic by so many more.

My work life has been spent throughout the mental health system. My empathy drove me & in process was able to find benefits for many of our destitute patients. In the process I was able to learn more than one ever could have imagined. For that I am forever grateful. Each day as the newsreels fly by, rather than allow destructive hatefulness to takeover, I pray...often with smooth jazz in background. Of all the prayers, the one I say for Donald John Trump & the evil users is below. I sincerely invite you to join me. Keep it up & you'll be amazed at how any hate you may feel will slip away into more constructive emotions. Please remember that even if Donald John Trump is not relected president of our country, this mess is not over. There are many of those "users" just waiting & prepared, grooming other "front men (women?? )". Don't ever stop praying. The future of our politics in USA will not be easy.

Here's the prayer:

"St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen."

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It’s so sad when everyone else had their heads bowed for the silence the only ones looking up and around was Donald and Eric Trump. Absolute disgrace of people.

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